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Sofia 1470. Sofia Paleologist: True and a film about the great princess

Most historians agree that the grandmother, the Great Princess of Moscow Sophia (Zoya) Paleologist played a huge role in the formation of the Moscow kingdom. Many consider it by the author of the concept of "Moscow - the Third Rome". And together with the peeled paleologue, a double-headed eagle appeared. At first he was a family coat of arms of her dynasty, and then migrated to the emblem for all kings and Russian emperors.

Childhood and youth

Zoya Paleologist appeared on the light (presumably) in 1455 in Mr.. The daughter of the despot of the Maisi Foma Paleologist was born in the tragic and turning time - the time of falling the Byzantine Empire.

After the capture of Constantinople, the Turkish Sultan Mehmed II and the death of Emperor Konstantin, Foma Paleologist, together with his wife, Catherine Akhai and children, fled at Corfu. From there he moved to Rome, where he was forced to go to Catholicism. In May 1465, Thomas died. His death happened shortly after the death of spouses in the same year. Children, Zoya and her brothers - 5-year-old Manuel and 7-year-old Andrei, moved to Rome after the death of parents.

The Greek Scientist, Union Vissarion, who served as Cardinal at Dad Sicsta IV (it became the customer of the famous Sistine Capel, was engaged in the education of orphans. In Rome, the Greek princess Zoya Paleologist and her brothers were brought up in the Catholic faith. Cardinal took care of the content of children and their education.

It is known that Vissarion Nicene with the permission of the Pope paid the modest yard of young paleologists, which included servants, a doctor, two professors of Latin and Greek, translators and priests. Sophia Paleologist received a rather solid education at that time.

Great Princess Moscow

When Sophia reached the age of majority, the Venetian Signoria was concerned about her marriage. Take a noble girl in his wife first offered the king of Cyprus Jacques II de Lusignan. But he refused this marriage, having a conflict with the Ottoman Empire. A year later, in 1467, Cardinal Vissarion at the request of Pope Paul II proposed the hand of a noble Byzantine beauty to the prince and Italian noble Karachchiolo. Solemn gain took place, but for unknown reasons, the marriage was canceled.

There is a version that Sophia secretly communicated with the Athos elders and adhered to Orthodox faith. She herself made efforts to not marry an inner, upsetting all the marriages offered to her.

In a turning point for the life of Sofia Paleologist, 1467, the wife of the Grand Duke Moskovsky Maria Borisovna died. The only son was born in this marriage. Pope Paul II, counting on the spread of Catholicism to Moscow, suggested a widowed state of all Russia to take his ward to his wife.

After 3-year-old negotiations Ivan III, having argued by the Council from Mother, Metropolitan Philip and Boyar, decided to marry. It is noteworthy that the transition of Sofia Paleolog in Catholicism negotiators from Pope prudently silent. Moreover, they reported that the Orthodox Christian proposed in the wives. They did not even guess that it was so.

In June 1472, in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Rome, the correspondence of Ivan III and Sofia Paleologists took place. After that, the bride's traffic was departed from Rome to Moscow. Accompanied the bride all the same Cardinal Vissarion.

Bologna chroniclers described sophia rather attractive special. She had 24 years old, she had snow-white leather and incredibly beautiful and expressive eyes. It was not higher than 160 cm. The physique of the future spouse of the Russian sovereign had a dense.

There is a version that in the village of Sofia Paleologist, except for clothes and jewelry, there were many most valuable books, which later accounted for the basis of the mysteriously disappeared library of Ivan the Terrible. Among them were treatises and unknown poems.

Meeting Tsarevna Sofia Paleolog on the Chief of Lake

At the end of the long route, which had running through Germany and Poland, the Roman rooted Sofia Paleologists realized that their desire through the marriage of Ivan III on a paleologist to spread (or at least closer) Catholicism with Orthodoxy was defeated. Zoya, barely left Rome, demonstrated a solid intention to return to the faith of ancestors - Christianity. Wedding took place in Moscow on November 12, 1472. The ceremony was held in the Assumption Cathedral.

The main achievement of Sofia Paleolog, which turned into a huge benefit for Russia, is considered to have its impact on the decision of the husband to refuse to pay tribute to the Golden Horde. Thanks to the spouse, Ivan the third finally dared to reset the centuries-old Tatar-Mongolian Igo, although the local princes and elite were offered to continue to pay for the lifts to avoid bloodshed.

Personal life

Apparently, the personal life of Sofia Paleolog with the Grand Duke Ivan III has developed successfully. In this marriage, a considerable offspring was born - 5 sons and 4 daughters. But the cloudless existence of a new Great Princess Sofia in Moscow is difficult to call. The boyars saw the huge influence that his wife had on the spouse. Many people did not like it.

Vasily III, Son Sophia Paleologist

Ranking, Prinugini had bad relations with the heir, born in the early marriage of Ivan III, Ivan the young. Moreover, there is a version that Sophia is involved in the poisoning of Ivan the young and further removal from the power of His spouse Elena Voloshanka and the son of Dmitry.

Anyway, Sophia Paleolog had a huge impact on the entire further history of Russia, on its culture and architecture. She was the mother of the heir to the throne and grandmother Ivan the Terrible. According to some information, the grandson had a considerable similarity with his wise Byzantine grandmother.


Sophia Paleologist, Great Princess Moskovskaya, April 7, 1503, died. Husband, Ivan III, survived the spouse for only 2 years.

Destruction of the grave of Sofia Paleolog in 1929

Sophia buried near the previous wife Ivan III in the sarcophagus of the tomb of the Ascension Cathedral. The cathedral was destroyed in 1929. But the remains of women of the royal house were preserved - they were transferred to the underground chamber of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

Sophia Fominichna Paleolog, she also Zoya Paleeological (born. Approximately 1455 - death on April 7, 1503) - Great Princess Moscow. Ivan III's wife, Mother Vasily III, grandmother Ivan IV Grozny. The origin is the Byzantine Imperial Dynasty of Paleologists. Her father, Foma Paleologist, was the brother of the last emperor Byzantine Konstantin XI and the despot of sea. Grandfather Sophia on the maternal line - Centurion II Zakkaria, the last frank prince Ahei.

Favorable marriage

According to legend, Sophia brought with her a gift to her husband "bone throne" (now known as the "throne of Ivan Grozny"): its wooden core coated plates from ivory and walrus with the plots cut on them on biblical themes.

Sophia and several Orthodox icons brought, including, allegedly, the rare icon of the Mother of God "The Gracious Sky".

Ivan's Marriage value and Sofia

The marriage of the Grand Duke with Greek Princess had important consequences. There were also cases that the Russian princes married Greek princenes, but these marriages had no matter how the marriage of Ivan and Sofia. Byzantium was now enslaved by the Turks. Byzantine emperor used to be considered the chief defender of all Eastern Christianity; Now the Moscow Sovereign became such a defender; With the hand of Sofia, he, as it were, and the rights of Paleologists, even absorbs the emblem of the Eastern Roman Empire - a double-headed eagle; In the seals, which were brought to the certificates, began to depict a double-headed eagle on the one hand, and on the other - the former Moscow coat of arms, George of the Victorious, hitting the dragon.

Byzantine orders have become all stronger and stronger to affect Moscow. Although the latest Byzantine emperors were not at all powerful, but kept themselves in the eyes of all surrounding very high. Access to them was very difficult; Many different court ranks filled a magnificent palace. The pomp of the palace customs, the luxurious royal clothing shine gold and precious stones, the unusually rich decoration of the Tsarist Palace - all this in the eyes of the people highly elevated a person's person. Before him, everything leaned, as before the earthly deity.

Not that was in Moscow. The Grand Duke was already a powerful sovereign, and lived a little sewing and grace than the boyars. They accounted for him respectfully, but simply: some of them were from the specific princes and their origin was, as well as the Grand Duke, from. Unproishing the life of the king and a simple handling of Boyar could not like Sofia, who knew about the royal grandeur of the Byzantine self-containers and saw the court life of Dad in Rome. From his wife and especially those who came with her, Ivan III could hear a lot about the courtesty of the Byzantine kings. To him, he wanted to be a real autocrat, many of the court of the Byzantine orders should have greatly liked.

And now, new customs began to appear in Moscow: Ivan Vasilyevich began to keep himself great, in intercourse with foreigners titled "king", the ambassadors began to take with a magnificent solemnity, installed the rite of killing a royal hand in a sign of particular grace. Then the court ranks appeared (nursery, keen, bedding). The Grand Duke began to complain in the boyars for merit. In addition to the son of Boyarsky, at this time another lower rank appears - okolnichy.

The boyars, who had previously earlier advisers, Duma by the princes, with whom the sovereign, according to custom, was consulted about every important case, as with his comrades, now turned in submissive servants. The mercy of the sovereign can exalt them, anger is to destroy.

At the end of his reign, Ivan III became a real autocrat. Without my soul, many boyars were these changes, but no one was dead to express this: the Grand Duke was very harsh and punished brutally.

Innovations. Sophia influence

Since the arrival of Sofia Paleologist, intercourse with the West has failed to Moscow, especially with Italy.

The attentive observer of the Moscow life Baron Herberstein, twice the ambassador of the German Emperor who came to Moscow, having heard a boyars, notices about Sofa in his notes, that it was a woman's unusually tricky, who had a great influence on the Grand Duke, who did a lot to her suggestion . Its influence was attributed even the determination of Ivan III to reset the Tatar yoke. In the Boyar Ruscs and judgments about Tsarevna, it is not easy to separate the observation of suspicion or exaggeration led by ill-advocacy.

Moscow of that time was very unsightly. Wooden small buildings, supplied as hit, curves, broken streets, dirty squares - all this did Moscow similar to a large village or, rather, to a collection of many rustic ussers.

