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Why Roman Island Treasure has become popular. The key to understanding Roman Stevenson "Treasure Island". The story of the creation of the novel "Treasure Island"

1. Introduction

2. Biography R.L. Stevenson

3. The main literary directions in England of the XIX century.

4. The contribution of Stevenson R. L. into literature.

5. Neoromantism R.L. Stevenson

6. The history of the creation of the novel "Treasure Island"

7. Feature of the narrative in the novel "Island of Treasure"

8. Facts and fiction in the "Island of Treasure"

9. Roman "Treasure Island" in Russia

10. Conclusion

11. Footnotes

12. List of references


The purpose of this course work is to analyze the creativity of the outstanding English writer of the XIX century Robert Lewis Stevenson. The paper discusses the points of contact with the writer's creativity with a common literary process, and also stands out that new, which is its bright personality.

At the same time, we analyze the "biographical origins" of the formation of a special one - the creative method of R.L. Stevenson and trace the creative dynamics of the writer. Special attention in the work is paid to the central and most well-known work of the writer "Treasure Island" and the characteristics of the narrative in it. However, this work is analyzed in the context of the entire creativity of the writer.

The relevance of the topic is due to the feature of the literary process, in England of the XIX century.

In the UK of the last third of the XIX century, the effectiveness of the concept of "new imperialism" on mass consciousness is largely due to not only deep and qualified working in the works of intellectuals and practitioners, but also by its embodiment in artistic form, in various genres of musical and visual art. Prose and poetry filled with bright and memorable images, their exotic flavor, sharp and stressful compositions, exciting plots become effective means of establishing the control of the psyche of ordinary British. Thus, the basic abstracts of the concept of "new imperialism" were introduced into the Victorian system of values. At the same time, the evolution of artistic images quite accurately reflected the change of priorities for imperial construction, expansion and defense.

We also, we mean the wide distribution of entertainment, plot literature.

For example, we know that many, now the classics of world literature, often walked on compromises with the public and publishers, wrote taking into account market conditions.

And also it is known that R.L. Stevenson initially printed his novel "Treasure Island", which brought him in the future world fame and title of classic, in the respectable children's journal Yang Folks among banal, "mass", as they would now have been identified, works.

Thus, we are talking, in our opinion, about the similarity of the situation of the existence of literature in England of the XIX century and the interests of the reading public. It is known that the public in its reading preferences is characteristic of exotices and adventures or fiction to forget about frightening reality. And also to social literature, in order to know this reality and comprehend.

And the main aesthetic principle of the artistic version of the "new imperialism" was the principle of "courageous optimism" as a creative credo of neoromantism. This course was manifested in almost all genres of art as a challenge, on the one hand, the Victorian routine of managing storm, to life, the darkening and hypocrisy of the middle class, and on the other, the falnial decadent aesthetism of the intelligentsia. Neoromantism was focused primarily on a junior audience, embodulating "not relaxed and painful, and the vitality, a bright globility of healthy adolescence." Neoromantic heroes operated "by no means in a greenhouse environment, came across through an exciting plot with extraordinary circumstances requiring voltages of all forces, energetic, independent decisions and actions. For a neoromantic value system, opposition to spiritual inertia and moral templates, the need of identity in independence, in self-realization, not limited to any household conventions. This naturally associates with the values \u200b\u200bof spiritual and physical forces that manifest themselves in the fight against the hostile external world and in victory over powerful and dangerous opponents.

One of the most striking and most complete expressions of the Imperial System of Values \u200b\u200bof England XIX became fiction, and especially those of her genres that were intended for the youth. "New Romanticism" R.L. Stevenson, J. Konrad, A. Konan - Doyle, R. Kipling, D. Khenty, W. Kingston, R. Ballandine and others embodied the moral credo of debt and self-sacrifice, disciplines and faith, harmonious unity of the spirit of spirit and physical power. Heroes of "New Romantics" are purposeful, ready for risk and struggle, full of thirst for travels and adventures. They rob in touch with the world of monotonous and respectable Meshchansky well-being for the sake of moral obligations of the imperial mission, for the sake of exploration and fame.

In this paper, we will try to emphasize the creative uniqueness of R.L. Stevenson, making his works relevant at all times.

