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How to deal with pain after. How to cope with mental pain: advice from psychologists

Every person knows this feeling of longing, sadness, despair, when obsessive negative thoughts overcome, and life seems like a hopeless existence, full of fear and hopelessness. To relieve physical suffering, it is enough to take painkillers and then consult a doctor. It is much more difficult to answer the question of how to cope with the pain of the soul, because scientists have not yet invented magic pills that can heal the wounds of the soul.

What is heartache

heartache, or suffering, is a severe psycho-emotional state that occurs as a result of the inability to satisfy the most important vital needs of a person. Most often, the strongest emotional experiences come after a loss, whether it be death or parting with a loved one, loss of a job, financial position, social status or even a favorite thing. Sometimes the soul hurts because of the inability to get what you want.

Any situation that unsettles, has one or another traumatic effect. Loss can be experienced for years, and forever remain a bleeding heart wound. A person can completely lose the meaning of life, as people say, put an end to himself. This condition can lead to sad consequences - drug, alcohol addiction, prolonged depression and even suicide.

How to deal with emotional pain

Mental trauma leaves terrible traces in the human psyche. Even seemingly minor grievances can cause great harm if they "step on a sore spot": affect the psychological trauma received in childhood, or bring up memories of tragic events that happened earlier. best advice how to cope with the pain of the soul that painful memories cause - to heal the trauma once received. This process is not fast, it requires serious efforts and the help of a professional psychologist.

It is worth learning to treat your mental health with the same attention as your physical health. It is best to start healing mental wounds, as well as bodily ones, as early as possible. If something terrible happened in life, you need to make every effort to survive the grief correctly.

No need to suffer in silence, gritting your teeth. Perhaps in films and novels such heroes look incredibly courageous, but in real life unexperienced suffering remains a thorn in the soul and continues to boil for the rest of one's life, poisoning the soul and body and leading to illness and aggression. Feelings must be extracted from oneself by any means. Give vent to tears, confess to a priest, speak out in a psychologist's office, cry on the shoulder of a friend.

An excellent method of self-help is pysanka. Its essence lies in throwing out all your experiences on paper, reaching the most secret thoughts. Pysanka helps to “give away” the pain, to decompose it into its components, to understand the hidden motives of one’s actions, to understand the most painful issues. Information on how to write Easter eggs correctly can be found on the Internet.

After strong emotions slowly begin to weaken, you need to give yourself nourishment, an opportunity to recover. To do this, you will have to learn how to get rid of the past, start living here and now. There are excellent and very simple techniques to help you focus on the present. To return to the “now”, it is enough to stop the mental flow even for a moment, look around, see how amazing the world how sweetly the birds sing and how beautiful the sky is at sunset. Such simple exercises help to realize the value of life and show an alternative to depressive states, not allowing them to take over the mind.

The process of recovery is to find in the tragic situation that happened a resource for later life. Properly experienced suffering helps to gain invaluable experience and become a good help for new achievements. Remember, whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger!

There is simple ways relieve the painful condition and look at life from its good side. If the injury is not deep, it is enough to follow these tips to return peace of mind. Serious emotional experiences cannot be ignored, they need to be treated with the help of a specialist psychologist. In this case, the advice will be a good support for therapy.

  1. Take care of yourself. Find new interests and hobbies. Spend more time on fresh air, go out into nature, walk in the parks. Get enough sleep.
  2. Take care of your body. A great way to relieve pain is relaxing massage, sauna, spa treatments. In addition to pleasant sensations, these procedures have a beneficial effect on the body, help relieve tension and relax, and the body, as you know, is closely related to the mental state.
  3. Go in for sports. During physical activity, endorphins are produced in the body, which are responsible for the body's resistance to stress and disease and improve mood.
  4. Learn to stop the flow of intrusive thoughts. In this case, meditation, yoga, breathing exercises are indispensable.
  5. Look for the positive in everything. As you know, there is no silver lining, and the most hopeless situations can turn into unexpectedly happy consequences. Of course, it is blasphemous to seek joy in the death of a loved one, but in all other cases there will definitely be positive moments that will open up new opportunities or at least give you a reason to smile.
  6. Don't close in on yourself and your pain. Do not turn your pain into the meaning of life and into an eternally bleeding wound. Learn to ask for help. Try to communicate with kind and bright people. If the trauma is deep, work with psychologists, join support groups.
  7. Work on yourself. Suffering is a reason to think about your existence and about the soul. Realizing its underlying causes, you can understand what exactly led to such consequences, and correct your mistakes. Life is just beginning!

