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Icon "Cyprian and Ustinya. Cyprian's prayer from corruption is a sure step to get rid of an illness

15 october Orthodox Church marks the day of remembrance of the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia. The holy martyrs suffered in Nicomedia, under Diocletian, in 304. (The life of the holy martyr Cyprian and the martyr Justinia the virgin).

The Life of the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justinia the Virgin.

Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina.
The legend about the holy martyrs Cyprian and Justinia has existed since ancient times. They lived in end III- the beginning of the IV century. Cyprian's homeland is believed to have been Antioch, in northern Syria. It is known that Cyprian studied philosophy and sorcery in pagan Greece and Egypt and amazed everyone with his knowledge of the secret sciences, traveling through different countries and performing all kinds of "miracles" before the people. Arriving at your native city Antioch, he amazed everyone with his abilities. At that time, the daughter of a pagan priest, Justinia, lived here. She was already enlightened by the Christian faith, the first idea of ​​which she received by chance, when she heard the words about Christ from the lips of a deacon who was passing by her parents' house while she was sitting by the window. The young pagan woman tried to learn more about Christ, the first message about whom so deeply sunk into her soul. Justinia fell in love with going to a Christian church, listening to the word of God, and finally received holy Baptism. She soon convinced her parents of the truth of the Christian faith. The pagan priest, having received Baptism, was ordained a presbyter and his house became a pious Christian dwelling.
Meanwhile, Justinia, who possessed remarkable beauty, attracted the attention of a rich pagan youth named Aglaid. He asked her to become his wife, but Justinia, having dedicated herself to Christ, refused to marry a pagan and carefully avoided even meeting him. He, however, persistently pursued her. Seeing the failure of all his efforts, Aglaid turned to the famous sorcerer Cyprian, thinking that everything is available to his mysterious knowledge, and asked the sorcerer to work his art on the heart of Justinia.
Cyprian, hoping to receive a rich reward, really used all the means that he could glean in the science of magic, and, calling for the help of demons, tried to persuade Justinia to marry a young man who fell in love with her. Shielded by the strength of her total devotion to the one Christ, Justinia did not succumb to any tricks and temptations, remaining unyielding.
Meanwhile, a pestilence appeared in the city. A rumor was spread that the powerful sorcerer Cyprian, who did not succeed in his sorcery, was taking revenge on the whole city for opposing Justinia, bringing a fatal illness to everyone. The frightened people approached Justinia as the culprit of the social disaster and urged her to satisfy the sorcerer - to marry Aglais. Justinia reassured the people and, in her firm trust in the help of God, promised a speedy deliverance from a destructive disease. Indeed, as soon as she prayed to God with her pure and strong prayer, the disease stopped.
This victory and the triumph of the Christian were at the same time a complete shame of Cyprian, who considered himself a powerful sorcerer and boasted of knowledge of the secrets of nature. But this also served to the salvation of a person gifted with a strong mind, who, mainly through delusion, was wasted on unworthy use. Cyprian realized that there is something higher than his knowledge and mysterious art, than that dark force, on whose help he counted, trying to hit the unenlightened crowd. He understood that all this is nothing before the knowledge of that God, which Justinia confesses.
Schmid. Cyprian and mts. Justin.
Holy Martyr Justina of Antioch.
Seeing that all his means were powerless against a weak being - a young girl armed only with prayer and the sign of the cross, Cyprian understood the significance of these two truly omnipotent weapons. He came to the Christian Bishop Anthim (+ 302; Comm. 3/16 September), told him about his errors and asked him to teach him the truths of the Christian faith in order to prepare for the one true path revealed by the Son of God, and then he received holy Baptism. A year later, he was made a priest, and then a bishop, while Justinia was ordained a deaconess and made head of the community of Christian virgins.
Inspired by a fiery love for God, Cyprian and Justinia greatly contributed to the spread and confirmation of Christian teaching. This brought on them the wrath of the opponents and persecutors of Christianity. Having received a denunciation that Cyprian and Justinia were turning the people away from the gods, the ruler of that region, Eutolmius, seized them and ordered them to torture for their faith in Christ, which they unwaveringly confessed. Then he sent them to the Roman emperor, who was at that time in Nicomedia, by whose order they were beheaded with a sword.
Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justinia were venerated already the ancient Church... Saint Gregory Nazianzen (+ 389; commemorated January 25 and 30 speaks of them in one of her sermons. Empress Eudokia, wife of the Byzantine emperor Theodosius the Younger, wrote a poem in their honor about 425).
“Turning from magic art, God-wise, to the knowledge of the Divine, - the Church sings in the kontakion to the holy martyrs, - you appeared to the world the wisest doctor, granting healing to those who honor thee, Cyprian and Justina, praying with nothing to the Human-loving Master to save our souls”.

Archimandrite Makarii (Veretennikov) "Household piety and protection from sorcery." Protection from sorcery.


Turning from magic art, God-wise, to the knowledge of the Divine, you appeared to the world the wisest doctor, granting healing to those who celebrate thee, Cyprian and Justina: with nothing to pray to the Human-lover Lord, to save our souls.


