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Landing the cucumbers in July in open. Landing the cucumbers in July - in the fall with fresh harvest! Where to plant cucumbers

Last year, somehow early we remained without our fresh cucumbers. Hot and dry summer half of the summer did its job. Yes, and we are good, did not follow and did not take action on time, did not ensure proper care for them. Construction occupies all free time. Already in August, the family was observed a sharp deficit of his "NatureProduct". From the shop cucumbers and the husband, and the children have matured the nose, and when the youngest son said that he was not a rabbit, so that there is this "grass" from the supermarket, I understood: you need to try to grow your cucumbers.

I didn't have this experience, and it's unusual for somehow, the garden season ends, almost all the harvest is removed, the neighbors are already overwhelmed along the plot, prepare the earth for the spring, and then planting cucumbers. Doubts were, but thought, and what am I losing? Well, it will not work, I will know for the future, we rich new experience. The eyes are afraid, and the hands do. Under the garden I took a place where garlic chose a week ago. They say this culture is a good predecessor. August 5 began landing.

Made a hole with a depth of 15 cm and 30 cm in diameter. Between the centers of the holes turned out 60 cm. The aisle is half meter. Floored the holes with a lot of slide, thicker shed them with water. In each hole laid seeds, 3 pcs. Slightly poured them with a mixture with sand with sand in a 1: 1 ratio and poured on top.

The seeds did not shine, did not bobby, did not do anything with them, right out of the pack in the ground. Daily watering with warm, rested water gave the result. Literally on the fifth day, the first shoots appeared, on the seventh - two real leaves. After another week, it began to form the bush.

When feeding the plants, I decided to take advantage of, however, with minor changes, the Council of the neighbor. For extractive (on the leaves), feeding - on 10 liters of water divorced 1 tbsp. A spoonful of urea, 1 ml of epin. But instead of the recommended Nina's Victor Sulfate, potassium added a few drops of a strong mortar of manganese, as it was subtracted that potassium sulfate with urea was not used. Sprinkled with such a planting solution 2 times with an interval of 2 weeks. Root feeder made 3 times. For the first time, a flight of nettle and burdock in a liter canon on the water bucket during the appearance of germs. The second time, during flowering, the same solution, but with the addition of a glass of ash. The third time - during fruiting, divorced in a bucket of water in the infusion of avian litter (0.5 liters) and 1 tsp. Potassium sulfate.

On September 26, we collected the first crop of cucumbers, I was pleased. The fruits were very tasty, crunchy, for the meal in the family went "with a bang." Given that the summer heat has already passed, there was no bitter fruit. Cucumbers we collected about a month, however, in October, the yield began to decline. During this period, fruits for some reason began to acquire a yellow shade, but it did not affect it. On the contrary, the awareness of what is grown with their own hands, and tomorrow, perhaps, this echo of the summer will not be, makes such cucumbers special.

Grow and eat on health!

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Then check for the salting they are intended, or for universal consumption, or only for consumption in the latest form. You will find that quite a lot of suitable varieties. Now you have left to choose the varieties that arrange you on taste, it can be done only by experienced. Squeeze several varieties of cucumbers and hybrids, sooner or later you will find something worthwhile.

As a rule, the cucumber suffers the strongest at the level of young shoots. In many ways, because at this time is still too cold at night, why the seedlings have a slow growth. Therefore, first you need to find the best time for the sowing of cucumbers seeds. For someone, this is the end of May, for someone - the beginning of June. Usually from mid-June, cucumber landings begin to feel well and gain protection. Losses are rarely rare. While the bush grows well, no one touches him. As soon as he "froze" from bad conditions (cold weather, dampness, weeds) - the mold and insects begin to attempt on it.

In this article there are some secrets that I will share with you. Under the cucumbers to pull the soil, since this plant is solely the surface position of the roots on the garden in the middle strip. For him, it is necessary for it by a humoring the upper layer of the soil with a neutral indicator of the pH and the absence of weeds. Harves do not endure the presence of weeds - these are their peculiarity.

Of course you can. So kaa cucumbers grow rapidly and crumble. Per minute later they will grow up. If the weather is good, then the crop will be good. If you cover the film, then more Shasov that they will go, especially if the nights are cold, then the film is definitely. But if the summer is cold, such as in Ukraine, then let them grow before, they have been planted before.

Choose a greenhouse for cucumbers

If you put the cucumbers in July with seeds right into the ground, then they may not mature, depends on the climate. It may turn out that only the cucumber season will begin, and immediately September cold. Cucumbers will not give fruit in cold weather. Also a small seedlings of cucumbers are not quite favorable by the July heat, so it is better to put in a greenhouse, and of course not forget about intense watering.

The planting of cucumbers in the second half of the summer is associated with a more thorough observance of the main agrotechnical techniques, including shallow loosening, fertilizer and evening watering exclusively for warm water; for warm regions, sowing cucumbers in July, which can be planted with favorable weather not only sedate But also by ordinary, processed growth stimulants and seasoned seeds. The greenhouse should be prepared at the time of landing, and the seed material is selected and prepared with special care. The July planting of cucumbers does not have significant differences from the earlier landing, addressed to us by Svetlana Sergeyevna, sounds like this: "Is it possible to land cucumbers in a greenhouse in July ? "

Landing in the greenhouse occurs with the reverse of the plants when they have already managed to grow a little. So that the cucumber could fully develop, it is necessary that the temperature is maintained in the greenhouse at least 13 degrees. Therefore, it is better if the greenhouse will be equipped with a heating system. After planting is made, growing cucumbers require constant irrigation. Just be careful, do not break, because with an excess moisture that fell into the greenhouse, it is not easy to fight. Also, a very useful effect will have a spraying of cucumbers with phytoosporin preparation, namely, protects plants from various diseases.

Due to the fact that the cucumbers are very thermal-loving plants, landing in heated greenhouses will allow you to collect the best harvest than without heating.

