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Holidays in Liguria. The best beaches in Liguria

In geographic coordinates, it is located in the northern part of Italy, bordering the French Mediterranean coast. Among experienced connoisseurs of Italian beaches, this part of the land is called Liguria, and the coast, which is washed by the Ligurian Sea (the Mediterranean inland sea), has a similar name - the Ligurian, or Riviera. In fact, the Riviera (the coast of the Ligurian Sea) has two "owners" - France and Italy. The French called their popular beach area very melodic - the Cote d'Azur (fr. Côte d "Azur), its most famous resort towns of Nice, Cannes, the Principality of Monaco - neighbors of the Ligurian coast of Italy, they are almost nearby, but a little to the west.

Unlike the French, the Italians divided their Ligurian coast into several Rivieras: the western part is called the Riviera di Ponente (Italian: Riviera di Ponente), the eastern part is the Riviera di Levante (Italian: Riviera di Levante), and together they make up Italian Riviera. In turn, within the boundaries of the eastern (Riviera di Ponente), two more segments were allocated: the so-called Palm Riviera (Riviera delle Palme) - the coast with the center in the city of Savona, and the other part of the eastern Riviera with the center in San Remo received more a more attractive name is the Flower Riviera (Riviera dei Fiori), in honor of the floriculture industry that has long flourished in these parts.

So the locals found a very accurate name for the local beauties, because the Flower Riviera is a riot of bright colors and juicy greens nature, surrounded by warm sea. Arriving on the Ligurian coast, you will plunge into the fragrance of rosemary, mint, citronella and thyme, you will find yourself in a small earthly paradise, filled with the sound of the waves and the breeze rustling in the date, palm and lemon trees.


We note right away that the weather in Liguria for almost the entire beach season is very warm, mild, strong winds it doesn’t happen here, except that gentle breezes will sometimes refresh your face ... such a climatic phenomenon in the northern region of the country is provided by the mountainous Alpine ridges and peaks of the Apennines - natural barriers that completely isolated the cozy Ligurian resorts on the coast from piercing northern winds.

The high season usually starts as early as May and ends on the Ligurian coast in October. Temperature indicators of air fluctuate within + 22 + 28 C, water - + 20 + 27 C. Since the mountains approach almost the sea itself, the beaches have very steep shores, they are not wide at all, covered with white stone pebbles and sand.

The best resorts of the Ligurian coast


Alassio (ital. Alassio) - is located in the bay of Genoa, in the heart of the Ligurian coast. A very elegant secular beach and health resort (climatic conditions allow you to improve the health of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs).

San Remo

Sanremo (Italian Sanremo) is the most popular Ligurian resort among pop music lovers; since 1951, variety festivals have been held here annually. In the last century, San Remo was a favorite resort of the Russian elite, at one time Empress Maria Feodorovna (born in Denmark), the mother of the latter, rested here Russian emperor, and Alexandra Feodorovna (born in Germany), wife of Emperor Nicholas II. In memory of the Russians, the city got the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which the locals call very simply - Chiesa Russa. The fashionable resort is loved for well-groomed sand and pebble beaches. By the way, Alfred Nobel was also impressed by San Remo, he decided to settle here and bought a beautiful villa by the sea...

Diano Marina

Diano Marina (Italian: Diano Marina) - a respectable resort town with a population of only 6.5 thousand people, was rebuilt after the devastating earthquake of 1887. Located beach resort between elegant Alassio and fashionable Sanremo, about 50 km from the French border and an hour's drive from Genoa. Diano Marina is one of the most attractive pearls of the Ligurian (Flower) Riviera, one of its most visited resorts, ranking third in terms of the number of tourists in Liguria.

San Lorenzo al Mare

San Lorenzo al Mare (Italian San Lorenzo al Mare), only 1.4 thousand people live in the commune, but they all have a powerful patron, St. Lorenzo (Italian San Lorenzo). The town is very much appreciated by yachtsmen for ideal conditions for mooring and recreation, connoisseurs beach holiday- for clean pebble-sand beaches, volleyball and basketball fields near the coast, tennis courts, diving centers and excellent bike paths.