O holy martyr Cyprian and martyr Justin! Listen to our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life as a martyr for Christ died naturally, but you naturally do not depart from us in spirit, always, according to the commandment of the Lord, he teaches us to walk and patiently bear our cross to help us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Mother of the Most Pure have acquired naturalness. In the same way, and now, wake up the prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy. Wake us the intercessors of the fortress, so that by your intercession we will be safe from demons, magicians and from evil people we will remain, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Materials for the preparation of the article were taken from the sites: and Illustrations:;;;;;;;

Church of St. Cyprian in the village of Meniko in Cyprus
Icon and holy relics of Saints Cyprian and Justinia in Meniko in Cyprus
Temple in honor of the holy martyr Cyprian and mts. Justina in the village. Kamenka of the Yekaterinburg diocese

Prayer to Cyprian and Ustinya from witchcraft, evil eye and corruption

Every person is afraid of corruption and the evil eye, even those who are skeptical about witchcraft. These magical influences are characterized by a strong negative energy message towards the victim and have a destructive effect on her life program, and sometimes end in death. A powerful means of protection against negative witchcraft, damage and the evil eye is Orthodox prayer Cyprian and Ustinya (Justin).

What are the signs to recognize damage and the evil eye

Under the influence of damage or the evil eye, bad changes begin abruptly in the life of the victim. First of all, they affect the well-being, health and character of a person, then they begin to deteriorate and general position affairs, troubles follow one after another. It is very important not to miss this moment and recognize in a timely manner the symptoms of negative witchcraft in the victim. Damage and often manifest themselves in the form of the following signs:

  • regular and persistent headaches and weakness;
  • feeling tired and powerless;
  • regular illnesses that are not amenable to traditional drug treatment;
  • constant feeling of anxiety, insecurity;
  • voices in your head calling for terrible things;
  • sudden and unreasonable attacks of aggression, anger, inadequacy;
  • loss of interest in life;
  • depressive state when the world begins to see only in gloomy tones;
  • conflicts and quarrels with relatives and friends. The victim moves away from friends, begins to see enemies in them, and reaches out to his enemies;
  • the development of addictions (addiction to alcohol, drugs, promiscuous sex);
  • as from a cornucopia, troubles begin to pour in on a person.

The evil eye and damage can be very strong - under the influence of some of these rituals, the victim can even fade away in a matter of seconds, abruptly and unexpectedly for all the people around him. A prayer to Cyprian and Justina will help to avoid this, protecting from any kind of dark witchcraft.

Protective prayer to Cyprian and Justin

Prayer directed to Cyprian and Justina helps the prayer to receive support higher powers and protect yourself from the influence of black magic. It is both a reliable invisible shield and a powerful weapon that mercilessly fights any witchcraft. The prayer text also has a good healing effect on a person who has already become a victim of corruption or the evil eye. Proof of the effectiveness of the prayer to Cyprian and Justina is the numerous testimonies of those who have tried its effect on themselves and their loved ones.

With the help of protection from evil spells, one can turn to both the Hieromartyr Cyprian himself and to Cyprian and Justin together.

Prayer to Cyprian from corruption and evil eye

The protective forces of this prayer will increase significantly if, after pronouncing it, the performer turns to visualization and presents as colorfully and in detail as possible how the dark forces leave him.

Prayer to Cyprian and Justina for protection from witchcraft

The prayer text, addressed to the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, is pronounced at dawn, when the sun begins to rise over the horizon. The performer must repeat the words 7 times, facing daylight:

After reading the prayer seven times, the prayer should wash with running water and say:

“I wash off the evil eye, damage and dark witchcraft with water. As the water leaves the face, so everything is bad afterwards. Amen!"

This ritual can be performed for several weeks - until the onset of relief. To consolidate the result, it is also recommended to say a prayer "Our Father"- in the morning and in the evening, several times, for several weeks in a row.

An ancient prayer for protection from dark forces to Cyprian and Justina

You can turn to Justina and Cyprian with a request to protect them from dark witchcraft with one more prayer. This text, characterized by a special power, came to us from ancient times. You need to read it, facing east, at least 12 times a day, for several weeks. The greatest effect will be achieved when reading in the predawn time. Prayer words:

In this video, you can listen online another prayer from evil spirits these saints:

If a child suffers from the evil eye

The negative witchcraft effect, unfortunately, can affect not only an adult - children often suffer from it, especially up to 7 years of age (in the first 7 years of their life, young children are most vulnerable).

Most often, a child can suffer from the evil eye, and in most cases it happens unintentionally. Help to protect your baby protective prayer sent to Cyprian. It should be pronounced by a female relative (mother, grandmother, aunt or sister). In the process of pronouncing the prayer, the child should sit in the arms of the performer of the ceremony. You need to read the text three times:

For the best result, the protective prayer text should be read once a week, for several weeks in a row. The same words can be used as a prayer against the child's evil eye, if there is a suspicion of its presence. In this case, the ceremony is performed daily until the baby recovers.

From the biography of Cyprian and Justina

Why is it customary to turn to the martyrs Cyprian and Justina with a prayer for protection from envy, corruption, evil eye and any negative witchcraft? The answer to this question is the biography of St. Cyprian and Justina.

