Repairs Design Furniture

What is cedroplast. The method of obtaining decorative products from waste ceshe seizures use in folk medicine

The invention relates to the field of production of decorative extruded products from trees waste. Method of receipt decorative Products from the waste of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with exposure and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature. The pressing is performed when heated 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / cm 2. Fixing surfaces are carried out under load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days. The invention allows to obtain decorative products with improving effect and high strength characteristics.

The invention relates to the field of production of decorative products from tree waste, and can be used in the manufacture of facing tiles for cedroplast cabins, for the manufacture of art panels and other decorative products of various geometric shapes.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from sew waste coniferous trees (Patent of the Russian Federation №2235023, B44C 1/24, publ. 08/27/2004), providing for the preliminary stabilization of moisture waste at 5-6%, the introduction of a polymer binder - polyvinyl acetate dispersion in an amount of 12-15% of the dry mass of the foundation. The resulting mixture is dried at 80-90 ° C for 30 minutes and pressing with heating 140-150 ° C under a pressure of 80-100 kg / cm 2. To disadvantages this method It is possible to include the need for pretreatment of waste before pressing and the introduction of polyvinyl acetate dispersion into their composition as a binder. The use of chemical ingredients in the composition of the product worsens beneficial features Facing tiles created by natural product.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from seashes of coniferous trees, (patent of the Russian Federation №2121925, B44C 1/24, publ. 20.11.1998), which consists in the fact that the husks of cedar cones are placed in a metal matrix and pressing when heated 60-75 ° C under a pressure of 30-50 kg / cm 2 with an exposure under pressure 8-12 min. After pressing, fixation is carried out without the pressure of the facial and back surfaces of the product and is kept for 20-24 hours at room temperature.

The disadvantage of this method is to obtain finished products with low operational qualities, such as strength, water resistance, durability, because The structure of products is obtained by loose, with air inclusions, and finished products are subject to deformation and rather fast destruction.

There is a method of obtaining decorative products from seashes of coniferous trees (patent of the Russian Federation №2229389, B44C 1/24, publ. 05/27/2004), in which the waste of coniferous trees is treated with a hardener, which is used as an aqueous solution of polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives in concentration 10 wt.% in relation to the mass of raw materials. The resulting mass after drying is falling asleep into the metal matrix and is pressed when heated 150-170 ° C under a pressure of 20-40 kg / cm 2 with a pressure of 1.1-1.7 min / mm thickness of the product. Further, products are kept for 12 hours under the load of 100-150 kg / m 2 at room temperature. The method allows you to get products with high strength and water resistance.

The main disadvantage of this technology is to achieve the strength properties of the products obtained due to the use as a hardener of polymer compounds - polyvinyl acetate or its derivatives, the treatment of natural raw materials and their presence in the composition of the products adversely affect the wellness properties of the cedar cones - cedroplast.

The objective of the invention is to obtain decorative products with a wellness effect with high strength and operational characteristics.

The task is solved by the fact that when performing a method for producing decorative products from the waste of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with shutter speed and fixation of the facial and back surfaces, the product is proposed at room temperature. Pressing is proposed to perform when heated 120-130 ° C under pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 and fixing surfaces to carry out under load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days.

As noted by specialists (for example, Patent of the Russian Federation №2235023), the content of the natural resin (zhivitsa) in the waste of conifer conifers - a difficultly adjustable parameter, which "eliminates the possibility of optimizing the quantitative relationship of a binder with respect to dry-based". Those. The task of finding conditions under which the natural binder would be enough to obtain quality productsis quite complicated and non-obvious.

The technology according to the proposed method solves this task.

The essential difference of the method is to obtain decorative products - plates or cedroplast tiles - with a wellness effect that the analogues of the proposed technology are possessed.

The technology allows the material to produce "cedroplast", in which only cedar components include a cedar cone husk, cedar shell shell, cones, pressed in the cedar resin - zhivice. All these elements of the composition emit expressed fragrance of the Siberian cedar. Kedroplast products create an increased concentration of phytoncides, flavonides, bourneilly acetate and other aromatic oils and resins, which are beneficial affecting human health.

