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The play marquer is collapsed. Why Play Market does not work - Chert's dozen causes

Today if a modern person has does not enter the play markethe immediately arises panic, because it is impossible to present successful and young people without a smartphone, a tablet or a computer device. And all these devices are useless without applications. Today, all this technique is the attributes of our daily life, and as it often happens, any object of considerable is early or late or breaks or breaks. Everything that man creates is not forever, and even virtual systems also fail. One of the most popular queries among the owners of the Android devices by the system is the topic: I can not go to the playing market. Indeed, a multi-million-dollar audience is confronted daily with various faults in services or work techniques, Google Play errors are also often found, because it is worth delighting this question and find out what the reason that the user cannot go to Play Market.

All applications in one place - in Play Market

Any devices with the operating system on Android support the mass of applications, starting with the navigator and ending with various "scanners" and music record programs. In general, our smartphone is the perfect place for experiments, but so that they have successfully and did not damage the technique system, you should consider only one point - the source where the selected application or the game is downloaded. Verified, reliable and free (also there is a paid content), is the Play Market service - here you can find everything for the technical means on Android. The only problem that may arise before the user is that it fails to go to the "Play Market". The reasons for this may be mass, and each of them has its own way to solve this problem.

The reason can be a malicious software on your Android device. In order to protect yourself from theft of your personal data, we recommend using secure browsers.

We recommend changing standard browser after Remedy problems with Play Market In order for the problem not appeared again. Because In order to download the app you need to restore access to Play Market

Causes of problems and ways to solve them

Why does not enter the playing market? There is a lot of answering options for this question, but the most frequent and popular is the absence of an account in the Google system. It is easy to correct this situation: you need to go to the Google site, start an account, then open the Play Market and enter it by entering the necessary data.

But if the account has been registered for a long time, and the service worked yesterday, and today there is no problem, the problem becomes different. Most often this problem lies in a small detail, when I can not go to the "Play Market". Writes in the pop-up service that the connection is there, but the connection is broken, or the system error occurred. In this case, you only need to check the dates and time settings. Users who took out the battery from the phone or tablet are subject to such a problem most often. It is not worth a despair, as it is enough to reinstall these values \u200b\u200band again try to enter Play Market.


Of course, this is not the entire list of possible problems. One of the mains can also be considered a crowded cache. Its regular cleaning is the key to the fast operation of the device, so if such "glitches" occurs, the first thing you need to go to the "parameters" of the device, find among the "Application Management" items and click on Play Market. Here you need to clean the cache and the data. Even if after that the user again says that I can not go to the "Play Market", then you need to reset the settings to the factory settings. This can usually be done through a short way:

  • "Parameters";
  • "Backup and Reset".

And of course, one of the frequent reasons that users write "I can not go to the" Play Market ", is a failure in the Internet connection. If the device has a weak signal, a low level of data transmission, then when data entered the profile to input will pop up a window with an error. In this case, the correction of the problem is just the search for a suitable network and high signal, for normal data transfer.

Play Market - Garant Safe Downloads

Why does this service from Google enjoys such success? The answer is very simple: you can download absolutely everything in this place, make your computer or mobile device fast and full-featured. But this service loved not only for the range and free content, but for the presence of proven programs and provisions that do not have viruses and fully work.

Fans to be everywhere and everywhere, often you have to go to different unverified sites, and then after such visits to "doubtful" resources, hundreds of requests appear on the forums: "Why can't I go to the playing market?", "Where to share money from my account ? " etc.

In order not to resort to extreme measures (reset the settings, flashing the device), it is best to restart your phone or tablet. Perhaps the usual "glitch" influenced the operation of services, and after the reboot will immediately disappear. Therefore, when downloading programs to your tablet or smartphone, it is better to use official services.

PS: And not "feed" pirates.

