Repairs Design Furniture

Description of human appearance. Sloves portrait of man. Live on the light side

Man, about 27 years old, European type, growth of approximately 180 cm, the physique is average.

Headmiddle height, oval shape.

Hairdark, straight, medium thick and length, hair growth line M-shaped, hair is not combed.

Face Oval shape, with medium features, medium completeness, the profile is convex. The forehead of medium height and width, straight, rejected back.

Eyebrows arcs, long, tapering to temples, space-standing position, close-plane, high, medium luggage.

Eyes Almond, medium length and disclosure, self-blue position, gray-blue color, with an average pronounced lower eyelid.

Nosea medium height (length), widths, spellings and depth of transfer, with a winding outline of the nose backrest, the base is horizontal.

Mouth The average length, the angles of the mouth are located horizontally speaking into the profile of the lip, the contour of the lip of the line, the height of the upper lip is average.

The chinoval profile, low height, medium width, protruding.

Ear shellsthe average size, beveled back, overall, rectangular shape, with a separate mount of the lobe to the cheek.

Hair Pokrovthere is no on the face.

Neck Middle height and thickness, straight.

Special signs: not

Dressed in black t-shirt

During personal observation, the functional elements of appearance are described.

Questions for self-control on the topic 9:

1. Classification classification of human appearance
2. Equal elements and signs of man's appearance.

3. Clearing elements and signs of human appearance.

4. Possible signs of human appearance.

5. The description of the appearance according to the method of verbal portrait,
6. Connecting and types of subjective portraits.

7. Use of verbal and subjective portraits in the search activities of the internal affairs bodies.

8.Artomerities to change the appearance of a person.

9. The sources of information about the appearance of a person.

10. The appearance of the appearance of the person used in forensic

Additional literature on the topic 9:

1. Alienin A.P., Dubyagin Yu.P., Kuznetsov A.A. The use of a verbal portrait in the search activities of the internal affairs bodies: educational and practical manual. Omsk, 1996.

2. Establishment of the face in the skull in forensic; Tutorial / Sost. B.A. Fedosykin et al., 1990.

3.zinin A.M. Application of subjective portraits. M., 1996.

4.Crimalistic description of human appearance; Tutorial / under total. ed. V.M. Sknetkov, 1993.

7.Toporkov A.A. A verbal portrait.; Practical manual. M. .1999.

8. Flowers P.P., Petrov V.P. Identification of the identification of photographs. L., 1996,

The text of self-image is sent to the marina itself.
When preparing a psychological portrait, two of its letters were also used to our site. Marina did not make special wishes, she is interested in general recommendations. She gave their consent to publish portraying results. She reports about her that she is 19 years old, studying at the 4th year of the Humanitarian Institute, works, lives with parents, sister and dog.

I am quite difficult to write about myself, because I am overloaded with rather controversial information about myself. I am inquisitive, but I do not know how to insist, quick-tempered, but leaving, I try to stick to the rules and norms, but if you can bypass them, I use it. It is hard to react to criticism (I was praised from childhood - so I got used to :-), but not to be angry and if I see someone's step towards rapprochement, I will go to meet.

Cheerful, but thoughtful. In general, my mood is changing quickly (both sides). Familiar consider me a person-encyclopedia, but it is rather because of my intelligence, rather than because of deep knowledge - I can show myself.

However, I am only familiar among friends or where no one is familiar with each other. In large companies, in a new place I feel awkward.

I do not like very much: awkward situations, bring someone when in my presence (or in my absence) mock others, I do not like extremes yet.

I love: recognize new, nature, flowers, everything that see beauty. I am very interested in people, their fate, the motives of their actions. I know that I still don't know much, and I want to know so much. But self-education does not work, there is not enough willpower and discipline.

In the family and in personal life everything is relatively good, although my boyfriend believes that I think too much and invent myself the problems itself.

It is hard for me to choose a problem - I worry a long time after. It is also very hard to approach someone with a request - my heart begins rabbidden. It is very difficult for me to make yourself do something (call friends, go to the cinema, join the club, go to courses) and not because I don't want, but it is difficult for me exactly the first step.

I don't like it in myself, and I really want to change it. I just do not know how. Can help?

P.S. I still noticed that my handwriting strongly depends on what I write. This is normal?