To achieve the required qualities of the obtained products, pressing is carried out at lower temperatures and increased pressuresufficient to highlight need quantity binder - gils.

The proposed pressing mode when heated 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 is optimal to achieve the desired quality of products. Low temperature (120-130 ° C) The impact on the raw material is sufficient for its molding and at the same time does not have a hard effect, worsening the protective and wellness properties of the cedar, i.e. Does not destroy the ability to identify in a significant concentration of phytoncides, flavonids, and others. Aromatic substances that create a wellness effect. At a smaller temperature and pressure, the structure is obtained by loose, not strong enough, with increased water absorption during operation. The use of higher temperatures and pressure may adversely affect the saving natural properties cedar.

Also to preserve the natural properties of the cedar and increase strength characteristics Prolonged fixation of the surfaces of the product is carried out - for about one month under a pressure of 10-20 kg / m 2, during which the structure of the product is finally streamlined and the desired surface shape is fixed.

In addition, to remove the internal stresses in the product, with pressing, form in the form of a cellular structure, for example, by placing a grid on the metal matrix with a pattern in the form of honeycombs on which the product is pressed. Without the use of such a grid in the product, the formation of bulges and bends, which reduce its quality.

To increase moisture resistance and improve the appearance of products, they are covered with wax or varnish, which is made of cedar resin by dissolving in a steam bath to a liquid state at a temperature of 50 ° C for 2 hours, mixing with alcohol in a ratio of 3: 1 and add rosin In an amount of about 5% for crystallization and gloss. Fracture or varnish coating of products protects them from moisture and other external influences, improves appearance and operational properties.

Decorative quality products are improved due to performing on the front surface of products of drawings or ornaments using different materials From cedar, such as chips, pieces of wood, shells of nuts and others, which are applied to the surface by the methods of appliqués, inlay, relief pattern.

For the manufacture of facing tiles rectangular shape The size of 200 × 250 × 10 mm was used as the raw shells of cones and cedar nut shells in the amount of 300-350 g. The sifted mass of raw materials fall asleep into the metal matrix, in which a metal mesh with a cellular pattern is placed. Thermopressing is carried out at 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / m 2 with a small exposure under pressure - 3-5 minutes. To remove the emerging stresses after pressing, the product is kept under the yoke of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 1 month. Finished goods Covered with rolling varnish or wax. Get tiles with a smooth shiny surface brown color There are various shades that consist only of cedar components that give the product the healing properties of the cedar. Tiles are easy to succumb mechanical processing And they can be used for facing recreation cedroplast cabins and other interiors. A similar method is performed by decorative tiles for the manufacture of wall panels, products of various geometric shapes, such as pyramids, boxes, etc.

The method of obtaining decorative products from the wastes of cedar cones by pressing when heated under pressure with a shutter speed and fixing the surfaces of the product at room temperature, characterized in that the pressing is performed with a heating of 120-130 ° C under a pressure of 100-125 kg / cm 2 and the fixation of surfaces spend Under the load of 10-20 kg / m 2 for about 30 days.

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Mother Nature surrounded the life of people with numerous trees, shrubs, flowers, herbs. Among them are not unnecessary, but many edible plants, useful. For example, famous cedar Pine, growing in Siberia, many centuries feed, treats local residents with delicious little nuts. Grannyh walnuts love not alone proteins, but a cedar shell shell, the use of which does not leave the list of useful medical councils uses as great demand.

Useful shell properties

Cedar nuts have long been considered a real treasure of the northern forest. Cutting in the scales of tight cones, they are filled with useful substances, patiently choose, who to give health, good mood, extraordinary taste. Little grains are tickling during a leisurely conversation. Of them make cedar oil, decoctions, tinctures. But with any processing, up to 60% of the nut mass of the useful shell remains. In antiquity, it was considered valuable raw materials recommended for the preparation of drug medicine prescriptions.

