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What to boil the electric kettle from scale. How to clean the electric kettle from scale, the most efficient ways. The consequences of the appearance of scale

Water in our cranes leaves much to be desired, and the question of how to clean the kettle from scale, does not lose sharpness. For electric kettles, the precipitate on the walls is not just a terrible internal, and the deterioration of the thermal conductivity of the metal is proportional to the thickening of the layer, which provokes a decrease in the power of the heater and its service life (the work on wear has not done better). Water boiling requires increased temporal and energy costs. A similar effect of scale has been on ordinary teapots - the burner also needs much longer. Outcome: Excess funds, premature depreciation of household appliances.

Skip, settling on the heating elements of heating boilers, often leads to the breaking of the pipes. Can she break the TEN teapot, is unknown. Apparently, because the hostess used to clean the kettles from the scale - we deal with how they do it.

What to clean the kettle from scale at home

The methods of cleaning the kettle at home is enough. The stores offer a wide range of special means. Some of them are triggered instantly, and some do not work at all. It depends on the manufacturer, its honesty. The basis of the overwhelming majority of tablets / liquids / luminosity gels are acetic and citric acid.

Ordinary kettle

At home to vinegar and citric acid added:

  • brine;
  • baking soda;
  • fed, sprite, Coca-Cola;
  • potato and apple cleaning.

Not all means suitable for cleaning ordinary teapots are suitable for electrical processing. The case in the duration of exposure and proper temperature: if you need a long boiling on a quiet fire, in such a way it will not be able to extort the usual electric kettle from the scale, and the Teapot thermos is possible.

How to clean the teapot vinegar

Teapot thermos

This method of getting rid of scale is suitable for conventional teapots and temperature-temperature thermos with temperature adjustment. Vinegar must be divorced by water in a ratio of 1:10 (per liter of water 100 ml of vinegar), fill the kettle with a solution and put on the stove (enable). As soon as the water boils, you need to look, whether the scale was detached. If the walls of the dishes are not yet freed from the sediment, we leave it to boil on quiet fire 15 minutes (electric boiled will not be quiet, because the method is not suitable).

Important! After the procedure, the dishes need to be carefully laundered, boil in it several portions of water, well to air the room.

How to clean the teapot lemon acid

Cleaning the kettle from the scale of citric acid - a universal method, equally effective for conventional and electrical (metal and even plastic) models. Lemonic acid should be dissolved in water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per liter. Pour the solution into the kettle and boil.

Tip: Do not bring dishes to a state when the disposal from science will require hard cleaning. With citric acid, carry out prevention: pour the kettle with a solution, barely at its walls will appear, and leave for several hours.

How to remove scale soda

Soda come in the same way as with vinegar, but boiling longer. It is necessary to fill out the soda with water at the rate of 1 liter on the tablespoon, put on the stove, let go boil, reduce the fire to the small and keep half an hour so that the solution is barefoot.

After half hour boiling, the fluid must be pulled out, the kettle is thoroughly flushed and boil into it already clean water, after which it is also pouring out.

Normat: soda, brine, cleaning

Obvious vinegar and citric acid can be replaced by non-standard, even unexpected, means. Skipping in the kettle perfectly cope with food and drinks.


Excellent remedy - "sprite"

The soda is so "safe", which is perfectly coping with cleaning teapots from scale. Why there is a dishes - the carburetors of cars are successfully smelled by sweet water. "Sprite", "Coca-Cola" and "Fantas" cope equally, but it is better to use the "sprite" - "Coca-Cola" and "Fantas" may well leave colorful divorces on metal walls instead of scale.

The method is suitable for any teapots - no longer have to keep it (such a "thermonuclear" composition): You need half a kill with a miracle drink and bring it to a boil. Previously, it is necessary to save water from gas (it does not clean the caustic substance contained in the water itself). The method is perfect in your clarity. It can serve as a help and evidence in the enlightenment of children about the harm of the purchase of a gas.


Also a good way to clean the electric kett from scale - no need to boil on slow heat for a long time. As an active substance, the same vinegar works - the brine is not an independent means. To clean the kettle, it is enough to fill it with brine, boil, cool, free and clean it. Especially effective cucumber brine.

