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Philippines, Resorts: Best Review, Description, Recommendations of Vacationers and Reviews. The best resorts of the Philippines

Where is it better to rest in the Philippines, where to relax in the Philippines

Philippines - an extremely popular tourist destination, which in lately Increasingly choose Russians. This amazing place satisfies the demands of the most demanding travelers.

The main questions that are usually worried about tourists? When to go and where is it better to rest in the Philippines?

It seems to be one state, but on the fact - the placer of the unique islands. A common feature of all tourist sites can be considered only the undoubted beauty of nature and a hot tropical climate.

In the period from October to March -APrel in the Philippines a high season. And in the summer months over the islands, Typhins are rushed. But this does not scare away tourists - in the tropics rains are abundant, but short.

In addition, in the summer you need to just carefully choose where to relax in the Philippines.

On some islands, for example, on Bochola or Cebu, precipitation falls out evenly throughout the year, so the risk of getting into the Typhoon zone is extremely small. You can travel between different islands without any problems - flights in the Philippines are well developed.

Filipino Islands Manyat lovers of a relaxing beach holiday and extreme sports, datsing fanatics and admirers of club life. Depending on what the purpose of the trip will follow the answer to the question where it is better to rest in the Philippines.

For lovers of scuba diving, Nezro Isle is most suitable - there is no fuss and secular entertainment here, life flows smoothly and calmly year after year. But a unique marine reserve is completely nearby, where experienced divers constantly make a dive. In general, Negro is famous for diving centers - there are several of them here, and each rightfully comes in the number of the best in the world.

Negro is known for its black mountains (they gave the name of the island), volcanic beaches, as well as coral reefs of stunning beauty. Here you can see the most vivid exotic fish, watch dolphins and even meet whales. This is one of the reasons why so many couples go to the Philippines with children.
Full dinner or dinner with fresh juices (without alcohol) will cost about $ 5-10
The average cost of the hour massage of the whole body is about $ 11
After sunset, nightlife begins: bars, discos, karaoke, various shows
For 2000 Pesos (about $ 44) you can rent a boat for sea walk around the island
Walk, as a rule, includes snorkeling and visiting the beaches of the island
From the beach or nigan beach you can walk to the caves in which the Philippines live where to relax foxes
In the cave we could not get to: the road to her is on the land that is private property, and on this day was closed
But on volatile fox we still looked: right from the boat you can see a big colony, settled on several trees
If you are traveling with a small child, be sure to visit a small zoo near the first station on the White Beach
The inhabitants of the zoo are quite a bit, but most animals, birds and insects can be taken in hand and take pictures with them.
The ticket costs 150 pesos (about $ 3.5)
Bohol and Panglaua islands Next from Caticlan Our way is to the island of Bochol
I get to him through the island of Cebu, the flight to which it takes about 50 minutes
From Cebu to the island of Bohol every two hours walk big speed boats
Locals practically do not speak English
Taking a taxi at the airport, we found that the driver also does not know the rules of the road, does not understand the pantomime and is poorly understood in the drawings, where we portrayed the sea, boat and the name of the island of Bohol
During the trip, we looked at the trading port, listened to our taxi driver about something about five minutes spoke with the locals and, desperate to get to the destination, asked the driver to slow down from a policeman who knew English at the base level, and most importantly knew where Pier from where our ship is moving
Despite the protracted focallement, taxi cost us everything in 200 pesos (about $ 4.5)
To buy a ship a ticket, I had to look for a cashier that was about a kilometer from the pier
Later it turned out that a bus goes from the pier to the cash register
In the port of the island of Bohol on the racks of small travel agencies, you can not only book a taxi, but also agree on excursions, and choose a hotel
At the same time, if the hotel does not like it, the driver will offer other options
The most beautiful beaches are located on Panglau Island, which is connected by the bridge with Bochol
On Panglau we were offered a hotel on the beach of Bod
Cost of rooms for two with breakfast - from 1600 pesos per day
We watched 5 hotelors on this beach and chose Dumaluan Beach Resort with the most beautiful beach and the largest and most beautiful territory.
In the standard rooms, as it turned out not immediately, there is no hot water, so we over time moved to the luxury room, worth 2150 pesos, which, unlike the standard room, besides hot water, hit the imagination also with a TV
The hotel does not have its SPA salon, but for 500 peso you can order a clock-based body massage right in the room.
In the hotel restaurant overlooking the beach almost all the time playing live music
In the morning (even at 5 am, when we got up for an excursion!) And in the afternoon the blind musician was playing the piano very romantic melodies
Cost of lunch or dinner - approximately $ 5-10
Balo - very beautiful beach, white sand and palm trees
In the ocean, meters fifty from the coast, algae begins, marine hedgehogs, stars and other living creatures
The sea is not deep
The beach is ideal for relaxing with young children.
The greatest depth where you can walk in the sand, about the belt
The minus is that a strong tump is on the beach - it's inconvenient to swim in the water, and then it is difficult to go through - therefore it is best to swim in the tide only with the mask
For fans of snorkeling here Razdazh! At the distance of an elongated hand you can see several types of marine stars, hedgehogs different sizes and flowers
Read more Supporters of a beautiful tanning will be able to love the long sandy beaches of Philippines, see the picturesque open spaces of the Philippines, fall in love with the irritation of rivers with turquoise water, see the root of the indigenous people.
Tours to the Philippines have different prices
It may not depend on one tour operator, but also from your intentions
You personally think over your weekend and placement - for interests and means
Rest from the company "Saga" will surprise you with a variety and acceptance of its price
Bescurability of aquatic expanses, exciting and dynamic weekend, impacting a variety of creatures, various types of fishing, hiking, appetizing food, sweet alcoholic nectars and still a lot of things - it looks like best rest And your most long-awaited weekend
And the best tours to the Philippines is the undoubted travel firm "Saga"

