Repairs Design Furniture

The cheapest roof covering. What roof is cheaper. Prices for various types of slate

When building a country house, many masters, not wanting to spend a lot of money for the arrangement of summer cottages, are wondering than cheaper to cover the roof. After all, a cheap roof is a savings of almost 15% of the construction budget. At the same store, for the roof, I want to choose not only the cheap coating, but also such that will have good performance. In the material below we will analyze the better to cover the roof of house-cottages, and what are the nuances of working with one or another material.

In order for the master to understand the approximate prices for certain roofing materials, below we offer a rating that will move from cheaper to more expensive coatings. So, today prices look like this:

  • Ruberoid or EuroBeroid - $ 0.35-0,50 / m2;
  • Slate wave - $ 2.1-4.4 / m2;
  • Profiled sheet - $ 2.6-4.4 / m2;
  • Ondulin - $ 2.7-4 / m2;
  • Soft roofing material - $ 4.2-4.7 / m2;
  • Metal tile - $ 4.2-4.8 / m2.

It should be known that prices may differ slightly depending on the country's region.

Types of roofing materials for inexpensive construction

If you do not know how to cover the roof of the house is cheaper, then below is an overview of the most economical roofing materials on any designer taste. So, begin.

Rolled Roofing Materials (Ruberoid)

This is the most affordable coating option for those who do not know how to cover the roof in the country inexpensive. The standard runner includes a cardboard basis, bitumen impregnation and protective crumb from asbestos, talca, etc. To the advantages of such a coating include:

  • Environmental coating;
  • Its plasticity, which means convenience in laying;
  • Excellent resistance to moisture;
  • Inertness to temperature differences (cold).

At the same time, Ruberoid, despite its low price and all available pluses, there are some drawbacks:

  • As an external coating, this material is short-lived (maximum 15-20 years);
  • Increased flammability of rubberoid;
  • Exposure to excessive heating from the sun.

The principle of laying the runneroid as a roofing material is to make a solid crate under it. This will avoid the Ruberoid sagging over time. In addition, for the density of the finished roof and its degree of load, it is better to cover the roof of a private house in several layers. In particular, they fill from three to five layers.

Important: Preferably the roof coating should be treated so that the seams of each next layer are not found on each other. And to simplify the work you can use the EuroBeroid. One of his edge is melting, which simplifies the installation of the coating of the mustache without the use of bitumen mastic.

Wave slate

This roofing material is used for many decades. And at the same time, he does not lose its relative popularity. The composition of slate includes 85% of Portland cement and only 15% asbestos. Such proportions allow to obtain durable and durable roofing material. You can cover the roof at the cottage by slate if you want the roof of the house to serve at least 25 years. It is so much a seift of its manufacturers. However, in fact, the wave slate can serve and all 40 years old, subject to the lack of regular shock loads (drop on the roof of stones, iced branches, fruits, etc.). The benefits of slate can be attributed to:

  • Its relatively favorable value;
  • Increased wear strength;
  • Resistance to burning and temperature differences;
  • Easy in laying.

Also, slate has and cons. These are:

  • Low environmental friendliness (due to inclusion in asbestos, harmful to humans).
  • Susceptibility to moisture;
  • The fragility of the coating during installation (washes to crack with careful circulation).

It is worth knowing that for laying the roof in the country from slate sheets, it is necessary to move back and left to right. At the same time, each next sheet and row should be superimposed on the previous 20-30 cm to avoid moisture from entering the joints. Sheets of slate slate with special screws with rubber pads-washers.

Profiled sheet and metal tile

Professional sheet and metal tile is another convenient and favorable material for covering houses from the discharge of economical. The profiled sheet and metal tile are performed from aluminum or steel. In this case, the configuration of its wave can be diverse, which increases the decorative features of the material. Yes, and the shade of the coating can be chosen any. Outwardly, a straightened straightener resembles slate sheets, only many times easier. Benefits include:

  • Low weight and ease of installation;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistance to burning and temperature differences.

By minuses include:

  • Low noise absorption;
  • The possibility of damage to the sheets of coating during shock loads.

Important: Mounted profiled sheet and metal tile on the principle of a simple slate.