"Unable to establish a reliable connection to the Google server"

The full error message is as follows: "Failed to enter. Unable to install a reliable connection to the server. Perhaps this is a temporary problem or in the device Android is not provided for data transfer services. If the problem persists, contact customer service. "

If a you need to log in to Google AccountThe problem is also very simple. We will not sign for a long time, but just post another little video, the guy's voice does not inspire confidence :) But the solution is really working:

For this method will need Root Explorer. It can be downloaded by

Many users face such a problem that Google Play Market ceases to function for incomprehensible reasons, issuing errors of various numbering, which ordinary users are unlikely to say about something. And sometimes this problem can occur on one device quite often.

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the service can work due to technical problems associated with the service itself, or because of some problems associated with our mobile device. In this article we will try to give advice on how to understand this problem.

The easiest reason you removed the playing market. You can download again, here is the link. Also we advise you to download you an alternative market - this is the Nine Store.
Updated 07/14/2018

If you have updated and stopped working Play Market, try to download the old version. Recent update 10.8.23-all made a large problem (Android 5.1). If your phone hangs, the processor loads up to 100%, then disperses and performs everything that you tried to do during hang, Hard Reset will not help, will help roll back to the old version of Google Play.

Updated 04/23/2018

If you have stopped working with Play Market 22 or 23 of April 2018, it is associated with the blocking of the telegram.
Google failure: why do not services work? On the night of April 21-2 April 22, thousands of Russian users complained to the inaccessibility of the Google site. April 16, Roskomnadzor blocked 655,532 IP addresses associated with Amazon and about a million more google addresses. We hope that blocking is temporary, but for now you can use our site, see the application and games in the menu of the site, perhaps something like. Add site to bookmarks.

To make the application you can try to download VPN.

As it would not sound trite, but first of all it is necessary to restart the smartphone exactly, because sometimes the system may hang, and the simple reboot will return it to the working condition.

2. Migration Google Play Market

one). Go to the "Settings" section;
2). Open the "Application Manager" section (on some devices, this graph is simply called "applications";
3). Find in the Google Play list and click on the market
four). Here we need to click either "erase the data", or "Clear cache" - on different models of devices, this graph may be called one way or another.

If after that the problem was not solved, we will look for the exit on.

3. Get rid of application updates.

We also go to the section "Settings", then in "Applications", but no longer erase the data, and click "Delete Updates". Thus, the market will return to the original state when the program is only installed on the smartphone.

4. Reset Google Play Services.

We do the same thing as in the second point, just choose the market itself, but "Google Play services". After that we clean the data and cache.

5. The Google Accounts Program is not activated in the settings.

To enable the application, you need to go to the "Settings" section, then in "Appendices", then click on "All". We find the "Google Accounts" item and activate the program.

6. Disabled "Download Manager"

We go in the settings section in "Applications", then in "All" and find the "Download Manager" section in the list. If the dispatcher is not activated, you must enable it. But if it is turned on, you do not need to change anything. So the problem lies in the other.

7. Deleting an account from Google and its recovery

To delete an account, go to "Settings", then find "Account Settings and Synchronization", in some devices this graph is called "Accounts and Synchronization". Here we remove the account, and after it is restored.

8. Programs that do not allow the Google Play service to work

Some applications you have installed can block the work of the Market. Therefore, carefully "walk" on the list of installed programs, it is likely that some programs do not allow the market to work fully. Such blocking service applications include Freedom.

9. Eliminate the problems in the HOSTS file

So, the Freedom program is actually installed on your device. Then the ninth point will certainly help you understand the established problem. But in this case, root rights are necessary. First of all, you will need to disable the Freedom application. You can do by going to Stop. After we turned it off, feel free to remove it.

This is not all, then we will need a Root Explorer program. Download it will not be difficult. So, we have a program. Next, go along the path "/ System / ETS /" and find a hosts file. You can open it with any text editor. In this file, we need to leave only one line: " Localhost." If it is not, we prescribe yourself. There should be no other lines.

10. Reset Settings - Hard Reset

The most rigid, but time-tested method. Thus, we remove absolutely all the data located on the domestic drive. If you have a memory card installed, you should not worry about it, all the data remains in preservation.

And so, go to "Settings", click on the "Restore and Reset" item and select "Reset Settings". After that, we will appear to "reset the phone settings", after pressing "erase everything".

