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How to conquer the heart of a scorpion man? How to conquer a male scorpion? Simple techniques

Astrologers believe that a person depends on which sign of the zodiac this person belongs to. The classification was so convenient that after astrologers, other people believed in such things. So, for example, a certain nature and style of behavior are considered typical of a man born from October 24 to November 22. What to do if he liked the girl how to find an approach to a man Scorpio.

How to conquer and keep a male scorpion?

The representative of this sign of the zodiac is a thin and sensitive man, but, at the same time, a tricky and unprincipled manipulator. He is very charming, accustomed to the increased attention of women to his person and takes it with pleasure, but at the same time she tries to subjugate to himself and get everything from her possible, after which she, by and large, ceases to interest him. This person does not like the appeal, the women-riddles are attracted. So, if a girl is interested in the question of how to seduce scorpion, the advice is simple (but not simple): it should be a star, enigma, beautiful, mysterious and unacceptable. The longer the girl will stay like that, the longer the scorpion will love her. So on the question of how to surprise a man of scorpion, there is only one answer: not to capitulate in front of its charms, to preserve not just its independence, but also its innermostness. The girl should never belong to him completely, without a rest, there should always be a "closed box". However, if the girl attracts a sophisticated game of feelings, then this is the person she needs.

As usual, astrologers do not have a consensus about the nature and this sign. If some believe that Scorpion has no conscience and pointlessly to his pity, then others, on the contrary, attribute the nobility and ability to compassion this sign. If alone thinks that it is inclined to numerous and not obliging connections, then others believe that Scorpio is the most faithful beloved of all possible. Truth, probably, as always, lies in the middle. But one thing is clear to all: in the case of a man-scorpion, it is important and how to conquer and how to keep it.

Relationships with such a man will not be cloudless. Scorpio jealous, demanding, somewhat hysterical. It is subject to (fortunately, rarely) the attacks of anger that makes his behavior uncontrollable. At the same time, he does not tolerate (more precisely, tolerates with difficulty and not long) the same outflow from the beloved woman.

The main mistakes that a woman can make, falling in love with a Scorpio Men:

How to find a common language with a scorpion man?

Yes, in general, as well as with any other man: Love him and love yourself, do not try to lie and manipulate and not renounce yours. Then everything will turn out.

If you listen to all the advice and details to find out the description of this sign of the zodiac, it will be easily able to be near him and be a happy woman.

Scorpio-man is a mystery. It is difficult to understand what he thinks and what thoughts he has. Externally, scorpion seems cold and impregnable, but they boil passion inside it, and the fire rages. It is emotional and sensitive to everything that happens around. His subtle flair is difficult to deceive.

Therefore, if you felt that no longer pays attention, it is cold and cutting, it is necessary to find out the reason. Perhaps this condition is not necessarily not at all, but the circumstances in which the Scorpio itself is. If not, and your relationship is "on the verge", then you will have to get an interest and attract his attention anew.

Feelings cooled or ...?

  1. Silent behavior and single responses to questions. It must be borne in mind that Scorpio is characteristic so to respond to problems. Perhaps difficulties at work. In any case, interrogations and insults will make only worse. He needs a personal space and time alone with himself.
  2. Sharpness and rudeness. Even if Scorpio offended you, most likely, he did not want it. The ability to demonstrate the wonders of "idleness" and stiffness in his blood.
  3. Challenge and distrust. If you felt that he stopped to devote you to what is happening in his life, it may simply accumulate his strength to accept important and responsible solutions.
  4. And hellness. By nature, scorpion is very "explosive." Therefore, inadequate flashes of jealousy do not mean that he is going to leave.
  5. Closeness. Such a man has its own ideas about confidence. He does not want to let anyone else "in the soul". Even when it seems to you that you are fully open to each other, do not deceive yourself - it is not in the style of scorpion.

Scorpions are very difficult and conflicting creatures. The man is characterized by sharpness, secrecy and indifference. Life with such a man is the life of contrasts and drops. To get along with him, you need to be unusually patient.

Nevertheless, his nature is very deceptive. For coolness and composure, the world lies, burning passions. Scorpions are very emotional and sensitive, their manitis is all new and prohibitive.

If you still think that just yesterday everything was different and he moved away from you, then here's a list of concrete steps how to keep a male scorpion.

