Repairs Design Furniture

Beautiful tile in the bathroom design. Tile for the bathroom (200 photos). Pluses of using tiles in the bathroom

Decorating with a bathroom with a cafeter (ceramic tiles) is an original and budget designer solution. The material is manufactured in several ways and is distinguished by increased strength. The name "Tile" he received in Germany, where one of the first large-scale production in the city of brooms was established. It still exists and is famous for the high quality of products that pass through the double firing procedure. In the traditional version, the tiles are square. Ceramics refer to one of the oldest finishing materials. From clay, not only dishes were made, but also approximately the same pieces that the walls of the temples and palaces were lined in mosaic technique. Tile tiles were slightly thinned bricks, painted and covered with a thick layer of glaze, which protected the surface from mechanical damage. For facing of simple houses, the material was not used because of its high cost. The most ancient find is dating 3,000 BC. And it was discovered on the ruins of the settlement between the rivers Tiger and Euphrates. You can see an ancient tiled pattern on the famous Babylonian gates Ishtar. They were erected during the reign of Nebuchadnezzar in honor of the fertility goddess. The monument is perfectly preserved: the gate is decorated with images of mystical animals (sirrushes and bulls) folded on the principle of mosaic, which serve as a visual example of a high level of skill of ancient artisans.

After the second discovery of mass production technology, the tile began to use as a dwelling decor. In the Middle Ages, the Italian masters received the "Eastern" secret to the manufacture of ceramic cladding and distributed their products throughout Europe. Production was established on the island of Mallorca, which gave the name of Kafel: "Maitolika". Options for laying tiles in the bathroom There are several dozen ways that will help create a unique design of the room. According to the production method, the tile is classified into several types:

Ceramic tile is used to finish the floor, walls, "aprons", furnaces, and a special look - pavingly laid out tracks on neat urban streets. In the design of houses, the tile is usually used in baths and in the kitchens. Both premises are distinguished by an aggressive microclimate, which material with the success with success.

How to choose

Although the modern market of finishing materials offers vinyl tiles, PVC panels, a lining, treated with a special way, the tile still remains out of competition. Before you go shopping into a construction store, you need to develop a tile laying program and choose the desired option among the variety of textures, colors and sizes. The tile is produced in three versions of forms:

  • Square. These "cubes" have three dimensional standards: 15x15 cm, 30x30 cm and 50x50 cm. The smallest format is used for wall decorations.
  • Rectangular. It usually has dimensions of 25x20 cm. As a rule, such a tile for the floor imitates a parquet board or laminate, and for walls - brick.
  • Non-standard forms. Used in modern design directions. Honeycombs, mugs, pentagons, triangles look spectacular and unusual.

The composition of the tile includes clay, field spatts and quartz sand, which performs the role of "carcass", which retains the shape of the product during the firing. The entire set of ceramic materials is classified into two groups:

  • Bikotture. Tile for lining wall inside housing. Covering it enamel, gives the surface stylish shine. The material is distinguished by strength, resistant to mechanical damage, temperature drops, changes in the humidity level. Beacotture is easily clean and calmly refers to contacts with any types of household chemicals.
  • Monocotture. The stronger variety that the walls are separated, the floor inside the house and the path in the yard. Special frost-resistant models are used for the street.

It is also possible to divide ceramic materials for finishing for three subgroups:

  • Porcelain stoneware. Low moisture absorption material. According to the characteristics of the porcelain stoneware with a stone, and in composition - with porcelain.
  • Cotto. The material obtained by firing red clay. Its surface is not covered with icing and has a characteristic "rough" texture. Cotto has exclusively natural shades within the red-brown colors.
  • Clinker. Manufactured by extrusion. May have a glazed surface or different textured solutions. Single firing at ultra-high temperatures provides low moisture permeability, which allows you to separate this material not that baths, even pools. For them, "tile" sets from steps, corners, drains.