Rest in the Philippine Islands will fly to you in a penny, but only if you buy a ticket in a travel agency. The price will be very high, and the most important thing is reasoned: a long flight, a mandatory transplant - all this costs a lot. But if you organize your vacation yourself, then the difference in prices you will not be surprised, she shocks you.

The Philippines is an Asian country, which means everything is relatively cheap: accommodation, food, excursions. The lion's share of costs eats the flight, but thanks to the Chinese airlines that came to last years On our market - the flight is reduced at times.

Filipino Islands - Paradise for Divers, Fishing and Beach Lovers. Eco-tourism is very developed here: natural landscapes, national reserves, volcanoes attract hundreds of tourists here.

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Prices on vacation on Boraca. January 2018.

tour cost

In the Philippines there is a visa-free regime for citizens of the Russian Federation within 30 days. Therefore, there was no expenses for a visa. Plane cost 45 thousand rubles per person. Flights: Vladivostok - Seoul - Manila - Kalibo - Manila - Seoul - Vladivostok. We rested together with my husband. Book a hotel on Boracae through Bucking, the cost of the double room per day - 3900 rubles. Hotel 4 stars, five minutes from White Beach. In Manila, they took an apartment through AIR B & B for 2000 rubles a day near the airport. All vacation was 11 days (two days in Manila and 9 days on Boraca). Between locations moved by taxi, the cost varies very much depends on the distance and arrogance of the taxi driver. I advise you to force them to always include a counter (kilometer) as soon as you sit down in a taxi, otherwise you can invent any amount.

Flight on parachutes over the sea (Parasaling) - $ 66 for two.

Diving (3 hours) - 55 dollars per person.

The helicopter walk over the island is $ 250 for two (in a helicopter from tourists only together).

Excursions were taken from local agencies. The tour operator is higher at 20-30 percent. I liked everything, the Philipins even said in Loman Russian. Independently went to the beach Bunch Beach, stunningly beautiful placeThey paid for a bike-taxi about 600 rubles from the center of the island.

Food and products

Fruit shake - 100 rubles.

Cappuccino - 140.

The food was often preparing themselves, bought products in the supermarket "D Mall", ready dinner there about 150 rubles, liter of juice - 90 rubles, ice cream horn - 40 rubles.

Prices in cafe various depends on the level of the institution. Paste "Bolognese" in a fast food cafe -70ruple, in the cafe Italian cuisine - 390. There is a golden middle - cafes of Asian cuisine, where you can dinner dine for 350-400 rubles per person (noodles with chicken, salad with shrimps, drink). There are Swedish tables - about 1000 rubles per person with a large selection of seafood.