Cinque Terre

The Cinque Terre (Italian Cinque Terre), another name for the Cinque Terre, is the famous national park of Italy, it includes the most popular professional photographers man-made terraces, as well as five small coastal settlements along the coast of the Gulf of Genoa (province of La Spezia, part of the Eastern Riviera (Riviera di Levante) - Riviera of Spice):

  • Monterosso al Mare (Italian Monterosso al Mare) - 1.5 thousand inhabitants
  • Vernazza (ital. Vernazza) - 0.9 thousand inhabitants
  • Corniglia (Italian Corniglia) - 245 inhabitants
  • Manarola (Italian Manarola) - 353 inhabitants
  • Riomaggiore (Italian Riomaggiore) - 1.7 thousand inhabitants

By the way, the villages of Manarola and Riomaggiore are connected by a romantic hiking trail about 1 km long, the Road of Love.

The beaches in the Cinque Terre consist of either stone or pebbles. Only in Monterosso there is a sandy patch of coast for sunbathing.


Portofino (Italian Portofino), as it was called by the ancient Romans (in the lane from Italian - Port of the Dolphins) is a resort town, a corner of glamor, in which about 500 people live. Frank Sinatra, Elizabeth Taylor, Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve often attended secular parties here, and the queen of pop music, Madonna, who has Italian roots on her paternal side, annually celebrates her birthday at the resort (August 16). The port of the resort has become a favorite mooring place for luxury yachts. Serious sporting events are often held on the territory of Portofino and its environs (sea rowing tournaments, sailing regattas, diving competitions). And in Portofino on such days secular parties (parties) are held, especially often this happens during periods of major international sailing regattas.

The beaches of Portofino are small rocky coves in a beautiful frame of rocks approaching the water.

Santa Margherita Ligure

Santa Margherita Ligure (Italian: Santa Margherita Ligure), a resort town near Genoa, 35 km from it. It is located on the Ligurian Riviera Levante, in the eastern part of Cape Portofino, near the deepest part of the Gulf of Tigulio. Santa Margherita is home to approx. 10 thousand people The beaches of the resort are small in size, covered with pebbles or have rocky slopes into the water.


Levanto (Italian Levanto) - is located at a distance of 60 km from Genoa, very close to the Cinque Terre. The resort is quite young, permanent residents - about 6 thousand people, the tourist infrastructure began to develop in the 70s. of the last century, and today hotels have already found their admirers, and the coast - connoisseurs of beach holidays. Getting here is quite easy: railway. the highway between Genoa and Pisa, on which trains run every hour, passes through Levanto. The best beaches the town is sandy and pebbly-sandy, the entrance to the water is gentle and convenient.

Best Places holidays in Italy: 1.

There are many picturesque corners in Italy, but the Ligurian Sea coast will amaze even experienced travelers with its beauty. Small Liguria region, located below Piedmont on the border with France, stretched along the coast of the Ligurian Sea, which is part of the Mediterranean. Chief and most famous city Liguria - Genoa. On both sides of it stretches the Ligurian, or Italian Riviera. Small, cozy towns with a thousand-year history, immersed in flowers, are the Mecca of vacationers from all over Europe. We offer you a story about the most interesting local resorts.

Ask Italians where they go on holiday in the summer. Most of them will answer: "On the Italian Riviera." It's called the coast Ligurian Sea located in the west of the country. This God-blessed part of Italy is part of the Liguria region. The length of the Ligurian Riviera is 300 km. Naturally, here you can find many amazing, picturesque towns worthy of the attention of travelers. Even their names sound like a melody: San Remo, Alassio, Portofino, Monterosso… Some of them are world-class resorts.

The capital of the Liguria region is the port Genoa. The Riviera is quite officially divided into two parts, and the demarcation passes just along the city of Genoa. In the direction of France, the Riviera di Ponente stretches, which is characterized by luxurious many kilometers of sandy beaches, where there is never crowding, open spaces, the absence of bays and rocky heaps.