Cyprian, the future great martyr and saint, from the age of 7 was brought up in the society of pagan warlocks, got acquainted with the basics of dark sorcery (witchcraft). As a result, by the age of 30 he became a master of black magic, a skillful sorcerer. Cyprian served the forces of evil, taught the same to everyone, and received the glory of a murderer. People turned to him with requests for magical effects and were ready to pay any amount of money for his work.

The righteous Christian Justina lived in the same city. She was pure and innocent, regularly attended church, observed all the canons of the Church and called herself Christ's bride. Somehow a rich man was embarrassed at her, but Justina was adamant. The rich man turned to Cyprian for help, asked to bewitch her. The sorcerer did everything possible, sent demons and even the devil himself to Justina, subjected her relatives to terrible suffering and dangers, but his attempts did not lead to anything. The girl continued to pray to God and ask Him for protection, and the Lord protected the righteous Christian woman.

When Cyprian realized that Justina would not renounce the Almighty, he severed all his ties with the master of darkness, burned all magic books and turned to the Christian faith, prayed fervently, asked the Creator for forgiveness for all his sins. He wrote many Christian works, praising the Lord for the rest of his life.

The saints refused to worship the pagan idol, which is why they were forced to fall under persecution and endure a lot of torment and suffering for their faith. In the end, they were executed, after which their bodies were thrown into the street. The dead Cyprian and Justina were secretly taken to Rome and buried there. Miracles continue to work on the graves of Cyprian and Justina.

Thanks for the prayer, it will come in handy! I have Small child, I am very afraid of any evil eyes, now I know how to protect him.

Thank you for your prayers! Now I really need them. A new employee appeared at work, she took a dislike to me from the first day. V Lately I began to find strange objects on my desktop (needles, salt, etc.), my health deteriorated sharply, and things went awry. I suspect that magic was involved here ... I will pray!

I suspect that in my life I cannot do without the participation of dark forces. There are always troubles, unforeseen circumstances. I will try to pray to these saints. I only now learned from the article about Cyprian and Justin, I had not addressed them before. I think they will help me.

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Orthodox prayer of the holy martyr Kupriyan and Ustinya from witchcraft and corruption

Dark witchcraft forces never sleep, they try to seduce any mortal, deceive and turn his earthly path into a continuous hell. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from their attacks. Prayer to Cyprian and Ustin from witchcraft, their intercession for those who ask before the Almighty are the strongest protection against devilish intrigues. Prayer to the holy martyrs has incredible power and awe the demonic forces.

Prayer of Kupriyan and Ustina from impure forces

It is recommended to read prayers from witchcraft, corruption and the evil eye after a frank confession, the Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ and the priest's blessing for prayer work.

Before starting to read prayers, you should get rid of distracting sounds in the apartment, exclude reflections on everyday problems and believe in help from Heaven. The main thing in prayer is sincere and strong faith.

About the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justin! Listen to our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life as a martyr for Christ died naturally, but in spirit you do not naturally depart from us, always, according to the commandment of the Lord, to walk us teaching and patiently bear our cross to help us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Mother of the Most Pure have acquired naturalness. Wake up the prayer books and intercessors for us, unworthy (names), with the same now. Wake us the defenders of the fortress, so that by your intercession we will be preserved and unharmed from demons, magicians and from evil people, we will remain, glorifying the Holy Trinity: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, guard me with Your holy Angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Our Lady and Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, the Holy Archangel of God Michael, the holy holy Apostle John John, svyaschennomychenika Kippiana and mychenitsy Iystiny, St. Nikolov aphiepiskopa the Mir Lycian chydotvoptsa, saint Leo bishop Katanskago, saint Joasaph Belgopodskago, St. Mitpofana Voponezhskago, ppepodobnago Sepgey igymena Radonezhskago, ppepodobnago Sepafima Sapovskago chydotvoptsa saints mychenits Vepy, Hadezhdy, Love and Matepi of Sofia Godfather Joachim and Anna and all your saints, help me, unworthy of your servant (the name of the praying one), deliver me from all the slander of the enemy, from all witchcraft, magic, magic and evil people, so that they can not be worthless to me evil, amen.

When to contact Cyprian and Justin

If there is the will and mercy of God, then prayer to the righteous can work miracles. An important condition: the one asking and the one for whom they ask for prayers must be baptized in Orthodoxy. Otherwise, Cyprian and Justina will not be able to give the grace of healing to a person who has not received Christ in his heart. One should pray to the holy martyrs for protection when it is necessary:

  • expel diseases of the body resulting from induced damage or other magical rituals;
  • when the soul is tormented by a love spell or lapel (the feeling of love seems disguised);
  • get rid of the evil eye, deliberately or unwittingly;
  • to protect the child, family, home, if they are attacked by demons;
  • for the sake of healing the victim of witchcraft, who has lost the ability of sanity.

How to recognize spoilage

It is necessary to call on the help of heavenly patrons if the following signs are present:

  • in the family there is complete discord, constant swearing between close people;
  • misfortunes "fall" on a person: he loses money, then jewelry disappears, then layoffs at work are coming, thieves are ruining an apartment, fires occur in the house;
  • household members often have nightmares;
  • pets do not take root in the apartment;
  • deaths often occur in the family (especially due to the same illness or people of the same sex die).