Souvenirs and other goods

Clothes are sold for a penny, but all beach styles: shale, swimsuits, hats, bags. Dear brand clothes are not found.

Slaps -100rubles.

Beach bag - 150.

Hat -150.

Wicker bags of excellent quality, Philipines are straight in the shops in the shops with you, it turns out the handmade product for pennies.

Total money spent on vacation

Helpful information?

The impression of rest in January

I'm tired of celebrating the New Year on the scenario of the nineties. How many years passes, and I celebrate the holiday equally. Therefore, I do not regret money and strength, I started looking for a place where to go to relax when the windows of winter. I was in Thailand several times, I didn't really like local exotic. I decided to fly to the edge of the world in January. Only chose from the tourist island of Cebu. There are a little tourists, especially in January. Not because the weather is bad, but because there are not so meeting the new year. Do not worry, their traditions do not affect the weather in the Pacific Ocean and climate. In January, the air temperature is + 23-25 \u200b\u200bdegrees. Only the ocean can be raging. But this is not surprising, because the ocean mistakenly called quiet. I love to ride the waves so that the swimsuit flies, so I have only the best impressions.

Youth rest

Phillip Islands - a place for entertainment. Therefore, Cebu will go for people who continuously want to know this world (bought with sardines, visit the beach nightclub, go to the local temple).

What to take with you on vacation?

On the island there are all the conditions to live, buy food. Therefore, take with you only comfortable things and shoes. If you fly with the child, do not forget to take a mini-first aid kit. Only pharmaceutical goods must be in the original packaging. I recommend to take a remedy for diarrhea, a disinfectant for hands, leucoplasty (suddenly you have to walk a lot). Also take olive oil. For a flat tan. The remedy for burns does not prevent.

Where to stay better?

I do not want to scare you, but on Cebu island the most unusual places for the night. For example, a cemetery. This is not a joke. Cebu passes such a stay. On the island there are hotels and private residents rent housing. Rent number is not a problem. There are quite good apartments for only $ 20 per day. I stay at the hotel "The Golden Peak Hotel Suites". For 30 dollars, I received a chic room, with a double bed. Spacious room and air conditioning, I didn't even pay attention to two stars. Because the hotel is new. You can not worry, in January there are plenty of free places. You can find overnight on arrival, not to risk your financial investments.

We tell me where in the Philippines it is best to live and relax those who dream of the paradise landscapes and the purest sea, but at the same time he prefers peace of mind and solitude. All about Bantayan island: detailed guide and tips.

Currency exchange rate: 1 Philippine Peso (PHP) ≈ 1.3 RUB.

Why it is worth going to Bantayan

Tired of noisy and dirty manila and Cebu City, we decided to settle on some kind of paradise island, which the Philippines are famous for two weeks. The question arose where it is better to live and relax in the Philippines. We have long collected information about the various islands and chose the best to stay in the following criteria:

  • excellent beaches;
  • peace and quiet;
  • lack of a crowd of tourists;
  • inexpensive accommodation;
  • inexpensive food;
  • safety.

Comparison with other islands. Claimed the title of the best Island of Philippines Boracay, Panglao, Palawan, Malapaska and Bantayan. South Philippines We were immediately thrown back because of the terrorists - just recently, tourists were abducted from the resort of Samala, and did not want to risk. Boracay did not come up because of high prices and clusters of tourists, Palawan - remoteness, high costs and the lack of constant power supply (El Nido), once paradise Malapaska, judging by the reviews, not completely recovered from the devastating Typhoon, and the Pranglao reviews were not The best, what we ourselves were convinced by visiting the island at the very end of our journey through the Philippines. Bantayan remained: good reviews, nice pictures, Proximity to Cebu. And we went there.

Atmosphere on the island. Having lived two weeks on the island in the resort of Santa Fe, we can say that this is the place where you want to return. In Santa Fe reigns the atmosphere of thoughtful things: in the afternoon there is almost no one in the streets, only the Europeans-expatians squeeze beer in the bars, and in the evening, tourists crawl into restaurants. It is always Siesta here, and landscapes are almost like Bounty advertising. Bantayan can rightly be called one of the best islands in the Philippines for recreation and life.

Boldly choose to relax the island of Bantayan - it is still not completely spoiled by tourists. Read this review - our advice will help you easily organize rest.