After the wedding, Ivan Vasilyevich himself felt the need for restructuring the Kremlin, in a powerful and impregnable citadel. It all started with a catastrophe of 1474, when the Assumption Cathedral, which was erected by Pskov Masters, collapsed. The people immediately crawled rumors that the trouble stared because of the "Greekini", before that was in Latin. As long as the causes of the collapse, Sophia advised the spouse to invite architects from Italy, which were then the best masters in Europe. Their creations could make Moscow equal to the beauty and majesty to the European capitals and support the prestige of the Moscow sovereign, and also to emphasize the continuity of Moscow not only the second, but also the first Rome.

One of the best Italian builders of that time Aristotle Fiorewanti agreed to go to Moscow for 10 rubles a salary per month (money for those times decent). For 4 years, he built a magnificent temple - Assumption Cathedral at that time, consecrated in 1479. This building has been preserved until now in the Moscow Kremlin.

Then they began to build other stone churches: in 1489, the Annunciation Cathedral was erected, who had the meaning of the King's House Church, and the Arkhangelsky Cathedral was again built shortly before the death of Ivan III, instead of the same dilapidated church. The sovereign was conceived to build a stone chamber for solemn meetings and techniques of ingenic ambassadors.

This building, built by Italian architects, known as the grain chamber, has been preserved to the present day. The Kremlin was argued again with a stone wall and decorated with beautiful gates and towers. For myself, the Grand Duke ordered to build a new stone palace. Following the Grand Duke, the Metropolitan constructs brick chambers to build themselves. Three boyars also built themselves stone houses in the Kremlin. Thus, Moscow began to gradually paint the stone buildings; But these buildings for a long time and after that were not included in the custom.

Birth of children. State cases

Ivan III and Sophia Paleolog

1474, April 18 - Sophia gave birth to the first (rapidly deceased) daughter Anna, then another daughter (also deceased so quickly that they did not have time to do). Family disappointments were compensated by activity in state affairs. The Grand Duke was consulted with her in the adoption of state decisions (in 1474 he bought half of the Rostov Principality, concluded a friendly alliance with Crimean Khan Mengli-Gyrey).

Sophia Paleologist took an active part in diplomatic techniques (the Venice Messenger of Cantarini noted that the reception that she organized, was "very important and affectionate"). According to the legend, given not only by Russian chronicles, but also by the English poet John Milton, in 1477 Sophia was able to overcome Tatar Khan, declaring that there was a sign of more than the construction of the church of St. Nicholas on the place in the Kremlin, where the House of the Khan governors, who controlled the fees of Yasak and the actions of the Kremlin. This legend represents Sophia with a decisive nature ("put them out of the Kremlin, the house was demolished, although the temple did not build").

1478 - Russia actually ceased to pay the Dani Horde; Until the complete overthrow of IGA remained 2 years.

In 1480, again, Ivan Vasilyevich, Ivan Vasilyevich, left with militia to the River of Ugra (near Kaluga), where there was a tatar khan of Akhmat. "Standing in the Ugra" battle did not end. The starting frosts and the lack of food forced Khan with the army to leave. These events put an end to the Orda IGU.

The main obstacle on the way of strengthening the Grand Duty authorities collapsed and, relying, on their dynastic communication with the "Orthodox Rome" (Constantinople) through his wife Sophia, the sovereign proclaimed himself to the successor of the holding rights of the Byzantine emperors. The Moscow coat of arms with Georgy Victoronecis was combined with a double-headed eagle - the ancient coat of arms of Byzantium. This was emphasized that Moscow - the heiress of the Byzantine Empire, Ivan III - "Tsar of all Orthodoxy", the Russian Church is the successor to Greek. Under the influence of Sofia, the ceremonial of the Grand Dummy acquired an unprecedented apartment, similar to Byzantine-Roman.

Rights to the Moscow throne

Sofya began a stubborn struggle for justifying the right to the Moscow throne for his son Vasily. When there was eight years old, she even tried to organize a conspiracy against the spouse (1497), but he was revealed, and Sophia herself was condemned on suspected magic and communications with Baba-Sordunya (1498) and together with Tsarevich Vasily. opal.

But the fate was male to her (during the years of his 30-year-old marriage, Sophia gave birth to 5 sons and 4 daughters). The death of the eldest son Ivan III, Ivan the young, forced the husband of Sophia to change the anger on mercy and return to the exiled to Moscow.

Death of Sofia Paleologica

Sophia died on April 7, 1503. She was buried in the Grand Dialement Tomb of the Ascension Women's Monastery in the Kremlin. The buildings of this monastery were disassembled in 1929, and sarcophages with the remains of the Grand Princess and the queen were transported to the basement of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral in the Kremlin, where they are today.

After death

This circumstance, as well as the good safety of the skeleton of Sofia Paleolog, was given the opportunity to recreate her appearance. The work was carried out at the Moscow Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination. Apparently, there is no need to describe the detail process of recovery. We only note that the portrait has been reproduced using all scientific techniques.

Study of the remains of Sofia Paleologists showed that it was low growth - about 160 cm. The skull and each bone was carefully studied, and as a result, it was found that the death of the Great Princess came at the age of 55-60 years. As a result of research, the remains found that Sophia was a woman full, with the volitional features of the face and had at all who did not spive her musty.

When the researchers appeared the appearance of this woman, once again became clear that there was nothing casual in nature. We are talking about the amazing similarity of Sofia Paleologist and her grandson - the king of Ivan IV of Grozny, the authentic look of which we are familiar to the work of the famous Soviet anthropologist M.M. Gerasimov. A scientist, working on the portrait of Ivan Vasilyevich, noted the features of the Mediterranean type in his appearance, connecting it just with the influence of his grandmother's blood, Sofia Paleologist.

Sophia Paleologist-Byzantine Tsarevna.

Sophia Paleologist-byzantine princess.

Sofia Fominichna Paleologist, she also zoya Paleeological (approx. 1455- April 7, 1503), Great Princess Moscow, the second wife Ivan III, mother of Vasily III, Grandma Ivan IV Grozny. It came from the imperial dynasty of Paleologists.

A family

Her father, Foma Paleologist, was the brother of the last emperor Byzantine Konstantin XI and the despot of sea (Peloponnese Peninsula).

Foma Paleologist, Father Sofya (Fresco Pinturikkio, Piccolomini Library)

Emperor John VIII, Uncle Sofya (Fresco Benozzo Gozzoli, Capella Volkhvov)

Emperor Konstantin XI, Uncle Sofia

Her grandfather on the maternal line was Centurion II Zakkaria, the last frank prince ahayi. Chenturion took place from the Genoese merchant race. His father was put to rule Aheyia Neapolitan King Karl III Anjou. Chenturion inherited power from his father and rules in the principality until 1430, when the despot of Sea Foma Paleolog began a large-scale offensive on his possessions. This forced the prince to retreat to his hereditary castle in the Messia, where he died in 1432, two years after a peace treaty, according to which Thomas married his daughter Catherine. After his death, the territory of the principality entered the despotat.

The older sister Zoya Elena Paleeologica Maelais (1431 - November 7, 1473) From 1446 was the wife of the Serbian despot of Lazar Brankovich, and after the seizure of Serbia Muslims in 1459 fled to the Greek Island of Lefkas, where he knew himself into the nun. Also, Thomas had two surviving Sons, Andrei Paleologist (1453-1502) and Manuel Paleologist (1455-1512).


The fall in the fate of Zoe was the fall of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Konstantin died in 1453 during the capture of Constantinople, after 7 years, in 1460, the Sea was captured by Turkish Sultan Mehmed II, Thomas went to Corfu Island, then in Rome, where he soon died. Zoya with 7-year-old Andrei brothers and 5-year-old Manuel moved to Rome 5 years after the Father. There she received the name Sofia. Paleologists settled at the courtyard of Pope Siksta IV (Customer Sicstinskaya Capella). To get support, in the last year of his life, Thomas moved to Catholicism.

SIKST IV, Titian

After the death of Foma on May 12, 1465 (his wife, Catherine, died in the same year a few earlier), the guardian of his children was engaged in the famous greek, Cardinal Vissarion Nicesky, a supporter of Ulya. The letter in which he gave instructions to the teacher of orphans was preserved. From this letter it follows that Dad will continue to be released on their contents of 3,600 ECU per year (200 ECU per month: for children, their clothes, horses and servants; Plus should be postponed on a black day, and spend 100 ecu on the content of a modest yard who included a doctor, professor of the Latin language, professor of Greek, translator and 1-2 priests).

Vissarion Nichesky

After the death of Foma, the Korona Paleologists de-Yura inherited the son Andrei, who sold it to various European monarchs and died in poverty. The second son of the Foma Paleologist, Manuel, during the Board of Bayazid II returned to Istanbul and surrendered to the mercy of Sultan. According to some sources, he accepted Islam, started a family and served in the Turkish fleet.

In 1466, the Venetian Señoria offered to the Cypriot king Jacques II de Lusignan candidacy of Sofia as a bride, but he refused. According to. Piling, the brilliance of her behalf and the glory of the ancestors was a bad stronghold against the Ottoman ships, crucial in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 1467, Dad Paul II through Cardinal Vissarion offered her hand to the prince Karacholo, a well-known Italian rich. They were solemnly engaged, but marriage did not take place.


Ivan III widowed in 1467 - his first wife Maria Borisovna, Princess Tverskaya died, leaving him the only son, heir - Ivan the young.

Sofia's marriage with Ivan III was proposed in 1469 by the Roman dad Pavlom II, presumably, in the hope of strengthening the influence of the Catholic Church in Russia or, possibly, the convergence of Catholic and Orthodox churches is to restore the Florentine churches. Ivan III motifs were probably associated with the status, and a recently widowed monarch agreed to marry Greek princesses. The idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage may be born in the head of Cardinal Vissarion.

