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How to translate photoshop into Russian on different versions. How to change the language in photoshop into Russian

Users who often have to deal with images, are asked about changing the language in Photoshop into Russian or English.
Of course, already, with one of the best and professional image editors, it is not so easy to work, because here you need to take into account various functions that in Russian can sound somehow differently, and in a foreign one at all be incomprehensible, which leads to additional inconvenience.

How to change the language of the program Consider below.

1. Determine the version of Photoshop

To find out the version installed on the PC, do the following:
- Run the application, and expect a complete start to the main window;
- Find the item " reference", Or" Help" Most often it can be found on the right on the main panel;
- Next, you need to find the item "System Information";

- This window will highlight a special field with information on the assembly of the program. The first line - indicates the main data of the program, its version number and the individual assembly identifier. This data can be copied and inserted into the search engine, in order to learn more information about the installed version of photoshop.

After the photoshop version was found, you can start changing the language.

2. Changing language in Photoshop - all versions

Below will be provided with instructions for changing the language of all PHOTOSHOP versions.

Photoshop CS1 / CS2
Old version editor versions come to changing the language more difficult than others. After all, the program control panel does not include any tabs to manage the interface language. At the program purchase stage, the user had to specify which assembly he needed, that is, with what language.

One and the second version of photoshop themselves drop these settings, which is a bug, but relevant to this day, since the developers called the assembly not relevant. Because of what the language of the program from time to time becomes "English", that is, the default language. To correct this bug, you need to find a "Photoshop root folder".
Find the Application Data / Adobe directory and find a special format files. LNG - they, by the way, are responsible for language and encoding this application. Find all the "en.LNG" files and simply delete them from the folder; Leave follows "RU.LNG", that is, those that relate to the Russian language.
It is best not to delete them forever, but for a while, or simply move to another place.

The execution of the actions described above should occur while the program is in the disconnected state. After the files are deleted / moved - restart the computer, and run Photoshop CS 2/1. again. Now instead of English, the native Russian language should be automatically established.

Photoshop CS3.
Strange, but the easiest way to change the language has included CS 3 - just delete and install photoshop in a new one. While installing photoshop will occur on a new one, simply refer to the language, set the desired and install.
In order to change the language without reinstalling the program, you can find a crack for Photoshop CS3 and install it, but this method can entail many different problems, cracks - not good, experienced users.
Since such patches are not a product of the official manufacturer, no one carries responsibility for them. Often, cracks come into conflict with antivirus, and therefore, in the future, Photoshop will be the moments to issue errors, "fly out", work badly and as a result: do not start.
But if you decide to install a patch policy, make it in the usual folder of the Photoshop program Required.. After you need to wait for the installation and restart the computer.

Photoshop CS 4 / CS 5
Already in CS 4 Photoshop language can be changed through the interface.
Make it easy, find the tab " Edit.", After" Preferences.", Further " Interface."And in the" Language "tab, that is, the language will choose Russian.

It happens that immediately the settings do not take effect, you should restart the program to update the program interface.

Photoshop CS 6.
The newest and most popular Modern Photoshop CS 6 program.
In it, CS 1/2 problems returned, and now, there is the possibility that after a new program launch, it will become English-speaking.

It may happen that the encoding of the characters is broken and will be displayed incorrectly, or not displayed at all. And that is why it is necessary to change the language in order for the system to be updated the encoding and corrected its bugs. It is also necessary to act, as in paragraph above.
- Run the program and wait until it is completely open;
- Find the tab " Edit.»;
- drag the cursor to the item " Preferences.", And wait for a pop-up list;
- you are taking " Interface.».

- In the window that appears, find the desired field that is responsible for displaying text, and then configure the interface language as shown below.

- Restart the program.

PHOTOSHOP CS 2014/2015
Language settings in CS 2014/2015 programs can also be changed as in and last version. All language settings are subject to change through the "interface". To change the display of text - restart the program.

If the change in the language was produced, but nothing has changed - try to do everything again.