Most interesting resorts Riviera di Ponente is San Remo with its song festival and flowering streets, Alassio, the famous boulevard autographed by famous visitors, Savona, after which the region is named, and Empire, consisting of two historical districts. On the other side of Genoa is the Riviera di Levante. It is famous for its cozy coves and miniature beaches hidden from prying eyes. This part of the coast is just dotted with neat little towns. Among the most famous local resorts are Portofino with the mighty castle of San Giorgio, Camogli, which translates as "House of Wives", which is associated with the legend of the wives of sailors who patiently waited for their husbands on the shore, two ancient Roman towns Santa Margherita Ligure And Rapallo, "five-land" Cinque Terre, about the five resorts of which you can talk for hours, and La Spezia with an old church dedicated to St. Mary of Assunta, where paintings by famous artists are kept.

Empire: two cities united into one

You can start your acquaintance with Liguria from the small town of Imperia, which consists of two historical districts that were once independent villages: Oneglia And Porto Maurizio. They are separated by a river, which gave the name to this resort. On the east bank of the river is Oneglia, where factories and factories producing food are concentrated. Interestingly, olive oil has been made here since the 12th century. You can look at the historical workshops, learn about the process of creating a product so popular in Italy, and throughout the world, in the museum dedicated to olive oil. This is a private museum, owned by the Carly family and has been operating since 1911. There are also tourist attractions in Oneglia, among which the Doria Palace, the family home of Admiral Andrea Doria, is worth noting. Among the sacred buildings of the city stands out the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, built in the 18th century and known for its bright stained-glass windows and skillful frescoes. In no case should you miss a visit to the White Villa, surrounded by a fragrant garden with exotic plants. This mansion, better known as Villa Grock, was built by the famous clown Grock. Today, the villa houses the Clown Museum.

Part of the city called Porto Maurizio is to the west. As in Oneglia, it has its own historical quarters, its own train station, port and even a cathedral. The local Cathedral of St. Mauritius is considered the largest temple in the Liguria region. It began to be built in 1781, and was completed only 57 years later. The cathedral, built in the neoclassical style, is very magnificently decorated: here you can see works of sacred art dating back to the 19th century. Other important tourist sites in Porto Maurizio include the International Maritime Museum, founded in the second half of the 20th century. It will be of interest not only to those who are seriously interested in the history of shipbuilding, but also to all representatives of the stronger sex.

However, the main attraction of the city of Imperia is the famous Golden Beach with white sand.

Savona: originally from the Bronze Age

When visiting the cities of Italy, over time you get used to their venerable age and you are no longer surprised by anything. But meet in this country settlements, the date of formation of which is shocking. For example, the capital of the province of Savona, the city and port of the same name was founded in the Bronze Age. True, then it was called Savo. The Carthaginians drew attention to a small village near Genoa, who invested a lot of money and effort in strengthening and expanding it. Thus, Carthage, the eternal enemy of Rome, had its own base on the Ligurian coast. The Romans, who owned Genoa, nevertheless captured Savona, but the importance of this city did not decrease at all. Today the city is the largest port of the Ligurian Sea. It is from here that you can take a ferry to the neighboring towns of Italy and France.

Tourists will also like Savona. There are several churches here, among which the new Cathedral, built in 1886 and consecrated in the name of the Virgin Mary, and the Sistine Chapel, decorated with paintings by Paola Brusco and previously used as an ancestral tomb by the Della Rovere family, will be of interest. Next to the cathedral is the Museum of Church Treasures. The city also has a Pinacoteca, located in the Garotti Palace, and an art gallery, the collection of which belongs to the Episcopal Seminary. The fortress of Priamar, built in the 16th century after the conquest of Savona by Genoa, now houses several museums (archaeological, modern art and ceramics). From ancient walls that once surrounded the city, only the medieval tower of Torretta remained. You can find it right in the city center.