Ondulin is an excellent roofing material, comfortable in laying and is quite easy. This roofing material includes cellulose fibers, bitumen impregnation and special additives. The top of the material has a protective coloring layer. Externally, Ondulin reminds Slate, only with the material sheets lighter and flexible. The advantages of such a coating include:

  • Low weight;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Resistance to moisture;
  • Inertness to aggressive environments;
  • Strength.

At the same time, Ondulin has its drawbacks. These are:

  • Exposure to the upper color layer burnout;
  • The flammability limit is only 110 degrees;
  • In this case, the coating softened when heated in the sun. Therefore, it can be used to use it for the cottage / house located in the shade of garden trees with a large crown.

When laying ondulin, you need to comply with several basic principles:

  • Move on the roof from the bottom up and from left to right;
  • Each next row is placed in such a way that its edges are found on the previous 20-30 cm;
  • At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the vertical joints / adhesives of Ondulina are not repeated in each row (they are made with a displacement of the type of brick masonry);
  • Fixed ondulin special nails;
  • For one sheet of coating, it is necessary to use at least 20 pieces of nails, otherwise the coating can be deformed.

Soft roofing material

This type of roofing is perfect in the event that the roof of the house has a complex configuration. The fact is that the soft roof is a very plastic material. This coating includes fiberglass, bitumen, basalt or shale crumb. The advantages of such a coating include:

  • Ease in laying;
  • Low weight;
  • High level of noise absorption;
  • Material flexibility;
  • Resistance to moisture.
  • Susceptibility to burning;
  • The fragility of the roof with a long-term effects of minus temperatures.

When laying a soft roof it is necessary to comply with such principles:

  • The material is mounted on a solid surface of the crate, which does not have gaps, etc.;
  • Before laying the roof, the crate is securely hydroizing;
  • The sheets of soft roof are sick on bitumen mastic;
  • Installation of a soft roof is better to conduct an angle of 11 degrees in the presence of an angle;
  • If an angle is from 11 to 22 degrees, then each sheet is additionally fixed by four nails;
  • If the angle of inclination of the overlap is greater than 22 degrees, then 6-8 nails are used to fix the roof sheets. Thus, you can cover the roof of the country house you can be beautiful and inexpensive.

Important: Before deciding which material to choose to cover the roof of the country house, it is worth evaluating the weather conditions in the region, the location of the house relative to the garden plantings on the site and, of course, to evaluate its financial capabilities. With a competent approach to the choice of roof, you can build a budget and at the same time a strong house, which we strive to achieve.

Everyone knows that, in addition to reliable foundation and strong walls, the house is necessarily needed and a good quality roof. It is she who protects the inhabitants from the whims of weather in the form of rain, hail or snow. The proceeded roof is the reason for many troubles. Live where it is cold, wet and dirty, hardly someone wants to someone. Therefore, if the roof has deteriorated, it means it's time to replace the roof.

However, many postpone repairs due to concerns that good building materials will cost very expensive. This is not quite so. Today there are quite affordable budget options. Let's consider the most popular roofing materials and get the answer to the question: how simple and inexpensive.

Metal tile.

This is perhaps one of the best options where relatively low cost and high quality is successfully combined. Metal tile production is based on the latest developments. With the help of modern achievements in the field of chemistry, it was possible to create a unique coating for steel. Now the metal is reliably protected from corrosion. It should be noted that this unique coating is used not only at, but also other roofing materials. Corrosion protection requires all kinds of metal roofs.

Of course, the process of manufacturing metal tile is quite complicated. First, the steel is ground, then the bottom side of the product is covered with a protective varnish, and the upper - polymer coating, due to which the corrosion of the metal is not terrible. Roofing materials treated in this way, reliably protect the house from rainfall in the form of rain, snow or hail.

There are several types of metal tile. Differences occur due to different polymer coating. The most fiscal option is polyester. The basis of this protective coating is polyester paint. Polyester meets matte and glossy. This makes it possible to choose the desired material corresponding to the overall architectural idea. Polyester is able to withstand the heat and cold, however it has a high sensitivity to mechanical actions. That is why the transportation and installation of metal tire with a polyester coated requires special caution.

The option is a bit more expensive - the protective coating of the Pural. Processed roofing materials are capable of withstanding large temperature differences. In general, the pouranel is more reliable than polyester. However, plastisol is considered the highest quality polymer coating. It reliably protects steel not only from corrosion and large temperature differences, but also from coarse mechanical action. Playing materials with plastisol coated are mounted easily and suitable for roofs with different slope.