Before starting to plant cucumbers, you need to properly prepare the soil and a greenhouse. Find a place on the plot, much most enters the sun rays. It will be a good place to put the cucumbers and install a greenhouse. But, before planting our plant, this site should be treated with copper vitrios with the addition of superphosphate. Next, leaving it and sprinkle fresh ash. In this form, the future landing place is left to spring.

The yellowing of cucumber foliage at the end of summer is not a disease, but a normal phenomenon. In the plant cucumber, fleeting development, especially in varieties of cucumbers of early maturation. It cannot live longer than the prescribed months. If your climate allows us to stretch the period of cultivation of cucumbers, you should do in several stages: with an interval per week.

It is better for the taverged seeds of cucumbers, as you will be confident that only live seeds are set. For this, the seeds are soaked for several hours in water and heating the generally accepted way.

Growing cucumbers in the winter in the greenhouse

In July, if in open ground, it is possible but this is an deadline. Usually, sazing cucumbers in May, but last year my dog \u200b\u200btried and just did not become a cucumber. Repeatedly planted at the end of June or in early July, I don't remember more specifically. In August, he was already drose his cucumbers, and in September it was already closed for the winter, since the fall was warm in the fall.

Nevertheless, the most favorable time for planting cucumbers - May / June. You can land before, if you live in the south. Or seedy, if in the north. This year, the cucumbers planted the seedlings in April, and landed in a greenhouse in May.

Plants are preferably preferably on a closer scheme, which will avoid shading and will be favorable on the formation of the strings and ripening fruits;

A certain guarantee of obtaining the late crop of cucumbers in the greenhouse becomes timely pinching of part of the shoots and compliance with the ventilation regime, especially in the hottest July Days.

Cucumbers require a warm climate of cultivation, as well as like natural fertilizers.

But if for some reason, you can afford only a greenhouse without heating, then do not despair, it can also be achieved in good results, provided that the temperature in the greenhouse will not fall below 13 degrees.

Place for the greenhouse should be covered with sunbeams, as long as possible and stronger.

Planting cucumbers in July to greenhouse

Secret feeding cucumbers:

Making fertilizers for cucumbers

Landing seeds of cucumbers with nests - most convenient. In each nest, put 4-5 seeds. The distance between the nests can be 30-40 cm. Of course, in the southern regions, such a distance would be considered too close, but for the beds of the middle strip, the more single-row, is a proven distance. We will not be crazy, even if some miracle all seeds give strong identical sprouts: direct them in different directions in the form of a star. However, the screens are also able to distribute the surface to occupy all the solar space.

It all depends on the region in which you live. If it is a southern region, it is quite possible to plant a raven variety in an open ground, and a marked grade in a greenhouse. If the region is North, then most likely not worth it, as they will go up and grow up, but you will most likely not get the harvest, you just don't have enough time, cold will begin.

When you can put cucumbers in the greenhouse

  • Gardeners say that in July it is possible to plant cucumbers. And in the fall they have a good harvest. But it is necessary to consider that it is necessary to plant them in July in the shade, therefore, there may be a small complexity. In addition, it is not necessary to plant at close range from each other, and at least that 15 cm was. And watered every day. Insufficient moisture is characteristic of July and can cause a low percentage of germination for seeds. Fix the situation allows an increase in the amount of irrigation. However, it should be remembered that the molaring of plants is no less dangerous than drought and can cause the death of the faster seedlings.
  • It is possible to allow plants into cloudy weather by means of artificial lighting devices. The cucumbers known to all are vegetable culture, which is characterized by thermal liftingness. Landing the cucumbers in the protected ground depends on the category of greenhouse design and climatic characteristics of each particular region.
  • Consider in more detail the topic of pests and diseases that may interfere with you to grow a good cucumber when you ended it. The whitefall greenhouse harms the plant by sucking the juice from his leaves. As a result, the leaves in the greenhouse, to which it got, dry and black. To prevent this, it is necessary, firstly, get rid of all weeds and, secondly, cover marley forms.
  • To create a frame, it is recommended to use plastic. It does not rot, as it is typical of wood and is not subject to corrosion, unlike metal. The greenhouse as a cover is best suitable glass, because it has a large bandwidth of sunlight. An alternative, film or cellular polycarbonate can also be used to build a greenhouse. Late spring in the Earth you need to add a few buckets of manure with the addition of peat. Rapid up and cover the film. Two weeks later, you can start to plant cucumbers.

To get a rich crop of cucumbers, you need to regularly feed them! Bread starters - the best fertilizer. Prepare it very easy! Fill the bucket on 2/3 with black bread crusts, pour water and press something heavy so that the contents do not pop up. Bucket put for a week for fermentation in a warm place. The resulting starter is diluted with water (1: 3) and we water the cucumbers for the root - 0.5 l under the bush. Cucumbers are beginning to grow as on yeast! Increases flowering and wound, cucumbers ripen faster and yellow yellow! The cucumbers grow on the envy of beautiful, dense, juicy and spousy! Try! After the appearance of germs in the phase 3-4 leaves, cucumbers need to be treated with the following composition:

The ovary of the cucumber grows very quickly, about a week. So, if there are dozens of stocks at the same time at the same time, and when you remove them, you will start the trees as the trees, then such a defense consumes a lot of food. You will not feed it - the initial stock of fertilizer in the soil will end, and the cucumbers will go "curves": a violation of the equilibrium of batteries affects the form of fruits.

How to plant cucumbers in july

Do you need to be tied up? In the greenhouse, the garter of long stems of cucumbers is inevitable, there is little space, and when growing cucumbers in the open ground, it does not give a noticeable gain in the crop compared with the falling planting. Easier without tapping.

