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What does the holy Great Martyr Barbara help with. Great Martyr Varvara: churches and icons named after her

In the 4th century, a confessor of the true teachings of the Church of Christ, the great martyr Barbara, a saint, whose feast day the Orthodox Church celebrates on December 17, shone from the distant city of Iliopol (present-day Syria). For seventeen centuries her image inspires us, setting an example of true faith and love for God. Prayer to Saint Barbara helps huge number believers. What do we know about her earthly life?

Daughter of the pagan Dioscorus

In those days when the future saint was born, the inhabitants of Iliopol, one of the largest cities in Mesopotamia, were drowning in the darkness of paganism. Man-made gods were worshiped by both noble citizens and the urban poor. Among the most wealthy and respected citizens was a certain Dioscorus. Fate generously rewarded him. He had houses, vineyards and many servants. Only one misfortune visited his house - the beloved wife of Dioscorus died. He grieved deeply for her and found consolation only in his only daughter. It was the future Saint Barbara.

The father dearly loved the child and did everything in his power to isolate her from the unsightly aspects of life. In addition, he dreamed of marrying Varvara to a rich groom, thus ensuring her happiness and prosperity. Wanting to save the beautiful daughter from prying eyes, and in addition, from possible communication with secret Christians who began to appear in the city, Dioscorus built a castle for her, in which she lived with her maids and educators. The girl could leave it only occasionally, accompanied by her father.

Contemplation of God's Creation

She spent long hours of solitude at the window of her room, immersed in the contemplation of the picturesque nature that surrounded the castle. One day, Saint Barbara wanted to find out from her mentors who created all this magnificence, striking the eye. Her teachers were pagans and therefore the creation of the world was attributed to those wooden and clay gods they worshiped. In this they tried to convince the young recluse.

But Varvara was not satisfied with this explanation. She objected to them, stating that their deities could not create anything, since they themselves were made by human hands. There must be a supreme Creator, one and all-powerful, having his own being. Only he is able, having created the world, to bring such beauty into it. Thus, she was an example of the comprehension of the Creator through his creations.

marriage proposals

Over time, rich suitors began to visit Dioscorus, who heard about the beauty of his daughter and wished for marriage bonds with her. The father did not want to decide anything without knowing the opinion of his daughter, but, turning to her with such conversations, he met her resolute refusal to marry anyone. This upset him, but Dioscorus attributed this decision to his daughter's youth and wayward character.

In order to give her the opportunity to make acquaintance with other girls and, communicating with them, change her mind, he allowed his daughter to leave the castle whenever she pleased. It was just what Barbara wanted so much. She began to visit the city often, and once, when her father was away for a long time, she met secret Christians who lived in Iliopolis. They told her about the Triune God, about the incarnation of Jesus Christ from the Most Pure Virgin, about his atoning sacrifice, and about many other things that she did not know before. This teaching sunk deep into her heart.

Baptism of Barbara

After some time, a Christian priest appeared in the city, who, under the guise of a merchant, was heading to Alexandria. At the request of the girl, he committed over her. In addition, he more fully expounded to her the Christian doctrine, which Barbara immediately and unconditionally accepted. She vowed to devote her whole life to God.

Wanting to capture the image, she ordered in the new tower, the construction of which, when leaving, her father began, to make not two windows, as was planned in the project, but three. When the father, returning home, asked his daughter about the reason for her act, she, without cunning, told him the doctrine of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Hearing such speeches, the pagan father was so enraged that he rushed at his daughter, drawing his sword. She managed to escape only by flight, hiding in a crevice of a rock, which miraculously parted in front of her.

Prison and torment saint

Dioscorus was so blinded by pagan fanaticism that he drowned out all his fatherly feelings in him. By the end of that day, he still managed to catch the fugitive. He handed her over to the ruler of the city, so that he would throw her into prison. The poor girl was in the hands of ruthless executioners. But Barbara did not flinch before them, because in everything she trusted in God's help. At night, when she was fervently praying, the Lord appeared to her, comforting her and instilling hope for a speedy acquisition of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Barbara's courage doubled. Looking at her, one secret Christian openly declared her faith in Christ and expressed her desire to suffer with her. Having accepted the martyr's crown, both of them were beheaded.

Veneration of Saint Barbara in Russia

Three hundred years later, the relics of the Holy Great Martyr were transferred to Constantinople, and in the 12th century they ended up in Kiev. They were brought with her by her daughter, having married the Russian prince Mikhail Izyaslavich. They are stored there to this day. From the day we have venerated the Great Martyr Barbara. The saint helps everyone who turns to her with faith. She gives special help to those who ask to be delivered from sudden death and are afraid to leave earthly life without repentance. In addition, Barbara helps in other cases: the saint saves from unexpected misfortune. Since ancient times, it has been noted that plague epidemics, which often occurred in Russia, always bypassed those temples in which her relics were located. Saint Barbara, whose icon is in almost every Orthodox church, is one of the most revered and beloved saints in our country. Very many, not knowing the history of her earthly life, consider her Russian. By the way, this name itself was very common in Russia in past years.

Many churches and monasteries were erected in the Christian world in her honor. There is a church of St. Barbara in Moscow. She is very ancient. Its creation dates back to the 16th century. It is located not far from the Kremlin, on the street, which is called Varvarka (on behalf of Varvara). This saint in ancient times was considered one of them. Therefore, the place for her church was chosen exactly where there were numerous shopping arcades.

Going abroad with a sick grandmother, whom we were taking for an operation, we relied not only on doctors, but also on heavenly help. In the temple, knowing about our situation, the priest gave the icon of St. Barbara, on which the martyr held the cup.

“This is a patroness who will not leave your grandmother even in the most difficult moment, at the moment of leaving this life,” he said.

At the beginning of the 4th century, a noble girl was born in Iliopol (on the territory of present-day Syria).

She lost her mother early, left with a stern and domineering father, whose name was Dioscorus. He, a rich and noble pagan, built a high castle, settling his daughter in one of its towers. So he tried to protect her from all worldly dangers and temptations.

Looking at the world from the height of her dwelling, the girl dreamed of understanding who created all this beauty. Her father's servants told her about pagan gods, but Barbara could not believe that the man-made statues that were revered in the city could be related to the creation of heaven, earth and all living creatures.

Over time, she grew up and became a beauty. Noble suitors became interested in the girl, but she refused to marry. Realizing that he could not keep his daughter in captivity until old age, Dioscorus let her out of the castle. He hoped that, after talking with other noble girls, he would quickly start a family.