Video: Advice from Alex Yanovsky "What to do if you are in pain"

Life is impossible to live without tragedies and troubles. Suffering leaves its mark on the human soul. But if you learn to experience mental pain correctly, these scars will become a reminder of the experience gained and serve as a lesson on how to overcome adversity and emerge victorious from them.

Regular failures in the love field and a prolonged lack of career growth, sad news about the loss of a loved one and oppressive loneliness are the prerequisites for the occurrence of severe pain in the bowels of the soul. Such a phenomenon cannot be cured by taking an effective pill or mixture. The consciousness of a person who is in depression acquires a coma.

It will not be possible to diagnose the problem that has appeared, because no medicines have been found to treat the above symptoms in the 21st century. Soothing capsules and psychotropic drugs can aggravate the current situation, harming the consciousness damaged by grief and feelings. It is not surprising that people have a question: How to relieve severe mental pain? What is the best way to bring a loved one back to a fulfilling life? Where is the formula for success hidden? How to get rid of?

Mental pain appears in people who were not mentally prepared for the events that occurred. If you set yourself up in advance various options development of the situation, it will be much easier to realize the fait accompli

How to deal with emotional pain: a step-by-step guide to action

To solve the problem, it is recommended to contact a psychologist who correctly diagnoses the cause of spiritual experiences by offering his own method of healing. However, it also becomes possible to get rid of severe pain, which every minute absorbs the consciousness of a person. Most importantly, follow the simple sequence of actions recommended below:

  • Find the cause of the emotional pain.
  • Do not deny the existence of depression by accepting past events as an element of the past.
  • Realize the magnitude of the situation.
  • Decide on the consequences by projecting the most "terrible" picture of events.
  • Compare the results obtained with the scale of the situation. Are the realities not so harsh?
  • Change the familiar environment, gradually arousing interest in life in the mind.
  • Get rid of the reminders of the past event by “opening” a new page of your own being.
  • Enjoy positive moments avoiding negative emotions.
  • Learn to live in a new format, becoming happy.

It is difficult only with the help of words and encouraging phrases. To restore mutual understanding with the damaged consciousness of a close friend and lover, you will have to be around regularly, restoring the lost trust. Remember that severe mental pain causes a state of apathy towards the world, aggression towards people, hatred for the events that have happened. Do not transfer this spectrum of emotions to yourself, because your loved one does not want to offend you - at this moment it is very difficult for him.

If you regularly train emotional stability, you can prevent the occurrence of mental pain. Rational perception of past events is a reliable base for a balanced and invulnerable person

Options for solving the problem at different ages

If you want to help a loved one get rid of mental pain, be sure to consider his age. At different intervals of life, the worldview of people has a distinct similarity, so the methods for solving the problem are identical:

  • Age 5–10 years.

In children, spiritual experiences arise because of the unfulfilled promises of parents who did not fulfill the cherished dream of the child. Encouraging such a format of behavior is an inappropriate decision by adults, but you need to help the baby during such a period. To "free" the consciousness of the offspring from, an unplanned trip to the amusement park is enough. You can buy a young explorer who is exploring the world a portion of ice cream or a new toy - most importantly, a moment of surprise that causes positive emotions in the child.

  • Age 10–18 years.

In such a period of time, mental pain becomes a consequence of the betrayal of a loved one or appears after a series of failures negatively perceived by peers. that take possession of the mind of a teenager, slow down the process of growing up, preventing the child from being realized in society. The only rational way out of this situation is to switch the attention of a person who is in adolescence to an exciting activity. A new social circle will allow a teenager to painlessly survive a depressive state.

  • Age 18–30 years.

To restore emotional balance, you need to regularly be near an adult who is experiencing severe stress. At this age, depression appears after failed love relationship ending in divorce. Discord in the family, lack of communication with the child, dissatisfaction with the authorities, lack of funds - the reasons for the experiences are varied. However, the method of treatment is invariably the same - heart-to-heart talks and a reliable "shoulder" of support.

In an attempt to help, do not become a "hostage" of your own mercy, sharing the worldview of a person experiencing severe mental pain. You should listen, giving him the opportunity to speak out, but disagree, maintaining the format of depressive communication. Be there and prove your loyalty by restoring your loved one's faith in people and a brighter future.

