Repairs Design Furniture

Adhesive gun and glue to it. How to choose a glue gun: professional advice. Application for creating decorative products

Adhesive pistols are suitable for fastening paper, rubber, wood, plastics, ceramics, glasses, fabrics and metal.

The appearance of the device resembles a weapon - this form is convenient to use. The device is equipped with a hole for adhesive cartridges. This is a long translucent rod filled with glue.

Heating the thermal node, which melts glue. When pressed on the trig, a small amount of adhesive mass is squeezed. After a few minutes the glue is completely hardening, and the surfaces are securely fastened.

Adhesive rods differ among themselves with some characteristics. The strongest is considered a translucent colorless filler.

The diameter of the rods is from 7 to 11 mm.

Before first use, the tool warms up for 3-5 minutes. Pressure pressure of the alloy is pushed to the surface.

Heating knot

Heating the thermal chamber is made by the Tan, which is located at the bottom of the device. Some models are equipped with several heating elements. The larger the size of the chamber and the power of the TEN, the higher the performance of the pistol.

Mechanism feed

It is represented by a ring pusher working from the lever, which is connected to the curcken. With excessive pressing there is a breakdown of the structure.

Stubborn guide coupling

The task of this part is to prevent the heated glue back into the device. Sometimes the clutch does not cope with its purpose, as it consists of rubber, which cracks over time.

Hot melt falls on the inner parts of the instrument, they fail. In the worst case, a short circuit occurs. Often, when replacing the rod, the coupling is damaged, so it is necessary to gently insert and pull out the cartridge.

The nozzle gives glue shape, dispensing the melt stream, overlaps the outgoing stream. There is a shut-off valve, which prevents the alloy leakage. But the hole does not overlap completely to remove the pressure during heating.

How to choose a glue gun

  • Working temperature.The indicator varies from 100 to 200 degrees. The parameter affects the heating rate of glue.
  • Food. Usually the device works from the network, which limits the workplace. Much more convenient to use the device with a detachable wire, which is charging on the stand.

The duration of the action after the disconnection lasts about 15 minutes.

  • Rod diameter. You should select the required parameter depending on the type of work performed. The diameter of 7 mm is suitable for periodic use. Repair and work with large surfaces will require a diameter of 11 mm.
  • Equipment with chicken. More often, the devices are equipped with this detail, because it is inconvenient to promote the rod. The jurisans are divided into two types: swivel and slider.
  • Switchable temperature mode. If the heating degrees are adjustable, the gun is used for various materials.

In one models there are switching with minimal to maximum mode. More advanced models are equipped with smooth control.

  • Power. This value affects the speed of work. Fans are enough power of 30-150 watts. Professional tool reaches values \u200b\u200bup to 300 watts.

  • Special indicator.Indicates that the device is ready to use.
  • Flashlight. Built-in lighting gives convenience when working with a tool.
  • Performance. The parameter depends on the speed of heating a certain amount of glue. The range is from 5 to 30 grams per minute. Low speed is suitable for minor work. Large-scale actions or repair will require higher indicators.
  • Shutdown button. If the gun is not equipped with automatic temperature adjustment, then during the break, it is necessary to turn it off from the outlet. With the button, this need disappears.

  • Additional nozzle. Some models are equipped with nozzles that facilitate the gluing process: narrow - hard-to-reach places, wide - large areas.
  • Viewing window. Transparent opening notifies about glue residues in the rod.
  • Protection against droplets. Inside the tool is built in a small ball, which prevents the free leakage of the substance.

The only purpose of the adhesive gun is to glue two surfaces. But the applications are quite varied. The tool is used by designers, florists, fashion designers, radio amateurs, engineers.

The product has been widely used in construction and in assembly work. The device helps to fix the small problems: glue a broken vase, a broken toy, a bar on furniture, dug out.

The most common materials are tree, ceramics, plastic.

  • Steinel Gluematic. 3002 - Universal Device. Blesses natural and synthetic materials. Perfect for decorating souvenirs. Weight 320 grams and temperature regulation makes the product comfortable.
  • Defort. DGG.-16 N. - the easiest. The weight of the product is only 120 grams. Designed for needlework. The advantages of the device is a low price, a long service life, low temperature regime for delicate work.
  • Special BPK-60 - the most affordable. Low cost of the product makes it popular. The device quickly glues various surfaces. The metal bracket holds the installation in a vertical position. The weight of the tool is 200 grams.

The device for creative works is characterized by the following features: accurate dosage of glue, the ability to regulate the amount of substance when gluing small or fragile elements.


  • Power 45-200 watts.
  • Performance 8-16 grams / minute.
  • Temperature adjustment.
  • Nutrition from the network.
  • Heating time is 7-10 minutes.
  • Temperature 60-200 degrees.


  • High performance.
  • Easy application.
  • Fast admission of glue.


  • The plug sometimes misses the glue.