Cleaning against scale

This method of ancient - our grandmothers and great-grandmothers were successfully used. Potato and apple purification are used as a cleaning agent (not starch, but acid). Remove scale simply: you need to load the peel into the kettle, pour water and put on fire.

After the water boils, you need to remove the dishes from the stove, leave for a couple of hours, after which it is thoroughly washed, draining a solution. The procedure is also carefully laundered, if they are potato.

How to clear the scale of a particularly launched teapot

Unfortunately, this method is not suitable for electrical, but an ordinary kettle, even if it is in a very started state, it will be possible to clean. Success method provides comprehensive processing. You need to act in three stages:

  1. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of soda, boil and drain the solution.
  2. Fill with water, add a tablespoon of citric acid, bring to a boil and leave half an hour on slow heat; drain the solution.
  3. Again fill, add half a cup of vinegar, let go boil, leave half an hour on a quiet fire; drain the solution.

Metal kettle, withstanding hard cleaning

After the procedure, you need to carefully launder the dishes, boil in it several portions of water "Cool".

It happens, the precipitate remains on the walls, but after such a shock processing it is easy to remove the sponge for dishes.

Important! Do not use hard brushes, especially with metal teeth, and abrasive sponges.

Tip: Buy a glass electric kettle with heating bottom. It is impossible to run: no transparent walls will allow; Scale does not settle on the walls, and swims with flakes; A special cleaning agent for dishes, glasses, ceramics (Cillit, for example) will easily save from the fly.

Model with heating bottom and glass walls

At home, clean the kettle from scale is not so difficult, but it will take time to spend time. The precipitate appears due to excessive mineralization of water, but this can be avoided using purchased water. It is inexpensive (especially, we are talking about health: the body does not rejoice when salts and minerals are excessively introduced into it), and they will not have to periodically remove scale.

I think now you will not meet such a family, which in the kitchen will not be a kettle. Some prefer to warm water in the old manner using metal dishes. Who has every minute in the account, buy modern electrical models. They have both their advantages and disadvantages. Water begins to pour in a couple of minutes, but the scale is formed several times faster. This problem is especially relevant for glass electric kettles. The glass of them begin to fill out due to the resulting climb, the heating element is covered by unpleasant layers of scale. Due to transparent glass, it's all clearly visible, cleaning such a kettle has to do several times more often. From this misfortune you do not save new-fashioned filters, only delaying it "service". If you do not clean the heating element on time, sooner or later it fails. In this article we will show and tell you how to quickly and quickly clean the glass electric kettle from scale at home using folk remedies.

How to clean the glass electric kettle from scale vinegar.

Vinegar is an effective and cheap remedy with a variety of useful properties in the household. Used to remove fungi, stains, unpleasant odor, all types of bacteria, in washing floors, carpets, etc. Today we will use it in order to wash the glass kettle from scale.

1. Purchase a white transparent vinegar (wine or apple will not suit us).
2. Mix it in equal shares with water.
3. Pour into the glass electric kettle, boil our solution several times.
4. Do not pour at once, let's break 1 hour until the fluid is completely cooled.
5. Pour and carefully wipe everything with a sponge if the deposits were small, it will be enough if not, you can walk the old toothbrush.
6. Thoroughly rinse with water, after the first boiling we drain it, as a characteristic taste can remain.

The only drawback of this method is an unpleasant smell that comes from it during cleaning. But be calm, it is not entry into things and quickly dishes.

How to clean the glass electric kettle with citric acid.

I think the beneficial properties of citric acid in getting rid of scale are known to everyone. It is not expensive, it is possible to get it in any grocery store. Unlike vinegar when working with lemon there is no unpleasant odor.


1. Pour into the kettle of water to the maximum possible level, add citric acid from the calculation to one liter 3-5 spoons.
2. Boil our composition several times.
3. We are waiting for the water with lemon cool.
4. We drag, rinse under the water jets, so that all the scams from scale are separated. Then wipe the sponge or in the case of strong sediments, clean the old toothbrush.

It is worth knowing! It is not necessary to use citric acid in bags, as a powder. You can squeeze one whole fresh lemon into the kettle or add it to juice that is sold in bottles.

Food soda solution.

Usually, the food soda is in the kitchen every self-respecting mistress. In essence, this is not harmful to the person alkali, which is well crushing the deposited salts, they are in scale and are well visible, especially in glass electric kettles.