Negotiations lasted three years. Russian chronicle narrates: February 11, 1469 Greek Yuri arrived in Moscow from Cardinal Vissarion to the Great Prince with a leaf, in which the Great Prince was offered to the bride Sophia, the daughter of Amorean despota, "Orthodox Christian" (about the transition to Catholicism was silent). Ivan III was consulted with Mother, Metropolitan Philip and Boyars, and accepted a positive decision.

Horugwe "Sermon John the Baptist" from Oratorio San Giovanni, Urbino. Italian experts believe that Vissarion and Sofia Paleolog (3 and 4th characters on the left side are depicted in the crowd of listeners. Gallery of the province of Mark, Urbino.

In 1469, Ivan Fryazin (Jan Batista della Wolpe) was sent to the Roman court wold for the Grand Prince Sophia. The Sofia Chronicle indicates that the portrait of the bride was sent to Rus with Ivan Fryazin, and such a secular painting turned out to be an extreme surprise in Moscow - "... and the princess is written on the icon. " (This portrait was not preserved, which is very regrettable, because it was probably written by a painter on the papal service, generation of Perugino, Melozzo da Forli and Pedro Berroup). Dad accepted ambassador with great honor. He asked the Grand Duke to send a boyar's bride. Fryazin again went to Rome on January 16, 1472, and arrived there on May 23.

Viktor Muuizhel. "Ambassador Ivan Fresin hands Ivan III portrait of his bride Sofia Paleolog"

On June 1, 1472, in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, there was a correspondence collapse. The Deputy Grand Prince was Ivan Fryazin. As guests, the wife of the ruler of Florence Lorenzo's magnificent Clarice Orsini and Queen Bosnia Katharina. Dad, except for gifts, gave the bride dowry to 6 thousand dukatov.

Clari Medici

On June 24, 1472, a large tour of Sofia Paleologist, together with Fryazin, left Rome. The bride was accompanied by Cardinal Vissarion Nicesky, who had to implement the opening opportunities for the Holy See. The legend states that the dowry of Sofia included books that would form the basis of the assembly of the famous library of Ivan the Terrible.

Sofia Sweet: Yuri Fuchaniot, Dmitry Fuchanitis, Prince Konstantin, Dmitry (Ambassador of her brothers), St. Cassian Greek. And also - the papal legate of the Genoese Anthony Bonumbrebre, Bishop Achcia (his chronicle is mistakenly called Cardinal). The nephew of the diplomat of Ivan Fryazin Architect Anton Fryazin arrived with her.

Fedor Bronnikov. "Meeting of Tsarevna Sofia Paleolog Pskov's positors and boyars at the mouth of the Embach on the Chief of Lake"

The travel route was as follows: north of Italy through Germany, in the port of Lubeck they arrived on September 1. (I had to travel around Poland, through which the travelers usually followed Russia, during this moment it was with Ivan III in a state of conflict). Sea journey through Baltic took 11 days. The ship passed in Kolyvan (Sovr. Tallinn), where the motorcade in October 1472 proceeded through Yuriev (Sovr. Tartu), Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. November 12, 1472 Sofia entered Moscow.

Sofia Paleologist enters Moscow. Miniature of the Face Chronicle

During the journey, the bride across the Russian lands was obvious that the plans of the Vatican make it a failure of Catholicism, since Sofia immediately demonstrated a return to the faith of ancestors. The papal legat of Anthony Bonumbrebre was deprived of the opportunity to enter Moscow, carrying the Latin Cross (see the Korsunsky Cross).

Wedding in Russia took place 12 (22) November 1472 in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. The Metropolitan Philip (in the Sofia Temperator - Kolomna Protopopopic Osia). According to some instructions, Metropolitan Philip was against the marriage union with the union. The official grand per-chain chronicle claims that it is Metropolitan who walked the Grand Prince, but the informal arch (as part of the chronicles of Sofia II and Lviv) denies the participation of Metropolitan in this ceremony: "Wedding Protopop Kolomna Axes, Zaverny, the local protopop and the confusion of his own ...".

Wedding Ivan III with Sofia Paleologist in 1472. The XIX century engraving.


In the museums of the Moscow Kremlin, several items are stored related to its name. Among them - several precious packages originating from the Annunciation Cathedral, whose robbery is probably already in Moscow. For inscriptions, it can be assumed that the relics in them brought from Rome.

Korsunsky Cross

"Savior Successful." Board - 15th century (?), Painting - 19th century (?), Salary - Last quarter (17th century). Tsat and Trombuit with the image of Vasily the Great - 1853. MMK. According to the legend recorded in Ser. 19th century, the image was brought to Moscow from Rome Sofia Paleologist.

Icon-hoist is in advance. Ribrava - Moscow, the second half of the XV century; Cameo - Byzantium, XII-XIII centuries. (?)

Icon is in a simple. Constantinople, X-XI centuries; Rim - the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV in

Icon "Our Lady of Odigitria", 15th century

Life in marriage

The family life of Sofia, apparently, was successful, as evidenced by numerous offspring.

For her, special choirs and the courtyard were built in Moscow, but they soon, in 1493, burned down, and the highest princess died during a fire. Tatishchev passes the testimony as if, thanks to the intervention of Sofia, Ivan III Tatar Igo was reset: when the requirement of the Great Prince was discussed by the requirement of Khan Ahmat Dani, and many said that it was better to smoke the wicked gifts than shedding blood, that Sofia was bitterly melted And with reproaches persuaded the spouse to end with infant relations.

Painting N. S. Shustova "Ivan III will overthrow the Tatar yoke, breaking the image of Khan and ordered the ambassadors"

Before the invasion of Akhmat 1480, for the sake of security, with children, the courtyard, haruves and the prince of Kaznaya Sophia was sent first to Dmitrov, and then on Belozero; In the case, if Ahmat will switch to OKU and take Moscow, she was told to run on to the north to the sea. This gave the occasion of Vissarion, Lord Rostov, in his message to warn the Grand Duke from the constant Duma and excessive attachment to his wife and children. In one of the chronicles it is noted that Ivan drank: "The horror of Nayd on Hy, and Buregati from Brega, and His great Princess Roman and the treasury with her Ambassador on Beloosero."

Ovechkin N.V. Ivan III. 1988. Canvas. Butter

The family returned to Moscow only in winter. The Venetian Ambassador of Contarini says that in 1476 he was presented by the Great Princess Sofia, who accepted him politely and affectionately and convincingly asked to bow down from her the brilliant republic.

There is a legend associated with the birth of Sofa Son Vasily III, the heir to the throne: as if during one of the manty campaigns to the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, in Clementevo, the Great Princess Sofia Paleologist was a vision of St. Sergius Radonezh, which "Next to the subsoil of the degree of young male

"Vision PrP. Sergius of the Radonezh Great Moscow Princess Sofia Paleologist. " Lithography. Workshop Trinity-Sergiye Lavra. 1866.

Over time, the second marriage of the Grand Duke has become one of the sources of tension at the court. Soon two groupings of the court nobility were formed soon, one of which supported the heir to the throne - Ivan Ivanovich the young, and the second is the new Great Princess Sophia Paleologist. In 1476, Venetsian A. Kontarini noted that the heir "in dismilies at his father, since it is not good to behave with the despine" (Sofia), but since 1477 Ivan Ivanovich has been mentioned as a companion.

Tsarevich Ivan Ivanovich on a walk

Avilov Mikhail Ivanovich

In subsequent years, the grandnya family has increased significantly: Sophia gave birth to a great prince a total of nine children - five sons and four daughters.

Meanwhile, in January 1483 he was married and the heir to the throne, Ivan Ivanovich, entered into a marriage. His wife became the daughter of the Lord of Moldova Stefan Great Elena Voloshoman, immediately turned out to be "On the knives". On October 10, 1483, they had a son Dmitry. After joining Tver in 1485, Ivan the young is appointed by the Father Tver Prince; In one of the sources of this period, Ivan III and Ivan are called "self-containers of Russian land." Thus, during all 1480s, the position of Ivan Ivanovich as a legitimate heir was quite strong.

Wedding Ivan and Elena

The position of the supporters of Sofia Paleologist was less profitable. So, in particular, the Great Princess failed to extradite public posts for his relatives; Her brother Andrey loss from Moscow with anything, and the niece of Maria, the wife of Prince Vasily Veresky (heir to the Belozoan Principality), was forced to flee into Lithuania with her husband, which was reflected in the position of Sophia. According to sources, Sophia, giving up the marriage of his niece and prince Vasily Vareussky, in 1483 presented the relative of the precious decoration - "Dressing" with pearls and stones, which belonged to that first wife Ivan III Mary Borisovna. The Grand Duke, who wished to bestow the "solem" Elena Voloshanka, discovered the disappearance of the decoration, was angry and ordered the wanted list. Vasily Veresky did not wait for measures against himself and, capturing his wife, fled to Lithuania. One of the results of this story was the transition of the Veresko-Belozer's principality to Ivan III on the will of the Specific Prince Mikhail Veresky, Father Vasily. Only in 1493 Sofia overturned Vasily's mercy of the Grand Duke: Opan was removed.

"The prince granted the great grandchildren of his great reign"

However, by 1490 new circumstances entered into force. Son of the Grand Duke, heir to the throne Ivan Ivanovich fell ill "Cacompoo in the legs"(gout). Sophia discharged Lekary from Venice - "Most of Leon"who arrived arrogant Ivan III to cure the heir to the throne; Nevertheless, all the efforts of the doctor turned out to be fruitless, and on March 7, 1490, Ivan the young died. The doctor was executed, and in Moscow rumors about the heir poisoning; After a hundred years, these rumors, already as indisputable facts, recorded Andrei Kurbsky. Modern historians belong to the hypothesis about the poisoning of Ivan the young as unverified for the disadvantage of sources.

