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Cuba resorts. Cuba resorts in the Caribbean Sea. Names, location on the map, prices

The Socialist Republic of Cuba is located on several islands in the Caribbean Sea, where more than 11 million of the Spanish population live for 111 thousand km 2. The pride of Cuba is the tropical seaside resorts that remain at the peak of popularity, despite the economic problems of the country.

The islands belonging to Cuba are under the influence of the climate of the Caribbean - tropical, trade service, wet. The average daily temperature indicators are 25 ° C, falling on the night for 5-8 divisions.

Only 2 pores are distinguished here:

If for a dry period from time to time there is a third of annual precipitation, then the cyclones are "wet" season drive from the ocean twice as many tropical rains. But through the heavenly stances, the sun periodically manage to break through and arrange a vacationer fun holidays, sports entertainment, sightseeing trips, picnics.

In June, July, August, when most Russians go on vacation, up to 170 mm precipitation falls on the islands of Cuba, which at first glance does not cause tourist enthusiasm. Nevertheless, hundreds of thousands of people from different parts of the world come to Caribbean resorts just during these months.

In the pauses between the rains, it is possible to get into the sea and the ocean, get a chocolate tan, ride around the country, to try seafood and unprecedented fruits, pass the evening behind Rummy. Day heat, especially in August, is reduced by night to 23-24 ° C, which allows you to comfortably spend time in entertainment facilities.

In September-October, it is still hot, but the evenings are cooled (21 ° C). It rains to mid October poet.

November-December attract tourists velvet air and water temperature - 25 ° C. After the stuffing stool on the coast, it is easy to breathe, a long series of dry, sunny days is followed. Slightly annoying strong winds that have a high wave, but each hotel has large outdoor pools with cozy terraces.

January is the coldest. The thermometer can show on the north side in the Havana area, Varadero + 22 ° С. On the southern tip, for example, in Trinidad, holds the positive 26 °, the sea is cool only for a couple of divisions.

In February, as in the previous month, windy, relatively cool, not wet. In March, the weather is rebuilt on the hot season, the temperature gradually rises to 27 ° C, the occasion is raining.

Cuba resorts in the Caribbean are best in April:

  • there are no systematic rains;
  • passats are weaker;
  • heat does not prescribe;
  • sea water has warmed enough for swimming and sports entertainment;
  • bright spectacular festivals are held in the country.

May personifies the start of the rainy season, but the sediments are only short-term. They usually coincide with afternoon rest. Under the wall of the rainy droplets nice to dream, swaying in a hammock. In the afternoon, clouds are running out and again you can take sea baths 27-28 ° C.

Cuba resorts in the Caribbean Sea: Location and Description, Pros and Cons

Tourist article is one of the priorities in the economy of the republic, therefore, a lot of attention is paid to the rest infrastructure. 3-star bungalows and luxury hotels, Belopescane beaches and the purest azure water, the beauty of exotic nature, entertainment for every taste creates all the conditions for a comfortable vacation.

Causes the specific attractions of Cuba:

  • features of living in socialist strict;
  • architectural monuments of colonialism;
  • a huge network of catacombs;
  • rarity, but perfectly running cars.

Cuba resorts in the Caribbean were able to climbed to the global level of comfort thanks to the poor in the country's economic policy.

When socialist principles of public property management finally started Cuba in a stand of poverty, the government was forced to resolve private activities. Initiative, enterprising businessmen created a tropical paradise on the islands.


Varadero is one of the best resorts in the world in natural conditions.

It is 140 km from the capital of the Republic of Havana. Until the northern province of Matanzas from the airport 3 hours of the road, but a long-lasting move will be rewarded with an unforgettable meeting with the ocean coast of the Atlantic.

The combination of white thin sands on 20-kilometer beaches, piercing lazuries in the sea and the sky, bottom reefs with bright tropical inhabitants, the purest ecology turn vacation into the golden days of paradise bliss.


Varadero hotels set the tone of the entire hotel infrastructure of Cuba. They are erected on the carriage of 18 km long and a width of 700 m. To the beaches to feed your hand from anywhere. The sand strip is so spacious that they are not crowded.

Luxury hotels provide the most comfortable accommodation, a high level of service in the rooms and on the beach, exquisite pastime in luxury restaurants, nightclubs, on discos. Less star hotels compensate the modesty overnight stay a large list of services and fun entertainment.

1. Melia Internacional (5 stars) - A huge multi-storey complex on the first line. The distance from Gomez Airport is a little more than 24 km. Melia International has 18 restaurants, shops, hairdressers, parking for ordinary and wheelchains, sauna, bath, fitness, spa and business centers.

The terraces of prestigious rooms overlook the sea, the beach and the pool. Balconies on the other side of the enclosures look at the wide yard-park.

The rooms are required with the bathrooms, provided:

  • satellite TV;
  • air conditioning;
  • comfortable beds, desk, wardrobe;
  • telephone, paid internet;
  • mini bar;
  • safe;
  • coffee maker or kettle;
  • toilet and bath facilities, hair dryer.

Rooms are removed daily and serviced. Swedish or continental tables are covered in the morning. The rest is food - in restaurants with Japanese, Mediterranean, children's, dietary cuisine.

The bars serve various drinks, including the famous Cuban rum and ice mojito. Exchange currency directly at the hotel. Baggage is stored in a special room. There is a sportsman rental service, bicycles.

In addition to sea bathings, customers are engaged in windsurfing, snorkeling, diving, cycling, desktop and large tennis, golf, billiards, go on excursions. The tired body can be used by a manual massage in a special office or to get into the raging jacuzzi.

Complete day of funny evening programs, live music. The nightclub is open until the morning. Children are interested in time with animators, nanny. For them, a large game zone is arranged.

2 . Be Live Experience Las Morlas (3.5 stars) Deleted from the center of Varadero by 4.7 km.

The hotel offers:

  • air-conditioned rooms;
  • free breakfasts in the Swedish system;
  • appetizing menu in 3 restaurants and 4 bars;
  • large pool for adults and smaller for children;
  • terrace;
  • children's Club, game zone;
  • nyanya for kids, just a supervision and classes in children's circles;
  • free parking;
  • internet for a separate surcharge;
  • tennis court;
  • bus tours.

