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Heating technology at MGOS music classes in Dow. Heating technology on musical classes in kindergarten. The use of logotrick on musical classes. Examples of logotrick elements on musical classes

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution

"Kindergarten №20" Alyonushka "

Heating technology

on musical classes in Dow

Music leader

from. Patrushy, 2016.

The well-being of society depends on the state of the health of children. Factors aggressively affecting fragile children's organisms are environmental problems, poor-quality meals, emotional discomfort. Today, in preschool institutions, great attention is paid to the health-saving technologies that are aimed at solving the most important task - to maintain, support and enrich children's health. The healthy-saving pedagogical process of DOW - in the broad sense of the word - the process of education and training of children of preschool age in health care and health care; The process aimed at ensuring the physical, mental and social well-being of the child. The music perceived by a hearing receptor affects not only emotional, but also on the general physical condition of a person, causes reactions associated with changing blood circulation, respiratory. Proved that music can cause and weaken the initiation of the body. By studying the questions of the influence of major or minor Lada on well-being, concluded that the positive impact of the melodic and rhythmic components of music on the performance or leisure of a person. N. Vetlugin emphasizes that singing develops voice apparatus and speech, strengthening voice ligaments, adjusting their breath. Rhythmic improves the posture of the child, coordination, the confidence of movements. The development of emotional responsiveness and musical hearing helps to intensify the mental activity of the child.

In our DW, the structure and maintenance of musical and recreation work connecting traditional musical classes based on the game

In accordance with GEF, all health-saving technologies are implemented on the basis of a personality-oriented approach, taking into account the initiative and interests of the child.

The system of musical and recreation work involves the use of the following healthy-saving technologies at each musical lesson, namely:

1. Valeological Songs

Raise mood;

Ask a positive tone to the perception of the surrounding world;

Improve the emotional climate in the class;

Prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract;

All musical classes begin with them. These are available for perception and reproduction texts of the deposit (authors,) and a pleasant melody (major paws) raise the mood, create a positive tone, improve the emotional climate in the classroom, prepare the voice apparatus to singing. The splashes are accompanied by a self-massage of biologically active areas of the face and neck, rhythmic movements sounding gestures. They are aimed at preventing flatfoot, the formation of proper posture.

2. Respiratory gymnastics has a complex therapeutic effect on the body:

Positively affects metabolic processes, playing an important role in blood supply;

Contributes to the restoration of nerve regulations from the central nervous system;

Improves bronchi drainage function;

Restores disturbed nose breathing;

Respiratory gymnastics corrected violations of speech respiration, helps to develop a diaphragmal respiration, as well as duration, strength and proper distribution of exhalation. Peripheral organs of hearing, breathing, voices are inextricably linked and interact with each other under the control of the central nervous system. Performing respiratory gymnastics helps to keep, strengthen the health of the child. It makes it possible to charge vigor and cheerfulness, maintain high performance. Gymnastics is well remembered and after training is performed easily and freely.

3. Articulating gymnastics

Contributes to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus;

Develops the singing abilities of children;

Forms the articulation of various sounds;

Improves the diction of children by training the mobility and accuracy of the movements of the language and lips;

Develops musical memory, memorizing the text of the songs, attention;

Develops a sense of rhythm;

Improves spatial orientation in the coordinates: right-left, up-down, to the side, forward-back.

The main goal of the articulation gymnastics is the development of high-quality, full movements of the articulation bodies, preparations for the properly pronouncement of the phone. Exercises contribute to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus. In the process of performing the articulation gymnastics, indicators of the level of development of children, singing skills, musical memory are improved, attention.

4. Phonopedic exercise

Contribute to the prevention of diseases of the upper respiratory tract;

Stimulate the gantry-silent machine;

Stimulate brain activity.

Conducted to strengthen fragile voice ligaments of children, prepare them for singing, preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Mellenova, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmal, abdominal breathing, stimulating the Gundy-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses health exercises for the throat, intonational-phonetic (adjust the pronunciation of sounds and activate the lamination exhalation) and voice signals of the Torchevoy Communication, the game with sound

5. Game Massage

Increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract;

Normalizes a vegan tone;

Normalizes the activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glasses.