The end of the Grand Duke Ivan Ivanovich.

On February 4, 1498, the coronation of Prince Dmitry was held in the Assumption Cathedral. Sophia and her son Vasily were invited. However, on April 11, 1502, the dynastic battle approached its logical conclusion. According to the chronicles, Ivan III "put Opal on the grandson of his Grand Prince Dmitreya and on his mother on the great Princess Elena, and from that days did not told them to commemorate in the projects and lithium, nor nurdiate a great prince, and put them for bailors." A few days later, Vasily Ivanovich was granted a great reign; Soon, Dmitry-grandson and his mother Elena Voloshanka were translated from under home arrest. Thus, the struggle inside the grandfather's family ended the victory of the prince of Vasily; He turned into a companion of his father and the legitimate heir of a huge power. The fall of Dmitry-grandson and his mothers also predetermined the fate of the Moscow-Novgorod Reformation Movement in the Orthodox Church: the church cathedral of 1503 finally defeated it; Many prominent and progressive figures of this movement were executed. As for the fate of the loser's dynastic struggle themselves, she was sad: Helen Stephanovna died in imprisonment, and Dmitry himself died in Zuzhi, and Dmitry himself died in a sharpening. "Some believe that he died from hunger and cold, others - that he suffocated from smoke" - Gershurstein reported on his death

"Pellena Elena Voloshunks." Elena's workshop Stefanovna Voloshanka (?) With the image of the ceremony of 1498. Sophia is probably depicted in the lower left corner in the yellow raincoat with a round stripe on the shoulder - a table, a sign of royal dignity.


It was buried in a massive white-breeding sarcophage in the tomb of the Ascension Cathedral in the Kremlin next to the grave of Mary Borisovna, the first spouse Ivan III. On the sarcophagus lid, the word "Sofya" was slow tool.

This cathedral was destroyed in 1929, and the remains of Sophia, as well as other women of the reign house, were transferred to the underground chamber of the southern extension of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

Death and burial of the Great Princess


The attitude of contemporaries

Byzantine Tsarevna did not become popular, she was considered smart, but proud, cunning and insidious. Even in the chronicles to her, for example, about her return from the Whitezer, the chronicler notes: "The Great Princess Sophia ... Run from Tatars on Beloozero, and not chased no one; And on which the countries went, the forests of the Tatar - from the boyars of the hills, from the Bloodiers of Christian. Release to them, Lord, according to their own and on the villaness of their undertakings "

The Final Duma Man Vasily III Berren Beklemishev, in a conversation with Maxim Greek, spoke about her like this: "Our Russian Land lived in silence and to the world. As the mother of the Grand Duke Sophia came here with your Greeks, so our land has been knew and came to us the tricks, like you in Tsar-Grad with your kings. " Maxim objected: "Mr., the great princess Sophia on both sides was the genus of the Great: on the father - the royal kind, and on the mother - the Great Duke of the Italian side." Berren answered: "Whatever it is; Yes, it came to our non-confidence. " Non-confession, according to Berresia, it affected that since that time, "the old customs prince Great changed", "now the sovereign of our trap itself, the bed of the bed is doing anything."

Especially strict to Sofia Prince Andrei Kurbsky. He is convinced that "in the request of the Russian princes, the gene was the devil evil morals, the very same wives of their evil and magicians, the same, and in Israel, the king of the sameness of which were summoned from the interemphetics"; accuses Sophia in the poisoning of John the young, in the death of Elena, in the conclusion of Dmitry, Prince Andrei Uglitsky and other persons, contemptuously calls her Greek, Greek "Correce".

In Trinitsky-Sergievsky monastery, silk paddle is kept, shown by the hands of Sofia in 1498; on the veil embroidered her name, and she wonders not the great princess of Moscow, and "Tsareva Tsaregorodskoye". Apparently, she highly put her former title, if he remembers him even after a 26 year old

Pellena from Trinity Sergius Lavra


When 1472, Clarice Orsini and the court poet of her husband, Luigi Pulchi witnessed absentee marriage, held in the Vatican, a poisonous Pulchous Pulchage, to reconstruct Lorenzo's magnificent in Florence, sent him a report on this event and the appearance of the bride:

"We entered the room where the painted doll was sitting on a high platform. She had two huge Turkish pearls, chin double, thick, thick, all face glittered from fat, eyes open, like a row, and around the eye such ridges and meat ridges, like high dams on software. Legs are also far from thin, these are also all other parts of the body - I have never seen such a funny and disgusting person, like this fair-seeking cracker. For a whole day, she continuously chatted through the translator - this time it was her brother, the same Tolstonoga Duby. Your wife, as if enchanted, saw in this monster in the female kindergarten, and the speech of the translator clearly gave her pleasure. One of our companions even adopted with the lips of this doll and found that she was amazingly sick. All day, until the very evening, she chatted in Greek, but there were no drinking in Greek, nor in Latin, nor in Italian. However, she somehow managed to explain Donne Clarice that it was a narrow and bad dress, although the dress was out of a rich silk and hung at least from six pieces of matter, so they could be covered by the dome of Santa Maria Rotonda. Since then, I have been playing a mountain of oil, fat, salary, rags, and so on such a nasty every night.

According to the review of the Bologna chronicles describing the passage of its procession through the city, it was low growth, possessed very beautiful eyes and amazing white leather. According to the form they gave her 24 years.

In December 1994, the remains of princess were launched in Moscow. They are well preserved (almost a complete skeleton except for individual small bones). Criminal Polist Sergey Nikitin, restored her appearance according to the Gerasimov method, indicates: "After making a skull, spine, sacrum, pelvis bones and lower extremities, taking into account the approximate thickness of missing soft tissues and interstitial cartilage, it was possible to find out that Sophia was low growth, about 160 cm full, with wrestle facial features. According to the degree of grazing of the seams of skull and wear of the teeth, the biological age of the Great Princess was determined in 50-60 years, which corresponds to historical data. Initially, its sculptural portrait was cut from special soft plasticies, and then made a plaster casting and toned it under Carrara Marble. "

Reference, Princess Maria Staritskaya. According to scientists, her face demonstrates great similarity with Sofia

Sophia Paleologist and Ivan III


Sophia Paleologist to marriage

Dowry of the Byzantine Tsarevna

New title

Outlook Ivan III

Over the overthrow of Iga Horde

Family and state cases





Ivan III's personality refers to an extremely important historical period from Sergius Radonezh to Ivan IV, which has a special value. Because On this segment of time, the birth of the Moscow state, the core of modern Russia occurs. The historical figure of Ivan III is more homogeneous than the bright and controversial figure of Ivan IV of the Terrible, well-known thanks to numerous disputes and the present war of opinions.

It does not cause controversy and somehow traditionally hides in the shadow of the image and the name of the Terrible Tsar. Meanwhile, never has any doubts that he was the creator of the Moscow state. What exactly from his rule was the principles of Russian statehood, and the familiar to all the geographical outlines of the country was adopted. Ivan III was the greatest personality of the Russian Middle Ages, a major politician of national history, during the reign of which events occurred, forever determined the life of a huge nation. But what is the meaning of Sophia Paleologist in the life of Ivan III and the whole country?

The marriage of Ivan III and Sofia Paleolog, the nieces of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin XII, had a huge political importance: it is not only for raising the prestige of the Russian state, but also about continuity with the Roman Empire. This is connected with the expression "Moscow - Third Rome".

1. Sophia Paleologist before marriage

Sophia Fominichna Paleologist (URA. Zoya) (1443/1449-1503) - the daughter of the ruler (despot) of sea (Peloponnese) Foma Paleologist, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Konstantin XI, who died when taken by Konstantinople by the Turks in 1453. Born between 1443 and 1449 on Peloponnese . Her father, the ruler of one of the regions of the empire, died in Italy.

The formation of royal orphans took over the Vatican, entrusted to their Cardinal Vissarion Nichesky. The Greek by origin, the former Archbishop of Nicesky, he was a zealous supporter of the signing of the Florentine Union, after which he became Cardinal in Rome. He brought up a zoya paleologist in European Catholic traditions and especially affected it so that she humbly followed the principles of Catholicism, calling her the "beloved daughter of the Roman Church." Only in this case, he inspired a pupil, fate would give you to everyone. "I was very difficult to betray the Sophia: she was idleness."

Ivan III Vasilyevich (Appendix No. 5), was the son of Vasily II. From an early age, he settled a blind father in state affairs, went to hiking with him. In March 1462, Vasily II was seriously ill and died. Shortly before his death, he made a testament. In the testament it was said that the eldest son Ivan received the grand per-chain throne, and most of the state, its main cities. The remaining part of the state was divided among themselves the rest of Vasily II.

By that time, Ivan was 22 years old. He continued his parent's politics, primarily in the affairs of the land of Russia around Moscow and the fight against the Horde. A man is careful, calculating, he slowly, but correctly held his course to conquer the specific principalities, the subordination of his power of various dominates, including the native brothers, the return of Russian lands captured by Lithuania.

"Unlike its predecessors, Ivan III did not directly headed the troops on the battlefield, carried out a general strategic leadership of their actions, provided shelves with everything necessary. And it gave her very good results. Despite the seeming slowness, he, it is necessary, showed decisiveness and iron will. "

County Ivan III measured more than six decades, was filled with turbulent and important events that had an exceptional value for the history of the Fatherland.

