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Regulations on the procedure for passing the test when receiving work. Regulations on the procedure for passing a test term General provisions - Document

1. General provisions.

1.1. The probationary period is the last stage of the assessment of the professional suitability of a candidate for a vacant place.

1.2. The purpose of the trial period is to check the compliance of a specialist entrusted to him directly in the work environment.

1.3. The trial period has a duration of no more than three months.

1.4. The duration of the trial period is indicated in the employment contract and in the order of employment (Article 68, 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.5. For a trial period, a period of temporary disability and other periods, when an employee was absent at work for valid reasons (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.6. The trial period can be reduced to a duration of at least 1 month. The basis for the reduction in the trial period is the decision of the rector (or the first visor) of the university, confirmed by satisfactory test results.

1.7. In case of unsatisfactory a result of the test, the dismissal of the employee is made on the initiative of the University administration without coordination with the trade union organ and without paying the day off, with the wording "as not withstanding the test" (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.8. If the trial period has expired, and the employee continues to work, it is considered to be withstrone the test. The subsequent termination of the employment contract is made only on the general reasons (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

2. The procedure for passing a trial period.

2.1. On the first day at the release of the newly accepted employee to work, the immediate supervisor:

2.1.1. Conducts a conversation of an information about the conditions of professional activity (Appendix 3);

2.1.2. I will introduce a new employee with job description. The employee certifies his signature, which is familiar with the job description, I agree to fulfill the functional responsibilities listed in it. The job instruction is issued to the employee. Signed by an employee, an instance remains at the immediate boss;

2.1.3. He introduces an employee with the Regulations on the division and other local acts regulating the activities of the division and the activities of the employee.

2.1.4. Appoints a curator-utter division that has worked in this position for at least six months or the most qualified employee of the unit, and in the absence of such - the curatories assigned to the immediate supervisor or the head of the unit;

2.1.5. If the probationary period is established by the employee adopted as the head of the structural unit or the Vice-Rector, then the curator can be appointed the most qualified employee of this unit or other supervisor, the immediate supervisor and the head of the department - Dean of the Faculty, Vice-Rector for Accessories, or the University Rector.

2.2. Organization of the passage of the probationary period.

2.2.1. The passage of the test period can be held in one (if, with successful work during the first month of the test period, the latter was reduced to 1 month) or two stages (if the probationary period was not reduced).

2.2.2. The immediate supervisor with a new employee during the first three days at the work output is a work plan according to the job instructions for the first month of the test period (Appendix 1). The work plan of the new employee is approved by the head of the unit, signed by an employee and is consistent with the Vice-Rector for Affiliation (Rector or Chief Accountant). The plan should be at the employee and direct supervisor.

2.2.3. Through three days before the end of the first month of the probationary period, the immediate supervisor, the curator and the worker discuss the compliance of the specific results achieved by the goals set (plan work plan).

2.2.4. No later than one day before the end of the first month of the trial period, the immediate supervisor is an information and analytical note on the results achieved by the employee (Appendix 2) for the first month of the test period and gives the conclusion "testing and can be reduced to a trial period of up to 1 month" or "Tests did not pass, test the test period for the same." If the probationary period does not exceed one month, then the conclusion of the "test" or "test did not pass". The conclusion is agreed with the head of the unit and the vice-rector for belonging (rector or chief accountant) and is transmitted to the personnel department for further work.

2.2.5. If the probationary period was not reduced to 1 month, then at the beginning of the next step, an employee's work plan is also drawn up for the remainder in accordance with paragraph 2.2.2. of this Regulation. No later than 7 days before the end of the trial period, the immediate supervisor, the curator and the worker discusses the compliance of the specific results achieved by the work plan. The immediate supervisor is an information and analytical note on the results achieved by the employee for the subsequent stage of the test, and gives the conclusion of "test" or "test". The conclusion is agreed with the head of the unit and the vice-rector for affiliation and is transmitted to the personnel department for further work no later than 5 days before the end of the trial period.

2.2.6. Originals of testing plans and informational and analytical notes are transmitted to the personnel department and are stored in the employee's personal business.


1. Appendix 1. "Work plan for the employee at the time of the trial period."

2. Applying 2. "Informational and analytical note on the results of the test period."

3. Appendix 3. "Matrix defining levels of functional duties".

4. Appendix 4. "Scheme of interview with an employee at the time of employment."


First Vice-Rector __________________________

Head of personnel department ______________________

Lawyer _____________________________________

Chairman of the trade union committee _______________

Attachment 1.