How to get to Battan from Cebu City

Bantayan Island is located in the northwest of Cebu Island. Ferries from Cebu City on Bantayan No, you need to sail from the Hagnaya Port. You can get to the port by bus that departs from the Northern Terminal (North Terminal) - you can take a taxi, Trincen or Jept (from the city center, the route 01K and some more others). The buses from Northern Bus Station go often, approximately every half an hour, from 4 am to 5 pm. Time on the way is about 4 hours. The ticket costs 170 pesos.

We drove on the flight, which departs at 10:30 (in fact, it is sent at 11). Comforts are comfortable, with air conditioning, TV and Wi-Fi. On the way one stop lasting in half an hour - you can eat and go to the toilet (2 peso input). In total, we drove 4 hours, but the way back took a little more due to traffic jams - about 5 hours.

The bus arrives directly to the port of Hagna, on arrival we purchased tickets for the nearest ferry (180 peso ticket and 10 pesos portal). Ferries run around from around 6 am to 6 pm hourly. On the way - about 1 hour. The schedules can be found and, but it is difficult to say how relevant they are - this is the Philippines.

In the port of Santa Fe is full of trainsiklov (motorcycles with a carriage), which will take you anywhere. Travel, ticket costs 15-25 pesos per person, depending on the distance.

Where to live on Batthane: Hotels, Resorts, Guesthouses

The most pleasant place to stay in Battan is the resort town of Santa Fe (although it is possible to call it with a large stretch). What is it good? As we already wrote above, there is a pleasant atmosphere, deserted beaches, clean sea and beautiful landscapes. The best beaches are in Santa Fe - the rest are unsuitable for swimming.

Second big City - Bantayan. There is a large market, a variety of cafes, an old church, an ATM. Tourists here come only for products and attractions.

The third city is Madridezhos. There is a dilapidated Spanish Fort (Kota Park). There are practically no tourists.

We lived in Santa Fe.Therefore, we give the names and prices of the resort hotels, which we have bypassed yourself, as well as give advice.

The most expensive hotels are located on the first line: mostly rooms with a fan cost from 800 pesos, with air conditioning - from 1000 pesos. In Guesthouses and small hotels, cheaper: from 500 peso per room with a fan and from 800 with air conditioning.

Hostel Casa Isabel

600 pesos for two for a facility with a disgusting smell of paint, poisonous-green walls, a noisy fan and shared bathroom. Here we spent the first night in Santa Fe. Beach is quite far away. Of the advantages: a friendly mistress who personally prepare a delicious breakfast.

Nordic Inn.

900 Pesos for two per room with your bathroom. The room is good, but modest, there was no table and chairs. Pretty expensive, refused to give a discount for a long stay, although we read a review that someone lived in this guesthouse for 15 thousand pesos per month. Very close to the beach.

Mayet "S Beach Resort

Located on the first line, right on the beach, but away from the city center - next to Ogtong Cave Resort. There is no establishments nearby where it would be possible to eat. Room with fan - 600 pesos, with air conditioning - 1200 pesos. The situation is scanty, furniture in the rooms for 600 pesos almost did not have. Reviews wrote that many ants.

Yoonek Beach Resort and Yooneek Inn

There are bungalows on the beach (Resort) and there are across the road (Inn). Prices and there, and there are high: per room with a fan 1100 and 990 pesos, respectively, with air conditioning - 1700 and 1300 pesos. Pushed a large number of traveling Europeans and high prices. At the reception, it was written that a discount is provided for Longsters.

Budyong Beach Resort.

Not bad resort. Bungalow on a third line with a fan and bathroom - 800 pesos. Outside there is a table and chairs, in the room - TV and a wardrobe. Throw down to 700 pesos with long stay. On 3 lines The Wi-Fi signal is weak.

Kota Beach (next to Budyong Beach Resort)

Beautiful resort on the first line. The cheapest room costs 900 pesos (with fan) - cool, cozy, with furniture and with your bathroom. Outside, on the terrace, there is a table and chairs. The room with air conditioning is from 1400 pesos. Essential minus - Wi-Fi only in the public zone.

There is also Kota Beach Resort near the port, we were not there - we are talking What next to the Budyong Beach Resort.

Sophia Resort.

