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Rocket day. Day of Rocket Forces: Congratulations. Strategic rocket troops day. What are they, these traditions to the Day of Rocket Forces

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are related directly to the whole country. Military, as a rule, mark all the events associated with any kind of troops. The day of the rocket troops in 2017, what date and in which year they were created, are interested in many.

Day of rocket troops and artillery - a little holiday history

So, if we can touch our story to note that these troops found their name back in 1964. Immediately we can say that such a day is not a red number of calendar, based on what is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. This is the day of rocket troops and artillery, but what date in 2017 it is necessary to celebrate such an event can immediately specify that it is November 19 and the long-awaited and unusual day of the racket will come.

I would like to emphasize those facts that our country thanks to the combat readiness of this kind of troops has reliable protection and strong support for the Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Daily thousands of people are honored by their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable for all day, especially since the memorable date originated for a long time and proudly celebrates the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery refers to one of the oldest genus of troops. In 1382, artillery implements were used for the first time, which were used exclusively for enemies. If you touch past years, we can feel boldly to note that such troops have experienced many changes, that is, reformed, merged and divided with other types of troops, but the tasks set themselves were unchanged.

Who marks the holiday of rocket troops

Professional day celebrate not only servicemen, as well as all who directly relate to the development of technology, specialists and scientists of equipment, as well as many other workers who work for the benefit of their homeland, developing various kinds of weapons and much more.

The day of rocket troops and artillery celebrates in the third autumn month, which date is also known, namely November 19. By this regard, specially prepared troops have their own history, which is transmitted to the new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how the industry has once a long time ago, as a rocket industry, and then a rocket and artillery has been formed.

Further, the state tried struggling to increase and lift the missile potential with a combination with prepared personnel. Which should have had the ability to manage their own, as well as to solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. And these forces were reliable, strong and endless, because otherwise it was simply impossible.

As you can mark a revered holiday

The solemn day of this holiday will certainly be noted with relatives and loved ones. Almost all servicemen spend this particular day in the circle of their family. After all, in connection with its difficult elegant profession, such people are often absent at home, so you want to stay with your relatives to your professional celebration.

Of course, men usually decide how to spend such a day and most often their choice falls on a festive dinner, who will be happy to prepare the hostess of the house, and they help her in this. After all, the 2017 missile troops day is already known to be the number and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere must satisfy all the guests, so many do not rarely prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is for such a holiday, men love to rest in nature, organizing the music at the same time. After all, every person probably knows that the best rest than in nature does not find. But here it is necessary to guess the weather, because in the frosty blizzard on the street will not be very comfortable.

The day of rocket troops and artillery, undoubtedly, is a male holiday, so cooked meals must be made of meat (for example,), and the treats cooked on the Mangal will clearly become crown masterpieces of culinary sizes, and also baked potatoes are suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their business, where there is a clear head and severe reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized, inventing and playing the scenes, where humor will be present, as well as, if desired, everyone can participate in the draws.

If suddenly, weather conditions suddenly go out and leave the house on nature will not work, then you can organize a festive party in the restaurant. There you can invite your loved ones and relatives, and for a strong half of the solemn holiday, thus arrange a surprise. After all, they will surely take such an invitation with pleasure.

"God of war" the Russian soldiers died this kind of troops. It was an artillery, like the celever repeatedly solved the fate of the most large-scale and fierce battles in domestic history. Russian artillerymen always showed mass heroism, often preferring to die near their guns, but not to retreat before the enemy. Artillery has always been famous for the technical perfection and skill of the artillery officers themselves.

Over time, the power of artillery has only increased, and after the emergence of missile weapons, truly the divine power, which they attributed to their idols of the religion of many nations, became available to conventional deaths. Congratulations on the day of the rocket troops and artillery of all employees now or served in the past warriors, we thank them for the fact that they always find themselves on the guard of our peaceful life and freedom.


Stalingrad victory in which the artillery made a major contribution, and became the basis for creating this holiday. And then, in 1942, the general offensive of Soviet troops began on November 19. Spiritically celebrate this date, the artillery of the USSR began in the course of the greatest Patriotic War. However, an officially professional artillery holiday was established only in 1988, according to the decree of the USSR PVS.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the traditions of Russian artillery, including the festive, were not lost. On the prestige of the armed forces in general and artillery in particular, they cared constantly. And in 2006, the decree of the Russian President 549 was released, establishing the official status of the "artillery day". It acts to this day. It should not be confused with the "Day of the RVSN", which is celebrated on December 17th.


The traditions of the day of artillery are rich and diverse. It is noted not only servicemen, former and real, but also members of their families. On this day, artillery parts and connections visits many guests to:

  • look at demonstration shooting;
  • get acquainted with samples of armed forces of guns systems.