But the opposite happened: the girl met Christian women and wholeheartedly accepted their faith. And when Dioscorus was away, she was secretly baptized. After that, she intervened in the construction, which was carried out by the servants of her father, ordering instead of two windows in the house to make three, as she began to honor the Trinity.

Upon learning of the incident, the girl's father was furious. He renounced his daughter and gave her to the ruler of the city. The latter persuaded Varvara for a long time to return to the old gods, and when she refused, he gave her up for torment: the girl was beaten with whips, and the places of blows were rubbed with a coarse cloth.

At night, Christ appeared to her, who supported the girl.

The next morning, there were no signs of beatings on her body.

Seeing this miracle, another secret Christian (her name was Julia) joined Barbara, also deciding to accept any torment for her God.

The girls were taken around the city completely naked, and then tied to a tree and tortured: beaten on the head with a hammer, burned with fire, pierced with hooks. But their spirit remained unshakable.

After that, the girls were beheaded. Barbara's head was cut off by her own father. At the time of his death, the saint was only 16 years old.

After the execution took place, lightning came from the sky, struck this cruel man and turned his body to ashes.

The relics of St. Barbara in the Kiev church

At first, the saint was buried in her native city.

In the 6th century, her relics were transferred to Constantinople. People often fled to this temple, falsely or for the cause accused of crimes. It was believed that the martyr could protect a person from violent death.

At the beginning of the 12th century, the daughter of the Byzantine emperor, who was also called Barbara, came to Kiev to become the wife of Prince Svyatopolk. She brought with her the relics of the saint, which were laid in the Mikhailovsky Monastery. Here they rested for more than one century. The relics were considered miraculous, people came to them for protection during cholera epidemics.

Rings were consecrated in a shrine with relics. People believed that they protect against diseases, and if the newlyweds wear the rings, their marriage will be strong. In particular, such a talisman was worn by Tsarina Ioannovna and Hetman Mazepa, the poet Osip Mandelstam and his bride.

In the 20s of the last century, the communists plundered the cathedral, and the building itself was blown up.

Fortunately, the Christians were able to save the most valuable thing - the relics of the holy martyr Barbara. At the moment, you can bow to them in the Vladimir Cathedral.

Interesting facts about the icons of Barbara

  • In many images, the saint is depicted with a cup in her hand. This is a church chalice, a communion cup. This is a symbol of a peaceful, calm Christian death. Interestingly, according to religious canons, only the priest can touch the chalice, the laity are not allowed. Thus, the icon painters emphasize the highest status of Barbara, her closeness to the Lord.
  • She can also be depicted in a crown, with a sword - an instrument of execution. On some icons, the saint holds it in her hand, on others she tramples it with her foot. Catholics depict Barbara with a peacock (a symbol of eternal life).
  • On some icons, she can be seen with her head in her hands. Someone believes that this is the head of Juliana. Others argue that this is the head of Barbara - such an icon shows why exactly Christians revere this girl as a great martyr.
  • In Russia - the patroness of the missile forces. Every command post has her icon. Moreover: the icon from the city of Samara even traveled to near-Earth orbit. And on the territory of the General Staff they erected a temple in honor of their intercessor.
  • Bomber pilots also consider Barbara their patroness. Many of them wear a body amulet with its icon.
  • In addition, architects, builders, climbers, flower growers, gardeners, firefighters, and pyrotechnics makers pray to St. Barbara.
  • Most of all, people associated with fire and / or sky turn to her. Still, after all, the father-murderer of young Barbara was immediately killed by lightning. Therefore, this saint is associated with heavenly retribution.

What do they ask the great martyr

  • About protection, patronage.
  • About not giving your soul to God without communion. Also, before the icon, they pray for relatives who died without having time to confess and take communion.
  • About help from a headache, with head injuries, before an operation (since the girl suffered many blows to the head and other tortures).
  • About improving understanding in the family (especially between growing children and parents).
  • About getting rid of sadness and longing caused by betrayal (since during her lifetime she was betrayed by her only relative - her father).

It is advisable to pray to the saint on December 17 - this is the church day of memory of the martyr. It is also believed that everyone who takes communion on this day will be communed by Barbara herself.

And at the end of the article, we traditionally offer a cartoon about the martyr, which you can watch with your child. Do not leave the baby in front of the computer itself.

Faith is not entertainment; the child must understand everything he sees. And in order to clarify all the moments that are incomprehensible to the baby, there are you, wise and competent adults.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

In Christian history, a great many great martyrs suffered from pagans who demanded that the followers of the faith of Christ renounce their beliefs and worship pagan idols.

Ordinary mortals who believed in the Truth showed miracles of steadfastness and courage in the most sophisticated tortures and torments. Particularly striking is the patience of unbearable torments among tender young maidens.

Barbara from Iliopol: life

The only daughter of the rich and noble pagan Dioscorus lost her mother early, and her father was engaged in her upbringing. The girl was a real beauty, and her father considered it good to hide her away from human eyes.- to a high tower, where only her pagan tutors had access.

The view from the tower was extraordinary, and Varvara, admiring the beauties of the heavenly world, wondered: could all this be created by the soulless pagan idols worshiped by her father and his entourage? The thought that there is Someone higher did not leave her, and she decided to know the true Creator and devote her life to this, without tying the knot of marriage.

The girl was of unearthly beauty, and her father hid her in the tower. Meanwhile, rumors about the beauty of the young recluse spread throughout the city, and many noble applicants sought her hand. Despite her father's persuasion, the girl refused everyone.

And Dioscorus, deciding that a secluded lifestyle influenced her character, gave her complete freedom. Barbara made friends who professed Christianity, who taught her the basics of the faith of Christ. And soon she was secretly baptized.

The life of the saint gives such an episode of her biography. In the absence of her father, the girl ordered to cut through three windows instead of two windows according to the plan in the bathhouse under construction - as a symbol of the Trinity Light, and drew a cross over the entrance, which seemed to be imprinted in stone, and on the stone steps of the bathhouse there was an imprint of her foot, which gave rise to a source, curative over time.

The returned father was very dissatisfied with the violations of the plan, made on the orders of Varvara. Then the girl decided to tell him about the Holy Trinity, about the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, about the worthlessness of the stupid idols worshiped by Dioscorus. Father's anger, chase, miraculous salvation in the crevice of the mountain that parted before the fugitive ...

But one of the shepherds, who saw where Varvara had taken refuge, pointed out this place to his father. The girl was found and captured. Enraged, Dioscorus himself took part in the brutal beating of the girl, imprisoned her and subjected her to prolonged hunger, and then handed her over to Martian, the ruler of Hierapolis.

