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Sri Lanka: where it is better to rest, attractions and interesting facts. Description of the resorts of mysterious Sri Lanka

Here is dirty. Yes, here it is perfectly learning to surfing the beginning, but in Veligam, as in all Sri Lanka is dirty. In this article I will write about all the resorts of Sri Lanka, the third country of my second rounds. Here is the most common surfing beach in the city of Veligam. Slightly namamorous:

But despite everything, it is a typical Asian country (which is largely reminiscent of India) with affordable prices, large portions of food, rice overgrown around and many fruits in the markets. And of course complete, total freedom inherent in almost the whole SAU.

It was on Sri Lanka "I first got up on Surf and learned to ride" on the foam ". It was on Sri Lanka that I first arrested a bike for riding without right. It is on here that I first floated with a huge turtle in the open ocean and we even shook hands / flippers 🙂 otherwise everything is typically for Asian countries. Well, now everything is in order.

But to start glance at a comfortable tour price schedule for Sri Lanka and select your departure city:

If you look, most hotels available for accommodation are located in Hikkaduva. Is it worth explaining that this is one of the most popular tourist resorts? Therefore, I definitely not advise you to go to Hikkadawu, there is the dominance of Russian and solid tip of tourists. Like in.
Golden Rule Russian tourist reads: "If the inscriptions are translated into Russian, the prices here are at least 3 times higher." Here is one of the main streets in Hikkaduwe:

But the shop excursion not far from the hotel in which I spent the night:

But you somehow come to this tourist city, even if you do not like Russian tourists abroad and the abundance of the local population, which here is "feeding" only at the expense of tourists and do not mind to dissolve them for money. And that's why you will not be able to drive past Hickdawa:

Where to swim with a turtle on Sri Lanka

Arriving to the Philippines, go to the island to swim with the presents italy sharks. Arriving on Sri Lanka - go to Hickdawa to swim with large sea turtles and feed them with algae from hand:

You can swim with the turtle absolutely free of charge, because they swim to the shore (there are three there, such pursuing). Ideally, of course, if you want to swim together or next to it, then you will need underwater glasses or a snorkeling mask.
But it happens that you can not catch the turtle from the shore, in this case you can pay rubles 600 and you will be brought to the boat to a neighboring small island, they will give out a mask for snorkeling and you swim there, the truth is already with another family of turtles 🙂 I'm For the first time when it came to the right place on the beach, here it is by the way on the map:

that turtles were not there. Calling there again after three hours, I discovered such a miracle of nature:

And this is such contact with the animal world I love a lot more than a hike into any zoos.

Srera Lanka resorts: Galle

Going below to the south is the island, you will find the wonderful city of Galle, adjacent to the tourist Kurt Unawatuna. And so if in Unawatuuna, I do not recommend you again, then in Galle you definitely stop, for one or two days, there is something to do, for example, visit Fort Galle (Galle Fort):

The huge well-groomed territory of the old fort, allows you to wander as far as hours, look at the defense device with interest, go to all sorts of catacombs:

In some truth, you can only go to your own risk:

And here you are on the territory of the fort, rising the stairs to the level above, and you focus on the statue of an armed guard holding a rifle blowing in your direction. In a second you understand how it felt here those who stormed this fort in several centuries earlier:

In addition to the fort, I soulfully liked the town of Galle. I liked the interesting architecture here:

And interesting sculptures on the roofs of some houses (probably this is a local deity, but it is not exactly):

And the ability to go inside the composition, on the abandoned railway station. This is Asia, this is freedom 🙂

Then you should go to Mecca Surfing - Veligama. On the road from Galle to Veligam, on the right side, be sure to stop in a cafe, which is organized directly in the old plane of the British army Hawker Siddeley HS748.:

It will be difficult not to notice 🙂

Sri Lanka resorts: Veligama

Surfing for beginners is clearly worth going to Veligama. I recommend to stop in the area, it is most silent, you close and you live among the local:

I lived 10 days this is the hotel. No star, ordinary Asian guesthouse without delights:

However, my fellow travelers stayed on the other side of this beach, in the place called AJITH REST. On bucking rating 9.2, girls also liked the friendly owners and affordable price.
But in the next couple of years, a hotel complex from Marriott built on the coast. Then the city of Veligam will be very transformed.

Surfing on Sri Lanka

I arrived at Sri Lanka with only one goal - to master the surfing and stand on the board. And I managed it. Renting boards here (in Veligame) is very and very affordable, about 200 rubles in 2 hours. For 50 bucks, you can individually seek surfing. My friends were given a couple of lessons, the rest I fastened my practice myself.

The main thing is that you need to stand on the foam (the wave that has already collapsed and "foams") is speed. You need to be able to overclock yourself with a board to easily get up for each wave. I didn't try my hands and wave did not "hooked." Sails here are abundant, constantly alternating for very newcomers and meter waves for more advanced. The coolest - in the morning and before Sunset (sunset).