And we will try to resolve the paradox of creativity R.L. Stevenson, who is often the author of one book in readership. Call the name of Stevenson and after him, as an exhaustive explanation, - "Treasure Island". The special popularity of the "Treasure Island" in the school environment has strengthened at the work of Stevenson, the reputation of the book open and very affordable, and for its author - the fame of the writer writing for the youth. This circumstance encourages to see in this novel, as in the work of Stevenson in general, the phenomenon is simpler and most significant (adventures, fascinating, romance) in comparison with its actual meaning, real meaning and impact. Meanwhile, it is known that the most complicated nodes of many literary problems in English soil are converged both before and now to the work of R. L. Stevenson. Stevenson - the creator of such a "light" book, like the "Treasure Island". To understand and understand the peculiarity of Stevenson and its meaning, we must remember it - the author of many others, except for the "Treasure Island", books and disassemble the romance in creativity and, perhaps of life.

Biography R.L. Stevenson

Stevenson, Robert Louis (Lewis)) (1850-1894), English writer Scottish origin. Born on November 13, 1850. In Edinburgh, in the family of an engineer. When baptism, Robert Lewis Balfur received the name, but at a mature age refused him, changing the name to Stevenson, and writing the second name with Lewis on Louis (without changing pronunciations).

The biography of the writer was by no means looked like the life of his heroes - knights, pirates, adventurers. He was born in the family of hereditary builder engineers from the ancient Scottish clan. According to the motherboard, belonged to the old genus of Balfur. The impressions of childhood, songs and fairy tales of the beloved nanny brought love to the past of their country in Roberta, determined the choice of theme for most of his works: Scotland, her story and heroes. The only son in the family of hereditary control engineers of the Northern Lighthouses, Stevenson grew up in a setting, where he said, every day it was possible to hear "about shipwrecks, about reefs, which, exactly hour, stand off the coast ... about the mountain peers covered by heather."

Bronchi disease from three years old laid the boy in bed, deprived him of study and players with peers. Periodically repetitive bleeding from the throat constantly remind him of close death, the artist is derived from the bustle of everyday life into existential "border situations", to the primacy of being. This disease was tormented by Robert since childhood and to the very death, forcing him to feel disabled. "My childhood, he wrote, - a complex mixture of experiences: heat, nonsense, insomnia, dull days and a long night. I am more familiar "Country Beds" than "Green Garden". "

But the passion of life approved by the unwitting settler of the "Bed Countries" flared up. So the fate of Stevenson was, that he, the aborigine "beds", was an almost eternal wanderer for mental needs and on cruel need. He expressed his spiritual need in the poem "Broadcasting", in lines that the motto sounds:

"That's how I would like to live,

I need a little:

Heaven arch, yes the noise of the stream,

Yes, even the road.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Death will ever come

In the meantime, there is

Let the earth blooms around

Let the road goes. "

(Transl. N. Chukovsky)

She found a way out in romantic gusts and forms, which was promoted by the living imagination of the child and early, again, forced admission to the "country of books".

"In children's and youthful years, - recalled Stevenson, - I was believed to be lazy and as a lazy point pointed at me with my finger; but I did not fit, I was busy constantly - to learn how to write. In my pocket, two books were tracked in my pocket: one I read, I wrote to another. I walked for a walk, and my brain diligently ged up proper words to what I saw; sitting down by the road, I started to read or, taking a pencil and a notebook, did not mark, trying to convey the locality, or He recorded the poetic lines for memory. So I lived, with the words. " The records were made by Stevenson not with a foggy goal, they were led by a conscious intention to acquire skills, he was tempting the need for skill. First of all, he wanted to master the skill of the description, then dialogue. He composed about his talk, played the roles, and the successful replicas recorded. And yet it was not the main in training: the experiments were useful, but in this way only "the lower and least intellectual elements of art were mastered - the choice of a substantial part and an accurate word ... Nature was happier achieved the same natural alarm." The training suffered a serious flaw: she was deprived of Meryel and sample.

In search of treasure

"Treasure Island" .- An interesting and exciting book, impregnated with the spirit of adventurism and pirate romance. The main hero of the book is Jim's boy, the son of a simple interpreter. But precisely thanks to him, his fearless and sometimes forgiven actions, the main characters get to the island of treasure. Dr. Livcy - True Gentleman. Squire John Treloni is a rich, kind and trusting talker. Captain Smalllett is the most real captain with a capital letter. Pirates - not far and greedy people, thirsting for easy money.