Vacationers who come to Savona to soak up the beaches will not be disappointed either. The most famous city beach, marked with a blue flag, is the kilometer zone of Scaletta. Near the fortress of Priamar there are also several good beaches where they do not charge an entrance fee.

La Spezia: the favorite city of poets

It is probably difficult to find a more romantic city on the Ligurian coast than La Spezia, the capital of the province of the same name. It is located on the shores of the calm Gulf of Poets and is surrounded by hills with pine groves, so it is incredibly easy to breathe here. Unfortunately, now this town is visited only for a few hours on the way to the Cinque Terre - more popular resorts that are located in the same province. But before, mostly celebrities rested here: poets, writers, artists. La Spezia was adored by Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, George Sand and other creative personalities who did not miss the opportunity to praise the "pearl" of the Ligurian coast in the salons of Europe.

Whoever did not own a strategically important town on the Ligurian Sea: Ligurians, Romans, Byzantines, Lombards, Genoese, Milanese, who at that time were ruled by the Dukes of Visconti, again Genoese, French. The history of La Spezia as a resort dates back to the 19th century. In addition to cozy beaches, the city is also famous for its historical buildings. The most famous local attraction is the fortress of San Giorgio, located above the city on the hill of Colle del Poggio. From its walls a gorgeous panorama of the coast opens. This castle, which in the past served as a refuge for the townspeople during the attack of enemy armies, appeared here in 1262. At the beginning of the 17th century, it was rebuilt, as a result of which it received new towers to monitor the surroundings. Nowadays, an archaeological museum has been opened in the castle of San Giorgio. Curious tourists will not be able to miss another museum dedicated to the navy. It is located next to the Naval Military Arsenal, which is still used for its intended purpose.

The most famous church in the city is the temple of Santa Maria Assunta, built in the 13th century on Piazza Beverini. Many of its interior items were created in past centuries and survived during the bombing of World War II. People come here to see the paintings of Luca Cambiaso and Casone Giovanni Battista and the sculpture of Andrea della Robbia.

The Ligurian coast of Italy is a continuation of the aristocratic French Riviera. It is in this part of Italy that the best beaches in the country are located. On the one hand, they are washed by the warm waves of the Ligurian Sea, on the other hand, they are protected from the winds by the mountain ranges of the Apennines and the Maritime Alps.

In order to navigate well and choose the right place for a beach holiday, you need to understand a little about geography. The Ligurian Sea cuts into the Italian coast, forming a horseshoe. In the middle is a famous port city Genoa. He divides the Riviera into the western part adjacent to France - Riviera di Ponente and the eastern one, which is closer to Tuscany, Riviera di Levante.

Beaches in Riviera di Ponente considered more democratic. This best holiday for couples with children and youth. The coast here is sandy, with a gentle slope. Resort towns range from cute and quiet to high-profile party entertainment centers such as Sanremo, for example. The Riviera di Ponente is divided into floral and tropical parts, where palm alleys stretch along the embankments.

IN Riviera di Levante pebbly shores. This part of the Ligurian coast is indented by rocky capes, the beaches are small, mainly in the bays. The Eastern Riviera is considered more pretentious, where the rich and famous rest. Whichever part of the Ligurian coast of Italy you choose, you should be prepared for the fact that the entrance to most places for swimming will be paid.

The best beaches of the western Ligurian coast

Alassio. This is a coastline in the cozy town of the same name. Almost all of it is surrounded by a fence and divided into private beaches belonging to hotels. Entrance to them is paid, with a discount for guests. There is no city promenade in Alassio, so it will be quite difficult to admire the views. Nevertheless, this coast with soft quartz sand is considered one of the most picturesque in Liguria.

Empire And San Remo. The beaches in these resort towns There is something for every taste and budget. Mostly pebble or pebble-sandy. The more comfortable - the more money you have to spend. The economical traveler will be pleased enough free swimming spots. They are located: at the beginning of San Remo, between San Remo and the Empire, as well as in the Empire itself. They do not shine with cleanliness, and in the Empire, often even pets are bathed.