What is important to know - you need closed clothes, if you do not want to go in abrasions. While you rowing - you chop on the board and rub everything on yourself. And for beginners, a huge white board will suit, this is:

Balance on it is more convenient and to learn to get up quickly - this board is the most. I "clung to the wave several times and drove it just lying on the belly. Then the knee-knee several times. When and it fastened it - I drove on my feet and received incomparable pleasure from the fact that he saddled the little but the wave. But such here are small boards for advanced 🙂

As for the beaches to buy / sunbathe - I stayed delighted with Midigama Beach, five minutes drive to the west of Veligama:

Five minutes away to the east of Veligama there is a pretty big Mirissa Beach beach. Girls he liked more:

Is it worth moving to live / winter on Sri Lanka?

If you do not scare asia with her mud, black mold and poverty - worth it. It is definitely now the time to move to Veligama - the place is just beginning to develop, there is a huge number of tourists for surfing, and there is no normal infrastructure with a huge amount of entertainment yet. It's time to open your institutions, cafes and other afforestations here. Demand will be, especially when the Marriott is open.

What is the food on Sri Lanka?

Like everywhere, the abundance of rice dishes. But if you spend the same analogy with Thailand, then the dishes are sharper. This affects the proximity to India. For example a traditional dish On Sri Lanka - Curry:

The basis of it is rice, and it is served to it 6-8 beyond sharp and simply sharp additives under different spices. I did not want to achieve them because of acute 🙂

Big portions of food. For example, standard rice with siphood:

Of course, around full of European and American cafes, where you can taste more familiar food, so it will not be disappeared with hunger:

But Russian cafes are one to the whole city. Yes, and there are neither okroshek nor flavored 🙁

And of course the feast on the whole world is restaurants on the beaches. Tasty, not sharp and still large portions Food:

I also recommend to eat at least once in local institutions where there are no forks and spoons, as well as napkins: eat here with hands, but wipe them with chopped paper or newspapers. Naturally it is cheap, naturally very authentic. Well, tasty 🙂 Local nonsense will not be.

Center of the Island, Candy City on Sri Lanka

I unfortunately did not get here, but it's unequivocally worth visiting here.
First, look at these pictures:

Secondly, here is the contact of a friendly local who will gladly show the main beautiful places in the center of the island.

Today I have a desire, within the framework of one article, introduce readers of this site almost with all, little, the best and significant resorts of Sri Lanka island. If you do not know, I will say that the territory of the island is divided into 24 regions of the region.

Most of these areas do not pose a lot of interest for tourists coming here. Moreover, there are some districts where tourists do not appear for several months to a row. In general, describing the resorts of Sri Lanka, let's understand one with you that in the central and northern part of the resort state, as such. You can exclude from this series, only some cities, where tourists are recommended to go as entertainment, a palate for a couple of days, overview of existing attractions in those edges. The resorts located mainly by the ocean are located in the south-west and east of the country.

Five Best Sri Lanka Resorts

The five most famous resorts are somewhat further south from the capital of Sri Lanka - this is Hikkaduva, Peruvela, Mount-Lavinia, Negombo and Bentota.

The description of Sri Lanka resorts, it is not possible not to start the Negombo resort - they are most close in its location to Sri Lanka International Airport, and therefore, quite popular among tourists flying to Sri Lanka at the later day, when in principle, no opportunity to go South. Here in Nembo, all those who, in addition to the desire, relax on the beach there are and are quite logical, but specific needs for more actively conducting their recreation. I will share it in secret, the location of this resort is such that it is very close to the paths of migration of many ocean fishing fish, whose migration season falls on a high tourist season. As a result of this fact, the crowds of bourgeois fishermen of lovers, come here for fishing, in search of their best in the life of the catch. Fishing conditions, here they will satisfy both the most exquisite lovers of this type of rest and not so recoverable and financially independent. Not bad in Nembo and beach holiday, although you do not advise you for a long time here, because all the best of what Sri Lanka can show is further south of Colombo.

Description of the resort Mount Lavinia

Mount Lavinia - a description of the first serious spa Sri Lanka, from which it is worth starting our report. It is closest to the capital of the state, located just - by 12 km from the city feature of the city. It is very easy to get from the airport. Very popularly described resort from tourists independently visiting Sri Lanka. The beach is great here, but there is one drawback, on weekends, as well as national holidays, quite a large number of local people on the beach, which will somewhat embarrass you, especially if you are looking for a secluded and relaxing holiday.

From the simplest and not demanding, we turn to the description of the most modern resort.

Peruvel - this is a relatively new resort that can be proud of, splendor of well-equipped beaches. Describing this resort, it is impossible not to mention the fact that at the time of writing this article, the resort was susceptible to the global reconstruction, the initiator of which the government of the state. Recently, many travel companies organized tourists here, they reproach the government for the fact that the prices for Sri Lanka hotels are somewhat high, and the service is quite low. However, few of those who write these complaints, conducts systematic analysis of the dynamics of changes in the situation in a long time interval. Over the past 3 years, one of the longest paid roads connected the city of Colombo and Matara has already been built on the island. In addition, China represented by one of its state-owned companies is currently leading the construction of the road from Colombo to the East and the North of the country, which will connect both the central, agricultural regions with the center in the city of Kanda with the main artery of the country. Beruvell, - the third scale the project of national importance, where the total restructuring is happening. All the old hotels are completely destroyed, the beach and its surrounding areas are re-planned and placed Syznov. It was from Geruvela, the government showed his clear intention to enter the competitive infrastructure to the tourist service market, where Thailand and Indonesia have long been firmly. By official information, Season 2014 will be the first season, New Beruvella. It remains at all at all, before it becomes clear whether the Government path is chosen correctly or not.