Using modern methods Studies allowed to explore chemical composition Shells. It differs from many parameters from the list of incoming elements and their quantities contained in nuts. The main percentage belongs to the fiber. It's nearly 70% massword specific number of shell. About 25% of a variety of tannins, so, called, Penotosanov, 2% of proteins are almost so many fats. The shell remains a small amount essential oils, trace elements, vitamins. Just throwing such wealth people could not. Therefore, new technologies have always been developed for the use of this unique dawn of the forest, allowing to maintain the following useful elements:

  1. Tannid tannis. They are responsible for the emergence of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial properties that allow you to speed up the process of healing of purulent wounds. These compounds form a protective film on the damaged surface. Under it actively flows the process of restoration of tissues. Healthy cells appear. The wound will quickly heal. Phenomena of inflammation, bleeding does not appear.
  2. High calcium content. In the shell, it is contained almost twice as much as in the mass of the cake remaining after obtaining oil from nuts. This fact allows it to be used to treat complex diseases of the bone system, joints.
  3. Vitamin C. Active participation of vitamin in most biochemical processes Living organisms, such as the synthesis of nucleic acids, the hematopoietic process, the production of collagen, steroid hormones, indicates that it does not happen. This is one of the reasons to save, use vitamin accumulated in the solid shell of the nut. Especially since it remains a lot.
  4. The content of various trace elements in the kernel is great. Not everyone remains in the shell. Here you do not need to look for iodine, strontium, cobalt, boron, which is contained only in a nut.


Use in folk medicine

Decorations, tinctures with a cedar shell, the application, which in small Siberian settlements it was known for a long time, helped with many diseases. It:

  1. Diseases of respiratory organs, deafness, cold. Long flow of tonsillitis, rhinitis, protracted rhushes. Soased cough, attacks of asthma.
  2. Diseases of the kidneys, urogenital system.
  3. Female diseases. Mioma of the uterus, relief of the torment in a hard climax, difficult childhood, uterine bleeding.
  4. Diseases of the circulatory, lymphatic system. The shell tincture improves the ability of the necessary blood intake, which is important during the treatment of leukemia, anemia.
  5. Prevention of atherosclerosis. The large percentage of calcium in the shell, uniting with vitamin C, lowers the percentage of dangerous cholesterol, well strengthens the walls damaged by plaques, vessels, small capillaries.
  6. Diseases of the joints. With regular use of tinctures, the normalization of water-salt processes occurs. Bone tissue is effectively drilled by calcium, which facilitates the attacks of gout, rheumatism of the joints, osteoporosis. Rubbing tincture on alcohol with painful lumbago, radiculitis. Baths are considered useful, the water is added to the water.
  7. Disorders of the digestive system. A binding, an anesthetic property of decoction allows you to help when discovering peptic ulcer, disbabication, changes in normal intestinal operation.
  8. Prevention of gallstone disease. The shell extract has a strong choleretic effect. This makes it possible to apply it when cholecystitis, liver diseases, gallbladder.

Recipes of cosmetics

Using people's methods The treatment of various skin diseases, cosmetic problems with the use of the shell has been known for a long time. Summies in the form of bandages, compresses moistened in a decoction, tincture help during the activation of herpes, exacerbation of eczema, glans, furunculaes, devils from kids, other troubles. Useful to apply them in the following cases:

  1. Treatment deprived, burns, eczema. Three tablespoons, shallow shell, pour 300 ml of vodka or 40% alcohol solution. In nine days, the tincture to strain, make a bummer, washing. This same tincture is suitable for nail strengthening sessions.
  2. Scrub for efficient skin cleaning. To prepare it easily as follows. Take oatflakes, add a shell-grinding shell in a coffee grinder, pour boiling water, bringing to the state of the creamy pasta. Scrub is applied to face, hands, withstands 20 minutes. The force of exposure to the skin increases after the bath. Made once every week.
  3. Decoration of cedar shell. Ancient reception of the destruction of excess hair on the surface of the legs, hands is considered and now a method that is not inferior to the effect of exposure modern methods mechanical epilation. It is necessary three spoons of shallow shell pour boiling water, pecking 20 minutes on a weak heat. Use hot. While bathing a child, the decoction can be added to the water to eliminate the diameters, irritation on its skin.