Enter " Task Manager", And then find in Photoshop processes and complete it. And now, on the new, try to run the program, and most likely it will be in Russian.

3. Changing language in Photoshop online

The worldwide network has not so many popular services engaged in the spread of photoshop in online, these services: and They are completely free, and the actions on them can be made unregistered.

The site, in itself, can determine the language of the browser and exactly referring to the language - will change the interface in the program. But if this did not happen, you will have to change the language yourself. To do this, log in to the item "Edit", and then into the "Language" tab, where you select the desired parameter.

On another site, Online Photoshop.Take advantage of the same language tab.

Today, probably, only the lazy does not know what Adobe Photoshop is, or did not try to create or edit something in this graphical editor.

Users for the first time installed editor are asked abouthow to put Russian in "Photoshop CS6". This is a truly powerful editor to create both raster and vector graphics. It has a huge set of a wide variety of tools - both standard and separately installed. These are different plugins, brushes - just a huge number of a wide variety of brushes that can be downloaded on the Internet. And it is possible to create them directly and maintain them for later work. It all depends only from the fantasy of the user.

How to put Russian in "Photoshop CS6" after installation

Photoshop has the ability to upload various fonts, gradients and more. At first glance, the "Photoshop" interface, and, more precisely, the diversity of menu items, tool settings and buttons can scare. But not so much scary as it may seem at the beginning. Initially, when installing "Photoshop" there is no possibility to put Russian, which causes some difficulties from users who are unfamiliar to English.

Step-by-step instruction for changing the "Photoshop" interface language

So how to put Russian in "Photoshop CS6"?

  • Very simple - run the application.
  • In the upper right corner of the program interface, click on the EDIT button ("Editing").
  • In the dialog that opens, see the latest line - Preferences ("Settings").
  • We bring on it with the mouse - the next context menu will open, in which click on Interface.
  • We look at the center of the opened window. In the Text column, the UI Language item - we switch to Russian, overload Adobe Photoshop. After rebooting the interface will be completely Russified.

Now you know, in Photoshop CS6 how to enable Russian, but if you decide to seriously deal with editing or design, then knowledge of English will be simply necessary. Since the best courses and video tutorials are removed in English.

Better to study "Photoshop" in English

In the network, of course, a lot of lessons - both text and video - in Russian, but even in these Russian-speaking lessons, "Photoshop" with the English interface is very often used. Therefore, if you translate "Photoshop" into Russian, then in training there may be some difficulties with the perception of the names of tools and the menu items that will become familiar to you in Russian, and their English-language names will be pronounced. But also the quality of these very lessons often leaves much to be desired. If you are worried about how to put Russian in the "Photoshop CS6", then it is better not to do. First, there will be an additional stimulus tighten or learn English. Secondly, unfamiliar names of the buttons and tools will be perceived. To which, by the way, you will be accustomed very soon, studying a different material about "Photoshop" from the network.

For the version of Adobe Photoshop CS6 how to make Russian, understandable. And if you have an older version, CS5, for example, there is nothing complicated here, the interface is not different. In CS6, several additional features have been added and the style of the window itself is changed to the dark gray. According to developers, such a dark style is more like and does not load the eyes, unlike a light interface, which was CS5.

How to translate photoshop into Russian and what to do if it does not work. Photoshop is a very popular program for processing images from ADOBE. Moreover, they use it not only photographers, but also the usual people who want to adjust themselves in photographs or try themselves as a designer. But it happens that the downloaded photoshop turns out to be in English and work with such a program, especially beginners, is completely inconvenient. Tell how to correct the problem.

Adobe Photoshop CC.

The version of Photoshop SS is the most complete and modern of the entire line of programs of this type.

If this method does not help, try to delete the program from the computer and download the new Russian version. Do not forget to select the Russian language when the installation wizard suggests it.

Adobe Photoshop CS5.

How to make photoshop in Russian? Do not hurry to upset, finding that the downloaded editor is a shot by English words. Most likely, the program has already built into the program, you just need to get to the desired settings and turn it on. Try to do it in the same way as in the method described above. Find the Edit field in the top line, then select Preferences - Interface. We are looking for a window with the inscription Language and diligently try to find Russian among the list of languages. Next, click OK, we close Photoshop, and then re-open the program.