The loss of a loved one is always suffering and suffering. Many people feel something like a rebirth when past life gets out from under your feet and you have to re-learn how to walk, breathe, smile, and so on. Pain and worries make it difficult to continue life in a social environment, trust people again and feel sympathy for the opposite sex. The constant feeling of pain is so acute that it replaces the entire consciousness and comes to the fore.

Physical pain is perceived differently by everyone, it depends on the pain threshold. But everyone is vulnerable to heartache. Coping with loss is difficult even for the most callous and cold person, and psychologists say that it is these people who experience psychological trauma much deeper and stronger. It follows from this that you should not keep experiences inside, there are many ways to alleviate the condition and get rid of suffering.

Why does breaking up hurt so much?

The psychology of personality is built in such a way that each person first of all worries about himself, for his condition, for his reputation. It's hard to argue with that because it's a proven fact. Severe pain at the time of parting is experienced by the one who made plans for the future. Relationships that long time did not bring joy and euphoria, in principle they cannot upset a person. All negative experiences are built on disappointment and the collapse of their own plans and hopes. It’s hard to lose not relationships, but what is connected with them in your own understanding and imagination.

Most relationships begin with trepidation, care, and romance. Waiting for the next meeting, careless, but not accidental touches and anticipation - all this is very exciting and pleasant. At some point, lightness and small joys end, life and routine begin. At this moment, in order to maintain a pleasant wave, a person begins to imagine and imagine a future where everything will soon be even better, but usually this does not happen. On the part of the partner, there is an increasing detachment and a desire to break off these relations. At this moment, even greater opposition to what is happening and unwillingness to admit failure in relation to the plans begins.

In the case of a joint life, common property and the presence of common children, there is also a sense of responsibility for what is happening inside, partly there is a feeling of guilt for the impossibility of correcting everything and returning it to its previous level. It is practically impossible to stop and soberly assess the situation without outside intervention. Every day, with every new situation, with every new realization that it's all over, the pain grows and intensifies. There are new problems associated with the division of property, with domestic issues. It is very hard to realize that everything good and planned for the future will never happen.

Not always the duration of the relationship directly affects the degree of shock. The personality type plays an important role. Fanciful emotional aggression and indignation help to cope with mental pain many times faster than outward calmness and detachment. In the latter case, the person denies what happened and the pain gnaws at him from the inside much longer.

How to deal with mental pain?

Not everyone is ready to understand the degree of shock and turn to a psychologist. Someone begins to fight in a panic and makes unsuccessful attempts to return everything, someone closes and moves away from the outside world, but all these attempts are dangerous for physical health. Mental pain can provoke the development of organic pathology, cause interruptions in the work of the heart, disrupt metabolic processes and lead to personality disorders.

The loss of a loved one is a difficult life situation that requires a long recovery. Do not worry that loved ones will not understand or others will condemn. Everyone has experienced something like this at least once in their life. Mental pain passes faster if you treat it as a physical pathology, that is, a full-fledged illness. She should also have the basic principles of treatment and the recovery period.

Time to be sad

You can’t hide emotions and try to survive the pain inside, alone with yourself. Focusing on the problem will only make it worse. New thoughts and far-fetched fears will appear. Initially, do not hide aggression and tears. It's not about tantrums and showdowns. A partner, whether it be a spouse, cohabitant, or just a guy or a girl, has already made his choice, and you can no longer make a broken one whole. It is not worth wasting time on this, again and again being subjected to mental pain. This disease is cured and after full rehabilitation remains only a memory. This period should last no more than a week, otherwise it is dangerous to go into depression.

There are many psychological trainings. to eliminate aggression and internal pain. Some psychologists recommend throwing out all the things you have in common and getting rid of everything that might remind you, including common acquaintances. Others believe that strength training and nature, hiking in the forest, climbing mountains, rafting, or regular jogging in the fresh air help well. Still others recommend breaking dishes and screaming with all your might in order to release the accumulated negativity. It is necessary to find an opportunity to move away from the usual activities for a while - for example, take a vacation.

Lifestyle change

Being in a relationship for a long time, sooner or later you realize that a certain algorithm of life has been developed. On weekdays - work or study, on weekends - household chores and, at best, going to the cinema or visiting friends. After a breakup, everything needs to change dramatically. There must be a restructuring of values. Most joint interests are shared and once imposed by the other half. Surely there is some kind of hobby or passion that once had to be abandoned due to a conflict of interest with a partner.