Another use of the shell

Use in gardening, landscape design

The small size of the plots do not allow you to grow a wonderful tree of cedar Siberian pine. Yes, and climatic conditions are not always suitable for this. Especially since, as shown scientific research recent years, chemical composition of nuts brought from the northernmost places of wood growing, the other. They accumulate more useful elements. But gardeners, landscape designers who were passionate about their business, have long used a nut shell for their useful affairs. First of all it is:

  1. Mulch. Original appearance, high-quality protective properties, a real bouquet of macro, trace elements, beneficial plants, made this kind of mulch most comfortable, useful. The mulch is different not only by its decorative qualities, but also prevents the soil from weeds, erosion, moisture loss, salinization, the formation of a harmful crust. It can be placed in flower beds, in surgeless circles garden trees, shrubs. In winter, it plays the role of protective material from deep soil freezing.
  2. Biologically active system. The cedar nut shell not only protects against excess evaporation of moisture, weeds, leaps of temperature, but also protects useful plants From fungal diseases, harmful insects. Included in the chemical composition, lignin, phytoncides, flavanoids, create a special bactericidal microclimate around plants, missing from other mulch types. Using such a type of mulch, stimulate effective appearance Rainworms, the creation of useful microflora at the root system. At the same time, useful properties are not lost over several years. During this time, we simply plunge a little fresh chopped shell.
  3. Coating garden tracks. To do this, dig a trench, partially fill it with gravel, and then laid 10 cm layer of shell and tamper. During rains, a beautiful shine and a unique smell of cedar appears. Walking through such paths is very nice.

Each year, specialists are offered new technological options for creating materials from any part of cedar pine. It is high-quality raw materials for manufacture, such as acetic acid, wood alcohol, special paint For skin, acetone, but also a modern cedroplast composite material. Cryer waste along with a shell, connected by an environmentally friendly cedar resin turn into beautiful tileused in construction, furniture manufacturing instead of chipboard, fiberboard created using harmful formaldehyde resins. Kedroplast plates help improve performance, reduce fatigue, clean air from harmful bacteria, protect against computer radiation, to provide many other help to person. Analogue of this material on a positive action on human body not.

Purification of cedar nuts from shell

Malnaya hack yes delete, I want to say about the fruits of cedar pine. The size of large copies is only 10 mm, and small do not reach 6mm. From any, of them you need to get valuable content. And preferably before use. Nuts cleaned in production conditions We should not be kept for a long time, although you can also eat them easily, having lost the sacrament of the cleaning process during an interesting evening conversation. At the same time, you can enjoy the taste of walnut, collect the useful shell, listen about the ancient customs of the collection of the unique dawn of the forest. For example, that cones are used only by those that themselves fall from the tree during the wind. Collect their children kind people. To get the nuts from the cone, it should be lost by hand, knock on a solid object and mature fruits will easily fall out without much effort. In mass production conditions, special chasshes are used, peeling. A box can be manual, mechanical. Most often, the device consists of a rotating drum with fastened metal pins. The bumps are located between the wall and pin. During rotation, nuts are quickly extracted. The device of the peel is very simple. It consists of a fixed part and a special grain, which is simply hit by a chish.

The process of removing the shell with a small grain is not so easy, simple, especially at home. Dentists do not advise the teeth to work. If teeth are used, then experts advise to take the nuts for the top, and pressing to do weaknesslocated in the middle of the nut. Tips facilitating the cleaning of cedar nuts from the shell:

  1. Soaking in water. They should be lying in her about 20 hours. At the same time, the shell softens and easier removes with nuts even with teeth.
  2. Spanking boiling water. The time of the procedure is about 10 minutes.
  3. Freezing. Cold nuts must be put in a package or napkin and using a solid object, for example, to crush them.
  4. Roasting. It is possible to do it in the oven, in a frying pan for three minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.
  5. Split with a hammer or use garlic

In the shell industry is removed using a conical crusher. Pre-nuts are heated, slightly dried. In the process of cleaning, sorting the nuclei of fruits.