Eco del Mare. Private beach with a "Blue Flag" in the vicinity of Lerici. Pebbles with sand prevail here. This is one of the best and most picturesque stretches of the coast of Liguria, a small bay between two green hills. From the top of the cliff, holidaymakers descend by elevator. To relax in this cozy corner of Italy for 20 sun loungers, you should book 5 days in advance.

Balzi Rossi. Paid small beach near the French border. It is also called "egg" for large pebbles. Everything is here for comfortable rest, even Wi-Fi.

The best beaches in Eastern Liguria

Portofino. This is the pearl of the Riviera of Italy with an honorary award - the Blue Flag. Madonna likes to celebrate her birthdays here, Hemingway and Guy De Maupassant rested here. Despite the love of the stars for this place, soaking up the golden sand will not cost you a lot of money.

Riomaggiore. There are no changing cabins, sun loungers, umbrellas. There are very few people, it is not easy to get to this coast. Lovers should go here wildlife and her pristine beauty: rocks, emerald-azure clear water, dolphins and even whales. This is what Riomaggiore can surprise you with.

Levanto. It's about about the municipal beach in Levanto. This is a paradise for surfers. In season big wave Athletes and amateurs from all over Europe come here. Regular swimmers will need special shoes for swimming. The bottom, like the shore, is rocky here. There is a diving school on the shore, there is a large swimming pool.

Gabbiano And sporting beach. These beaches are part of the Portovenere area. Gabbiano - municipal, sandy, they charge only for sunbeds and umbrellas. Sporting Beach has all the attributes of a comfortable stay: hot shower, changing rooms, sunbeds and charming restaurants with local wine. Lifeguards monitor the safety of swimmers.

The Ligurian coast is a magnificent combination of clean, transparent, blue sea with beautiful picturesque mountains, bays, rocks.

Against such a spectacular background are small colorful towns with green gardens and parks.

The entire Ligurian coast is called Liguria. Liguria is one of the smallest administrative regions in Italy.
Looking at the map of Italy, you can see that the coast of the Ligurian Sea is located in the east of the country and stretches from Tuscany to the border with France.

Location of Liguria on the map of Italy

It consists of two parts - the East Coast (Riviera de Levante), which extends from the bay to Genoa and West coast(Riviera de Ponente) - from Genoa to the coast of France.

The Ligurian coast is often referred to as the Ligurian Riviera, as well as the Italian Riviera.

There are four provinces in Liguria:

  • Genoa;
  • Savona;
  • La Spezia;
  • Empire.

Majestic Genoa

Coming to rest on the Ligurian coast, you find yourself in paradise. Here you can enjoy the most beautiful landscapes of untouched corners of nature. Each vacationer will be shocked by the clean and beauty of the sandy and pebble-sandy beaches of the cities of Rapallo, Portofino and others.

In addition, once on the Ligurian coast, you can go on an exciting sightseeing tour through picturesque coastal towns.

Here you can:

  • see cities built in the 15th century (Santuario, Dolce Acqua);
  • enjoy the most beautiful landscapes of the botanical garden located in Ventimiglia;
  • visit the Nobel Villa (located in San Remo);
  • see the autographs of famous musicians and writers of several centuries, which are imprinted on the wall of Il Muretto (in Alassia).

But still, the most amazing and beautiful sight for all tourists who come to these parts is the transparent and clean Ligurian Sea.

You will learn all the details about the Ligurian coast from the video:

How to get to Liguria

If you decide to go to this wonderful resort area, located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea, then it is best to take a plane ticket to Genoa. It is in this city that the airport is located.

If it is not possible to take a ticket for a direct plane to Genoa, then you can buy a ticket to the nearest city with an airport, and from there by car, bus or train go to the resort town of your choice.

Trains to Liguria run from many cities in Italy, namely from Rome, Turin, Milan, Nice, etc.