The results of psychological analysis of text:

Nothing terrible and amazing is that your handwriting changes depending on what you write is not. This speaks of your emotionality, wonderful for a woman quality, while it is natural and is not excessive. Unfortunately, you have such an excess, and you probably do not always manage to cope with it, because it is not only congenital redundancy, but also a response to conflict situations for you that are associated with difficulties in communication.

In your handwriting there are manifestations of two psychological trends that contradict each other. On the one hand, it is a tendency to openness and sincerity, which manifests itself, for example, in the drawings of the letters A, B, E, I, the structure of the string:

so the high level of emotional tension of your speech (I so want to know, it is hard for me, it is very difficult for me to force myself). Openness in combination with energetic, unfortunately, not every counterparty is understood correctly, often such a style of behavior is considered obsessive and tedious. The protective reaction is a refusal of communication, and often with the heating of openly declared desires, which can be regarded as a mockery (I do not like ... when in my presence ... mock others). In addition, you seem impatient - if you don't immediately get what they wanted to be offended and starting to experience instead of showing patience and perseverance.

Secondly, you seem to have a habit of self-control and reflection, you pay attention to yourself too little attention. Not in the sense of experiences, but in the sense of attention and interest in yourself. Unlike most of the women of your age, you have not written anything about your appearance, while the appearance is in youth one of the most significant factors of communication. It is necessary to believe that either you for some ideological reasons do not consider your appearance essential, or here you have some problems that you are unpleasant or even hurt. One way or another, you should keep in mind that the success of communication is not so much depends on the benefits given by nature or shortcomings, it is usually directly proportional to the efforts spent on their improvement and education. The fact is that it is in the process of working on themselves, women are hardly in the first place - over their own appearance, the ability to look at themselves from the outside. And, as a rule, people appreciate this not so much by nature in themselves, how much art - as far as the man did himself. Inattention to himself is the usual problem of children from prosperous families, where the child is likely because he is yours, and love everyone, even impertuous.

If you have an existing openness balance \\ secrecy will develop towards secure, you are expected at least four dangers. In parallel, with a decrease in the number of favorable contacts with others, you will not only fall the level of self-assessment, but the inadequate growth of the subjective value of the attention shown to you will begin. In other words, for insignificant signs of attention of a person interesting to you, you will be ready to become his slave, your own dignity and interests. At the same time, you will be a claim for the inattention to others, less interesting for you to people.

On the other hand, you threaten implicitly implicated by the envy. Already now, when you write that you do not like extremes, you are most likely slightly sly. With your energetic, openness and fast mood drops (my mood changes quickly), you probably have the need for extreme manifestations of emotions and tend to show them, but restrain yourself, fearing misunderstanding. All this can be quite easy to go to the desire to establish for those surrounding similar restrictions and require them to comply with the rules and standards that you yourself do not mind disrupt (if you can bypass them - I use it). Moving along this track, you will eventually become, for example, by avid feminist, wrestler for women's rights.

From the third party, you are threatened with the opportunity to find a field of self-improvement outside yourself, for example, hope that further education will help you with impactivity, which you can purchase some scientific knowledge. Knowledge is unconditionally useful, but in this case, they will not be able to justify those hopes that you pin them. Unfortunately, you are considering scientific knowledge as something special, not related to your personal life and interests. Speaking about knowledge you even immediately go to another, the stationery unusual for you (demographic data: 19 years old, the floor - female, psychiators and psychologists have not been observed, overwhelmed with rather controversial information about themselves). Already, this suggests that you are hoping for them, as a miraculous medical agent and attribute them to those unusual functions. However, if you do scientific activity, you most likely have enough energy and purposefulness to achieve scientific success, but only.

The fourth path is a dreaminess, the quality you, apparently, and the lobby, lying on the sofa and not deciding to go to the movies. This is also not the worst way. On this path, you have already mastered the Internet, steel, probably, chats and other forms of indirect communication. He can lead you and on the field, where you can achieve real success, for example, by contacting the writing craft, to raise the same duty as Masha Arbatov. You will compose any terrible and romantic stories about yourself, writing the ladies of novels about modest beauties and enlightened African princes (option - enlightened new Russians). But from shy away on this path you do not cure.