But John Silver with his parrot Flint is a real Gentleman of good luck. Despite all his insidious plans and actions, for some reason he very much likes to all the reader of the novel. He is smart, cunning, always trying to turn the situation in his favor. No wonder that he was afraid not only Billy Bons, but also the captain Flint himself. At the same time, from the whole team of Pirates, it is he who managed to float from the island of treasures in the society of his yesterday's enemies, and then escape with money, while putting the guard's vigilance. He is not peculiar to excessive cruelty, rather, he simply acts in circumstances. He knows how to calculate the situation and always remains on the side of the winner. He knows how to not only get money, but also dispose of them with the mind. All comrades captain Flint drank and muttered all the money mined by piracy. Blind drink was bent and breached. Billy Bons lived in debt at the Taisther. And only the Single Pirate had his own tavern "Pipe Tube" and money in banks that brought a stable income.

VKov Andrei, 7 "in" class

R.L.TIVIVSON "Treasure Island »

Treasure Island is an incredibly tightening book, it can be read without a break. Intrigue is preserved until the end, and you are in constant tension and, it seems, how you yourself are in the center of events along with the main characters. Roman "Treasure Island" is a wonderful book, the real classic of the adventure genre, which will certainly be interested in anyone who is not indifferent to the adventure. This work that has long become a classic, never ceases to amaze and attract all new readers into an exciting adventure world. The book can be read again and again, and it will not get bored. It will be interesting to the reader of any age. The "Treasure Island" to this day gives us a sea of \u200b\u200badventurism and satisfies the thirst for adventures that we are not so lacking in the modern world.

All those who love adventures, of course, read Roman Robert Lewis Stevenson "Treasure Island". From beginning to end, all the events of the novel hold the reader in the voltage. Sincerely experiencing, for loved characters, sometimes frost ran down his back.

Lukmanova Vika, 7 "in" class

Review of the book: "Treasure Island"

The book "Treasure Island" made a deepest impression on me. With this author, I met, for the first time reading this work, but now I can say with confidence that I will continue to read the books of this author. I read this book, as they say: "For one sitting," this adventure is exciting that it is impossible to stop for a minute. In school, I love geography, and for me personally this story has become the embodiment of all of the unimaginable, which can be involved in such a brave adventure.

This story tells us on the adventures of bold heroes, who had to face the pirate of pirates in pursuit of treasures hidden on the desert island by Captain Flint. The story is conducted on the face of Jim, the Udalza boys in the past, which tells us about their difficult journey. Like O.laptops in the Tavern, belonging to the father of the boy, settled an unusual guest, how they saved the documents of this person completely incomprehensible to them, like this guy with Dr. Livci dared to search for treasures. I do not suspect anything dangerous, the admiral hires a pirate to the ship. Upon arrival on the island, everything clarifies, and the positive heroes will recognize a terrible secret, thanks to the same boy Jim. Then those and others understand that without a friend they do not get out of the island. On the island there are many incredible things: there is a person living on the island for a long time, several people die, and at the end everything falls into place. Good wins evil.
An outstanding heroes for me in this work was young Jung. Such a young, but already seeking light. He could repulse with any pirate, and he could not oppose anything. Not knowing the outcome of a particular situation, he always went out the winner. This boy was a real hero for all sailors.

Ustinov Egor, 8 "A" class

Robert Lewis Stevenson "Treasure Island"

review of book

Roman R.L. Stevenson "Treasure Island" is one of the best works in the adventure genre. But in addition to traveling and exciting adventures, more and moral problems are revealed in the book - decency and meanness, loyalty and betrayal, nobility and lowness.

I consider such a high assessment of the book fair, since:

    Adolescents at all times causing the topic of long-distance travel and risky adventure. No less exciting the theme for boys and girls always had pirates. "Treasure Island" connects the long-lasting sea journey, and new mysterious lands, and the secrets of pirate treasures.

    Heroes of books are the characters of various characters. Jim Hawkins - an inquisitive, bold and honest boy, sometimes acts recklessly, and will never agree to a diligence or low act. Dr. Livcy is a noble, comprehensive and reasonable gentleman. Squire trolloni is silly, but a kind and honest person. Captain Smalllett straight, honest and brave sailor. John Silver, despite the fact that he is a pirate, hunting for treasure, is still not blooded, and at the very end of the novel he repented in his crimes. Ben Gunn is a former pirate that got up to the path of correction and deserved forgiveness.

    One of the main ideas of the novel "Be brave and honest in any conditions." Only courage and bravery saves Jim from the most hopeless situations. Any deception will be disclosed sooner or later and the benefit will not bring, only honest actions can lead a person to achieving his goal.

    The novel is written from the first person, on behalf of the boy - the main hero of adventure. Such a manner of presentation immerses the reader in the described world. Each teenager reading this novel easily represents himself on the site of Jim Hawkins.