When planning a seaside vacation in Liguria, you can contact a tour operator and purchase a tour to this wonderful corner of Italy.
The advantage of vouchers from a tour operator is a charter flight without transfers, as well as check-in at pre-selected hotels.

Weather in Liguria

Basically, the Ligurian coast is located in the tropical and subtropical climatic zones. Therefore, there are favorable conditions for the growth and development of lush tropical vegetation.

The weather in Liguria favors lush tropical vegetation.

The weather in Liguria is warm all year round. The minimum air temperature in Liguria in winter is + 12 ° C, but the hottest month is June, when the air warms up to + 30 ° C.

The swimming season starts in early May and lasts until the end of September. It is at the end of September that it becomes colder in Liguria.


Arriving to rest on the Ligurian coast or just planning a vacation, each tourist chooses the type of beach on which he wants to relax. The resort has pebble, pebble-sand and sandy beaches.

However, it is worth noting that most of all the beaches of Liguria are paid. There are few hotels in Liguria that have their own beaches where guests can swim and relax without paying extra for it.

It should be noted that all beaches have a well-developed infrastructure. Vacationers are invited to use beach umbrellas, sun loungers, showers.

Finale Ligure

One of the best sandy beaches in Liguria is Finale Ligure. The sea on this beach is very clean, clear and calm. This beach has been recognized by the European Blue Flag as the cleanest and most well-groomed beach with a well-developed infrastructure.

Finale Ligure - one of the best sandy beaches in Liguria

Along the entire coast there are many pizzerias, cafes, restaurants, taverns, etc. You can also see many luxurious palm trees here.

Balzi Rossi

In the west of Liguria, not far from the border with France, there is the resort town of Ventimiglia. One of the most beautiful sights of this city is Balzi Rossi beach.

This beach is located at the very foot of the mountain, where you can see a large number of various prehistoric caves.

According to archaeological data, people lived in these caves about 25 thousand years ago. Nearby there is a museum where vacationers are offered to look at ancient artifacts found in these caves.

Pebble beach Balzi Rossi

The beach itself, like the entire coast of the Ligurian Sea, is very clean, the water is clear. It is worth noting that this is a pebble beach, and the size of the pebbles is proportional to the size chicken egg. That is why this beach is also called Egg Beach.

In Italy, in the resorts of the Ligurian coast, other beaches are also in great demand among vacationers, such as Baia dei Saraceni beach, Levanto beach, Three Bridges beach, etc.

The most interesting cities in Liguria

There are eight national parks in Liguria. But besides the beautiful nature, the region is famous for its historical cities.
If you are relaxing on the coast of Liguria, you should set aside a few days and go on a tour of the cities of the region.

In Genoa, vacationers are offered to see the ancient port of Porto Antico, on the territory of which the largest oceanarium in Europe with a panoramic elevator is located.

Genoa hosts Europe's largest aquarium

After that, you can go to the Cathedral of San Lorenzo, where you should visit the local repository of marine treasures.

Another unique city of Liguria is Portovenere. This is a small town with historical sights. In this city, you should see the Cathedral of St. Lawrence, the Roman Gate and the Church of St. Peter.

Where to stay

As mentioned earlier, in Italy on the Ligurian coast, hotels are located along the entire coast. The choice of hotels is very large and with different prices.

However, all hotels offer vacationers their clean and tidy rooms, and some provide free use of the Ligurian Sea beach.

The most popular hotels are:

  • Hotel Pasquale(Monterosso al Mare);
  • Grand Hotel Miramare(Santa Margherita Ligure);
  • Hotel La Spiaggia(Monterosso al Mare);
  • Best Western Tigullio Royal(Rapallo);
  • Royal Hotel Sanremo(San Remo).

On the Ligurian coast big choice comfortable hotels

Liguria is the most unique and beautiful region of Italy, it has stunning pristine nature and provides ample opportunities for a great seaside holiday.

This is truly a paradise on earth.