The implementation of massage manipulations expands skin capillaries, improving blood circulation and lymph, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, tones the central nervous system. The use of gaming massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetaryvous tone, activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is reduced.

6. Logritmika

Tasks logo:

wellness (strengthening of the musculoskeletal apparatus, respiratory development, motility, strengthening the mental health of children);

Educational (formation of motor skills and skills, spatial representations; formation of the need for daily active musculosis);

Educational (upbringing and developing a sense of rhythm and pace, the ability to perceive musical imagery, education of personal qualities - audgered, independence, patience, calm, the ability to work in the team);

Developing (the development of basic mental processes - memory, imagination, attention, curiosity, speech, thinking; the development of physical qualities - forces, dexterity, speed, flexibility; improvement of coordination of movements);

Correctional (correction of a certain impairment at a certain age).

Luggage exercises are aimed at the correction of common and small movements, the development of the coordination "Speech - Movement", the expansion of the dictionary in children, in addition, they contribute to the improvement of psychophysical functions, the development of emotionality, communication skills. A special place in the work on the speech of children is occupied by musical games, singing and movement to the music. This is due to the fact that the music acts primarily on the emotional scope of the child. In positive reactions, children are better and faster thanks for the material, you are unnoticed to talk correctly. Luggage exercises are based on the close relationship of the word, movement and music. They can also be attributed to:

Finger games

Develop the speech of the child;

Develop motor quality;

Increase the coordination abilities of the fingers of the hands;

Combine the finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation;

Form shaped-associative thinking.

Systematic exercises for training the movements of fingers along with stimulating influence on the development of speech are a powerful means of improving the health of the brain. The formation of verbal speech of the child begins when the movements of the fingers reach sufficient accuracy. The development of the finger motorcycle prepares the soil for the subsequent formation of speech. Since there is a close relationship and interdependence of speech and motor activity, then if there is a speech defect, the child needs special attention to the training of his fingers. Thus, the role of the development of the central nervous system, all mental processes, and in particular speech, plays the formation and improvement of the thin motor pain and fingers.

Finger games are most often under music - like speakers, songs, are accompanied by showing illustrations, finger or shadow theater. Special place is occupied by the "Finger Tales" - "Mitten", "Teremok", "Kolobok", etc., which are adapted to be able to show their hands and most often have a poetic shape.

Regular inclusion in the course of the occupation of musical finger games and fairy tales: stimulates the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex of children; Improves attention and memory; forms associative-shaped thinking; Easy future schoolchildren learning letters skills. Finger games combine the finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form forming-associative thinking.

Speech games:

Effectively affect the development of emotional expressions of the speech of children, motor activity;

Allow children to master all expressive means of music.

Speech games allow children to strengthen the voice apparatus and master all expressive means of music. Speech musication is necessary, since musical hearing is developing in close response with the river hearing. In speech games T. Borovik and Tyutyunnikova, children sing or rhythmically reclaim the choir, solo or a duet. The basis is the children's folklore. To sound, we add musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement. Plastic makes pantomimic and theatrical features into speech musice.

Gymnastics for eyes:

Promotes child nervous system

Activates brain processes so that the brain is fasterly reworked by information obtained using organs of vision

Promotes slowdown and stopping vision or development of astigmatism

Gymnastics for the eyes - as a way of correction and treatment of eye diseases, as well as a method of prevention, which is indispensable for healthy eyes. To create a gaming effect, the gymnastics for the eyes is carried out in verses, with pictures and to the music.

Mimic gymnastics:

Mimica is the movement of a person who expresses the inner emotional state of a person. It is endowed with a property, reflect the mental state of a person, the expression of the face is largely determined by the dynamics and statics of the Mimic muscles.

Mimicika is closely related to the articulation and, stimulating the child to portray various emotions on the face, we contribute to the development of not only the mimic, but also articulating motility, in particular, develop the mobility of lip muscles and cheeks.