The advantages of metal tiles can be attributed to light weight, ease of installation, durability, refractory. The main disadvantage is bad sound insulation. Roofing materials made of steel do not protect the tenants from the goula from the street. However, this problem can be easily eliminated by adopting additional noise insulation measures.

Soft roof. Bituminous tile

Presented on the market in several options. The most popular bituminous tile. This material has many advantages. One of them is an affordable cost. That is why many stop their choice on bituminous tile. The bottom side of the product is made based on the adhesive layer of organic materials or glass cholester. The base is impregnated with modified bitumen. Small stony granules are applied to the top of the tiles. They can be a different shade, which allows you to choose an option for every taste. It should be noted that the granules are performed and decorative and protective functions.

In addition to the available cost, the following advice features are distinguished: ease of installation, beautiful sound insulation properties, aesthetic and beautiful view. This material is very easy. However, it should be remembered that there are cons. The material is not durable. Especially bituminous tile is sensitive to hail: it beats the top layer and the base cracks.


This is another version of the soft roof. EuroShorter is a wavy bitumen sheet. It is based on fiberglass or pressed recycled cardboard. Euro sector sheets are impregnated with bitumen and covered with a protective polymer coating. The advantages of this type of roof set. First of all, it is an environmentally friendly material. Sheets are very light by weight, which allows you to put euroshimer directly on the old roof. In addition, this roofing material does not need a complex crate. Since the eurosher sheets are flexible, their use is possible not only on even, but also on the curvilinear surface of the roof. A variety of color scheme allows you to choose a variant combined with a common style of the house. The erectifer is able to withstand the load up to 250 kg per square meter. Such a roofing material can serve more than 50 years. And the most important thing: euroshorter is a cheap option.


This type of roof is a simple inexpensive option. Professional property is performed as follows: steel galvanized sheets are mounted and coated with a protective polymer coating. There are various types of such material. Professional property can be different in size, thickness and color. The advantages of such a roof include durability, low weight, ease of installation, resistance to any weather conditions.

Rone roofing

For those who want to save and at the same time give the house a beautiful unusual look, you can advise to pay attention to. It is a small wooden plank. These building materials have their own history. Since ancient times, people covered the roofs of houses with such wooden planks. And today, the roofing roof continues to attract buyers with environmental purity, beauty and unusual species. Thanks to modern development, it was possible to achieve good quality and durability. For the manufacture of a rated roofing use cypress, larch or pine. It looks especially good on the roofs with a big bias.

However, there are disadvantages. This absence of fire resistance (additional roof protection is required from fire), complex building manipulations when installing, the possibility of rotting.

New Roofing Materials: Rubber and Plastic

Modern scientific developments helped create new building materials. With the help of various technologies, it was possible to achieve high quality at an affordable price. It is to such products that the composite tile belongs. It is made of rubber or plastic. The basis can serve portland cement or fiberglass. A variety of color gamut and various form options allows you to choose a composite tile almost for every taste.

If you are on the summer site, build a house or any other building, then you will need to invest a lot of money. Many of us are trying to save on the construction of the roof using the cheapest materials for this. Consider the properties of inexpensive roofing coatings, and will answer the question how not to guess with the choice.

What you need to consider when choosing a roof

The modern building materials market offers us a choice of a large number of coatings, of which the roof can be made. Each material has its own characteristics. They are important to take into account before purchasing. Pay attention to the following characteristics when purchasing a roof material:

  • waterproofing;
  • noise absorption;
  • fire safety;
  • strength;
  • life time.

If you need the cheapest roof, then you should not pay attention to the external attractiveness of the material. Best of all when you buy carefully check the quality of the material for the future roof. Often in building markets at low prices you may be offered defective or fake materials that will not correspond to the stated characteristics.

Another point that must be taken into account when creating a roof project and choosing a material - type of crate. If you lay the runneroid or flexible tile - you will need to make a solid crate. Otherwise, you can do sparse.

Slate is one of the most common options that is familiar to us since the time of the USSR. With its help, you can save on the construction of the roof only in one case, if you will carry out the installation with your own hands. None of the contractors will be finished with this material for a small value.

This material has a number of shortcomings:

  • low reliability (easy breaking easily and it can break through strong hail);
  • low frost resistance;
  • it absorbs moisture, which is very bad with a protracted rain or winter.