On the same day, regular ranks are traditionally assigned to a serviceman, state and memorable awards are awarded, congratulations and gratitude are announced. And at home all involved in the holiday waiting for a covering table and congratulations family members and friends.

Thank you for the fact that our country has not yet been occupied and did not disappear from the face of the Earth, it is necessary to have a very specific genus of the troops - namely - RVSN. It is their presence and constant combat readiness that guarantees reliable protection of the Russian Federation against aggression of any of the world powers. Every day, thousands of military personnel - soldiers and officers will stand up for mandatory combat duty in missile mines and on mobile complexes. It would be strange if such a power capable of destroying on the planet everything is alive, but standing exclusively on guard of the world would remain without his own commemorative date.


Today the status of this memorable day is regulated in accordance with the Presidential Decree, which establishes a list of military holidays and published in 2006. But the history of this date is much older. It was chosen at a very specific occasion - it was December 17, but in 1959, rocket troops who had a strategic appointment were created for the first time.

Over the past year, they are repeatedly:

  • reformed;
  • redeemed;
  • merged with other kinds of troops and divided with them.

However, the tasks facing RVSN have not changed.

For the first time, the feast of the rocket troops of strategic appointment (it should not be confused with the Day of Artillery and Rocket Forces) was established in 1995 by the presidential decree dated December 10th. And Decree 2006 canceled the previous one, lowered the status of the holiday to a regular commemorative date, since RVSH has become the type of armed forces in the genus of troops. However, such a decrease did not affect the scale of celebration.


  • those who sits behind the pair of launch;
  • all servicemen providing the RVSN combat readiness;
  • civilian specialists;
  • employees of subsidiary services;
  • scientists from their own Research Institutes in the structure of RVSN, VASES, factories producing equipment for this kind of troops, polygons, etc.

Not only those who served or working in missile troops now, but also civilians, and military pensioners who have relevant to RVSN in the past are noted this date.

The event of an event speaks at least the fact of annual reception in the Kremlin organized on December 17. In all military units and institutions, the kind of troops take place for solemn construction and assembly, awards are presented and the next titles are assigned. There are traditions associated with the church - many divisional temples are given by the icons of St. Ilya Muromets, who is the Heavenly patron of RVSN.

The day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment (RVSN) is a memorable day celebrated in Russia in December and dedicated to the family of troops, which is the basis of the nuclear shield of our country.

When the day of the rocket troops of strategic appointment is celebrated - 2017

History of the day of RVSN

This memorable day was established on December 17, 1959, when the Rocket forces of strategic appointments were created as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR (RVSH). The first commander-in-chief of the RVSN became the hero of the Soviet Union The main marshal of artillery M. I. Dispensewho made a great contribution to the formation of this type of troops, as well as in the development, testing and adoption of rocket-nuclear weapons.

In 1995, RVSN was a professional holiday, according to the decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of the Day of Rocket Forces of the Strategic Appointment and the Day of Military-Space Forces".

Today, the day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment is a memorable day.

What is rocket troops of strategic appointment

Rocket troops of strategic appointment (RVSN) is the basis of the nuclear shield of Russia. RVSN consists of missile armies and military units, include spacerians, polygons, research stations and institutes, higher military schools, training centers for the preparation of junior specialists and schools, arsenals, repair factories, central bases and other objects.

RVSN is the main component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia and are in direct submission of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

This is the troops of permanent combat readiness, intended for nuclear containment of possible opponent's aggression. RVSN independently and as part of strategic nuclear forces may affect massive, group or single missile-nuclear strikes strategic enemy objects. The RVSN is in service with all Russian terrestrial intercontinental ballistic missiles of mobile and mine basing with nuclear warheads. RVSN headquarters is located in the village of Vlasijah in the Moscow region. RVSN Commander - Colonel-General Sergey Karakaev.

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment

On guard of Mother Russia
Invisible for everyone stands,
Huge power, terrible power,
The thunderstorm of enemies is a rocket shield.

You choose our peace
Simple, brave guys.
Let us apart by the side
Our eternal opponent is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate -
Let it be known to all -
We hurry from my heart
Day of our brave RVSN!

All who service carries
In rocket troops
Strategic appointment
Today we helm wished good
And festive congratulations.
We wish that in life you did not happen
On the red button click,
So that in the world, peace of mind and silence
The planet could be abide.

For Rackets Day
Fell very nice
Because your holiday
From the military - the main one!

Congratulations to you, friends,
And from all who in a citizen
We wish you
Congratulations to the backup!

And also health sea,
And love big big
Get Congratulations
Poems with soul!

Almost every military unit has its own holiday: the day of the troops of missile defense, the day of the Airborne Forces, the day of the Air Force. Here and the day of the rocket troops and artillery did not exception. On this day, artilleryrs are honored with special attention, they demonstrate the possibilities of modern Russian artillery and, of course, celebrate the anniversary of the beginning of the counter-offentenance of the Battle of the Battle, which marked the beginning of the new period of the Second World War. Day of missile troops and artillery - the date is important not only for representatives of these troops, but also for the whole Russian history.