  • Pistol AdhesiveHammer GN.- 06 - the safest. The device complies with all the technical requirements necessary for working on massive objects. The advantage of the model is to work both from the network and from the battery.
  • Defort. DGG.-50 N.K. - Creative. The device glues fabric, cardboard, paper, wood, ceramics. Removable metal nose is particularly useful in working with construction materials.
  • Bosch. GKP. 200 CE Professional overcomes hard-to-reach places. The equipment includes an elongated nozzle, which opens access to narrow spaces.

Nozzles expand the scope. They change the diameter of the jet of glue.

Two removable nozzles are attached standard, and sometimes they are purchased separately.


  • Power 35-500 watts.
  • Heating temperature 200 degrees.
  • Productivity 15-30 grams / minute.
  • Heating time 2-4 minutes.


  • Comfortable stand.
  • Work after disconnection from the network.
  • Universality.


  • The cost increases.

With the help of a gun, seams located in hard-to-reach cracks are filled and seal. The features of the device are the built-in stabilizer to maintain a permanent operating temperature and electronic control.

  • Bosch. Glue. Pen. 0.603.2 A.2.020 - the most compact. The device is equipped with a USB connector, thanks to which the product is easily charged. The battery life is half an hour. Heating time 15 minutes.
  • ENGY. EGG.-16 Cl. - Multifunctional. The pistol is completed with two nozzles and works from the charger. Built-in collection collects drops. The product works with metal, plastic and rubber.
  • Milwaukee. C.18 PCG./ 310С - the most powerful one. A feature is high performance at low temperatures. The feed rate of the alloy is adjustable depending on the requirements.

Models running from batteries make the adhesive apparatus mobile and efficient.


  • Power 5 watts.
  • Battery powered.
  • Protection against droplets.
  • The diameter of the rod is 7 mm.


  • High mobility.
  • Equipment stand.
  • Ergonomic trigger.


  • Regular charging is required.
  • Large weight.

  • Dremel. 910 F..013.091.0 Jc. - the easiest. The adhesive gun weighs 140 grams, which will make the process simple, and the hand will not be tired when sticking to a large amount of rhinestones.
  • Steinel Neo.1 334109 - the most accurate one. The design of the device is specifically designed for point work.
  • Kolner. KGG. - The most adapted. The device is intended to work with uneven surfaces.

A device for gluing rhizes must have special characteristics, because the process is long and requires dosage with small drops.


  • Power 5-5.4 watts.
  • Temperature 165 degrees.
  • Nutrition - Network.
  • Heating time is 5 minutes.


  • Compact size.
  • A light weight.
  • Easy use.


  • Limitations.
  • There is no temperature adjustment.

  • Dremel. 930-18 Hobby - Multifunctional. The device is intended for decorating, creating albums. Low-temperature adhesive mode is suitable for working with gentle materials, such as organza or paper.

The equipment includes color rods that are decorated with surfaces.

  • Fit. 14330 - the easiest. Tool weight 100 grams. The compact apparatus is ideal for working with paper. This contributes to the diameter of 7 mm and the temperature of 150-200 degrees.
  • Uhu.Lt. 110 XL"- the most sensitive. The device maintains operation at low temperatures, so it is safe for delicate surfaces.

Devices gluing paper work at low temperatures. Narrow rods or nozzles help in this.


  • Power 60 watts.
  • The diameter of the rod is 7 mm.
  • Glue consumption - 5 g / min.


  • A light weight.
  • Compact size.
  • Soft trigger.
  • Accurate tip.


  • Not suitable for working with massive objects.

  • Professional Intertool Rt.-1012 the highest performance. In a minute, the gun produces 30 grams of substance. It is convenient when applying glue into a large area so that the melt is not cooled, the surfaces are stuck stronger.
  • Stanley. Fatmax. - Fast heating . The device is ready for use after 60 seconds. The temperature is indicated by LEDs: green shows heating above 170 degrees, red - below.

Power is saved even when the glue is supplied. The safe shutdown function will independently turn off the device after 30 minutes of operation.

  • Buhnen. HB. 190 - the easiest . The device weighs 300 grams, so it is comfortable to use it. The handle is narrow, profile. The gun is characterized by high performance, 12 mm rod, comfortable smoking.

Products are used not only in everyday life, but also for professional work in production. They are suitable for skin, wood, fabric. Widely used on furniture factories to process joints.


  • Power - 80-180 watts.
  • Nutrition from the network.
  • Automatic shutdown.


  • Great performance.
  • Accurate adhesive dosage.
  • Switch on the housing.
  • Glues any materials.


  • High price.

  • Buhnen. HB. 700 K. Spray. - the most accurate. The device is intended for industrial use. The gun causes polyurethane glue in the form of spray.

The device is equipped with automatic heating control, which controls the temperature with an accuracy of 1 degrees. A digital display is built into the handle.

  • 3 M. Polygun. II. - Multipurpose. The device is characterized by a large range of temperatures, so any smelting glue is applied. High power pneumatic gun, the length of the melt strip is 4.8 m. The device weighs 860 grams.
  • Metabo. Powermaxx. Kp. - Practical. Designed for processing even viscous substances due to pressure pressure. The device is protected from subtops due to the automatic reverse progress. Metal transmission extends the service life.