In the texture, the tiles are classified on glossy, matte and "grungy". The last type includes imitation of the skin of the reptile "Turtle", which in the presence of highlighting it looks at the emphasis walls. As for the color solution, the variety of shades and drawings allows you to choose the option for your interior. Especially popular is blue, green, blue tones characteristic of the sea stylistic solution of the bathroom. Also use contrast and bright combinations: black and white, red-gray, yellow-green. In spacious premises, each individual zone (bath, toilet, shower) is isolated by a specific tint. In older khrushchev, where small combined bathrooms are not recommended to experiment with color zoning, and use the tiles of only light tones, which visually expand the boundaries of the space. By texture, tiles are divided into:

  • Single. Used for simple and strict interiors.
  • Imitating surfaces of natural materials (granite, marble, tree).
  • With repeated drawings. The "patterned" surface is usually decorated with vegetable ornaments or geometric shapes.
  • Mosaic. Such a tile forms a complex sceneling composition or a large picture on the surface.

Unusual forms are most often embodied in clinker tiles, since the extrusion process allows you to implement the most bold fantasies of designers.

How to choose a tile according to stylistics

For those who love the classic directions, the traditional layout of the tile with the Effect of Ombre is suitable. Color gradation can smoothly pass through the entire surface or have limitations in the form of decorative borders between the shadow zones. In the style of Provence uses a tile with a gentle ornament and a thin wearing on a white background. In Country, use a combination of monochrome plates with patterned surfaces. In colors prevail brown and gray. The loft style is appropriate and beautiful will look a clinker in the form of bricks with a surface characteristic of the material. Minimalism prefers one-photo cafes or a combination of two neutral colors in a checker order (black and white, gray-blue). Also for this oriental style is characterized by the imitation of marble and rude texture. In Hai Tecte, the tile of gray, black, white colors or with "silver" surfaces are laid.

Methods of tiled layouts

Not only the aesthetic type of finished finish, but also the consumption of material depends on the method of laying. The most popular styling options include the "gold" five ways: straight, diagonal, horizontal, vertical and rotary. It is possible to rank a mosaic, modular and checker. Combined options are also found, they are usually used with the combination of materials of different sizes, colors and textures. If you lay out the tile in accordance with all the rules of the selected method, then the finished picture will be easily perceived visually and emphasizes the dignity of the room.


Even a beginner designer will be able to put the tile of "seam in the seam". With a direct layout, each tile in the subsequent row must repeat the location of its neighbor from the previous one. In this case, the value is only a flat laying of the first level, which will rely all the others. As a rule, the lined walls have a simple, but beautiful and tidy look. For the method, high saving material is characterized.


With the method, the adjacent seams between fragments do not join. Each subsequent row shifts the length equal to half the tile. This method imitates brickwork on the walls and laminate or parquet board on the floor. The color scheme is usually selected appropriate. The material on such a finish will go about as much as the direct method. However, you will have to tinker with fragments, as one row of two will begin to begin with half the tiles.

Deck scattering implies a diagonal location "brick" masonry.


The diagonal type of laying in turn is classified into three types:

  • Simple with the compliance of the seam. The result is a composition of smooth vertical rhombuses. Each second row will end with a triangle, so it will have to cut as many pieces as with the method of rotary.
  • Laying with inserts. For this option, the tile of two sizes are used: large rectangles and small squares. Inside each four of large tiles is a small fragment.
  • Laying with suture displacement to the side (Christmas tree). Each subsequent row of tiled rectangles changes the direction to the opposite. As a result, the neighboring fragments lay the short side of half the long facet of the lower tiles.

The harder the type of diagonal laying, the longer the work will be taken. Putting the tile with displacement to the side is recommended in the presence of material defects: deviations from angles of 90 degrees or inconsistencies in the length and width of each fragment.


The modular method allows you to create an original suture pattern on the floor surface or walls in the bathroom. The essence of the method is laid in the title. For decoration, fragments are different in size, and sometimes colors. Put the tile can be horizontally or diagonally. Compositions are relevant using two and three different modules, as a rule, rectangular and square forms. The more diverse fragments, the harder the result is a drawing. In the catalogs, manufacturers usually mark the tile that allows modular laying, the "modulare" designation.


The method is used for rectangular tiles. At the same time, the type of laying wide facets are located in a horizontal plane. Actively apply practice for small rooms, which are thus visually stretched to hide the shortage of space. If the intercutric seams are barely noticeable, and the color is used only one, then there is no difference between horizontal and vertical laying. In order for the effect to be more noticeable, the gaps between fragments decorated with a special coating.


The method is diametrically opposed to horizontal. Wide edges of the rectangular tile are located vertically. Use the method when finishing rooms with low ceilings. Vertical "strips" of seams stretch the bathroom and visually add a couple of meters in height.

