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When there is an Orthodox holiday, the Annunciation. How to talk about the Annunciation of Children. Aprage of the Archangel Gabriel Virgin of Nazareth

Every year church holidays are increasingly included in the life of Russians. However, still quite a few of our fellow citizens know the calendar dates and, most importantly, the meaning of many holidays.

Even if you move away from the religious component, the topic of the Annunciation left a powerful trail in Russian and world culture, becoming a source of inspiration for many great artists and poets. What is this holiday, when he is celebrated and what is the meaning of the people associated with him and customs? We will try to answer these and other questions.

Annunciation Blessed Virgin Mary Celebrated christian churches Most denominations: Orthodox, Catholics and many Protestant churches. On this day, as the evangelist of Luka tells, the Angel was sent to the Virgin, who brought her good (i.e. joyful) message: For his righteousness, she was elected to become the mother of God, immobally conceiving from the Holy Spirit. Angel also informed the girl that the born her son should be called Jesus.

For each of the Christians, this day is the beginning of the liberation of mankind from the power of sin and the inevitable death associated with him. This is one of the most important (two-month) holidays in Orthodoxy, standing in one row with Easter, Merry Christmas and Transfiguration.

The Church considers the event that occurred on the day of the Annunciation, the first act of the atoning victim, brought by Jesus subsequently.

As a sin, he entered the world through Eve, so he was defeated by the gloominess of the Virgin Mary, who answered the angel: "May I have for your word", conquering God's will.

Annunciation refers to Christian holidays independent of lunar calendar. It is celebrated annually on April 7 (March 25 in the old style), i.e. Exactly 9 months before, which is celebrated on January 7 (December 25).

The date of the holiday was approved by the Konstantinople Church in the sixth century. From Byzantium, the custom to celebrate the Annunciation spread in Europe, and after the adoption of Christianity came to Russia.

The celebration of the Annunciation is marked by one of the most beautiful traditions; On this day, it is customary to produce pigeons and other birds on the will. If today they make predominantly priests, then before the 1917 revolution, many of the believers who came to the festive worship brought with themselves cells with small birds that were released on the will.

This action symbolizes the human soul that languished in the cage of sin, but through the good news gained hope for freedom.

Custom delivers a special joy to children who like to think that the bird will be released from the cage will fly to home. Sometimes this enjoy lovers of easy earnings that are specifically to catch small birds and sell them believers with children.

If the pigeons released by the priest, as a rule, live in the nearest pigeon, where return, having received freedom, then caught birds can dwell quite far from the place where they are released. They are often in poor condition, depleted and frightened by the content in the cage, so few of them can get to their habitat.

You should not encourage such earnings and buy birds for an honors from random people.

Spring celebration of the Annunciation is accompanied by numerous folk signs. Thus, it is believed that the Annunciation ash, which is bred from the furnace at the end of this day, has a property to multiply the harvest of vegetables.

Therefore, in the houses with furnace heating in the villages and today they are ascended from the extrovers of the furnace on the day of the holiday to scatter it on the beds before planting vegetables. In addition, on this day, the butchers are putting out to the street with bees.

In the Annunciation, as in any other big church holiday, should not be engaged in hard labor or perform homework. On this day, believers visit festive church worship, after which they spend time with family. If possible, it is preferably not to leave at home on this day, delaying the trip at least one day. Do not go on the hunt and kill innocent God's creations.

One of the folk prohibitions is associated with female hair: it is believed that the braids cannot be placed on this day and make complex hairstyles.

However, the Church does not support this opinion: Of course, it is possible to be combedable and braid, we simply should not be careful about the exterior of the excessive efforts. It is better to take care of the purity of your soul and pay a little more time prayer.

"The Council is prevailing to you, Otrokovitsa, Gabriel... "Heats the Holy Church at the beginning of the festive service of the Great Holiday of Annunciation.

Up to 14 years, the Most Holy Virgo was brought up in the temple, and then, according to the law, should have left the temple, as reached the age of majority, and either return to parents, or marry. The priests wanted to marry her, but Maria declared them about their promise to God - to stay forever. Then the priests have gained her far relative, the 80-year-old elder Joseph (he already had two daughters and four sons), who also had a descendant of King David, so that he cares about her and guarded her virgin.

The Holy Fathers of the Church - Athanasius Great, Vasily Great, John Damaskin - indicate that under the guise of the marriage, the Lord fended to the Most of the Mary of the Mary from the Enemy's enemy of the genus of the human dialer, the sister from him in such a way that she was the same blessed Virgo, tearing on Isaiah. Living in the Galilee city of Nazaret, in the house of Joseph, the Most Holy Virgin Mary led the same modest and secluded life, as at the temple.