A feature of the design is the pneumatic glue supply system, which is characterized by high pressure. Therefore, the gun copes with drig, viscous substances.


  • Performance 10-30 grams per minute.
  • Volume 600 ml.
  • Battery powered.


  • High power.
  • Convenient glue supply system.
  • Bashes massive items of different textures.
  • Compact and lungs.


  • Massive dimensions.

  • Metabo. KE. 3000 618121000 - thoughtful. Pistol is equipped with electron temperature control. Therefore, it is a tree, cardboard, fabric, cork, skin.
  • Kraftool. 6840 - elegant. Stylish design makes adaptation fashionable and modern.
  • TKP-30 caliber - fast gluing. The design of the device makes applied efficient and reliable. The temperature is adjustable from 150 to 190 degrees.

Instruments are used in everyday life and professional sphere.


  • Power 200 watts.
  • Rod diameter 11 mm.
  • Nutrition - Network.
  • Temperature 200 degrees


  • Universal devices.
  • Compact, comfortable.
  • A large assortment.


  • Narrow application.

The adhesive gun is useful in each house, especially it will be useful to lovers of needlework. With it, it is easy and just a lot of tasks are solved.

Useful advice

Ordinary adhesive gun with hot glue can be used not only for gluing various parts, but also to create various patterns and crafts.

While working with hot glue, be careful and pay special attention to children's safetySince the adhesive gun heats up, and glue from it is very hot.

Here are some very interesting and extraordinary ideas, how else can you use a glue gun and hot glue:

Crafts from glue. We use wax crayons.

You will need:

Adhesive Pistol

Wax crayons

* Perhaps after using wax crayons, your adhesive gun will deteriorate, so it is desirable to use an old or inexpensive gun.

* If children work on the project, then carefully follow the work with a hot glue gun and hot molten shallow.

1. Remove the labels from the shallow (pieces).

2. Cover the old towel workplace.

3. Heat the adhesive gun.

4. Gently insert the chalk into the adhesive gun and gradually ignite it. The tread of the adhesive gun will not be able to urge them, so you have to do it with your hands.

5. Wax will begin to melt, and you can use colored wax drops to create bright blots.

Wax printing is another option of how you can use wax crayons and a glue gun to create bright pictures.

Crafts from glue with their own hands. Decorating a vase or candlestick with hot glue.

You will need:

Inexpensive, round vase or candlestick

Heat glue and start gently apply it on a vase layer over the layer so that the transparent lines are in the walls on the walls of the vase.

If you want to make more flat lines, ask someone to help you - let the vase turn you, and you will apply glue.

Unusual crafts. Corals from hot glue.

You will need:

Thin wire

Glue gun with hot glue

Acrylic paint


A piece of plywood

Nails and hammer.

Making red coral

1. Cut the wire into several pieces of different lengths. In this example, their length varies from 10 to 40 cm. Bend each piece in half.

2. Heat glue and gently cover them all pieces of wire.

3. Select the color to which you want to paint the coral, in this case red. Use acrylic paint to paint the glue on the wires.

4. When the paint is driving, you can collect all the details in one coral. Take 2-3 pieces of wire with glue and connect them between themselves with another fine clean wire (not covered with glue).

Add 2 parts to the design and connect them again with a clean wire.

So that the coral stood on a flat surface, all the ends of clean wire should be twisted and bend in the form of the stand (see image).

We make a white coral

1. Cut 3 pieces of wire, each length between 30 and 35 cm and twist their ends with each other.

2. Bend all the wires as you like more, and put them on a flat surface, which will not stick with hot glue - glass, for example.

3. Cover all wires with glue. You can then add additional glue branches to your design.

4. When you make the coral you need, give adhesion to dry and paint it with white acrylic paint.

5. To make the basis for crafts, prepare a piece of plywood and attach the ends of the wire with the help of nails.

6. Cover the ends with glue and paint acrylic paint.

Unusual crafts do it yourself. Hot glue snowflakes.

You will need:

Glue gun with hot glue

Nail Polish or Acrylic Paint

Parchment paper (not waxed (wax) paper)

Drawn snowflake shape (if desired).

1. Print or draw a snowflake on a regular sheet and put the drawing under the parchment paper.

2. With the help of adhesive gun and hot glue, circle a snowflake pattern. Wait a minute until the glue dries.

If necessary, after drying the adhesive, you can fill a little form with a hair dryer.

3. Carefully remove the snowflake with paper. Paper can be used and further to create some more snowflakes.

4. Both sides of the adhesive snowflake can be painted with nail polish or acrylic paint.

Original crafts do it yourself . Picture rod.

You will need:

Any rolling


1. Draw on the rill any pattern. It is advisable not to draw too many lines.

2. Heat glue and start applying it on the line, drawn on the rill. It is desirable to spend the whole process on a flat surface, covered with a newspaper or cardboard.