  • I think yes, you can. Vintage You, of course, get a little later than the rest, but the main thing is that the cucumbers will be in principle.
  • You can plant cucumbers in July, that's just a good harvest is hardly possible.
  • Plant plant preferably on a closer scheme, which will avoid shading and favorably affects the formation of uncess and ripening fruits
  • Late planting of thermal-loving plants in a greenhouse will not allow to get the highest possible harvest, but you can try to stimulate the formation of barriers with special biopreparations
  • With adverse climatic conditions and in the northern regions, the cucumbers are needed well formed and strong seedlings

To protect the cucumber from different insects and help them grow healthy in your greenhouse, you can also use a glue trap. It is made of plywood pieces painted in white or yellow, which is very attractive for insects. Next, lubricate its surface to rosin, vaseline with honey or with castor oil and put in a greenhouse. Insect plywood that fell on the surface simply stick to her. Then the surface it will be necessary to wipe and turn the rosin again.

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse (video)


The best time for the start of the landing is the last numbers of May - the beginning of June. To quickly grow seeds, it is better a few days before landing to hold them in the wet cloth. After a neat removal of the film, rather water the bed with water.

Is it possible to plant cucumbers in July?

Add 30 drops of iodine in water bucket,


To maintain the production of smooth Zelents, it takes quite a bit of cucumbers. It is enough for a brown compost bolt, or a greenish solution of herbal fertilizer. The more like your additives in the nitrogen feeding, the stronger it must be diluted. (A lot of nitrogen is where feces or fresh manure have fallen into the starting materials). Feed once a week at the calculation of the feeder bucket on one square meter. You can also use a chatter of ash - 0.5-1 cup on a water bucket by 2 m.


Thus, when planting cucumbers, you need to take into account that the vacuum will be sprawling in both sides is quite wide. People with experience do not bother: As the screens are captured by the aisle, they create "windows" to cross the foot. And someone prefers to raise the vertically of the plenty to the support.

Only here if the summer is cold, it may turn out and so that the cucumbers will not go. It is worth remembering about it. Although if you have a greenhouse, there is nothing to fear.


Since July, a brilliant day begins to slowly decrease, and plants feel very much.

Sveta S.

Despite the significant number of modern hybrid cucumbers, for the July landing should be given preference to zoned varieties, which guarantee the receipt of a steadily high harvest even in conditions of not enough warm summer. You should not forget that from August for most of Russia it is possible to significantly reduce the temperature in the evening and night, which requires the use of additional heating for the entire greenhouse space.

You may also be interested in the article in which we are talking about how to increase the yield of greenhouse cucumbers.

The most favorable time when you can plant cucumbers to the greenhouse, is the end of May and the beginning of June.

It also works very effectively by washing the lower part of the leaves, where many insects accumulate. At the same time, loosening and tump of peat, sawdust or humus.


When disembarking, seedlings will need to prepare the soil, landing and stocking of cucumber seeds.


It is necessary to put the cucumbers with rows, the distance of which should be about 50 cm from each other, and the distance between the cucumbers - 20-25 cm. The first two after the landing of the week is necessary to have a rich watering of a garden with warm water.

Ira Sergeeva

20 g of household soap and a liter of milk.


What to choose a variety of cucumbers


Nests can be covered on top of a piece of transparent film for stronger soil warming. This is justified precaution. Another precaution is planted somewhere in the garden a couple of spare cucumber nests - just the same, just spare. In the event that suddenly there will be a joint on your bed - for some reason a whole nest died, "then you will transfer here a stock: not separately each plant, but a whole nest, taken out on the Sovkovoy shovel.

Yes, in the month of July, it is possible to plant cucumbers, but the harvest can be waiting for no early autumn. Here, naturally. Much depends on the weather, for example, if it is cold in August, then you can stay without harvest.


In addition, in August there are already cool nights to which cucumbers are very sensitive. As practice has shown, harvest with cucumbers planted in July, small. Often plants are ill.


0 # 1Galle05.10.2015 18: 19 Almost I try to plant cucumbers in July: this is a great opportunity to get an additional crop of cucumbers and extend the season of cucumbers. I fall in the fall, when we begin to leave the salad vegetables, for some reason I want to the cucumbers. Of course, the vacuum does not give such a harvest, as planted in May, but it is enough for food. Cutting0 # 2RA05.10.2015 18: 56 In the greenhouse did not try to plant cucumbers in summer, but I tried in the open soil. And nothing good did it. The plenty grew small, they did not grow up, bloomed, but almost some emptying. The cucumbers started, but then they crumbled, and those that were not tremended were small, coarse and bitter.

Secrets of growing cucumbers

The July cucumber landing does not have significant differences from an earlier landing, but some nuances and rules should be taken into account, compliance with which to bring closer to getting a crop:
However, with good as soil and optimal greenhouse conditions involving biological heating and uniform lighting, it is quite possible to plant the seedlings of early and early cucumbers in July.

Bakhcheva TLL, as a rule, appears in the second half of summer and harms to the bones, shoots and flowers. It breeds very quickly and most often takes the lower side of the leaves.
In addition to frequent abundant irrigation in the first weeks, you can also install a sleeper. It is a grille that serves as a support for rapid plants.
Cucumbers are moisture-boring plants, so they need to be poured regularly.
The spraying of such a composition can be carried out approximately every 10 days: June 14, June 26, July 7, June 19, 1, 11, August 25 and September 7. This composition protects cucumbers from all diseases and it is harmless, unlike chemicals.
Cucumber varieties (and hybrids) today is just a darkness. Recommend some certain "best" - it is simply impossible, because it is biased. Limit only by advice how to choose.

How to protect the landing of cucumbers
It is possible to put the cucumbers in January, that's just whether they will ripe. And if seriously, then planted in July with sufficient watering cucumbers, as a rule, we manage to mature. And for warranty you can greet a part of the shoots.
Although once at times you do not have to. It happens that with warm and temperate rainy autumn, you can collect a good crop of cucumbers.
Do they have time to hug?