It is impossible to describe all the tortures to which the martyr was subjected. Looking at all this and experiencing heartache for a beautiful and noble girl, one of the townspeople named Juliana, a Christian by faith, began to accuse the executioners aloud. She, too, was captured, and now both of them were tortured: scourged with scourges equipped with iron hooks; beaten with hammers on the head; cut off the chest; dragged, continuing to beat, naked through the city.

Varvara prayed unceasingly, and through her prayer the Lord sent a holy angel, covering the nakedness of virgins with his wings. In the end, both martyrs were beheaded. Dioscorus personally executed his daughter ...

What do saints pray for?

The saint patronizes firefighters. After the execution of the great martyrs Dioscorus and Martian, the punishment of the Lord did not bypass: literally in the next moment they were struck by lightning - heavenly fire.

This legendary fact caused St. vmch. Varvara was identified as the heavenly patroness of "fiery" professions: artillerymen, rocketmen, firefighters, pyrotechnicians.

Everyone who is associated with risk turns to her: miners and climbers, sailors and travelers, builders and architects, as well as ... gardeners and flower growers. At first, she was also considered the patroness of artisans, since she herself loved needlework.

In the life of St. Varvara tells how on the night before the execution, Jesus Christ appeared in her cell, healed the wounds of the sufferer and asked what reward she would like to receive for her steadfastness.

Read also:

There is no greater reward for Christians than to suffer for the Savior, about which the girl told Him, but, she continued, “if you allow Your servant, I will ask that anyone who will die a violent death, without repentance and Christian forgiveness, could turn to me and ask for intercession before You.”

And the Savior promised her that. By the way, on the icon, the Great Martyr is depicted with a chalice (chalice for communion) in her hand. Only a priest can touch the chalice, and Barbara is the only saint awarded this special honor by the Church.

How does the Holy Great Martyr Barbara help? Based on the foregoing, they pray to her for salvation from:

Remembering one of the tortures applied to the girl - beating with a hammer on the head, she is asked to get rid of headaches and help with injuries to this organ.

The fateful conflict with a pagan father became the basis for Christian prayers on the theme "fathers and sons", for the improvement of family relations.

They ask the saint to save from melancholy and sadness in memory of her heartache- apostasy and cruelty of the dearest person.

They pray to Saint Barbara and for the successful course and outcome of pregnancy, about getting rid of women's diseases.

Relics of the Holy Great Martyr

In later times at the place of execution of St. vmch. Barbarians erected a monastery, her relics were first preserved in Constantinople, and then, when Princess Barbara, daughter of the Byzantine emperor Alexei Komnenos, married the Russian prince Svyatopolk (according to another version, Mikhail Izyaslavich), she transported them to Kiev.

The relics are in the cathedral in Kiev. Now they are in St. Vladimir's Cathedral of the city, and everyone who worshiped them still receives healing from them. There is a tradition of consecration on the relics of St. Barbarians of icons, crosses, rings, as if “taking over” the miraculous power from the holy remains.

The memory of the Great Martyr is celebrated on December 17, and on this day, many people flock to the temple to take part in the divine service and take communion, thus receiving the mercy of God and the grace of St. vmch. Barbarians.

You can bow and pray before the shrines in Moscow:

  • in the church of John the Warrior on Yakimanka;
  • in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word in Filippovsky lane.

At the first address, a part of the holy finger with a ring is venerated; the second, located in the courtyard of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in late XIX century, the then Patriarch of Jerusalem Hierotheos handed over a particle of the holy relics of the Great Martyr. Barbarians.

Prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara

Holy Glorious and All-Praised Great Martyr of Christ Barbara! Gathering today in your Divine temple people and the race of your relics worshiping and kissing with love, your martyr's suffering and in their Samago the passion-bearer of Christ, who gave you, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for Him, appeasement praises, we pray thee , known to the desire of our intercessor: pray with us and for us, praying from His mercy to God, may he graciously hear us asking for His grace, and will not put aside from us all the needy petitions for salvation and life, and grant a Christian death to our stomach, painless, shameless, I will partake of peace, the Divine Mysteries, and to everyone in every place, in every sorrow and situation, requiring His philanthropy and help, His great mercy will give, but by the grace of God and your warm intercession, soul and body are always in good health, we glorify the wondrous God in His saints Israel, who does not withdraw His help from us always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Custom prayer service

You can order a prayer service only for Orthodox people. What is a prayer service, perhaps, is known to everyone. This church requirement consists in a short service, consisting of prayers and petitions regarding some private need (hence - the requirement) of a person or several people who ordered a prayer service.

It is possible to perform such divine services only for living people who are baptized in the Orthodox faith.

Prayer services are divided into general church ones - they are served according to big holidays- and custom.

It is these who serve at the request of parishioners about the successful course and outcome of their undertakings.

You can also order a prayer service for the Great Martyr Barbara, indicating on the note what the prayer will be about and the names of those for whom prayers are offered.

It is good to serve a prayer service with an akathist. Such a service, as a rule, is held in front of the revered icons of the great saints. In many churches and monasteries, such services are held every week - you just need to find out which day. For such a prayer service, it would be nice to have the text of an akathist with you, which will allow you to follow the prayer more thoughtfully.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Seeing Saint Barbara placed herself on a high pillar from her father, thinking to herself by the mania of God to be raised to heaven. Reasonable, therefore, ascension in your heart, by those from darkness to the Light and from charming idols to the true God, you cleverly ascend, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Mind unreasonable about the One Creator of all creatures, understand the holy virgin Barbara, looking for, talking with her mind, saying: from dark idols, how mighty heavenly luminaries be created, rtsy mi? To her, he and the psalmist said: all Bozi is the tongue of demons, There is only one God and the Lord, who created the heavens and all the stars of them. Such is yours, wise maiden, marveling at the mind, with the verb:

Rejoice, more intelligent elder of idolaters; Rejoice, wiser than the sages of this world.

Rejoice, for God has revealed His unknown and secret wisdom to you; Rejoice, for God Himself taught you the word of true theology to eat.

Rejoice, having surpassed all astrologers with the mind of Christ; Rejoice, more clearly than oneh the circle of heaven has seen.

Rejoice, as if in a creature, like in a mirror, you saw the Creator itself; Rejoice, for thou hast seen the Uncreated Light in the created luminaries.

Rejoice, now, in addition to the mirror, the light of the face of God in heaven is seeing; Rejoice, inexpressibly rejoicing in that light.