Marriage Ivan III with Sofia Paleolog

In 1467, the first wife of Ivan III dies, Maria Borisovna, leaving him the only son, the heir - Ivan the young. Everyone believed that she was poisoned (in the chronicles it was said that she died "from mortal potion, because her body was swollen," poison, as they believed, was presented to someone the Great Princess belt). "Over her death (1467) Ivan began to look for another wife, far and more hard."

In February 1469, the Ambassador of Cardinal Vissarion with a letter to the Great Prince, which was proposed to be combined with a legitimate marriage with the daughter of the despot of the Maisis and, by the way, was mentioned that Sophia (the name Zoya was diplomaticly replaced by the Orthodox Sophia) had already refused to be two woven venge grooms - French King and Duke of Mediogensky, not wanting to marry the Catholic rule - "Does not want to go to Latin."

The marriage of Princess Zoe, renamed Russian Orthodox Lad in Sophia, with a recently widowed yet young great prince of distant, mysterious, but, on certain reports, unheard of rich and strong Moscow principality, was extremely desirable for the papal throne for several reasons:

1.Through the wife-Catholica, it was possible to influence the Grand Duke, and through it and the Orthodox Russian Church in the execution of decisions of the Florentine Union - and in the fact that Sophia - a devotee Catholic, Dad did not doubt, because she could say, rose on his steps throne.

.In itself, strengthening ties with distant Russian principalities is of great importance to all European politics.

And the Ivan IVI strengthened the Big-Power, I was counting that the relationship with the Byzantine home would help Muscovy to increase the international prestige, which was noticeably staggered in two centuries of the Orda Iea, and contribute to the increase in the authority of the cerebral power of the country.

So, after a long reflection, Ivan sent to Rome Italian Ivan Fryazin "Looking for Tsarevna," and if she likes him, then to give consent to marriage for the Grand Prince. Fryazin did, especially since Tsarevna gladly agreed to go for Orthodox Ivan III.

Together with Sofia, her dowry arrived in Russia. Many carts accompanied the papal legat of Anthony, dressed in the Red Cardinal dress and a lucky four-ring Catholic cross as a sign of hope for the appeal of the Russian prince in Catholicism. Cross in Anthony at the entrance to Moscow took place on the orders of Metropolitan Philip, who did not approve this marriage.

november 1472, adopting Orthodoxy under the name of Sofia, Zoya was announced with Ivan III (Appendix No. 4). At the same time, the wife "opened" her husband, and the husband "justified" his wife, which was perceived by contemporaries as the victory of Orthodox faith over the "Latin." "This marriage allowed Ivan III to feel (and declare this to the world) the successor of the powerful emperors of the mighty of the Byzantine emperors."

4. Drawing Byzantine princes

Sofia brought a generous dowry on Russia.

After the wedding Ivan III<#"justify">. Sophia Paleologist: Moscow Princess or Tsarevna Byzantine

Sophia Paleologist, then in Europe, in Europe, brought a very subtle mind to Moscow and gained very important here. "The boyars of the XVI attributed to her all the unpleasant innovations, which over time appeared at the Moscow courtyard. The attentive observer of the Moscow life Baron Herberstein, twice the ambassador of the German Emperor who came to Moscow, having heard a boyars, notices about Sofa in his notes, that it was a woman's unusually tricky, who had a great influence on the Grand Duke, who did a lot to her suggestion " Its influence was attributed even the determination of Ivan III to reset the Tatar yoke. In the Boyar Ruscs and judgments about Tsarevna, it is not easy to separate the observation of suspicion or exaggeration led by ill-advocacy. Sophia could inspire only what the most preliminated and what they understood and appreciated in Moscow. She could bring here the traditions and customs of the Byzantine courtyard, pride by their origin, annoying, which is married to the Tatar Danistan. "In Moscow, she did not like the simplicity of the situation and the unceremoniousness of relations at the courtyard, where Ivan III had to hear, according to his grandson," Many dinct and urchorized words "from the challenge boyar. But in Moscow and without it, not one Ivan III had a desire to change all of these old orders, so not fit the new position of the Moscow Sovereign, and Sophia with the Greeks brought by Her, who saw and the Byzantine and Roman species could provide valuable guidance, as which Samples introduce desirable changes. She can not be refused to influence the decorative situation and the backstage life of the Moscow court, for court intrigues and personal relations; But she could only act for political affairs, the secret or vague thoughts of Ivan himself. "

The husband was consulted with her in the adoption of state decisions (in 1474 they were redeemed half of the Rostov Principality, a friendly union was concluded with Crimean Khan Mengli-Girem). Especially clearly could be perceived the thought that she, princess, his Moscow marriage makes Moscow sovereigns by the successors of Byzantine emperors with all the interests of the Orthodox East, which were held for these emperors. Therefore, Sophia was valued in Moscow and herself appreciated itself not as much as the Great Princess of Moscow, as like princess Byzantine. In Trinitsky Sergiev Monastery, the silk paddle is kept, shown by the hands of this great princess, which embroidered on it and its name. This pellena is embroidered in 1498 for 26 years of marriage Sofye, it seems it was time to forget their virologicalness and the former Byzantine title; However, in the signature on the veil, she still magnifies itself with the "princess tsororological", and not the great princess of Moscow. And it was no wonder: Sophia, like Tsarevna, enjoyed the right to take foreign embassies in Moscow.

Thus, the marriage of Ivan and Sofia received the importance of a political demonstration, which was stated to the whole world, which princess, as the heiress of the fallen Byzantine house, suffered his holding rights to Moscow as in the new Tsargrad, where it shares them with his spouse.

The formation of a single state

Already at the end of the board of Vasily II, Moscow began to sneak independence "Mr. Veliky Novgorod" - his external relations were delivered under the control of the Moscow government. But Novgorod boyars headed by Marta Worslet, a widow of the landing of Isaac Workotsky, seeking to preserve the independence of the republic, focused on Lithuania. Ivan III and the Moscow authorities regarded this as political and religious treason. A hike to Novgorod Moscow troops, the defeat of the Novgorod residents on the Shelin River, in Ilmen Lake (1471) and in Dvina Earth led to the inclusion of extensive land of the republic among Moscow possessions. Finally, this act was fixed during a hike to Novgorod 1477-1478.

In the same 70s. A part of the Russian state was the "Great Perm" (the support of Kama, the population of Komi, campaign 1472), the next decade - the Earth on the Obi-River (1489, here yugors and Vogul prince with their tribesmen), Vyatka (Hlynov, 1489 G.).

The joining of Novgorod lands predetermined the fate of the Tver Principality. It now surrounded by Moscow possessions. In 1485, Ivan III troops entered the limits of Tver Land, Prince Mikhail Borisovich fled to Lithuania. "Tver kissed Cross Prince Ivan Ivanovich Young." He received Tver from his father to the specific ownership.

In the same year, Ivan III adopted the official title of "Grand Duke All Russia". So the unified Russian state was born, and the name "Russia" appears in the sources of that time.

A quarter century later, already under Vasilia III, the son of Ivan III, to Russia they joined the lands of the Pskov Republic (1510). This act was a formal character, since in fact Pskov was under the control of Moscow from the 1460s. Four years later, Russia included Smolensk with its lands (1514), even later - the Ryazan Principality (1521), which also actually lost independence at the end of the previous century. So the territory of a single Russian state has developed.

True, there were still the specific principality of the sons of Ivan III, the Brothers Vasily III - Yuri, Seeds and Andrei. But the great prince consistently limited their rights (prohibiting the chasing of his coin, reducing legal rights, etc.)

New title

Ivan, having merged with a harmonious wife, the heiress of the Byzantine emperors, found a boring and ugly the former Kremlin atmosphere. "Following the princess from Italy, the masters were discharged, who built Ivan the new Assumption Cathedral, the grain ward and a new stone courtyard on the place of the previous wooden chorus. At the same time, in the Kremlin, at the courtyard, he began to start with that complex and strict ceremonial, who reported such a primacy and stretching of the court of the court of Moscow life. Just like at home, in the Kremlin, among his courtiers, Ivan began to perform a more solemn act and in external relations, especially since herself, without a battle, in the Tatar assistance, fell from the shoulders of the Ordane Igo , I have two and a half (1238-1480) over Northeasy Rusy (1238-1480). " In Moscow government, especially diplomatic, papers since then is a new, more solemn language, there is a magnificent terminology, unfamiliar to the Moscow Deaks of the specific centuries. It is based on two ideas: this is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Moscow State Due, about the National Selfness of the whole Russian Earth and the thought, as the political and church successor of Byzantine emperors. In intercourse with Western yards, not excluding Lithuanian, Ivan III for the first time, I was first dared to show the European Political Mira, the advisable title "Soviet of All Russia", previously used only in home use, in acts of internal use, and in the contract 1494 even forced the Lithuanian government formally Recognize this title. After the Tatar Igo sleeping from Moscow, in interchanges with unimportant foreign rulers, for example, with Livonian Magister, Ivan III titles himself with the king of all Russia. This term, as you know, is the abbreviated South Slavic and Russian form of the Latin Word Cage.