Scientific research does not allow for sure when and where it came from into our world amazing tree Cedar pine. As it was called of different nations. But the fact that the healing properties of all of its parts were known were used in nutrition, treatment still during the Schumerian kingdom is known, proven. A bowl with a cedar resin, participating in the ancient rituals of dedication of kings, needles, nuts, bumps, shells present a huge value today.

How to choose cedar nuts look on video

This is an ecological pure cedar cone material. Tile is made of cedar cone husk fresh harvest, pressed at a certain temperature over the patented technology. Kedroplast is sold in tiles with dimensions of 200 * 250 * 5 mm.

The company Global Group is a manufacturer.

Our company proposes to become a partner or just acquire this wonderful natural material At the producer prices, delivery is carried out in all points of the planet. To communicate with the cedroplate consultant, fill out the feedback form.

Our company also proposes to become our cedroplast dealer in its region, city or country. We guarantee that it is our cedroplast that is made on the patented technology of the creator of this wonderful material.

Kedroplast was invented in the city of Kemerovo, in the 90s of the last century. This material is successfully sold to Europe and America, Asian countries and in Russia.

Also, our company proposes to expand your product line at the expense of a cedroplast or open its business "cedar room".

A more and more popular service becomes cedroplast offer in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia. This material, first created in the nineties of the last century, is widely used to treat and prevent diseases. The basis of his positive impact on the body becomes natural componentswhich are contained in cedar breed.

You can provide additional savings if you contact the supplier, which offers the sale of a cedroplast wholesale from the manufacturer. Then it is not necessary to overpay intermediaries, and arrangement cedar Room will be the most favorable project.

Buy cedar cabin in the spa. Devices and cost

In what cases is cedroplast? First of all, when it comes to health care. Excellent selection - cedar cabin in spa from the manufacturer. The beneficial effects of cedar on the body, which used to be used in folk medicine, now combined with the latest technologies.

Sanatoriums, pretractors and recreation centers are institutions where people can also recover from diseases and prevent their further development. It is enough just to order the manufacture of a cedar room to the recreation center by a professional contractor.

Cedar Cabin Sizes, Rooms

Equipment used for the production of cedroplast equipment allows you to manufacture cabins of various dimensions. The customer can inform the manufacturer which room will be equipped to get equipped with the necessary parameters.

The equipment has its own dimensions and is selected, based on the sizes of the cedar room. The more its area, the more powerful and productive equipment will be required.

Production and sale of cedroplast

By ordering the manufacture of cedroplast for business, you should make a choice in favor of a proven supplier. This will allow:

  • get guaranteed qualitative materialcorresponding to the standard;
  • to order optional equipment and accessories with suitable parameters;
  • not overpaying for mediation, buy a cedar cab at the most favorable price.

Owners large business Supply appreciate the ability to order devices for cedar room wholesale. This allows you to further save without loss, equipping the chambers for treating and preventing diseases.

Characteristics and price of cedroplast

The cost of the cedar room depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the capacity of the equipment, additional features. The manufacturer provides the customer with the ability to independently choose suitable devices and purchase the required batch of goods.

For the price and characteristics of cedroplast, produced according to the standard, successfully competes with any analogues. Depending on the order conditions, the price of the cedroplast room, the cab can differ significantly, so you should choose a professional contractor.

Kedroplast is called a new, natural, having a health effect, material. To date, there are no analogues of this material in the world. It does not contain artificial components capable of harming human health, it restores, strengthens and maintains the biological field and the activity of the body. The unique, elite material has biological energy, which is similar to the energy of human cells, organs and the entire body system. This elite material is able to transfer their entire atmosphere, the healing properties and smell of a person. That is why he is so popular.

What is cedroplast - presentation

About the healing qualities of the cedar is known to everyone. So cedroplast is not only awesome facing material, but also storeroom healing properties. Due to this, the decorative tile is able to withstand various diseases. This material includes a cedar shell and cedar cone shell, which herself fell from the tree. Those bumps that independently fall on the ground have the maximum number of properties that have positively affecting human health. The tile is covered with varnish produced from a cedar resin. Often, a layer of wax is applied to protect products.