Rejoice, clever star, even as the illumination of the face of God, like the sun, is light to us; Rejoice, mental moon, by which the night of delusion is like a day enlightened.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

The power of the Most High was then given to Saint Barbara, as of old to the prophet Ezekiel, the face of Adamant, strong before all idolaters, in a hedgehog not to be afraid of her from their brutal face, nor to be horrified by the fierce rebuke. Meanwhile, with boldness, the wise virgin cried out: I honor the Trinity, One Divinity, and worshiping that faith, I sing loudly: Alleluia.

Possessing Saint Barbara from above the wisdom given to herself, going to the maker of the paternal bath, and manifesting the mystery of the Holy Trinity with him, commanded to arrange three windows in the bath. if, - he says, - idolaters have their mouths and do not say the glory of the true God, then the stone walls in this bath with three windows, like three mouths, testify that there is one God, in the Trinity of Saints from all creation glorified and worshiped. For such wisdom, Saint Barbara, accept this praise:

Rejoice, in the three-window bath the font of holy baptism, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, depicted; Rejoice, in the font of water and the Spirit, to this and the blood of your martyr, who washed you away.

Rejoice, as with three windows the darkness of polytheism, the Trinity of Saints opposite, you drove away; Rejoice, for thou hast clearly seen the Light of the Trinity through the three windows.

Rejoice, as through those three windows the Sun of Truth, which shone three days from the tomb, gazed upon you; rejoice, for by those you ascended the day of Trinity salvation.

Rejoice, having always had your heart open to the One in the Trinity God; Rejoice, your feelings before the battle of three enemies: the flesh, the world and the devil, firmly concluded.

Rejoice, as in your soul there are three mental windows: faith, hope and love, thou hast arranged; Rejoice, for through those three windows at the Trinity Divinity, for three days, the Church of Christ raised up the Body was seen by you.

Rejoice, as the heavens have opened to you from the three angelic hierarchies; rejoice, as you have joyfully embraced the mountain of the monastery of the Trinity.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

The storm of great fury of your father, breathing banishment and murder, will make a noise on the temple of your soul, Saint Barbara, but you can’t shake it: it’s based on the firm faith of Christ’s stones, on which you, wise virgin, stand motionless, the song of Jesus Christ strengthening you Thou sang: Alleluia.

Hearing from you, wise daughter, your father Dioscorus unheard words about the Holy Trinity, like a deaf asp, close your ears and, like a serpent with a venom-bearing sting, rush with the edge of your sword to kill you; but you, the bride of Christ Barbara, imitating your Bridegroom Jesus, who fled from the sword of Herod, you ran from the sword of Dioscorus, wanting to turn his heart from bestial rage into fatherly love. We honor your reasonable flight with these titles:

Rejoice, blessed one, expelled from the house of earthly truth for the sake of it; Rejoice, rich in God, deprived of the riches of the fathers for Christ's sake.

Rejoice, for your impoverishment is the Kingdom of Heaven; rejoice, as a treasure of eternal blessings has been prepared for you.

Rejoice, verbal lamb, who has run from the evil wolf of the tormentor to the Good Shepherd Christ; Rejoice, entering into the courtyard of His righteous sheep, standing at the right hand.

Rejoice, gentle dove, who flew from the earthly ravine into the cover of the heavenly Eagle; Rejoice, thou who didst find His good protection in the blood of His wings.

Rejoice, honest daughter of the Heavenly Father, as if from an earthly parent with dishonor to death you were persecuted; Rejoice, for from the immortal Lord of Glory you have received eternal life with glory.

Rejoice, even to us, who desires life for us as an intercessor; Rejoice, diligent prayer book for us to God.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

You were like a divine star, holy Great Martyr Varvaro: fleeing before your father, you instructed him mysteriously on the path leading to the Righteous Sun, from the Virgin who shone, Christ God. Both he is spiritually blinded by his eyes, aby and bodily, he does not see you running before him: you are through the stone, which parted for you by the command of God, passing through the mountain, you hid from his eyes in a stone cave, but from the environment of stone, like a bird, give a voice to God, singing: Alleluia.

When the shepherd saw you, pasturing sheep on top of the mountain, hiding in stone, I marveled, saying: what is this verbal lamb? Which wolf is running? And behold, Dioscorus, more fierce than a wolf, ascended the mountain, and found you hiding there, and having stolen your virgin hair, attracted to your house along a cruel path, on it, faithfully, we meet these greetings:

Rejoice, thou who hast become like a young deer on the fragrant mountains; Rejoice, mountainous, more than the valleys, ascents in your heart, believing, beloved.

Rejoice, thou who hast escaped the ruinous idolatry of the ditch; Rejoice, ascending to the mountain of Trinity worship.

Rejoice, having passed through the stone, from the stone-hearted running persecution; Rejoice, in the midst of the stone, the Stone of Christ, who affirms you, who has found it.

Rejoice, having entered the stone cave, to see Jesus in the stone tomb that was laid; Rejoice, already seeing Him sitting on the throne of Glory.

Rejoice, as the hair of your head is for Christ, who guards, and the hair of the human head will not perish, uproot the essence on the earth; Rejoice, for you have read the essence from Christ for the crowning in heaven.

Rejoice, thy hair is stained with blood, like flowers, stained; Rejoice, you who turned the braiding of your bloodied hair into a golden crown.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

As a God-bearing preacher, an apostle of Christ, boldly jealous, before the face of the tormentors, you preached Christ the true God: and for His sake of a fierce wound, with haired shirts and a sharp forehead, painfully rubbed, you bravely endured, Saint Barbara. She was also imprisoned in prison, in it, like in a devil about Christ Jesus, thou rejoiced, singing to Him: Alleluia.

Having shone in your heart the enlightenment of true God-reason, and in your eyes the light of His divine face, Christ the Lord: He, as your beloved Bridegroom, at midnight to you, His immaculate bride, came to prison, kindly visit you, heal from wounds and grace Your face inexpressibly rejoiced your soul, but teach us, the faithful, to sing to you sitsa:

Rejoice, for the suffering beating of Christ mercilessly beaten; Rejoice, having killed the beats of the invisible enemy with patience.

Rejoice, thou who bore the wounds of thy Lord upon thy body; Rejoice, from all ulcers, the same Lord, healed on your body.

Rejoice, for the Lord Himself, the Light of the world, showed Himself to you in the former prison; Rejoice, for the Doctor Himself of the soul and body visited the sick person to eat.

Rejoice, having lightly entered the heavenly chamber through the earthly prison; Rejoice, thou who didst wear thy marriage garment from thy blood.

Rejoice, for through you sinners are healed from many wounds; rejoice, as by you from all diseases with faith those who call you are healed.