Rooms with a fan - 800 pesos, with air conditioning - 1000 Peso, 1500 There are good bungalows. The rooms for 800 pesos are modest, there is a bathroom, but no cabinet has outlets on the street, table and chairs, but the smell is unpleasant. Far from the center of the resort.

Seven Star

Bungalow with a fan for 700, with air conditioning - 800. Beach is a 3-minute walk. Discount for long stay - 100 pesos. The bungalow is good, but outside the yard looks bad - the construction trash is lying.

Amihan Beach Cabanas.

Very cute and cozy resort with bungalows, hammocks and arbors on the beach. Dear: Bungalow with a fan 2500 pesos, with air conditioning - 3000. But there are all the amenities, even a fridge and hot water, which is rare for the Philippines.

RR Lodging House.

After reviewing a bunch of hotels, we stopped in this guesthouse. The room is very bright and cozy, quite spacious, there is a shower and toilet, a table, a wardrobe, a TV, a TV, and the air conditioning - for it we paid 650 pesos per day (no discount cost 800). A room with a fan and a bathroom - 450 pesos. There is a terrace with a table and chairs. The owner is his name to his Raul - every morning brings a thermos with hot water. Washing - 50 per kilogram.

Of the minuses: a lot of insects (ants and big cockroaches!); Only a cold shower; There was no cleaning for 2 weeks once (changed underwear 1 time); In the afternoon, the host child cried. Of the advantages: good room, Beach - 1 minute. How to find: Street A. Batobalonos, after HR Music Bar and opposite Casa Blanca.


  • If you come late in the evening, it is better to book an inexpensive hotel for one night, and in the morning you get around the city in search of suitable housing - Santa Fe is very small, it is easy to get around on foot.
  • We recommend not to book housing for a long time immediately, and visit hotels and choose optimal optionSince often the picture on the site is not true: there may be a dark and shaft number, a bad Wi-Fi signal or thin walls, etc. Besides, if you are going to live more than two weeks, you can ask a discount for long stays ( Long Stay).
  • On the island is a large selection of houses - you just need to walk and seek the appropriate signs and ads (House for Rent) or contact local residents.

How else can I search for accommodation in Santa Fe? Hostels, apartments and hotels are looking for at RoomGuru search engine, it will select the most profitable options among many booking systems.

Prices for food and products on Battower (Santa Fe)

Filipino food is not too diverse: basically it is rice with additives, grilled meat and soup. All this is inexpensive if you find a place for local. There are few people in Santa Fe - most cafes and restaurants have a strongly overestimated price tag.

In the center of the city there is a small institution where you can eat tasty and inexpensively - we went there very often. This is an inconspicuous eatery, but prepare delicious. Address: On the right side of A. Batobalonos Street, if you go through it from the beach. Next door two churches (they are opposite each other), nearby - Fast Food Burger Junction, a little away - Casa Isabel Hostel.

Prices in establishment for local:

  • fresh Rice Plate - 10 Pesos;
  • a plate of rice fried with garlic (Garlic Rice is very tasty!) - 25 pesos;
  • grilled pork (3 kebab) - 20 pesos;
  • chicken grilled ham - 45-50 pesos;
  • grilled chicken breast - 45 pesos;
  • plate of vegetables - 20 pesos;
  • seafood - 40-50 per plate (Serve);
  • coffee soluble - 15 pesos;
  • tea - 15 pesos;
  • glass of water - 2 pesos.

It is also possible to eat inexpensively on Fudcort, which is located on the same street approximately opposite Cafe Del Mare - it is possible there relatively inexpensive, but the price is higher than in the previous institution, almost one and a half or two times.

Cost of dishes on Fudcourt:

  • soup (small portion - 35 pesos, big - 70);
  • pork barbecue (1 kebab) - 12 peso;
  • chicken wing - 40 pesos;
  • chicken liver - 20 pesos;
  • chicken with rice - 85 pesos;
  • squid on the grill - 85 pesos;
  • grilled shrimps - 35 pesos;
  • bangus fillet on the grill - 85 pesos;
  • drinks - 15 pesos;
  • beer - 40 pesos.

On A. Batobalonos Street, there are many popular institutions of various cuisines: German, Italian, Portuguese, etc., there is a small market on it, which in the morning turns additional tents before entering. Opposite the market, not far from the exchanger, there is also a fruit shop where the fruit can be purchased a little cheaper.