If this method did not help you, there is a backup option:

  • download the crack for your version. To do this, it is necessary to determine which modification of the program is installed on the computer;
  • We are looking for a photoshop shortcut on the desktop, click on it right mouse button. The menu falls in which you want to find the list of properties. In the window that opens, we find the tab in detail and go there. You will see full information about the program, including the version. Well, and then - the case of technology;

  • We enter in any search engine a view request "download a crack for photoshop (and your version, for example, CS5). The search will issue a lot of sites where you can download the desired file;
  • But that's not all. Now the downloaded mode of format.rar must be unpaved by using the archiver, and transfer the RU_RU folder to the Locales directory. If you downloaded a file with extension.exe, you don't need to do anything, just run it, and everything will do everything yourself;
  • Then more than once again all the steps described at the beginning of this section. Run and use photoshop in Russian.

By the way, such a manual is successfully working when you need to change the photo Photoshop on any other: Ukrainian, German, French.

How to translate photoshop into Russian

In earlier versions of Photoshop (CS1 \\ CS2), the translation is more complicated. The settings panel does not contain any data to change the language. The Russian-language version must be selected at the time of purchase of the program. But the program code of these versions contains a bug that leads to the fact that the language itself switches to English. Let's try to fix it. We go to the photoshop folder, we find Application Data. There must contain format files. LNG. We delete those that are called en.lng. We start the program again - now you can work with it in Russian.

Absolutely simple, but just need? There are two weighty arguments against Russification. The first argument is Adobe for reasons known only to her one, has not yet issued a single official Russian-speaking release. All cracks that can be found on the network are unofficial, albeit legally. The trouble would seem to be, but only the Russification file downloaded from one site may be so different from the like that created by another translator that you will not always be able to correctly understand what the program team meant is meant under one or another translation. It often happens that your version of Photoshop absolutely does not match the version of the person who has released a lesson on the program, and you hang lessons, not knowing what you are further. Moreover, most of the additions and plugins do not have a Russian-speaking translation at all, and you still early or have to deal with English.

That is why 90% of all self-sold and lined with tutorials and lessons are based on English-language. If only the Russian language will be in your photoshop, you will have to either return the English-speaking interface, or work on each lesson with a dictionary, which will require additional costs of time and effort. Lack or, let's say, a very small number of self-tutorials aimed at Russified Photoshop, and are the second weighty argument against Russification.

But if you still need a Russian-language version of the program, then the output is. It just can not be. First, you can purchase an already Russified version, which when installing, will display you the option to select the language you want. Secondly, you can download a crack from some site, it is better to use sites proven, those whose owners will not offer you under the guise of a rusifier of a Trojan horse or some other readiness. One of the reliable sites is considered , Russifier can be downloaded by reference The Russification file after installation will be located at the address that looks like this: \\ Program Files \\ Adobe \\ Adobe Photoshop CS3 \\ REQUIRED. After installing the crack, you will need to go to the Edit menu section - Prferencec - Interface and select Russian Pak in the "Change" section. On the network you can simply advise you to remove an English-speaking package from the Required folder, and the language in the interface will be changed by himself. This is a bad advice, and he should not follow. You can use this file sooner or later, because, as already mentioned above, almost all on the network are based on the English-language version of the program. And it is always easier to switch already existing language in the program settings, rather than search the desired pack on the network.

Many users working with images do not know how to change Photoshop language.

It is not surprising - to work with one of the most popular and with not so simple: a huge number of functions means a certain complexity of the application interface, and this creates additional difficulties.

How to determine the photoShop version?

Follow the instructions to find out which version of the editor is installed on your personal computer:

  • run the application; Wait for the main screen;
  • click the Help tab (in some versions it may be called "Help"). It is right on the main control panel of the program;
  • click on the "System Information" point;
  • in a new window, a text field appears with detailed information about the program and the assembly. The first line is the basic data on the version number and the assembly identifier. You can copy this information to the search engine to learn more about the installed Photoshop.