"AGREED" "I argue"

Vice Rector Head of Division

_______________________ ________________________

"____" _______________ 200__. "___" ______________ 200__.

Worker's work plan for test term

for the first month, for the next time ( unnecessary cross out )

FULL NAME. ______________________________________________________

Division ___________________________________________________

Position ___________________________________________________________

Release date _________________________________________________

The end date of the trial period ___________________________________

FULL NAME. Curator, position ____________________________________________


Name of works

Planimate result

termination time of work

evaluation of the work done

signature Direct Manager

Worker with a work plan introduced ______________ ____________________

(signature) (deciphering the signature)

Date: "___" ______________ 200 ____

Appendix 2.

Informational and analytical note on the results of the trial period

FULL NAME. _____________________________________________________________________

Division __________________________________________________________________

Position ______________________________________________________________________

Date of way to work ________________________________________________________

Date of the end of the trial period ______________________________________________

FULL NAME. curator, position ___________________________________________________

1. Evaluation of the level of functional duties


established level *

evaluation of manifestations in the activities of the established level


The complexity of the work process

Unsatisfactory 2.

Satisfactory 3.

Excellent 5.

The degree of responsibility for making decisions within the framework of functional duties

Unsatisfactory 2.

Satisfactory 3.

Excellent 5.

Degree of independence when performing official duties

Unsatisfactory 2.

Satisfactory 3.

Excellent 5.

People management

Unsatisfactory 2.

Satisfactory 3.

Excellent 5.


Unsatisfactory 2.

Satisfactory 3.

Excellent 5.

average rating

* See Appendix 3 "Matrix Distribution of Functional Responsibilities"

2. Assessment of the quality of work performed according to the work plan at the time of the trial period.

The number of works performed on:

Excellent ____________________________

Okay ____________________________

Satisfactory __________________

Unsatisfactory ________________

3. The main manifested trend of the activities carried out:




4. Conclusion: ________________________________________________________________




5. Conclusion (Talking):

Passed a trial period

The trial period is extended

Did not pass a trial period

Curator _________________ ___________________________________________


divisions ____________ ___________________________________________

(signature) (deciphering signature, position)

Vice Rector _______________ __________________________________________

(full name)

Appendix 4.

Scheme of interview with an employee at the time of employment

Terms: the first three days at the work output. Form: Interview.

Task: To form in the course of interviewing involvement to the university, connect the individual values \u200b\u200bof the new employee with the objectives of the university, explain the work standards, traditions, norms of communications and interactions between units.

1. Adaptation to the organizational culture of the university:

University Profile;

University structure;

The procedure for applying to the head, a list of decision makers;

Acquaintance with the prospective objectives of the university, with tactical objectives, with the principles of the university;

Place an employee and his role (role of activity) for the university: importance, necessity, expectations.

2. Employee Introduction to Posted:

The status of his position;

Mode of operation;

List of functional duties by position (acquaintance with the job description);

Working conditions in the workplace, the regime and rhythm of labor;

Sanitary and hygienic standards;

Procedure and rules for handling office equipment and telephones;

Documentation regulating the activities of the employee (official instructions for the operation of equipment, the passport of the workplace, etc.);

Standards of interaction between divisions;

Rules of behavior and appearance at the university and division.

3. Outlook orientation:

Acquaintance with the incentive system adopted at the university;

Prospects in this position (material, status, professional).

4. Introduction to the team:

The story about the team, its traditions;

Place and role of university of university;

Basic principles of behavior, the values \u200b\u200bof the team;

Acquaintance with each employee: a story about the activities of everyone, about the successes, achievements (the ability to learn, seek help);

Communication method within the team and with other divisions;

A story about divisions related to this activity (their role in solving common tasks, the location, the nature of the collective, etc.).

Appendix 3.

Matrix defining levels of functional duties









The complexity of the work process

Simple actions. Simplicit functions governed by detailed instructions

Repeatability. Simple planning, organization of the process to achieve short-term goals

Speech. Organization, planning and placement of priorities for its function inside the division

Variability. Infection of homogeneous functions within its unit, coordination of work with adjacent sectors of activity

Adaptability. Integration of various functions within the direction and coordination of work with adjacent directions and divisions

Informal isolation. Integration of a wide variety of functions and coordination of work in all areas of the university

The degree of responsibility for making decisions within the framework of the functionality. duties

Absolutely routine. No responsibility

Routine. Responsibility for one-time decision-making under general guidance

Standardized. Decision making when performing regular functions within a certain period within the division

Clearly defined. Responsibility for decision making within the framework of functional tasks in the activities of the organization

Defined in general. Administrative and financial responsibility for making a decision within the framework of functional tasks in the activities of the organization

Abstractly defined. Complete administrative and financial responsibility for making decisions

Degree of independence when performing official duties

In hard frames. No need to adopt independent decisions

Under the direction of. Standard solutions from a given set in the framework of registered instructions are accepted.