1. Dissolve food soda in the water, there will be 3 tablespoons, but the more, the better it will be. Carefully stirred and pour our solution into a glass kettle.
2. Several times boil.
3. We are waiting for the water completely cool.
4. We drag and clean the soft sponge, if the deposits were abundant, use a kitchen brush.
5. Carefully rinse.

Soda + vinegar.

The use of these two means will be much more efficient than cleaning each of them one.

  1. We add 3 tablespoons of vinegar and 5 soda to water.
  2. We pour our composition and carry out boiling.
  3. We wait for the water completely cool, after that we merge it.
  4. We go with a sponge or brush to finally remove all sediments.

Lemon + vinegar.

Also a very efficient combination of products to combat science.

  1. On 1 liter of water, we add 3 large spoons of citric acid or the juice of the squeezed lemon + 3 spoons of vinegar.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a glass kettle.
  3. We put the boiling mode, it is advisable to do this at least a couple of times.
  4. We drain the solution and clean the surface with a kitchen sponge or an old toothbrush.

Lemon + soda.

Limonic acid and soda can be mixed in a similar way, this composition will give a double cleaning effect from scale. We pour water into our device, add lemon juice or citric acid into it in a powder 3 large spoons and 5 spoons of food soda, boil several times, then we ride and go through the surface with a sponge.


Many people know the beneficial property of carbonated drinks, which contain orthophosphoric acid. With their help, in addition to lime raids and scale, you can also remove rust from the surface. Make sure that there are E338 as part of the lemonade. For our purposes, Sprite is ideal for our purposes, as it is transparent and will not leave after himself traces, especially this is relevant for electric glass teapots.

We pour lemonade into the device, you can mix it with water in proportions one to three. Boiling several times, then we rinse and remove the balance of the kitchen brush.

If a strong scale was formed in the kettle, do not dilute with water in water.

Alternative methods.

Famous grandfather. You can use lemon peel, orange, apples and potato cleaning. Load them into the kettle, fill with water and boil several times. Then we rinse and walk around the kitchen brush with a rigid bristle to remove lime raids to the end.

Special tools from the store.

Antinakipin. This agent includes simple organic acids, which do not harm the human body. A fairly effective means, for those who do not want to bother with citric acid, soda and vinegar. It is cheap, in the network stores I met small bags of 5 rubles.

Other similar means. Be careful when choosing them, read the composition. If you want to use for cleaning a glass electric kettle, make sure that there is no trilder. There were cases when he ran off the coating of the nickel of the heating element.

Prevention of scale formation in a glass electric kettle.

Sypt sooner or later will still appear, but it is possible to delay its appearance for a considerable time, it suffices to follow simple advice.

  • Skip water through the filter (for example - barrier) before pouring it into the kettle.
  • Small and fresh shocks are easily removed even by the simplest means. Conduct preventive cleaning at least once a month.
  • Do not let the water stroke in the device for a long time, after each use it is recommended to pour water.
  • When cooking tea, you can pour a small amount of lemon juice right in boiling water. Thus, the prevention of the formation of the taxation will be ensured, and in the tea at the output, you can then not chop lemon.

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Cancer are particles of bicarbonate, magnesium and calcium carbonate. Today we will talk about the methods of struggle with her. Tell how to clean the electric kettle from scale vinegar. Consider options for removal by folk remedies and chemicals. Knowing the cleaning principles, you can independently clean the contaminated household appliance.

Result before and after cleaning by home

They noticed white flakes in a circle with tea - the first sign of the appearance of scale.

  • water changes taste, color and smell;
  • spoils a household appliance;
  • insoluble salts particles, settle in the human body.

Ignore the problem with screaming is dangerous to health!

Clamp with table vinegar

Copper - alkaline connection. The alkali is destroyed and neutralized by acidic connections. Clear it yourself inside the kettle can be a table vinegar. It is simple and effectively.


  1. Pour into the kettle liter, filter purified, water.
  2. Add 100 ml of vinegar.
  3. In the evening, put it boil for 5 minutes.
  4. It is necessary to leave the composition for the night.
  5. In the morning, the solution is pouring.
  6. Rinse the kettle.
  7. Pour water from the filter and boil once again.
  8. Drain into the sink so that the residues of vinegar do not fall into drinks.