Mosaic layout

The effect of the mosaic on the entire surface of the wall or floor can add an excess load on the visual perception of the room. It is organic that its combination with direct, diagonal or horizontal methods looks. A separate fragment on the surface is distinguished for the mosaic, which will play the role of an accent. To portray the panel on the wall, you will no longer have to pick up a picture in pieces. Manufacturers have concerned about simplifying the task and began to produce special mesh bases that allow you to attach large mosaic modules in one fell. The smaller the fragments of the finishing "puzzle", the higher the detailing of the picture.

There is a separate type of tile by imitating mosaic. Decorative "seams" are applied to the surface of the whole piece.

Chess laying

In the classic chess variant, fragments of black and white color are used. You can lay the tile directly and diagonal method depending on the preferences of the bathroom owners. Chess laying is necessarily based on a combination of two different colors. In more complex compositions, a large number of shades are used within one tone or on the principle of contrast. The scheme for the placement of fragments is subject to strict rules, and does not allow a chaotic combination. Otherwise, it will not be a chess location, but creative mess.

Combined method

In addition to the above methods also use their combinations. Usually, the combination is made within two options. The "joints" of different layouts are emphasized by contrasting seams. Actually horizontal separation of a small room in half with the actual line. To select the accent zones against the backdrop of simpler layout options, complex methods of labyrinth, mosaic, seam shutters or modular combinations are used. Often these areas decorated with tiles of other colors that contrast with a neutral background solution.

Concepts of modern design

Fashion is in constant motion, static is not characteristic of it, and the design, as is known, is obeying this capricious lady. In the line of modern styles, the ceramic tile plays the role of a luxurious element, and not a background finish. Popular Fragments of non-standard forms (bee honeycombs, triangles, circles), use of surfaces that imitate natural materials texture, applying needlework technique in the composition of the composition. Original drawings, made in accordance with the principles of minimalism, abstractionism, surrealism, are also in demand. All these options allow not only to emphasize the features of the stylistic solution of the bathroom, but also to make her interior unique.

Laying with ornament

From the tiles of small sizes lay "pixel" compositions or complex ornaments that "stretch" through individual zones. A similar technique is the "kaleidoscope", that is, a combination of different drawings and colors on fragments. The ornament does not advise executing small bathrooms. It looks more effectively as a reception of zoning in combined premises.

Laying Patchwork

Patchwork is a method of crosslinking large things (blankets, carpets, pillowcases) from small looskuts of various fabrics. In the layout of the tile, this reception is found quite often. However, due to excessive varnish, it is not recommended to design the entire wall or gender. In order to interior, such a finish joined organically, it is used in a separate section of the surface, which will be an accent element indoor. Combine pieces of different colors, sizes and drawings. In some embodiments, "joints" are decorated with imitation of seams from threads.


Honeycombs - cells which from wax create bees in the hives, imperceptibly became a popular form, which is played in the design of the rooms. The tile (often clinker), imitating hexagons, is used in the trim of bathroom and kitchen aprons. Fragments of different shades are usually used to create a composition with a gradation effect. Original looks with options with the transition from the wall to the floor. For example, the horizontal surface is decorated with blue and white tile, and the vertical - black, in which there are "dropped" pieces. Also from the cells create repeating compositions and drawings, but preference is given to the chaotic arrangement of hexagons.

Imitation of parquet and massive board

Laminate and parquet board in the bathroom are not used. This is a "gentle" floor covering in harsh conditions will last long. In some cases, the interior concept requires only wood. The way out of the position is simple: get tiles in the shape of tiles with a surface imitating the wood pattern. The coating is much stronger, moisture and aggressive detergents are not frightened. The range of colors allows you to choose imitation of any tree of wood: from expensive rattan and to the usual pine.

How to draw a layout scheme

Many believe that the creation of the laying project is a minute case. To evaluate the scale of work, sufficiently take a pencil and get lost, not knowing where to start. It is necessary on a clean sheet of paper to draw the plan of the room, the higher its detailing, the easier it will estimate the advantages and disadvantages of the finish project. Then signed measurements that are pre-made using a roulette. Dorify the location of plumbing. Further, the walls or gender divide several straight horizontally, vertically or diagonally depending on the future layout. Evaluate which sector division is more organic, and erased extra lines. Then they draw the "grid" of the tile on the surfaces. The resulting squares or rectangles are filled with separate colors or draw an approximate ornament.