The Hieromartyrs Cyprian and Justina will surely intercede for the worshipers and their relatives, they are able to defeat the hellish demonic army.

Description of the life path

The philosopher Cyprian lived in Antioch. From an early age, he was given by his parents to serve the pagan deity Apollo. Upon reaching the age of 7, his mother gave him to sorcerers, so that they would teach the boy witchcraft wisdom. At the age of 10, he was sent to Mount Olympus, where he prepared for the priestly ministry. There was huge number idols in which the demonic host lived. Here the boy learned to induce bad weather, turn back the wind, harm orchards, send ailments and sorrows to humanity, summon ghosts, raise the dead from their graves and talk to them. By the age of 15, he had comprehended many demonic secrets and left for Argos, and by the age of 30 he perfectly mastered various methods of atrocity, learned astrology, murder and became a faithful slave of the prince of hell. The king of darkness gave Cyprian a regiment of demons to help him. Cyprian ruined the souls of many people, teaching the disastrous sorcery: they soared through the air, walked on the water, soared into the clouds on snow-white boats. People turned to him for help in enmity, revenge, envy.

The Almighty did not want the death of the soul of Cyprian and deigned to save the great sinner. And it was like this ...

The girl Justina lived in Antioch, her ancestors were also pagans. Once the girl accidentally overheard the deacon's conversation with one of the parishioners about the salvation of the soul, the humanization of Christ, about His birth from the Most Pure Virgin and ascension to heaven after terrible suffering for the salvation of the human race. Justina's heart sank, her soul gradually recovered its sight. The girl wished to learn faith. She secretly came to God's abode and eventually believed in Christ. Soon she convinced her parents of this, who begged the Christian bishop to baptize them in Orthodoxy. Justina's father was appointed to the rank of presbyter. Edesy lived in virtue for a year and a half, after which he peacefully completed his earthly path. Justina loved Christ - the Heavenly Bridegroom with all her soul, served him with virginity, fervent prayer, fasting and strict abstinence. But the powers of darkness, seeing the virgin's virtues, caused her great troubles.

In the same city the young man Aglaid lived in luxury and worldly vanity. Having met Justina, he was amazed at her beauty, and immediately lustful intentions leaped into his soul. He tried to seduce the girl, persuaded to become his wife, spoke flattering speeches, pursued absolutely wherever her path passed. The chaste Justina answered only one thing: "My Bridegroom is Christ." Aglaid decided to forcibly kidnap the girl with the help of reckless friends, and once he lay in wait on the street and dragged her into his home by force. On the desperate cries of the girl, people came running and freed the virgin from the wicked. Aglaides conceived a new atrocity: he came to Cyprian for help, promised large sums of gold and silver in return. He promised to help and summoned a spirit to himself that could inflame passion for a guy in Justin's heart. The demon calmly entered the house and tried to hurt the girl's flesh.

Justina, as usual, prayed at night and suddenly felt in her you a storm of carnal lust. Immediately, sinful thoughts arose in her and she remembered the admirer Aglaida. But she stopped short, realizing that lust had happened in her chaste body from a demon. She prayed to Christ for help. The Lord helped and the girl's heart calmed down, and the devil returned to Cyprian with bad news.

Then the sorcerer decided to send a stronger and more vicious demon to the girl. He violently attacked Justina, but she again prayed to the Most High, refrained, fasted the strictest and again defeated the devil.

For the third time, Cyprian sent a skillful demonic prince who took on a female form. put on ladies' clothes and went in to Justina. With cunning speeches, he tried to seduce the girl, but she recognized the evil seducer and immediately overshadowed herself with the Cross, prayed to the Savior and the devil immediately disappeared.

The saddened Cyprian decided to take revenge on the virgin and sent troubles to her house, to relatives and friends, neighbors and acquaintances, killed cattle, struck the bodies with ailments and ulcers. The whole city was engulfed in misfortune, people knew the reason for the great execution. They persuaded Justina to marry Aglaid and save the people. But the girl calmed them down, prayed to God and immediately the people recovered, and they greatly mocked Cyprian's magic. In a fit of anger, he attacked the demon, then the devil rushed to Cyprian and tried to kill him. The man remembered that the demons were terribly afraid of the Sign of the Cross, he, barely alive, overshadowed himself with the Cross. The devil growled like a lion and departed.

Then the sorcerer went to the bishop and begged him to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on him. Cyprian confessed his own atrocities to him and gave the sorcerous Talmuds to be burned. Bishop Anthim taught him the Orthodox faith and, seeing his heartfelt devotion to Christ, immediately baptized him.

Cyprian soon became a reader, and then was ordained to the junior priesthood. Later he became a bishop and spent the rest of his life in holiness, caring for the faithful. He made Justina a deaconess, and soon commissioned her to be the abbess of the monastery. Many pagans, thanks to Cyprian, adopted the Orthodox faith, thus the worship of idols began to cease.

During the time of persecution against Christians, Cyprian and Justin were slandered and sent to prison. The man was ordered to hang and whip his body, and the maiden was ordered to beat him in the face and eyes. After hellish torment, they were thrown into a seething cauldron of boiling water, which, surprisingly, did not harm people. Then they were betrayed to be beheading with the sword. The bodies of the martyrs were taken to Rome and buried with honor, and in the 13th century they were transported to Cyprus. At the graves of the holy martyrs, there were many healings of people who flowed to them with faith.