  1. Create an image of a woman riddles. Forget about predictability and openness - it bothers him very quickly. Do not be afraid to change dramatically and unexpectedly. Depending on the situation, rebuild on the go. It will be an excellent reason that Scorpio will recognize you again.
  2. Control the situation. Watch the scorpion man. Learn to notice the details in his behavior and be constantly alert.
  3. Keep cool. Scorpio is often annoyed by trifles, and insults and irritation in response will only exacerbate the situation. Demonstrate composure and indifference. The cold will definitely spur his interest.
  4. Do not try to put pressure on pity or cause compassion. This is a direct demonstration of weakness that he will use in his own interests. He is completely uninteresting to participate in your problems (while you openly talk about what needs to be supported).
  5. Discard the image of a woman devoted to the whole life and demonstrate independence. Your good mood and hobby independent will attract his attention faster than you can imagine. Awareness that you do not depend on it - will not leave any scorpion indifferent.
  6. Be unpredictable. Show how different you can be. Try to grope TU Maneru of the behavior that attracted it to you from the very beginning. Do not agree with all his thoughts and ideas, express your position. Scorpio will see in you something related and he will not be bored with you.

How not to bother scorpion? Do not play open on her neck. Such men love bright and ambitious beauties, while open and predictable - they are not interesting. The main thing in relations with a scorpion man is the control of their emotions and giving the aura of mysteriousness. It will spur him to resume attempts to learn and achieve you again.

Frank flattery. So that you do not say about his superiority over others, he all accepts for a clean coin. Do not be afraid to use the epithets "best", "ingenious", etc. People of this sign have no doubt in their own exclusivity. And, while touching his vigilance, you can subordinate it to myself, send it thoughts and actions exactly where you need.

Force scorpion Do anything impossible. It can only be asked. Hard externally, many representatives of this sign are soft. If you are able to split it, or bring the arguments that will reach the most intimate corners of his soul, it will be easy to manage.

Scorpions obey only recognized leaders. Become such in his eyes. For this you will have to try. Not only career growth is important, but also respect from mutual friends and acquaintances. Manifest yourself in the area, which is not yet available to the representative of this sign. Make so that I learned about your successes and admired them. Then he will be quite comprehensive and listened to your opinion.

Become for scorpion mystery. Do not tell O. to myself No information that could shed light on your past. Disappear for some time from sight. Extrafing mining is most interesting for scorpion. And in exchange for crumbling information that you will be dosed, you can achieve complete submission.

Find out the weaknesses of character scorpion. Someone greedy, someone cowardly or envious. Play on negative qualities. Greedy deliver information about special offers and sales, the panta promise support always and everywhere, enviously tell about your own, even if fictional, failures. So you will deserve complete confidence and you can manage scorpion, as you want.

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Any woman can fall in love with themselves, pass, conquer and subordinate to myself man. But not in each pair or family, a man will agree to it. If this state of affairs will strongly contradict its temperament and strong nature, he will certainly try to change the situation.


Show your qualities, be persistent and stubborn, do not retreat if she tries to impose your point of view. Explain that the house must be a master, not a woman. Remember that a woman in nature is your weak creature, and she needs a strong male shoulder, which will be supported by her. Even if the woman is trying his best and proves that she is completely independent and independent, she is just a strong man.

Do not let your companion. There may be words - insults or actions that can somehow insult and male dignity. Push the root on the root. Enter yourself as a suitable way, match the image of the present. Woman in no way will be submitting to whom he does not respect.

Remember how you behave on men. Everyone obeys everything there

Oscar Ualda is more suitable for male scorpions that all people tend to perceive others as their reflection and repel it if they are hated quality characteristics in it. Therefore, the more you will be similar to you, the easier it will attract his attention.

  1. Like many men, they will attract women charming, with a pleasant appearance, a beautiful smile, strong sexuality, but necessarily with severe energy capable of hooking their soul.
  2. His attention is attracted to serious, smart girls who do not make nonsense, with a solid hard character. Love disputes, reflections.
  3. Chances to conquer a male scorpion will also increase if the woman will remain a mystery to him. He likes to explore and disclose riddles and the longer, the stronger gets used to such a woman. He is very fascinated by all mysterious.
  4. Insert his mysterious behavior.

How to like a man Scorpio

He is not interested in light victories, so you have to be different with him.

  1. In a woman, he wants to see his loyal and faithful fighting girlfriend, so that she is always loving, gentle, sincere. Capable to support it in any situation.
  2. It is impossible to deceive it. Hispocrisy he feels quickly that in the end repels.
  3. He likes women who know how to attract attention, are popular, are in the center of attention. Adores women with a leading position in society.
  4. Next to you, he wants to see a strong, passionate and sexy woman, and not a quiet, sentimental and uncertain lady, not even able to express his opinion.
  5. Do not be obsessive with him, do not take his personal space.
  6. Like the natural, natural sexuality of a woman, without extravagant clothes, bright makeup, high studs and bras on the foam rubber.