If you want your roof to be made of slate, you should carefully choose this material. It is best to use for roof sheets covered with enamel or oil paints. They may not be traditional gray, but more attractive. However, this is not all advantages of enamel coating. It increases resistance to low temperatures and reduces the degree of moisture absorption.

Rolled Ruberoid is another material that is used for several decades. It should not be placed on the roof of a residential building, as it is distinguished by low fire safety. The main advantage of this material is waterproofing. That is why it is often laid under the final coating of the roof. For example, for slate or ondulin.

If you are going to use the rubberoid without an additional (finishing) finish, then it will be necessary to lay it in several layers (usually in three or four). Another negative quality of the regularity is its easy flammability.

This material is not suitable for constant coverage of residential buildings. If in the coming seasons you will not be built the roof from more expensive materials, then it is worth finding an alternative to Ruberoid. It is quickly wearing and in heavy rain can give to flow.


As well as Ruberoid, Ondulin should not be used as a permanent coating of the cottage roof. It is ideal for household buildings and temporary structures. Consider what flaws will have a roof from it:

  1. Ondulin is produced from recycled paper. It is deformed from any heavy rain. If snow is delayed on the roof, then for the next year you will have to buy a new roofing material and engage in installation.
  2. Cleaning the roof of ondul from snow using special devices is also impossible. After it, dents remain on the material, and when negligence can even form broken.
  3. Ontulin fades literally for several seasons. It cannot be called a significant disadvantage, but it directly indicates a small service life of such a coating.
  4. Among the sheets of Ondulin, you can find a greater percentage of marriage. They often encounter bitumen spots. Manufacturers and sellers know about this feature and are unlikely to exchange lists with disadvantages.

Its moisture resistance, in the absence of strong precipitation and snow delay on the roof, the roof of Ondulina can save only 10 years. This is a very small period, compared with modern materials such as professional flooring or metal tile.

Compared to the above-listed materials for the roof, the tile has a higher price. There are several types of tiles. If you are interested in the cheapest coating, it is worth staying on a soft tile, it is often called flexible. The tiled coating can be noted several advantages:

  • not subject to corrosion, rotting and rust;
  • does not let water and moisture;
  • does not fade in direct sunlight and does not lose their properties from their impact;
  • you can change in small fragments.

Of the disadvantages of this material, it is worth noting high costs for the crate. It must be solid.

In recent years, professional flooring can also be called one of the inexpensive roof coatings. It has much more advantages than all materials listed above:

  • not subjected to rust (except when the polymer layer is spoiled when installing);
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • durability;
  • withstands significant loads from snow and does not break through a hail;
  • ease of installation;
  • unpretentiousness (sufficient only once a year washed off with a hose water from the hose);
  • it is easily removed from it or not at all delayed with a sufficient slope;
  • bright and rich colors.

An important question of choosing a type of roof design and roofing material at home occurs at the design stage. I want architectural harmony and beauty, reliability and quality. It is impossible to allow the error here, because the service life of the roof should be several tens of years with rigid loads and constant fluctuations in temperature and humidity. In most regions of our country, the roof of the roof is withstanding the snow and rains, in the summer of heat, and all year round - the wind and dust. Consider in detail the various types of "Caps of the House" to find out what the most reliable.

Constructive features and the use of roofing materials with different properties allows you to choose the optimal type of roof as the price and complexity of installation and the specificity of the planned loads - for example, heavy snow cover during the winter months, a wet seaside climate or a dry roast southern summer. It matters and the possibility of a residential attic or technical floor in the attic.

For the presence of an internal volume of the roofs are divided into two types:

  • bescaneless, which do not have additional overlap and are simultaneously the ceiling of the room. This is the perfect solution for the private house in the southern regions with a mild climate, such a roof makes the room spacious and cooler, and the patio or mini-gardens are often arranged on top of the roof;
  • the attic, which have internal volume and overlap, allow you to warm the roof and reduce the cost of heating at home, make a full-fledged second floor in the attic, increasing the useful area. Such qualities are suitable for use in a cold climate, attic roofs are very popular.

Flat straight

There is a straight flat roof.

Its minus is a small angle of inclination (3º), in winter the snow accumulates on the surface and need to consider it, and the risk of leakage increases in summer. But for such a roof, it takes much fewer materials and it is done much faster and easier than other types, it can accommodate a terrace or flower garden on it, set solar panels.