After you learned what version of photoshop use, you can proceed to changing the application language.

Change the language in all versions

Follow the instructions below according to your version of the editor.

Photoshop CS1 and CS2

In older versions of the editor, change the language is more difficult.

There is no separate menu for changing the program control panel to change the interface language, so the user specified the version you need even at the Program Acquisition Phase.

Both of these versions of photoshop (CS1 and CS 2) are automatically reset language settings - this bug developers have not repaired, referring to the irrelevance of the assemblies of the program.

Because of this, the program language is constantly returned to the default - English.

To correct this problem yourself, go to the hard disk of your PC, which is installed a root folder Photoshop.

In the Application Data / Adobe directory, find files with expansion. .lng. - They are responsible for encoding and application interface language.

Find all files with the name en.LNG and delete them from this folder; Leave only those files that belong to the Russian language (files with the RU tag).

Just in case, do not delete the files forever - save them. This rule concerns any manipulations with system files directory and libraries.

Note! You need to perform this actions while the program is turned off. After deleting files, restart the computer and run photoshop again. Instead of English, the interface will be automatically translated into Russian.


A strikingly, but the easiest way to change the language in the third version of the editor is to delete the program and set it again.

During the re-installation, you need to select the necessary language and install.

To change the display of the language interface without deleting the program, you can install a special crack, but it is associated with a whole series of possible new problems, and experienced users try to avoid cracks.

Such language "patches" (mini-programs that are put on top of the main application and "latch" his small flaws) are developed by advanced users.

Patches are not an official software product, and the developer is not responsible for them. Often the interaction of the crack is strongly conflicted with the work of the antivirus, and the program begins to behave unpredictable - "fly", not open, work incorrectly, etc.

If you still decided to use a crack, install it, as a regular program in the required root folder of the photoshop program.

Wait until the installation end and restart the computer. A good worker canifier can be downloaded by reference - it is recommended that in many forums.

CS4 and CS5

Unlike earlier versions, in Photoshop CS4 can be changed.

To do this, go to the main program window, select the Edit tab (Edit) on the main toolbar.

Then click on Preferences ("Settings"). Next, select Interface "Interface". In the Language tab, select the desired value and save the changes made.

In some cases, the language settings are not automatically applied, so it is better to restart the program and the computer so that the settings entered into force.

Fig. 8 - Main Window Photoshop CS4


One of the most common versions of Photoshop versions is CS6.

It also did not cost without adventures - often, despite the initial choice of another language, after installing and first launching the program, users see a fully English-speaking interface.

In some cases, the encoding of some characters may be displayed incorrectly, so the language should be changed so that the system updates all encodings and corrected inaccuracies.

The sequence of actions is the same as in the previous paragraph.

Follow the instructions:

  • run the program and wait for it to fully download;
  • on the main menu panel, click on the Edit tab;
  • bring the pointer to the Preferences item before the pop-up list appears;
  • now click on interface;

  • in the window that opens, find the field responsible for setting up text display (at the bottom) and select the interface language as shown in the figure below;

  • now close the program and run it again. Photoshop will automatically change the language.

CC 2014, 2015

Language settings in the photoshop version of CC 2014 and 2015 versions are changed in the same way as in the CS6 version.

All language settings can be changed directly using the "Interface" window already familiar to us.

To change the text display, close the program and within a few seconds open it again.

At the same time, in the versions of the SS, the language panel is often not changed even after selecting a new language.

If it happened and the language did not change, change the Language parameter in the Interface window again and close the application.

After that, go to the Task Manager of your personal computer and find the Photoshop running processes in the list.

Click on the right mouse button and select Remove the task. Then try downloading the program again. Everything should work with a new language.

Note: Due to the recent issue of comprehensive updates of programs by Adobe, the styles of the main windows of some versions of photoshop can be changed. Check out information about the latest updates and their features on the official developer website.