"Treasure Island" is not only quenching the thirst for adventure, but also teaches to preserve the nobility in any situations, not to lose the "human face" even in the "inhuman" conditions.

IV.. I can recommend this book to my peers who do not want to sit at the computer, but want to see the world.

Kiryanova Daria, 7V class

Review of the book: "Treasure Island"

I read the wonderful book of Robert Stevenson "" Treasure Island ". This is the first product of this author, read by me. After reading this work, I became interested in the biography of this writer. From the literature, I learned that he was born on November 13, 1850 in Edinburgh,
in the family of an offacarious engineer, a beacon specialist. When baptism, Robert Lewis Balfur received the name. He studied at the Edinburgh Academy first, then at the Faculty of Faculty of the University of Edinburgh, which he graduated from 1875. Traveled a lot, although since childhood suffered a heavy form of tuberculosis. The world glory to the writer brought the romance "Treasure Island".
This work is a classic example of adventure literature.The book, at first glance, simple and easy, with attentive reading becomes multifaceted and multivalued.
Stevenson chants the romantic inspiration of feelings. It is attracted by complex characters, mental disagreements and contrasts. One of the brightest characters is a single-legged ship cook John Silver. He is cunning, cruel, but at the same time clever, cunning, energetic and clever. His psychological portrait is complex and controversial, however, convincing. With a huge force of artistic expressivenesswriter shows the moral essence of man. Stevenson sought his works to "teach people of joy," proving that such "lessons should sound cheerfully and inspired, should strengthen courage in people."
In my opinion, this work should be read by each student, maybe even in earlier classes than we learn, because it excites the imagination about the mysterious island, pirates, treasures and at the same time makes you choose between bad and good, teaches to understand Acts and relations of people.

Prokhorov Nastya, 7 "in" class

Feedback on the book "Treasure Island" R. L. L. L.

I read the book in which a teenager was turned out to be the main character in a dangerous adventure for treasures. I liked this character by the fact that during the time of the journey he showed an entrance, courage, loyalty to his friends and faith in them. I would like to have such a friend in our time.

Reading the book, I drew attention to the life and life of different classes of those times united in this work. How much that life was different from our modern days. It was possible to start on the path on the vulnerable seas, without having the opportunities that there are now. I am striking the leaning of people of that time. Involuntarily realize the importance of the knowledge and skills of each person on the ship - from Captain to Yong. And let the team mainly consisted of pirates - the people of illiterate, greedy to profit, murderers, but still, they knew their main business of life - the sea.

Despite the fact that the book was written so long ago, I was interested in reading it. The style of the story was hard for me, as in our time we are accustomed to clearer and rapid actions through films and computer games. This work is very different from the usual films for us about pirates. But those who love history and adventure, I think she will like it.

Shcherbakova Daria, 8 "b" class

The story of the creation of the novel "Treasure Island"

A special place in the work of Stevenson occupies a work that glorified the writer for the whole world, "Treasure Island" (1883).

The history of the novel is rather curious: one day a rainy day - and rains in Pitlory go quite often - Robert entered the living room and saw: the boy, the student of the writer, playing, leaned over the papers lying on the table, on which the outlines of some kind of island were depicted , the boy drew the card, and stepfather remarked the game and continued ... Taking a pencil, Stevenson began to draw a card. He marked the mountains, stream, the forest ... Under the three red crosses, made an inscription: "Treasures are hidden here." With its contour, the card resembled a "raised fat dragon" and a multille of unusual names: the hill of a pavement pipe, the island of the skeleton, etc.

After that, leaning the sheet into his pocket, silently retired ... Lloyd was very offended by such a strange behavior always attentive to him stepfather. More than many books Stevenson appreciated the cards: "For their meaningfulness and for not boring them." "I dropped a pensive look at the map of the island," says Stevenson, "and the heroes of my future book moved to the midst of the invented forests ... I did not have time to come to my face, as a clean sheet of paper was found in front of me, and I have already made a list of chapters." And the next day, Robert called the boy into his office and read him the first chapter of the novel "Ship Kok", which today is known to the whole world as the "Treasure Island".

Stevenson continued to write a novel with an amazing speed - on one chapter per day. He wrote as ever, perhaps, he could not write more. And evenings, he read it all his home.

Looks like a goal hit. Before Stevenson, Roman's plan has repeatedly once again and even started writing, but on this, he said, everything ended. And then everything suddenly came to life and moved, every character, it was worth him from under Stevenson's pen, to step under the seven of the invented forest or an imaginary deck, already knew exactly what he should do that the book was ready for the author in the head for a long time.