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, it is often used for household buildings and garages.

Attic with rods

  • slinge system;
  • doom;
  • roof;
  • layers of waterproofing and undergraduate;
  • mansard or attic windows;
  • cracker, drainage gutter.

The roofs are divided into the number and shape of the skates and can be complex design.

The main advantage of the pitched roofs is natural self-cleaning due to the slope to the horizon, which is from 5 to 70º.

Single car

A single roof is based on different buildings in the height of the building and consists of one inclined flat skate. Large sailboat can become a minus: with a strong wind there is a risk of breakdown.

It is an inexpensive and simple version of the option that lasts for many years


Most often, the owners of houses choose dupled structures based on the walls of equal height and consisting of two half, closed on the joint of the skate. Skates may be the same or different in length.

The vertical walls of the attic are called frontons and are traditionally equipped with attic windows.

Such a roof has many advantages:

  • the optimal angle of inclination contributes to the natural flow of water and snow;
  • the ability to pave a high-quality insulation between the brucks of the doom;
  • the admissibility of the arrangement of the attic and installation of windows, laying electrical wires;
  • tested by centuries installation technology;
  • durability and ability to be repaired;
  • large selection of girlfriends.


The hip roof is distinguished by the lack of frontones, instead of which are still installed two more skate, as well as a more complex form and technology of mounting. At the top of the Valm are auditory windows. It is not recommended to build such a roof that is not recommended, it is better to trust professionals.

Four-tight design is perfectly opposed to even strong winds and atmospheric precipitation


The semi-haul form has two types:


This kind consists of several slopes converging at the same top point, and has a shape of the tent. An excellent solution for the building with walls of a square or proper polygonal shape, there is no need to build frontones.

This is a reliable option, it is resistant to winds and is suitable for regions with snowy winter and upholstery of precipitation in spring and autumn.


If the building has a form of a complex polygon and the arrangement of a simple roof is impossible, design a multi-way construction with multiple undersens and skates, protrusions and other elements that reduce reliability and increasing the cost of installation. Its minus can be considered rtandov, joints and seams that account for the main weather load.

The complex rafter system and frontones are not noone, but allow creating an original building with a unique design.


This is the name of the broken rope roof. Two parts of the canvas are located at different angles and form a large amount of useful space inside, which allows you to equip a spacious additional residential or technical floor.

For this type of roofs have developed many different models of mansard windows, including balcony type.

Dome and conical

Such species are rarely used for home - more often for decorative turrets and architectural attractions.

Dome and tapered roofs were previously used in grams and churches, but in our time they became one of the revived architectural elements.

Table: What is the roof of the most reliable

Roof type pros Minuses
  • the most durable
  • durable;
  • simple design;
  • ability to use under the sports field or garden
  • small angle of inclination;
  • big risk of leaky
Single car
  • the cheapest;
  • easy in installation and repair;
  • self-cleaning
  • unstable to strong winds
  • reliable, withstands wind, precipitation and temperature differences;
  • the cost is average;
  • the complexity is average;
  • the most popular: many ready-made solutions and calculations, proven over the years;
  • the ability to devices for attic;
  • large selection of roofing materials
  • it is necessary to build frontones;
  • small volume of indoor space
  • no frontones;
  • perfectly withstands precipitation and wind;
  • simple reliable form;
  • inexpensive
  • little attic space
  • you can make a mansardu
  • complex installation;
  • big value
  • Ability to device spacious attic;
  • self-cleaning;
  • just two skate
  • quite expensive;
  • complex in montage and repair;
  • the need to install windows and high-quality insulation
  • the ability to cover the buildings of a complex form;
  • wide design opportunities
  • the highest cost;
  • a lot of joints, high risk of leaks
  • no frontones;
  • easy to go down the snow and flows water
  • suitable only for houses of the right form.
Dome, conical
  • decorative effect;
  • ideal for rounded walls
  • not suitable for rectangular houses

All these varieties can be used together by combining in the project into a single system. Such a roof may include multiple and conical, single-table and half-haired part, windows and balconies. Construction will require considerable costs of finance and time, and the current repair will be needed more often and will be more difficult. After all, each joint and seam increases the possibility of leakage.