How to calculate the number of tiles

For starters, the widths and length (height) of the wall or floor, which will be facing are performed. Values \u200b\u200bmultiply on each other to get the area. If there are "closed" zones (windows or places for finishing by other materials), they are also measured. Then from the total area deduct unnecessary meters. In advance, it is necessary to find out the length and width of the tile, which will be used in the finish. By multiplying these values \u200b\u200bcalculate its area too. Keep in mind that the error of the seams in the calculations is not taken into account. Then the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire room is divided into a similar value of one tile fragment. Thus, an approximate number of tiles that will be needed to finish the surface. Do not forget to make a small margin within 5% of the resulting value. If fragments of different sizes are used, then the future composition is conditionally divided into equitable sectors and calculated their number. For example, when modular laying two rectangles and one square form a fragment with equal parties. Its area and use as a unit of finishes. If there are small inserts, their number usually corresponds to the number of the main tile and also takes the reserve.

Bathroom - an intimate room, as a result of which it must have certain characteristics: simplicity, originality and most importantly - convenience. The most important components of these qualities is the floor and wall decoration. There are many options here, however, the most proven to be the option of finishing a cafeter.

Characteristics of tile

Deciding with the choice of a bathroom finishing option, the characteristics should be taken into account when buying a tile:

  • technical standards (here is in mind the class of wear resistance from 1 to 5, and for the bathrooms should be stopped at no lower than in the 3rd class);
  • purpose tile;
  • cover parameters.

Type Types for appointment

In a wide sense, the tile goes for walls or floors, but in some cases the task of selecting tiles for steps and ceilings appears. Yet according to its characteristics, only two types are allocated - for walls and gender. Wall tile is less resistant to chemical reagents and erasing the surface layer, it also has a fairly high level of moisture absorption - up to 20%. The coating of this type of tile may be in the form of glaze, matte, embossed and imitation of other materials.

Outdoor tiles, firstly, stronger wall; secondly, it has a low level of moisture absorption - up to 5-6%; Thirdly, the tile surface is always performed in a matte anti-slip version.


Depending on the materials used for the production of the tile, 4 types of tiles can be distinguished:

- ceramic tile. The cheapest, but it does not mean that her form has some flaws. Just according to its technical characteristics, it can yield to other types of materials;

- Porcelain stoneware. Material, similar to natural stone, but less susceptible to routine and splitting. In its composition close to the porcelain. It differs close to zero moisture resistance, not afraid of frosts and sharp temperature drops. Most often used to finish the floors;

- a natural stone. With the development of processing technologies for building materials, this type of tile has become more sought after due to lower prices. Pure natural material, however, inferior to wear resistance to porcelain stoneware. It is also more prone to development on the surface of various bacteria;

- Glass tile. The most expensive pleasure from the presented series, capable of incarnating the most insane fantasies in the interior of the bathroom. This type of tile can be used not only for finishing walls and floors, but also for decorating.

Color palette

When choosing colors tiles for the bathroom room, it is mainly necessary to consider one important point - the lighting of the room. The darker there will be a room, the more bright tile it is necessary to pick up. Designers highlight some of the most successful color palettes for the bathroom:

White and black tones

This choice is for love connoisseurs. Such colors are fashionable always - this is a classic. With a combination of pure white and black color with some accent, you can make a pleasant feeling of refinement of design. However, it is necessary to take into account that white color can cause a feeling of cold and the lack of comfort, which is why special attention should be paid to the emphasis walls. In addition, one-photon tile should be removed quite often (wash, wipe) as even the most minor mud, soap spots or drifts are visible.

Blue and green tones

These colors are leaders when designing bathrooms. Blue - water color and how no other suitable for the bathroom. Green - not annoying, soothes and harmonizes internally. However, it is not necessary to forget about the accent: various fish, shells or ships in a blue design or bright frogs in green will add taste for the overall design of the room.

Successful alternative color palettes

Flower tone will look pretty beautiful in aesthetic plan. Purple or peach palette, pink palette - for young girls, red tones - for adults confident women and men. If you are constantly freezing, then the best choice will be yellow. This is the color of heat, summer and sun. In such a room you will not freeze even in a frosty winter day.