It's not worth afraid for your data, since there is a backup copy of the system. Create a copy to the user will not be difficult. You only need to find the "Backup Data Backup" settings. Once upon cleaning the data, you will restart the mobile device, all data can be restored from the compiled copy.

11. No Internet connection

Perhaps a malfunction is in the absence of the Internet. Go to any browser and try to open some site, if you do not work, most likely you need to solve the Internet problem.

12. Install the right time - "Connection is missing"

Suppose you see the "Connection missing" error, but you made sure that the Internet on the device is fully working. Then you will need to go to the time settings and set the right time zone and, accordingly, the time itself. To no longer have any such problems, you need to create synchronization between time and network. Make it very simple. We go to the "settings", click on the "Date and Time" column, and after, next to two graphs, we set the ticks - the "Network Time Zone" and "Date and Time of Network".

13. Clean the Clean Master system.

Download CCleaner, run, click Clear. Ready.

14. Error receiving data from Server RH-01

If all these tips did not help you, ask questions in the comment and the playmarket-android team will help you.
Perhaps you have one of the problems:
- Error Play Market Not enough memory.
- Error Play Market Connection None.
- What do Google Play errors mean.

Most Android owners use the services of the Play Market official store from IT Giant Google, which, in general, is not surprising. Here each user will be able to find any content to meet his needs, whether special programs, movies, music or games. However, the situation is not rare when "Google Play Market" does not work on android.

Such failures in the service can occur through the most different reasons. Now we will look at what the problem may be caused and offer the most effective ways to eliminate it.

In fact, the reasons provoking such a mistake can be the most diverse, the most common it is:

  • There is no connection to and no, caused, for example, a collection of settings (smartphone, router, etc.).
  • Technical problems from the Play Market itself are quite rare, but are not excluded.
  • File problems hosts.which is edited by the system in automatic mode.
  • Conflict between any installed application and Google Play.
  • The parameters of Date / Time have begun.
  • Other.

First, what we have to do is just restart your smartphone. The fact is that this banal procedure can be an effective solution not only with the described problem, but also in other cases of "hanging" system. If the restart of the device did not have any result, we go further.

Reset updates

Pretty effective procedure. Our actions - go to "Settings":

Open " Applications"(There may be a" application manager "), from the opening list we find Google Play., click. In the window that opens, click on the position " Delete updates"To return the Play Market to the original state:

Reboot the gadget, try to log in. What, there is no reason for joy yet? Then continue.

Resetting the settings and cleaning cache

Again through the basic settings go to " Applications", Find" Google Play."Open. First "tapa" on " Erase the data", Then" Clear cache»:

Restart, try to go to Google Play. If the question "why the playing market does not open" is still relevant, we continue "Dancing with a tambourine".

GP Services Correction

As in the third step, from "settings" go to " Applications", Find" Google Play services"I erase the data and clean the cache:

Cleaning Data and Cash "Google Services Framework"

We go on the fault path " Settings» → « Applications" In the tab " Everything»Find and open" Google Services Framework." We ereze the data and clean the cache:

Checking Google Accounts

It is possible that for some reason, this feature turned out to be disabled, which was the reason that Play Market does not work on android. Fix the situation simply. From the settings in the point " Applications»We need to open the tab" Everything", choose " Google accounts"And, if this application is really turned off, we connect, and simultaneously (if necessary), we clean the cache:

Debugging dispatcher download

Disconnecting the download manager too can be a likely problem to be excluded to be sent to " Applications", Swipe left go to" Everything"And open" Download Manager" If necessary, activate, and if the presence of cache detected, then we clean it:

Delete and restore Google account

Another effective way to which the detailed instruction "" was devoted to our site. After the described output procedure.