Fruit prices:

  • mango - 90-100 pesos per kg;
  • pomelo - 80 pesos per piece on the market and 40 per kg in a tent (however, they dry there, it is better to take on the market);
  • papaya - about 50 per kg;
  • bananas - about 40 pesos;
  • sour cream apple - 60 per kg;
  • langsat - 90-100 per kg;
  • coconut - 20-30 per piece;
  • mandarins - 5 pesos per piece.

Alcohol prices are overestimated, for example, San Miguel beer - 37-50 pesos depending on the type, just more expensive - in bars.

In Bantay City on the market, the cost of fruit is almost no different from Santa Fe, food is a little cheaper on food.

Also on our site you can read about housing, food and travel on transport in the Philippines as a whole.

Rent a bike and bike on Battow

Rent a bike or bike on the island is not a problem at all. In Santa Fe, every second owner of the bike will lead you to the rental point, and on the street you will only hear "Motobike, Mam" and "Raint E Motobike, Sir". Cost per day: from 200 Pesos for a scooter, from 250 - for semi-automatic and 300 for a full-fledged motorcycle. The bikes are good, you can say, in excellent condition, but there are no roads, so they do not ride on the island. Asphalt is uneven, in potholes and payments, in some places it is simply no - either concrete slabs, or a dirt road.

Bicycle rental is not so common, you can find in the supermarket area of \u200b\u200bthe Corner Inn.

What to look at Battow

Bantayan is not rich in attractions. The road also does not bring pleasure because of the breakdown. The whole island can safely go around in one day. What to look at the island? We present some attractions that we liked, the cost of entry and tips, how to get.

Paradise Beach.

The one who always dreamed of visiting the paradise beach must be attended by this place. Find the beach is quite difficult, but perhaps. We found only with the third time.

Instruction: You need to drive Ogtong Cave Resort, then along the coast to a small village of Maenboal. Having drove it, on the left, look for an inconspicuous path, as if leading in the thickets of shrubs and trees. No pointers. Turn there - the road along the stones and frozen corals is unpleasant and extinguishing. On the fork you need to turn right - wept in the fence. Behind him - Paradise Beach with a well-kept territory and a couple of arbors. The place is non-trial, during our visit for 2 hours there was not a single tourist. Very nice, quiet and secluded. Login - 50 pesos. If you got lost, ask the village - we held a local resident.

St Peter and Paul Church in Battow

The old church produces a pleasant impression. Beautiful stained glass and interior decoration in general - without personality and vulgarity.

Kota Park in Madridzhos

Vintage Spanish fort, pedestrian bridge and lighthouse on the very north of the island. A couple of victims come to the bridge to meet the sunset, and the local guys runs to the spill-tidy corals. To get to the fort, you need to come early.

Ogtong Cave.

Located on the territory of the same resort. For 120 pesos, you can look at the underground cave with crystal clear blue water. Someone writes that you can swim in it, and someone denies it. We decided not to visit her, as there is a similar on Bochola.

Omagieca Mangrove Garden (Obo-OB)

Those who are interested in mangrove thickets. You can see turtles, fish, marine stars, shrimps, birds. We seen only fish and birds. Quiet and peaceful. Log in 50 pesos.

What else can be visited on Battower: Tiyaba Cave, Sunrise Beach, Dalton Pass Shrine. You can go to the neighboring virgin island (Virgin Island) - approximately 700 pesos with a person there and back.

Cons Batthana

And u paradisk Islands Bantayan has its own cons, alas:

  • bad roads;
  • infrastructure is poorly developed;
  • there are interruptions with electricity;
  • choosing fruit and inexpensive food small;
  • eating monotonous;
  • hotels price higher than we expected;
  • few attractions;
  • to extend, you will have to go to another island - for example, Cebu;
  • pearls of pearls and children who shouted money;
  • the sea is petty, it is not always convenient to swim - it can go to the tump for 15-20 meters;
  • corals are close, so there is a risk of step on sea hedgehog, Star, snake or someone worse - you need to watch carefully where you come, and do not enter the sea, if it is muddy and there are waves. We met all of the above, also lying hard to the jellyfish - so just in case, in front of the trip, take insurance. But here is a wonderful diving and snorkeling!