Tile size and shape

Despite the huge variety of color style options, and tile materials are not the last place in the trim, it has a choice of tile size and its shape. By classification of dimensions, it is possible to highlight the standard tile, large, fine and mosaic.

The size of the standard tile is 20 by 30 cm., Therefore, the one that is more than this size refers to a large, and which is less to small. A mosaic is also distinguished, which is in the size of the square with a facet of 2-3 cm.

Nuances finish

To finish the bathroom, the most optimal will be the choice of medium-sized tiles - it will not seem too cumbersome, and on the other hand, there will be a lot of distracting the attention of the joints.

The bathroom should be comfortable, warm and cozy, so more attention when choosing colors you need to give light, warm tones. For a visual increase in a small room, it is recommended to use a reflective glazed surface tile or mirror tile.

An important point when laying a tile is its orientation: for a visual increase in the height of the room, you need to stay on the vertical version of the laying. The floors are more beneficial to spread the space diagonally.


To give the originality of the facing of the room, you can use some zoning or coating of certain parts of the room with a cafeter. Depending on the area covered, three options can be distinguished:

  • cladding tile of all rooms;
  • facing to a certain point. In order to save money, some apartment owners are facing a tile room for half a height;
  • finishing contact zones. For example, zones over a sink or bathroom.

It should be noted that in the conditions of small, compact rooms for registration only the first two options are suitable, since the visual drainage of individual fragments can occur when using the third version and the "heap effect" will occur. For spacious premises, any of the three options will suit.

Bathroom in classic style

The choice of classic style shows the aristocraticity of the owner of the apartment. To give the style of classicism in the interior of the bathroom, there is little one design of the walls of the walls - here you need a combination with marble and onyx. An important point will be an antique furniture combined with a cafeter. Special attention should be paid to the trifles, using the same tiles on the curb with small parts or decor in the form of bronze elements. It should be understood that this style is suitable exclusively for spacious high premises.

Minimalism style

Already the very name of the style says that everything in this room should be minimized. In the decoration of walls, ceilings and floors you need to use no more than 2-3 colors, and in one tonality. There must be a minimum of furniture, so the walls should be separated perfectly, simply and at the same time original. As a result of the use of this style in the room, an additional territory will be released, the room will become more spacious and convenient.

Country style

Recently, an increasing number of homeowners prefer to design facilities in country style. This style combines the use of natural materials (or imitating), and natural colors. The tile can pick up under a tree or stone. It is better to stay on brown, coffee, beige and green shades. Special attention should be paid to accessories that should be combined with the design of walls and ceilings.

Registration of a small bathroom

The main factor in the design of a small room is a visual increase in space. To do this, there are certain techniques developed by designers and their experience:

  • colors in the design must be light tones;
  • for rectangular room, the size of the tile is better to select no more than 20x30 cm., For square rooms - 20x20 cm;
  • for a visual increase in height, the tile must be stacked vertically, to increase the width - horizontally;
  • it is not recommended to use the embossed tile - it visually reduces the space;
  • the surface of the tile should be glossy, glaze or glass, but in no case matte. Gloss - Visually will increase the room, the matte surface will be reduced.

Tile in the spacious bathroom

If you are the owner of a large bathroom, then the restrictions used for the design of small rooms are automatically discarded and you are free in your decisions and design sizes. Here the game of color, forms, materials and accent elements is limited only to your fantasy. However, in this case, it is possible to overdo it and the room will become too motley, and the finish itself will "put pressure", as a result of which, in the room it will become uncomfortable, and one of the defining factors of successful design of the bathroom - convenience, comfort and comfort.

As a result of the application of the above councils and recommendations for the design of the bathroom, you can create a cozy comfortable environment in its premises, which will differ in the originality of the design and the functional convenience of each element, which is the most important components in the process of designing the interior.

Bathroom tile: design ideas

The bathroom becomes not only a functional, but also a beautiful, trendy room of a modern apartment. This is the place of relax and rest after a busy working day. That is why the design of the bathroom should be unobtrusive, harmonious, cozy. As a rule, a tile or porcelain tile is used for finishing a modern bathroom. And from the selection of this finishing material depends, what will ultimately be your bathroom.