The most correct way of life is a healthy one. Rational and balanced nutrition will give strength and keep the figure in shape. Regular walks in the fresh air will improve sleep, tune in new way and improve complexion. Compliance with the regime of work and rest is especially important. Overexertion at work will exacerbate the condition. healthy and proper sleep restores the body and promotes recovery. You need to take vitamins and eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Against the backdrop of mental pain, general health should be on high level, otherwise the recovery period has the risk of being delayed.

New interests and acquaintances

New interests will inevitably lead to acquaintances. Do not neglect the opportunity to make new contacts. Communication with people with similar interests captivates with more force, so the desire to return to the old circle of friends, where everything reminds of the loss, disappears. Some mutual acquaintances may intentionally hurt and provoke contact. There is no need to subconsciously seek meetings and try to talk, find out something and resume, such attempts bring even more disappointment and increased heartache.

Passion must be enjoyed. Well, if it is related to work, it will also bring additional income. Along with going to fitness centers, dancing classes, visiting various sections, it would be nice to introduce a tradition of a day off. To do this, you need to find a few friends of interest and come up with some kind of common activity - visiting a spa, bathhouse, restaurants or a cinema during the premieres. This is a very good distraction, because you need to prepare for such events in advance, and after them there is something to discuss.

think about the future

All plans built for the future were planned for two, otherwise there would be no reason for worries. It is necessary to reorient the intended goals only for yourself. But it is better to completely revise them and, if possible, abandon the plan as much as possible, adopting something new. It is much easier to achieve some goals alone, especially if a person is used to doing everything himself. It is possible that the plan will require a new partner and it's time to look for him, for example, among friends and relatives.

You can’t think about future loneliness, let your imagination not touch the topic of love and the search for a soul mate. It is worth devoting your mind to something light and bright, like a vacation in warm countries or a trip to Europe. Planning to buy a new gadget or car will also be beneficial, because there will be a desire to make money, and this is also a great distraction. It is necessary to draw up a clear plan for conquering the world, develop a strategy for advancing career ladder at work or something else, even crazy, but funny. Self-hypnosis is a good stimulus for success.

time to talk

All the time to be afraid of experiences and hush up grievances will not work. You need to find a loved one who can calm you down and help you talk. It is necessary to talk about the problem, not embarrassed to reveal something secret. The problem seems global as long as it is kept inside, as soon as it is voiced and there are other opinions about it, it becomes easier. accumulated grievances that for a long time kept secret, oppressed from within. A sincere conversation or even a few conversations will help to cure the soul, but no more - you should not dive into the problem and make the drama of your life out of it, this is no longer help, but right steps towards depression.

Not always in the environment there are people who can be trusted. Sometimes you don’t really want to share your heartache and talk about the situations you have experienced, worrying about your reputation or not wanting to cause trouble to your relatives. To do this, there are many forums where people are ready to discuss each other's problems, and for this it is not even necessary to give your real name. Social networks in this regard, it is somewhat more dangerous - there is usually personal data there, and correspondence is stored and can be used against a person.

A look into the past

Over time, the realization of what happened comes, you understand that the person is no longer in life and never will be. The mental pain gradually disappears and there remains a slight sadness and a slight sad smile on the face with memories. These feelings indicate the ability to soberly assess what happened. Everything in life is capable of bringing experience. In order to avoid past mistakes in a new relationship, it is worth carefully analyzing the old ones and answering a few questions for yourself:

  • At what point did the relationship begin to change and deteriorate?
  • What mistakes did each make and why?
  • What could be changed and when?
  • Is it possible to avoid such mistakes in the future?

Answers to questions will take a lot of time, some of them will remain open, because the opinion of the opponent is unknown, and two are always to blame for any conflict.

Time heals, even if mental pain is many times stronger than physical pain, but it also tends to remain in the past. Having gone through all the stages of emotional healing, it's time to think about new relationships, because loneliness is dangerous and does not bring as much good and bright experiences as having a loved one nearby. No matter how bad and bitter relationships are, these are past relationships, they are in the past. All people are different, so it is imperative to give a chance to a worthy candidate and try to initially build the right relationship.

Why do people suffer from mental pain? Mental pain is a feeling of longing and suffering that a person experiences for certain reasons. Do not neglect such a disorder, it can be much more dangerous than known physical diseases. In the mentally ill, there may be interruptions in the work of internal organs. This threatens with bodily diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to think as early as possible how to cope with mental pain.