"Sooner or later, I was destined to write a novel. Why? The idle question, "said Stevenson at the end of life in the article" My first book - "Treasure Island", as if answering the question of the inquisitive reader. The article was written in 1894 at the request of Jerome K. Jerome for the magazine "Idler" ("Slouth"), who then started a series of publications of already famous modern writers on the topic "My First Book." "Treasure Island", actually, did not answer the topic, since this first novel writer was far from his first book. Stevenson meant not one chronological procedure for the emergence of his books, but above all their meaning. "Treasure Island" is the first book of Stevenson, who gained wide recognition and made it world famous. In a number of most significant works, this book is really the first to account and at the same time the most popular. How many times, starting with an early youth, Stevenson was accepted for the novel, changing the intentions and taking of narration, again and again experiencing itself and trying their strengths, prompted by not one considerations of calculation and ambition, but first of all internal needs and creative task to overcome a big genre. For a long time, as mentioned above, attempts turned out to be unsuccessful. "Story - I want to say a bad story," can write anyone who has a diligence, paper and leisure, but not any given to write a novel, at least bad. Sizes - that's what kills. " The volume scared, Izmolivaa strength and killed the creative impulse when Stevenson was taken for the big thing. His health and feverish efforts of creativity were generally difficult to defeat the barriers of the Great Genre. It is not by chance that he has no "long" novels. But not only these obstacles stood on his way when he had to give up the big ideas. For the first novel, a well-known degree of maturity, developed style and confident skill. And it is necessary that the beginning was successful to open the prospect of the natural continuation of the started. This time everything developed well, and the ease of an internal state was created, which was especially needed Stevenson, when the imagination, full strength, spiritualized, and creative thought, as it were, is deployed by itself, without requiring a spur, nor punching.

This time the map of the fictional "treasure island" gave an impetus to creative intent. "The frozen September morning - a cheerful light burned in the fireplace, the rain drumped into the window glass - I started the" ship cook "- so first called the novel." Subsequently, this name received one of the parts of the novel, namely the second. For a long time, with small breaks, in a narrow family circle and Friends, Stevenson read written in the day - usually the day "portion" was the next chapter. According to the general evidence of eyewitnesses, reading Stevenson is good. Listeners showed a living part to his work on the novel. Some of the details prompted by them were in the book. Robert's father came to listen. Sometimes he even added small details into the text. Thanks to Thomas Stevenson, the Billy Bonsian chest appeared and the items that were in it, and a barrel with apples, the same, climbing into which the hero revealed the cunning plan of pirates. "My father, an adult child and a romantic in the soul, immediately caught fire of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis book," recalled Stevenson.

The novel was not yet completed when the owner of the respectable children's journal Yang Folks, having familiarized himself with the first chapters and a common idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, began to print it. Not on the first pages, and after the other writings, in whom he did not doubt the success, the compositions of trifling, designed for a banal taste, long ago and forever forgotten. "Treasure Island" was published in Yang Folks from October 1881 to January 1882 under the pseudonym "Captain George North". The success of the novel was insignificant, if not dubious: unhappy and indignant responses came to the editorial office, and such responses were not single. A separate publication "Treasure Island" - already under the real name of the author - came out only at the end of November 1883. This time his success was solid and indisputable. True, the first edition did not dissolve immediately, but next year the second edition appeared, in the 1885th third, illustrated, and the novel and his author were widely known. Journal reviews were different gradations - from indulgent to overly enthusiastic, but the tone of approval prevailed.

Roman studied people of various circles and ages. Stevenson became aware that the English Prime Minister Gladston was reading a novel for a long time at midnight with extraordinary pleasure. Stevenson, who did not like Gladstone (he saw in him the embodiment of the bourgeois respectability hates him), said to this: "It would be better if this high-ranking old man was engaged in state affairs of England." The novel of adventure is impossible without a tense and fascinating fabul, it requires the nature of the genre itself. Stevenson diversify this thought versatile, relying on the psychology of perception and the classical tradition, which in English literature began from Robinson Cruzo. Events, "Accidents", their relevance, their connection and development should, in his opinion, to draw up the priority concern for the adventure work. The psychological development of characters in the adventure genre falls into dependence on the strength of the action caused by the rapid change of unexpected "incidents" and unusual situations, it turns out to be unwittingly limited by a tangible limit, as can be seen by the novels of Duma or Marryet.