Once the Most Holy Virgo Mary read the book of the Prophet Isaiah, stopped at the place where it was said "Here the Virgin will receive and give birth to a son and gave name to him Emmanuel" (which means God with us) (IS.7,14) and reflected on the greatness of that Which will be honored to be the mother of God. With all his heart, the Holy Maria wanted to see the elect of God and in deep humility wanted to be the last servant.

And here is an angel and welcomes her: "Rejoice, fertile. Lord with you: Blessed you between your wives. " These words became the first "good news" for humanity after his fall.

She, having seen him, embarrassed from the words him and thought, which means this greeting.

And the angel told her: "Do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace from God; And so, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to the Son, and you will give him the name Jesus. It will be great, and the Son of the Most High will be set and gives him the Lord God the throne of David, his father; And he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will not be the end. - Maria said Angel: how will it be when I don't know my husband? Angel told her in response: the Holy Spirit would find on you, and the power of the Most High falls on you; Therefore, and the born sacred, the Son of God ... Then Maria said: Se, the slave of the Lord; May I have for your word. And an angel departed from her "(Lux. 1: 28-38).

It is believed that at that moment the sacrament of the embodiment of the Son of God was committed.

If the righteous Sarra took the news of the birth from her Isaac with confusion, and the righteous Zechariah, with a similar foregoing, the forerunner of the LORD demanded from the Angel of the sign, then how much the most righteous was the Most Holy Virgo Mary, when the Annunciation of Birth from Christ is the Savior, the Son of God , supernatural, incomprehensible, divine, accepting without confusion, without distrust.

It is terrible to even think that it could happen if there were no decent for the receipt of the highest gift of God on Earth:

In the interpretation of Irinea Lyon, obedience to the Virgin Mary balances the disobedience of Eve. Maria becomes New Eva. The text of the famous anthem Ave Maris Stella (IX century) states that the name EVA is an anagram of the word AVE, with which Gabriel appealed to Novaya Eve. In other words, to call Eve meant to mention and Maria. Jerome brought a compressed formula: "Death - through Eve, life - through Maria." Augustine wrote: "Through a woman - death, and through a woman - life."

The mysterious conception of the Virgin Mary, according to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, belongs to great Mystery Pious: in him, humanity brought to God the worst Creation of his creation - a woman who could become the mother of God's Son, and God, accepting the gift, answered him the gift of grace of the Holy Spirit. About how which way the interior of the Son of God in Vse Blessed Virgin, knows, according to the word of St. John Damaskina, "only God himself, and does not follow a person to reason about the nature of what is non-definitely and incomprehensible."

The Orthodox Church believes that Maria remained the Devo and Merry Christmas of the firstborn of Jesus, according to the prophecy (Iz.44: 2 pr.). "And the Lord told me: the gate of this will be imposed, they will not fall out, and no person will enter them, for the Lord God of Israel entered them, and they will be imposed." On the icons of the Virgin, three stars are depicted - on the shoulders and on the head cover of the Blessed Virgin. They symbolize the virus stored before Christmas, in christmas and after the Nativity of Christ.

According to St. Feofan, the impulipurizer is closely related to the establishment of the sacrament of the body and blood. "We are committed to the true body and the true blood of Christ, are the most that in the embodiment are accepted from the presequitoral blood of the Major Virgin of the Virgin. Thus, in the embodiment, which accomplished in the hour of the Annunciation, the founding of the sacrament of the body and blood. And now it is brought to the memory of all Christians to, remember that the true mother of his mother, not as a prayer, not as a prayer, but also as a nutrient of everyone. Children feed on Mother's milk, and we eat the body and blood, which from the Blessed Virgin of the Virgin. Feeding so, we drink substantially mammals from her breasts. "

The date of the celebration of the Annunciation is related to the date of Christmas of Christ: On March 25, it is exactly for 9 months of December 25. It is worth it that on the same day on March 25, the occtance of the world - thus, mankind was given a second chance.

Saint John Zlatoust called the Annunciation of the Root of the Holidays, the beginning of all others. In the ancient Christians, he wore various names: "The conception of Christ", "the Annunciation of Christ", "the beginning of the redemption", "the Angel of Mary's Angel", - and only in the VII century he was given forever the name of the "Annunciation of the Blizzard of the Virgin". During the V-V-VIII centuries, as a result of heresy, degrading the face of Our Lady, the holiday was especially elevated in the church. In the VIII century St. John Damascus and Feofan, Metropolitan Nicene, amounted to festive canons, which now come across the church.