Rejoice, quick fixer of the bonds of sin; Rejoice, multi-malicious ulcers, kind healer.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

I want to improve my desire to the insane tormentor, and even encroaches on caressing words to you, Saint Barbara, from the true God to turn away to a charming idol, you, like a wise virgin, answered that: first turn hard adamant into soft wax, rather than turn me away from Christ my God ; For Him, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, I confess the One true God, I glorify, praise, and sing to Him: Alleluia.

A new display of inhumanity, the rage of an animal-like tormentor, when you, holy great martyr Varvaro, commanded to hang on a tree, and with iron nails your body slash, and scorch your ribs with burning candles, and beat hard at the head with a small one. This more than natural patience of yours is reverently reminiscent, with these praises we bless you:

Rejoice, for you were hanged on a tree, for Christ's sake crucified on the Cross; Rejoice, planed on the rib of Jesus for the sake of, with a spear in the ribs of the perforated one.

Rejoice, for you have kindled the fire of love for God in your heart; rejoice, for thou wast burned with fiery candles behind him.

Rejoice, firmest adamant in patience unharmed; Rejoice, strongest stone pillar in unshakable courage.

Rejoice, for the crown of the Kingdom has been sought for you, as if by a young man who beat you on the head; rejoice, for the head of your enemy is crushed by the same small head.

Rejoice, for with Christ, for His sake, you suffered on earth; rejoice, for you are glorified with Him and about Him in heaven.

Rejoice, strong conqueror of all our enemies; Rejoice, quick help in all our troubles.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Seeing the strange and terrible suffering of Saint Barbara, the missus in the wives Juliana was greatly surprised, what a young maiden in her youthful body such courageously endures torment for Christ? The same, tearfully filled with compunction, thankfully she cried out to Christ God: Alleluia.

All the Sweetest Jesus is sweetness, all the desire for you to be, Saint Barbara; sweet for His sake, for the sake of bitterness, you endured torment, saying: the cup of suffering, give me my Beloved Bridegroom, do not imam drink? At the same time, the cup itself appeared, pouring out the sweetness of miraculous healings to all who cry out to you:

Rejoice, having rejected idolatrous grief in hellish grief; Rejoice, thou who hast loved the heavenly sweetness of Jesus.

Rejoice, mental stamina, manna brashna of the creation of the will of God in yourself; Rejoice, fulfilling the desire of the faithful in good things.

Rejoice, river filled with the grace of God with waters; Rejoice, source, seething outpouring of miracles.

Rejoice, like a bee that flew away from the fetid idol victims of smoke; Rejoice, sweetly flowing stench into the fragrant world of Christ.

Rejoice, for you were like a honeycomb with your ulcers all over your body; Rejoice, as your blood drops are sweeter than honey to the Most Sweet Jesus.

Rejoice, for your remembrance is most sweet to all the faithful; Rejoice, for your name is honored throughout the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

All angelic nature rejoiced with great joy, seeing your courageous fortress, holy and invincible martyr Varvaro: having seen the angelic rank of the decrepit enemy, the proud prince of darkness, with all his demonic and idol hordes from you, the only young virgin, shamed, defeated and under the nose your downtrodden, crying out to God with a great voice: Alleluia.

Vetii multicasting with their rhetorical tongues will not be able to utter the majesty of your painful suffering, O Varvaro! Who will tell your illness, colic be, when your breast is truncated? Who will utter the shame of a girlish face, when you were led naked all over the city from lawless tormentors? Having remembered your sickness and your dishonor, we tremble, and with tenderness we say to sits:

Rejoice, good summer of the garden of Jesus; Rejoice, true vine of the vine of Christ.

Rejoice, cut off your two nipples, like two dreams in honor of your Lord brought; Rejoice, thy blood, like the wine of compunction, which has exuded from those.

Rejoice, for for the sake of the naked Christ, and you were stripped of your garments; rejoice, for for His sake, in Jerusalem, the scolding is led by the one, and you were led by the city to the mockery.

Rejoice, clothed in your nakedness with bright clothes from an angel; Rejoice, invisibly covered from cold eyes.

Rejoice, former disgrace wondrous by an angel and a man; Rejoice, and you yourself surprised the tormentors with your patience.

Rejoice, for the Lord Himself from above looks upon your sufferings; rejoice, for the Ascetic Himself praised your deeds.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

At least save your soul, you neglected your body in every possible way, Saint Barbara: when the condemnation of death was on you, you were sharp under the sword, like a crown, red, joyfully going, to God, strengthening you in martyrdom, you sang a song : Alleluia.

The walls of stone, hardened by the heart, were Dioscorus, yours, Saint Barbara, is no longer a parent, but a fierce tormentor: that one, as if he heard your condemnation sword to death, not only about your death, not more, but with his own sword at the place of condemnation of your saint truncate the head, and so, according to the prophecy of the Lord, the accursed father will betray his child to death. In that happier death of yours, receive from us this singing:

Rejoice, for the head of the Church - Christ under the sword bowed your head; Rejoice, for the love of the heavenly philanthropic Father Immortal to death from the earthly inhuman father of the perishable betrayed.

Rejoice, thou who didst end well during the course of the martyr's path; Rejoice, having kept the faith of the immortal Betrothed Christ until death in good spirits.

Rejoice, girded with power from above to fight against the forces of the underworld; Rejoice, clothed with victorious glory in the highest from Christ the Conqueror.

Rejoice, crowned on earth with the weapon of God's favor; Rejoice, adorned with the color of incorruption in heaven.

Rejoice, virgins kindness and praise; Rejoice, martyr beauty and joy.

Rejoice, strong refuge for the Christian; Rejoice, faithful intercession.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Our praiseworthy singing, even if it is numbered, is vemy, as if it is not enough to praise thee, holy and all-praiseful martyr Varvaro; Both of us, God's gifts to us abundantly given to us, give thanks to the being, to God, glorified in you with His good deeds, with thanksgiving lips we sing: Alleluia.

The light-receiving candle, placed on the heavenly candlestick before the throne of the Holy Trinity, we see the intelligent eyes of you, holy virgin Barbara: from now on, when the night darkness of our sins enlightens us with the rays of your prayers and instructs us on the bright path of salvation, you are worthy of us with the title of being revered by this :

Rejoice, light-smart ray, adopted into the flickering lordship; Rejoice, mental daylighter, enlighten the non-evening day that ascended.

Rejoice, fragrant quietly, fragrant Church of Christ; Rejoice, golden censer, bringing the incense of prayer for us to God.

Rejoice, incomparable world-mother of healing; Rejoice, treasure of God's gifts that is not dependent.