Through their prayers, may the Lord heal our bodily and mental illnesses! Amen.

Icon "Cyprian and Ustinya": how to pray, meaning and how it will help

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There are saints whom people turn to in any situation and there are those who are responsible only for certain areas of a person's life and help to solve only some problems. Mostly they are addressed in temples or at home. This is often done in front of the faces of the saints. Among these, the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya is also distinguished.

Holy martyrs

In Orthodoxy there are a large number strong prayers that are directed to the saints. But do not forget that it is often undesirable to use them. The main reasons for their use can be situations when you need the help of saints to protect yourself from evil and enemies. many often ask about what they pray to the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya? Often they are approached with the following requests:

  • remove damage,
  • protect from enemy attacks,
  • save a person from danger,
  • protect from demonic tricks.

Frequent use of strong prayers can lead to a paranoid feeling of the presence of dark forces, witches and other evil spirits. It is to protect against them that they use miraculous icon Cyprian and Ustinya.

These saints are considered to be among the venerated in Orthodoxy. They are often asked for help in different situations... Legends about them circulate not only across the Russian land, but also far beyond its borders. They lived in the 3rd century on lands near Syria. Since birth, Cyprian was a unique child. He was born into a family of idolaters and sorcerers. Ever since childhood, his parents introduced him to the mystery of dark affairs, initiated him into all the subtleties of black magic. The guy grew up, traveled around the world and improved his skills.

It got to the point that there was no equal in strength. There were rumors that he even met with the prince of darkness, and he said that Cyprian would become his successor. Armed with all necessary knowledge, he began to do terrible things and harm the people around him. He could:

  • control the elements,
  • send damage
  • harass people to death,
  • cause the death of livestock,
  • bring sickness to people,
  • call the dead and make them talk and so on.

People were afraid of all this and tried to bypass him. But there were also those who were not afraid and came to him so that he could help them solve their dirty affairs. So in the city of Antioch, where Cyprian lived, there was a girl named Ustinya. She was beautiful and clean. Her parents were idolaters. And they tried to win over the girl to their side. One day she heard a monk preach about the Lord and she touched the girl's heart.

Since then, Ustinya made a decision to serve God. She began attending the temple and listening to sermons. Soon she managed to convince her parents and they also converted to Christianity. But the son of wealthy parents also lived in this village. The guy who had everything he could possibly want. And so he wanted to have fun with the girl. But he was refused. Then he decided to steal it and take it by force.

But again, nothing came of it. Then the angry one went to Cyprian and asked him to make her start running after him. The black magician promised him and that hopeful went home. Three times the villain sent devils to the virgin and three times she managed to resist their temptations. Her faith in the Lord and his intercession helped her in this. Then he decided to come to her himself. But he also left disgraced. Then he said that it would still be according to him and began to torment the girl with diseases, misfortunes.

Not only she suffered, but also relatives, residents of the city. But she did not give up, but firmly knew that this would soon come to an end. Very little time passed and the evil sorcerer also believed in the Lord and went over to his side. Thanks to her, he took the right path. That is why many turn to the icon of the Holy Martyr Cyprian and Ustinya for protection from negative impact from the side.

Icon and prayer to the saints

The meaning of the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya is explained by the fact that they are protectors from troubles, human encroachments and other negative manifestations. In the temples you can hear the prayer to the icon of Cyprian. Many expect help from him in solving magical matters. Memorial Day - October 15.

“Oh, holy Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justino! Listen to our humble prayer. Even though your temporary life as a martyr for Christ died naturally, but in spirit you do not naturally depart from us, always, according to the commandment of the Lord, to walk us teaching and patiently bear our cross to help us. Behold, boldness towards Christ God and His Mother of the Most Pure have acquired naturalness.

In the same way, and now, wake up the prayer books and intercessors for us unworthy (names). Wake us the defenders of the fortress, so that we will be preserved by your intercession, we will remain unharmed from demons, magicians and from evil people, glorifying the Holy Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

Remember that the most important thing is not the words, but with what thoughts you say the prayer.

Among the huge number of unique shrines that can now be seen in ancient church monasteries, there are also those whose images clearly demonstrate the holy martyrs. One of them is the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya.


According to an old Orthodox legend, Saint Cyprian from an early childhood was completely immersed in the world of magic and witchcraft. Its unique incredible magical abilities, he tried to apply with good intentions, helping the sick and needy. Wandering the world and getting a new one life experience, Cyprian discovered many scenic beauties. Ultimately, however, fate forced him to return to his hometown of Antioch. And at this time, one of the passing days, an unfamiliar but wealthy young man once came to him. He needed help from Cyprian in his affairs of the heart. The young man demanded that he use his magical abilities, forcing Ustinya's feelings against her will. And it was not without reason. After all, the young girl Ustinya was unusually sweet and beautiful. However, from the very childhood she was completely devoted to the love of God, deciding to devote her life to Jesus Christ until the end of her days.