With adverse climatic conditions and in the northern regions, the cucumbers are needed well formed and strong sedate;
It should be borne in mind that a rather late landing of thermal-loving plants in a greenhouse will not allow to get the highest possible crop,
In order to get rid of it, you need to divert all weeds in the greenhouse, since it is from them that Bakhcheva, the Tlla flip over to the cucumber. Also can help the infusion of bitter red pepper, thirty grams of fresh cut pepper and 200 gr. Tobacco dust mixed with ten liters of hot water. This infusion must be left for a day and strain. Then add a spoonful of liquid soap and one or two spoons of wood ash.

Care for cucumbers, continuing to their maturation, is to feed natural (compost, exhaust manure) or artificial (combined with phosphorus and nitrogen) fertilizers, disease prevention and frequent watering with small portions of water in the greenhouse.
First of all, it should be solved, whether you have enough resources to allow planting cucumbers in heated greenhouse, or you will use a conventional greenhouse.
And from the pulse dew-sprayed into cucumbers of cottage cheese. From here
Start with the fact that your variety should be specifically for open soil, this should be direct text declared on the label or in the directory. Then look at the time of ripening: we are approaching early (for landing in June) and medium-early grades.

When complying with the basic rules of growing (first of all, the elimination of soil acidity and fruitman) you will not need any protective spraying. I do not remember the case so that the cucumbers of why they suffer greatly. The only thing that is sometimes worth do is to point the ash seed at the level of the dissoniards. Preparing for the new season, amateur vegetables again browse their records, ask the council of dachensors with experience. One of the main tasks of the dacket is to obtain a crop of each vegetable from over early products and to the most autumn frosts. How to grow cucumbers so that they do not hurt and fruit to autumn? Yes, the cucumbers in July can be planted. You can still plant seeds with an interval in time in two weeks. For example, we planted on June 10, then, on June 24, then July 7 - July 15 ... And it is desirable to choose a place to choose not solar, but more shaded, since in July it is especially hot and cucumbers can just die. They need to often and abundantly water, especially during the launch of young cucumbers.

Of course you can. A little later go, but by autumn just right! If you like to preserve, then just right!
In the south, you can use for landing seeds of late or medieval hybrid varieties, while in the northern regions to get a guaranteed harvest can be exclusively when landing early and ultrasound;

But you can try to stimulate the formation of barriers with special biopreparations.

False tormentous dew persists in a greenhouse on Earth up to several years and is capable of penetrating into the greenhouse, hit the plant, at what stage of development it would not be. It can be found on green oily spots on the leaves of cucumbers. After some time, the leaves of cucumber acquire brown, similar to burn, shade. And then leaves and dry out at all. The reason for the appearance of pulse dew can be a sharp temperature difference, for example, watering with cold water. If you notice the symptoms of this disease, you need to stop all watering and feeding for a week. And also to ventilate the greenhouse and spray with a cucumber with a solution of copper sulfate.

The cucumber is a unique vegetable, representative of the pumpkin family, whose fruits eat in a misapplement. This is one-bedroom, separation plant.t. For cucumber, the presence of male flowers with stamens and pollen and female flowers with a stitch on one plant.

How to plant cucumbers. Selection of fashion and seeds

It is possible to grow cucumbers in the open soil, as well as the method at which the seedlings of cucumbers are planted at home. Both options give not a bad harvest.

The choice of how to plant cucumbers depends on personal preferences and the desired result. When choosing seeds, it is necessary to take into account that vegetable crop seeds differ. Today there are hybrid and varietal seeds.

The main difference in hybrid and varietal seeds is to yield, resistance to diseases, rapidness, etc. Most hybrid seeds are designed for vertical landing and comfortable conditions, it is best possible to provide in a greenhouse.

Naturally, all these indicators in hybrid plants are significantly higher, but they are more demanding than varietal plants. They need a significantly higher level of mineral nutrition, as well as required protected ground.

Hybrid plants can show all the qualities embedded in them when disembarking into a greenhouse. Source seeds are more unpretentious, they can be calmly planted into open ground. Unlike hybrid species, seeds of varietal cucumbers can be used for further cultivation.

Seedlings of cucumbers at home. PreparationEven novice gardens are known that in order to get the generous and most importantly early harvest, it is necessary to grow seedlings in advance.

And since we can not imagine a salad without this vegetable - the cultivation of seedlings of cucumbers in the home conditions is a fairly relevant question! The cultivation of cucumbers has their own nuances, knowing them, you can always get a married crop. For what to grow seedlings of cucumbers at home will need no less than twenty days. Based on this, you can approximately, taking into account possible freezers, calculate for what period to prepare seedlings. Read more than sow seeds you need to scatter them.

In order to do it, you need five percent salt solution (on the water mug you will need a teaspoon of salt). The water temperature is not more than 22 degrees. Seeds of cucumbers before planting it is desirable to prepare and harden.

Having lowered the seeds of cucumbers in the salt solution, you will see how part of the seed drops to the bottom. This is the most good seeds, the pop-up seeds can be calmly throw out - the crop of them you will not receive. Total, healthy seeds, it is necessary to immerse in a weak mortar for half an hour.

Then rinse the seeds under the stream of clean water. These actions will get rid of your seedlings from mushroom disease. To harde the seeds, place them in the refrigerator for 36 hours. Purchasumo before planting, to activate germination, seeds are soaked for 8 hours. It is possible to grow seeds for seedings in the following ways. The first, to germinate seeds can be used on a saucer, posing them on the seed gauze or Wool, from above, seeds need to be covered with another layer of gauze.

Do not dry out and make sure that the seeds are floating in water. For the fastest shoots, the shift is placed in a warm place. The temperature is 30 degrees most favorable for germination.

In the premises of seeds in a room with a lower temperature, this process can delay. There is somewhat simpler. Seeding seeds is carried out immediately into the pot.