Rejoice, cup, drawing joy from the abundance of the house of God; Rejoice, vessel, from the fulfillment of Christ, receiving all the blessings of heaven sweetness.

Rejoice, adamante, adorned ring of immortal betrothal with Christ; Rejoice, crown of kindness, held in the hand of the Lord.

Rejoice, as the King of Glory, the Lord of forces, glory and splendor has placed on you; Rejoice, for you are the King of kings and the Lord of lords, your kingdom and dominion.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Grace from God is given to you, keep and observe from sudden illness and impudent death of every person, with faith, love and reverence, your honest suffering, remembering and honoring; do not deprive us of this grace, good maiden Barbara, and we too, healthy in body and spirit in this and future life, we sing about you to God: Alleluia.

We sing your strong deeds, we honor sufferings, we praise long-suffering, we bless your holy end, we praise your invincible courage that appeared in a weak body, by which you were glorified on earth and in heaven, holy and victorious Great Martyr Barbara, and in honor of your victorious feats and sufferings we will write a laudable you this:

Rejoice, kindly received from the angelic ranks in their cohabitation; Rejoice, joyfully introduced from virgin faces into the heavenly chamber.

Rejoice, from the martyr regiments under the crown of glory, escorted in a voice of joy; Rejoice, having received a kiss in the Lord from all the inhabitants of heaven.

Rejoice, for there is a lot of your reward in heaven; rejoice, for your joy is eternal in the lordship of the saints.

Rejoice, strong intercessor for us from the enemy visible and invisible; Rejoice, joy to us, grace and glory to the eternal intercessor.

Rejoice, healer of our spiritual and bodily ailments; Rejoice, giver of saving earthly and heavenly blessings.

Rejoice, for by you, from an unexpected and eternal death, save us to be hopeful; rejoice, as you will hopefully improve eternal life with tea.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Oh, long-suffering and all-merciful saint, Great Martyr Varvaro! Accept our current prayer, from all illnesses of the soul and body, and save us from the enemy visible and invisible, and save us from eternal torment by your God-pleasing intercession, but with you on the land of the living forever we sing to God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st.

keeping the angels honest and all-loving purity immaculately, honest Varvaro, you were honored to be an angel concubine, with them always sing a trinity song to God in heaven, hear us singing this laudatory song to you on earth:

Rejoice, maiden, provided by God the Father to be conformable in suffering to the image of His Son; Rejoice, Son of God, Light from Light, called out of darkness into the wondrous light of His faith and grace.

Rejoice, as if the Holy Spirit called you, and you yourself are holy in body and spirit; Rejoice, for from the filth of the flesh and the spirit you have kept the blameless.

Rejoice, born of the Virgin to the Bridegroom Christ, you betrothed the pure virgin; Rejoice, thou who did not desire the earthly betrothed more than the heavenly nobility.

Rejoice, the crown of virginity, in the midst of the thorns of the idol sprouted share; Rejoice, flower of purity, blossoming grief in unfading glory.

Rejoice, enjoying the fragrance of Christ in the heavenly garden; rejoice, the most beautiful of all sons human vision there comforting.

Rejoice, thou who didst whiten thy garments in the Blood of the lamb upon the earth; Rejoice, in the face of a virgin following God's lamb in heaven.

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Chosen by God from an idolatrous generation and called into the holy tongue, into a people of renewal, the bride of Christ, as if delivering you from various evils and situations, we will describe you with thanksgiving singing and praise, your prayer books, holy and all-praise great martyr: you, having boldness in the Lord, free us from all troubles, but with joy we call you:

Rejoice, Barbara, beautiful bride of Christ.

Turning to the saints for help, one must always remember that it is one thing to ask, but much more importantly - to thank for the good deed created by your prayers. There is a thanksgiving service for this. Or you can just go to the temple, light a candle and in your own words sincerely thank for the help.

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It is impossible to imagine the history of Orthodoxy without the presence of saints in it. Men and women, elders and still children are great sufferers for the Faith and the Lord. Someone's names are always heard, believers offer their prayers to someone, hoping for help and protection, and few people know about some of them. One such little-known saint will be discussed today. This is the Great Martyr Barbara. A young beauty who loved God more than herself and suffered torment for her faith.

The life of this saint is an example of the firmness of the Faith and Love of the Lord. The icon of Barbara the Great Martyr, her face is practically a living confirmation of this.

Life of Saint Barbara

A long time ago, in a rich and noble family of the pagan Dioscorus, a girl was born. The future Great Martyr Barbara was born in the ancient city of Iliopol, which at that time was located on the territory of present-day Syria. When the girl's mother died, the father took over all the responsibilities for raising his only child. Dioscorus was madly in love with his daughter and did his best to protect her from everything alien and, as he believed, superfluous, including from the growing strength of Christianity. In the end, this all-encompassing love led the jealous parent to build a large beautiful house in which he tried to hide his daughter from the outside.

Quest for Barbara

But, having locked the physical shell of the girl in the castle, Dioscorus could not deprive her of all those thoughts and reflections that overwhelmed the suffering, seeking peace of mind. How often, probably, Barbara - the Holy Great Martyr of Christianity - sitting at the window of her room, pondered the beauty of the space surrounding her, experiencing a burning desire to know the true creator of all this splendor.

Numerous nannies assigned to monitor and educate her tried to explain to the girl that the world was created by the gods worshiped by her father, but Varvara did not believe these speeches. Her thoughts flowed smoothly, she thought that the gods, revered by her father, were created by human hands, which means they could not create a deep blue sky with curly white clouds, a dense forest with all its inhabitants, rivers, mountains and everything else. No, the young girl thought, not these man-made idols, but only the One God, having his own being, could give rise to the majestic beauty of the Universe. In these reflections, Varvara gradually came to understand that creation real world impossible without the knowledge of the One God, the Creator of all things.

Growing up Barbara

The girl grew up and more and more matchmakers from wealthy families in which there were suitors began to appear in their house with her father. Dioscorus, dreaming of a profitable party for his beautiful daughter, more than once started a conversation with her about marriage, but each such conversation ended in a decisive refusal to fulfill his will.

On reflection, the father decided that Varvara shied away from potential husbands due to the fact that the reclusive life of his daughter played a cruel joke on her, not teaching her to communicate with the people around her. Having come to such conclusions, Dioscorus decided to give Barbara some indulgence, allowing her to leave her father's house in the hope that she would get friends, in conversations with whom she would learn and understand all the delights of marriage.

Ah, if the rich pagan knew how it would all end, he would probably lock his daughter forever and ever within the walls of the house.