Description Trincomali - Resort No. 1 for surfers in Sri Lanka

Continuing the description of the resorts, we will somewhat change geolocation and move to the eastern coast of the island, and tell you about the resort of Trincomalea. Trinomali is one of the most beautiful deep-water bays in the world. Unfortunately, Trinomali is considered one of Sri Lanka resorts for tourists. He is on eastern coast Islands where there are no good high speed roads yet. Tourists from Russia and CIS countries, going to Sri Lanka, are now completely devoid of opportunities to visit these parts. However, to visit the resort described, you can. On our site we have already given many information about routes around the country. Let's say that using the schedule for trains, you can plan a visit to the trinomal for a period of 3 to 5 days, there is no longer no sense. Please note that before the trincoma, you can get in the train from the southern resorts.

The most expensive and romantic resort

Continuing to describe the resorts of the island, we return to the shores of the southwestern Sri Lanka, and in our review, the most romantic resort, with a vulture for rich - Bentota. Bentota is a small resort area with several pretty large and large hotels. There are very romantic places here, quite deserted, due to the fact that there are no settlements of local residents nearby. This is one of the most famous places in Sri Lanka where newlyweds are departed as a honeymoon. There is absolutely no disco here, there are no hands-free music here, all the celebration of the resort is the waiters in white jackets, the harmony of nature, the jungle fragrance and light jazz in restaurants on the banks of the affairs seaf.

Budget resort

Complete the same article, it is impossible not to mention Hikkadawu - as a complete opposite of bent. The place was challenged with surfrs from all over the world, and people of thirsty discos and colorful restaurants.

Please note that the most ideal month on Sri Lanka for surfing Hikkadawa is the month of May. This is the period, the so-called, "first, soft monsoon" when the wind blows a constant moderate wind from the south, accelerating fairly essential waves, while the precipitation is not constant and episodic, they are tested at night.

I note that the above-mentioned trincomal, just as ineressen, the soles, however, the hikkaduva and trincomals are suitable for riding at a meeting in different time of the year. The trinomale is better to go from April to September, you need to go to Hikkadawu from December to April.

One of the biggest beaches of Sri Lanka, which, however, does not make it the safest, is here here, in the described hikkaduve. The village extended for as much as 4 kilometers along the shore of the ocean. Here, in the hikkaduve, at a distance of 70 km. South of Colombo, you will find the cheapest accommodation for yourself organized holidays. It is worth saying that the flows on the hikkaduva beach are rather strong, and not all of its 4 kilometer extent is suitable for swimming. Once, the coastal edge, from powerful ocean waves protected coral reef, but now it is completely died due to the changed climate, and the huge waves of the Indian Ocean are unhindered by the shore.

Since Sri Lanka is a fairly large island, which has many beaches and resorts, it is not worth ignoring the question of choosing a resting place on this island. It is important to remember that at the same time in different areas of Sri Lanka can be very different weather. So if you think about where it is better to go to Sri Lanka, then you should not forget about the climate. Even if you found the resort on Sri Lanka, which is completely satisfied with everything, do not be lazy to look at what climate happens in this resort in that month you are planning to travel.
The most popular Sri Lanka resorts are located in the west and south of the island, but there are also some good resorts located in the east and north of Sri Lanka. Since the West and South of Islands were not so strong because of the civil war and the Tsunami of 2004, the development of tourism was much faster here than in the east and north of Sri Lanka. Therefore, there is nothing surprising that the majority of popular resorts are located in the south and west of the island, despite the fact that North and East Sri Lanka have great potential in tourism.
If you are thinking about where it is better to go to Sri Lanka, then our article about Sri Lanka resorts can be very useful for you. In this article we will present short descriptions of popular Sri Lanka resorts, but you can always get more detailed information on a particular resort. After familiarization with all information, you can already understand which resort on Sri Lanka is better to choose for a rest at one time or another season.

Sri Lanka map with resorts

To begin with, it would be nice to learn about the location of all resorts on the Sri Lanka map. This page provides a general map of Sri Lanka resorts and a map of the south coast of the island with resorts. Perhaps some of the resorts whose description you will find in this article are not marked on the maps, but still the most popular Sri Lanka resorts are marked.