This method has a significant drawback, whether all the seeds rose, you will not be able to .Rorosted seeds are considered to reach a height of 3-5 mm. Seedlings of cucumbers at home. Features of growing and care1.

The root cucumber system is very weak, as a result of which it is extremely not advisable to transplant, since there is a risk of injury. In order to avoid this, seedlings of cucumbers at home should, if possible, be grown in peat-wood or peat-cardboard pots.

The huge advantage of these pots is that before planning seedlings in the ground can be broken, without damaging the root system. Growing cucumber seedlings in such pots, you will maximize their root system. 2.

Cookies or other other capacity prepared for seedlings, it is necessary to fill in the substrate. Captive mixture for growing seedlings can be bought in the store, but also make this mixture yourself the task is not complicated. For the preparation of such a mixture it is necessary to take one part of the turf, one part of the sawdust, by One part of humoring and peat.3. Capacity with seeds are placed in a warm place, the temperature in which should not be descended below 25 degrees, watering is carried out only with warm water (as a rule, once a week).

To avoid evaporation of moisture, the cups need to be covered with a transparent film, after the appearance of sections, the shelter can be removed. Cucumbers - a thermal-loving culture, shootings at a temperature of 24-28 degrees may appear on 4-6 days, at a temperature of 18 degrees after 10 days, below 10-15 degrees - they are cessary.4.

In some cases, two sprouts may appear in one cup. After waiting a little time, delete the weakest, cutting off the sprout, if you try to snatch a weak sprout you can damage the roots of the neighboring.

Ensure light, the absence of drafts, the optimal temperature and feeding of cucumber seedlings. 5. In order to avoid pulling the seedlings, it is necessary to lower the temperature of the content up to 20 degrees for two to three days.

It is also necessary to provide good lighting, use cloudy weather. Be sure to check that there were no drafts on the windowsill, the cucumbers do not like them. During the active growth of seedlings, it is necessary to conduct feeding.

It is best to use specially designed complex fertilizers. And also periodically plug the soil for more active growth of the root system.7.

When your bushes are growing enough, and there will be 2-3 sheets of dark green color, and the root system will fill the entire volume of the cup, you can start planted seedlings into a greenhouse or open soil. In order to adapt the seedlings to increase frost resistance.

It is necessary to start this procedure at least a week before the alleged landing. First of all, it is necessary to lower the room temperature to 16-18 degrees, after which it is possible to make seedlings to open air .9.

It is important to protect bushes from direct exposure to sun rays. Cucumber landing in the greenhouse occurs from April 15 to 20. The seedling seedlings for growing cucumbers in the open ground is made from 10 to 15 May.

When disembarking in open ground, seedlings are covered with film. Growing cucumbers in open soil. Preparation of bedsGrowing cucumbers in the open ground is practiced in two ways. Depending on the method of landing, beds are prepared.

The first method is a horizontal planting of cucumbers. Grounds grown in such a way should be raised on the ground. With this option, the cucumbers are planted into rounded beds - wells. Crickerels should be far enough from each other.

The second method is a vertical landing. The cucumbers are planted on narrow, long beds. In the case of a vertical landing, it is necessary to provide support for cucumbers, special ropes or grids for which a plant will be placed.

It is necessary to ensure sufficient illumination, especially if you arrange a few beds, make sure that they will be blocked from each other with sun rays. The future place under the cucumbers may well look like this - narrow long beds, on the perimeter of which you can pull ropes for support and weaving cucumbers.

Choosing how to plant cucumbers - this is certainly your preference, however, consider: Today, most of the hybrids are designed for a vertical landing. It would not be a way to planting a way to land, the falling down of cucumbers occurs only after careful preparation of soil. The soil preparation occurs taking into account the characteristics of the root Plant systems. Because The location of the root system of this culture is superficially, the ridge is prepared as follows: chopped twig or coniferous sweetheart; Compost; Straw or sawdust; small layer of manure, you can also use humidia with the addition of ash; Twenty centimeter layer of garden land. In the end, you will get a sort of puff pastry.

Do not worry, the whole organic garbage that you have made to the garden gradually overloads. In the process of overloading, it will highlight the heat, so necessary to obtain a good crop of cucumbers. For a couple of days before the landing, we will break the bed with boiling water and cover the film.

If the time presses you, the disembarkation can be made immediately after irrigation, while the earth is hot. I have a place for cucumber ridges or greenhouses, do not forget that it is impossible to plant cucumbers immediately after other representatives of this family. In the Earth, there may be common diseases for these species.

Suffered cucumbers preferably after potatoes and tomatoes, peas and beans, as well as after cabbage with radish. Another much important event before planting cucumbers will be the disinfection of the soil. It is very easy to disinfect the soil - for this it is necessary to shed a garden with a solution of copper mood.

For the preparation of the solution, use 10 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. copper mood. Growing cucumbers in open soil. Reckless way to planting and care for cucumbersLookage cucumbers in open ground can be both seeds and seedlings.

When disembarking, seedlings have the opportunity to get an earlier harvest. However, the seeding way of landing is quite troublesome, for busy people is better suitable for a recessful way. For the landing of cucumbers in open ground, it is necessary to prepare and remove seeds, as well as for seedlings. For the landing of seeds in the soil, it is necessary to make wells, the seeds are laid not deeply on one and a half - Two centimeters (if on your plot light soil wells can be made somewhat deeper if the soil is heavy - smaller).

One hole is laid up to five seeds. At the time of planting the soil must be wet. After planting cucumbers, the garden must be covered with a transparent film.

Remember that even small frosts can be destructive for cucumbers, so the place under them must be protected from winds; Well, if the garden is raised and fundamentally.The cucumbers are planted at the end of May in early June. Also in the spring we have to land Luca Sevka.