Of course, it will be better if you won't go anywhere, you will stay in place and take a little bit. I must say that you are in good sense - the perfect client for a psychotherapist, that client, which he can only dream. You have no serious reasons to abandon friendly communication, on the contrary, you are striving for him, and your problems, perhaps, one of the most in psychotherapy methodically worked out. You will be offered simple gaming exercises that will quickly give the desired result. You will have the opportunity to spend your energy to communicate. Do not save it in yourself, which is fraught with poor health effects, not only spiritual, and correctly and with pleasure to spend.

You can try to solve your problems yourself, "you have such a desire and a good mood. To do this, you have to persuade yourself to spend time and money for favorite female classes. To go to the hairdresser, in the beauty salon, in the fitness club, to the solarium, if necessary, even to the dentist and speech therapist. And everywhere it is to say that you are not interested in health, at your age it is still early to take care of it, not a change of image, but beauty. It is important to communicate with the maximum number of specialists and get a confirmation that you have everything in a relative order. In a month or two, not only you will not recognize yourself, but also others, those who have not yet noticed, will resort to get acquainted. Oddly enough, from these uncomplicated classes you will get a lot of food for your mind and learn a lot about yourself, good and bad. At least the soil for embarrassing you will disappear in front of your eyes, and the impairment will imperceptibly give up the place of modesty.


- acquisition of children to world artistic culture.


Get acquainted with the portrait of the artist Levitsky;

Learn to draw up a descriptive story about your face, develop attentiveness, observation;

Learn to understand the combination of colors, their selection, color ratio and shadow in the portrait;

Call an emotional response, help feel and understand the beauty depicted in the portrait.

Develop attention, speech, thin motility fingers.

  1. level: draw without a scheme (on clean sheets of paper);
  2. oh Level: Draw according to the scheme (on sheets with ready-made faces), transfer your image in the figure.

Wordwork:self-portrait, gamma.

Auxiliary material:the filmmap "Creativity of Levitsky" (fragment), reproduction of pictures of famous artists - portraitists, sheets of paper, paints, mirrors.

Structure occupation

  1. Organizing time,

Breathing exercises.

  1. Entrance word teacher.

Guys, we came to the artist's workshop. See how beautiful here. You can also turn into artists. But it will turn out only in that. Who is very observant, careful and recognizes a friend by description.

  1. Game "Find out the description"

Task: find out friend in description.

The educator, without calling the name of the child, describes its appearance. Who guessed, about whom we are talking, becomes an artist and sits down in his place.

  1. Work with portraits.

The educator reads a poem:

If you see that someone on us looks from the picture,

Or the prince in the cloak of old or in the robe

Balkerina pilot,

Or kolk, your neighbor,

Mandatory picture is called ... (portrait)

  • Now I will show you a portrait of a young girl. Posted by his famous artist Levitsky. This is a portrait of his daughter. (The tutor shows a fragment of the girl's film film, gives a portrait description).
  • I will talk about the face of this girl. She has a complete face of oval shape. In the upper part of the face there are eyes. Large eyes, round, brown. Above eyes in the form of an arc wide black eyebrows. Below the eye. The nose is straight, a little bigger. Lips thin, pink color. The forehead is open, long black hair is worn back.
  • Guys, let's remember the description of the girl drawn up by me.

a) what did I speak at the beginning? (Answers children -o face.)

b) then? (About eyes, eyebrows.)

c) and at the end? (About nose, oh lips, about hair.)

  • The artist Levitsky looked at his daughter and painted her portrait. I words described her face.
  • See what I have. (Mirror.)

My light, the mirror, tell me and all the truth will be lousy.

I am in the light of all mile,

All Rushes and Belya?

  • Who spoke to his mirror? (Tsarevna from the "Fairy Tale about the Dead Tsarevna and Seven Bogatyrs.")
  • I, looking in the mirror, tell you about my face. (Tale of the teacher.)
  • And now you will talk about your face. And for this you will need a mirror.

Status plan

  1. What a face: round, oval, triangular, square.
  2. Eyes: size, shape, color.
  3. Nose: big, small, long, straight, smoky.
  4. Eyebrows: straight, arc, thick, rare, wide, narrow.
  5. Lips: Large, small, full, thin.
  6. What features on the face: scars, moles, freckles?
  7. Where are the ears? What are they in magnitude?
  8. Hair: black, white, redhead, long, short, thick, rare.
  1. Conversation with children.
  • Guys, look at yourself in the mirror.
  • Lena, what color do you have eyes?
  • And you, Andryusha, see yourself in the mirror? What are your hair?