According to the charter on this day, despite Great post, complete liturgy must be performed, even if the congestion happens in Great Friday (On this day, the liturgy is excluded). According to his greatness, the celebration of the Annunciation is not canceled even if he comes from Easter. It rarely happens that the Annunciation coincides with Easter and a holiday as if doubled. Then Easter is called Kirosha. Such a coincidence was in 1817, 1828, 1912, 1991. The next kirpasha will be in 2075.

The events of the Annunciation are described by the only evangelist - the Apostle Luka. There are still apocryphic texts, but they change the overall history of the Annunciation, and a number of details add to it. In apokrifah - the so-called "protoevogenia of Jacob" and "the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew" ("The book about the Christmas Blessed Mary and Childhood of the Savior") narrates on the two phenomena of the angel. At first, Gabriel came the Virgin by the well and only then in the house of Joseph, where she was in the pyrpping curtain of the Purple veil for the Jerusalem Temple. These apocryphal legends significantly influenced the iconography of the holiday.

The plot of the honors has long been popular in religious painting. Its iconography began to develop very early. Its main attributes were: Lily - a symbol of the impurity of the Virgin Mary; Silber, spindle (with red yarn) - the image of the flesh of Christ; The book of the Prophet Isaiah, who reads Maria; Paradise branch in the hand of Archangel Gabriel; Olive branch - a symbol of the reconciliation of God and creation; Well - Mary's purity symbol. The first images appeared already in the second century in Roman catacombs, for example, on the wall of the tomb of Saint Priscilla. They were finally formed in the Epoch of the Middle Ages, finding the most completed embodiment in the works of the XV century.

In the Western European painting, PRATINESSANSA is especially worth noting the works of Fra Beato Angelico, Simone Martini; From the renaissance work - the paintings by Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli, and from the northern works - Jan Wang Ayke, Robert Campen and Rogir van der Wayden. In the next era, El Greco has written several memorable webs. Starting from the Baroque era, as it happened with other plots, many liberty and retreat penetrate the plot into the interpretation.

In the iconographic tradition, it is customary that one wing of the Archangel remains sharpened behind his back, and the other is raised as a sign of greeting. This symbolic movement entered the Orthodox liturgical system and is performed by deacon when the objects are pronouncing. He raises right hand Orari - The image of the reeding of the Arkhangelsk wing as a sign of greeting and respect. Annunciation translates from Greek as good news. Traditionally B. orthodox church Annunciation icon is placed on royal gates surrounded by four evangelists. Thus, the whole symbolism of the royal gates is obtained by the bone-related: "... through the Annunciation, the word has become the flesh that we can taste into the communion. And we can take part in this eternal meal only because they are called apostles-adolescents. " The gates are an additional symbol of the Virgin (the image from the Old Testament prophecy of Ezekiel about the doors facing the east "prisoners", which the Lord enters).

The earliest "Annunciation" in Russian art, (1040s) is a mosaic on two pillars in the Kiev Cathedral of Saint Sophia.

The oldest image of the scene in Russian art. In the hands of Our Lady - Red Yarn, who came from apocryphal stories.

Among the Russian icons on this plot it is worth noting "Ustyugansky Announcement", written in the XII century in Veliky Novgorod, the icons of Rublev and Daniel Black, as well as the fresco of Dionysia in the Christmas Cathedral of the Virgin. By later, Borovikovsky's work belongs to later.

In the Moscow Kremlin, the miraculous icon of the Annunciation was previously revered. Tradition says that in the reign of John of Grozny, she miraculously appeared on the wall of the Kremlin Tower. Her appearance was associated with the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos about his liberation of some innocently convicted prisoner held in the tower. Upon learning of the "self-written" icon, King John Grozny freed the prisoner. Soon u miraculous icon A wooden chapel was built, then the stone temple, and the tower began to call the Blagoveshchenskaya.

One of the most famous temples dedicated to this holiday - based on house church royal family at the Kremlin Palace. And the protopressivetor of the Annunciation Cathedral until the twentieth century was the confessor of Augusta. In March 1584, from the porch of the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral, Ivan Grozny saw a cruciform comet. "Here is the sign of my death," he said, and after a few days it did not become.

Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin

On this day, in the ancient Russian tradition, after the liturgy in the Blagoveshchensky Cathedral of the Cremerpatrirch, the clergy and children are produced on the will of the birds. This custom was revived in 1995 and is now performed in many temples.

According to the word of His Holiness Patriarch, this tradition made a tradition "symbolizing that the birds are no longer in the cage, but freely, reminds that in our free will - search for the kingdom of God."

This tradition of the celebration was very loved by St. Patriarch Tikhon, in this holiday he finished his confessional path, eating his soul to God.

The evangelical words of Archangel Gabriel and the righteous Elizabeth formed a famous prayer - the Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary: "The Mother of God Devo, His Fellowary Mariery, Lord with you; You are blessed in the wives and blessed the fruit of your womb, Yako Sava gave birth to our souls. "

IN catholic tradition It corresponds to the Prayer Ave Maria - one of the most beautiful and famous chants in the world. A lot of musical works are written on the text of the prayer. Among the authors of Palestrina's music, Gunov (based on Baha Prelude), Dvarak, Verdi, Maskanya, Kachchini, Leaf, Saint-Sans.

The work of Franz Schubert "The Third Song of Ellen" often inaccurately called "Ave Maria Schubert", although in reality the text on which this music is written is taken from german translation The poems of Walter Scott about the Celtic Lady of Lake ("Lake Deva", 1810) and includes only the first two words of prayer. Subsequently, Ave Maria began to sing on the music of this song of Schubert, although the composer did not mean it.

In Russia, always with reverence related to the celebration of the Annunciation. Orthodox did not work on this day and strictly observed this rule. They said that on this day "the maiden braid is not a row, and the bird nest does not exist." The Day of Annunciation was considered a day of mercy. People visited prisoners in prisons, gave challenge. For beggars, lunches were arranged in the royal chambers, during which the sovereign himself gave the poor generous of the alms.

The salvation of our glavit, and hedgehogs from the century of the sacrament phenomenon; The Son of God's Son of Virgo is, and Gabriel grace thanks. Skin and we will reopen the Virgin: Rejoice, gracious, Lord with you!

Kondak holiday, ch. eight
The winning governor, the victorious, who was delivered from the evil, thank you by influencing you, the problem of yours, the Virgin, but Yako did the power of the power invincible, freedom from all of us, yes, you call: Rejoice, the bride is non-invalid.

What praying before the icon of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Mother of God, through her any icon, will help in any of your righteous requests, protects the human enemy from attacks, will help save the soul.
Prayers in front of the "Annunciation ..." icon will help in your recovery, in liberation from the conclusion, and in general - get the "good" (good) message about anything.

It must be remembered that the icons or saints do not "specialize" in some specific areas. It will be right when a person draws faithful to God, and not because of this icon, this saint or prayer.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Holiday History

At the age of fourteen years, the Holy Virgin married the righteous Joseph of Nazareth. Then the eighty-year-old carpenter of Joseph, with huge works, the high priest persuaded to take, under the guise of marriage, on his care of a sirotot.
After the engagement, Maria left the temple where he spent eleven years, and the Holy Family went to live in Nazareth.
For Mary, life in a new place has practically not distinguished from life at the temple. She also spent a lot of time in prayers, read the sacred books and was engaged in needlework.
Several years have passed. Maria often reread the prophecy of Isaiah:

"Sea, Virgo in the womb ..." Son will be born ... "

and reflected on this predicted virgin, from which the greatest miracle will happen.
Suddenly, a miracle happened in her room - she saw the Archangel Gabriel appeared to her, who brought a bouquet of white lilies, which symbolize impaired and purity.
Stretching them Mary, Gabriel said:

"Rejoice fellow! Lord with you! Blessed you among my wives

Fertile means who has acquired a special love and favor of God /

It was Maria Archangel that brought the good news that she would be the mother of the Savior.

« And the angel told her:do not be afraid, Maria, for you gained grace from God; And so, you will warm in the womb, and give birth to the Son, and you will give him a name: Jesus. He will be great and will adopt the son of the Most High, and will give him the Lord God the throne of David, his father; and will reign over the home of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will not be the end "(LK.1: 30-33)

Maria was very surprised:

"How will it be when I don't know my husband?"

And besides this - after all, she gave vowiness.
In response, Archangel said:

"The Holy Spirit will find on you, and the power of the Vyshnya will fall on you. Therefore, and the born to the son of God "

Gabriel was waiting for a response from Mary, the fate of the world was depended from it.

"CE, Slave of the Lord, I will be for your word"

- she said with humility.