Growing onion of seeds - the process is not a complex and interesting, which can provide you with high-quality planting material for self-cultivation of the onions. In the appearance of the first leaves, the cucumber seedlings thin, as a rule, it will need to make days ten after landing. Just as seedlings, the seedlings cannot be cut.

Sleep them by pinching or cutting. After you have come off, the cucumbers need to be filtered, the feeder produce a dung albeit can also use chicken litter.

The fertilizer falling on the leaves should be washed off with clean water, otherwise the leaves will receive burns. Advanced the care of the cucumbers is carried out in the same way as the seedlings you landed at a permanent place in the garden. Pretty simple, it includes: 1. Weeding can be combined with loosening.2.

Waterings are very important for cucumbers. If you allow soil drying, the taste of cucumbers will deteriorate, and they become bitter. Therefore, control the moisture of the soil especially in the most arid period - July, August.

Save the soil moisture, as well as suppress the growth of weeds will help you mulching. As a mulch, you can use sawdust or bevelled with a lawn grass.3. Paging is made after 5-6 leaves appeared.

This procedure is necessary to stimulate branching and the appearance of female flowers. Garter on the frame to carry out as plants grow.

The cucumbers should be done only in good weather, because In cloudy cold weather, the growth of cucumbers slows down, and fertilizers will not bring benefits. It is important to feed the filler during the flowering period, as well as during fruiting.

Cucumbers contain iodine and many trace elements are used in therapeutic and diet nutrition, therefore, they must be grown.Following the advice, how to plant cucumbers set forth in this article you will always get an excellent harvest.

How and when to plant cucumbers?


Cucumbers love warmth. That is why they are planted in different regions in different times. Today we will try to reveal secrets, as and when to plant cucumbers.

How to find out if the time came to plant cucumbers?

When determining the landing time, attention should be paid to the ambient temperature. It is very important that the soil evenly warms up at least 15 degrees of heat at night. During the landing, it is important for us that the cucumbers do not frozen.

It is this result that we will achieve, if we are waiting for a night increase in the temperature of the soil to this temperature. However, it is worth considering that at a temperature of + 15 ° cucumbers will not grow. But we will plant them with the fact that in the spring the temperature of the air will increase daily, and then the cucumbers will begin to grow in reinforced pace.

If you did not pay a little duration of the cucumbers and the weather presented you with a surprise in the form of a decrease in air temperature, do not despair. Cucumbers can be saved. To do this, cover the garden with a special passionate material or at least a polyethylene film.

Where to plant cucumbers?

First of all, answer the question "Where to plant cucumbers?" Since even a minor decrease in temperature for a short time can reduce your work on no, it is worth it for the choice of landing sites.

Try to pick up the platform where the cucumbers will be minimally exposed to cold wind. When choosing a landing site, make sure that it is well lit by the sun. Cucumbers can be grown by a horizontal and vertical method.

In the first version, they are planted into the wells that are made at a sufficient distance from each other - an average of about 50 cm. At the same time, a landing option is convenient for long narrow beds. In the process of growth, the capers of the cucumbers are freely located on Earth on both sides of the ridge.

It should be provided in advance, leaving the beds in the sides of the Grocery enough. When the vertical method of planting cucumbers should be placed mesh or ropes perpendicular to the soil, attaching them to high stakes into the ground. According to such supports, the cucumbers will be actively placed, the main thing is that these designs do not cover the access of sunlight to plants.

Studies have shown if they put the cucumbers with a vertical method, then the yield rises. But unequivocal recommendations do not exist on this score. Squeeze as it is convenient for you.

Seeds or seedlings?

This question is also solved by gardeners on their own. There is no big difference, it all depends on your desire. Consider the fact that with a favorable ambient temperature, the seeds sprout very quickly.

A couple of days after the landing, you can see the first sprouts. On average, you need to count on the fact that the seedlings need to transplanten into open ground no later than 30 days after the appearance of germs. Seedlings need to plant in open ground at the same time as seeds.

Look preliminary weather forecasts for the coming three weeks. After analyzing the data from several sources, you can guess the time of the alleged planting of cucumbers.

And here, decide: either you will grow seedlings, which will help to get an earlier harvest, or you will sow seeds. For better germination of seeds, they should be poured with water for 10 hours. Until the swelling of seeds, it is necessary to change water several times.

Drain seeds better immediately, after these 10 hours. To do this, we make a deepening in the ground depth of 2 to 4 cm and lower the swollen seeds there. The well is pre-watered with water.

The best mulch for cucumbers is humus.

How to put cucumbers !!!

Is it possible to plan the cucumbers in June?

Karambol 1 week ago

Is it possible to put cucumbers in June?

Bloom 1 week ago

The best days for planting cucumbers in the ground seeds are May 19 - the day of Job of Okurchnik, the milkman and Rosennik, as well as on June 2 - the day of Falaley - the heat, the cucumber, the garden. But in those areas where weather conditions are not very favorable for growing thermal-loving cucumbers, it is still better to plant them in greenhouses or greenhouses, or under frame film shelters.

For example, in the Urals, closer to Yekaterinburg, at the beginning of August, the night are already cold and very radiant, and the cucumbers are then massively amazed by mildew, if they grow in the open soil. And in the Primorsky Territory, in the Far East, in the Chernigovsky district, where cucumbers do not need shelters, we, after the first emphasis of the potatoes, from mid-June and the number to 25, always along the grooves sowed the cucumbers into several holes.

The crop began to receive in August and were torn by cucumbers until the coldests. And after the second weeding, the seeds of the beloved radish radish red with a white tip and in August-September were scattered over potato beds in July and juicy radishers in August-September. And cucumbers, and radish, for some reason very comfortable among the thickets of potatoes tops.

We are glad to see you again on the page of our blog! In the middle of summer, sowing areas are exempt. Removing Radish, Early Salad, Spinach, Dill and Other Sheet Greens, and also digging the early potato varieties, onions, garlic, or removal Old thickets of strawberries / garden strawberries, summer residents think about whether the cucumbers can be planted in July to the "walking" beds. The answer is unequivocal - yes! The main thing is to choose the early crust varieties, the growing period of which ranges from 45-50 days.