Baptism of the Great Martyr

One day on a walk, the future Great Martyr Barbara met several Christian women on her way, who told her about the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, His Suffering for the human race and the Resurrection from the dead. The girl was struck by these stories, because it was what she thought about in long lonely evenings, not understanding how to sort out her thoughts, put them together. Fortunately, at that time a priest was passing by in Iliopolis, who agreed to talk with Varvara and try to help her sort out her thoughts. In a private conversation, the presbyter told the young girl the essence of the Christian faith, and after the conversation he baptized her. The Holy Spirit descended on Varvara, with great love she turned this time to God, vowing to devote her whole life to serving in His glory.

Feat of Great Martyr Barbara

Dioscorus, who returned home from a trip, was furious when he heard from his daughter "seditious" speeches glorifying the One God and the Trinity. In a rage, he rushed at the girl, revealing a sharp blade, but she managed to slip out of the house, run into the mountains and hide in a crevice there.

Only in the evening, at the behest of the poor shepherd, did the father manage to find the girl. Not sparing, severely beating his daughter, Dioscorus forced her to leave the shelter in which she was hiding, and dragged her home. All night he scolded and beat the girl, and in the morning, realizing that he had not achieved anything, and that she stubbornly stood her ground, he took her to the mayor.

Merciless and cruel were his words addressed to the ruler: “I, Dioscorus, renounce my daughter, because she rejects the deities I worship. I give you my daughter to be torn to pieces, do as you and the gods please."

The mayor tried to persuade the girl to depart from the Faith of Christ, not to go against her father's will and not to anger him and the gods. But Barbara the Holy Great Martyr was firm in her faith. Directly and honestly looking into the eyes of the tormentor, she confessed good news. Enraged by such firmness, the head ordered that the newly converted Christian be subjected to cruel torture. Until evening, the tormentors forced the girl to renounce Christ. At sunset, half-dead, they took her to the dungeon.

Left alone, Barbara offered up an ardent prayer, the Lord heard her groans and appeared to her with the words: “Do not be afraid of anything, for I am with you, I look at your courage and heal your wounds. Be with Me to the end and you will enter My Kingdom.” Miraculously, the wounds on the girl's body healed, the Great Martyr Varvaras fell asleep with a benevolent smile on her lips.

Execution of Barbara

In the morning, the torturers were amazed to see the girl without any traces of torture on her body. This angered the fanatics even more. By the will of fate, a Christian girl Juliana became a witness of a miracle. Even more believing after what she saw, she openly proclaimed her faith, for which she was captured by the soldiers.

Both girls were subjected to cruel tortures that even the most persistent man could not endure. But both martyrs were firm in their Faith, with a prayer on their lips and a bright look, they accepted bodily torments. With the name of Jesus Christ, they laid down their lovely heads on the chopping block and were beheaded. The cruel Dioscorus himself executed his daughter. The Lord, seeing such lawlessness, soon punished the murderer by striking him with lightning.

Burial of Vavrara

After the martyrdom of the girls, their remains were buried near the settlement of Gelassia. Subsequently, the temple of the Great Martyr Barbara was erected there. During the reign of Emperor Justin, the relics were sent to Constantinople, the capital of the empire. Several centuries later, some of the remains of the Great Martyr arrived in Kiev along with the bride of Prince Svyatopolk, Princess Barbara, where they found peace in the territory of St. Michael's Golden-Domed Monastery. At the beginning of the 20th century, the relics were again moved, this time to the Kiev-Pechersk Reserve. Today, the cancer with incorruptible remains resides in the Vladimir Cathedral in Kiev.

As mentioned above, only a part of the Saint's relics was brought to Ukrainian soil. Barbara's head and hands are, one might say, scattered all over the world. Left hand, originally left in Ancient Greece, later ended up on the territory of Poland, and then in Western Ukraine, from where it was stolen by the Jews and burned. Miraculously, they managed to save the ashes and the ring from the hand, which are currently on Canadian soil in the town of Edmonton. Some parts of the incorruptible relics found shelter in the monasteries of Thessaly (the church of Agia Episkepsi), as well as on Mount Athos, a holy mountain for the Orthodox. The remains of the Great Martyr are kept and in John the Warrior and the Church of the Resurrection they keep sacred miraculous relics.

The first church in the name of St.

The first, but by no means the only church of Barbara the Great Martyr on Russian soil was erected in 1781 on the territory of the Grushevsky camp. This wooden temple, rebuilt with donations from the Cossacks, stood for almost a hundred years. In 1876, after the church burned down, the inhabitants of the camp, with the blessing of Archbishop Platon, began the construction of a stone church.

During the Great Patriotic War the altar part of St. Barbara's parish was partially damaged by a fascist shell explosion. At present, all the damage has been repaired, the faithful offer their prayers with gratitude and read the Akathist to the Great Martyr Barbara within its walls. Several times they tried to close the parish, but the villagers, relying with all their might on God's help defended their temple. To this day, services are held here, glorifying our Lord Jesus Christ.

Icon and prayer to Saint Barbara

The icon of Barbara the Great Martyr, as well as her imperishable relics, is undoubtedly the strongest of Orthodox Christians. True believing Christians received many inexplicable miraculous healings. The Saint's Day falls on December 17th. The prayer to the Great Martyr Barbara has tremendous power, giving strengthening in faith, healing from severe ailments and, of course, peace of mind.

There are Christian saints who are revered by almost all churches. They appeared at the dawn of Christianity and became famous for their great faith and devotion to Christ. A typical example is St. Barbara the Great Martyr of Iliopol.

How does prayer help this ascetic, and what is the story of her life?

Saint Barbara the Great Martyr was born at the beginning of the fourth century in the city of Iliopol, which was located on the territory of present-day Syria.

During this period, Christianity was only developing, and the current rulers (including Maximilian, under whose reign Saint Barbara the Great Martyr was born) were fierce opponents of the new religious movement.

Often, representatives of Christianity were persecuted, and the bulk of the people professed paganism.

Childhood in a pagan family

Barbara's parents, who belonged to a noble family, were also pagans. This circumstance even more prevented the future saint from learning about the new faith. After all, representatives of noble families, as a rule, support the main course that is in the state.

At that time, Christianity for the most part was a slightly marginal religion, and the nobility mostly eschewed this faith, but adhered to it. simple people. Although there were also surprising situations, for example, no one initially told Saint Barbara about the Christian faith.

Moreover, the people with whom she communicated were devoted pagans and instructed the girl precisely within the framework of this concept.

Barbara Illiopolskaya

WITH early childhood the saint finds herself practically locked up, left without a mother, she lives in a separate tower, which her father built for her.