Elimination of conflict of applications

As mentioned above, there are applications capable of blocking the work "Google Play". One of these programs is Freedom. Advanced gamers are certainly understood what we are talking about. The fact is that Fridom allows you to bypass the license of the Market license to purchase all sorts of paid buns in games (coins, crystals, extensions, etc.), for which the user can pay a fake card:

Inappropriate use of the application, or the wrong removal it is one of the most common reasons for the failure of the Google Play Market, caused by change in the file " hosts." To work with the application (installation and uninstallation). Read more about how to fix the situation, you can see in a special video:

Clearing the HOSTS file

At this moment it is worth stopping in more detail. The fact is that your Freedom application is probably not installed (see), and the problem with the file may be quite yourself, and that is why. In the Hosts file, the Android system (as well as Windows) stores the base of sites, as well as their IP addresses. And every time, opening one or another website, the system will access the "Hosts" file, and only after that the DNS server. That is, in fact, being in principle a primitive filter (firewall), Hosts may block access to any site, including Google Play.

Then the need to edit it appears. To do this, we need a file manager, for example, and (since we will deal with the system file).

Run Root Explorer, find the folder system.:

It has a folder eTC., go to it and install the rights R / W. (READ / WRITE) by clicking on the appropriate button in the upper right corner:

Support Support Support Support:

Now open hosts. And proceed to its editing. Only one line should be in it by default - Localhost.. If you see two or more lines, it means that other programs have made their changes, so we remove everything too much without pity:

Correction of date and time parameters

If failed in this position (which could also block access to Play Market), then:

  • Open " Settings»
  • In chapter " System"Find the item" date and time"Open.
  • Enter the correct data, we save the changes.

Reset Android Settings (or Hard Reset)

This is the last, so to speak, a control shot from our arsenal if you were convinced that there are no problems with the Internet connection, and all the methods described did not bring the expected result (I really doubt it very much). What should we do:

  • Go to " Settings"And open" Restoration and reset", Not forgetting to perform backup.
  • Select item " Reset».
  • "Tap" by field " Reset phone settings».
  • In conclusion, click Erase».

This procedure will delete all the data on the internal drive of the device, leaving information on the memory card in inviolability.

Perhaps it's all about what we wanted to tell on the topic. Maybe you had a successful experience of solving the problem not described in the article, we will be grateful if you share it with our readers. Good luck!

A distinctive feature of all gadgets running android is their adaptation for a lot of Google services. There is nothing strange in this, since the direct owner of all rights on Android is, in fact, the company Google itself. Android users who have come across the download of applications and other content, probably know about the existence of such a store as a playing market. This is one of the ruble resources from which you can download games, music, wallpapers, books and more.

What is a playing market and how to use it?

The resource is available for all registered users. The account is one for all Google services, and if you do not have it yet - then the account is very simple. You need Gmail Mail and come up with a password. Recently, another bank card payment data is required. The innovation was often compiled, but over time it became clear that the purchase procedure was so simplified. The use of the store is quite comfortable. All content is divided into categories, you can also use the search. But sometimes it happens that the store simply does not open. Why does it happen and how can I fix the situation?

The most common mistakes

If the playing market does not open on Android, first of all, try to restart the device. It happens that the gadget is a bit "slows down", and after rebooting everything becomes in its place. If this does not help, pay attention to:

We told you about the most common ways to enter

Like Windows, the Android operating system allows you to install applications offline, however, most users prefer to use Google shop for these purposes, more precisely, a special Play Market program. This method is not only more convenient, but also safer than installation from the APK file, since before being published, many applications are checked by an antivirus program.

Alas, neither Play Market, neither Android OS itself is imperfect, so from time to time users have to face various errors, including errors in the Google store. Someone's play market simply does not open, someone cannot connect to the server, someone complains of the inability to perform one or another operation.

The reasons why Play Market does not work are mostly associated with malfunctions in the system itself, but it often happens that the wine failure in the store work becomes the user, freely or unwittingly changing Android system settings. What to do if the Google store functions is completely normal, suddenly stopped working?

Temporary troubles

Problems in the application store can be caused by temporary failures in the work of system services. This fully explains why the playing market does not work on android. What to do? How it would not sound trite, but often in such cases helps a simple reboot of the device.

It should also be noted that the store malfunctions may be associated with problems on Google servers. Check it is very simple, it is enough to try to open a store in the browser or from another device.

No Internet connection

Check if you have everything in order with the Internet connection, whether the funds are enough on the account, whether the mobile traffic limit was not exhausted, did you not send the coverage zone if the source of the signal is the router, make sure that it distributes the Internet, and itself Mobile device sees the network and connected to it.