"The word Zagesar came to Praslavyansky through the Gothic" Kaisar ". In Praslavyansky, it sounded like "CMSAr", then decreased to the "cissar", and then the "king" (analogues of such a reduction are known in German titles, for example, the Swede. Kung and English. King from Kuning). "

"The Titul of the Tsar in the acts of internal management under Ivan III is sometimes, with Ivan IV, it was commonly united with a similarity of the title of the autocrat, this is the Slavic translation of the Byzantine Imperial title of the autocratr. Both of the term in ancient Russia did not mean what they began to mean, they expressed the concept not about the sovereign with unlimited internal power, but about the sulter, which is not dependent on any third-party external government, no one with a paying Dani. At the then political language, both of these terms were contacted by the fact that we mean by the word Vassal. The monuments of Russian writing to Tatar yga sometimes and Russian princes are called kings, giving them this title as a sign of respect, not in the sense of the political term. The kings are mostly ancient Russia to half the XV century. The name of the Byzantine emperors and khans of the Golden Horde, the most famous independent rulers, and Ivan III could take this title, only having ceased to be Danitor Khan. " The overthrow of the IGA eliminated the political obstacle to that, and the marriage with Sofia gave the historical justification: Ivan III could now consider himself to be the only Orthodox and independent state owner who remained in the world in the world, and what the Byzantine emperors were, and the Supreme Gullae of Russia, who was under the rule of the Horde Hanovs. "Having learned these new magnificent titles, Ivan found that now he is not pleasant to be called in government acts just in Russian Ivan, the sovereign of the Grand Prince, but began to be written in the church book form:" John, God's mercy of all Russia. " To this title, as a historical justification, a long series of geographic epithets, denoted new limits of the Moscow state, "Sovereign All Russia and Grand Duke Vladimir, and Moscow, and Novgorod, and Pskov, and Tverskaya, Perm, and Yugorsky, and Bulgarian, and Others ", i.e. lands. Feeling yourself and on political power, and in Orthodox Christianity, finally, on the marriage of Orthodox Christian, the successor of the fallen house of Byzantine emperors, the Moscow sovereign also found a visual expression of his dynastic connection with them: the Moscow coat of arms with Georgy Victoronostz was united with a double-headed eagle - ancient coat of arms of Byzantium (Appendix 2). This stressed that Moscow is the heiress of the Byzantine Empire, Ivan III - "Tsar of all Orthodoxy", the Russian Church is the succession of Greek.

Outlook Ivan III

In 1497, the Sovereign of All Russia Ivan III approved the national situation, replacing the Russian truth. The Fauliciary - the first code of the laws of United Russia - secured a single device and management in the state. "The Higher Institution was a Boyarskaya Duma - the Council at the Grand Duza; Its members managed individual sectors of state economy, they performed the duties of the governor in the shelves, governors in the cities. Volostela, from free people, carried out power in rural areas - mosses. The first orders appear - the central government bodies, they were headed by the boyars or the devil, with whom the Grand Duke ordered to conduct certain cases. "

The term "estate" was used for the first time to designate a special type of land tenure issued for the implementation of civil service. The court for the first time in a national scale introduced a rule that limits the yield of peasants; Their transition from one owner to another was now allowed only once a year, within a week before and week after Yuryev of the Day of the Autumn (November 26), after the end of the field work. In addition, the immigrants obliged to pay the owner of the elderly - money for the "courtyard" - household buildings. "The assessment of the peasant yard during the transition at the time of the adoption of the judiciary in the steppe strip was 1 ruble per year, and in the forest - half (50 kopecks). But as an elderly, it was sometimes charged to 5 and even up to 10 rubles. Due to the fact that many peasants could not pay the elderly, they were forced to remain on the lands of the feudalists on their conditions. The contract most often consisted in oral form, but written agreements were preserved. " So the legal creaping of the peasants began, which was completed in the XVII century.

"The lawyer puts under the control of the center to local government in the face of feeders. Instead of a friend, a single military organization is created - the Moscow army, the basis of which is the noble landowners. At the request of the Grand Duke, they must be serviced with armed people from their hobs or peasants, depending on the estimation of the estate. The number of landlords under Ivan III has greatly increased due to holsters, servets and other; They were handed out of land confiscated in Novgorod and other boyars, with princes from non-aligned regions. "

Strengthening the power of the Grand Prince, the increase in the influence of the nobility, the appearance of the Office of the Office was reflected in the Faud 1497

9. The overthrow of Iga Horde

paleologist Byzantine Prince Nobility

Along with the unification of the land of Russia, the government of Ivan III solved another task of nationwide - liberation from the Ordane yoke.

The XV century was the sunset time of the Golden Horde. The inner weakening, the crossbursts led it to the breakdown in the second-third quarter of the century on a number of Khanate: Kazan and Astrakhan on the Volga, Nogai Horde, Siberian, Kazan, Uzbek - east of her, a big horde and the Crimean - to the West and the South-West.

Ivan III in 1478 ceased to pay Dani Large Horde - the successor of the Golden Horde. "Its ruler Khan Ahmed (Ahmat) in 1480 led the army to Moscow. He came up to Oke in the area of \u200b\u200babandonment of the Ugra River, near Kaluga, waiting for help from the Polish king and the Grand Prince Casimir IV. The army did not come - they prevented the troubles in Lithuania. "

In 1480, according to the "Council", the spouses, Ivan III left the militia to the Ugra River (Appendix No. 3), where the Tatar Khan of Akhmat was stood. Attempts by the Khansky cavalry to go through the river Russian warriors beat fire from guns, hearth, firing. Also began frost and lack of food forced Khan with the army to leave. Having lost a large number of warriors, Ahmed fled from Ugra south-east. He became aware that his possessions in the Horde were attacked and the pogrom - the Russian ruffle sailed there on the Volga.

A big horde soon broke up into several uluses, Khan Ahmed died.

Rus dropped the finally hated yoke, which tormented her people about two and a half centuries. The increased power of Russia allowed her politicians to put the return of the original Russian lands, lost ingenic invasions and the Ordia rule.

10. Family and state cases

april 1474 Sophia gave birth to the first (rapidly deceased) daughter Anna, then another daughter (also the deceased so quickly that she did not have time to do). Disappointment in family life was compensated by activity in the introduction cases.

Sophia actively participated in diplomatic techniques (the Venetian Messenger of Cantarini noted that the reception organized by her was "very important and affectionate"). According to the legend, given not only by Russian chronicles, but also by the English poet John Milton, in 1477 Sophia was able to overcome Tatar Khan, declaring that there was a sign of more than the construction of the church of St. Nicholas on the place in the Kremlin, where the House of the Khan governors, who controlled the fees of Yasak and the actions of the Kremlin. This story is sophia decisive in nature ("put them out of the Kremlin, the house was demolished, although the temple did not build").

But Sophia Fominichnaya grunted, she "cried, prayed to the Mother of God to give her a son's heir, handed over the poor alms, the Kisami sacrificed to the temples - and heard the preching prayer for her: again, for the third time, in warm darkness of her nature, a new life was raised.

Someone is restless until the person is, but only the ultimate part of her body, demandingly picked the sophia foublin in the side - sharply, elastically, noticeable. And it seems that it was not at all so that it was happening with her already twice, and completely different order: a babe was strongly pushed, insistently, often.

"Boy," she believed, - boy! " The child has not yet been born, and she has already started the great battle for his future. All the power of the will, all the sophistication of the mind, the whole arsenal of the great and small tricks, centuries copied in dark labyrinths and scan of Constantinople Palaces, every day I put into the course of Sofya Fominichna, to first sow the spouse of my smallest doubts about Ivan the young, who, though There was worthy of the throne, but by age, his undoubtedly represented by no more than an obedient puppet, which was in the skillful hands of a skillful doll - numerous enemies of the Grand Duke, and above all his brothers - Andrei Big and Boris.

And when, on the news of one of the Moscow chronicles, "in the summer 6987 (1479 from the Nativity of Christ) Martha 25 at the end of the night was born a great prince son, and the name of him Vasily Parisky, and his archbishop Rostov Vasyan in Sergeyev in Vasyan in Sergeyev Monastery Week "".

Ivan III was married to his first-mention of Ivan the young Tver on the daughter of the Moldovan gentleman Stefan Great, who presented a young son, and Ivan III grandson - Dmitry.

In 1483, Sophia's authority staggered: she imprudently presented the earlier Maria Borisovna, the first wife of Ivan III, a precious family necklace ("Syazhenia") of his niece, wife of the Virusian Prince Vasily Mikhailovich. The husband was also intended an expensive daughter-in-law of Elena Stepanovna Voloshian, his son of my son Ivan the first marriage. In the conflict arising (Ivan III demanded the return of the necklace in the treasury), but Vasily Mikhailovich preferred to escape along with the necklace in Lithuania. Taking advantage of this, Moscow Boyarskaya Tip, dissatisfied with the success of the Centralization policy of the prince, spoke out against Sophia, considering it by its ideological inspirational of the innovations of Ivan, who stirred the interests of his children from the first marriage.

Sofya began a stubborn struggle for justifying the right to the Moscow throne for his son Vasily. When the son was 8 years old, she even made an attempt to organize a conspiracy against her husband (1497), but he was revealed, and Sophia herself was convicted on suspicion of magic and communications with Baba Caldunya (1498) and, together with his son Vasily, was subjected to opal .

But the fate was a pretty of this irrepressible defender of the rights of a kind (during the years of its 30-year-old marriage, Sophia gave birth to 5 sons and 4 daughters). The death of the eldest son Ivan III, Ivan the young, forced the spouse of Sophia to change the anger on mercy and return the exiled to Moscow. At the joys of Sophia, I ordered a church veil with my name ("Tsarevna Tsargorodskaya, the Great Princess Moscow Sophia Grand Prince Moskovsky").

According to the Moscow ideas of that time, the right to the throne had Dmitry, who enjoyed the support of the Boyar Duma. In 1498, when Dmitry was not fulfilled by 15 years, he was crowned with a grand-stained cap of Monomakh in the Assumption Cathedral.

However, next year, Prince Vasily was proclaimed the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Pskov. "Researchers are united in the interpretation of these events, seeing the result of a fierce struggle of groupings at the court. Dmitry's fate after that was actually predetermined. In 1502, Ivan III took the grandson and his mother in custody, and after three days "put on the Grand District of Vladimirskoye and Moscow and led him to all Russia by autocrat". "

The new heir to the throne of Ivan wanted to make some serious dynastic party, but after several failures on the advice of the Greeks from Sophia's environment, it was decided to hold bride loot. Vasily stopped his choice at Sabroma Sabroma. However, the marriage was unsuccessful: there were no children. Having carried out a divorce with great difficulty (and Solomonia, accusing in witchcraft, tonsured to the monastery), Vasily married Elena Glinsky.