If you do not know what style to make your bathroom, what tile to do this for this, how to think about the combination of colors, then read this article. In it we will look at the latest tendencies of bathroom design, current color and stylistic solutions, popular finishing materials 2017-2018.

Bathroom Decor Tile: Latest Trends and New Design 2017 - 2018

Recently, the popularity of minimalist urban and stylish light Scandinavian design is rapidly gaining popularity. These two directions in the interior design conquered the hearts of many owners of modern dwellings. Loft gradually moves out of the interiors of a cafe to our homes, and a discreet Scandinavian style imposed by IKEA catalogs, more and more often choose designers for the design of modern kitchens and bathrooms. Both directions are distinguished by their conciseness and practicality.

Popular styles

If you have a small bathroom, it is better to resort to its design in a bright Scandinavian style. To do this, you will need either a white tile or very light. Paul can be arranged in a black and white color scheme. To do this, choose a mosaic, hexagonal tile or a beautiful tile with an interesting black and white ornament. Often, a rectangular white tile, imitating brick masonry, is used in the design of the bathroom in Scandinavian style, and, and it is not put on the wall in dry zones, and finish on the middle of the wall, decoring the face with a beautiful curb. The remaining wall can be painted light blue, purple, gray, turquoise or other color that you like.

If you have a large bathroom room, then you can make it in the urban style. As a rule, the creation of such an interior requires walls that imitate the "naked" concrete, but you can perform finishing and textured tiles of dark shades, and it is better to use a natural stone or a plate of porcelain stoneware. Recently, the popularity of the matte tile is quite large with the texture of natural stone or wood. Examples, photo of the bathroom with tiles of dark shades are presented below.

Current shapes and design of ceramic tiles

Favorite among the materials for trimming the bathroom still is the tile. Only shape, color, ornaments and tile textures are changing. Recently, the bathroom finishes use a rectangular tile of size 60 x 30 cm. In fashion, it is also a natural stone and a porcelain stoneware, which has a different form, but the plate itself is sufficiently large. Such materials are good for clearance of large and spacious premises. The last trend in the design of bathrooms is the use of marble slabs, see examples of similar interiors.

If you have, then it is better to give preference to a bright or white tile of a small size or generally use fine mosaic to finish. Now fashionable has become a small tile, imitating brick. Also in the trend glass mosaic, it is used to design the zone near the washing or wall of the shower cabin. If you make up, in a Scandinavian style or with the motifs of the art deco, then the floor can be put on a stylish pixel tile with a geometric black and white ornament. At first glance, she reminds something mosaic, but this design of the tile looks much more interesting. Pixel tile you can find in the catalogs of online stores that implement Italian ceramics.

Now designers are experimenting not only with a combination of colors and textures, but also in constant search for new ideas and forms. Therefore, now, developing, increasingly use the tile of non-standard shapes and colors. Also experiment and with the options for calculating ceramic tiles. It is laying out a Christmas tree, narrow rectangular plates, combine in one interior different forms of tiles and mosaic. The tile in the shape of hexagons is returned again.

Photo interior bathroom with tiles: new look at classic hexagonal tile

Wet Wet Welding Zones Mosaic

Fashionable tel shades for bathroom

In 2017 - 2018, designs will be popular with the application for naturalness and naturalness. The fashion will be "natural" finishing materials, such as tree, stone, clay, etc. Therefore, for the design of modern bathrooms, matte tile beige, brown, gray shade with texture of a tree or stone will be used. If the tools allow, you can finish with a bathroom with a natural stone, while laying down the floor and walls with plates in one color scheme. Monophonic design is now very popular.

No less stylish bathrooms decorated in black and white colors. For large baths, the use of tiles of various shapes and different colors to create a visual separation between the wet and dry zone in the bathroom.

In the catalogs with the Italian tiles, there are increasingly falling apartments with ornaments in Scandinavian style. Choosing such a color tile can be very easy to create interesting and at the same time uncomplicated interior. Just divide the space on the zone, one part of the wall lay out the color tile with the ornament, and the remaining wall is a classic white tile. An example of such a tile design in the bathroom. Watch in the photo.

What bathroom tile to choose?

As already labeled above, when choosing a tile and generally finishing materials should be repeated primarily on the size of the room. The walls are easier to be tinted with a small tile, and the decoration of the large size will be less laborious if you stop your choice on a large rectangular or square tile.