Remove the scale in the electric kettle with vinegar failed completely, the process repeat.

Tried to clean the electric kettle with vinegar?


Will the oscillation disappear in the kettle from lemon acid or not?

Lemonic acid removes a small deposition of salts from a kettle without boiling.


  1. Pour hot water.
  2. On 1 liter, we fall asleep 1 st. Supply of citric acid.
  3. 1 hour 30 min. We drain the solution and rinse.

If pollution is strong:

  1. Water with acid boost.
  2. Leave in the tank before cooling.
  3. Cold composition drain.
  4. Rinse the device from the inside.
  5. Capture to complete cleaning.
  6. Drain boiling water.

The device is blissing as new.

The citrus removes weak pollution, for removing the thick layer, the scale will not fit

Mechanical cleaning

Skip from the electric kettle without boiling can be mechanically removed.


  1. I fall asleep 1 tbsp. l. Soda calcined to the bottom of the device.
  2. Add a drop of detergent.
  3. With the help of a wet sponge, scroll from the walls.
  4. Wash the removed scale and boil once.
  5. Drop dirty water.

The main thing for cleaning does not damage the surface of the body and the heating element.

Kirilova Olga

Not suitable for plastic and glass kettles.

Tips from housewives: If there is no on hand above the components, you can remove the resulting scale to remove with cucumber brine. Pour it into the kettle and boil. Withstand 2 hours, rinse the vessel. Also, it is used as an excellent means.

Apple Cleaning and Skip

The most ancient way to get rid of scale - potato and apple cleaning. You can fall asleep them together and separately.


  1. Potato peel, before use, rinse.
  2. Fold into the device and fill with 500 ml of water, better from the filter.
  3. Boil and leave for 2 to 3 hours in a closed device.
  4. Remove the composition and rinse thoroughly.

In this procedure, acids are operating, and not starch.

Triple Cleaning

For some reason, the kettle was formed a thick layer of scale. The question arose: buy a new one or try to reanimate the old one.

A triple cleaning will be cheaper, three components actually affect the salt.


  • Divide soda in water - 2 tbsp. Spoons on liter.
  • Boil this composition 30 min.
  • Cool down, then drain.
  • Citric acid, in the same proportion, dilute and boil 20 minutes.
  • Colding, drain into the sink.
  • Third boiling - water with vinegar (200 gr. Per liter of water).
  • Boil 40 min, cool the composition in the kettle, drain.
  • Rinse several times with running water internal part to gone the smell of vinegar.
  • Fill the vessel with clean water, once again you need to boil and drain the water.

Thermonuclear cleaning type will revive the most laughed kettle.

Useful video:

What to remove rust

Metal objects, under the influence of moisture, are subject to corrosion.

Remove rust with a kettle spirals can be carbonated:

  • coca Cola;
  • sprite;
  • fan.

Take for cleaning a drink made of metal cans. Gas before starting the procedure.


  1. Clause pour inside to closed damaged parts.
  2. It is necessary to leave fluid overnight.
  3. If the rusty item has not cleaned, repeat the process first.

As a result, one hundred percent result, rust dissolves.

Hazing can work as a means of scale

How to wash household chemicals

If it did not work out, it is possible to clean the appliance of household chemicals.

Table of home appliances care products.

  • Do not boil the same water twice.
  • Wash the teapot in the evening with a sponge.
  • Chemical compositions from scale to apply if it did not work out folk methods to get rid of.
  • It is impossible to take metal objects and brushes for cleaning.
  • After cleaning, 1 - 2 times boil the water "frightened" to remove the remaining particles of the means. (Vinegar or soda can cause poisoning.)
  • Conduct monthly preventive cleaning.
  • Do not drink boiling water from a crude kettle.
  • The high percentage of purification gives household chemicals, but harmful.

    What is dangerous scale?

    Some people are little worried about the question of scale, and they do not even suspect that it needs to get rid of it as soon as possible. An lime bloom or scale is deposited on the inner surface of the dishes of magnesium salts, calcium, iron and some others. The flare is generated gradually, laying by laying on the walls or heating element. It is formed if the water from under the tap flows the average rigidity or rigid (the indicator exceeds 4 mG-eq / l). If scale is not possible to remove in a timely manner, then with further boiling water, some salts dissolve and falls into the human body. Over time, excess salts will inevitably lead to the diseases of the bladder, kidneys, bones, joints.