Having felt again the hostess in the capital, Sophia managed to attract doctors to Moscow, cultural figures and especially architects; In Moscow, active stone construction began. Architects Architects Aristotle Firavanti, Marco Ruffo, Aleviz Fryazin, Antonio and Petro Solary, built in the Kremlin, Assumption and Annunciation Cathedrals at the Kremlin's Cathedrals in the Kremlin, in the Kremlin; The construction of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral ended.


Sophia died on August 7, 1503 in Moscow earlier Ivan III for two years, having achieved many honors. Her buried in the Moscow ascension of the Great Monastery of the Kremlin.

In December 1994, in connection with the transfer of the remains of the Prince and Tsarist Zhem, to the basement of the Archangel Cathedral, according to the well-preserved skull of Sophia, the student M.M. Gerasimova S.A. Nikitin was restored to its sculptural portrait (Appendix No. 1).

With the arrival of Sofia, the Moscow courtyard acquired the features of the Byzantine shine, and it became an obvious merit of Sophia and her environment. The marriage of Ivan III and Sofia Paleologist undoubtedly strengthened the Moscow State, contributing to his treatment to the Great Third Rome. The main effect of Sophia on the course of Russian history was also determined by the fact that she gave life to a person who became the father of Ivan the Terrible.

Russian people could be proud of what was done in the glorious decades of the end of the XV and early XVI century. The chronicler displaced these feelings of his contemporaries: "Our great Russian land has been freed from yoke ... and began to be updated, as if switched from the winter to a quiet spring. She again reached His Majesty, piety and calm, as at the first prince of Vladimir. "

The process of unification of land, the formation of a single state contributed to the consolidation of Russian lands, the formation of the Great Russian nation of the nation. Its territorial base was the lands of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, populated by Nishichi and Krivichi, and the Novgorod-Pskov land, where Novgorod Slavs and Crivichi lived. The growth of economic and political ties, common tasks in the struggle for national independence with Horde, Lithuania and other opponents, historical traditions coming from the times of Domongolian Russia, the desire for unity became driving factors of their association within the framework of one nationality - Great Russian. At the same time, it is separated from her other parts of the former Old Russian nationality - in the West and the South-West as a result of the Ordane invasions and the seizures of the Lithuanian, Polish, Hungarian rulers, the formation of Ukrainian (Little Russian) and Belarusian nationalities.


1. Dvornichenko A.Yu. Russian empire from ancient times to fall autocracy. Tutorial. - M.: Publisher, 2010. - 944 p.

Evgeny Viktorovich Anisimov "The history of Russia from Rurik to Putin. People. Events. Dates "

Klyuchevsky V.O. Works. In 9 tons. T. 2. The course of Russian history. Part 2 / Song. and comments. Amounted to V.A. Alexandrov, V.G. Zimin. - M.: Thought, 1987.- 447 p.

Sakharov A.N., Buganov V.I. History of Russia from ancient times until the end of the XVII century: studies. for 10 cl. general education. institutions / ed. A.N. Sakharov. - 5th ed. - M.: Enlightenment, 1999. - 303 p.

Sizenko A.G. Great women of the Great Russia. 2010

Fortunov V.V. History. Tutorial. Standard of the third generation. For bachelors. - SPb.: Peter, 2014. - 464 p. - (Series "Textbook for universities").


Sophia Paleologist. Reconstruction S.A. Nikitin.

The coat of arms of Russia under Ivan III.

Standing on the river Ugra. 1480

4. Wedding Ivan III with Byzantine Property Sophia. ABEGYAN M.

Ivan III. Engraving. XVI century.


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Sophia (Zoya) Paleologist - A woman from the genus of Byzantine emperors, Paleologists, played an outstanding role in the formation of the ideology of the Moscow kingdom. The level of education in Sofia was simply incredibly high. On her husband, Ivan III, Sophia had a very big impact that caused displeasure boyars and churchmen. Two-headed eagle - the family coat of arms of the Paleologists dynasty was adopted by the Grand Duke Ivan III as an integral part of the dowry. Two-headed eagle has become a personal coat of arms of the Russian kings and emperors (not a state coat of arms!) Many historians believe that Sophia was the author of the future state concept of Muscovy: "Moscow - the third Rome".

Sofia, Reconstruction of the skull.

The fall in the fate of Zoe was the fall of the Byzantine Empire. Emperor Konstantin died in 1453 during the capture of Constantinople, after 7 years, in 1460, Serya (the medieval name of Peloponnese Peninsula, the owner of Sofia) was captured by Turkish Sultan Mehmed II, Thomas went to Corfu Island, then in Rome, where he soon died. Zoya with 7-year-old Andrei brothers and 5-year-old Manuel moved to Rome 5 years after the Father. There she received the name "Sofia". Paleologists settled at the courtyard of Pope Siksta IV (Customer Sicstinskaya Capella). To get support, in the last year of his life, Thomas moved to Catholicism.
After the death of Foma on May 12, 1465 (his wife, Catherine, died in the same year a few earlier), the famous Greek scientist, Cardinal Vissarion, Nicene, a supporter of Ulya. The letter in which he gave instructions to the teacher of orphans was preserved. This follows that Dad will still be released on their contents of 3,600 ecu per year (200 ECU per month - on children, their clothes, horses and servants; Plus should have been postponed on a black day, and spend 100 ecu on the content of a modest yard ). The courtyard included a doctor, professor of the Latin language, professor of the Greek language, translator and 1-2 priests.

Vissarion Nicesky.

Several words should be said about the deplorable fate of the Sofia brothers. After the death of Foma, the Korona Paleologists de Yura inherited the son Andrei, who sold it to various European monarchs and died in poverty. During the Board of Bayazid II, the second son, Manuel, returned to Istanbul and surrendered to the mercy of Sultan. According to some sources, he accepted Islam, started a family and served in the Turkish fleet.
In 1466, the Venetian Señoria proposed to the Cypriot king Jacques II de Lusignanin her candidacy as a bride, but he refused. According to. Piling, the brilliance of her behalf and the glory of the ancestors was a bad stronghold against the Ottoman ships, crucial in the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. Around 1467, Dad Paul II through Cardinal Vissarion offered her hand to the prince Karachchio, a well-known Italian rich. It was solemnly engaged, but marriage did not take place.
Ivan III widowed in 1467 - his first wife Maria Borisovna, Princess Tverskaya died, leaving him the only son, heir - Ivan the young.
Sofia's marriage with Ivan III was proposed in 1469 by the Roman dad Pavlom II, presumably, in the hope of strengthening the influence of the Catholic Church to Moscow or, possibly, bringing the Catholic and Orthodox churches to restore the Florentine churches. Ivan III motifs were probably associated with the status, and a recently widowed monarch agreed to marry Greek princesses. The idea of \u200b\u200bmarriage may be born in the head of Cardinal Vissarion.
Negotiations lasted three years. Russian chronicle narrates: February 11, 1469 Greek Yuri arrived in Moscow from Cardinal Vissarion to the Great Prince with a leaf, in which the Great Prince was offered to the bride Sophia, the daughter of Amorean despota Foma, "Orthodox Christian" (about the transition to Catholicism was silent). Ivan III was consulted with Mother, Metropolitan Philip and Boyars, and accepted a positive decision.
In 1469, Ivan Fryazin (Jan Batista della Wolpe) was sent to the Roman court wold for the Grand Prince Sophia. The Sophia Chronicle shows that the portrait of the bride was sent back to Rus with Ivan Fryazin, and such a secular painting turned out to be an extreme surprise in Moscow - "... And the princess is written on the icon." (This portrait was not preserved, which is very regrettable, because it was probably written by a painter on the papal service, generation of Perugino, Melozzo da Forli and Pedro Berroup). Dad accepted ambassador with great honor. He asked the Grand Duke to send a boyar's bride. Fryazin again went to Rome on January 16, 1472, and arrived there on May 23.

Viktor Muuizhel. "Ambassador Ivan Fresin presents Ivan III portrait of his bride Sofia Paleolog."

On June 1, 1472, in the Basilica of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, there was a correspondence collapse. The Deputy Grand Prince was Ivan Fryazin. As guests, the wife of the ruler of Florence Lorenzo's magnificent Clarice Orsini and Queen Bosnia Katharina. Dad, except for gifts, gave the bride dowry to 6 thousand dukatov.
When in 1472, Clarice Orsini and the court poet of her husband Luigi pulchors were witnesses of absentee wedding, held in the Vatican, a poisonous Pulching Puliarity, to reconstruct the Lorenzo magnificent in Florence, sent him a report on this event and the appearance of the bride:
"We entered the room where the painted doll was sitting on a high platform. She had two huge Turkish pearls, chin double, thick, thick, all face glittered from fat, eyes open, like a row, and around the eye such ridges and meat ridges, like high dams on software. Legs are also far from thin, these are also all other parts of the body - I have never seen such a funny and disgusting person, like this fair-seeking cracker. For a whole day, she continuously chatted through the translator - this time it was her brother, the same Tolstonoga Duby. Your wife, as if enchanted, saw in this monster in the female kindergarten, and the speech of the translator clearly gave her pleasure. One of our companions even adopted with the lips of this doll and found that she was amazingly sick. All day, until the very evening, she chatted in Greek, but there were no drinking in Greek, nor in Latin, nor in Italian. However, she somehow managed to explain Donne Clarice that it was a narrow and bad dress, although the dress was out of a rich silk and hung at least from six pieces of matter, so they could be covered by the dome of Santa Maria Rotonda. Since then, I have been playing a mountain of oil, fat, salary, rags, and so on such a nasty every night.
According to the review of the Bologna chronicles describing the passage of its procession through the city, it was low growth, possessed very beautiful eyes and amazing white leather. According to the form they gave her 24 years.
On June 24, 1472, a large tour of Sofia Paleologist, together with Fryazin, left Rome. The bride was accompanied by Cardinal Vissarion Nicesky, who had to implement the opening opportunities for the Holy See. The legend states that the dowry of Sofia included books that would form the basis of the assembly of the famous library of Ivan the Terrible.
Sofia Sweet: Yuri Fuchanitis, Dmitry Fuchanyot, Prince Konstantin, Dmitry (Ambassador of her brothers), St. Cassian Greek. And also - the papal legate of the Genoese Anthony Bonumbrebre, Bishop Achcia (his chronicle is mistakenly called Cardinal). The nephew of the diplomat of Ivan Fryazin Architect Anton Fryazin arrived with her.