Cedroplast production

In the modern world is provided huge selection This unique characteristics, elite material, including a separate tile, decorative panel, facing material for office furniture and residential premises. Roskecedre offers each wishes to acquire a wonderful tile, which will complement the interior of the residential, office space and, at the same time, will provide a lot of positive effects.

Galileo program about cedroplast

Such products are very often used as a decent interior object, such as: a beautiful stove on the wall. Also, cedroplast is used to absorb, negatively affecting the human radiation human body, which comes from household appliances. If you use this material as a facing of the walls of the room, you can see a significant increase in human performance, improving the mood, reducing fatigue, functional disorders and the other. Doctors strongly recommend using cedroplast tiles in different types premises.

Kedroplast can be applied in hospitals, wellness institutions, in children's rooms, in working offices with different types fatigues, irritability, functional disorders of organs and systems, asthma problems, different allergenic symptoms.

Cedroplast tile

The expression "we walk on gold" in relation to our region. Once again, the inventor from Moscow Anatoly Vladimirovich Chromov and the local entrepreneur Nikolai Pavlovich Yurchenko were proved. In the onguday district they managed to establish the petrolery production of cedroplast - unique material From the husks of the cedar nut, that is, from the fact that the bins usually throw out on the landfill. Unfortunately, we could not meet with the metropolitan inventor, he is currently in the Crimea - brought the seedlings of the Altai Cedar to land them on the peninsula. Nevertheless, an interesting conversation about the new product took place with N.P. Yurchenko.

- I will explain the readers that cedroplast is a decorative finishing material with a health effect.
This is composet wood material, which includes cedar shell, cedar cone husk and cedar resin as a binding element. No bump is suitable for production, we use only the one that has fallen from the tree, as well as a dealer, a barbling cedar and its dry.
- What is the technology of making cedroplast?
- She is quite simple. After the peeling of the cedar walnut remains the husk of the cone, which is pressed under the influence of temperature. It turns out a tile that retains all the healing properties of the Siberian cedar. The main production is established at the seminal pass. In Onguda, there are processing of plates to a commodity view - we are grinding them and decorated into the frames that are made from the cedar trees. Finished tiles Kedroplast is covered with varnish, made in our same recipe, which is based on cedar zhivitsa, beeswax, propolis, with no chemistry.
The product has long saves the smell with healing properties. The tile can not only become an interior decoration of any home, but also to be an indispensable tool in aromatherapy.
- What is so useful to cedroplast?
- Once again I note: the material is made of natural raw materials. Its smell normalizes sleep, soothes, effective in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
For example, when cladding such a tile of dry walls, without high humidityThe premises in humans increase efficiency, the well-being, general tone is improved, decreases the functional disorders of the body and fatigue. In addition, the number of harmful bacteria is reduced in the surrounding air.
In addition, cedroplast underlies the manufacture of medical and preventive cabs. We recently installed one of them in the ongunday high school, the pupils themselves helped for her.
- Are there scientific substantiation of the effectiveness of cedroplast?
- Yes of course. Anatoly Vladimirovich Chromov registered a patent for the invention of this unique material. Before starting mass production, a number of studies were conducted in various specialized research institutes, which in their scientific conclusions indicated that this material has a healing effect.
- How do you implement your products?
- Unfortunately, our products have not yet found their consumer among the local population, we sell most part to tourists who have already appreciated all the advantages of cedroplast.
- How to distinguish a real tile from the fake?
- Indeed, in lately Analogs of our material appear on the market, or more correctly, fake. In appearance, they are sometimes difficult to distinguish from the real cedroplast produced by us. But, first, our material is made without the use of chemical compounds - only the husk of cedar cones and resin, so acquiring such goods, first of all, smell it. From him should be a kerchy, the smells of chemical impurities should not be felt. Secondly, our products have some size - 24 per 24 centimeters; Alers - with a diameter of six centimeters, and at the tile of hexagon shape, the length of each face is 10 centimeters. Even if you want to purchase a decorative panel, the main size of the parts of the product is 24 centimeters. Well, thirdly, acquiring goods, ask the seller from where he was brought, at least he should call the Seminal Pass or the village of Ongudai, where the production workshop is located.