    In addition, the lime bloom has a low thermal conductivity, so water in such kettles boils slower. Often, scale leads to a breakdown of the heating element in an electric kettle, because in order to boil the water of the steel spiral to hear up to the temperatures unusual. This leads to a failure in work and as a result - to breakage.

    Methods for cleaning metal and enameled surfaces from scale

    How to clean the kettle from the scale, which boils water to gas or on the electric stove? In this case, it is much easier to cope with the problem, because the metal is well withstanding the effects of both acids and alkalis.


    Removing a lime deputy with a table vinegar is the easiest and most effective way. In a separate vessel, it is necessary to prepare a solution: 1 liter of cold water and 100 ml of substance. Next, pour it into a kettle, requiring cleaning, and put on fire. At the same time, the fire should be weak so that the water boils slowly, gradually dissolving the limestone flare. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to carefully open the lid and watch the scale of scale. In especially difficult cases, it should be supported by boiling 10-15 minutes. Then, the contents of the teapot pour, and the remaining flare is removed with the hard sponge. Next, the kettle should be filled with clean water, boil it and pour it without using eating. For greater reliability, it is recommended to boil the water again and pour into the sink. It should be remembered that the vinegar contains acid, so all the actions must be taken carefully.

    Opening the cover at the moment of boiling a solution containing acid, it should be remembered that evaporation can entail burns eye and skin. For this reason, it is not recommended to be touched too low.


    How to clean the kettle from scale with soda? The principle of purification is similar to the method described above. Cold water poured into the kettle, add 25 g of soda and put on fire. As soon as the water boils, the fire is reduced. On slow heat, the water should be boiled for another 30 minutes. After that, the contents are poured, the container is thoroughly clean and rinsed. Next, in the kettle you need to boil the water 2 times, but not use it into food.

    Vinegar, Soda and Lemon Acid

    How to clean the kettle from scale in particularly severe cases? If the water in the region of high rigidity, then the lime bloom settles on the walls of the dishes very quickly, every day there is more and more. In this case, the fight against science will have a long and stubborn. Clean water is poured into the kettle, add 25 grams of soda, bring to a boil, and then they continue to boil over 25-35 minutes on slow heat. The soda solution is then changed to clean water, into which 25-30 g of citric acid (crystalline) is added. The solution is boiled in the same way, then they drag again. The final stage is a solution of vinegar, a half-table of a substance is added to the volume of standard kettle (2.5 liters) and boiled for 30 minutes. As a rule, this method gives a very good result, although it is a long time. If the flight did not reach himself, then after the procedure it will become more loose and it can be easily removed with a sponge.

    After the kettle was cleaned of scale, it was washed in running water and boiled a couple of times, pouring the contents into the sink.

    Less popular folk ways

    In addition to those listed above, there are some more interesting ways, and many mistresses assure that they are no less effective. In addition to acetic or soda solution, it is possible to use gas production and cucumber brine.

    It is better to take the gas with a light shade, for example, "sprite" to accidentally do not paint the surface of the kettle. Before pouring the gas, you need to wait for bubbles from it, and for this you should leave a bottle open for a couple of hours. The kettle fill on 2/3 and put on fire. As soon as the soda boils, it is poured. This way you can remove not only scale, but also rust. A brine from under canned vegetables is also valid, so it contains citric acid.

    Another unusual way is a crumb of raw potatoes, apple or pear. How to clean the kettle from scale with the help of the peel? The kettle is placed "skins" and poured with water, after which they bring to a boil. Further, cleaning must be left for a couple of hours so that the acid that is in the peel begin to act, and only after that wash the container. This method is less efficient and is suitable only if the limety falls insignificant.

    How to cleanse a plastic electric kettle from scale?

    To clean the plastic, vinegar and soda cannot be used, but citric acid can perfectly cope with. The method described below can be used to eliminate lime plates and on metal surfaces.

    If only a thin layer is visible on the surface, then you can do without boiling. It is necessary to take a liter of water and dissolve 20 g of citric acid (crystalline), the resulting solution to pour into the kettle and leave for exposure. It is usually enough 3-4 hours, after which the scale will clean it yourself. If this did not happen, you can turn on the kettle and bring the solution to a boil. After such a procedure, raid from plastic can be cleaned without much difficulty.