Ligurian coast one of the most beautiful and famous in Italy, its territory with many towns and villages stretches along the coast for 350 kilometers from La Spezia to Imperia. The landscape of this area is striking in its diversity, rocky shores combined with sandy and pebble beaches make the Ligurian coast unusual and magical.

The Ligurian coast is one of the most environmentally friendly in Italy, this can be judged by the cleanest sea and air. .

Below you can see the ten most popular Ligurian resorts, they received quite good advertising among tourists from all over the world. Each city is beautiful and unique in its own way, so for many Holidays on the Ligurian coast turns out to be an unforgettable experience.

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The city of Imperia is considered one of the most beautiful on the Ligurian coast. Every year, crowds of tourists from Italy and all over the world come here. The area is quite famous due to the fact that the famous festivals of flowers, local products and olives take place here.


You can get here by train or bus, the routes of which are well connected with other cities. Imperia is a small town so its charming architecture can be easily explored on foot.

Local restaurants are famous delicious meals from seafood. Local pride are souvenirs and antique shops specializing in handicrafts.

The main attractions of the Empire:

The old town of Parracio is located in Porto Maurizio - many should like the winding streets and medieval houses.
The Cathedral of St. Maurizio (18th century) is the most valuable church in the city, and is the most important religious monument for Italy.
The monastery of Saint Chiara (14th century) is the most important religious attraction for the locals.
Villa Grock or Clown Museum - a chic villa with a garden located on the hill of Oneglia (Oneglia) belonged to the famous clown Adrien Wetta.
Church of San Giovanni Battista (18th century) - the local museum is famous for its valuable collections of paintings and decorative ornaments.


Sanremo is one of the most big cities on the Ligurian coast, and the population here is the largest. The great advantage is that the city is located near the border with France. .

San Remo is known throughout the world for its excellent climatic conditions. It is here, in a quiet bay, protected from cold winds, that excellent conditions for swimming are created.


This place is also called the Riviera of Flowers because tropical plants and citrus orchards are seen everywhere here, and the flowers grown here are exported. San Remo is very popular among elite tourists and celebrities who have been coming here since the 19th century. Also, do not forget about the famous song festival, which is held annually. Another feature is that there are a lot of casinos here.

The main attractions of San Remo:

La Pina - Old city famous for its narrow streets, winding lanes, arches, courtyards and fountains.
Sanctuary of the Madonna della Costa is a symbol of the old city, the sanctuary is located on a hilltop above La Pina.
Russian Orthodox Church- was built at the beginning of the 20th century due to the large influx of Russian tourists.
Botanical Gardens - one of them is located above La Pina.

Alassio (Alassio)

Alassio is located in the eastern part of the Ligurian coast, and thanks to the sun, the sea and good infrastructure, in terms of entertainment and sports, this resort is one of the best in Liguria.

Special is local beach, it is sandy and even very long, almost 3 kilometers, but unfortunately most of it in the summer is paid. But besides the beach, there is also a beautiful city center and ancient sights.


Along the entire coast there are a large number of restaurants, bars and shops. The influx of tourists is usually felt in July and August, but already in September everyone abruptly disperses. Beautiful nature and landscapes adorn every corner of Alassio, the sheer number of varieties and plants will amaze even the most passionate botanist.

The main attractions of Alassio are mostly churches that can be found everywhere here, they are definitely worth seeing, because they are a kind of calling card cities.
A small watchtower (16th century) is located on the shore.
While exploring the area, don't miss the chance to visit the picturesque towns of Laigueglia and Cervo.

Finale Ligure

Finale Ligure is only half an hour from Savona, today it is one of the most popular resorts in the west of the Ligurian coast. During the day, the main place for the accumulation of tourists, of course, is sand beach with several rows of palm trees. On the waterfront there are many restaurants that offer Italian cuisine in the open air. Fairs are usually held on the neighboring street leading to Roma Street.


Finale Ligure is especially popular among athletes and people who prefer outdoor activities, namely, motorcycle races and rock climbing competitions are held outside the city.