He wants the girl to grow up chaste and not be subjected to various temptations, including the sermons of Christians. In addition, he is actively thinking about Varvara's marriage and wants to find a worthy spouse for the girl.

However, the girl left alone with herself begins to ask herself:

  • where did this world come from;
  • who is the creator of everything;
  • is there a creator who invented the existence;
  • how to contact this creator;
  • Does true faith exist?

Sometimes the future saint receives answers about Roman deities from her own servants, but understands the illusory nature of these idols, which are invented by people.

Interesting to know! How to confess in and what is it

Finding Faith

Barbara realized the deep meaning of the true faith and, thanks to her own understanding, understood the idea of ​​a single Creator who created the whole world.

It only remained to find out if there is somewhere a teaching that professes the Creator and allows you to get closer to Him.

In time, Dioscorus, Barbara's father, began to inquire about the girl's thoughts about marriage and received a very chaste answer, even more chaste than he wanted.

The girl had no intention of looking for a spouse, since all her thoughts were about the desire to find the true faith. Then Dioscorus decided to give her more freedom and sometimes allowed her to leave her own house, thanks to which she was able to secretly communicate with Christians.

The girl from a noble family did not look for idle entertainment, but began to learn about the truth from the Christian community in her city. Christian women she knew told Saint Barbara about the Holy Trinity and Christ. When a priest came to the city, posing as a merchant, they told the girl about this, and she was baptized.

Becoming a Christian, Barbara decided to bring in various elements own being your creed. Once, when the workers were building a tower in her house, she ordered not two, as originally planned, but three windows to be made there, which would symbolize the Trinity.

Dioscorus was then out of the house, and when he arrived, the news surprised him. After Varvara told about the reason for such changes, he generally fell into anger and wanted to cut off the girl's head, but she ran away. Nevertheless, in the end, Barbara was found, and Dioscorus himself brought her to the city ruler and handed her over to be torn to pieces.

Relics of Great Martyr Barbara

As usual in such situations, the ruler first offered to renounce his own faith and profess Roman paganism. However, the girl began to denounce what the pagans pray for and to whom they offer their requests. Very cruel tortures and imprisonment in prison were appointed.

Note! As the legend says, Saint Barbara, when she saw the Lord at night, asked him for only one thing: to give such grace that people who are in danger and who have not received communion and have not confessed could turn to her in order to receive intercession before the Almighty.

When the girl was taken out of the night confinement, she was completely unharmed. According to legend, the Lord appeared to Barbara at night and strengthened her in faith, healed her wounds.

After that, the Christian woman from Iliopol was tortured a lot, and another Christian decided to share her feat - Juliana, who also openly declared her faith in Christ when she saw how the Lord healed Barbara.

After prolonged torture, the martyrs were beheaded. Moreover, Barbara is Dioscorus himself, who, after a short period, was struck by lightning.

In the eleventh century, the relics of the Great Martyr Barbara were brought by the princess of the same name from Constantinople to Kiev, where they still rest. They are kept in the Cathedral of St. Vladimir.

Prayers to Saint Barbara

Among the Orthodox, who understand the peculiarities of the specialization of various saints, the prayer to Barbara the Great Martyr sounds most often with a request to guide other people on the true path.

The Orthodox ask this ascetic to enlighten other people (most often close ones) to turn to Christ and learn the sacrament of communion and baptism.

This does not imply the imposition and inculcation of doctrine and views, but concern for other people, which also implies the need to tell the Good News and allow them to join the true faith.

The icon of St. Barbara is one of the few where a chalice (a vessel for communion in which wine is consecrated) can be part of the image. This attribute is associated with one of the main functions of the ascetic - to confess and take communion to those who could not do this in a normal way.

In addition, the saint's prayer is especially effective and is most often used when asking:

  • about healing from various ailments, from which the image of a saint, relics and simply sincere prayer helps;
  • about strengthening in faith when some vague doubts, despondency, or something like that appear;
  • about protection from various misfortunes and dangers, the opportunity to receive the help of the Almighty in difficult moments;
  • about favorable childbirth and childbearing;
  • about getting a worthy spouse;
  • about the health and well-being of children.

In addition to this, of everything in which the martyr Barbara helps, prayers for people who have died without communion and confession should also be noted in a special way. In order for others to find peace in the other world, they pray to this particular saint and ask them to intercede before the Lord so that they receive indulgence and, as a result, can partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

In fact, such an opportunity is almost equal to the favorable repose of the soul. Therefore, in Orthodox tradition this ascetic is especially revered, and significant hopes are pinned on her intercession.

V Orthodox Church Barbara's memorial day is celebrated on December 17th. On this day, it is especially useful to attend the service and bow to the icon, as well as read prayers at home on your own.

Note! Russian rocket troops strategic appointments celebrate their professional holiday on the day of memory of the Great Martyr, who is appointed Heavenly Intercessor of this type of troops.

Who does the saint help?

There are professions for which the icon of the Great Martyr Barbara is especially useful, and such people should establish a personal connection with this ascetic and pray more often.

In particular, we are talking about people:

  • whose work is associated with various dangers and the treatment of various serious ailments;
  • who work in the field of obstetrics and gynecology;
  • who are involved in the upbringing of children;
  • who work in the rescue services and similar departments.

As a rule, she helps representatives of these professions, and many workers from these areas carry a photo icon or a small icon.

In addition, Saint Barbara enjoys special reverence among representatives of the mining industry, after Patriarch Alexy II decided to consider her the benefactor of these specialists. Therefore, many miners pray to her in order to receive a blessing and be able to work in favorable conditions.

If we talk about the relics of the Great Martyr Barbara, the main part of which rests in Kiev, then from ancient times various testimonies of healing from ailments have been recorded there.

Also, many believers bring their own pectoral crosses, icons there in order to venerate and receive a blessing from the virgin.

Nevertheless, the rest of the Orthodox should not neglect prayers to this great ascetic. After all, the saints continue to pray to the Lord for all people, regardless of any details and features.

Differences between people are for the most part an earthly property, but it does not particularly apply to the heavenly world, for which the main significant factors are: purity of soul and sincerity of faith.

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Summing up

Inspired by the example of the martyr Barbara, many Orthodox are strengthened in their own faith and receive additional support, which is so needed in these times.

Of course, now there are no such persecutions of Christians as before, but there is something else - a huge number of temptations in this world and a perversion of moral principles, which can be even more dangerous than persecution of faith. Therefore, the Orthodox need to pray regularly to keep the true faith and not deviate from the right path.