As the experience of advanced vegetable vegetables shows, the summer landing of the roots can be carried out both in open areas and in greenhouses / greenhouses. Even if you live in cold climate conditions, there is an opportunity to cultivate the July cucumbers. The only difference is in the conditions of a shorter summer culture is better to grow with a seaside way, pre-raising seedlings in separate planting containers.

Advantages of the summer planting of cucumbers:

  1. Fast germination of seeds.
  2. The possibility of obtaining crops of juicy rootes to the most frosts.
  3. The active use of the ferments freed from the early surprise crops.

Preparation of beds under summer cucumbers

The site is released from plant residues, dripping, choosing manually pesting rhizomes and pest larvae, refill with organic (humus, overwhelmed compost, overwhelming birds) and mineral fertilizers.

We fully know that the cucumbers are very demanding of the fertility of the soil mixture and in the presence of all necessary nutritional elements are actively touched into growth and fruit. Refueling Earth with several buckets of organics for each meter will provide plants with the necessary power on the entire season of vegetation and create favorable conditions for the development of useful soil microflora.

In addition to organic fertilizers available at your disposal, it is advisable to make an ammonia nitrate or carbamide, dual superphosphate and calmagnezia (20, 20 and 10 grams per square meter, appropriate). A complex nitroammophos, containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the desired proportion proven itself well. It will also be seeding in the soil of vegetable ash (1/2 liters per meter).

How to plant cucumbers in the middle of summer?

The technology of the summer subrodding of cucumbers is not different from the spring. The first thing is to prepare and extension of seed material. For this, the seeds of the early grades warm up, the bay of hot water (about 50 ° C) for 20 minutes, disinfected, turbid in the ash infusion or a solution of copper sulfate (1%) by a quarter of an hour, and laid out for several days between wet mooring gauze for swelling and Skaling.

Next, planting cucumbers directly into open soil or separate planting containers, depending on the selected fit method. Summer Cornishons at the seedlings are better sowing at the beginning of the middle of June, in order for in July, your plants are already enough to have a permanent residence to transfer.

The fertilizers fired by the fertilizers loose and harrow and then highly moisturize the soil. Sowing the seed prepared in a certain way is carried out in pre-chopped grooves, closeing them to a depth of about 2-3 cm. The seedlings are planted into the dummy wells, in which the humor and ash and ash are useful to add across the tablespoon.

Do not forget to ride the landing from the watering can be gone by warm water. Carry the rootes in cloudy weather or in the evening. In summer, try to create shading for plants for several days, covering seedlings with newspapers or nonwoven material.

Care for July cucumber landings

The most important for summer cucumbers is high-quality watering with warm water, because it is not always raining in the middle of summer. Avoid making moisture on the tops, by watering only under the root of each bustle.

After irrigation to improve the soil aeration (especially on heavy lands), carry out loosening, combined with a weeding to prevent the formation of soil crust.

In the event that a decrease in the night temperature is predicted, cover the beds with cucumbers with polyethylene or nonwoven material.

Summer cucumbers are responsive for the introduction of helpful compositions. It is best to use root and extractive feeders of the Navigation: Fill the bucket on 1/3 by manure, make warm water, let it take over in a warm place under the lid for 72 hours, divert the fluid dairy solid with clean water 1:10. Under each bush poured about one and a half liters of fertilizer or poured the composition into the sprayer and abundantly spray the above-ground part in the evening.

To enrich the soil with phosphorus, potassium and trace element complex, use an olod infusion (a glass of ash by ½ bucket of water) or specialized mineral and organic fertilizers for pumpkin cultures.

And what do you think it is possible to plant cucumbers in July and get a good harvest of Zelentsov? Share your workshops in the comments!

How to extend the turnover from August to October and for the whole winter: in the field and planting cucumbers in the greenhouse on two or more harvest. What varieties and hybrids choose when to sow seedlings and disembark at a permanent place: the subtleties of the cucumber, greenhouse, tips on agrotechnology, planting in greenhouse and formation, video.

We suggest to consider two options - how to get cucumbers on the second harvest both in the open soil, without and homemade greenhouses and in the closed.

Option is carefree: planting cucumbers in a unheated greenhouse or open soil

In the open ground either in a greenhouse without lights, fees continue until the beginning of the middle of October, depending on climatic conditions. In part of the regions, the season continues until the end of September.

Landing density - 2-2.5 plants per 1 m2 depending on the intensity of the formation of lateral shoots.

Subtleties: Selection of varieties

  • The fineness is the first: selection of varieties - more precisely, hybrids. Early do not fit, cool curves can grow - about choosing in detail and with names below.
  • Subtlety of the second - deadlines: when to plant seedlings to obtain a second harvest in a field or landing in a greenhouse, given the growing season of the variety.

Plant in stage 2-3 of real leaves, not older than 17-19 days at a permanent place since first numbers and until July 12-15 in the middle lane, Central and North of Ukraine, Belarus.

In the southern regions, the optimal landing date is the end of July and the beginning of August. It is possible without seedlings, especially the gift of one in the south, but with it faster and more productive.

And the third subtlety, for beginners - seeds are soaked, wrapped in a napkin, in water. A better in a solution of biostimulant - succinic acid, epine, for example, or in another.

And for supporters of the lunar calendar - it is necessary to grow on a growing moon - a joke with a fraction of a joke.

For harvest in October, you can easily shift the dates of landing, but it is worth considering the inevitable losses due to the reduction of yield. However, it is worth calculating profitability in each case - the cost of products in late August and late September will be varied.