Resort Peruvela

This resort is great for couples, although all tourists can find good conditions for relaxing in Pervevel. When in Russia, winter, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe resort of Berouvela in Sri Lanka, it is warm and relatively dry weather. This time here is the peak of the tourist season. Since May, the weather begins to change, because the southwest monsoon comes here, which brings strong winds And abundant precipitation.
Greater popularity among tourists Resort Peruvel is obliged to his beach. This is great sand beach, one of the most beautiful on Sri Lanka, and with countless palm trees and a colorful bird world. Another plus of earvelas is a wide choice of housing for every taste and wallet. There are both simple guest houses and luxury villas for rent. But large hotel complexes are particularly popular here, which offer not only the possibility of supplying the system "all inclusive", but also numerous sports and entertainment events.
It is worth noting that the resort took place on Sri Lanka focused on a wellness vacation. Several hotels of this resort specialize in Ayurveda. Therefore, if you want to immerse yourself in the world of traditional Indian healing, took away, of course, is a suitable place for those who want to combine holidays on a beautiful beach with Ayurveda.
Beluver resort is located about 56 km south of the capital Colombo and 90 km from international Airport Bandaranaika. As a rule, the duration of the trip from the airport to this resort by taxi is about two hours.
The beach took 1.2 kilometer with a length of 1.2 kilometers pleased with his light small sand. If you also remember the crystal clear ocean and countless coconut palm trees that provide shadow on the beach, it is not difficult to understand why I was taken rightfully considered one of the most beautiful beaches of Sri Lanka. Families with children will appreciate small waters in the area of \u200b\u200bthis beach, which offer good conditions for swimming and swimming. Thanks to Rifu, earried is also good place For snorkeling and diving.
In the southern part of the beach, the Bentota River flows into the Indian Ocean. A variety of flora and fauna of the river and its valleys invites you to a detailed study. Boat walks lasting three or more hours pass through beautiful mangrove forests to a small adam peak.

Resort Bentota

Over the past 40 years, Bentota from the sleepy fishing village has turned into a first-class resort. Large hotels with spacious pools, specialized restaurants and luxurious wellness centers are no longer able to accommodate all those who want to relax in these perfectly inscribed in the beautiful landscape of resort complexes. As in many other resorts of the west coast of Sri Lanka, there are several hotels in Bentota with "All Inclusive" concept. Guests from all over the world are appreciated by this concept of hotels not only for numerous included services, but also for not thinking about spending during rest and do not need to constantly count money.
In addition to the large hotel complexes, there are also guest houses for tourists with a small wallet in Bent. As a rule, such guest houses are a few steps from the beach.
The undisputed trump card of Bentota is a magnificent sandy beach. This is a four-kilometer beach with light and very small sand, which borders with a strip of palm trees. Water sports lovers will appreciate the good conditions for surfing, sailing, diving or snorkeling on this beach. But those who just want to swim in the tranquil waters of the Indian Ocean will also find a suitable place for themselves. In the northern part of the beach, the ocean is usually quite calm, so this place is perfect for swimming. Higher waves can be seen in the southern part of the beach.
Bentota is right at the mouth of the river with the same name, approximately 62 km south of the capital Sri Lanka. The international airport is approximately 100 kilometers from Bentotes. It can be reached by about an hour and a half.
Bentota Ganga, which flows into the Indian Ocean near the resort, is a house for countless birds and other representatives of a variety of flora and fauna Sri Lanka. We recommend traveling a boat on the mangrove forests along this river to the peak is a small adam.
The interesting place of peace and serenity is 10 kilometers from the resort of Bentota. This is a garden developed by the Bevis Bow in 1920 with beautiful tropical plants that can be seen in Paradise with small ponds and winding tracks.
If you want to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe life of local residents, then you should visit the weekly market in the neighboring village of Alutgam. During market walks, you can see a lot of interesting things, including unique goods that are sold only on Sri Lanka.

Resort Hikkaduva

If you are interested in the most popular Sri Lanka resorts among Russian tourists, then you just do not have the right to bypass the resort of Hikkaduva.
Initially, there was a small fishing village on the site of the resort of Hikkaduva, but later there was a secret place for "elected" tourists. Today, Hikkaduva is one of the most famous Sri Lanka resorts. Despite many hotels, this place has retained its charm.
The beach resort of Hikkaduva in the Far South-West Sri Lanka is a popular destination, especially for active tourists. In the afternoon, most tourists are engaged in water sports, and in the evening they spend time in bars. The hikkaduva resort is especially popular among young people. Divers and surfers appreciate good nightlife in the hikkaduve, which is mainly focused in the southern part of the resort.
Recently, in addition to small hotels and guest houses, Hikkaduva also received large resort hotels, which offer all the necessary amenities that allow guests not to experience the need to go outside the hotel.
The sandy hikkaduva beach is covered with beautiful light sand and countless coconut palm trees. Surfers can count on good waves on this beach. And newcomers, and professionals will be satisfied with the conditions for surfing here. In general, hikkaduva is considered the best place For surfing on Sri Lanka, where there are many surf schools, boards rental stations, as well as shops offering everything you need for surfing.
Coral reef in the Hikkaduva district is one of the most famous diving sites on Sri Lanka. At the same time, it is located near the shore. Many of the corals, unfortunately, are dead, but the diversity of colorful fish will satisfy even visiting divers.
The capital of Sri Lanka, Colombo, is approximately 115 kilometers from Hikkadva, and the international airport is not far from Negombo - 147 kilometers. Therefore, a trip from the airport to Hikkadawu by taxi will last from 2.5 to 3 hours.
Galle, the most important city on the southern coast of Sri Lanka, is about a 25-minute drive from Hikkaduva.
Fans of Nature We advise you to travel a boat in a lagoon near Dalduduwa, which is just five kilometers south of Hikkaduva. You can also go to the Lake of the same name, where there is a beautiful temple on the island in the middle of the water. To the north of the city there is a Mine Stone Mine. During an excursion to this place, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow popular jewelry is being created.