The teacher resembles a story plan.

  • Look at this plan, it will help you draw up a verbal portrait.
  • Who wants to tell about her face? (Stories of two children.)
  1. Analysis of children's stories.
  • Guys, you carefully considered yourself in the mirror, told about your face. Did you like yourself?
  • I suggest you draw your self portrait. (The educator explains the meaning of the word.)
  • Look, I also painted my portrait.

Children draw their self-portraits. 1st level: draw without a scheme (on clean sheets of paper);

2nd level: draw according to the scheme (on sheets with finished facial ovals), transmit your image in the picture.

Then there is an exhibition of self-portraits in the group.


What's new you learned today?

What kind of famous artists, portraiters you remember?


"Fundamentals of aesthetic education" edited by N. A. Kushayev. Moscow. "Enlightenment" 1985

O. V. Dawnedenko "Aesthetics" Moscow "Ast Press" 2001

V. G. Pogrominsky "Happy Meetings" Moscow "Enlightenment" 1990

a) Sample auto-portrait on the example of material from the Internet:

He is shy and modest - as far as the acting profession allows. Soberly refers to their achievements. A serious artist with a subtle lyrical comedy gift Andrei Kaikov commented on the most important thing.

Who am I?

"I am a person who likes life. And I like my different roles - the actor, father, a friend, son ... In each of them, I manage to feel in my place and be in harmony with the situation. Take what is. I love to communicate with other people and not opposing myself. But at the same time, I am a fairly secretive person and with anyone is not ready to discuss my personal problems. From me even native to pull something difficult. This quality I took from my father: he does not like to invade the life of others, interfere with someone, impose. And it is also typical of me. I am a hardworking, hot-tempered and responsible, but I don't think it came with age. I think I do not change. Rather, wrench is ragu, like a tree: new branches appear, and the barrel, the core remains uniform. "

b) Words used to describe the character of a person:

Describe the character of a person with the words: optimist, generous, outdoor, practical, wise, comparatsky, hospitable, sociable, responsible, calm, caring, word, inattentive, solid, reliable, logical, little, careful, insightful, influential, sensitive, polite , witty, speaking, cheerful, proud, impulsive, tactful, brazen, daring, friendly, etc.

in) Make your own self-portrait.

Samples of work:

  • One boy lives in my city. Hmm Not.
    One boy lives in my house.
    One boy lives in my room - me.
    He (I) is a very interesting person.
    Graceful, cultural, slightly annoying, a little bitten.
    He was born in the distant past. Well, right 14 years ago.
    He graduated from the establishment called "nothing."
    He is now studying at the Mkhitar Sebastii training complex.
    Previously, he received an education at the Akob Codjoyan school.
    It came to me rumors that a few months ago he began writing poems.
    He writes bad, but I like his style.
    They say his poems are very cruel, directed to someone dear to him.
    They say he loves, suffers from unrequited love.
    For some reason, I do not believe in these rumors.
    He is too lazy, when it comes for the threshold, I saw himself, he sit down in the chair, and begins to play his stupid games !!!
    In the morning, I'm not easy to persuade him to wake up. He is often late to school. And not only to school, I will tell you.
    I watched him, and it turns out that he is always and everywhere comes late.
    Here is a person my contemporary.
    But despite all his defects, despite all the bad things in it, I love him very much.
    He is just a cut.
  • Eric

C) work in a pair / group:in a few minutes, on the basis of several questions, to make a verbal portrait of his peer from Georgia / Armenia and present it. And he whose portrait made up, says how accurately he is made and what was a mistake. When drawing up a portrait, pay attention to

  • Appearance
  • Acts.
  1. The next part of the classes is carried out using the "Perspective" technology.

Four creative groups are created. Each of the groups works in a certain role position: innovators, optimists, pessimists, experts.

  • Innovators represent their personality self-education program;
  • Optimists allocate all positive, positive in the presented program;
  • Pessimists pay attention to all negative, ill-conceived in the program of self-education;
  • Experts Generalizing and analyzes the information obtained, evaluate the work of each creative group, add-ons.
  1. Individual work in laptops (blogs or email notebooks):

The person who I would like to be like "

(Creation of a portrait of a modern young man.)

After some time, the work is read and discussed, after which the teacher reads the text from the electronic manual "It's cool!"