Within the framework of the Regulation. Optimal solutions are accepted in the framework of registered functional procedures.

At a given direction. Preparation of decisions within the framework of functional duties and its coordination with the direct supervisor at a given general direction

As part of the orientation. Decision making aimed at the implementation of the division's business goals within the framework of the selected University Strategy

As part of the orientation of the general direction. Decisions aimed at the implementation of the Strategic Goals of the Organization Critical for Institutions of Power

People management

Not. No subordinates

Indirect influence. No direct subordinates, one-time coordination of other workers in the task

Very narrow. The presence of subordinates. One-time coordination of work. Super-cenie group of people

Middle. Management of a group of people for regular fulfillment of the goal.

Wide. Team Management: Impact, motivation and leadership as the necessary characteristics of the function being performed. The need for vertical control channels and sufficiency of horizontal channels

Very wide. Considerable experience in the field of management, criticality of vertical control channels; Impact, motivation and leadership


Minimum. Communications at the level of social norms of communication

Narrow. Basic level of internal communications required for functions and tasks

Monotonous. The need for internal communications, processing and analyzing received information as part of functional duties

Diverse. The need for domestic and external communications. Processing and analysis of information received as part of functional duties

Wide. The need for domestic and external communications. Analysis of the received information in order to develop an organizational decision

Extensive. Highly efficient communication to achieve strategic business goals

I approve ____________________________________ (Name of the position of the head of the enterprise)

________________________________ (Full name, signature)

"____" ___________________ _____


on the procedure for passing the test when receiving


1.1. The purpose of testing when taking a job is to check the conformity of the employee of the activities charged directly in the work environment.

1.2. Test term cannot exceed more than three months.

1.3. The duration of the probationary period is indicated in the order of employment and in the employment contract. The absence in the labor contract the test conditions means that the worker is accepted without a test (Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.4. On the test term, a period of temporary disability and other periods, when the employee was absent at work for a valid reason (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) was not counted.

2. Procedure for tested

2.1. When making a personnel department, a personnel department introduces a new employee on receipt with internal regulatory documents.

2.2. The personnel department develops a program for adapting an employee within two days from the date of his enrollment and within three days from the date of crediting introduces an employee to involve.

2.3. During the month from the date of the employee's enrollment, the personnel department organizes compulsory primary training for him for him (a course of lectures).

2.4. The immediate supervisor introduces a new employee with the Regulations on the division and the relevant job description.

2.5. The employee puts the signature under the official instruction: the signature certifies that he got acquainted with the job description, I agree and is ready to fulfill the listed functional duties.

2.6. The job instruction signed by the employee is transmitted to the personnel department and is fed to a special folder.

2.7. The immediate supervisor appoints the curator (employee of the unit that has worked at an enterprise for at least 1 year), who introduces a new employee with corporate standards.

2.8. The immediate supervisor, together with the newly accepted employee (during the first week after enrollment), make up the work plan for the test; The plan includes the name of the work, the deadline for their implementation and the specific result that the worker should be achieved.

2.9. The work plan of the newly adopted employee is approved by the direct supervisor, coordinates with the head of the personnel service and is signed by an employee, after which it is transmitted to the personnel department.

2.10. Two weeks before the end of the trial period, the immediate supervisor and the employee discusses the compliance of the goals (work plan) specific results achieved.

2.11. The immediate supervisor writes an analytical note on the results achieved by the employee for the test period, and gives the conclusion of "test" or "did not pass".

2.12. The conclusion about the passage of the test period and recommendations come to the head of the personnel service no later than a week before the end of the employee's test.

3. The result of testing

3.1. With an unsatisfactory result of the test, the dismissal of the employee is made with the pay for the actually spent time and with the wording "as not withstanding the test" (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.2. If, during the test, the employee will come to the conclusion that the work proposed for him is not suitable for him, he has the right to terminate the employment contract on his own request, warning the employer about this in writing for three days (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.3. If the test term has expired, and the employee continues to work, it is considered to be withstrone the test. The subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on the basis of the basis (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Head of personnel.