    Teapot care features

    In order not to have the question of how to clean the kettle from scale, you need to regularly care for it. Water for boiling to take only filtered, it is slightly, but reduces the contents of salts in it. If the water in the region is highlighted with increased rigidity, then you should not wait for a large cluster of the plaque, and every 2 weeks remove the sediment in any suitable way.

    To reduce the accumulation of scale, specialists are recommended after each boiling to rinse the container, and then dry the surface with a towel. Such a simple reception will help keep the dishes in cleanliness for a long time.

    Video how to clean the kettle from scale

    "Clean - a guarantee of health." This winged phrase from the Soviet cartoon "Tale of White Wilder" did not lose vitality and in our time. Hygiene dictates us the rules for health care, including in the kitchen. The main device at the cooking place is a kettle - pollutes scale, rust and naiga. How to quickly and effectively clean the electric kettle at home, you will learn from our article.

    What is screaming and what it is dangerous

    The composition of drinking water always includes salts, this consists of its benefit for living organisms. Water without salts is called distilled, sold in automata and pharmacies. But we do not recommend drinking "perfect" water.

    Skip is a solid precipitate that appears with time inside the kettle, on the bottom or heating element. Deposits are non-soluble salts of calcium and magnesium. The content of these salts is determined by the rigidity of water - the greater the water, the greater the salts in it. Partially rigid water reduced by filtration, but still completely excluding the formation of scale is impossible.

    Copper is well conducted heat, so the heating element in the salt "case" warms the water longer, it is not cooled sufficiently and overheats. In the worst case - burns out.

    If you do not follow the kettle, over time it will cover the salt "case"

    Another trouble is related to the fact that insoluble salts from the kettle fall into the cup. Thin flakes are dismissed crushing on the teeth and spoil the pleasure of tea drinking. Swallow them is dangerous for kidneys and withdrawing system of the body.

    Verified ways to remove scale at home

    The first thing that comes to the head is to rack the firmware, a knife, fork or a metal brush. We categorically not recommended such a mechanical cleaning method - in two scores to spoil the kettle. All methods described below are chemical, based on the interaction of scale with acids and the formation of soluble precipitation.

    Main assistants in the kitchen - soda, vinegar and lemon acid


    The most extreme way. With acetic acid, deposits in industrial boilers and pipes are removed. In our case, suitable for caring for metal teapots with a thick layer of old scale.


    1. Take acetic acid, we will drag it in the proportion of 1:10, and pour into the kettle. The reaction begins immediately, the fluid hits and bubbles.
    2. We turn on the kettle and heat it up to about 60 degrees, the process is accelerated.
    3. We observe and see that the reaction is stopped soon - the water calms down and becomes transparent. We give the teapot to stand five minutes, pour the solution and we wash the flask thoroughly.
    4. Then pour clean water into the kettle and bring to a boil to wash off the residues of vinegar.

    Perhaps the procedure will have to repeat to get rid of the specific odor.

    Attention! The method is not suitable for plastic kettles, acetic acid is too caustic. When boiling a solution in the kitchen strongly smells a vinegar: carry out the room during and after the procedure.

    Video Instruction: Electric kettle Cleaning Vinegar

    Lemon acid

    Lemon acid is not so aggressive as acetic. Changes with a weak and middle sediment. The method is suitable for teapots with metal, plastic or glass flasks.


    1. We pour into the kettle of floor-liter of water into the kettle, turn on and waiting for boiling.
    2. We take 1-2 tablespoons of citric acid and fall asleep in hot water.
    3. Turn off the device and wait until the solution cools down.
    4. Pour the spent water, pour clean from the tap, bring to boil again.

    Mistress note. Instead of lemonic acid in the powder, lemon can be used - the fruit contains a large amount of this substance. It is enough to cut one lemon with the kettle into the kettle and boil it for ten minutes. Bonus - aroma lemon throughout the kitchen.

    Video Instructions: How to get rid of scale with citric acid

    Baking soda

    Crystal sodium bicarbonate powder also helps in fighting. It is a weak pitch, screaming does not dissolve, but only makes loose.


