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Leonid Yakubovich commented on his rumors about his death. Why did Leonid Yakubovich die? Russian celebrities that are constantly buried. Who earns big money on fake news

For several months, Rumors and the death of Leonid Yakubovich Leonid Yakubovich, who gained fame at one time thanks to the popular program "Field of Miracles". The media spread information that the TV host died of a stroke. Leonid Arkadyevich himself could not restrain and decided to comment on his death.

Showman told the press that with him and his health in this moment everything is fine. Now he does not suffer from any disease and continues to actively work. Thanks to the sense of humor, Leonid managed to react to rumors about his death.

Rumors spread in the media that Yakubovich has long been experiencing health problems. That is why he went to be treated in Germany. The fans began to discuss the tragic death of Leonid, however, this information was "attracted behind the ears." Many said that the cause of the death of Yakubovich was a heart attack. However, Leonid Arkadyevich himself feels great, but rumors about his death and a constant discussion of this topic on the Internet most likely no support for him.

Due to the experiences and active work, Yakubovich heavily lost weight. Exactly appearance She ran fans to the idea that their idol was sick. Per lately Leonid Arkadyevich threw 20 kilograms. For a long time The artist did not pay attention to the discussion of the media regarding his heavy diseases and the suicide state.

Leonid continued to work until journalists attributed horrific diagnoses to him. In fact, the artist was not treated anywhere and does not suffer from mortal diseases, who I attribute foreign people with Azart.

All this is done in order to draw attention to this person with the help of negative information, the RosReGistr portal transmits. Thanks to this, attendance of their resource increases, despite the fact that we are talking about life of a living person. Instead of discussing the artist's work, people bury him alive.

It is thanks to the feeling of humor, Leonid Yakubovich reacted normally on media practices. The artist is worried about only one thing: if he really goes out of life, familiar and friends will think that death attributed to him journalists and simply will not come to farewell to him.

Yakubovich delighted that his personality recently began to be interested in, but the topic of discussing his life robs him into a stupor. Yakubovich himself tries to lead a closed lifestyle, and his personal life will never endure his personal life. In addition to the points relating to work, nothing is known about Leonid Arkadyevich.

This factor sometimes plays against the Yakubovich itself. On the network, then the news appears about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich. It is worth the showman at least for a while to refuse public appearances for a while, and the fans immediately "bury" their idols.

One of the famous Russian cultural figures continues to live ordinary life. He plays in performances, spends time with relatives, actively resting and follows himself.
It is worth recalling that Leonid is a national artist of Russia for over 14 years.

Leonid Yakubovich died?

Most recently, suspicious rumors began to walk that Yakubovich complains of his state of health. The worst thing is that you can meet information and about his death, since the famous TV preserver felt very badly felt and constantly complained about health.

How is Leonid Yakubovich's health?

Options, as precisely, under what circumstances, Yakubovich left this world very and very much. Some editions write that the man got into car accident and injuries he received is not compatible with life. Other Internet Sources assure their readers that he felt so bad that he paid for help in treating overseas doctors. And someone is confident that Leonid Yakubovich died of a stroke.

Fans and familiar Yakubovich ended only on the most favorable outcome of events. After some time, some facts about the health of the artist were refuted. It happened immediately after the recognition and comments of Leonid. He stated that he feels just wonderful, and besides, carefully monitors his health and remains in good physical form. He regularly visits the gym and prefers active types of recreation.

The last few months the Internet flooded reports that the most famous Russian TV presenter, actor, screenwriter and producer, 71-year-old Leonid Yakubovich died. At first, such news is not a joke strained the devotees of the showman fans, however, the refutation of this pseudo-loss followed. Moreover, when the absurd reached his apogee, Leonid Arkadyevich decided to even personally refute these ridiculous rumors and prove to everyone that he was alive and well.

Did Leonid Yakubovich died?

But, let's understand more than all those false news regarding the state of the health of Yakubovich, who have repeatedly bought the network only over the past few months. So, in August last year, there was a lot of reports on the Internet about the Internet that Leonid Yakubovich dies in the studio, with it, as the cause of death was called heart attack. It should be noted that then many have accepted this "news" for a clean coin, and it is not surprising, because the TV host has already changed the eighth ten, and he has a long time has a certain problem that he, by the way, does not even try to hide. So this news sounded unexpectedly plausible. At some point over his own "death", even the TV host himself, stating that "dying" is far from the first time, so he does not get used to him, but only the ironic circumstance pleases him that he kills him every time "heart attack" . And indeed, if you ask in the search engine, Leonid Yakubovich died, then in a selection of news for last years You may find that at least three times the showman died from "Infarcity" and several times he died as a result of a "terrible accident".

Leonid Yakubovich dies in the studio

It turned out that this is the most popular and common versions of the "death" of Leonid Arkadyevich. But, if the version of the heart attack sounds somehow utensils: they say, age, health problems, stress, then for some reason, when they talk about the death of the artist in the car accident, the articles look like a law enforcement reports. An accident describe in the smallest details, and with each author they have their own: a place, time, the reason who was with him in the car, and so on. Compose such an unprecedented, and even in the colors to paint it so that no one has doubts that the accident occurred to be - that's where the fantastic talent disappears. We can assure you that Leonid Arkadyevich is today alive, dwells in good health, and continues to actively work on television.