And in order for the girl to involuntarily fall in love with Aglais, Cyprian sent on her many enchanted demons and evil spells. However, true love in God was able to completely protect the young girl from the evil spirits of the magician. Then, Cyprian decided to make a second attempt to implement his sinister and illegal plan. He overtook the city with a terrible disease, which was impossible to get rid of.

Many people began to get sick with her, but despite this, Ustinya still believed that sooner or later, the Lord God would hear the prayers of the believers of the townspeople and would certainly help them survive terrible adversity.

So it all happened, after Ustinya's address with prayers, the Almighty heard her and again saved her from terrible troubles. After this phenomenon, Cyprian fully realized the true power of God, recognizing his power above any, even the most powerful spell. And as a sign of admiration and respect for the great Orthodox force, he forever accepts the Christian faith and subsequently, together with Ustinya, takes part in its spread.

It is important to note that in the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya, the biblical heroes are depicted on the shrine together, being next to each other. At the same time, on some compositions you can see one acting image from those presented above. An example is the icon of St. Cyprian.

How does the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya help?

The significance of the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya is extremely great. Since ancient times, many Russian Orthodox people have turned to her. For some believers, this shrine reliably guards the hearth. The icon helps to cope with various diseases, to settle conflict situations with certain ill-wishers, make peace with your beloved, leaving behind a long quarrel.


The icon of Cyprian and Ustinia is especially revered on the day of the celebration.

According to old church customs in honor of the memory of the two saints, it is held on October 15.

On this day, people remember the long history of the two martyrs, as well as their great deeds, which were accomplished in the name of the Lord God.

Prayer to the icon of Cyprian and Ustinya

Prayer is an important and obligatory ritual used by believers while in sacred Orthodox churches... Each of the existing prayers has its own special purpose, which, when correctly addressed, allows people to be heard by the Lord God Himself. Standing in front of the icon of the Kupriyan and Ustinya, people pray primarily in order to get rid of corruption.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

Oh, holy martyrs, Cyprian and Ustinya! Hear our prayers. Protect from the evil demons that have taken up residence in our souls. Get rid of the magic that destroys our lives. Hide us from troubles and misfortunes. For during your life you dedicated yourself to the Lord, dying for faith. So become our intercessors, do not let the demon lead us astray. Show us the true path to Christ. We will not stop praying to you. And until the end of our lives we will remember all the good deeds that you have done. Pray before the Lord for our sins, for we repent. Become our wall and guardian from all the evil that was happening in the world! Get rid of witchcraft and magic. May we praise you, O Great Martyrs. And we will glorify your names. Forever and ever. Amen.

Pray for protection from black magic, witchcraft, love spells and evil people... Also, through the prayers of Saints Cyprian and Justina, many Christians got rid of evil spirits, received protection from demonic temptations, they pray to them for the understanding of people involved in occultism, magic, fortune telling, etc.

Cyprian and Justinha are respected saints for the Christian people. And since ancient times, the legend has been circulating about them and not only on the Russian land. They lived in the second half of the 3rd - early 4th centuries. The native land for Cyprian is the city of Antioch, located on the northern side of Syria.
It is said in the legend that Cyprian was a unique person. His hobby is teaching philosophy, and what is even more interesting is sorcery (witchcraft, divination). He studied this in Greece and Egypt. A person who was lucky enough to meet Cyprian on his life path was sure to be amazed at his knowledge of the secret teachings. Constantly traveling the saint showed many miracles to the people.

Returning home to Antioch, Cyprian continued to do things incomprehensible to the human mind. In those same years, the daughter of a pagan priest lived here, her name was Justinya. The girl learned about Christian affairs by chance: she heard a deacon pass by her house, discussing about Christ. And it so happened that the news received so deeply sunk into the soul of Justinya that the young pagan herself began to look for how to learn more about Christ. The girl fell in love with listening to the word of God, trying the Christian church. And when the time came, she was baptized. And her faith was so strong, and her word was powerful, that the mother and father of Justinya took the side of the Christian faith. And so the pagan priest, after being baptized, was ordained a presbyter, and his place of residence became the pious dwelling place of a true Christian.

Young Justinha possessed unearthly beauty, so many pagan (and not only) young men paid attention to her. Among them was a young man called Aglaid. He asked the girl to become his wife, but she had already made a decision to give her life to Christ and tried in every possible way to avoid Aglais. But it's not that simple. The man continued to try to get his way. He turned to the sorcerer Cyprian, whose miracles made him believe that he was omnipotent.

Cyprian got excited about the idea, because it was so tempting to receive a rich reward. He used all the knowledge he received in sorcery, trying to force Justinha to reciprocate the young man who fell in love with her. Cyprian called all the demons for help. But that didn't help either. The girl continued to remain adamant, and no temptations and tricks influenced her decision.

At the same time, a pestilence arose. There were rumors that it was the sorcerer Cyprian who was angry with the inaccessibility of Justinha and now takes revenge on the whole city, inducing an incurable disease on its inhabitants. Everyone, from small to old, was frightened and came to Justinya with accusations of what had happened, they implored to become her wife Aglais. But the girl continued to stand her ground. She reassured the people, promising that the Creator would protect everyone from illness. And as soon as she prayed, the disease left her native lands.