    1. We pour into the kettle of half liters of water and bring to a boil.
    2. We take 1 tablespoon of food soda, fall asleep in boiling water and give cool. During this time, the scale will be softer, it will not be laundered.

    In the warehouse, many electric kettles have a mesh, so that the particles of scale do not fall into the cup. Caring for the kettle, do not forget to wash the filter.

    Soda Calcined

    In contrast to the food, the calcined soda has a strong alkaline reaction. This chemical is used to clean the tile, washing and boiling underwear, softening water in washing machines.


    1. First we prepare the solution. To do this, we take 1 tablespoon of calcined soda and mix in a small amount of water.
    2. We pour 1 liter of water into the kettle, bring to a boil.
    3. We pour into the teapot prepared solution of soda calcined soda, and then leave the kettle before cooling.
    4. After cooling, we remove the sponge. Do not forget to wash the kettle thoroughly.
    5. The first boiling after the procedure should be "empty", water merges into the sink.

    Attention! Calcinated soda - caustic cloth. When handling it, be careful, do not touch your hands, use gloves, do not allow you to enter your eyes.

    Special means

    Special means are produced to remove scale - tablets, liquids and powders. The preparations include organic acids dissolving scale (sulfamic, adipic, lemon and others). Carefully read the instructions for your media. Strictly follow the dosage. Watch the process to not spoil the device. If the kettle flask began to change the color, stop the procedure and rinse with water with water several times in a row.

    Special Anti-Painne Means combines all the necessary properties

    Attention! Use similar tools with caution. They contain chemicals harmful to health. Wash the kettle thoroughly after cleaning, repeat the boiling cycle and drain the water several times before use to wash off the remains of the "chemistry".

    Soda + vinegar

    If you got a laughed kettle, covered with a thick layer of scale, to return it to life will help the combination of soda and vinegar.


    Pour the kettle to the top mark.

    1. I fill in it soda from the calculation of 1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water.
    2. I bring the kettle to a boil.
    3. We drain the water, again fill the kettle with water, add a tablespoon of acetic acid and bring to a boil again.
    4. Due to the reaction between the pitch and acid, carbon dioxide is distinguished, which breaks down the precipitate. Cleaning the kettle will go easier.

    Attention! Do not forget to ventilate the room during boiling vinegar. Rinse thoroughly after the procedure several times.

    Folk remedies

    Coca Cola

    The active ingredient of this drink is orthophosphoric acid - inorganic acid of medium power. This property of Coca-Cola is used in the economy to remove scale. It should be noted that the method is although the sodaune, but not very cheap - soda or citric acid cost less than the bottle of soda.

    Attention! Drink can paint the plastic case.


    1. Open a bottle with a drink and put a few hours to stand for a few hours to get gases.
    2. Pour coca-cola into the kettle of half, bring to a boil and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    3. We merge the infusion and rinse the kettle.

    Video: Is it possible to remove scale with Coca-Cola?

    Attention! If the gases from the bottle are not released, the expanding bubbles with boiling displays the liquid. The "cleaned" will be not only a kettle, but also the table under it, and the stove is near, and the floor in the kitchen.



    1. Flip the pick-up teapot.
    2. I bring to a boil and wait until you cool.
    3. We drain the liquid, rinse the kettle.
    4. The first boiled water also merge into the sink.

    Potato peelings

    Another homework helps to support the kettle clean, removing a thin layer of scale. This is potato cleaning.


    1. We rinse the potato peel, fold into the kettle, pour water and boil.
    2. Cool two hours and pour content.
    3. We wash the flask, wipe the soft sponge.

    We remove from the walls of the kettle

    Nagar is formed when food burns under the action of high temperature. It is difficult to imagine how this can be in an electrical kettle. However, in student hostels and does not happen. Nagar issues an unpleasant smell and excretes carcinogenic substances. You can remove it in several ways.

    Wet Sal.

    A small burnt seat is wiped with a wet salt. A more active means - salt solution in vinegar, proportion of 1 teaspoon of salt on 1 tablespoon of vinegar. Gently apply a mixture on a sponge and wipe.

    Activated carbon

    Aluminum kettle from Nagara is saved by activated carbon. Melt a dozen tablets of activated carbon, moisten with water, apply to the surface and leave for an hour. After expanding pollution and rinse with running water.

    How to remove rust?