3. HOSTAL 5TA AVENIDADespite 2.5 stars, took care of air conditioners. The building has 2 bathrooms, toilets with free accessories. Breakfast is served daily. For self-cooking dinner and dinner, kitchen, dining area.

In the courtyard there is a terrace for relaxing in lounge chairs. On the registration rack, luggage and valuable things will be deposited, book tickets. Not far from the hostel is a clean beach, a large tropical park, a shopping center "8000 lockers".


In Varadero, tourists ride on a vessel with a transparent bottom "Varausub" or submarines, admiring the beauties of corals and fish. Divengists open the wealth of flora and fauna, communicate with friendly dolphins, descend into the underwater cave Cadiz bay, inspect a flooded rocket boat, an airplane, ancient frigate. Take the right immersion in 23 diving centers.

Parents and children attend cheerful ideas in the dolphinarium. Smart marine animals not only perform intricate tricks, but also riding the audience, allow themselves to stroke them, take a picture. For holidaymakers, led by Latin American dance, horse riding, tennis is organized. In the evenings, numerous cabaret mounted incendiary shows.


Interesting objects included in tourist routes:


Cuba resorts in the Caribbean are also small islands, which Cubans call Kayo - sandy shallow. Kayo-Coco (Oven with Coconuts) became the resort after the construction in the 80s. Xx in. Dams and roads connected the main oh. Cuba with other land sushi.

Instantly grown tourist complexes did not destroy the pristine nature, retained the atmosphere of remoteness from noise and bustle. There are no rare wildly secluded beaches with the same clean white sand as near hotels.


There is no multi-storey building on Cayo-Koko. Melia hotels 5 stars, Colonial for 4 stars or SOL 3 stars are equally similar to cozy oasis, in the center of which artificial lakes are pigeon, and not far away with all the shades of the Blue Caribbean Sea.


In the first place is the immersion in the reef thickets in the mask or with cylinders. Transparent water penetrated by the Sun creates an effect of aquarium populated by bright fish - parrots, yard, crumpled, angels. Coral acts in the form of oscillatory flowers move, as if blown by the wind.

For the bottom, lobsters are taking care with threatening spiny clamshes. Those who are not ready to dive are inviting for pleasure vessels with a transparent bottom. Exotic fishing in the sea, the ocean, lakes are very popular. Here he loved to fish by E. Hemingway, the famous writer. The abundance of fish, a variety of underwater livelihood will deliver both a hunting and gastronomic pleasure.

In a large park, Bayy de Naranho is fond of the performances of trained dolphins, sea seals with which you can swim. It will be remembered by a difficult trip to the tropical jungle under the supervision of an experienced conductor, horseback riding and in the crew, a disco in a rock cave. Active nightlife focuses on the next one. Kayo-Guillermo.


At the top of a high hill there are museum excavations Coppo de Maita. Tourists will learn the history of the ancient Indian settlements.


Little sandy sandpaper Guillermo served as a refuge with pink flamingos, small animals. Untouched ecology, clean smooth shores, the calm sea has become a decisive factor for laying road-dams and tourist buildings.

Hotels. On the island of 6 hotels of different price categories operating on the "All Included" system. 3 beaches are comfortable, the most visited - Playa Pilar.

Entertainment. Since about. Guillermo is close to Reef, vacationers are called on traditional yacht and underwater walks. Training centers During hotels, underwater orienteering is carried out, issuing aqualant certificates and the necessary gear. Experienced divers come to rush nerves with night dives, to participate in the shark shows.

Newbies have the opportunity to learn how to slip on the surf under the wing of the air snake, strengthen the muscles in the fitness halls. In the evening, the audience is going to colorful representations, discos.

Sights. Walking through the island opens the beauty of 15-meter white dunes, pink flocks of flamingos, evergreen mangrove kurturt. Tourists arrange excursions around the cities of Cuba.

Cayo Santa Maria

Island of St. Mary 13 km long is included in the Royal Gardens World Biosphere Reserve. On the bandwidth of only 2 km is a local village with shops, restaurants, bowling, spa.

The rest is the hotel area. The main island of Kayo-Santa Maria is connected by the 50th kilometers of a bulk road, crossing several resorts along the way. For swimming, 11 km of the northern shores are used with a more gentle entrance, soft white sand. Beaches municipal, but immaculately well-groomed.

Hotels. 6 of 8 hotels are the most luxurious, with acne staff, long list of service services, inclusive service system.

Entertainment. On Kayo-Santa Maria shipowners and instructors are always ready to organize exciting fishing, walks on the yachts, in all the rules of equipped diving. On the coast, a complete water sports program is available.

Sights. The tiny island can only be interested in the way and traditions of the local population. The general view of the country allows you to get excursions.


Sayo Largo is located in the center of the archipelago owned by Cuba. On the island of 28 x 3 km in size, hotels, restaurants. 29 km of the south side is assigned to the beaches. Small square left in pristine form to keep local birds, Iguan. Service staff comes from remote settlements.

All beaches are publicly available, about amenities every hotel cares in its sector. On the shore, a lot of restaurants, bars, water and entertainment points, some of which work only in the period of influxing tourists. Nudists are not forbidden to sunbathe and swim in secluded wild corners.

Hotels. Large and small hotels on the island abound. Capital buildings In the Mediterranean style alternate with ethnic houses on high piles, under the cane roof. Everywhere there are huge pools, lounge chairs in the shade of palm trees. The easiest room is a resort comfort, it is cool, a wide bed decorates a twisted Omar from towels.

Its real conifers and the freshest, skillfully cooked large shrimp, tropical fish can be tastefully registered in the hotel restaurants. The appetizing dishes of Creole cuisine are served. The only lack of island life is a low-speed Internet, despite the fee charged everywhere.

Entertainment. For submariners there is a rental of equipment, excursions to the sea fauna nature reserve, on a coral reef, as well as deep-sea fishing. Less extreme, but amazing sea walks will open the islands of Iguan, monkeys, the unique beauty of the tropical sunset.