How to win a scorpion man

Attractive appearance, strong character and energy, high level of intelligence significantly increase chances to win a scorpion man

  1. Interest His interests, pay attention to his hobbies. He likes if the chosen not only supports, but also understands all his actions.
  2. Stay feminine, kind, soft, caring, keep optimism.
  3. At the beginning of the relationship, avoid intimate intimacy so that his feelings flared. Do not need to constantly give up, but do not deceive his trust and feelings. Such men can often make short-term novels, and after sex to stop them. But serious relationships can only be a woman who appreciates and respects. As relations develop, it is already possible to show how liberated and sexy in bed are.
  4. Take it in nature and behavior unconditionally as it is with all the shortcomings.
  5. Successful reception is not allowed to be happy with your attention and limit the time of dates, meetings, so that he understands how much chosen chosen is, and the idea of \u200b\u200bliving together seemed the best way out in this situation.

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need a help of an astrologer or want to learn more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, take advantage

Woman to win a male scorpion will be quite problematic. By nature, the representative of this sign of the zodiac is a warrior and a hunter who cannot be manipulated. It is distinguished by a huge inner force that attracts people to him. Despite the magnetism of Scorpion, not all women dream of a union with him. He does not recognize the relationship on equal and wishes to own the beloved completely - and soul, and the body. Women who are ready to live with such a partner often have a tendency to masochism.

How to attract scorpion attention?

Scorpions are hidden, and analyze the reasons why they prefer these or other women, difficult, although there are some patterns. Look at this sign can girls with natural sexuality, which are deprived of vulgarity and extravagance. He will pay attention to the discovered woman who appeared in a public place in a frank outfit, but he will not consider it as a candidacy for a relationship.

Men sign Scorpio do not like too generous makeup and a large number of accessories. When it comes to bed, they can shock the fact that it is impossible to learn them to learn an object of straw passion without cosmetics. Various adaptations for the correction of the figure will also lead them into a stupor. They can "not notice" small deficiencies of the body, despite their demands, but they will not appreciate the various bodies and underwear.

Scorpions are important not only appearance, but also the mental potential of the girl. He won't fall in love with a silly, whatever beautiful it was. It is important for him to be able to talk to a girl on equal and have common interests with it. A man loves to demonstrate his gift to conviction and conduct disputes in which he wins. He knows when he is listening, and when pretending.

Men do not like women who are trying to look intelligent, but in fact they are not. For scorpions, it is important for the presence of a good manner and the lifting of the girl who will be near. They are not interested in being with people who are unnecessarily hidden. Scorpions will be able to appreciate women who work productively and have a hobby. The chances are much higher in those ladies that lead an active lifestyle. Representatives of this sign love to attend secular events and places where people who have achieved a certain level communicate.

For scorpion, an equilibrium energy exchange is important, they do not attract people with weak energy. They can conquer strong and inaccessible women who are difficult to conquer. The process of hunting gives the scorpions pleasure and, having received the location of the parties you like, they will value it. They will not appreciate women who humiliate and run behind them, trying to prove sincerity of feelings in such a way. In general, the chosen must be:

  • Strong and independent.
  • True.
  • Extraordinary.
  • Clever.
  • Sociable.
  • Mysterious.
  • Self-confident.

Scorpions are very jealous, but do not like women who have a similar disadvantage. They will easily prove their partner that they do not belong to anyone and never changed. The infidelity of the girl will inevitably lead to parting. These people are terrible owners who in the rustling of jealousy cannot hold themselves.

Male Scorpio How to understand what you like you

How to seduce him?

If a woman immediately presents all the cards and falls to the legs of Scorpio, he will record it in the archive of his victories and will continue to hunt for more worthy options. What goes in hand does not excite it. He needs a woman behind which you can hunt and lure it into your networks.

Scorpions need an impregnable, mysterious and elusive partner. She must learn to look into his eyes so that he does not understand that she radiates her eyes - love or disregard. The girl should try to keep scorpion at a distance as long as possible. If the proximity was already, in the future you should not refuse him in sex, otherwise it is in search of a new partner. But too accessible to be not worth it.

Scorpions are aesthetes in sex. They love intimate games, new images and roles. The longer the woman will surprise him, the higher her chance to hook Scorpion. It is worth being prepared for the fact that Scorpio may have connections on the side. The family plays an important role for him, but he will not refuse sexual diversity.

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How to keep a man?

Caratizability and coldness of scorpions is their external protection. In fact, the sign representatives need strong and stable relationships that they are so difficult to create. Maintain balance in family relations should a partner of Scorpio. She will have to learn to get along with an emotional and hot-tempered man. A woman should not openly demonstrate their weaknesses that he sees and so. If it starts pointing to the disadvantages of a man, the break is not avoided.