Such a disease is similar to, because it appears in a person as a result of an unpleasant event in life, or because of excitement for another person. Everyone can suffer such pain if their expectations are not met. A person forms some patterns of life in his brain, and if reality does not coincide with them, then emotional suffering appears. Quite often, people suffer heartache by hiding it from their loved ones and friends.

Fighting heartache

The patient can deal with pain in several ways. So, mental pain can move from a person’s consciousness to his subconscious. It exists, but man avoids it. The way out of mental pain is possible when a person demonstrates his emotions and feelings. But this does not mean that he becomes aggressive or irritable. A person seeks salvation from illness in his relatives and friends. For example, if a person quarreled with his soulmate, and he had a mental pain, then you can get rid of it only in communication with this person.

But with subconscious mental pain - everything is more complicated. A person does not recognize a mental disorder, he says that he is doing well. He affirms this not only to others, but also to himself. Such pain is much worse than conscious pain, it is more difficult to cope with it, because it is hidden deep in the human subconscious.

The struggle with mental pain of a latent nature is quite difficult, it can be with a person for several years. It negatively affects the character of a person who begins to communicate with people like himself. Also, he may not even meet new people or avoid contact with old acquaintances.

Mental pain does not allow a person to study normally, work or do his favorite thing. At such moments, a person often does not even understand what the matter is. It happens that some events make a person remember an unpleasant life situation that has long caused him an emotional experience. If the patient fails to bring emotions out and get rid of them, then it is necessary to contact a psychologist or close person who can listen to everything.

Emotional experiences after a breakup

It's no secret that after parting with a loved one, severe and prolonged emotional distress can occur. In some cases, it is as severe as the stress after the death of a loved one. Parting brings mental pain that can torment a person for months and even years. All this time, the patient will experience stages of denial, resentment and pain.
Emotional experiences after parting begin with a stage of denial. At first, a person simply does not understand or does not want to understand that his relationship with his loved one has come to an end. This happens on a subconscious level, and the person simply does not realize the gap.

A person suffers greatly due to the fact that he will never be next to his soul mate. When he accepts this harsh reality, then he will get a chance to get rid of the mental pain. But such an understanding does not come immediately. The duration of experiences directly depends on the duration of the relationship. To bring yourself closer this moment, you need to get rid of all objects and even contacts with people that are reminders of a relationship.

The next stage of heartache from a break with a loved one is the stage of indignation and even hatred. The person who was abandoned is trying by all means and methods to take revenge on the former, to bring him maximum inconvenience. But such drastic measures, as a rule, are due to a scandalous break, for example, after treason. Resentment occurs because it is difficult for a person to blame himself for breaking up. It is much easier to blame your ex for all the sins.

The stage of resentment is characterized by the fact that a person focuses exclusively on negative emotions, which is extremely bad for the prospect of a quick recovery. Also, a person often thinks about how much could be done at this time, and not spend it on a relationship. There is a feeling of loneliness and for their future, and even the denial of new relationships.

When the soul hurts, you do not need to restrain yourself from loud suffering and even tears. They make it possible to quickly cope with the pain in the soul. There is nothing terrible or shameful in this, because even scientists have proven that tears make it possible to quickly survive and forget the problem. Many people who didn't want to break up continue to contact their ex and even ask him to start over. And if that person does not agree, then there is no need to insist on your own, because this leads to even greater suffering and memories of a happy past. This will significantly slow down mental recovery.

It is no secret that in most cases, women are much more difficult to endure parting. This is explained quite simply, because for them love comes first in life, while for a man the main thing is work. Therefore, men do not focus on this problem so much and find a replacement for their ex more easily.

Of great importance in the fight against such experiences is the ability to switch to another topic, for example, to do what you love or personal development. But if this does not help, and the mental pain has been going on for a year or even more, then it is better to turn to a psychologist.

How to relieve severe mental pain?

Severe mental pain is not at all like physical pain, because it manifests itself in suffering. And they, in turn, lead to the loss of the meaning of life by a sick person. Emotional experiences are accompanied by longing, loneliness, shame, guilt, as well as fear of future problems.

In order to relieve severe mental pain, it is necessary to understand its root cause. For example, if a certain person is such a reason, then it is necessary to work on relationships with him, and not extinguish your emotions. If there is no understanding on his part, then you need to avoid him, even if this leads to dismissal. Finding a job is much easier than restoring the body from the effects of stress.