Do parents always understand their matured children well? Let's try to figure out what is interested in modern adolescents, what is considered to be cool and with which their parents do not always agree.

So now in the younger environment:

Cool drinking beer, but weak, not to lose the orientation.

Cool ride on the street in any weather - on puddles, snow; Cool ride on railing, benches and stairs. Cool just quickly go and yell.

Cool ride in dirty clothes, in one end of the clothes, wearing a cap on the head as a back.

Cool walking in shorts as much time as possible, especially in winter, and in the summer in the header go. Caps should be worn incredible, surprising everyone around.

Cool wearing a shivist's stuff and rear up. We necessarily need different socks, you can also use different shoelaces. Together to be cooler, say, one bed and one last. Need to experiment as much as possible with your external

Cool wearing a bunch of all sorts of hanging on the head, neck, hands, clothes de, have piercing in all places of body. Cool to have a tattoo.

Cool run down the street in ridiculous clothes, yell, jump. Cool all time to dive, steeply behave non-standard.

Questions for conversation.

How do you feel about the behavior of young people? Do you like this style, this fashion? Could you dress like that?

What do you think is good if your parents understand you?

What do you have disagreements with parents - about clothes, music? ..

Is it always necessary to agree with the opinion of the parents or the teenager already able to make a choice in life?

Do you listen to the advice of your parents? How do you feel about their opinion?

Does there always have problems between parents and children?

What do you think you will understand your children well?

How do you think, to what age do children should live with their parents?

Should parents help adult children financially?

  1. Reading text about our contemporaries (musicians, writers, directors, just interesting people)
  • His name I will not call, because I do not know how it is written in Russian. On Armenian it is called մհեր. He is my father's brother, then my uncle, but since I can't call him uncle-Nazov just he.

So here. He is less than his father and in the age of age. Born and rose like a father in Vanadzor. The school was also there, but the university was already in Yerevan. But it is not important. And the fact that I do not understand his profession (if it is interesting, he graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations).

He has a musical education. At seven years he knew how to play piano.

But then it turned out that he himself learned to play the guitar. He says that in order to attract the attention of the girl-he began to play in the Lav ELI group. This group does not contribute to some musical genre, but they are called an alternative rock band. They started their career in Vanadzor. But then they came to Yerevan, and here they loved them. It turned out that two members of the group then left the country and began to live in the United States, one of the members returned to Wannadzor, and my father's brother was left in Yerevan, he married a man's daughter's dear for me. At the moment he has four children, but she remains the most expensive for me.

I do not know where he learned to do focuses, but sometimes we ask him to show something. In childhood, his focuses were the most amazing phenomenon. We tried to stick the coin into our necks or there are them, but we did not work.

Own items

and signs


Anthropological type


Body type

Head in general

Face in general

Hair Pokrov

The chin

Ear shells

Hair on her face





Special signs

Roda stains, traces of operations, tattoos, features in motion, etc.

Related signs



An example of a description of a verbal portrait method.

The photograph describes only those signs that are observed or known.

Man, about 30 years old, European type, growth of approximately 185 cm, the physique is average.

Head middle height, ovoid shape.

Hair Dark, straight, medium thick and length, hair growth line M-shaped, hair is combed from left to right, without a probor.

Face Narrow, oval shape, with medium features, medium completeness, the profile is convex.

Foreheadmedium height and width, straight, rejected back.

Eyebrows arcs, long, tapering to temples, space-standing position, close-plane, high, medium luggage.

Eyesalmond, medium length and disclosure, spherical position, gray-blue, with an average expressed lower eyelid.

Nosea medium height (length), widths, spellings and depth of transfer, with a winding outline of the nose backrest, the base is horizontal.

Mouthmedium length, the angles of the mouth are located horizontally, the contour of the lip of the line is arms, the height of the upper lip is medium, protruding in the profile.

The chinoval profile, low height, medium width, protruding.

Ear shells The average size, beveled back, overall, rectangular shape, with a separate mount of the lobe to the cheek.

Hair Pokrov There is no on the face.

Neckmiddle height and thickness, straight, cadet of medium severity.

Specialsigns: Scar on the right side of the neck, 4 cm long.

Dressed In a gray shirt, the gate is unsettled.

During personal observation, the functional elements of appearance are described.

Task number 9.3.

From a complete description of the appearance of a person, highlight the signs that should be used when searching, and make an operational-search orientation.
