The catamaran ship takes tourists to about. Pinos (HuvanTud) is a type of treasure island from the book of R. Stevenson. On Pinos, there are museums, a crocodile farm, the natural nature reserve of Los Indios, an ancient prison. Inexpensively fly to Havana on your own, tickets are sold right there on the hayo Largo.

Resorts of Olgin Province

An hour with a little on the plane from the capital and at the bottom there is a wide bay of NIPI, in which, as it is believed, the Christopher Columbus - the discoverer of America has moored.

Cubans proud of this fact set a monument to the great traveler. The coast relates to the agricultural province of Olgin. Here, just recently began to take rest, but the infrastructure of services managed to conquer hot fans.


Surrounded by colorful tropical nature, along the 40-kilometer strip of velvet white sand, cost hotels, villas, bungalows.

Guests can taste all the charms have a nice rest:

  • locating numbers to relax;
  • round and long as the river pools with fresh water;
  • designer planned pictorial gardens;
  • canceled nutrition;
  • first-class professional service in cosmetology, medical, massage, spa centers.


Tourists have the opportunity to choose swimming and all sorts of rides on the 41 beach. Guardlava, Playa-Peskero - Plots with an unusually beautiful bottom, natural coral installations who have chosen divers.

Playa Esmeralda (Emerald Beach) amazes saturated natural entourage - mountains, caves, rivers, waterfalls, sources, bright evergreen vegetation.

On the aqueous safari ride in Hague-Grande, where Lamp Laguna del Tsoreo is located. In a wide water area there are fish relics of Manhuari, big turtles, crocodiles. Who is not afraid of reptile proximity, visit crocodiles nursery nearby.


In the province of Olgin, several reserved parks:

  • the name of Humbold, where the unique flora grows, many parrots, hummingbirds, different lizards;
  • Bahia de Naranho, in the large oceanarium of which a collection of fish and underwater mammals was collected, a show with marine lions, quotes, dolphins are held;
  • La Mensura on a mining plateau 600 m high with tropical birds, butterflies;
  • Bariai, where the Indian village is exhibited, Spanish fortress.

For 458 steps you can repeat the thorny path of Brother Francisco on the loss-de-la cruz hill. At the end of the 18th century He lifted alone and installed a massive cross in the name of St. Helena. From the observation deck there is a panorama of the Atlantic Ocean, a mountain ridge, urban building.

Excursion routes on the provinces include:

  • san Isido Cathedral;
  • museums of history, archeology, natural sciences;
  • folklore village Taino.

Holidays, fairs that are interested in tourists from the other end of the world are often held in Olgin.


Cuba resorts in the Caribbean will not appear in all its glory without Havana. The capital spread out in the northeast of the Great Island near the Mexican Bay, the Azure Bays of San Lisaro and Havana. The resort zone begins in the east of the capital and stretches for 20 km of the surrounding area.

As in most major cities, bathing inside Havana is not the most attractive. You need to drive 15-20 minutes. Along the shore to get on the best Playa.

The total name of the white strip of coral sands - oriental beaches, but it is divided into dozens of sections:

Hotels. Hotels of all levels, hostels a lot in the capital itself and for her. In addition, inexpensive nights are offered private houses, hanging the "Arrendador Inscripto" sign. Havana hotels on the Eastern Playa have a free bus service. You can take rolling cars (models of the last century) or mopeds.

Entertainment. In the ocean waters around Havana over 700 species of tropical rocks and mollusks, so the scuba and fans of underwater fishing will not have to miss. Interesting objects are for divers - sunken centers, scenic rocks, grottoes.

In the metropolitan park them. Lenin teach riding basics. The stadiums often pass on baseball and boxing matches, cycling. To enjoy the tourists, the capital organizes colorful shows in the cabaret and in the open sky.

The wide network of restaurants provides the possibility of gourmet enrich the taste impressions of Kochin Krio - national cuisine with Spanish, Colombian, African dishes.

Sights. The most impressive places of Havana:

  • plaza de Armaas and them. Revolution;
  • bl. Prado;
  • ul. Obospo;
  • embankment Malecon;
  • de La Real Fuersa Castles, Tres-Reyes del Morro;
  • Cathedral;
  • Capitol;
  • big theater;
  • la Caban Fortress;
  • museums of revolution, Hemingway, Che Guevara.
  • memorial National Hero José Marty.

The resort holidays on the beaches of the Caribbean is not possible to interrupt a briefly to see the beautiful architecture of the Cuban capital, especially since the 900 historical objects of the colonial epoch are appreciated by UNESCO as a worldwide heritage.

The cost of tours to the resorts of Cuba

The rental price directly depends on the intensity of the flower stream. In the peak season, the average cost of the night - about $ 900. The season of rains and tourist clutches from May to October (except for Christmas and New Year) is noted by discounts up to 30-50%. Great benefits makes earlier reservation and acquisition of "burning" vouchers.

Tour operators can find these prices:

resort hotel * price with flight, rub.
Varadero. Melia Internacional 5 4 nights - from 89 016
Be Live Experience Las Morlas 3,5 7 days. 1 person. - 58 198.
Hostal 5ta Avenida. 2,5 7 days. 2 people - 16 826.
Islazul Dos Mares Pullman 2 11 night. - 60 700 (early booking)
Cayo Coco. Melia. 5 8 days - 71 276.
SOL. 3 8 days - 14 685.
Iberostar colonial 4 11 night. - 57,000

(burning tour)

Kayo Guillermo Islazul Villa Gregorio. 2 11 night. - 52 150 (burning tour)

The Golden Resort Time in the Caribbean Sea flies quickly, but the beauty and smells of tropical islands can be taken home in the form of famous Cuban cigars, selected coffee, strong Roma, marmalade from Guava fruits, as well as souvenir figures, long storing the aroma of exotic trees and bright color corals.