I argue ____________________________________ (Name of the position of the head of the enterprise) ____________________________________ (F.I., signature) "____" ___________________ _____

Regulations on the procedure for passing the test when taking


1.1. The purpose of testing when taking a job is to check the conformity of the employee of the activities charged directly in the work environment.

1.2. The test term cannot exceed more than three months (for managers of organizations and their deputies, chief accountants and their deputies, heads of branches, representative offices or other separate structural units of organizations - six months).

When concluding an employment contract for a period of two to six months, the test may not exceed two weeks.

1.3. The duration of the probationary period is indicated in the order of employment and in the employment contract. The absence in the labor contract the test conditions means that the worker is accepted without a test (Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

1.4. On the test term, a period of temporary disability and other periods, when the employee was absent at work for a valid reason (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) was not counted.

2. Procedure for tested

2.1. When making a personnel department, a personnel department introduces a new employee on receipt with internal regulatory documents.

2.2. The personnel department develops a program for adapting an employee within two days from the date of his enrollment and within three days from the date of crediting introduces an employee to involve.

2.3. During the month from the date of the employee's enrollment, the personnel department organizes compulsory primary training for him for him (a course of lectures).

2.4. The immediate supervisor introduces a new employee with the Regulations on the division and the relevant job description.

2.5. The employee puts the signature under the official instruction: the signature certifies that he got acquainted with the job description, I agree and is ready to fulfill the listed functional duties.

2.6. The job instruction signed by the employee is transmitted to the personnel department and is fed to a special folder.

2.7. The immediate supervisor appoints the curator (employee of the unit that has worked at an enterprise for at least 1 year), who introduces a new employee with corporate standards.

2.8. The immediate supervisor, together with the newly accepted employee (during the first week after enrollment), make up the work plan for the test; The plan includes the name of the work, the deadline for their implementation and the specific result that the worker should be achieved.

2.9. The work plan of the newly adopted employee is approved by the direct supervisor, coordinates with the head of the personnel service and is signed by an employee, after which it is transmitted to the personnel department.

2.10. Two weeks before the end of the trial period, the immediate supervisor and the employee discusses the compliance of the goals (work plan) specific results achieved.

2.11. The immediate supervisor writes an analytical note on the results achieved by the employee for the test period, and gives the conclusion of "test" or "did not pass".

2.12. The conclusion about the passage of the test period and recommendations come to the head of the personnel service no later than a week before the end of the employee's test.

3. The result of testing

3.1. With an unsatisfactory result of the test, the dismissal of the employee is made with the pay for the actually spent time and with the wording "as not withstanding the test" (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.2. If, during the test, the employee will come to the conclusion that the work proposed for him is not suitable for him, he has the right to terminate the employment contract on his own request, warning the employer about this in writing for three days (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

3.3. If the test term has expired, and the employee continues to work, it is considered to be withstrone the test. The subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on the basis of the basis (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Head of Personnel:


With this position acquainted (a) ___________ / ____________ /

1.1. The purpose of testing when taking a job is to check the conformity of the employee of the activities charged directly in the work environment.
1.2. Test term cannot exceed more than three months.

The duration of the probationary period is indicated in the order of employment and in the employment contract. The lack of a workforce with an employee of the testing conditions means that the worker is accepted without a test (Art. 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
1.4. During the test, the period of temporary disability and other periods, when the employee was absent at work for a valid reason (Art.

70 TC RF).

3. The result of testing

In case of unsatisfactory a result of the test, the dismissal of the employee is made with pay for the actually spent time and with the wording "as not withstanding the test" (Art.

71 TK RF).
3.2. If, during the test, the employee will come to the conclusion that the work proposed for him is not suitable for him, he has the right to terminate the employment contract on his own request, warning the employer about this in writing for three days (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
3.3. If the test term has expired, and the employee continues to work, it is considered to be withstrone the test.

The subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on the basis of the general basis (Art.

Center for legal assistance we provide free legal assistance to the population

Although this act is not considered mandatory, but it is of particular importance for personnel staff, because thanks to it, the rules are established, as needed to take new workers.

The required local document for this case is a provision on the procedure for adopting citizens to work. Its content must correspond to the TC, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, as well as the Company's charter.

The list of sections is just an example, none of them approved as mandatory.