Let Stevenson did not become the builder of Mayakov, but he writes about the stormies and reefs with the pen of a hereditary maritime man. And borrowing? What is easier to surrender it in the literary stealing. Well, of course, the parrot is taken from defio, and the island as a place of action was robinzone Cruzo. However, anyone somehow did not occur to reproach Stevenson, nor critics in his life, nor the historians of literature in the future. It was not damaged to Stevenson and the fact that he himself admitted: the boy filed an idea, his father was an ophus inventory Billy Bons, and when it took a skeleton, he found at Edgar by, and the parrot was ready, alive, it remained only to teach instead of "poor Robinson Cruzo ! " Repeat: "Piastra! Piastra! ". Even a map for Stevenson a special subject of copyright pride, if it went on, was used more than once, and above all the Gulliver. But the fact of the matter is that Stevenson did not grab all this suddenly, but it knew it deeply, his district, the book - the fictional world, with whom he was burned since childhood.

The boy who played with his father in the invented little men became big and wrote the "Treasure Island".

Natility feature in the novel "Treasure Island"

"Treasure Island" is the first novel Robert Lewis Stevenson, was already created by an experienced writer, the author of many stories and literary essays. As we can see from the above, Stevenson has long been preparing for writing that this novel, in which he could express his mind on the world and on a modern man, which does not prevent that the Roman events are attributed to the XVIII century. Roman is more surprised by the fact that the story in it is conducted on the face of the boy Jim - a participant in the search of the treasure, located on the distant island. The smart and brave jim managed to reveal the plot of the pirates, which were collecting treasures from the organizers of this romantic navigation. Having passed through a lot of adventures, brave travelers reach the islands, find a person there, once for a pirate, and with its help they take hold of a treasure. The sympathy of Jim and his friends does not prevent the reader among all the characters to allocate John Silver. A single-legged ship cook, a colleague of Flint's pirate, is one of the most remarkable images created by Stevenson.

The "Treasure Island" begins with a miser description of the boring life of a small village, where hero lives - Jim Hawkins. His weekdays are devoid of joy: the boy serves the visitors of the restaurant, which contains his father, and counts the revenue. It violates this monotony of the Arrival of a strange sailor, which turned the average life of the townspeople and cool the fate of Jim: "I remember that it was yesterday, how hard stepping, he dotted to our doors, and his sea chest was taken to him on a wheelbarrow." From this point on, extraordinary events begin: the death of the sailor - the former pirate, the hunt for his accomplices for the captain of Flint Captain, stored in the cheese chest, and, finally, the random allowed Jim to become the owner of the map of the Treasure Island: "... - I will praise and it is for an even account , "I said, taking a pack of papers wrapped in the oilcloth."

So, Jim, Dr. Livcy and Squire Trekoni - quite respectable people - are the owners of the card and decide to go to search for treasures. It is noteworthy that with all the contempt for pirates, which Squire expresses ("What do they need, except for money? For what, except for money, they would risk their skin!"), He himself immediately buys schooner and equipped the expedition for other people's wealth.

"The spirit of our century, his swiftness, mixing of all tribes and classes in pursuit of money, violent, in its own way a romantic struggle for existence, with the eternal change of professions and countries ..." - that's how it is characterized by Stevenson time in which he lives. And indeed, Polmir rushes into Africa, America, Australia in search of gold, diamonds, ivory. These searches attract not only adventurers, but also the "respectable" bourgeois, merchants who, in turn, become participants in the "romantic" adventures in unknown countries. So Stevenson puts almost a sign of equality between pirates and "respectable" bourgeois. After all, the goal of them turns out one thing - the money giving the right not only to the "fun life", but also to the situation in society.

The treasures will be found, you need to kill Captain, Doctor, Squire and Jim, says: "I don't want to go at all to me, when I become a member of the Parliament and will drive around in a gilded carriage, pumped, damn To the monk, one of the tonkonogi striks. "

The desire of the Silver becomes a member of the parliament is not so utopically. Who is what the money is made, it is important that they possess. And this opens into the bourgeois society inexhaustible opportunities to become a friendly person. About the past do not speak. For money you can buy a noble title. But in this replica of Silver, the hidden irony is also concluded, expressing the ratio of Stevenson to those who control the country.

The romantic adventures of the heroes begin with the first minutes of their travel. Jim accidentally overhears the conversation of the Silver with sailors: "... I witnessed the last chapter in history about how the honest sailor was seduced to join this robbery, perhaps, perhaps the last honest sailor on the whole ship. However, I immediately made sure that this sailor is not the only one. Silver quietly whistled, and someone came to the barrel. " And he learns about the danger that increases with every minute. Events on the island, pirates struggle with a handful of devotees, the disappearance of treasures - all this creates a special tension of the plot. And it was in this, the characters of heroes have been identified to the limit to the limit of the situation: a non-smooth, hot-tempered and self-confident Squire, the sensible doctor of Livci, a reasonable and decisive captain, in the boyishness of impulsive jim and a smart, cunning, inborn diplomat of Silver. Each act of them, each word express the inner essence of the nature caused by natural data, upbringing, the situation in society, from which they are now tearing off.