Kalutara resort

Tourists who are interested only the best resorts Sri Lanka, for some reason, often overlook the resort of Kalutar, who, together with Vaddouva, Pervevel and Benthota, forms the most important resort region on the south-west coast of Sri Lanka. This is due to long beautiful beaches, excellent amenities for water sports and an excellent hotel industry. These prerequisites are also complemented by magnificent surroundings that boast their magnificent nature and countless coconut palm trees. Kalutar district is also known for its fruits of mangoustin, which are considered the best on the island.
Along the beautiful beach of Kalutar is a variety of hotels that offer high level Comfort and service. Spacious resorts fit harmoniously into the tropical environment and fully adapted for foreign guests. Spacious swimming pools, good restaurants, as well as exclusive wellness centers, where Ayurvedic procedures are often conducted, there are many such hotels. As in other resort areas of Sri Lanka, the hotelians in Kalutar increasingly use the concept of "all inclusive", which is especially popular among guests from Russia and Europe.
In the busy center of Kalutar there are small markets and shops that offer a wide range of souvenirs. The choice varies from textiles or small objects Art to litters made of palm branches or coconut fibers, which Kalutara is known.
Quiet, kilometer beach Kalutar is one of the most popular in the country. Especially pleasant is the northern area of \u200b\u200bthe beach, where the sandy beach remained almost untouched. On Kalutar Beach there are ideal conditions for walking, as well as for swimming, surfing and snorkeling.
Kalutar Resort is located at the mouth of the river Kalu Ganga, about 45 kilometers from the capital and 80 kilometers from Bandaranayka International Airport. To travel from the airport to Kalutar, you will need from 1.5 to 2 hours.
The main attraction of Kalutary is the temple complex Gangathilak Vihara. In the center of the temple is the impressive Dagoba, whose white dome is visible from afar. Although the temple has no historical meaningsHe is still a popular place of pilgrimage of pious Buddhists. The reason for this is the 2000-year-old tree of Boddhi, under which the Buddha was enlightened. For visitors, the fact that Dagoba is the only one affordable in Sri Lanka is a special reason for visiting the temple. Also a popular place for excursions is the river Kalu Ganga, which is held boat trips. Flora and fauna on the lush banks of the river, as well as the opportunity to watch the local fishermen during their work, made such a tour of the very popular among tourists.

Resort Maravila

If you think about what resort on Sri Lanka to choose, it is important to understand how you want to spend time. If you are an amateur of active recreation and water sports, then you will most likely suit the picturesque fishing village of Maraville, which is located north of Negombo. Nevertheless, you can find a calm place here away from the crowd of tourists.
Only a few hotels in the region of Maravil were carefully integrated into nature to preserve the originality of the environment. Hotel buildings have no more than three floors and offer a high level of comfort. Luxury hotels with spacious pools, international restaurants and various sports and entertainment events are often offered for their guests the concept of "all inclusive". But there is in the resort area of \u200b\u200bMaraville and comfortable hotels of middle class, and simple guest houses.
The three-kilometer beach of Marapair on the one hand was washed by turquoise waters of the Indian Ocean, and on the other hand, it borders with a strip of countless coconut palm trees, which give the shadow necessary for sunny days. Families with children and those tourists who do not know how to swim, appreciate the shallow water of this beach. Like all the beaches of Sri Lanka, Maraville Beach is also open to the public. Water sports lovers and everyone who wants to be such can find good conditions for diving and surfing on this beach. Diving tours to reefs, where there are many colorful fish and coral reefs, are recommended to all diving lovers.
The resort of Maravil is located in the area of \u200b\u200bGampach, north of the famous tourist resort Negombo. About 30 kilometers - such a distance needs to be overcome to drive from Colombo Airport to Maraville. As a rule, the road takes about 40 minutes, depending on the movement.
Although Maurevil does not have a dream beach, this resort is famous place On Sri Lanka, because the village is the center of the batik on Sri Lanka. There is an exclusive company Budhi, which has branches in the capital, as well as numerous small family enterprises. Although the art of the batik occurred on the island of Java, the inhabitants of Maraville are engaged in this craft for many years. Art lovers should visit one of the companies where you can watch the manufacture of colorful fabrics and get information about the complex manufacturing process. If you want, you can buy some of the fabrics that will cost much cheaper than in souvenir shops, especially in other parts of Sri Lanka.

Resort Negombo

Once a small fishing village, Nembo, turned into the fifth largest city of Sri Lanka with a population under 150,000 inhabitants. Today is a city, although it is one of the most important fishing ports of the west coast, is a famous place to relax. Already in the 1970s, the development of tourism in this region of Sri Lanka began.
Beautiful beach, good opportunities for water sports, as well as historical buildings and various cultural influences made a nebbo, a popular holiday destination. Along the long sandy beach of Negombo, there are large and small hotels in a different level of comfort and in different price categories. Especially popular among travelers are large hotels offering comprehensive services and a high level of service. Almost every large hotel has its own wellness center, where massages, procedures and ayurvedic treatment are offered.
There is some regularity in Nembo, associated with the level of hotels when moving from north to south. Hotels in the north are usually more luxurious, but also more expensive than in the south of the city. Beach passes the main road Negombo, where there are numerous restaurants, cafes or souvenir shops. It is also worth adding that Nembo has a rather stormy nightlife.
Negombo Beach is well suited for families with children, as the entrance to the water is gentle. On an eight-kilometer beach there are high palm trees that provide a shadow, but such palm trees are not everywhere. Not far from the shore, an interesting coral reef with a colorful marine life was stretched. In addition, in the waters near Negombo, there is a shipwreck shipwreck.
Negombo has an excellent location: the capital of Sri Lanka is located just 40 kilometers south, and Colombo International Airport is at all six kilometers south of Negombo. Because of the proximity to the Negombo airport, it is ideal not only for long-term beach holidaysBut for stopping at the beginning or at the end of a trip to Sri Lanka.
In the history of the Negombo, the Portuguese, Dutch and British played an important role. Evidence of an interesting past city are numerous buildings and churches, as well as colonial old city. The most impressive object here is the "Channel Channel" - a 100-kilometer channel leading from Colombo in Puttalam. It was created in order to facilitate the transportation of a popular spice.