Test period for the Labor Code: Duration, Salary and other nuances

An employee's signature is required, confirming that he was familiar with job regulations, regulations and internal rules.
  1. conflict (colleagues complaints), etc.
  2. execution of plans;
  3. compliance with the job instruction;
  4. the facts of disorders of the discipline (for example, late or smoking, if it is prohibited by the internal regulation);
If the employer decides to dismiss the subject, it is necessary to prepare a written notice and give it no later than 3 days before the expiration.

Regulations on the procedure for passing the test period General


The immediate supervisor during the first three days on the exit is the work plan of the new employee according to the job instructions for the period of the test period (see Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation).

The work plan of the new employee is approved by the head of the unit, signed by an employee and is consistent with the director. One copy of the plan should be at the employee, one - at the direct supervisor.

Procedure for testing when receiving

It is worth noting that if the employee was admitted to work, and the contract was not signed, then in the future the employer is not entitled to make a condition for the test.
  • The employer publishes an internal order at an enterprise to enroll in the staff of an employee, where the test condition also indicates.
    • The employee who is on the test is distributed by all legal norms of labor legislation.

    The provision on the passage of the test term is more ladging by dictating certain orders and rules of behavior of arranged in the institution.

    Change the conditions of the probationary period developed by the organization is very difficult. New employees have to agree or abandon them. Approval of the authorities, signature and printing organization; Position name with a brief description; General provisions resembling the procedure for testing; Results to draw conclusions about further cooperation or dismissal; At the end, it is permissible to put a mark about familiarizing the order.

    Procedure for the passage of the test period according to the TK RF

    It is also necessary to reveal the basic concepts that are used in the position: a plan for the test time, an employee curator and others. Distribution of duties between the curator of a new employee, head of the structural unit and the head of the organization.

    The procedure and timing of the preparation of the test results report. Under what conditions, the time to test the qualifications of a new employee can be reduced. A plan is drawn up individually for each employee.

    LTD "_________________"


    «____" ________ 201__

    Provision on the probationary period when taking

    1.1. The purpose of testing when taking a job is to check the conformity of the employee of the activities charged directly in the work environment.
    1.2. Test term cannot exceed more than three months.
    1.3. The duration of the probationary period is indicated in the order of employment and in the employment contract. Lack of B. Trial conditions means that the worker is accepted without a test (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    1.4. On the test term, a period of temporary disability and other periods, when the employee was absent at work for a valid reason (Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) was not counted.

    2. Procedure for tested
    2.1. When making a personnel department, a personnel department introduces a new employee on receipt with internal regulatory documents.
    2.2. Within two days from the date of crediting an employee, the Russian personnel department develops an employee adaptation program and no later than three days after enrollment introduces an employee with a program for a painting.
    2.3. During the month from the date of the employee's enrollment, the personnel department organizes compulsory primary training for him for him (lecture course).
    2.4. The immediate supervisor introduces a new employee with a provision on the probationary period of the division and the corresponding job description.
    2.5. The employee puts the signature under the official instruction: the signature certifies that the employee familiarized himself with the job description, I agree and is ready to fulfill the listed functional duties.
    2.6. The job instruction signed by an employee is transmitted to the personnel department and is fed to a special folder.
    2.7. The immediate supervisor appoints the curator (employee of the unit that has worked at an enterprise for at least 1 year), who introduces a new employee with corporate standards.
    2.8. The immediate supervisor, together with the newly accepted employee (during the first week after enrollment), make up the work plan for the test; The plan includes the name of the work, the deadline for their implementation and the specific result that the worker should be achieved.
    2.9. The work plan of the newly adopted employee is approved by the head, is coordinated by the head of the personnel service and is signed by the employee, after which it is transmitted to the personnel department.
    2.10. Two weeks before the end of the trial period, the head and employee discuss the compliance of the goals set (work plan) specific results achieved.
    2.11. The immediate supervisor writes an analytical note on the results achieved by the employee for the test period, and gives the conclusion of "test" or "did not pass".
    2.12. The conclusion about the passage of the test period and recommendations come to the head of the personnel service no later than a week before the end of the employee's test.

    3. The result of testing
    3.1. With an unsatisfactory result of the test, the dismissal of the employee is made with the pay for the actually spent time and with the wording "as not withstanding the test" (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    3.2. If, during the test, the employee will come to the conclusion that the work proposed for him is not suitable for him, he has the right to terminate the employment contract on his own request, warning the employer about this in writing for three days (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
    3.3. If the test term has expired, and the employee continues to work, it is considered to be withstrone the test. The subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on the basis of the basis (Art. 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).