To sign Scorpio, it is important to learn how to feel his mood, which is often changing. It is not necessary to argue and clarify too frankly - this can be a reason for a serious conflict, but sometimes you need to fight back. He will not want to deal with a weak woman who lost self-esteem.

Do not give the reasons of jealousy, the scorpion guy. He is the owner, and the usual flirt with other men can cause him a feeling of squeamish to a woman. If she was able to fall in love with a scorpion, then in the rustling of jealousy, he may behave too aggressive.

The gap with a scorpion is inevitable if the woman strikes his proud publicly. Especially painfully he reacts to criticism related to its intelligence and sexual potential. Expressing such discontent, it is possible to become the enemy of Scorpion overnight. He is able to easily wave a person's beloved.

A partner of Scorpio should be a good friend who will never betray. He must be able to trust her. By themselves, scorpions are prone to pessimism, and the woman will have to try to make her second half not plunge into this state. Do not hide anything from scorpions - they do not like secrets and easily recognize the truth.

If the woman disappointed in a scorpion relationship, in no case should not be scanned or threaten him. This man will definitely revenge and cause severe pain. Hold forever a male scorpion is difficult enough, and you can do it, just sacrificing. H member to be ready for frequent scandals and attacks of jealousy.

How to seduce a man

Compatible with other signs

Not all zodiac signs can attract scorpion attention. Astrological compatibility plays an important role in the relationship of the pair. How to charm Scorpio to representatives of different signs of the zodiac:

  • Aries. The couple has a lot of common - both romance, passionate and emotional people. Aries is enough to be yourself to reduce the mind of active and impulsive scorpion. This union will have a lot of quarrels and conflicts, but the partners will quickly put up. They have every chance of creating strong relationships with minimal efforts.
  • Calf. A rather good couple, where the joy, peace and happiness will be, but the Taurus will have to create comfort and smoothing conflict situations. Partners are perfectly suitable for each other sexual plan.
  • Twins. The woman of this sign can turn the head scorpion, but there will be no long relationship between partners. Gemini need to feel attention from the opposite sex, which will be angry with a man. In addition, the representatives of this sign are not too taking care of the comfort at home and can disappear at any time.
  • Cancer. A woman can conquer the heart of Scorpio with his mysteriousness and mysteriousness, but in the future will regret it. Cancer is difficult to be with a stinging and echidal man. Such relationships will lead to the fact that the sensitive and prone to the experiences of the girl will further plunge into senses.
  • A lion. Passionate and self-confident lioness can easily attract scorpion's attention. It will affect the courage, determination and independence of a woman, but long-term relationships between these signs arise in exceptional cases. Representatives of both signs want to be leaders and never give up each other.
  • Virgo. A rather good couple, where both partners will develop. To attract the attention of Scorpio, the Virgin needs to remain the same - a man will definitely appreciate her ability to confront difficulties, composite and responsibility.
  • Libra. Sexual women of this sign are easy to tame scorpion, but they will not get along with them. Weighs will be very difficult with a coarse and ulcer man who violates their mental balance. In order for a couple to have at least some chances of existence, a man should be softer.
  • Scorpio. Between partners may arise. A woman with his magnetism, independence and determination, but soon the relationship between scorpions will go into a solid conflict. The long-term union is possible only if the partners learn to soften their unbridled temper.
  • Sagittarius. The compatibility of the pair is low, although it is easy to attract the attention of men with their passionism, energetic and freedom. The girl of this sign will constantly tease Scorpion and cause him a feeling of jealousy, which can lead to sad consequences.
  • Capricorn. The iron extract and the inaccessibility of the Capricorn immediately captivate a man. He will like the prudence and reliability of a woman. Relations between these signs promise to be durable and long. Partners will help each other in self-development and together achieved the goals.
  • Aquarius. A woman will be able to attract the attention of men with their riotarian character, ingenuity and originality. Oh does not like to maintain the comfort in the house and is not similar to the perfect hostess, which will be a reason for conflicts. To create a solid union, the alarm will need to be changed.
  • Fish. This is an unusual union of two opposites, which perfectly get along with each other. Scorpio will help to become a fish more bold and brave, and it will be the best friend for him and the advice.

Despite the sexuality and attractiveness of such a man, falling in love with him, you need to be ready for complex relationships. Walking with representatives of this sign is very difficult and for only very calm and reasonable women. The initiators of quarrels and conflicts are more often scorpions that do not know how to give up, although they recognize their mistakes.