Article clearance: Svetlana Ovsynikov

Video about Cuba resorts

The most famous resorts of Cuba:


In the life of each tourist, this moment occurs when countries located in two or three hours of airfare cease to disturb the imagination. I want to leave them for later, "retirement", and break out of the continent, on the other side of the globe - in general, make a grand journey, and not just a trip. And when in the end, everything resumes the price of the issue, in most cases the preference is given to Cuba.

First, Cuba is the most affordable from the countries of the Western Hemisphere. Tourist post with this island state The tour operators have been firmly and reliably at the tour operators, since our compatriot does not require any visiting for visiting Cuba. Secondly, the Cuban climate provides tourists fully freedom from seasonal framework when planning a vacation: Even in January, the air is on average to 22 degrees. Thirdly, Cuba is undoubtedly a gastronomic and natural exotic, which guarantees vivid impressions and long memory. Well, how not to mention rum and cigars, the country of origin for which is a quality sign? Finally, a pleasant surprise for inexperienced travelers, weakly focusing in foreign languages, will be quite a large number of local residents who speak Russian: many citizens of this Socialist Republic at one time studied in the USSR.

So, it was decided, we fly to Cuba! It remains only to choose a specific resort. And this turns out to be the most difficult task, because the territory of the Cuban Republic is not limited to the island of the same name, and includes more than one and a half thousand small islands and coral reefs, which means that the choice will be extensive and folded. Let's deal with together than rich and the resorts of Cuba are rich and what is different among themselves.

We recommend book cheap flights to Cuba on sitesAviasales. Skyscanner.

Varadero is one of the largest resorts not only Cuba, but also the entire Caribbean. He is a couple of clock riding east from Havana and is located on the Uzeno Peninsula Ikakos. In general, Varadero is a face of Cuban tourism: the photos of this paradise, most often decorated with specialized booklets and advertising brochures. It is not easy to resist the image of white sand, a peaceful turquoise stroy and bowl palm trees, right? And this is not at all corrected by a professional designer picture, it is such a beauty that meets all travelers who choose Varadero to their place of rest.

By the way, Varadero Beach according to UNESCO is one of the cleanest in the world, and the coral reef reliably protects it from oceanic waves. Summer reigns here all year round - the January minimum almost never goes beyond 25 degrees, and August-September is characterized by the highest temperatures of water and air. Another remarkable climate feature of the peninsula is the abundance of sunny days: the thunderstorm clouds even in the rainy period for a long time over Varadero are not delayed. Already for this resort, we adore tourists who are enough here at any time of the year - numerous coastal hotels never suffer from the lack of guests.

Noisy and Ludilla Varadero is also a part of the tourist cuba - with the onset of darkness, vacationers smoothly moved to restaurants and discs, which are here in wealth and diversity. For example, you can visit the restaurant "Al Capone", located in the building, which in fact, at the beginning of the last century, served as the home of the famous mafiosis. Huge love of tourists enjoy a variety of Cabaret Varadero. Thus, in the cabaret "Pirates Cave" (La Cueva del Pirata) is always full of people: the institution is located in the real cave, once sheltered the real Pirates of the Caribbean Sea. Those who prefers the peaceful unity with nature, it is also possible to strongly recommend a ticket to Varadero: diving, fishing, a golf game is perfectly relaxed, and you can rent a motorcycle or scooter and go to explore the surrounding grots, caves and thick forests.

If Havana get a mig - a paradise country, a country that needs! Vladimir Mayakovsky, in the mid-1920s, admired the capital of Cuba, and after almost a hundred years she continues to admire everyone who came here on vacation. Being the largest city in the Caribbean Islands, Havana is ready to offer 100% full and saturated vacation every tourist.

First, Havana belongs to almost fifty kilometers of coastline, half of which are beautiful beaches. Sunbathing, bathing, water sports, diving - all this is guaranteed. By the Word of Diving: 12 kilometers from the capital there is Bakuranao Beach, widely known among lovers to dive with the mask that at the bottom of the sea, in the midst of the thickets of corals, there is a sunken ship.

Secondly, in the five hundred years Havana, so many attractions and museums, which will have to try to get around them all during the holidays. The old center of the city itself is one solid attraction and the UNESCO is guarded as part of the World Heritage: according to experts, only in the old Havana about 900 buildings and structures are historical and cultural value. It is worth visiting the Havan Capitol - externally, it is not much different from Washington. The most popular and lively street of the city is the Embankment Malecon: young people hang out here, on duty over their rods fishermen, and also pass through all carnival processions. In the evening, tourists flock to Malekone to admire the sunset. Urban fortification facilities (San Carlos de la Caban and Castillo El Morro fortresses), at one time restraining pirated raids, are also of great interest, since they are among the largest in Latin America. Hamingue House Museum, Roma Museum, Museum of Combating Illiteracy - Curious Guests Havana will spend on what to spend their time. In the suburbs of the resort, a large botanical garden with a Japanese corner inside, also in the vicinity of a lot of karst caves, so it would not be bored and lovers of nature.

We recommend booking excursions to Cuba on the site , and rent cars on sites Avis Hertz. Rentalcars.

Well, thirdly - for lovers of noisy nightlife: Havana, as it should be the largest city in the country, offers huge selection Restaurants, bars, clubs and cabaret.

This is the second after Varadero, the Cuban Resort - both in size and significance. But it is necessary to immediately designate that Olgin is considered to be a status resort: there is no hotel hotels below the "four" and vouchers in them cannot be called budget. Due to this tourists, the pond of the pride and the public is also appropriate. In other words, Olgin guarantees you a slow, measured and rich rest.

The beaches of the resort stretched along the northeast coast of the Atlantic Ocean by 40 kilometers. High-quality service and developed infrastructure waiting for tourists on each of the four dozen beaches. Playa Esmeralda (Emerald Beach), Guardalavaca and Playa-Peskero are considered the most popular.

Not far from Playa-Esmeralda more than five centuries ago, the ship of Christopher Columbus was moored, and I must say, the great navigator did not lose the parking lot: Nature here still overbursts the breath with its beauty. A powerful system of sputtering palm trees will approach completely close to emerald water by discarding a thick shadow on a snow-white small sand - on such a beach it is worth visiting at least once in life. In general, nature here tried to glory - caves and rivers, mountains and waterfalls, mud sources and a whole coral reef nearby!