Lie: Leonid Yakubovich died

Suffers of false information in the network - the phenomenon is quite common, the last time there were incidents when hackers crack sites or celebrity accounts and place such messages there, just jokes for the sake. However, sometimes the stars themselves, in their aspirations to pay attention to the public at any cost, they themselves resort to this strange "black PR". By the way, when rumors about the death of Leonid Arkadyevich were refuted and dispelled, some even put forward that they arose on his initiative. "Leonid Yakubovich died" - what can attract attention, what is not such a title in the article? But, you should not lose sight of the fact that such rumors are often created also with commercial purposes in order to attract more readers to certain Internet portals.

Now and then the network flashes news about the death of Russian celebrities, which are actually alive. We figured out how such ducks appear and to whom it is profitable. It turns out that in such news, dishonest people can earn very big money.

Yakubovich and fatal accident

Peninsula News

In 2016, baseline media replicated the news that Leonid Yakubovich fell into a deadly accident. On some sites, there was even information that the famous TV host either crashed by car, or died of heart attack. Where did this "news" come from and what does the permanent leading "field of miracles" appear?

The media failed attentiveness: in fact, the leading "field of miracles" really fell into an accident, but it happened about four years ago. It is noteworthy, but many years later Yakubovich allegedly a word for the word repeated the very words that appeared in media materials after a truly happening incident.

It did not happen anything terrible, the bumper hooked, scratched a little, and all, then Yakubovich journalists assured, and four years later a number of editions reprinted the same phrase. They all referred to a suspicious source. A resource looking like a regular blog platform contains three texts at once sending the reader to news about accidents and heart attacks that are attributed to Yakubovich. Posts were posted on April 15, 2016, and these records even have the author.

The user under the pseudonym VedEoo, on behalf of which posts were postponed, turned out to be very prolific on sensation. From his behalf, "Intimate photos of Natasha Queen", "Photo and video of the son of Larisa Guzeyeva" and other bright headlines who promise to plunge the country in shock were also published.

All records are seasoned with a huge number of hashtegs and keywords. Within the same time contextual advertising, if the curious Internet user still clicks on a provocative header, then falls on the resources, literally francing similar materials and advertising.

So, on the way to news about the fate of Yakubovich, the user can face miraculous weight loss methods through kefir, ginger and unknown third ingredient, magical ways of curing psoriasis and other garbage information, to which never for nothing, because it does not exist: the task One - artificially turn the traffic.

Similar fake infoovodes are prepared for a very long time and are unlikely to be directed against (or in support) of a particular person. Probably, people, converting news, hoped on the experience of four-year-old search engines to more effectively promote a resource and strengthen the desire for an inexperienced user to click on the banner and thereby earn a precious traffic.

Analysis of media materials led to the fact that, in addition to the source in the form of a blog of the unknown person, the publications could not find official confirmations of information. At the same time, the data on a fictional accident spread on the social networks - besides numerous reposts to anyone not known portals, users began to actively discuss the non-existent tragedy. At the time of writing the publication of refutations about the "accident with Yakubovich" was not found, and fake information continues to stay on publications.

Distorguev and tragedy at the ski resort

Vocalist of the group "Lube" constantly bury the base media. Most often they write that the tragedy happened in the ski resort. For the last time, these rumors coincided with the death of the bass guitarist of the same group. By the way, one of the causes of rumors - a few years ago, the singer really became bad in the ski resort. Then he went to Finnish ski resort. It was cold, the peppers walked greatly. Doctors diagnosed pneumonia, which gave complications on the kidneys.

As a result, the singer's condition was quite critical, but not deadly. This is even written on Wikipedia. At that time, the Group's tour was under the threat of a breakdown, and in the end, Rastorguev went only to the city, where it was necessary equipment For hemodialism. The procedure then needed to spend almost every day.

In 2009, Nikolai transplanted the kidneys, but still in his condition he has often to be examined in hospitals. Most likely, it is all these facts that allow journalists with each convenient case to declare him dead. The singer himself refers to this with irony. In one of the interview, he even said that it means that he would live for a long time.

Mikhail Zhvanetsky and fatal accident


To promote incomprehensible sites and earnings buried and Zhvanetsky. The famous humorist allegedly died in a terrible accident. Interestingly, the incident partly turned out to be true, because the star single-fampots really died. That is, apparently, and invented this false inforup. Many media believed this news just because she was published on Twitter Account, which was called Gazetaru_News. But in the end, the myth of death of the legendary humorist quickly dispelled.

Valeria, Anorexia and DTP


Valery in the network "killed" in two ways. Refinitely appear news about the fact that the singer died from anorexia, and this is explained. "Valeria died from anorexia" a popular request in search engines, but his reason is not our singer Valery, but Valery Levitin. In 39 years, she weighed only 25 kilograms, although her growth was 171 centimeter. This Russian girl worked as a model in the USA.