Horugwe "Sermon John the Baptist" from Oratorio San Giovanni, Urbino. Italian experts believe that Vissarion and Sofia Paleolog (3 and 4th characters on the left side are depicted in the crowd of listeners. Gallery of the province of Mark, Urbino.
The travel route was as follows: north of Italy through Germany, in the port of Lubeck they arrived on September 1. (I had to travel around Poland, through which travelers were usually followed in Muscovy, at that moment it was with Ivan III in a state of conflict). Sea journey through Baltic took 11 days. The ship passed to Kolyvani (Sovr. Tallinn), where the motorcade in October 1472 proceeded through Yuriev (Sovr. Tartu), Pskov and Novgorod. November 12, 1472 Sofia entered Moscow.
Even during the trip, the bride became obvious that the plans of the Vatican to make it a failure to make it a conductor of Catholicism, because Sofia immediately demonstrated a return to the faith of ancestors. The papal legat of Anthony was deprived of the opportunity to enter Moscow, carrying the Latin Cross.
Wedding in Russia took place 12 (21) November 1472 in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow. The Metropolitan Philip (in the Sofia Temperator - Kolomna Protopopopic Osia).
The family life of Sofia, apparently, was successful, as evidenced by numerous offspring.
For her, special choirs and the courtyard were built in Moscow, but they soon, in 1493, burned, and the highest princess died during a fire.
Tatishchev conveys a testimony as if, thanks to the intervention of Sofia, Ivan III decided to resist Khan Ahmatu (Ivan III was already at the time ally and Danitor of Crimean Khan). When the requirement of Khan Akhmat Dani was discussed on the Council of the Grand Prince, and many said that it was better to smoke the wicked gifts than shedding blood, then Sofia bitterly burst up and with reproach persuaded the spouse did not pay the tribute to the Great Horde.
Before the invasion of Akhmat 1480, for the sake of security, with children, the courtyard, haruves and the prince of Kaznaya Sophia was sent first to Dmitrov, and then on Belozero; In the case, if Ahmat will switch to OKU and take Moscow, she was told to run on to the north to the sea. This gave the occasion of Vissarion, Lord Rostovsky, in his message to warn the Grand Duke from the constant Duma and excessive affection for his wife and children. In one of the chronicles it is noted that Ivan drank: "The horror of Nayd on Hy, and Buregati from Brega, and His great Princess Roman and the treasury with her Ambassador on Beloosero."
The family returned to Moscow only in winter.
Over time, the second marriage of the Grand Duke has become one of the sources of tension at the court. Soon the two groupings of the courtestroy were formed soon, one of which supported the heir to the throne - Ivan Ivanovich the young (son from the first marriage), and the second is the new Great Princess Sophia Paleologist. In 1476, Venetsian A. Kontarini noted that the heir "in dismilies from his father, since it is not good to behave with despine" (Sofia), but since 1477 Ivan Ivanovich has been mentioned as a companion of his father.
In subsequent years, the grandnya family has increased significantly: Sophia gave birth to a great prince a total of nine children - five sons and four daughters.
Meanwhile, in January 1483 he was married and the heir to the throne, Ivan Ivanovich, entered into a marriage. His wife became the daughter of the Lord of Moldova Stephen Great Elena Voloshanka, immediately turned out with the mother-in-law "on the knives". On October 10, 1483, they had a son Dmitry. After capturing Tver in 1485, Ivan the young is appointed by the Father Tver Prince; In one of the sources of this period, Ivan III and Ivan are called "self-containers". Thus, during all 1480s, the position of Ivan Ivanovich as a legitimate heir was quite strong.
The position of the supporters of Sofia Paleologist was much less profitable. However, by 1490 new circumstances entered into force. Son of the Grand Duke, Heir to the throne Ivan Ivanovich fell ill "Karchuho in the legs" (gout). Sophia wrote out of the Venice of Lekary - "Most of Leon", which was self-administered Ivan III to cure the heir to the throne; Nevertheless, all the efforts of the doctor turned out to be fruitless, and on March 7, 1490, Ivan the young died. The doctor was executed, and in Moscow rumors about the heir poisoning; After a hundred years, these rumors, already as indisputable facts, recorded Andrei Kurbsky. Modern historians belong to the hypothesis about the poisoning of Ivan the young as unverified for the disadvantage of sources.
On February 4, 1498, the coronation of Prince Dmitry was held at the Assumption Cathedral in the situation of great pomp. Sophia and her son Vasily were invited. However, on April 11, 1502, the dynastic battle approached its logical conclusion. According to the chronicles, Ivan III "put Opal on the grandson of his Grand Prince Dmitreya and on his mother on the great Princess Elena, and from that days did not told them to commemorate in the projects and lithium, nor nurdiate a great prince, and put them for bailors." A few days later, Vasily Ivanovich was granted a great reign; Soon, Dmitry-grandson and his mother Elena Voloshanka were translated from under home arrest. Thus, the struggle inside the grandfather's family ended the victory of the prince of Vasily; He turned into a companion of his father and the legitimate heir of the Grand Duchy. The fall of Dmitry-grandson and his mothers also predetermined the fate of the Moscow-Novgorod Reformation Movement in the Orthodox Church: the church cathedral of 1503 finally defeated it; Many prominent and progressive figures of this movement were executed. As for the fate of the loser's dynastic struggle themselves, she was sad: Helen Stephanovna died in imprisonment, and Dmitry himself died in Zuzhi, and Dmitry himself died in a sharpening. "Some believe that he died from hunger and cold, others - that he suffered from smoke," Gershitestein reported on his death. But the most terrible country was waiting ahead - the reign of the grandson of Sofia Paleolog - Ivan the Terrible.
Byzantine Tsarevna was not popular, she was considered smart, but proud, cunning and insidious. Even in the chronicles: for example, about her return from Beloozer, the chronicler notes: "The Great Princess Sophia ... Run from the Tatars on Beloozero, and not chased no one; And on which the countries went, the forests of the Tatar - from the boyars of the hills, from the Bloodiers of Christian. Reward them, Lord, according to their own and on the progress of the undertakings of them. "

The Final Duma Man Vasily III Berren Beklemishev in a conversation with Maxim Greek spoke about her like this: "Our land lived in silence and in the world. As the mother of the Grand Duke Sophia came here with your Greeks, so our land has been knew and came to us the tricks, like you in Tsar-Grad with your kings. " Maxim objected: "Mr., the great princess Sophia on both sides was the genus of the Great: on the father - the royal kind, and on the mother - the Great Duke of the Italian side." Berren answered: "Whatever it is; Yes, it came to our non-confidence. " Non-confession, according to Berresia, it affected that since that time, "the old customs prince Great changed", "now the sovereign of our trap itself, the bed of the bed is doing anything."
Especially strict to Sofia Prince Andrei Kurbsky. He is convinced that "in the request of the Russian princes, the gene was the devil evil morals, the very same wives of their evil and magicians, the same, and in Israel, the king of the sameness of which were summoned from the interemphetics"; Accuses Sophia in the poisoning of John the Young, in the death of Elena, in the conclusion of Dmitry, Prince Andrei Uglitsky and other persons, contemptuously calls her Grekunkka, the Greek "Correce".
In Trinitsky-Sergievsky monastery, silk paddle is kept, shown by the hands of Sofia in 1498; It embroidered her name on the veil, and she wonders not the great princess of Moscow, but the "princess conciliatory". Apparently, she highly put her former title, if he remembers him even after a 26-year-old marriage.

Pelona from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra embroidered by Sofia Paleologist.

There are various versions regarding the role of Sofia Paleolog in the history of the Russian state:
From Western Europe, artists and architects for the decoration of the palace and the capital were caused. New churches, new palaces have erected. Italian Alberti (Aristotle) \u200b\u200bFiosteni built Cathedrals Assumption and Blagoveshchensky. Moscow was decorated with a grain chamber, the towers of the Kremlin, the Palace of Teremn, was finally the Archangel Cathedral.
Introduced for the sake of marriage of my son Vasily III Byzantine custom - review of brides.
It is considered the genericant of the concept of Moscow - Rome
Sophia died on April 7, 1503, two years before the death of her husband (he died on October 27, 1505).
It was buried in a massive white-breeding sarcophage in the tomb of the Ascension Cathedral in the Kremlin next to the grave of Mary Borisovna, the first spouse Ivan III. On the sarcophagus lid, a sharp tool is scratched "Sophia".
This cathedral was destroyed in 1929, and the remains of Sophia, as well as other women of the reign house, were transferred to the underground chamber of the southern extension of the Arkhangelsk Cathedral.

The transfer of the remains of the Grand Princess and the king before the destruction of the Ascension Monastery, 1929.

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