Another gem in Diadem Olgin - Guardalavaca Beach. The translation of his name into Russian is not very poetic - "looking at cows", but do not hurry to frighten up, there are no cows here. So the Cubans call the Egyptian heron, which nests in these places. In addition to the paradise terrestrial beauties, Guardalavaca is famous for both underwater: the nearby coral reef descends on the bottom of the terraces, on which the variety is represented as a flora and fauna, so diving here is removed.

Playa-Ponkero is the youngest of the beaches of Olgin. Hotels here are a bit, so this quiet corner come to rest in the main family.

If we talk about outstanding entertainment, then in the vicinity of the resort is the largest waterfall on the island - Guayaabo. Lovers of history and archeology will remember the excursion to Banz and his museum with a rich exposition various items Byet of the Caribbean Indians, children will gladly spend the day in dolphinariums, and adults will participate in the jeep safari.

We recommend compare prices for hotels in Havana, Varadero and other seats Cuba on sites Hotels Expedia Ostrovok.


30 kilometers from the northern shores of Cuban Province of Siego de Avila, the chain of Islands Hardine-del Rey, the most famous and large of which, perhaps, is Cayo-Coco. In the late 1980s, the construction of a bulk road was over, which was tied by Cuba with Cayo-Coco, so now to get to this island can be grounded.

True, the construction of the dam was accompanied by the turbulent protests and concerns of the natural cakes: Kayo-Coco, along with the little Cayo-Guillermo, with whom they are connected naturally, are a unique ecosystem and are under the protection of the state as a natural reserve. Here, paradise not only for people, but also, for example, for birds - more than two hundred species of birds nest on this island. One of them is a white Ibis, which is called the bird of coconuts (Coco) - and gave the name of the island. And the pink flamingos live here! The neighborhood of such a unique fauna and highly developed civilization is impossible, so there are no restaurants, noisy nightclubs on Kayo-Koko, big stores - Only a few self-sufficient hotel complexes that are enjoying vast tourist demand.

The overall length of the beach line is 26 kilometers. Nearby coral reefs reliably protect the coast from strong waves, and also create excellent diving conditions.

Cayo Santa Maria

Along with Kayo-Coco and Kayo-Guillermo, there is another tip of the Royal Islands group (Hardness-del Rey) - Kayo-Santa Maria. He is completely baby: 13 kilometers in length and 2 - in width. You can get to it by all the same man-made track from the island of Cuba, and from other islands - sail on the yacht or catamaran. From the eleven kilometers of the sandy coast of Cayo-Santa Maria half is occupied by hotels and their infrastructure, the rest of the coastal space is wild beaches, where there are few tourists. You can get to them on a rental scooter or bike, but be careful: ordinary sand paths serve on the island roads.

For local beaches, a gentle entrance to the water is characterized, which, however, quickly ends, so parents should not leave children to frolic in water unattended. Unlike neighboring island resorts, Kayo-Santa Maria is not protected from the winds of the Atlantic, so the excitement of the sea here, to the joy of surfers, stable and often strong.

Despite the fact that Kayo-Santa Maria - the resort is still young against the background of the neighbors and is also very modest in size, there is anything to have fun here. On the island there is a tourist village of Pueblo-la-Estrell, in which everything that only can interest visitors are concentrated: shops and restaurants, bars and clubs, souvenir shops and spa salons. Special minibuses are constantly running between hotels and a village for maximum convenience of tourists. Among other entertainment accessible to the resting on Kayo-Santa Maria, it is necessary to recommend visiting the fishing village of Kaibaryen, where you can treat the fresh catch, to get acquainted with the fishing lot and even ascene on marine fishing with local residents, and the town of Rememedios with excellent colonial architecture.


This resort Island, once the former pirate chapter, is on the other side of Cuba - at its southwestern shores. Also having a rather modest size, Cayo-Largo has its own airport and an excellent car expense, combining all local hotels among themselves. Which is here, by the way, quite a few. This is a purely tourist island, the local population is not here - only a small zone for hotel workers.

The most popular resort beach is a five-kilometer Playa Lindamar, and the most secluded - Punta Mal-Tempo, on which not to find the slightest imprint of civilization. On the Western Beach Island (Playa Tortuga, Playa-Los Cocos) periodically can be observed Pelicans, large turtles and iguan, and in general you can take advantage of the excursion offer and go to Kayo-Iguana Island, on which exotic lizards are found in large quantities. Also on Kayo-Largo you will be offered to do various types of water sports, diving, snorkeling, fishing and other joys of island tourism.

Active tourists who do not stand long lying on the beach are worth going to Matanasas - the administrative center of the province of the same name, which includes Varadero. Matanasas is a major cultural center of Cuba and offers its guests a lot of new interesting knowledge and impressions of the still unfamiliar country.

In the city you will find many museums and architectural attractions, among which, first of all, it is worth mentioning bridges. Often, Matanasas is honored with comparisons with Venice: the San Juan river flowing through the city of the River and Yumuri is framed by almost two dozens of original bridges. The most curious tourist objects here are castles of Castillo del Morillo and San Severino, historical, theater and pharmaceutical museums and made from the stone fresco of Che Guevara.

In five kilometers from the city, Beliamar is a unique cave, accidentally found by the shepherds of just a half century ago. Fancy stalactites, overflowing crystals, resembling stars seemed to superstitious Aboriginals too beautiful to be created without devilish participation, and therefore, the Beliamar had forgotten a hundred years, and only in the middle of the 20th century, researchers were interested in it, and subsequently built it to the status of sights. In these parts it is necessary to visit another incredible cave - Saturno. Visitors are allowed to swim with a mask in a cool underground lake with fresh water, in which shrimp and blind fish are found. Experienced scuba dignity will appreciate the fish cave, which is in the bay of pigs. Since the underground lake is very deep here, novice divers are better not to risk and admire the natural wealth from the shore.