Of course, the more simpler design, the more reliable the roof. However, the observance of construction standards and the exact following modern technologies will allow to equip high-quality and reliable coating of the most complex shape. It is important to remember that, in addition to the strength, it should harmoniously fit into the architecture of the building, to draw up a single one-piece image with it. An impressive heavy roof is relevant for a massive house, and the stylish structure will look great with visually easy and elegant design.

Any construction requires major capital investments, and when it comes to the roof, there is no money in the wallet. It is necessary to look for a budget, but a fairly reliable option. In such cases, many, as a rule, look for the cheapest coating for the roof. What is it? Does he have drawbacks? Let's deal with it in more detail.

Coatings for the roof there is a lot, you can choose for every taste and color. Choose really there is from what:

  • professional flooring;
  • tile (ceramic, concrete, composite, metal tile);

Each material has certain strength characteristics, reliability and durability. Some have higher waterproofing indicators, others won in the plan of fire safety. Nevertheless, we are looking for something that is cheaper to cover the roof, and therefore, omit all the requirements for design and external attractiveness.

Cheap Roofing Materials

Next, we consider how you can cover the roof inexpensively and at the same time quite reliable. Of course, I want the material to be still durable, but it should also be understood that in search of an option with a low cost without losses could not do.

Wave slate

He is familiar to us since childhood, because then the variety of roofing materials was not so big and excessive sizes were not observed. How to cover the roof of the house cheap? The answer is simple - to buy a wave slate and go to it yourself. Most often, the lion's share of the budget takes the price of the work, because no company will do this for a penny.

The tempting value of the gray wave slate, of course, attracts, but many may noticeably complain about the low reliability of the coating. Indeed, slate sheets are sometimes not tested by hail, so it is worth carefully selecting this roofing material. Pay attention to it to be painted with enamel or oil paint. Such an upper layer significantly increases the frost resistance of slate and reduces its ability to absorb moisture.


The disadvantages of this roofing material are abused. However, if you think about how to cover the roof of the barn is cheap, Ondulin is what you need. For temporary buildings, this is the most optimal option, but it is no longer prestigious from Ontulin the roof of the cottage.

To other disadvantages of such a material include:

  1. It is made from recycling - waste paper. Accordingly, under any torrential rain, paper coverage will begin to deform.
  2. There are some difficulties in maintenance - clean the roof, without leaving dents, almost impossible. Especially not recommended to step on the wet Ondulin.
  3. This material is very quickly discolored. And it is impossible to prevent any claims to the manufacturer, because the warranty in 10-12 years is given only to moisture resistance. Accordingly, it will not miss the water, but it will not be able to boast a beautiful appearance.
  4. Already making a purchase, at home you can detect spots of bitumen on the coating. Replace the sheet, most likely you will not work.


Tile can not be called the most budgetary roofing material. It happens different species that differ significantly at the price. If you need a cheap roof, choose a soft tile, but your pocket will noticeably empty the beautiful refined coating. Indeed, the cost of such a roof can vary from quite economical to indecently high.

I would also like to note the following tile advantages:

  • it is not terrible or corrosion, neither rotting, nor rust;
  • it is waterproof;
  • it is not afraid of direct sunlight, does not fade (unlike ondulin discussed above);
  • any disadvantage is easy to eliminate, replacing individual fragments.


Ruberoid is better to cover the sheds, wraps and temporary buildings. The main task of the material is waterproofing. This coating is cheap, so it fully meets the requirement of low cost. And if at the price of the rubberoid ahead of the materials-competitors, then in terms of reliability, it is pointless to compete. That is why it is laid in several layers (three, and better four).

One of the main deficiencies of the runneroid is its low fire safety. The material is easily flammable, which is undoubted a minus. To get rid of the part of the deficiencies of the runneroid, when it is laying, use bitumen mastic. Of course, these are extra costs, but if you're not going to overlap the roof in the future, it is better to fork. The cheaply cover the roof, if not runned? For household buildings, this is perhaps the most optimal option.

Budget roof roof: what to pay attention to

Budget is rarely qualitative. Saving on a material with good waterproofing, you first praise yourself for a good choice. However, at the first rain, you will learn more about one significant disadvantage - poor noise insulation. Each drops will be heard that the comfort will not add comfort.

It is worth paying attention to whether you will not apply marriage or fake at low priced prices. Learn whether it is possible to do the installation itself without attracting a construction company, whether it is easy to get a small amount of material in the event of a breakdown, which time can be implemented. Remember: the roof is an important element of your home, so we take it with all seriousness.