    Rust from iron water is entrusted to steel and plastic
    • Coca Cola.We defend the drink to get gases, pour into the kettle, boil, after some time we drain and rinse, we wash the residues of rust with a soft sponge.
    • Brine salty cucumbers.Pour the kettle with brine, heating to a boil. We cool, we drain the brine, we wash the flask, we wash with rust with a sponge.
    • Washing powder plus potatoes. Moisten the surface, fade into the rusty stain washing powder, we are waiting for 20 minutes. We cut potatoes, wipe the kettle wall over the powder. We rinse the teapot with running water - washing products are poorly washed away, so we repeat several times.

    Eliminate the unpleasant smell of a new kettle

    Plastic, steel, glass - in independence from the material, a new kettle will smell. Plant, box, warehouse, plastic or metal. The manufacturer knows about it: the preparation of the device is written in the instructions.

    We recommend sniffing to your purchase still in the store: It is worth abandoning the acquisition, if you don't like the smell. The poor-quality material comes across even well-known firms, not to mention the crafts of Uncle Liao.

    A good teapot is enough to pour, boil and drain the water into the sink (repeat if the factory recommends). If the result does not suit you, here are still tips.

    • Baking soda.Pour water into the kettle. We add 3 tablespoons of soda to it, bring to a boil, leave cool. We drain the water, rinse under the crane. The smell should aby.
    • Lemon acid. We boil water into the kettle, add citric acid to it. If there is no powder at hand, lemon juice will suit. We leave for the night, in the morning heating again and merge infusion. Rinse with clean water.
    • Sugar. The method is suitable for steel kettles, eliminates the specific smell of steel. Pour water, bring to a boil. Throw two or three pieces of Rafinad in boiling water. We are waiting for half an hour, merge the sweet syrup and rinse the flask. Pour the teapot with clean water, boil and drain the water.

    If the smell of plastics from the kettle does not disappear, we recommend returning the product to the store. Poor smelling plastic Surely contains hazardous substances.

    How to prevent the formation of scale, nagar and rust

    Reduce scale

    Get rid of completely from scale - it is impossible. Perfect water that does not contain salts is harmful to health. The methods proposed below reduce the formation of scale and facilitate its removal.

    Soft water

    Pay attention to the water you take from the crane. If it is too hard, it is better to skip it through the filter. You can buy softer water for tea, which is sold in cylinders. If there is no such possibility, give water to settle at least a day.

    Bottled water producers indicate rigidity on the label. Water rigidity is measured as the number of magnesium and calcium salts in a unit of volume, used unit of measurement in Russia - milligram-equivalents per liter (MG-eq / l).

    We give a table to assess the rigidity of water. Water is suitable for the kettle from soft to moderately rigid.

    Comparative assessment of water rigidity (table)

    Fresh water

    After tea, drain the water, do not leave it overnight in the kettle, salt drops slowly. In the morning, always pour fresh water. Rinse the kettle regularly from the dropping out of the precipitate, wipe it until the layer has become thick.

    Caring for electric kettle

    At least once a month, use the methods proposed in our article, for example, a repeatedly proven option - boiling with citric acid.

    Warning rust

    Cutting enamel

    If chipsets were formed on the inner or outer surface of the enamelled kettle, it is better to replace it. Metal from which such a kettle is made is not intended for contact with food, chemical compounds made of metal fall into the water and harm your health.

    Non-quality water

    If rust falls into the kettle of water, you should deal with the source. The cause can be old pipes, an incorrectly chosen aquifer of the well, the features of the area. We recommend filtering water or take it elsewhere.

    Skip is formed from the useful salts contained in water, so completely eliminating the precipitate falling into the kettle is impossible. But also grow stalagmites on the heating element are not good - spoil and the device and health. If you want the kettle to serve you for many years, take care of him regularly.

    Household chemicals
    Features of applicationPurposePrice (rub. Cop.)
    Sano Antikalk Kettle Descaler gelAntibacterial effectRemoves scale in teapots, coffee pots and irons.from 282.00
    Rossinka toolFor kitchen machineryEnsures scalefrom 318.00
    Tablets Frau Schmidt.Prolongs time
    Household services
    Cleans salt deposits from kettles and coffee machinesfrom 232.00
    SoneTt from scaleUniversal, environmentally friendlyCleans all household appliances