Resort Vaddouva

The fishing village, located next to Kalutar's resort, is well known for its fantastic beach and charming surround. Lovers of relaxing and water sports will appreciate the beautiful sand and the pure ocean in this place.
Vadduva is a popular destination for foreign tourists, but also this is a popular holiday destination for locals. So it is not surprising that there is a lot of people on weekends. But on the other days of the week, the atmosphere in the resort is quite calm.
In Vaddwe there is housing for every taste. Many hotels here work on a proven and understandable concept of "all inclusive", which includes nutrition, as well as numerous sports and entertainment events. Large resort hotels on Vadduva Beach were integrated into a lush landscape. Therefore, the low, usually only two-storey buildings are characteristic of them.
In Vaddouwe there are several shops selling traditional wood carvings and other souvenirs, as well as several restaurants and bars. It is also worth visiting the original Vadduva village, where local fishermen and rice farmers live.
If you choose Waddow as a place of rest at Sri Lanka, you will be rewarded with a beautiful beach and a relaxed atmosphere. Golden yellow sandy beach of Vadduva is one of beautiful seats On the west coast of Sri Lanka. It is surrounded by small sand, countless shady palm trees and a sparkling ocean. Moderate waves offer good conditions for windsurfers. At the same time, the beach most of the year is relatively safe for bathers.

Koggala resort

To the east of Halle, you will find beautiful beaches that are not yet covered by mass tourism. One of these beaches is Coggala, which belongs to the same resort. Despite the fact that the resort offers a good tourist infrastructure, on the beach in three kilometers long there is no feeling of overcrowding. The beach coggal is wide and covered with small sand, as well as countless coconut palm trees and bizarre rock formations.
The resort of Koggala especially likes couples that appreciate a peaceful and relaxed atmosphere. On the beach koggala walks along the ocean coast provide the necessary rest and relaxation. Families with children also sometimes choose this place to relax, because gentle entrance to the ocean is ideal for children.
Coggal has several hotels and guest houses that offer simple and comfortable rooms. The concept of "all inclusive" here is not so common as in the popular resorts of the west coast of Sri Lanka.
The main city of the southern coast, Galle, is just 15 kilometers from Koggal, and the charming city of Matara is just 30 km east of this resort. True, the distance to Colombo International Airport is rather impressive, because it is 175 kilometers. Therefore, what to get from Colombo Airport to Koggali you will need about three hours.
The Koggala resort is known for its fishermen who catch fish sitting on the pole. In many other fishing villages in Sri Lanka, this traditional fishing technique is already history. However, in the koggale in the morning and day hours, guests can see fishermen sitting on the poles.
Large Lake Koggala is located a few kilometers from the same resort. Although in fact this is a natural lake, the water in it is salted due to the fact that the oceanic water still goes into it. For this lake, boat walks are held during which you can admire growing along the shores by mangrove thickets and tropical plants, as well as various animals and birds inhabiting in the area. On the lake there are several islands, such as an island with a Temple of the Buddhist monk or cinnamon island, where it grows and is treated with a cinnamon family.
Another interesting place is the People's Museum of Coggal, which is located in beautiful garden. The museum is located on the homeland of the most important Singhala Writer of the 20th century Martin Vikaramasing. Numerous exhibits give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe culture and traditions of Sri Lanka, as well as about the work of the famous author.

Resort Tangalle

Located away from the main tourist centers of the Western and South Coast Sri Lanka, a small fishing village Tangalle is not yet affected by mass tourism. Although there are several guest houses and small hotels on the coast, their quantity is small. Small, but sophisticated boutique hotels on Tangalle Beach offer a good level of comfort.
The Tangalle resort attracts its calm atmosphere: here tourists enjoy the rest in a picturesque beach during the day and calmly spend time in restaurants and cafes in the evening. Tangalle also for some travelers is an intermediate stop during trips to the famous National Park Bundala and Yala, which are located east of the city.
A two-kilometer tangalla beach is covered with sand golden yellow and well suitable for swimming. Not far from this beach you will find other picturesque bays and desert beaches, such as Rekawa Beach, located ten kilometers from Tangalle.
The resort of Tangalle is located on the south coast of Sri Lanka, about 37 kilometers west of Matara and 80 kilometers from Galle. Only more big City Hambantota, which is located about 50 kilometers from Tangalle, in close proximity to the Budall National Park. Before the famous National Park Yala, which is also east of Tangalle, can be reached in about two hours. A taxi trip from the international airport, which passes through the inner territory of Sri Lanka, usually lasts from 3 to 3.5 hours.
An interesting place near Tangalle is a "booger hole", which is a hole in the rock with a diameter of about one meter and a depth of 20 meters. She "shoots" strong fountains of water every 10-15 minutes. During the southwestern monsoon, from May to September, the height of such a fountain can reach 15 meters.