On the territory of the province of Matanasas there are several curious natural reserves - Laguna de Maya with a marsh ecosystem, Leon with the endemic of Melokactus, a large National Park of Montamar. Reaching the Sapata Peninsula, it is worth a visit to the village of Alda Tain, which is the reconstruction of Indian life, and a huge crocodile farm.

Santiago de Cuba

This second most important city of Cuba is located at the very south of the island, in the Bay of the same name, and first of all is known for the whole world by the annual carnival, which takes place here in July since the 17th century. But this does not mean that during the remaining months there is nothing to watch and hotels in Santiago de Cuba and its surroundings there are many historical and cultural and natural attractions.

The Bay Beach is considered to be Playa-Sibona - a very picturesque place where not only tourists love to relax, but also indigenous people. The coral reef and a local diving center and a local diving center guarantee tourists fascinating and cognitive leisure.

Nature did not sentence him and Santiago de Cuba. National Park Bakonao is located near the city, which is listed in the list of protected UNESCO objects. Especially remember Visit to the Park Children: there is a prehistoric valley with sculptures of more than two hundred extinct animals of the Paleolithic times, and an aquarium with a glass submarine tunnel, from which the life of the Caribbean can be observed. Another National Park - Pico-Turkino - is waiting for lovers to climb higher: on its territory is the highest point of the republic - Mountain Turkino height of 1972 meters. At her top was Fidel Castro's headquarters, and now the Museum. Another reserve, Park Gran Piedro, was noted in the Guinness Book of Records Thanks to a huge monolithic rock - the third in the world in size.

The miracle of fortification is the fortress of San Pedro de la-rock, which coped with multiple pirate raids with honor - is the pride of the city and a curious object for studying. Presenting a Spanish colonial architecture, it is protected by UNESCO. Inside the fortress is the Museum of Piracy. Among other man-made sights, tourists stand out the street ladder Padre Pico, the Cemetery of Santa Iphigenia, the Square of the Revolution, Fidel Castro and the Carnival Museum.

On the south-west coast of Cuba, the city of Sienfuegos is located in the depths of the beautiful bay, which is often referred to as the southern pearl of the country. This resort is very attractive not only geographical positionbut also very comfortable climatic conditions for recreation. The first and best that you can do here is to do diving. A number of modern dive centers, several dozen dive points on the impressive size of the water area are all at the disposal of tourists. Along the entire coast, the coral reef stretches, "responding" for a variety of underwater flora and fauna, there will be here and covered with seashells of the cozen of sunken ships, as well as ... Notre Dame! Yes, you did not hear: Nature - the builder is no worse than a person - created his coral masterpiece in the waters of the Caribbean sea, very similar to the Cathedral with Viktor Hugo.

Underwater charms natural creations are not exhausted in this region. In the vicinity of the resort, in the Eskumbrey Mountainside, there are healing thermal sources of Siego Montero and the waterfalls of El Nicho, and even further, in the direction of Trinidad, one of the most famous Cuba caves - Martin-Infierno is located. Here you will see one of the largest stalagmites in the world (its height is more than 62 meters), as well as the colony of the smallest on this planet of the bats, which are called "butterflies".

If you are resolutely configured to relax passively, then go to the ranch of the moon - the most beautiful and clean beach of the resort, washed by calm waves, or Guahimyko is the most picturesque beach, located near the place of invequeant to the Caribbean Sea of \u200b\u200bthe La Hutia River and surrounded by mountains. To all of the above, it remains to add the fact that Sienfuegos is recognized by UNESCO with an outstanding model of Latin American urban planning and therefore brought under the protection of the UN. And this means that in the city itself there is a lot of unique and interesting places - the central square, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the Tomas Terry Theater, Hosé Marti Park, Paseo del Prado, Palace, Valier, Quarter with Multicolored Punta Gorda Houses and Fortress Castillo de Hagua.

Trinidad is called the open-air museum, consider the most beautiful city of Cuba and compared from the machine time: in both Americas there is no other place, so well preserved its colonial appearance. A whole century of its history Trinidad spent in isolation from the rest of the island, which helped to preserve the brushed streets and houses built back at the end of the 17th century! Of course, without the auspices, UNESCO did not cost it here, and the preservation of the historical appearance of the city has been spelled out for more than half a century in local legislation. Square, palaces, churches, bell tower, towers, museums - Does it make sense to list in detail the sights of Trinidad if even a welcome sign at the entrance to the city?

Being at the same time the resort, Trinidad is rightfully proud of both its beaches. At 12 kilometers south of the city, the six-kilometer Kosa Ancon, at which Playa Ancon and Playa Maria-Aguilar are located, which have a reputation as the best on the whole southern coast of Cuba. There are also two luxurious diving places - Casilde Bay and Cayo-Blanco Island. Underwater landscapes here are extremely picturesque: grottoes, tunnels and caves, species manifold of corals, abundance of fish.

The twelve kilometers of the Nordic Trinidad, in the Mountain Arrays of Escambray, begins the Topes de Coliance National Park, which is replete with mountain rivers and waterfalls, canyons and grotts, hills and caves, orchids and ferns. Coffee plantations also spread here, through which one of the most popular tourist trail leading to the 62-meter Kaburoi Falls.

Another nature Park, El Cubano, is located quite close to the city, just five kilometers from the center. There is also a river and waterfall, many rare plant species. In El Cubano, you can ride horses, walk with ecoexkurstia and even stay with a tent in campsite.

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Many Cuba is associated primarily with its capital - Havana. And indeed, there is something to see and create all the conditions for a comfortable and fascinating rest. Havana It is considered one of the most popular resorts of the country, attracting thousands of tourists from all over the world annually.

After all, here you can not only soar on the warm sand under the affectionate sun, but also to get acquainted with the magnificent local attractions. The capital of Cuba is widely known not only due to its soft climate and inexpensive rest. It provides its guests with the opportunity to admire the beautiful colonial architecture, to see with their own eyes working and traveling cars around the city, as well as enjoy local cuisine. In addition, in Havana there are largest underwater centers in the region, stretching several tens of kilometers along the coast of the ocean, a huge number of entertainment centers, green zones for horseback, hiking and cycling, sports sites. Thus, Havana is ideal for those who are used to actively spending their holidays, combine the beach on the beach with the knowledge of the culture and history of the country.