And heavenly grace fled to the humble chief, the power of Vyshnyh through the Holy Spirit entered her, the zagoda Of the Son of God. In the womb of the immaculate Virgin.

"Blessed you are in the wives and blessed the fruit of yours!"

Three months spent Maria visiting, it was time to return home. Time went, the appearance of Mary changed, as it should be in front of childbirth. Her husband, Joseph, of course, suspected his spouse in treason and decided to part with her. Maria understood that she had no right to open the holy mystery and therefore he reached the Lord in everything.
At night, in a dream, an angel appeared to the wrap and told him:

"Joseph, the son of Davidov! Do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife; For the born in her, there is from the Holy Spirit, give birth to the Son, and give him the name Jesus, for he will save their people from their sins ... "

Iosif of God's messenger unconditionally believed, he was so struck by such a message that he could not come to himself for a long time after waking up. The blamefulness of Mary no longer caused his doubts, now he began to treat her with trepidation, as to the mother of God's son.

The spiritual meaning of the holiday Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Already from the second century, the Annunciation is considered the first part of the atonement of sins, where the obedience of the Virgin Mary was a counterweight of the sin of Eva.

Metropolitan Surozhsky Anthony:

"Annunciation is the day of the good news about what was found all over the world of Virgo, so the believing God, so deeply capable of obedience and confidence that the Son of God can be born. The embodiment of the Son of God, on the one hand, the case of God's love - the godfather, affectionate, saving - and God's power; But together with this, the embodiment of the Son of God is a matter of human freedom. St. Grigory Palama says that the embodiment would be as impossible without the free human consent of the Mother of God, as it would be impossible without the creative will of God. And on this day of the Annunciation, we in the God of the mother contemplate the masses, who with all his heart, with all the mind, with all his soul, the whole fortress was able to trust God to the end.

And the benefit of the news was truly terrible: the phenomenon of an angel, this greeting: Blessed you are in the wives, and blessed the fruit of yours, could not but cause not only amazement, not only trembling, but also fear in the soul of the Virgin, who did not know her husband - how could be?..

And here we catch the difference between oscillating - albeit deep - faith of Zechariah, the Father of the Forerunner, and the faith of the Mother of God. Zechariah is also proclaimed that his wife will have a son - naturally, despite her old age; And his answer to this news of God: how can it be? This can not happen! What can you prove it? What kind of certification can you give me? .. God's mother puts the question only like this: how can this happen to me - I am Virgo? .. And on the angel's answer, what it will be, she only answers the words of full return of themselves in the hands of God; Her words: CE, Slave of the Lord; Buddle to the verb to your ...

The word "slave" in the present-day usual consumption is about enslavement; In Slavic, the slave called himself a man who gave his life to another. And she really gave God her life, his will, his fate, accepting faith - that is, incomprehensible trust - the news that she will be the mother of the embodied son of God. About her righteous Elizabeth says: Blessed beloved, because it will be a spent to her from the Lord ...

In the Mother of God, we find an amazing ability to trust God to the end; But this ability is not natural, not natural: such faith can be in yourself the feat of the purity of the heart, the feat of love for God. For the feat, for the fathers say: swabs blood, and accept the spirit ... One of the western writers says that the embodiment became possible when there was a deva Israel, who was able to utter the name of God all his heart, his whole life in his whole life in Her.

Here is an evangelism that we have now heard in the Gospel: the human race gave birth, brought God to God as a gift, who was able to become the mother of God's mother in his royal human freedom. Amen".


ARKHANGELSKIY GLOW YOU, CLEAN: Rejoice, gracious, Lord with you.

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The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated by Christian churches of most denominations: Orthodox, Catholics and many Protestant churches.

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History and meaning of the celebration of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary


Annunciation denotes the proclamation to people to lead that the Savior goes, the prediction begins to come true, it is already close. By church calendar. Annunciation began to mark, according to the decision of the Church, from the IV century n. e. This day always falls out 9 months before the Nativity of Christ .

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The Prophet Isaiah, who lived 700 years before the Nativity of Christ, argued that the Messiah is God in the image of a person; He will be born from immaculate Virgin, will work wonders and suffer, die for human sins and will rise. Most believers believed that he would come in order to drive ingenians from their land, to conquer the whole world and forever to remain the earth king. However, everything happened wrong. He came unnoticed and only a mother with her father knew him.

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Up to sixteen years old Mary, the future mother of Christ, lived at the temple and there was a very God-fearing. Then, as reached the age of majority, it was supposed to be or returned to parents, or married. Maria announced his oath to God - to stay forever.