3. When the glue dries, you can use the rope to apply the pattern on the clay, roll over it.

Adhesive can be removed and apply another pattern.

Original crafts. Candle cup holder.

You will need:

Small glass vase or glass

Glue gun with hot glue

Aerosol or acrylic paint

Oil-spray or simple vegetable oil.

Vaza It is advisable to choose a wide so that the heat from the candle inside it does not heat the glue, which can flow.

1. Wash and dry the vase, then wipe it with vegetable oil and paper napkins.

2. Start applying hot glue on the back side of the Dna Vase, drawing patterns to them. The main thing is that all lines are well intertwined to make it easier to remove the glue from the vase.

Continue to draw glue patterns on the sides of the vase.

It is advisable to wear glasses to protect your eyes, as the glue will heat the glass.

3. When the glue dries, carefully start separating the drawing from the vase. It may have to use a screwdriver, a knife or other tool that will help easier to conduct a separation of a pattern from a glass vase.

4. Clean the vase from glue residues. Use the dishwashing agent.

5. Color drawing from glue. If you use aerosol paint, read the instructions carefully, and act according to it.

Now in the holder on the candle, you can insert a glass or a vase and will be excellent interior decoration.

Interesting crafts for children. Multicolored dots for different crafts.

You will need:

Glue gun with hot glue

Acrylic Paint or Nail Polish


We will have to practice a little to get such smooth details, but in the end you will succeed, and all these details can be used to make different crafts and postcards.

Each point you can paint acrylic paint or nail polish.

Crafts for children: We make a stamp with your own hands (video)

* First, cover the surface of the table with a special silicone board or silicone glue.

Crafts for home: We make a vase from glue (video)

Interesting crafts do it yourself. Makeup brushes cleaning board

The appearance of thermoclaim materials and devices for their application was so unusual and unexpected, which involuntarily knew the question: - For which the adhesive gun is needed, if the market is overflowing with various types and brands of glue, which can shove almost any material with a solid surface. But, as it turned out, consumer qualities and comfort when gluing deserve to pay a little free time to the adhesive gun.

Toy or a serious tool for professional work

A common understanding of how to work with an adhesive gun, comes almost immediately as soon as the tool was in his hands. Easy and at the same time, the compact device pushed to the crazy thought - well, you can glue with a glue gun. The device was more like a toy or a semi-automatic soldering iron. Actually, the adhesive gun is an electric soldering iron, only instead of a metal solder, solid glue was used.

The internal contents of the adhesive device are shown in the photo. The design of the gun for gluing includes:

  • Plastic housing Of the two halves of heat-resistant polymer. The device does not breed and does not crack under the influence of heat, it is not afraid of blows and falls;
  • Handmade adhesive rod. In more expensive models of the adhesive gun, a semi-automatic rod rate is used, in the simplest submatcher - this is a handle with a swinging spring, pushing the rod every time you press the gay;
  • Tubular clip in which the return valve is located, the heating spiral and nozzle for supplying the glue molten mass into the gluing zone;
  • Electric cord, The shorter, the larger model. Most often, the one-year-old cord with more than enough to glue parts on the desktop or tile on the ceiling.

For your information! During operation, the adhesive gun remains cold, it can be put on the table or on the built-in frame. An exception is the front conical part, which can be heated to 200 ° C.

Most models are equipped with LED indication that signals the "hot" state of the gun. But its absence is not critical, as it is brought to use the adhesive gun no more than 10-15 minutes, and the risk of overheating almost does not occur. Most professional pistolet models have a switch on the handle.

How to work with a glue gun

The principle of operation of the thermoclaural machine is extremely simple:

  • An elastic polymer rod is inserted into the hole on the back of the housing;
  • The pistol is included in the network for 4-5 minutes or before the display is triggered;
  • The feeding nozzle is directed to the gluing point, and we are tightly pressing 1-2 times to the gay.

Under the pressure of the hill, the rod is fed into the melting chamber and turns into a viscous mass, reminiscent of the usual tube glue. It remains to move the melted polymer into the gluing zone and remove the gun, after a couple of seconds the polymer will freeze into a solid and durable ball or roller. By consistency, the frozen glue resembles polypropylene or polyethylene.

It is important to wait until the adhesive gun warms up to operating temperature, otherwise any attempts to squeeze the melt will be unsuccessful and can lead to a breakdown of the device. After 5 minutes of warming up, it is enough to fully squeeze the gay. The first sign of the readiness of the apparatus to work will be a small droplet of glue, which appeared at the outlet of the nozzle.

What glues a glue gun? Almost any material with a solid surface, with the exception of the cement screed. The melt is poorly adhered to ceramic microporous surfaces due to the large amount of air in the pores and cracks. Of course, if the place of gluing is pre-treated with heat-resistant primer, then it is possible to glue on cement. Under normal conditions, the gluable surface practically does not require special preparation, the main thing is to remove dust, degrease and dry the place of the gluing.