3.049. Robert Lewis Stevenson, "Treasure Island"

Robert Lewis Stevenson

The English writer, who left his trail in almost all literary genres, literary critic, poet, the founder of neoromantism, the author of the famous works of "Strange Story of Dr. Jekila and Mr. Heyda", "Black Arrow", "Adventures of Prince Florizel", "Suicide Club", " Diammaz Raji, "The victims of the shipwreck", "Kidnapped", "Catriona", "Vlaboretal Ballantre" and others, Robert Lewis Stevenson (1850-1894) is most famous for his adventure novel who brought him world glory, "Treasure Island" - "Treasure Island" (1881-1883).

"Treasure Island"

Inspired by the writer on the creation of the "Treasure Island" Roman D. Defo "Robinson Kruzo"; From him he took the parrot of Captain Flint. Stevenson since childhood was delirden to this book. "Sooner or later, I was destined to write a novel. Why? An idle question, "recalled the writer at the very end of life in the article" My first book is "Treasure Island".

Written on the canons of an adventurous novel, this work became a set of names of nominative and "winged expressions": "Treasure Island", "John Silver", "Captain Flint", "Espanyola", "Admiral Benboou", "Fifteen people on the Dead Man Chest, / Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum "," Piastra! PIAstries! " etc.

The book can be safely recommended not only to teenagers who think of who would make life and want to seek to find out that evil and vice threaten retribution, and good religion is rejected, but also by university listeners as a tutorial on the turnover of finance.

Roman was born out of the game. "In one of the groaning September days" 1881, to entertain his twelve-year-old Pazeck, Lloyd Osborne Stevenson drawn the map "Treasure Island", identified the hill of the pylon tube, the skeleton island, painted the bays and bays and began to tell his story. Steyoko became the prototype of the main character, he also dedicated his romance writer. The image of the Silver, he "wrote off" from his friend, co-author for a number of plays, W. Henley, and the details of the life borrowed from E. by, A. Duma, V. Irving, and others. Writers.

"I spoke the right stroke of the story," Stevenson rejoiced, "and I will prove that Dumas vainly muffled the search for treasures in his" Monte Cristo "; The most interesting is the search, and not what happened later. We know that money spoil a person, and therefore I only for the first half of one of the strongest passions. The second is almost always immoral, always deprived of an element of educational, moral. "

At first, the novel was called the "ship cook". Stevenson wrote daily after chapter, and in the evening he read it native and friends. A number of details prompted by listeners got into the book. "Treasure Island" was printed in the journal Yang Folks in 1881-82. Under the pseudonym "Captain George North". The publication went unnoticed, but when the novel came out with a separate publication under the real name of the author in 1883, 1884 and 1885, he became a bestseller.

"Treasure Island" - not "clean" fiction of Stevenson. Many facts writer learned from the notes of the famous Pirates of Morgan, F. Drake and others. The place of action of the novel, according to the researchers, was the Pinos Island, located 70 km south of Cuba. Pinos with its nature, bays and mountains, small islands and pine forests, as well as the remains of a log fort and cave exactly the same coincide with the island of Stevenson. Pinos for more than 300 years was a piercer for pirates. On the island of Treasure (as it was already in the XX century.) For 300 years, hundreds of pirates were visited, whose treasures are now looking for hundreds of treasures.

In the XVIII century, when the novel occurs, there were still quite a few gentlemen of good luck, from some names whose goosebumps are on the skin. And from the description of their appearance and I want to climb under the bed at all.

Time retained a lot of nice nick Korsarov, one of which is a black beard - he wore the famous Edward Titch, who became the prototype of Captain Flint. Flint, which and then commemorate the characters of the novel, became a gloomy background of the book and hardly the main hero, and a firate-invisible pirate.

In life, a black beard was a two-meter children of an outstanding force and enviable fearlessness, a well-deserved master of the boarding attack. Half of his body from the eyes to the belt occupied a black beard. Before Aborrodzham, the pirate on the kitchen drank a mixture of Roma and gunpowder, put the walled phytili, woven into the beard and putting into his pockets with a dozen charged pistols, with a Tesacian in his hand, all in smoke and with burning like a trait eyes jumped on a deck of a foreign ship, fascinating Behind the team played perfectly. This impressed all the participants of the action. In any case, the name of the pirate, uttered by VSE, instilled in the townsmen and robbers the sacred horror. Captain Flint on the Rights of the successor used exactly the same glory, even after his death.