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Then she was entrusted with a distant relative, an 80-year-old elderly carpenter Joseph, who famous her piety, so that he cared for her.

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Four months after the engagement, an angel came to the Virgin Mary, Sent by the Lord, who brought her good (i.e. joyful) message: For his righteousness, she was elected to become the mother of God, immobally conceiving from the Holy Spirit. Angel also informed the girl that the born her son should be called Jesus.

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Having learned that Maria wears a fruit under the breast, Joseph wanted to go secret secretly. But the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream and said: "Joseph, do not be afraid to take Mary, your wife; For the born in it is from the Holy Spirit. He will save people from their sins. " And Joseph acted as the angel told him - took his wife. They had a son and taught him Jesus . Everything as predicted.

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For each of the Christians, this day is the beginning of the liberation of mankind from the power of sin and the inevitable death associated with him. This is one of the most important (two-month) holidays in Orthodoxy, Standing in one row with Easter, Merry Christmas and Transfiguration.

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The Church considers the event that occurred on the day of the Annunciation, the first act of the atoning victim, brought by Jesus subsequently.

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As a sin, he entered the world through Eve, so he was defeated by the gloominess of the Virgin Mary, who answered the angel: "May I have for your word", conquering God's will.

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When celebrating the Annunciation?

Annunciation refers to Christian holidays, independent of the lunar calendar. It is celebrated annually on April 7 (March 25 in the old style) . Exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ, which is celebrated on January 7 (December 25).


The date of the holiday was approved by the Konstantinople Church in the sixth century. From Byzantium, the custom to celebrate the Annunciation spread in Europe, and after the adoption of Christianity came to Russia.

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Beautiful traditions of the Annunciation.

Why are birdworms produce birds?

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In many villages on the eve of the holiday "Skilica Spring": They burned the fires, drove round rounds around them and sang the spring, baked from the test of bird figures (larks, holsters); Girls and children climbed with them on the roofs or on the trees and shouted the shafts facing birds.

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On the day of the celebration of the Annunciation beautiful tradition Release birds on the will. In the cities arranged whole bird bazaars, where residents could buy a bird and personally give her freedom.

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If today they make predominantly priests, then before the 1917 revolution, many of the believers who came to the festive worship brought with themselves cells with small birds that were released on the will.



This action symbolizes the human soul that languished in the cage of sin But through the good news gained hope.

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Custom delivers a special joy to children who like to think that the bird will be released from the cage will fly to home.

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Sometimes enjoyed fans of easy earnings, Which specifically for the holiday catch small birds and sell them believers with children.

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If the pigeons released by the priest, as a rule, live in the nearest pigeon, where return, having received freedom, then caught birds can dwell quite far from the place where they are released. They are often in poor condition, depleted and frightened by the content in the cage, so few of them can get to their habitat.


Do not encourage such earnings and buy birds for an honors from random people.

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What you need to do on the day of the Annunciation.

Spring celebration of the Annunciation is accompanied by numerous folk signs.

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It is believed that correctly mysterious desires always come true.

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To attract health washed with melt water

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Hostess glowed salt in a pan and added it into dishes.

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In the old days jumped through the fire.

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To attract wealth, coins were with them. The greatest luck was considered to be made during the curtain cooking.



Female rituals and rituals associated with the continuation of the kind.

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Also sanctify salt and water.

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On this day, believers attend festive church service, and put a candle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, after which she spends time with his family.

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It is believed that the Blagoveshchensk ash, Which is bred from the furnace at the end of this day, has a property to multiply the harvest of vegetables. Therefore, in houses with furnace heating in the villages and today they spare ash from the crossing furnace on the day of the holiday to scatter it on the beds before planting vegetables.

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In addition, on this day books are putting out a street with bees.

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What can not be done in the Annunciation?

Some old folk customs are connected with the people's innumeration.

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There is a belief that this day is so Forbidden any work that even sinners in hell cease to torment and give them rest and freedom.

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Sin is considered even a departure or departure to the road for earnings . They said: "There is no nest for the innovation of the bird, the girl's braid does not break," that is, all work is considered to be sin. It was believed if the bird would take the bird to the Annunciation of the nest, then the wings will have a weakened, and then neither fly, nor flutter it.

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However, if you need to go to work, nothing can be done here, and such a job is not considered to sin Since it is meant only to work at home in the economy.

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However, voluntary employment can bring trouble . All planted seedlings are not accepted, and the sown grain will not go.