The 50-80 W Heating Camera is heated almost to 200 o C in professional models and up to 150 o C in simple domestic pistols.

Tip! The temperature is high, so trying with hand per tip, whether the thermopystole is heated, it is not necessary, you can get a burn and stick to the molten mass.

The format of the use of thermal tools was widely used when assembling wiring, fixing electronic boards and packaging of a wide variety of goods. Unlike the ordinary pistol, the diameter of the adhesive rod, a reduced effort on the jacket and a high consumption of adhesive mass is used in professional models. The household model will issue a maximum of 10-15 g per minute, for professional average consumption is 30 g of adhesive mass.

Consumables for adhesive gun

For operation, the adhesive gun produces several variants of thermoclaim rods, a diameter of 7-8 mm and 12 mm. When buying consumables, in addition to diameter, it is necessary to pay attention to the color of the rod, since they are often labeled in accordance with the melting point and the type of glued materials:

  • Yellow opaque rods Used in pistols for paper, cardboard, any packaging. The low melting point and high viscosity makes it possible to connect separate sheets, thick cardboard, wallpapers and even DVP without damaging and burning cellulose fibers;
  • Black rods are used to glue the plastic pistol, films and smooth surfaces. Most often, black silicone isolate the contacts, metal and glass, getynaks, textolite, polycarbonate are glued;
  • Transparent colorless rods Melted at a higher temperature, but it does not interfere with marking them as a universal material. With proper skill with colorless adhesive rods, any material can be glued, even paper;
  • Multicolored decorative consumables, Used in needlework, in the design of any homemade and decorative elements. The color palette of 12-24 colors can add adhesive rods with pearl filler, sparkles, special fluorescent compositions.

Adhesive gun for skillful hands

The thermoclaural method of connecting materials turned out to be the most convenient for solving a variety of problems. All who dealt and do with the needlework and making handicrafts with their own hands, can appreciate the work of the adhesive pistol:

  • Adhesive mass does not spread and does not dock glued surfaces;
  • The manufacture of crafts with a glue gun requires much less time than when gluing in traditional ways;
  • The material of adhesive rods can be used to make a wide variety of souvenirs and crafts.

What can be done from the adhesive gun? For example, using a thermal oil, you can quickly and gently glue the floor covering to the floor. If necessary, the coating can be removed, and the glue is removed, since the adhesive mass does not penetrate into the depth, and the traces on the place of the gluing almost remains.

Often with the help of a thermoclaural pistol, you can stick the decor on a T-shirt, collect a mosaic of beads, repair the shelf, put the veneer on the furniture and even restore the New Year toys.

With the help of an adhesive thermopystole, you can glue the most complex designs from cardboard and paper, for example, to build a decorative fireplace to the new year or collect a birdhouse for birds.

Using the thermoclause rods for the gun, it is possible to relatively easily master the production of small plastic decorative parts, for example, spindle buttons or make self-made plugs.

If you use multi-colored rods, then the adhesive gun can even draw pictures or small patterns on the walls.

The material does not age, it does not have a shelf life, and most importantly - in a solid state, consumables for the adhesive thermopystole remain completely harmless and non-toxic, so the glue can be widely used for school and adolescence.

How to choose a glue gun model

The simplicity of the design of the thermoclaural machine was the reason for the appearance of a huge number of models of various manufacturers, from brand BOSSH and DREMEL to the simplest Chinese models without behalf and marking.

If you try to compare the quality and mode of operation of the branded and cheapest pistol models, it suggests a relatively simple conclusion:

  • The difference in the work of the brand apparatus and the three-role Chinese pistol, at first glance, invisible. If a glue gun is needed for a couple of hours of operation, you can buy a Chinese product, its resource, as a rule, is 4-5 hours of operation;
  • Ease of work by the adhesive gun of Dremel, Bosch or Zubr does not have a comparison with budget apparatus, in which only the effort of pressing the gay is about 25 kg.

Despite the fact that the casing of the adhesive gun is made of impact-resistant plastic, there are no cases when the electric appliance drop on the floor in the included state led to a closure and heat of the heater due to the poor quality of the wiring.

Brand glue guns

Dremel. Among the thermopystoles of the leading companies, the products of Dremel's household tools are particularly distinguished. Despite the fact that Dremel glue guns are produced in Taiwan, they are valued for high quality assembly. As an example, you can bring the model 910th and 940th series.

Dremel Pistol 910th Model It is one of the smallest thermopystoles. Designed for a small load, the main purpose is to use to work at home. The power of the heater in 240W provides the heating chamber of the melting chamber for 40-50 s. The weight of the device is only 240 g, which allows you to freely glue the ceiling decor, panels and borders with thermoclate rods, with a diameter of 7 mm. The cost of the device is 18-20 dollars.

More powerful model Dremel 930 Designed for a long load in the conditions of the room and the street. The heating temperature is 195 o C, the rods are 12 mm. The combined power cord can be disconnected, which makes it possible to disconnect the thermal storage and to perform a liner in difficult places, including in the basement or roof. High glue consumption of 18 g / min allows you to quickly cry the surface of the metal and wood.