Thincomaly resort

Now it is time to present the best resorts of Sri Lanka for relaxing on the east coast. The most popular of them are Trincomal and Battikalo. We will tell about them below.
Beautiful beaches and photogenic harbor are located in the coastal city of Trincomal, in the northeast of Sri Lanka, on the peninsula. Trinomali - the capital of the Eastern province, which is often called "Trino". Special attention here deserves beaches in the north of the city, the natural harbor, surrounded by hills, the ferry port and idyllic suburbs.
The resort of Trincomali is interesting mainly from beach lovers and nature lovers, as well as people who just want to get acquainted with the lively life of the typical city of Sri Lanka. However, if you are looking for interesting sights, then you will be disappointed with this city-harbor, as it is not particularly admired here. The main attraction of the city is the so-called Fort Frederick with the Hindu Sanctuary of Cones, which is located on the rocks of Swami, at an altitude of about 130 meters above sea level. Here, next to the main Temple of Shiva, there is a small temple of Ganesh.
Fort Frederick, of course, is worth seeing, but today it is mainly used as a barracks by Sri Lankan military, and therefore only a small part is open to visiting.
The coast of Sri Lanka in the Trincomale area there are several small islands, one of which is the island of Piezhen. This island has a very beautiful coral reef, which attracts snorkers and divers. The island can be reached in just 10 minutes by boat from Trincomali.

Resort Battikalo

On the shores of the Bengal Bay on the east coast of Sri Lanka, there is a little visited and small town of Battikalo. He retained most of his initial charm. Being half-located on the island in Laguna, the city was only slightly injured from the tsunami. The 54-kilometer lagoon with salt water has truly picturesque places that it is recommended to study while walking on the boat.
The resort area of \u200b\u200bBattikalo is mostly known for its phenomenon "singing fish", the existence of which has not yet been proven. However, it is mentioned even in the British Encyclopedia. To experience this phenomenon, you need to immerse the paddle in the water in the moon and quiet night and keep your ear at the other end of the oars. In this case, you can hear different thin sounds. This natural phenomenon has not yet been scientifically proven, but it is still the main attraction of this area.
More than tangible attractions are many Hindu temples of Battikalo, as well as the magnificent Dutch Fort 17th century. It is located right on the shore of the lagoon. Many of the remnants of the walls are well preserved.
Also an interesting place in Battikalo is Lady Manning Bridge, which connects the Earth with an island. The steel bridge dates back to the colonial period of Britain and is one of the longest bridges on Sri Lanka.
Next to the coast of Battikaloa Japanese air Force Skilled British aircraft carrier "Hermes" in 1942. Skilled aircraft carrier is at a depth of 55 meters and is one of the most interesting places for diving on Sri Lanka.
If you are interested in the beaches in the Battikalo area, then the best of them, in our opinion, is Callada Beach. It is not very crowded and therefore recommended for those who are looking for a quiet place to relax.

Sri Lanka Island is rich in first-class beaches, modern hotels and a mass of ancient attractions. Entertainment - Quiet-peaceful: picnics, fishing and diving. Capital Colombo, Waterfalls and national parks - all about Sri Lanka: Tours, reviews, weather, prices.

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  • Tours on May around the world

A recreation style on Sri Lanka can be briefly defined as follows: away from the noise and bustle, closer to the sea and nature. It is unlikely that there is a more "leisure" country in the world than Sri Lanka: no one is in a hurry anywhere, everyone enjoy life - including service staff In hotels (to the top establishments, the truth does not apply - everything runs in soap to be removed by guests). Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most entertainment. Noisy discos and smoke rocker until the morning here is not in Favor, but picnics in nature, fishing or barbecue on the beach - as much as you like. Well, diving, of course. Than Sri Lanka can not please, so this is close to our immense: the flight here is long.

In general, to identify a person who will like here is very simple. First, in his no longer the first passport there are few clean pages. Secondly, he is either fond of world culture and history (and the ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments), or - desperate Marine Sorvigolov, who wants to in addition to palm trees, sand and sea, and diving center, and Surfer headquarters. Thirdly, he will certainly mow on your aromatic cup of tea. After all, Ceylon, he is Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink.


The country's monetary unit is Lankan Rupee (LKR), in 1 rupees of 100 cents. The current course: 1 LKR \u003d 0.37 RUB (1 USD \u003d 175.47 LKR, 1 EUR \u003d 197.01 LKR).

Currency is better to exchange Colombo at the airport. The receipt received at the same time makes sense to keep until the end of the trip: in this case, when you arrive, you can convert back unspecified local money in the airport bank at the rate of purchase. In addition, the currency is changed in any hotel and a bank. The latter are open from 9:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday. We recommend taking a US dollars to exchange: they are accepted in all offices, and in the tourist areas they can pay directly in hotels and all sorts of outlets.