Do not do hard work or perform homework.

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If possible, it is desirable for this day not anywhere to leave home By delaying the trip at least one day.

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Do not go hunting And kill innocent lady creations.


One of the folk prohibitions is associated with female hair: It is believed that on this day you can not weave braids and make complex hairstyles.


However, the church does not support this opinion: Of course, it is possible to be combed and braid, we can simply not be careful about the exterior of too much effort. It is better to take care of the purity of your soul and pay a little more time prayer.

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Signs for the celebration of Annunciation

The set will be preserved and reached our time.

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The most important thing is that you can not do anything , all land work is prohibited.

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The day of the week on which the Annunciation did this year It is considered unfavorable for sowing and landing, as well as the beginning of new cases. But the day next behind him, on the contrary, is considered very successful and favorable.

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Accepted for the Annunciation Do not wear for the first time new clothes. otherwise it is quickly demolished.

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From the day of the Annunciation, healthy peasants moved In the cold part of the hut - the beginning of summer.

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It was also considered a sin to continue working in the evenings with a candle. Those who did not adhere to the rules allegedly threatened the crop and other misfortunes.

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On the eve of the Annunciation, it was taken from the peasants to sow peas.

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Signals about the weather and crop on the day of the Annunciation

  • If it is snowing for the appearance on the roofs, then he is still to Egoria (May 6).
  • If it is frost on this day, there are still several frosty matineers, they are considered to be fortunate in the north.
  • Heat to the Annunciation - many frosts ahead.
  • The Annunciation without swallows is a cold spring.
  • Winter path ends or a week before the Annunciation, or a week after the Annunciation.
  • On the eve of night, dark without stars sky - to poor carrying of eggs.
  • The sun on the celebration of the Annunciation - to the crop of wheat.
  • Rain holiday - to good fishing, to mushroom autumn.
  • If the thunderstorm thundered on the holiday - you can wait for a warm summer of excellent harvesting nuts.
  • And the frost on this day could bring good forecasts for the crop of cucumbers and the yarre.

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Signs with the score on the Day of Annunciation

So that the year was calm and successful, the health is strong, the family is prosperous, it was necessary be sure to eat consecrated prosfora.


She was baked for each family member or bought, then crumbled and eaten.

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Often crumbs of this church bread mixed with seeds to get best harvestmixed to feed livestock and birds. Even for bees, he was mixed with honey and fed their apiary. The peasants believed that it would bring the health of all his living creatures.

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The main icon of the holiday can be considered the masterpiece Andrei Rublev:

Angel goes down to the Virgin to build her "good news."

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Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary the most great news - The Son of God becomes the son of man. The prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, the Mother of God meets the news of the angel: "May I have for your word." Without this voluntary consent, God could not become a person. He could not come true, as God does not act by force, does not force us for anything. Man is given complete freedom to respond to God consent and love.

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Another famous picture of Sandro Botticelli is also devoted to the Annunciation.

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Celebration of Annunciation even on Easter day, if these holidays coincide, and if this celebration falls on the day of the post, the post weakens. According to the church charter, this day is blessed Binding fish and elia.



With the Annunciation, Friends


I want to congratulate you!


I wish you patience,


Faith in God and forgiveness,


And the rest you in the soul


Paradise in the heart, in a hood,


And hope and humility,


And love and inspiration!


And heat, and good, and light,


Sun, joy and summer!


Plans for all exercises


And dream of performances!

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The Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is considered one of the main church holidays. Orthodox it is known that the Archangel Gabriel appeared before the Virgin Maria and told her that the life of the Savior of the Savior of Human was originated.

This holiday was always very read in Russia, with a special trepidation, the prayers of the Mother of God, who soldered the faith in the souls eternal life And hope for salvation.

Icon Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Icon dedicated to the bright holiday of the Annunciation is very interesting to its content.

On it we see the Virgin Mary, who communicates with the Archangel Gabriel, who brought her joyful news that it was to become a parent of the Son of God. As a basis, the plot of one of the heads of the Gospel of Luke is taken.

There is a story that is an indisputable fact about helping the assistance. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible One of the Voyage was locked in the Kremlin Tower. Unfortunate accused of a crime whom he did not commit.

For sincere prayers, men on the construction manifested an appearance icon. The temple, unfortunately, did not live up to modernity, there was nothing left of the facing, but the tower today is called Blagoveshchenskaya, reminding us of the events of the time.