The body of the apparatus is designed so that it does not need a separate stand, it is enough to push the frame in the front of the gun, and it can be put on any flat surface. The cost of the thermal system is 45-50 dollars.

Bosch PKP18E. From products of European manufacturers, Bosch PKP18E devices are used by the well-deserved reputation of a super-free thermal system. Like the previous model, the glue pistol PKP18E is designed for high load and performance. Consumption of glue on rods 12 mm is 20 g / min. The highlight of the apparatus is that the heating chamber of the adhesive is equipped with a temperature stabilizer, which means overheating, and even more so the ignition of the polymer, even with long-term idleness, will not occur. The cost of the model - from $ 50

The model is easily recognized by the characteristic stretched naze-nasal, which is used as a spatula when the glue needs to be corrected or press.

Blur gunsIt is not necessary to purchase well-known brands if you can find almost similar adhesive thermal thermal systems from local producers. For example, an adhesive gun of the bison expert costs only $ 30, but on operating characteristics and reliability is not inferior to products Bosch and Dremel. In essence, this is a semi-professional model designed for long-term continuous use.

To eliminate overheating and reduced electricity consumption on the gun handle, a switch is set to translate the heater from the working heating state into the half-tempered mode. This model has a very comfortable feed of the rod, which reduces the load on the hands when the adhesive gun is long.


The popularity of the thermoclaural combination of the compound often leads to the fact that there are no other glue brands in the house, except for the adhesive pistol. The practicality and comfort of the thermal system, the almost instant result, the absence of poisonous evaporation and the high quality of the adhesive seam make the technology of adhesive melts of the most promising.

Objects around us, structures consist of their details that are connected in one way in one way or another. You can fix them with fasteners, but it is much more convenient in many cases to do this if there is a glue gun. What can be glued to them?

By what criteria choose the device to solve the task? Answer these questions is easy, if you know which types of devices are available on the market, what consumables are used and how to use them correctly.

Device of adhesive gun

The schematic diagram of all models is the same. In the process of evolution, the optimal design of the device is defined. Alternate one adhesive gun from another can only with the quality of the material from which it is made, power and a set of additional functions. The device consists of:

  • hull;
  • guide coupling;
  • mechanism of progress of adhesive rod;
  • thermal chamber;
  • nozzles.

Power can be carried out from the network, or autonomously, from the battery. Having a device at hand, repairing broken items at home can be made within a few minutes.

By time, the operation occupies much less time than using traditional adhesive compositions. The device is reliable and does not consume a lot of energy. You need to know, having a gun glue electric that can be glued and how to choose the right model correctly.

Professional and domestic thermoclastic pistols

The first to pay attention to potential buyers is the price. Why with the same design such a significant difference? The answer is simple - professional technique is designed for uninterrupted work, so the power supply is laid during production.

The trigger and the mechanism of the rod feed is made of a stronger, wear-resistant material. For more accurate settings, the temperature controller in a professional adhesive gun can be built into a professional adhesive pistol. What can be glued and what is the difference in comparison with the household analogue? In principle. The list of materials is the same.

Household models usually have power from 40 W to 150 W. This is enough for home use, making crafts, beloved Hobbies. Industrial samples may have power up to 500 W.

It is necessary for the rapid melting of glue, when it is important to constantly maintain its high consumption, for example, when assembling boxes, fixing on the packaging of tags. For a domestic user, such performance is not needed.

Application area

To solve some tasks, rods are produced both in a wide range of shades and transparent. It is very convenient for those who love needlework. Feeling the desired color, the product will look solid, the traces of glue will not be visible. There are models of rods with filling.

For example, sparkles, pearlomutters add to the mass. Glue itself becomes a decorative element of the product, part of the composition. It is possible to apply a thermal system in construction and repair. However, it is worth remembering that the time of grasp is limited. After application, it is desirable for the first few seconds to fix the item on the place.

There are some restrictions. For example, where serious loads are assumed, it is not recommended to use a mix of thermoclaim, it is not designed for it.

Decorative elements on shoes can be glued, but the sole will not last long. It is not fixed by a pistol for power structures during construction and repair. It is not recommended to apply glue to plasters, putty without prior treatment with primers and paint materials.

Sealing and insulation of seams

During operation, cracks, gaps appear in various designs. They appear in window, door systems, openings, mines. Often, a similar defect is formed in finishing materials. In addition to untidy species, unwanted consequences in the form of drafts, further destruction of the structure arise.

If there are no building mixtures, sealants, but there is a glue gun, you can quickly solve this problem. With it, you can easily make the desired connection and sealing of seams. It is recommended for this work to purchase special black or gray rods. But it is previously necessary to clarify whether the gun is capable of maintaining the desired temperature.

Video: Adhesive Pistol - For what and how

The edges of the cracks are cleaned of fragments, foreign substances, degrease. Then the heating gun laid according to the instructions time fill the seam. It turns out reliable, durable isolation.