However, all these shortcomings are peculiar or the country as a whole, or you can close your eyes. As a result, Bantayan is one of best places In the Philippines, where to go to everyone who craves a relaxing holiday on the shores of the beautiful sea.

To better learn the country, read our extensive material about - all useful information is collected there, which can be useful to the tour on the trip, and our advice and recommendations based on personal experience.

Source of the introductory image: ©

Many types of tourism are well developed in the Philippines. Anyone will find a lesson for yourself. Beach holiday, shopping, visiting festivals, ecotourism, climbing the mountains and volcanoes (by the way, about the mountains, there are excellent guys who are engaged in climbing and hikes around the world, their website:, diving, snorcling , surfing, parasailing - far from full list What you can do in the Philippines. In addition, there are many interesting historical sites in the Philippines. For a long time, the Philippines were Spanish colony, which imposed their imprint on the country's culture and architecture of cities. Useful information about the Philippines (visa, language, currency, transport, etc.) can be viewed. Next will be described directly about the Islands of the Philippines.

The Philippines consist of more than 7,000 islands, and each is interesting and unique in its own way. The island is worth choosing on the basis of preferences. For divers, the island of Luzon or Mindoro is the ideal place of recreation, and for surfers, for example, - Siargao. If you love the story, you should stop your choice on Cebu Island, and nature connoisseurs for the soul will have the island of Palawan.

In this article, we will look at the tourist opportunities and the main attractions of the major and most popular Islands Philippines.

Luzon Island is the largest of the islands of the Philippines, it is located in the north of the country. The capital of the Philippines is located on it - the city of Manila. There are four international airports on the island.


In Manila, you can see old city Intramos, Rokhos Boulevard, Risel Park, Coconut Palace, Oceanarium, Avilila Zoo (30 km northeast from Manila), Botanical Garden of Manila, Museum of Arts and Science University of Santo Thomas, Metropolitan Museum of Arts. We advise you to entrust the organization of the excursion program to local Russians offering guides in Manila.

Lutzon Sights:

  • Vigan. Historical Center. Spanish architecture.
  • Bagio. Summer residence of the president of the Philippines. Historical Center.
  • Rice terraces Banaue (Banaue Rice Terraces). There are rice terraces on the slopes of Cordiller.
  • Subic Bay National Park (Subic Bay). Former American military base. Here you can see bamboo and mango forests in which gigantic bats live.
  • Tala Volcano (Taal Volcano). This volcano is unique in that the crater of this relatively young volcano is located in the lake, and not the opposite as usual. Volcano Tala is the smallest in the world, its height is only 260 meters.
  • Quezon National Park National Park.).
  • Mountain Arayat National Park. Dormant volcano. Height 1026 meters.
  • Maison Volcano National Park. Active volcano. It is considered one of the most beautiful acting volcanoes in the world.
  • Valley of the Khahayan River (Cagayan Valley). The valley is located between the Central Cordillera and the Sierra Madre Range. The longest Philippine River - Kagyan flows into the Luzon Strait in the north of the country.
  • Lake Laguna de Bay. The largest libipline lake.
  • Pangsanjan Falls (Pagsanjan Falls). Previously, they were called Waterfalls Magdapio.
  • Mountain Pulog (Mountain Pulag National Park). Height 2934 meters.
  • Pinatubo volcano (Pinatubo).
  • The capital of sex tourism is angels city (Angeles City).



Popular places: Donxol, Nagban, Tikao Island, Subit Bay Bay, Batanhas Bay.

Hotels Manila

View descriptions of the most popular hotels in Manila hotels, you can find the price and book a hotel by clicking on the link.

The island is replete with historical places. Here is the oldest christian church, First fort, monuments Magellan, as well as the grave and cross of Magellan. In addition, here are delightful nature and underwater world. Cebu Island is associated with a bridge with a small coral island Mactan, where Cebu International Airport is located.

Sights of Cebu Island:

  • Vintage Fort San Pedro (Fort San Pedro).
  • Chinese Temple (Taosit Temple).
  • Magellan Cross (Magellan "S Cross).
  • Garden butterflies Jumalon.
  • Waterfall Kawasan.
  • Bird Reserve on Olango Island.
  • Mactan Island. The monument on the site of the death of Magellan is installed on this island, as well as many monuments leading paw paw, in battle with whom Magellan died. In addition, there is a guitar factory. They say that they make the best guitars in the world.