Known settings of the store and Google Services

It is possible that the problem is related to the collection of settings of the store or Google services. Exclude this option. Go to the application management section and, having found Play Market there, clean your cache. If this turns out to be not enough, click also the "Erase Data" button.

These actions will delete temporary files, reset the Play Market settings to the default values \u200b\u200band, if the problem covers here, restore it. Similar steps must be repeated for the Google Play Services application. Consider only that after the reset you will have to be newly logged in.

Problem updates

If the playing market on android does not start after the update, it is possible that the source of the problem is the bugs in the update package. Try to delete the update or roll back to the previous version of the application if this feature is available. For these purposes, it is good to have some program on the device to back up applications, such as Syncit HD.

Disable Download Manager or Google Accounts

The Android operating system has such a service application as a boot manager. It is believed that for the correct operation of Play Market it must be launched. Go to application management, go to the "All" tab, find the Download Manager application and make sure it works. If the dispatcher is not active, turn it on.

At the same time we recommend finding Google Accounts and also make sure that it is also active. If this application is disabled, the playing market will not open, and if it opens, it will be incorrect to work with high probability.

Google Account Access Errors

The reason why it is not possible to go to the playlist market, it may be an error of access to Google account. Solve this problem can be removed by Google account and re-connected.

Because the account delete can lead to a loss of user information, you must make a backup copy of important data before performing an operation.

Availability on incompatible applications

Some third-party applications, in particular Freedom, can block access to Google services and thereby breaking the work of the playing market. If you are using Freedom or other similar application and suspect that it was the cause of problems in the Google store, remove it. You need to delete such programs correctly, namely, first the application must be stopped and only after that click the removal button. Sometimes the normal operation of the market is hampered by the launched VPN service. Try to temporarily stop.

Changed Hosts file

A number of third-party applications, like, for example, the same Freedom, can change the HOSTS system file that is responsible for setting up connections with remote hosts. There is a chance that some third-party program prescribed its data to this file that impede a normal connection with Google servers. Therefore, after complete uninstallation of dubious applications, you should check the HOSTS file.

To access access, you need to have root rights. Suppose they have them. Go to the file manager in location / System / ETS, Open the specified file by any text editor and delete all the contents from it other than Localhost line Save the file, restart the device and check the Play Market.

Store files are damaged

Another reason for which the playing market does not start can be a violation of the integrity of its files. Such damage could take place after a viral attack or custom manipulation with the store files. In this case, Play Market you need to try to reinstall. Delete the application with the standard way, clean the CCleaner system or another cleaner, then download the installation APK file with a trusted source and make it any way convenient to you.

In the settings put the wrong time

Now consider the situation when the playing market does not work through Wi-Fi or mobile Internet and writes "no connection", although it is just known that everything is in order with the Internet connection on the device. The most likely cause of this problem is the wrong time in the settings. Go to the dates and time section and set the ticks opposite the "Time Zone Time Zone" options and the Date and Time of Network. After that, the date and time will be synchronized automatically.

Reset device to factory settings

Reset to factory settings or Hard Reset - a hard method, to resort to which is only in the case when other methods did not bring results. Before reset, it is necessary to create backup copies of personal data, as well as the necessary applications, because they will all be deleted. You can run a complete reset procedure either from the "Restore and Reset" section or from the Recovery menu.


This is perhaps the most radical way to restore the work of the market. There were cases when the Google store, as well as other applications, services and the Android operating system continued to work incorrectly even after reset to the factory settings. In this case, you can resort to flashing as an extreme option.

Short outcome

So, we led the main reasons why the play market is often not opened on android and indicated what to do in most cases described. It is necessary, however, to understand that there are malfunctions, if you can say, the private order with which you have to face users of mobile devices with custom firmware. The same should be said about the owners of Chinese mobile phones, in the firmware of which google services are not used in principle. Errors in the work of the play market, for example, after it is installed on the MEIZU smartphone, can be caused by other reasons, we need to consider which in the context of the features of the mobile device and its software medium.