Another very popular among tourists resort is considered Varadero.Located in the north-west of Cuba 150 km from Havana. It should be noted that this place is a real paradise for lovers of precisely beach holidays, because the snow-white beaches of Varadero are considered one of the best all over the world. There are many diving centers, beach entertainment, as well as enough clubs and restaurants. We can say that this place is suitable for resting the whole family. Here you can easily find a lesson in the shower - play golf or beach volleyball, sick or swim in a boat with a transparent bottom, admiring the life of the underwater world, to go to the presentation in the nearby Dolphinarium or visit the natural park, whose pride is not only huge cactuses, but And the ancient caves with weak drawings. The only thing that should be noted is that active people who are accustomed to the permanent movement, the lives of a big city and shopping hikes, walking through the streets, may not have enough speakers. This is primarily a resort designed for rest of the soul and body.

The second largest city in the country is Santiago de CubaThe resort, known for its active nightlife and beautiful colonial architecture and historical heritage. Here you can easily combine pleasant with useful - during the day to get acquainted with local charm and color, and at night enjoy the entertainment offered by numerous clubs and discos. It is interesting here can be climbing lovers, because near the city there is a Sierra Maestra National Park, where you can climb Turkino peak, the highest point of Cuba.

Speaking about rest in Cuba, it is impossible not to mark and calm, respectable resort Olgin, Ideally suitable for resting the whole family. It is here that you can find the most elegant and quoted hotels, the best beaches, as well as - delightful nature, waterfalls, natural sources and healing dirt. Not far from the city, in the Natural Park, Bayy de Naranho, you can surrender to yacht sports, and in the neighboring town of Hibara enjoy the sophisticated dishes of Cuban cuisine.

If you want something completely unusual, you can go on one of the islands of Cuba. So, north of Cuba lie small islands Hardine-del Rey (royal gardens), among which the most famous and popular among tourists are Cayo-Coco and Kayo-Guillermo. They are connected with Cuba bulk road and attract every year a large number of travelers thanks to good beaches, as well as practically untouched nature. Of course, someone may seem a bit boring here, but for those who wanted to enjoy the world, its magnificence and power, and to be alone with themselves - the place is excellent.

Another, no less interesting and original island is Kayo LargoLocated in the south-east of the Kanarian archipelago (approximately 80 kilometers from Cuba Island) and offering its guests snow-white beaches, gentle sea, mangrove groves and brown vegetation. This island is interesting primarily for diving lovers, which will introduce divers with rarest species Caribbean corals. In addition, here, as anywhere else, you can feel alone with nature, cut off from the outside world, take a break from the rustling surrounding in the usual life. Feelings arising during a walk through a picturesque deserted beach, lost among the ocean, indescribable. Hotels here are a bit, they all stretched out the six-kilometer stripe along the coastline, however, the conditions in them are fairly decent, and the airport is only 20 minutes away.

Cuba is a burning mixture of a tropical caring sun and incendiary Latin American dances. Cuba resorts are famous for their snow-white sandy beaches, transparent water, countless coral reefs and incredible beauty by nature. The journey here attracts with its interesting excursions and gives stunning impressions of all sorts of festivals and festive events. Cuba resorts to tourists offer a high level of service, while fairly low prices for vouchers. Under these conditions, the rest here will seem to be a paradise!

Santiago de Cuba

This is the second value and size of the city of Cuba, on the one hand surrounded by cliffs, on the other - the sea. Arriving here, you will fall on the revolutionary land, since this city is the cradle of the Cuban Revolution. This is the only settlement of the country that received the status of the city-hero. This can not be surprised because Santiago marked very brightly in the history and culture of Cuba. Almost all liberation and political movements in the history of the country originated here.

The main resorts of Cuba: Kayo Santa Maria

Also the main city of the province is called the "City of Square". Here saturated cultural life in May, especially during the May Fair, as well as in October, when the day of Ibero-American culture is celebrated. In this place, excellent nature, hotels with a wide range of services and first-class service. Also in this province is Banz, which is considered the archaeological capital of the country. On the territory there are also forests and hills with sharp vertices and steep slopes.


Clean and small island on which pink flamingos are found. Here is a stunning beauty sunsets, snow-white spacious beaches and an incredibly clean sea. In Kayo-Guillermo there are three beaches that are washed by a calm sea. Particularly interesting picturesque Playa Pilar.

The main part of the territory is the ground without signs of the destructive effects of civilization, covered with palm groves and mangrove thickets. Under the cover of greenery hide shrubbing birds, among them a kakuba, which is the pearl of the fauna of Cuba. A major population of pink flamingos lives at Kayo-Guillermo.


This is the 4th largest island of the country. It is located opposite the northern shore of Siego de Avila. Here is almost not affected by man and rich nature that can give you only the resorts of Cuba, which you will find in this article. Kayo-Koko is a carefully protected reserve. There are about 26 km of beaches, among which the coasts are protected by the curved line - Las Colorados, Los Flamenkos and La Haul. These places are suitable for water tourism.

This is a real tropical island, located in the Atlantic Ocean: warm transparent sea, snow-white beaches, amazingly beautiful diving - Here the coral reef extends almost 30 km; Pink flamingos, which constantly live on the island, hummingbirds and parrots; Real Cuban Cigars and Rum; Ignitioning meringue and salsa, and the main one is a special atmosphere of an endless holiday. In addition to the beaches of coral origin, there are amazing conditions for fishing, diving and other types of water sports.


This is the tourist center of Cuba, as well as a picturesque city with many first-class restaurants, clubs and hotels. It is the most famous resort of the entire Western Hemisphere. Located on the Ikakos Peninsula, on the northern coast of the province of Matansas, 2 hours from Havana. Here life is boil around the clock. The day of tourists expects crystal water, sandy beaches, and seekers of real adventures - deep-sea fishing, yacht walks, as well as excursions to different exotic corners of the country. In the evening, restaurants, discos and nightclubs are waiting for you, which is famous for Varadero.