After cooling, it is possible to cut the excess glue with a knife. The compound is not afraid of moisture, is not subject to corrosion, they will not be distinguished harmful to health substances, so it can be used both in economic premises and in kitchens and in children's rooms.


What to do when the tile fell off at home? You can get to the nearest construction store and buy the right mixture. But it is usually sold in large packages and certainly a big part of it will simply disappear. Repair can be made with a glue gun.

Before you start, you need to remove all residues of the mixture from the tile and the seating area. It is advisable to do it even with a slight margin so that the tile falls into with a small gap, not more than 1 mm.


The interior will lose greatly if any element is Paul or is absent at all. Facade pieces of furniture often fail in operation. Decorative decorations, lining, can be restored by thermal. Fix the glasses with a gun is not needed.

Operating temperature of glue from 105 ° C to 200 ° C. These are critical values \u200b\u200bfor glass, it can crack or split. The wooden surface easily tolerates this temperature.

Excess glue is easily removed from it. It is not recommended to glue power structures and functional mechanisms of furniture. Loads are too large and the glue does not withstand them.

What can be glued with a thermoclate gun?

The steadily growing popularity of the device is due to the simplicity of use, the availability of consumables. Find out what can be glued with a glue gun with rods can be found with a list of materials with which you can work with this tool:

  • paper, cardboard;
  • metal;
  • leather;
  • plastics;
  • the cloth;
  • ceramics;
  • a rock;
  • wood.

The manufacturer usually indicates that it can be glued with an adhesive gun. Instructions for use In addition to the List of Materials offers optimal modes of the device when performing certain operations.

Features of the choice of tool

Deciding to acquire the tool you need to comply with some rules when choosing. What to pay attention to first? Size. Will it be convenient for the implementation of the alleged work? On the design. The weak point of the device is the trigger and the mechanism of rod promotion.

It breaks most often and repair it becomes impossible in most cases. If the device is bought for needlework, then the best choice is a model with a set of nozzles. It is necessary to clarify the seller the characteristics that have a glue gun that can be glued, and which rods are used.

Competition in this segment is high, so prices are acceptable. The difference in the cost between models from little-known companies and production of leading manufacturers is not large. Therefore, there is no point in saving.

Inexpensive and at the same time very necessary, and sometimes an indispensable device in everyday life - the glue gun. The tool should be chosen in such a way that it is convenient to work with it, and the case here in the dimensions, weight, the form and characteristics of the model you like.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the adhesive pistol:

  • depending on the layer thickness, glue freezes in 10-180 minutes, thus providing almost instant gluing of parts;
  • what you can not begged, strob or drill, perfectly sprinkle the glue gun;
  • you can choose the adhesive rod of any color, as their gamma is very diverse, which allows you to preserve the excellent appearance of the glued product;
  • rods are economical to use;
  • superb gluits skin (artificial and natural), (except synthetic - they melt under the action of high temperature), metal, glass, also wooden, faience and ceramic products, used to glue plastics;
  • rods do not contain substances harmful to humans and are a safe environmentally friendly product;
  • frozen glue waterproof.

The glue gun has its drawbacks:

  • bad fastens concrete, cement and most plasters with polyurethane;
  • it is not necessary to use the adhesive gun if the product will be heated hereinafter.

What can be glued

The gun for glue is able to bore almost anything and is used for various materials:

  • fill the mounting seams;
  • make the joints with hermetic;
  • put the wallpaper retarded from the wall;
  • mount to the ceiling or in a hard-to-reach Figure plinth;
  • make designer pictures on the walls;
  • repair clothes;
  • or gypsum decorative stone.

The adhesive gun is used in design, needlework and modeling, as well as for the manufacture of panels, souvenirs, postcards.

How to use a glue gun

To the first inclusion, the device must be prepared. To do this, insert the adhesive rod into the hole for glue from the back of the pistol and slide until it stops. Then turn on the tool into the outlet, if there is a stand - place on it, while the spout of the gun should be directed down. Wait a bit, the device must warm up, usually takes 2-5 minutes, depending on the characteristics of a particular model. Once the molten glue droplets appears on the spout - the device is ready for operation.

To glue two surfaces, press the device's trigger, hot glue will be highlighted from the nose - simply guide it to the desired area. Apply glue only on one of the two surfaces, then connect them and press each other.

Actions should be very neat and accurate, since the adhesive composition is captured almost instantly, it will not be possible to correct defects.

Precautions when using adhesive gun:

  • in order not to stain the table with glue, check it at the time of operation with a film or ordinary newspaper;
  • distribute the adhesive composition CAUTION: From the metal and wood, frozen droplets of glue are easily lagging behind, but they will not succeed from paper;
  • the spout of the gun heats up very much, so try never to touch it, as it is very easy to get it;
  • melted glue is very hot, the thermal burrow is formed when it gets into the skin, so try to work with it extremely carefully;
  • be sure to follow the usual rules of electrical safety: do not leave the device unattended, use exclusively in good power;
  • do not keep the device on the longer 60 minutes, if you have to work for a long time - let's "relax" 5-7 minutes;
  • keep the glue gun in an inaccessible place for children.