The color of the tile will depend on the overall concept, which will be used when designing and decoring the room. If we talk about the combination of the color of furniture and tint tile, it is better to choose either very similar tones, or vice versa is very contrasting.

The most fashionable color this season, no doubt, will be gray. But do not think that the interior with gray tiles will be boring. Using a rich variety of shades and textures of this finishing material, you can create in the gray bathroom atmosphere of luxury and relaxation. Given the tendency to use natural materials, the stone tile will be very relevant this year. Here is an example of the photo of the tile design in the bathroom, on which you can see how the nobility of the stone in combination with minimalism and other natural materials creates a truly stylish and modern atmosphere.

Often, to create a single harmonious atmosphere for finishing, choose ceramic tiles duplicate texture of bathroom furniture, i.e. If furniture has glossy facades, then the tile should be glossy, and if you plan to buy furniture from a natural tree, then the tile must repeat its texture.

Lifehak: how to put a tile yourself?

If you have decided to make repairs and develop a bathroom design yourself, then you can help video - lessons that are dedicated to the bathroom styling and small bathroom design tricks.

Educational Video: Bathroom Facing Cafe

Educational video: how to make a hole in the tile

Beautiful tile for the bathroom: photo with design ideas

Create a beautiful, thoughtful bathroom interior, in which it is carefully all planned, it is possible and independently. Inspire a collection of photos with an interesting design tile in the bathroom and invent your interior solutions. After all, it is stylish and beautiful, you can make an absolutely any bathroom, it doesn't matter in Khrushchev, in a panel house or cottage.

Stylish tile tile

Bathroom interior solutions

Non-standard methods for laying tiles in the bathroom

Modern bathrooms

Hex tile for bathroom

Magnificent interiors with mosaic

Diverse bathroom facing solutions

In fashion, restraint and minimalism

Bathroom interior with hex tiles

Interior with blue tiles

Bathroom interior with fashionable hex tiles

Color design options Tile

Orange tile in the bathroom

Photo gallery of ceramic tiles from collections of Russian and European manufacturers

In this section you will find interesting collections of ceramic tiles of Russian and foreign manufacturers.

Tile for Bathroom Alcor, Interior Design Photo

Bathroom tile Kerama Marazzi, interior design

Tile for bathroom Europa Ceramica, interior design

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Cersanit, interior design photo

Tile for bathroom Ceradim, interior design photo

Prices for ceramic tiles you can learn on the official sites of manufacturers. If you want to save, you can do with a pattern imitating tile.

Every new day begins with a hike in the bathroom, here we get a charge of cheerfulness and strength.

That is why it is so important to create her design in a simple style, but at the same time make some items so that they give it a feature.

All this, easily turns with a well-selected bathroom tile.

A competent approach to the arrangement of the bathroom, must certainly make it modern and functional. In such a bathroom, you should be comfortable and cozy. Choosing the most successful color solution tile for yourself, you can embody all the brightest and modern solutions.

Why exactly tile?

The tile for the bathroom should be not only beautiful, but also to be resistant to high humidity, high temperatures, as well as to detergent and cleaning products.

The bathroom more than the rest of the rooms is susceptible to the reproduction of bacteria and mold. Avoid this, as well as save the tile at an initiated form, if you choose high-quality tiles, simple in care and meets all environmental requirements.

Today, the market for finishing materials presents a huge number of tile samples for wall and floor decoration.

You can make a beautiful panel of tiles, paintings in the size of the wall, in general, create your own unique tile design in the bathroom. Unlike plastic panels, glass wallpapers, it is the tile that takes the leading positions for finishing the premises with high humidity.

Advantages of the tile for the bathroom

Hypoality. The tile absolutely does not cause a toxic reaction due to the effects of high temperatures during processing.

Low price. The prevailing amount on the market is the tiles, as well as its high competition, allows you to make the optimal choice. Buy not expensive, beautiful, high-quality tile will not be no difficulty.

Note! 3 square bedroom design. m. 80 photos, small and functional planners

Easy to care. Good, high-quality tiles are not afraid of no contamination and cleaning agents. In order to remove the most ordinary raid from moisture, it is enough to apply a wet sponge.

Resistance to moisture. Tile, the most reliable moisture resistant material. When it laying on the floor, you just need to sewers well. So you avoid the penetration of water under the tile.