This is not only a gorgeous nature, it is also the most attractive conditions for recreation, which can only be provided by the resorts of Cuba: swimming pools, 23 diving center, aeroklub, golf course, safaris, helicopters, bathing with dolphins, equestrian sports, caves, various Yachts, boats, paragliding, scooters, etc. Skydiving fans in Varadero come to take a jump from 4000 m.


This is one of the oldest and preserved best cities of such a country as Cuba. The resorts of the Caribbean as a whole can boast a huge number of attractions, and this one - especially. Trinidad time as if did not affect. Due to historical relics, it is also called the "Caribbean Museum". In 1988, this city was recognized as a city-monument.

In this place they grow the best coffee on the island - soil rich in quartz, and smooth temperatures are creating wonders: Montanas de Cristal is a variety that is above all silence. If you are interested in the resorts of Cuba in the Caribbean, then we can say that this one is one of the best. The service is perfectly developed, the service is striking the hospitality of local residents and please amazingly clean beaches.

To make sure that Trinidad is a monument city, you can just walk along its bridge, paved stone. You will appreciate all the greatness of the city architecture. Residences and palaces, churches and small residential buildings The resort will allow the past to see from the present. You can imagine yourself in the colonial period when the slave traders have their own "goods" fiber through the streets in chains, the jugs were sold drinking water, in the nose, at the same time, the smell of fish, which was lying here everywhere. Near some buildings, the cannons, fortified in the ground, are preserved - here the owners defended their homes from the carriage with large wheels passing by.


Considering the resorts of Cuba, it is impossible not to mark the capital. This city has been almost 500 years old. The architecture of the period of Spanish colonial domination here is adjacent to the ultra-modern skyscrapers made of glass and concrete.

In the title of the Cuban capital there is something magical. In addition, Havana seems to be here for the first time, preserved after the war or hurricane. But to the tilted buildings, the bumpy streets and the shabby walls are getting used to get enough quickly, because they entered into them the charm of the old Havana. An incredibly bright city in which you can always do something - ride on Biuika, go through the Malecon embankment, admire the Capitol.


This is a quiet and peaceful Cuban island, as if created in order to sunbathe, swim and admire stunning landscapes. If the sun is tired, then you can always hide in the shadow of the royal palm tree. Here is only one building for tourists - the Royal Hideaway Hotel.

Of particular interest is the nature of the island - the main part of the fauna and flora representatives is endemics, in other words, in the world anywhere else these plants, animals and insects are not found. Although for nature lovers it is especially important that there are no dangerous and poisonous animals for humans.

Cuba resorts: tourist reviews

You can immediately make a reservation. negative feedback Tourists about holidays are almost impossible here. Many admire the amazing sand and incredible pure water, pleases the quality of the service of local hotels, others affect the unique nature of the island, the third come delight from the monuments of the story that there is a huge amount. Everyone has their own cube, but everyone she inspires.

If you want to evaluate all the magic of nature and know the secrets of this amazing country, it doesn't matter at all, you will choose the popular resorts of Cuba or quiet little-known corners. Literally in every blow of the wind and in every stone will feel the spirit of the island. And here at least once, you will feel how you begin to change, becoming so richer spiritually and cleaner as possible only in Cuba!

Beach holidays on the sea in Cuba: tour operators, tours and prices. Travels on the beach holiday on the sea resorts of Cuba. All about beach holidays: last minute tours, hotels, reviews and tips - where to go and where to relax.

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The legendary Freedom Island is involuntarily associated with Havanque cigars, an elite rum, clockworky Latin rhythms and brave vertexes of the socialist revolution. But entourage entourage, but in practice there are much more value of the country's natural treasures, climate and other conventions that directly affect the quality of rest. Good and with this on the island of order. Moreover, Cuba has hardly non-reference conditions for a beach holiday.

All Beaches Cuba, with the exception of those belong to hotels, are in municipal property. For visiting the beaches, no fee is charged, and even sun beds and umbrellas can be used for free.

The success formula of tourist Cuba is very uncomplicated: visa-free regime, loyal prices, beautiful natureAnd for residents of the post-Soviet space, perhaps, also some friendly intimacy. However, the beach holiday in Cuba is popular not only among our compatriots, which once again confirms its true level. In fact, Cuban beaches may well compete with the best world resorts and beauty, and clean. By the way, the most popular Island Beach - Varadero - according to UNESCO, was also the cleanest in the world.

All Beaches Cuba, with the exception of those belong to hotels, are in municipal property. For visiting the beaches, no fee is charged, and even sun beds and umbrellas can be used for free. By the way, for locals, the situation looks somewhat different: especially popular resort zones for some reason are not available.

Coastal waters of Cuba are incredibly clean and transparent. Under normal conditions, visibility zone under water reaches 60 m. It opens up stunning opportunities for diving and underwater photography.

The north coast of the island is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Here, on the narrow edge of the sandy coast, the most popular beach areas of Cuba are collected. Luxury Varadero, for example, personifies the true resort rest style. Dozens of high-class hotels, restaurants and boutiques are adjacent to it. But the Beach Area Guanabo in this sense is a little simpler: there are no hotels here, and beach houses are offered as a housing. The wildest beach of the northern coast was glad Kayo-Leviz. There is no civilization here in principle, and you can only get to the beach on the boat. Actually, his main charm lies in privacy and, of course, virgin natural beauty.

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On the opposite bank of Cuba in the Warm Waves of the Caribbean Sea, no less wonderful beaches of Ancon and Maria Aguilar beaches. In addition to all the benefits of the tourist infrastructure, several dozen diving centers are based here. The beauty of the underwater world of the Caribbean and is really difficult to compare with something, but here, on the southern coast of Cuba, it probably reaches apogee.

The only place in Cuba, where there is not a single state beach, is located on the island of Kai-Largo. Here all the sandy areas of sushi with access to the sea are divided between hotels. The benefit of special control over the beaches is not being conducted, and the umbrella is not rebeling to the "alien" umbrella. But on this island there is the most famous Cuban restaurant The Ranchons. Ranking, sea delicacies for all island are preparing here.

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