This victory became not only a triumph for the local residents, but also the shame of Cyprian, who was convinced that he knew all the secrets of the nature surrounding him and considered himself a powerful sorcerer. On the one hand, this is true. On the other hand, such a combination of circumstances saved a person from delusions and wasted skills. At that moment, Cyprian realized that there was something higher above him, and his mysterious art was not as strong as he thought. As if enlightenment had come. Cyprian realized that the faith professed by Justinia is everything, and magic is an empty place.

From that moment on, Cyprian began to be convinced that prayer and the banner of the cross were weapons in the hands of the believer. In order to gain a deeper knowledge of the faith, he turned to the bishop of Christians - Anthim, who listened to all the errors of a man and began to teach the basics of the Christian faith. Cyprian embarked on the path of worshiping the Son of God, after which he received Holy Baptism. He soon became bishop. At the same time, Justinha was ordained a deaconess and took responsibility for the community of all Christian virgins.

Cyprian and Justinha loved God so much that even the anger of the persecutors of Christianity did not stop their teachings about the faith. The local governor, Eutolomy, sent the believers to the former emperor Nicomedia, where in 304 a sharp sword grasped their heads. The holy martyrs were venerated by the ancient Church. About Cyprian and Justinya not only glory went, they even wrote poems about them.

The inhabitants of Cyprus often turn to the saint with exoricism; priests often receive a request to read these prayers. All this is justified, because Cyprian conjured and cast out demons to perform his miracles. And the circumstances were such that he also became a fierce persecutor of the dark forces. When addressing a great martyr, you need to be very attentive to what is in our souls. Before going to Cyprian, it is imperative to confess, only in this way can a person understand what he really needs. The prayers that the priest reads are a petition to the saint that the Almighty give us something without which our life is so disappointing.

The miraculous icon to the Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justinya is located in the Conception Old Pygial Convent, Moscow.

The first centuries of the emergence of Christian teaching are rich in stories of martyrdom and miraculous conversions to the true faith from paganism. The first often followed from the second, and those who gave their souls to God died with a joyful expression on their faces, because they realized the transition to the Kingdom of God.

The story of Cyprian and Justina demonstrates the power of orthodox Christianity in the struggle against the cunning of deceitful demons that provoke a person to commit criminal acts.

Icon of the Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justinia

The story of the holy martyr Cyprian

The famous sorcerer named Cyprian was born in Antioch to a pagan family that worships the god Apollo. At the age of seven, he became an apprentice to sorcerers who taught the knowledge of how to use the powers of demons to achieve specific goals.

  • When Cyprian was 10, his parents sent him to Mount Olympus, where countless pagan idols lived. Here the boy learned demonic tricks: transformations of the body, control of the elements and the spread of disaster among the population.
  • To comprehend the art of communicating with demons, little Cyprian observed the strictest fast. At the age of 15, he listened to the teachings of the great priests and went to Argos, where he learned the science of seducing the infidels. When he was 20, he arrived in Memphis and learned grandiose sorcery. At the age of 30 he was given the Chaldean science of astrology, he returned to his native Antioch as a mature master in demonic affairs. Cyprian boasted of his friendship with the king of darkness and was an evil murderer of the civilian population.
  • Maddened by power, this dark sorcerer committed numerous atrocities: seduced to lawlessness, killed people with poison, sacrificed young men and women to demons, infected many with vicious passions.
Important! The all-merciful Lord, seeing the immersion of the sinner in impenetrable darkness, desired to remove him from the hellish abyss and demonstrate His Omnipotence. He made it clear even to the devil that there is no sin that can overcome the Father's philanthropy.

Divine daughter of Justin

She, like Cyprian, was from a pagan family: Father Edesias was an idol priest, and her mother was called Cleodonia. One day, Justina heard the sermon of the deacon Pralia about the coming of Christ, about the creation of many miracles by Him, about suffering in the name of man and about ascension into the Kingdom of Heaven at the right hand of the Lord. This good news gave birth to the seed of sincere faith in the girl's soul.

  • She began attending church in secret and soon truly believed in Christ. The girl brought her elderly parents to their senses, who understood the inconsistency of the idols made by hand. The whole family went to the Christian bishop and asked for a baptismal ritual.
  • Justinia valiantly kept the commandments and led a righteous life, which angered the hater of the human race. The devil set out to inflict great pain and distress on the girl.
  • He inflamed a fiery passion in the heart of the local youth Aglaid, with the help of which Justinia had to turn from the righteous path. However, the pious virgin answered: "Christ is my Bridegroom, only to Him I belong entirely."
  • Having suffered several failures in seduction, Aglaid turned to the famous Cyprian for help, who agreed to blacken Justinia's heart. The sorcerer gave the young man a potion and ordered to sprinkle the girl's house in order to open the passage for otherworldly forces.

Justinia in prayer asked for help and protection from evil spirits

Fighting lust

The well-behaved Justinia, getting ready for bed, felt the strongest excitement in her body. Flame enveloped her mind for a long time, the very young man arose in his memory, and with him the thoughts of a carnal nature. The virgin was surprised and ashamed, sensing the spread of filth. She soon realized that this obsession comes from dark forces, and turned to prayer and the sign of the cross for help.