Varieties: the best suitable

Do not choose early: they are physiologically intended for growth and fruiting with a short-scale lighting day. By the way, that is why the fruits of the last fees are often curved, almost bent into the arc, one end is thicker than the other, with bitterness - these plants are responsible for lack of sun and low temperature.

We choose: Self-polished cucumbers for the greenhouse for the first and second turnover - the subtleties of choice.

Choose tall, well-branched hybrids - with a short-scale lighting day, the main ballast slows down.

In addition, there is a decrease in genetic parthenokarpic signs (self-polliness) in artificial stimulation of branching - therefore, from July to November, the emphasis is on the ability to branch: such hybrids do not lose their qualities.

Pay attention to persistence to pericorosis - the infectious background is already quite high, to the pulse dew of the real and false.

Preference is given to cucumbers of lightweight, winter hybrids of the winter relay, the Olympiad, etc., mostly, it is short-range, shortened type, less often long-lying.

Parthenocarpic hybrids for the second harvest that showed excellent results:

  • Courage (Gavrish);
  • Sonata (Rijk Zwaan);
  • Campaign (Rijk Zwaan);
  • Maryina Grove F1 (manul);
  • Clean ponds F1 (manul);
  • Green wave (manul);
  • Voyage (Gavrish);
  • Adam Bejo;
  • Alex (BEJO).

And others from proven manufacturers of seed material domestic and foreign ones.

By September, the screens are yellowing, it's time to remove them, the soil skips them, bring humus (but not fresh manure) or a mineral complex. And planted seedlings in the cups, which was planted in advance.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse: landing and care in the first and second turn.

When the seedlings of cucumbers for the second harvest are planted in early July or the middle of the optimal term for the III light zone. Plant in stage 2-3 of real leaves.

The optimal age of cucumber seedlings for the second harvest is not more than 15-18 days.

IMPORTANT: Summer seedlings develop quickly, and the growing sluggish, it is bad forces in the heat in view of the difference between the volume of green mass and the root system - two or three days may be critical.

Sit for better survival in the afternoon or under cloudy weather. Sanding rapid hybrids will give a massive harvest approximately after 3 weeks.

When landing, mineral fertilizers are introduced, including NPK complex, humus, ash. Swimming, sufficient watering - essential terms of success.
It is important to plan protection against diseases, taking into account the waiting period, given that after the first spring-summer fees, the infectious background worsened.

Forming the shoulder depending on the characteristics of each variety - pinch the growth point, blinding 3-4 bottom nodes of the main vacuum on some, form into one stem, growing on a height in a height.

It is necessary to normalize the wounds - if at the beginning of September it is too much, much more than a full-fledged fruit may form. If this is not done, do not break the part of the latter feedback, the fruits will be small or not have time to grow.

Option second - in the closed soil

What varieties are suitable for the second crop of cucumber in the greenhouse? These are partrenokarpic tuberculous hybrids with high resistance to fungal, viral diseases, high shadow resistance.

They are characterized by the ability not to grow, keeping an acceptable size without pulling out, and the suitability of long-term storage - the tube-strong skin with a safe protects against drying.

For extended turnover (until the end of October) and winter-spring (January-December-June), treessey cucumber hybrids are needed. These are beefall and parthenocarpic type. Summer varieties will not give a harvest in conditions of closed soil and insufficient illumination.

These include the hybrids of the F1, Courage, and Ave., Beequained Athlete, Carambol, Parthenocarpic Type Rais, Cadet, Barcelona, \u200b\u200betc.

Boarding cucumber in greenhouse and care

The topic is volumetric, let's touch the main points briefly: it will show the video in detail.

The yield of cucumber in the greenhouse heated and not heated for parthenocapic species (bundled and not only).

Yield with an optimal cultivation scheme with a second circulation from 7 to 12 kg / m2 in open ground, up to 10 to 16 kg / m2 in a closed - indicators vary depending on the variety.

  • When growing a seaside method, the age of seedlings is 15-18 days, no more. The best time for disembarking seedlings is the first decade of July, for the southern regions - until the end of July, the beginning of August. The shift of landing for the second autumn turnover by the displacement method is possible, but is not always rational: due to the reduced day of the day, yield is reduced.
  • Preventive processing against real powdered dews are carried out in 1-2 days before the seedlings of seedlings at a permanent place using preparations by type of topaz, quadris, strnotes, etc. With frequent outbreaks of the virus with green grinding mosaic, processing is also necessary.
  • With a short-scale lighting day, fruit formation slows down in cool weather, the degree of parthenocarpics of fruits is reduced. To prevent, to accelerate maturation in the greenhouse increase the night temperature, ensure the optimal introduction of complex mineral fertilizers. For the prevention of fungi, the formation of condensate m in the morning is carried out (open framugues), will turn on soil heating.
  • The daily air temperature gradually reduce - very smoothly, focusing on the weather. So, the temperature range fluctuates in the following values: in August in sunny weather with solar + 24 ... + 27 ° C with solar, under cloudy + 22 ... + 24 ° C, in November +21 .. + 22 ° C with solar and + 19 ... + 20 ° C with cloudy weather.
  • The temperature of the soil in August + 22 ... + 24 ° C, by the end of October, November decreases to +21 .. + 20 ° C.

It is better to see it once: do so when planting cucumbers in the greenhouse - the harvest is 3 times more. To help video: 3 methods of vertical cultivation of the loop - brilliant tips: We look, remember, repeat.

The formation of the vacuum is carried out in accordance with the peculiarities of a particular hybrid and cultivation conditions. So, some are formed in one whip, some pinch for stimulating the branching of the weaves.

When landing in early July, Parenocpical short-flowing hybrids (self-polling) are blinded from 3-4 lower nodes of the main loop, at a later landing, in mid-July - 4-5 lower nodes.

When planting cucumber in the greenhouse, the end of the turn is planned relative to the cost: additional backlight, heating. So, for many farms, the second half of October continue the work inexpedient due to expensive heating.