The second time in the network Valery died in a terrible accident near Smolensky. Many resources referred to the site registered in Hong Kong, which was called the "News Portal of Ukraine". At the time of the appearance of the news of the singer, together with her husband, was on tour in London. They immediately refuted fake information.

It turned out that it was very conditional to call this resource "Ukrainian". As I found out "Gazeta.Ru", this site is registered at the end of 2013, when the political situation sharply agrees in Ukraine. Domain ID Shield Service Co., Limited, specializing in the provision of intermediary services, thanks to which the real owners of Informresource have the opportunity to hide their name and location. The company acts as the owner of a number of resources with and others.

Thus, it is somehow associated with Ukraine, at least incorrectly associated with this resource. The site name and its subjects in this case are evidenced rather about its anti-Ukrainian orientation: obviously fake and inadequate news in the information space are perceived by the ordinary Russian reader, as not running from a particular resource, but from the "Ukrainian media". That is how Valery and Joseph Prigogin were perceived. Similar absurd chambers that can be found on other alleged Ukrainian sites, allow you to noticeably reduce the level of confidence in any information running from Ukraine with anti-Russian color, including with a real soil. It is noteworthy that a number of major Ukrainian Internet publications reported on the falsity of the information about the death of the singer on Wednesday.

Johnny Depp

By the way, not only Russian publications, but also Western colleagues sin, black methods of promotion sites. They had Lady Gaga died in a hotel room, then Justin Bieber was found dead. One of the constant heroes of the ducks was the famous Johnny Depp.

Once, even a very influential American news source told about it. In 2010, there appeared the news about the tragic death of the Hollywood actor Johnny Depp in a car accident.

Journalists told that the accident occurred near the French city of Bordeaux. Police officers who arrived in place in place stretched out the body of the popular actor Johnny Depp from the car. The article indicated and possible reason tragedy - alcoholic intoxication driver. It turned out that the article indicates another site -, and the notic itself dated March 25, 2004.

Internet fraudsters posted the news of the death of the star "Pirates Caribbean"On behalf of the American Information Portal. And in reality, the site was only a false doubleler of the popular CNN channel. Upon learning of his "death", Johnny Depp wrote to his friend: "Not died in France."

Very many recent representatives of the press of the Musolayat question about the death of Leonid Yakubovich. The only contradiction remains the fact that journalists will not come to one version of the causes of death. Some say that Yakubovich died after a stroke in one of the German clinics. Others assure that the cause of death became an accident, in which the famous TV presenter got, after which he died. And the third and most confident that Yakubovich died from oncological disease.

Whatever it was, and what would not say there, and Leonid Yakubovich is alive. Moreover, he has already commented on rumors that spread around his person. At the same time he added that he was tired of such constant leaders and the only thing that helps him with this to cope with this humor.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 08.12.2017: Biography of the famous TV presenter

According to Leonid Yakubovich himself, he lived a rather interesting and rich life in which they were like troubles and joy.

So, Leonid Arkadyevich was born in the capital Russian Federation, in the city of Moscow, July 31, 1945. The mother of the future television star worked as a gynecologist, and his father - the head of the design bureau.

According to Yakubovich, the parents were very loyal to his upbringing and provided him with full freedom. Ultimately, this led to the fact that the young Leonid Arkadyevich was excluded from school, for absenteeism. After that, he had to ends the evening school. At the same time, he worked at the plant with an electrician.

After graduating from school, Leonid enters three theater institutes, but at the Council of the Father takes the documents and enters the Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering. But soon he was transferred to the Engineering and Construction Institute, which successfully completed in 1971.

In the period from 1971 to 1977 he worked at the Likhachev plant. But still a stormy youth did not give him peace, and he decided to continue his creative path. So, since 1979, Leonid Yakubovich wrote scenarios for telecast. And already in 1988, he led the first beauty contest in Moscow.

But the real popularity of it is coming only in 1991, after entering the screens to the current days of the TV show "Field of Miracles".

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 08.12.2017: tele-starred comments

To date, Leonid Arkadyevich's popularity does not subside. His rumors about his death give him even more popularity. So, there are three versions in the press, which the famous TV presenter could die.

Some say that Leonid went to treatment to Germany, but after a stroke died in one of the clinics. Others argue that he died in a car accident. Well, representatives of the most popular version are confident that the death of Yakubovich was caused by an oncological disease.

Such a popularity has gained the third version most likely due to the fact that Leonid Yakubovich has lost 20 kilograms lately. That is why no one has doubts that the TV host is seriously ill.

Leonid Yakubovich died or not 08.12.2017: tele-starred comments Continued

More recently, after many statements about the death of the TV host, he decided to comment on this situation. In his interview, Leonid Arkadyevich declared that he was not what he did not die, but at the same time he didn't get sick, moreover he feels great.

But about the options about his death refers to humor. After all, it will cope with emotions, in such a situation without humor will be very difficult. At the same time, he adds that such options are good, because they speak of his death from stroke or oncological disease, and could come up with an option that he died, for example, from hemorrhoids. And this is already a completely disastrous disease.