  • Disgraced by steadfastness and divine omnipotence, the demon fled from the house, and all-conquering peace reigned in the soul and limbs of the girl. The demon, returning to Cyprian, spoke of his failure.
  • The sorcerer repeated his attempts, sending more powerful demons, but nothing could disturb the power of sincere prayer and severe fasting, which the maiden indulged in all this time.
  • Soon a demon appeared before her in the form of an honest woman and tried to find out the advantages of a chaste life. The unclean spirit, having heard the answer, set out with cunning speeches to lead the virgin out of spiritual balance and referred to some of the scriptures. Justina recognized the "cunning serpent" and stopped the dialogue, resorting to the sign of the cross.
  • Cyprian hated demons because they could not cope with the young maiden. He made several more attempts, even personally tried to break her spirit, but each new threat to chastity smashed against the impregnable walls of prayer before the Lord.
  • The sorcerer spread his anger to the environment, relatives and the city, sent an ulcer and severe diseases. When the citizens learned that troubles came because of Justina's resistance, they angrily persuaded the girl to fall before Cyprian's desire. However, the holy virgin calmed the people and promised an early end to all this suffering.
  • The strongest prayer helped the city get rid of the misfortunes, and Cyprian was put to shame and humiliation. The people glorified God's Son.
Important! The cause of corruption is considered to be a sinful life, colossal pride and self-indulgence. If a person lives righteously, no attack can capture a soul truly committed to the Lord.

Believers should not be afraid of corruption or evil eye, because the Power of God protects the one who sincerely accepted the teachings of the Savior, who came and was crucified for the sake of man. These adversities recede with the constant practice of prayer and fasting.

Icon of the Holy Martyr Justinia

Exposing the seducer

The sorcerer soon realized the Omnipotence of the Father and the insignificance of dark energy. He turned personally to the prince of darkness and put his weakness to shame in the face of the Light. Cyprian understood that it was necessary to abandon the devil and accept the true faith, which is capable of saving every soul. The prince of darkness in a rage attacked the sorcerer, longing to strangle him.

Cyprian's life was saved by the sign of the cross, which he remembered already on the verge of death... The demon left with threats and curses on his lips.

The sorcerer collected all his magic books and with a bow appeared to Bishop Anfim, sincerely asking for holy baptism. Cyprian burned witchcraft literature and bitterly regretted his atrocities, prayed to God for forgiveness. He showed unprecedented steadfastness in the newfound faith, recognized Christ as his Savior from sin and demons, and was baptized into the glory of the Holy Trinity.

Justina learned about this great transformation from a pagan to a Christian and sang long prayers to Heavenly Father, and also distributed alms to all those in need. After a year of service, the newly minted devotee of Jesus became a local priest. Cyprian radically changed his activities: he improved in virtue and repented of sinful transgressions. Soon he earned the rank of bishop and humbly fulfilled his duties, caring for the people under his care.

Cyprian made Saint Justinia the abbess of a nunnery. He converted many pagans to Christianity, so soon idolatry was practically not cultivated in the country.

On a note! In the 13th century, the relics of Bishop Cyprian and the virgin Justinia, protecting from black magic and healing many diseases, were transported to Cyprus. The remains were placed in a small church located in a village called Meniko.

A large number of pilgrims came to this place and watched miraculous accomplishments in the name of the Almighty Lord. In the church itself there were icons of the great martyrs, and next to the building there was a source of holy water.

The relics of Saints Cyprian and Justinia in Meniko (Cyprus)

Last years

The devil, observing the righteous activities of Cyprian, who was once under his rule, felt anger and desired revenge. The prince of darkness provoked wicked people to slander Cyprin and Justinia. False slander convinced the ruler Eutolmius to arrest the saints. The latter were awaiting trial.

Cyprian told his story of his conversion to Christianity, but these words did not enter the heart of the tormentors. The bishop and the virgin were tortured for a long time, but they tirelessly repeated the name of the Lord, which gave them the strength to endure the pain. Eutolmius ordered to throw them into a burning cauldron, but the fire did not dare to harm the servants of the Most High.

Death came to the saints from a heavy sword, their bodies lay unburied for six days. And only merciful people took care of them, secretly taking the remains to Rome.

At the graves of these great martyrs, incredible miracles and healings took place.

Help of the great martyrs

By praying to the icon of these holy great martyrs, believers get rid of various corruption and are healed of terrible ailments.

Orthodox believers turn to the images of Saints Cyprian and Justinia in order to get rid of the corruption acquired as a result of witchcraft spells. The image of the saints also helps to protect the family and home from dark energy. The icon is able to restore reason to someone who has been bewitched by demonic lies for a long time.

This holiday is also called the "Day of Purification from Obsessions." There is a superstition among the people that on October 15 a meeting with the demonic creatures of the Universe is possible. Particularly endangered are atheists, alcoholics, sinners, and profanities who like to mention the devil. Corresponding prayer helps from the invasion of evil spirits.

The story of Cyprian and Justina shows us that thanks to moral fortitude and service to God, a person can rise from the darkness of ignorance to the highest peak of spiritual perfection. No dark energy is able to defeat the one who truly believed in the Holy Trinity and engaged in righteous activities.

Life of the Holy Martyr Cyprian and the Holy Martyr Justina