After a difficult breakup, emotional distress can last up to one year. It is necessary to start a new relationship after this period, so as not to step on the rake twice. The emotional pain from illness or death of a person must be passed through and accepted reality as it is.

It is necessary to understand that the negative event has already ended. You need to go through a period of pain and plan future life given this negative situation. It is possible to get acquainted with a person who is experiencing a much greater disorder. This will help to understand that the situation is not so difficult, other people are much worse. The correct mode of the day and exercise will help to quickly survive the heartache.

It happens when the earth leaves from under the feet from the loss of a loved one: separation, illness, death. A special world has been built with this person. How to live if the world will not be the same? How to ease the heartache, if the relationship dear to the heart is not revived? Maybe be patient and wait?

The bad has already happened. The misfortune happened not in the movies, but in real life. ?

Time heals?

It happens when the earth leaves from under the feet from the loss of a loved one: separation, illness, death. A special world has been built with this person. The heart stores experiences from a joint move to new apartment, the birth of children or walks in the park. You remember with what expression he rejoices, sad or grumbles. You know how many sugar cubes he likes to add to his tea. And suddenly the usual way is crossed out.

How to live if the world will not be the same? How to appease if the relationship dear to the heart is not revived? Maybe be patient and wait? Yuri Burlan's training System-Vector Psychology"offers another way - to understand the causes of mental pain and with the help of psychoanalysis.

The word is first aid

Even years after the departure of a loved one, it can be painful to reread the letters addressed to you, in which he shared his innermost experiences. At best, the pain of separation - or betrayal, violence - dulls over the years. But liberation from emotional suffering does not have to wait passively. Just the opposite. For the treatment of pain from a spiritual wound, time is not worth wasting.

First aid for severe mental shock is to speak out.

There is an opinion that when a person has experienced stress, he should be left alone with his feelings and “not reopen the wound.” In fact, to cope with mental pain, you need to immediately start talking with a loved one about what happened. Do not close emotions in yourself, do not hold back tears, do not suppress painful experiences. And do not ignore any painful memory.

If emotional suffering is associated with the fact that a person can no longer be returned, it is advisable to discuss as many happy moments and feelings associated with him as possible. Talk about his achievements and virtues. Such memories will smooth out the bitterness of loss, making room for light sadness.

It is important to speak out as soon as possible after a traumatic event, otherwise negative experiences will be forced into the unconscious. If this happens, it will be more difficult to cope with mental pain later.

It is important to observe safety precautions. Approach with seriousness the choice of a person for a sincere conversation. Make sure that he takes care of your emotions, heartache.

This method can be regarded as first aid, like artificial respiration. When this tool from the psychological "first aid kit" has completed its task, a person needs a resource in order to live on.

How to live on?

People can experience a difficult situation in different ways, and the consequences of loss manifest themselves differently depending on the characteristics of the human psyche.

    Emotional suffering

There are people for whom breaking an emotional connection is especially painful. System-vector psychology defines them as representatives.

Emotions are important for people with this type of psyche. In one hour, they can experience the whole gamut of experiences from fear to love. They seek to build emotional ties with people with whom they can exchange hidden feelings or give the warmth of the soul.

The loss of emotional connections makes their soul hurt. Due to unbearable suffering, visual people after an experienced trauma can close, avoid further expression of feelings. This is how they lead themselves into a trap. After all, then they do not fully realize the abilities inherent in nature, which means that they also lose the ability to experience the joy of life to a large extent.

It happens the other way around, when because of emotional pain it is difficult for them to cope with emotions. Hold back your feelings. Sobs roll over, the reality is hardly realized from emotional overexcitation. From such splashes, the hands are shaking, the head is broken. Instead, emptiness and longing come.

Such conditions may be the result of fear. It serves as the starting point of development for all people with a visual vector. Normally, in an adult, the emotion of fear is redirected to empathy, but in situations severe stress it happens that the usual response skills are washed away by a wave of a broken dam. Then the root fear of death can be exposed. It is not always realized and can be expressed at the level of psychosomatics, including panic attacks.


This state is caused by the peculiarities of the psyche of the anal vector. Friendship and family for such people is sacred. If they are sure that they hurt a loved one, they reproach themselves greatly for it. Self-criticism is fueled by the innate tenacious memory of the anal vector. It firmly fixes the details of the past, even if you don’t want to remember them at all. What if there is no way to fix the past? A person can get stuck in a state of guilt for a long time and not know how to build his life further. The situation will change if you find a way to make amends by caring for those who need it.


Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»