Basic selection criteria

The glue gun is simple in the device tool, for this reason, even by buying it at random, the chances of becoming the owner of a very high quality model. To properly choose the product for your own needs, pay attention to the specifications specified by the manufacturer.

The most important parameters:

  1. Rod diameter. Most of the models presented in the eleven millionth millimeter market (rod with a diameter of 11 mm). There are tools with a rod diameter of 7, 8 and 12 mm, as well as allowing nozzles, thereby adjusting the diameter. For needlework, 7 mm rod is perfect for needlework, since even the thinnest work with it will be taken carefully. For repair and construction work, it is possible to prefer 11 and 12 mm.
  2. The heating time ranges from 3 to 10 minutes. The faster the gun is heated for glue, the sooner it will be possible to start working.
  3. Temperature: glue can be heated from 105 to 5000 ° C. The higher this figure, the faster you can work the tool. For ordinary household needs, heating is quite enough to 2000 ° C.
  4. Power. This is the amount of watt consumed by the heating element of the adhesive gun. Professional tool takes 300 and more watts, amateur - 30-150. Some manufacturers produce glue pistols in which the power is automatically adjustable. For example, at the beginning of operation, the tool consumes 200 watts, later passes to the usual operating power of 40 watts, in standby mode it requires approximately 15 watts. For lovers of needlework and crafts, it is 15-60 W, if it is planned to use a repair tool - it will take power no less than 100 W.
  5. Performance is directly related to power. For needlework and decorative work, a capacity will be sufficient 5-15 g / min. If you need to glue large parts, this indicator must be above-15-30, since the pistol glue dries very quickly.
  6. Dimensions and weight. Such a criterion for choosing is purely individual. The more powerful tool, the more he weighs and larger size has.

For household use, mechanical models are excellent, in which it is necessary to press the trigger to feed the adhesive. There are adhesive professional guns-machine guns, but they are usually used in production, on the conveyors.

Additional functions

Working with an adhesive gun will be the most comfortable and safe, if the model is equipped with additional features:

  • Temperature autorpelling;
  • stand;
  • viewing window;
  • temperature switch;
  • illumination of the working area;
  • instrument status indicator;
  • located on the housing, the shutdown and power button.

In some cases, gluing technology involves the use of a special two-component adhesive composition. You can find glue pistols on sale, which are uniformly and in the same quantity, a hardener and binder are served in the same quantity. Otherwise, the principle of operation of such a device is no different from the ordinary adhesive gun.

How to choose in the store

Solving in the store, what better pistol, you need to pay attention to several nuances:

  • plastic should not have small defects in the form of jar, scratches and severe odor (unpleasant);
  • on the stand, the tool must maintain stability;
  • the power cord must be long enough and thick, since the thin will be unreliable in terms of electrical safety;
  • there should be no cracks between the elements of the pistol, and all components are securely secured;
  • the trigger should be read easily.

Test a gun for glue before buying it. Ask the seller to turn on the tool into the outlet, so you can check the operation of the heating element. How high-quality I liked the model, you can find out, asking the seller, how often buyers return it. Be sure to ask about the warranty repair, since inexpensive models are often broken.

How to choose a glue rod

Usually glue rods (otherwise it is called stickers) do not go bundled with a gun, they must be purchased separately. They are transparent white, intended for conventional gluing surfaces, or color, with sparkles - they melt slower and are used for needlework.

Stickers are diameter 7, 8, 11 and 12 mm. There is a gun for glue, which works on the rods of oval shape. Some tools are very sensitive to the diameter of the stickers used.

The length of the rods varies in the range of 4-20 cm, it does not affect the quality of work, simply longer "spares" will have to be changed less often.

The color of stickers can be absolutely different. This is due to several reasons:

  1. Color rod is used to disguise glue seams, for example, blue - on a blue product.
  2. With sparkles and multicolor stickers are used in needlework, for decorating.
  3. Different colors may indicate the various purpose of the rods. For example, a versatile is a transparent sticker, a black rod is used for sealing, yellow - for gluing glass.

There are no single standards for color designation stickers, each manufacturer marks them in its own way. For this reason, before buying carefully read the instructions.

Most rods have the same melting point, which is approximately 100-105 ° C. If the glue gun warms up to 200 ° C and above, it is not worth worrying: the sticker will not lose its properties, just the time of its melting will be reduced. There are rods, the melting temperature of which is 150 ° C.

The range of adhesive pistols simply affects the imagination. The product has a simple design, because even for quite small money in 200-400 rubles you can become the owner of a good quality thing. The brand glue gun costs about 3 thousand rubles, it will be equipped with additional features and a good safety margin. Professional construction tool will cost much more expensive, up to 22,000 rubles. *

* Prices are indicated for 2017.