Description of the church holiday

The tradition of tradition is celebrated on April 7. According to Orthodox canons, a person appears at the moment of conception, so the Annunciation begin to celebrate in advance - for nine months before the sign of the Savior. Annunciation in a different way sounds like a gospel - "good news."

On the feast of Orthodox believers come to the temple to be in service, to the prayer to Lord Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. At the Liturgy, the Orthodox Christians are confessed, the Saints of Christ Mastein are involved, the notes of health and the rest of the rest are praying.

History Holiday Annunciation

The mention of the Annunciation can be found in the ancient chronicles of the II century of our era. This day was considered the first holiday in the calendar: the long-awaited equinox came when nature lived and pleased with his awakening.

The joyful news of the Archangel Gabriel announced about other important events - Christmas, Christ and Light Resurrection. With the Annunciation, it all began, so the holiday is especially honored and try to observe all important traditions.

Who brought the good news of the Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary was barely fourteen years old when she was entrusted with a carpenter Joseph, who was 80 years old at that time. To Maria's marriage was an orphan, was at the temple, worked, observing post and prayer. After the engagement, the family had to move to Nazareth, where Maria led the same decent christian life, I prayed diligently, and its "desktop" book was the prophecy of Isaiah "Se, Virgo in Jerevius who will live and give birth to a son ...".

Once, Archangel Gabriel came down to her, who discouraged the virgin, saying that she would soon be on the light of God of the Savior. With these words, the angel extended snow-white lilies - the symbol of all pure and immaculate. Putter virgin vow, Maria with humility adopted Gabriel's prophecy. At the same moment, a miracle happened - the immaculate birth of the Son of God.

Over time, the appearance of Mary underwent a change, and Joseph decided that she changed him. But in a dream, the carpenter saw Angel, who told him about the immaculate conception. Since then, Joseph was very carefully related to a woman who wore the Savior of the Savior of the Savior of the Savior.

How to tell about the governing children

In order for children to understand the celebration of the Day of Annunciation, you need to speak in my language understandable. The image of the Virgin Mary is easier to imagine if you tell the kids that the Virgin was the same little girl as they lived next to the temple, I loved the Lord very much and prayed a lot.

Children should understand why Maria was elected God for immaculate conception. And so that the meaning of the holiday is understandable, it is necessary to go to church more often, to teach simple prayers, talk about the life of saints, to confess and communion.

When the kids see that love and respect reigns in the house, and adults get up and fall with a prayer in the lips, they themselves commemorate to such a lifestyle.

It is worth noting: It is important to be good example for your chad, and then you will not need to train them for a long time orthodox traditions - They absorb them with mother's milk.

Customs and traditions for Annunciation

In the old days, great importance was attached to various customs, although some of them are echoes of paganism. People believed that even sinners are freed from Muk to the Annunciation. On this day, much could not be done.

So, it was taboo to work, and any undertaking was in vain, and it was not at all to harm. Even candles in the evenings did not roast - they were afraid of heavenly kara.

Annunciation is a symbol of the awakening of spring. At this time, they returned to the native birds of the birds wounded in the long-range edges, and to thruit nature, it was customary to be released into the sky of pigeons. This kind tradition does this live today.

On a pre-holiday day, they also tried to destroy the old unnecessary trash. It was burned in the fires, between which the cattle usually rushed to save it from diseases and damage.

The Annunciation took salt and overcame it in the furnaces. The salt was added to the baking, which then treated patients with animals.

In the morning, prosphoras were baked, which were then sanctified in the service in the church. Progmas could be stored round year: When someone sick, he was given a piece of baking moistened in the water, and the birth retreated. The crumbs mixed into the feed of the cattle, added to the seed before sowing, so that the harvest was notable, fed with honey bees and were waiting for the honeycombs.

This custom is a remnant of the pagan faith, but we see from it that people wanted to sanctify the whole life with the light of Christ. The holiday gave people a sense of joy and hope.

What does the Icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God helps

Standing before the Icon of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos pray for his vacation of sins. There are consolations near the way, people who are not able to get rid of the harmful habits on their own, get out of sects and refuse magic.

Women ask God's Mother about happy marriage And the birth of healthy kids. We susceptible with diligent prayer are healed, the suffering find consolation in the sorces.

All who comes to the image with faith receive help, begin to look at life in a new perspective, learn to love and forgive and be sure to get " good news».

Annunciation is the brightest holiday. It needs to be held in prayer and gratitude. In it - both bright updates of nature, and hope for salvation, and waiting for the "good news", which will definitely come to the house where Vera lives and love.