In large hotels and shops you can pay credit cards, ATMs are almost in all cities of the country. However, it is better to prevent the staff in advance of their bank about the coming visit to Sri Lanka: due to the critical level of financial fraud on the island, the credit card can be blocked at the first attempt to use.

Sri Lanka hotels

Police: 133, ambulance: 144, Fire Service: 122.

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Tatyana Solomatina

Short review beach resorts Sri Lanka

Welcome to you, dear readers! Despite the fact that the island is surrounded by the ocean from all sides, respectively, rich in beaches, here you need to choose the resort especially carefully.

Do not forget that the ocean is not a quiet lake, there are huge waves and, which can not be reduced to your vacation because of the inability to enter the water. Tourists planning to master the beaches of Sri Lanka should carefully treat the selection of the resort.

Sri Lanka - Island in the Indian Ocean, whose coastline is 1340 km. Despite the fact that the beach season lasts round yearDue to the climatic conditions in the north-east, it is better to go to the summer months, and southwest to the winter. Read more about the climate of the island you can read.

Resorts in the south-west a lot, almost all of them with good infrastructure. There are enough hotels of different levels, it is not difficult to find quite budget accommodation at the locals. In my opinion, you need to choose the beaches of Sri Lanka based on the time of year and the compliance of the resort your desires.

Colombo and Negombo

Colombo and Negombo Beach holiday are not at all suitable. It is good to stop here for the respite before a long flight or during excursions. Due to the proximity of the big city, the ocean is dirty, near the major megapolis with all the consequences arising from here.


Hikkaduva is perfect for young people and active tourists. Located 100 km from the airport, has a well-developed infrastructure. On Fridays, noisy beach parties are held in one of the hotels. A lot of housing, ranging from expensive hotels and ending with cheap rooms. The coastline stretches for 10 km, but the waves are very large here, on the shores pressed yellow sand. Guikkaduva Beach Travel Guide, read.


Bentota is a beautiful resort in 65 from Colombo. There are many batch tours here. The whole city is adjusted under the life of tourists, many cafes and shops, big choice Accommodation. The coastline is very wide, the waves are quite strong. There are small calm coves, but they are hard to find them right away. If you stop on the outskirts, then the entertainment is limited only by the hotel's territory.


Geruvell is five kilometers from Bentota, this is a young resort. Here are resting on batch tours, finding accommodation yourself is problematic. Beach holiday is the same as in Bentota, only a little less people and calmer. This is a favorite resort of tourists from Europe, there are expensive hotels. The coastline is very beautiful with coconut palm trees and snow-white sand.


Unawatuna is a small closed bay, a great place to stay with children. Very beautiful beach, small ocean, almost without waves. Everything you need for tourists here, noisy parties do not happen. However, many people are because budget recreation and suitable for swimming ocean.

Galle for beach holidays is not suitable, this is a sightseeing city. The beach is urban with all the consequences arising from here.


Veligama is a quiet resort with a beautiful three-kilometer beach. However, the waves are so strong here that it is very difficult to swim. There is almost nothing for vacationers. Suitable for a solitary rest and for surf lovers.


Mirissa is a small town in the south of Sri Lanka. The infrastructure was built by tourists, but it is much quieter here and calmer than in Unawatun. On the central beach, it is also a strong storm, but there is a little small coves with calm water. After nine evening, there is no entertainment.

Dicwell is a small fishing town of Sri Lanka, in which there are a couple of expensive hotels and a little private housing. The ocean is very clean, and the beaches are beautiful. You can find a place without waves. For a relaxing, secluded rest, there are almost no people here.

Tangalle is a major city in southern Sri Lanka with a very beautiful beach, but it is impossible to swim because of the strongest waves on the coast. The coastline is very long, you can always find a secluded place. There is no entertainment at all.

Cogged not the most developed and popular resort Sri Lanka not far from Galle. Along the shore there is a busy road, so you will not work out on the island of Bounty, although coconut palms grow along the coastline. All life here takes place on the beach and the main street, where several shops and bank are located.

Beaches in northeast Sri Lanka


In the northeast region, Sri Lanka is the opposite situation, there are few places for recreation. The main resort is one - the trincomal here is also quite developed infrastructure, however it is located very far from the international airport and it is not easy to get here.

Upped, Niladeli and Aruguam Bay

There are some more small villages - utilities, Nilac and Aruguam Bay (Bay)But there is nothing at all. However, magnificent beaches with snow-white sand, attract tourists who prefer calm, quiet rest. Very comfortable to relax with young children. Not far from the shore there is a small coral island. It is easy for him, the locals for a certain fee will be happy to deliver everyone there.

Gathering on holidays in Sri Lanka, not all tourists realize that around the island - the Indian Ocean, and not a calm sea. Here are gorgeous beaches with coconut trees and a clean white sand, but fully swim in the ocean is possible only in small closed coves, which are very small here. Often, tourists complain, going into the water on the belt, resist the legs difficult, the waves are so strong that they even knock down strong men. Vacationers have to be satisfied with walks along the coast and cautious bathing near the shore.

How cunned the ocean wrote separately - as I almost returned from the widow's island, see. I recommend to give to read information with my men, confession of the injured husband may make them think. About what else you need to know the tourist before visiting Sri Lanka will find in my article. "

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Tatyana Solomatina