So, all the characters of the novel went in search of the treasure, buried the late Flint on the island of treasure.

The story was conducted on behalf of Jim Hawkins, whose quiet life in the Bristol tavern "Admiral Benboou" (he was the son of the hostess) was interrupted by pirate "disassembly". Billie Bonca Restaurant was deadly afraid of a certain sailor on a wooden leg. After a fight with an uninvited guest, a black dog was enough for an apoplexy blow, and he told Gima, which served as a navigator from the captain of Flint and that his former "colleagues" hunt for the contents of his sailor chest. Soon, the Bill was compared to the guests to the guests, who presented it with a black mark, testifying to the seriousness of the intentions of bandits. The heart of the Bons could not stand. Without waiting for the robbers, Jim hurried to take the deduction of the dear due to the money. Together with the money, he took from the chest and some package.

The package was the map of the treasure island. Jim gave her to Dr. Livcy and Squire Trekloni. Gentlemen were not mistaken and decided to go treasure. Trekloni had a rare in Bristol about his plans, bought Schoon "Espanyol" and hired captain of the resistant and the team consisting, as it turned out, from the departed thugs. Helped hiring the crew single-legged owner of the tavern "Pipe pipe" John Silver, who was so afraid of Billy Bons. Sylovers took on the ship Kok, and Jim Junga.

When "Espanyola" approached the island of treasures, Jim was overhearding the conversation of Coca with sailors, from which he learned that almost all of them were pirates, and their leader Silver was an apartment in Flint. The robbers were going to find treasures, and then finish off all "outsiders". Jung informed friends about the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Silver, and they developed their alternative plan.

However, the Silver plan was barely disrupted the pirates themselves, upgraded rebeling ahead of time. Captain Smalllett asked Coca to subscribe friendships and relax with them on the shore. Leaving the accomplices on schoon, Silver with pirates went to the island. Jim jumped into one of the boats, and immediately escaped, barely boat stuck to the shore.

On the island, he met Ben Ghana left by pirates three years ago for convincing them to engage in unsuccessful search for the treasures of Captain Flint. Ben Gan was ready to help Jim and his friends and provide his boat.

At this time, Captain, Doctor, Squire and a few more people on the yalik fled from the vessel and took place in the Siruba for the Palque. Seeing the British flag over the Fort, Jim hurried to friends. To take possession of the card, the pirates took the attack, a shot down garrison. Jim without permission left the fort and on the boat Ben Ghana went to Espanyol.

One of the two pirates guarding the ship, in a drunken fight was killed, and the second, wounded, in pursuit of Junga broke down from Rii and died. Jim took the ship to the secluded bay, after which he returned to the fort. However, there he found Pirates, and if it were not for the intercession of the Silver, they would have dealt with him.

Kok perfectly understood that the game was played, and Jim became the only saving trump card for him. Soon, Dr. Livci gave to Silveliver a map, promising him to save him from the gallows.

Shocked pirates instead of the treasure found an empty pit and almost accepted with Kok and the boy - well, they were saved by Dr., Squire and K;. As it turned out, Zolotishko Flintin Ben Gan has long shifted to his cave.

Immersing the treasures on Espanyol, "ours" went home, and pirates left on the island. In one of the ports, Silver escaped, grabbing a bag with gold coins. The rest reached Bristol and divided the values \u200b\u200bof "by justice".

Roman is translated into many languages. In Russian, he was first published in 1886. The best translation was made by N.K. Chukovsky, although he sins with some inaccuracies in the name of sea and ship terms.

The shields of the "Treasure Island" dozens. In our country there were three artistic and one animated painting.


Thank you for finding an analogy with "Robinzone Cruzo." Ben Gan is, of course, Cruzo himself. Suspiciously similar to his surname on the name of the Cruiseiro monetary unit. "Fifteen people at the Dead Man's Chest" is kind of like a real antique song. I heard her in English, on the titers of the same film. Although it may, it is stylization. The song was not fun at all. And very sad. From the shields, inimitate the Soviet cartoon with famous songs, which came to the restructuring, apparently in order to prepare children to the coming Lichim ninetieth. Well, and a three-sireme film, after which I was impossible to accept any other John Silver. I had the same with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Only Livanov and Solomin.