The beginning of the war was given to the Soviet Army very hard: lacked ammunition, new techniques, talented commanders were repressed, so the problems were with the team formation. The German troops marched along the territory of Belarus and Ukraine, the conquered Baltika, Moldova and Estonia had already remained behind their back. The Soviet Union has lost a huge number of industrial centers, because of what problems began with the provision of troops. In 1942, the situation changed: the battle for Moscow made it possible to discard the Nazis from the capital of the Soviet Union, the defense of the Crimea continued. The troops of the Red Army planned and conducted a number of successful combat operations, which caused a significant blow to Germany, which simply did not have time to fill the loss of equipment and soldiers.

Stalingrad was one of the most important strategic items - his owner received not only a huge number of industrial enterprises, but also access to the railway leading to the Caucasus and Transcaucasia. That is why the capture of the city was so important for Germany. The Soviet government understood that the loss of the city on the banks of the Volga will be a heavy blow for the USSR military forces. On July 17, 1942, the defense of Stalingrad, tightened by eight long months. By the end of August, most residents were evacuated, German troops broke into the city. For each bombing quarter, a difficult struggle was carried out, huge losses suffered both the Wehrmacht and the Soviet army, but no one was going to surrender.

On November 19, 1942, a counteroffensive began to cut one of the German armies holding the city, from the supply channels. This day was later celebrating as the day of the rocket troops and artillery of the USSR. Successful military operation has become the beginning of a turn of victories, which led to the liberation of Stalingrad and the Framer during the war.

Establishment of the holiday

In 1944, the key role of artilleryrs in the Stalingrad battle was noted by the institution of artillery day, which in twenty years was renamed the day of missile troops and artillery. The celebration is saved in the present days. True, it renamed again: November 19 is the day of the rocket troops and artillery of Russia.

Modern position of artillery and missile troops in Russia

Currently, there is a huge number of artillery weapons. Today, all artillery is divided into rocket, reactive and actually artillery brigades, the main tasks of which are not only the seizure and defense of strategically important objects, but also exploration and damage to the control systems of troops.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery is an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the latest weapons. Today, modernization of Msta-cm Gaubitz is underway, introduced into the use of reactive "Tornado-G" and anti-tank "chrysanthemum-s", famous "Iskander-M" and "Topol-M" - rocket complexes.

The Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery - November 19 - noted by the indicative performances of troops, training shooting and military parades, many cities host memorable events and laying flowers to memorials.

Do not confuse!

Very often, the day of rocket troops and artillery is confused with another military event - the day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment. In fact, the difference between these holidays is colossal. Nevertheless, November 19 is more celebration of artillery players, and on December 17 (date of the second holiday) - soldiers of missile troops. For military personnel, their congratulations to the "wrong" day may even become a reason for the offense, so it is necessary to remember: the day of missile troops and artillery - November 19.

Celebration in schools

When is the day of missile troops and artillery? Not every adult can answer this question, what to talk about modern schoolchildren, which, in principle, are not particularly interested in the army. But at the same time, special events are held in some schools, which are told not only about the troops themselves, but also about their role in military business. The main purpose of such meetings is the upbringing of the patriotism of the younger generation and familiarization with the newest samples of military equipment. Often, events are held within the framework of military training lessons.

Celebration on the scale of the country

The day of rocket troops and artillery in Russia is usually noted with a scope. In Stalingrad itself, which is now called Volgograd, meetings and military parades are held. Military equipment passing through the streets of a huge city looks really impressive. Of course, it does not do without festive concerts, which are usually fulfilled by songs of the war years, and laying flowers to monuments dedicated to the defense of the city and the renderers who participated in the liberation of the city. In 2012, on the anniversary of the seventieth anniversary of the famous counterattack, the holiday was noted not only in Volgograd, but also in other major cities of Russia: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Voronezh and many others. In addition to traditional rallies, weapons demonstration of the time of the Second World War, on which everyone could try real field dishes.


When is the day of missile troops and artillery? On the day, when the first counteroffensiveness of the Battle of Stalingrad began, during which the troops of the Soviet Union were able not to simply apply significant damage to the troops of Nazi Germany, but also to completely change the position of the forces. On that day, when the desperate soldiers and talented commanders were able to do that before them did not manage to anyone in the Europe surrendered to them. On the day when the Soviet people showed that he was capable when something is so expensive and important on horseback.

Stalingrad Battle is the largest land battle in the history of mankind, and we, descendants, should not forget those who fell for the protection of the city on the Volga. Artillery troops - a unit without which the command would hardly have achieved a fracture in war, so their holiday is a significant event.