Long service life. To do this, it is necessary to put the tile correctly in compliance with the correct sealing and grouting of the seams. So, the tile will not be afraid of moving furniture or a knock of heels.

Refractory. Tile plays a big role in the fire safety at home. Since it does not spread the flame. During the fire in the apartment, the bathroom will be the best shelter for you.

What tile to choose for the bathroom?

Ceramic tile

Today, the most leading place in the market of finishing materials occupies a ceramic tile. She loved everything because of his cheapness and quality.

A huge color assortment will allow you to realize even the most difficult design solutions.

You can combine the matte tile with glossy and dilute a slight tiled with a spraying, or simply, make a bathroom in calm matte tones.

Such a tile is very durable, since it uses clay and mineral sand with its manufacture. It is applied with a variety of texture.

Stone tile

Such a tile of natural materials is the most ecological material. Today, such a tile is much more expensive than tiles from other materials, but also available at its price.

Stone tile looks amazing in the interior. Skillful designers competently combine it in the living room, in the kitchen area at the same time, adding ordinary tiles or mosaic to the walls.


Such material was reminiscent of porcelain, but more like a stone. Such a tile is significantly different from other materials in that it does not absorb water absolutely.

It is not terrible high temperatures and their differences. Such tiles often stonze the outer walls. She resembles a natural stone.

Tile of glass

Such a tile is best suited for decoration of walls in the bathroom. Modern technologies make such a tile of a wide variety of textures and shades.

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When finishing a bathroom with glass tiles, you can successfully hide unwanted sockets or hide the light, as well as stylishly highlight the mirror in the bathroom. It is worth remembering that such a tile is not suitable for hiding the pipes.

Tile has its size

Laying tiles in the bathroom, the process is quite painstaking. In order to correctly calculate the number of tiles that you need, it is important to know its dimensions.


Such a landmark received a tile with a size of 20 * 30 cm. The standard tile is suitable for bathrooms of large and small sizes.

It looks good in bright colors or in combination of light and brown. If you put such a tile in bright colors and decorate the mirrors, then you will noticeably expand the room.

Large tile

Such a tile is considered due to the fact that it has a size of 25 * 40 cm. Previously, such a tile was used exclusively for laying the floor, but now such a tile is often used for styling walls in a bathroom or toilet room.

Large tile is still better used for large rooms, in order to avoid its constant cutting. Unusually looks such a tile in combination with fine tiles.


This material has some advantages. Mosaic allows you to hide the defects of the walls, it is very easy to cut and impose on the wall. The mosaic is used, as a rule, for large bathrooms, since its ornament often reduces the space.

Room size and tile

In order not to spoil the appearance of the bathroom with tiles, it is necessary to take into account the size of the room and the color solution of the material.

For example, for small rooms from 3-4 sq.m., where the bathroom is usually combined, light tones of tiles are suitable. Here you can combine both greater and small tiles, or, to stay on a small tile of light tones.

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The most successful solution here will be laying the tiles of a darker tone from below and light above. So you visually increase the height of the walls and expand the room.

For separate bathroom and toilet special prerogatives. Here you can do absolutely everything to your taste and color. Tile in the bathroom can be put on one color, and it is desirable to combine it in the toilet, it is desirable that the tile size is the same.

What color of the tile give preference?

Light tone

Light tones, as a rule, refers tile, white, creamy, light gray.

White tile color is always a stylish and modern solution. With the skillful decoration of such a color tile, you make the room large.

It should be remembered that the tile of this color in the bathroom needs frequent cleaning.

The light tile tone is placed in small rooms.

The most common option is the combination of a tile of cream and light-crying color.

Dark tone

Dark colors include not only black and brown, but also blue, red, green. Black color is often combined with light. Ideal is considered a classic combination of black and white tones.

Blue color should also be combined with any other color, for example, white and blue. A combination of white tiles with blue and blue tiles with sea ornament will be successful.

The main thing is not to overdo it with a dark tone, otherwise, there is a possibility to turn your room into a heavy and dark.

The site presents a wide tile catalog for the bathroom. You make for yourself the most optimal choice of price and quality.

Photo Tiles for the bathroom, which are presented below, will help you choose the optimal version of the color solving tile for the bathroom.

Stock Foto Bathroom tiles