Mactan Islands, Pescador, Quatro, Kimode, Gato and Malapaska (dive site Monad Schoal), Cape Copton, as well as Moalboal Marine Park.

Cebu hotels

Learn which of the Cebu Island hotels is the most economical, what is the most expensive, which is closest to the airport, and also booked the hotel by clicking on the link.

Boracay Island is an ideal place for a beach holiday. The island is only 7 km long and 1 km in Widrine. This is a paradise for active lovers sea rest - Diving, kiting, windsurfing. Here you will also like the nightlife lovers, which focuses on the White Beach beach. In the first days of stay on the island of Boracay, we advise you to order a review tour of the ATVs on the island accompanied by a Russian-speaking guide.

Sights of Boracay Island:

  • Cave of bats.
  • Mount Luho. Height of 100 meters. The highest place island.
  • Cave caves Kabgan.
  • Mango forest (Bakhawan Eco-Park).


On Boraca, ideal conditions for skating on windserph. There is smooth water and always blows the wind.


The Bellog Beach was chosen from the whole world, it always blows a smooth and stable wind.


Crocodile island, friday's rock, cliff Omarov, Laurel Island and others.

Hotels Borakaya

Borca hotels review with the possibility of booking.

Mindao Island The second largest island of Philippines. The city of Davao is interesting for its historical sights, shopping centers, markets and casinos. On the island there are three international airports, they are located in the cities of Davao, Zamboanga and General Santos.

Mindao Island Attractions:

  • SAMI high mountain Countries - APO.
  • Eagle reserve.
  • Orchid plantation.
  • Waterfalls in the city of Iligan.
  • Lake Lanao.


Diving in San Jose. Strong underwater flows.


Not far from the island of Mindanao is Siargaa Island. This island is famous for its Surfspot, mainly for professionals. On this island is the famous Reef "Cloud 9", in September international competitions are held here.

The seventh largest island of Philippines. In the northern part of the island is located popular resort - Puerto Galen, it is notable for its picturesque nature and rich underwater world.

Sights of Mindoro Island:

  • Bako National Park (Mounts Iglit - Baco National Park).
  • Mount Kalavit (Mount Calavite).
  • Mount Halkon (Bundok Halcon).
  • Tamarau Waterfall (Tamaraw Falls).
  • Lake Naujan Lake.
  • Reef apo (Apo Reef).


In Puerto Galera is a very diverse and rich underwater world. This place is popular with experienced divers.

The tenth largest island of Philippines. The island is famous for its chocolate hills and a reserve, the inhabitants of which are freedom-loving long-distance.

Bohol's sights:

  • Chocolate hills.
  • Dolg France reserve.
  • BUSAY waterfalls.
  • Church of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • Cruise on the Loboy River.


Panglao, Balikasag and Cabilao, as well as Cape Arco and Snake Island.

On the island is rich nature and underwater world. The island is replete with unique mountains, caves, impassable jungle and mango forests. In addition, exquisite beaches surrounded by coral reefs. On the island there is an international airport of Puerto Princesa.

Sights of the island Palavan:

  • Saint Paul Sabritern National Park River (St. Paul Subterranean River National Park). Underground river.
  • Tabon Caves.


Night diving on the reefs of the Tubbataha.

Hotels in Palavan

With a review of hotels, Palawan Island can be found.

Located only two kilometers south of Boracay Island's popular tourists. On Panai Island, two international airports: Iloilo and Kalibo.

Panay Island Attractions:

  • Volcano Nangtud.
  • Waterfalls Havilli and Cascade.
  • PHYUKHAN Cave and Hurum Hurum sources.
  • Sibal Natural Park.
  • Rafting on the Butang River.


Diving for beginners and advanced divers.

The fifth largest island of Philippines. Basically attracts tourists with its nature and dive sites.

Negro Island Attractions:

  • Vulcan cannoan. Height 2460 meters.
  • Lake Balinsasayo.
  • Mount Talinis.


The isher is washed immediately by three seas, their underwater world is diverse and unique.

Philippine Islands on the map

We wish you a pleasant and interesting trip to the Philippines!