That is why emotional unloading acquires great importance for young children. The best tool of emotional training in such situations is the Mimic gymnastics, which helps the child:

Know the essence of emotional states of both own and surrounding people;

Develop the arbitrariness of their own behavior through a conscious and adequate manifestation of emotions;

Strengthen the depth and stability of feelings;

Unload from unnecessary experiences by showing its emotional state.

7. Rhythmic games with musical instruments

Effectively affect the development of the creative abilities of children;

Develop rhythmic, timbreous hearing;

Are the basis of psychological well-being and comfort in class.

The game on musical instruments is one of the most attractive types of musical activities. Music itself is associated with children with tools. The sounds recovered from musical instruments attract the attention of children, excite interest, appeal to their imagination. Children are especially susceptible to the quality of sound, its coloring, timbre. The sounds of the surrounding world for children are not just noises, but paint, images of this world, the expression "soul", the essence of things, the possibility of contact with them. Such musical games can be attributed to the timbrow-noise. Accompaniation is organized on the principle of rhythmic adjustment of children to singing or instrumental sound, as well as to each other. Such adjustment is not necessary to learn specifically, it is based on a natural sense of rhythm. In the process of the game, the natural sense of rhythm in children is exacerbated and improving. For such an accompaniment, not only tools are used, but also any items capable of publishing sounds (homemade tools-toys from wood, metal, glass, paper). As a result, the game of children's musical instruments acquires the meaning of the musical game in the process of which children develop a sense of rhythm, timber ear, a feeling of musical form and generally emotional responsiveness to music.

8. Psychodastics (etudes, games and exercises aimed at the development and correction of various sides of the psyche of the child, both cognitive and emotionally personal). Psychodastics, first of all, aimed at learning elements of the technique of expressive movements, to use expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher senses and to purchase skills in self-disabilities. Children study various emotions and learn to manage them, master the alphabet of expressing emotions. Psychodastics helps children overcome barriers to communicate, it is better to understand themselves and others, to remove mental tension, allows self-expression. Piskogyminstastics is shown to children with excessive fatigue, depletion, inclusiveness, quick-tempered, closed, with neurosis, character impairment, light mental delays and other neuropsychiatric disorders located on the border of health and illness. It is no less important to use psychodastics in psycho-philactic work with practically healthy children with the purpose of psychophysical discharge. Psychodstics can be attributed to:

Communicative dances and games -

these are dancing games with simple movements to music, including elements of non-verbal communication, the change of partners, game assignments (who are better dancing), etc. The main task of Tanese-Games is the inclusion of children into interpersonal relationships, the development of social skills of their behavior and creating conditions For the free and natural manifestation of individual qualities of the child. Movements and figures in such dances are very simple, accessible to even small children. In these dancing, as a rule, there are game plots - images of friendliness, affiliate support, approval of individual solutions within collective interaction. Dance figures are mainly natural gestures and movements, which in everyday use is expressed by a benevolent, open attitude of people to each other, reproduce positive joyful emotions. Forms of communicative dance games:

1. Dancing with a change of partners;

2. Game plastic improvisation to the music;

3. Motor improvisations in pairs;

4. Games - "Mirrors";

5. Dancing games in a circle

Communicative dance games are directed to:

Development of the dynamic side of communication: ease of entry into contact, initiative, readiness for communication;

The development of empathy, sympathy for the partner, emotionality and expressiveness of non-verbal means of communication;

The development of positive self-assumptions, which is associated with the state of liberty, self-confidence, the feeling of its own emotional well-being, its significance in the children's team formed positive self-esteem.

9. Musicotherapy

Contributes to the correction of psychophysical status in the process of motor-gaming activities;

Hearing correctly selected music:

    Enhances immunity, removes stress and irritability reduces head and muscular pain restores calm breathing

Music therapy is an important component of musical and recreation work in our DW. The listening of correctly chosen music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores calm breathing. Music therapy is carried out by teachers Dow throughout the day - children meet, laid sleep, raise after day sleep under the appropriate music, use it as a background for classes, free activities, in the process of holding charming procedures. To this end, the following audio collectors are selected and formed:

1. Music for meeting children and their free activities

2. Music for sleep (lullaby)

3. Music for awakening after day sleep

4. Music for relaxation

10. Rhythmoplastic

Music and rhythmic movements are synthetic, they are based on movements to music, and this in turn will develop both musical hearing, and motor abilities, as well as those mental processes that are based on them. Taking rhythmoplasty with children You can focus the attention of children on the development of a sense of rhythm or the formation of motor skills, the development of artistry, etc. However, the main focus of the elements of rhythmoplasty at musical classes is the psychological liberation of the child through the development of their own body as expressive ("musical") tool . Dancing, rhythmic movements - the physiological need of a children's developing organism. They mobilize physical forces, produce grace, coordination of movements, musicality, strengthen and develop muscles, improve breathing, actively affect blood circulation, contribute to the development of many substances needed by the children's body. Rhythmic and smooth movements enhance the inflow of blood to the lungs - they are fully saturated with oxygen. The heart works rhythmic, actively feeding blood to all organs, delivering oxygen, nutrients and fully taking the harmful exchange products. The load on the muscles of the abdomen normalizes the work of the intestine and the stomach. Movements strengthen sleep better than any sleeping pills. The speed of the reaction, coordination of movements, conscious mastering dance, rhythmic movements are important for the mental development of children. At musical classes, the child is engaged in rhythmoplasty in the team, and this contributes to the development of organized organizations, disciplines, responsibility, mutualists, attentive attitude towards others, independence. Properly chosen music - the success of the lesson. Music regulates movements and gives clear ideas about the ratio between the time, space and movement, affects the emotions of children, creating a certain mood, while affects the expressiveness of children's movements.

Thus, all the above-listed health-saving technologies used in the joint musical activity of the teacher and children, anyway, are aspects of musical activity, and therefore help develop children's musical abilities, strengthen health and are one of the physical means.

The success of the implementation of health-saving technologies is possible only in the context of the joint activities of all participants in the educational process, namely:

Educators attract children to active singing in the process of modest moments;

Teachers of groups offer children to reproduce already familiar musical games in free activities, reminding the algorithm of actions.

Music therapy is carried out through teachers of all age groups throughout the day.

For parents (legal representatives) of pupils in order to increase their pedagogical competence and the development of valeological culture, information material (stand-standing and) is proposed, as well as in the form of folders - movements about the health-saving technologies implemented in DOU.

In the close relationship of specialists of the Dow (music director, instructor in physical culture, psychologist) The introduction of health-saving technologies is systemically, integrative and accordingly effectively.

The results of musical and health work are:

Raising the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children;

The stability of the emotional well-being of each child;

Raising speech development;

Reducing the incidence rate;

Stability of the physical and mental performance of dow pupils

List of used literature

1. "Funny Solfeggio" (for preschool children), S. P., 1992.

2. System of musical and recreation work in kindergarten: classes, games, exercises. Volgograd: Teacher, 2009.

3. "" Methods of musical education in kindergarten "", M., "" Enlightenment ", 1989

4. Health-saving technologies in Dow. - M.: Sphere, 2008.

6. Luggage classes in kindergarten. - M.: Sphere, 2004.

7. "Wellness classes with children 6-7 years old" Moscow, ed. TC "Sphere", 2008.

8. Project method in the activities of the preschool institution. - M.: Arcta, 2005.

9. Implementation of the educational field "Music" in accordance with FGT. // Handbook of the musical leader.22 .№0. eighteen.

10. "" Music Children "": manual for the educator and music leader. - M., "" Enlightenment ", 1985

11. Development of children's abilities. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

12., "" Teach children to sing. Songs and exercises for voice development in children 5 - 6 years old ", M.," "Enlightenment", 1987

13., "" Teach children to sing. Songs and exercises for voice development in children 6 - 7 years old "" M., 1988

14. "Forms of recovery of children of 4-7 years old" Volgograd, ed. "Teacher", 2009

15. "Music education of preschool children", M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

18. Fingering gymnastics - M.: AST, 2004.

Music and recreation work in Dow is an organized pedagogical process aimed at the development of creative and musical abilities of children, preservation as well as strengthening their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child. The health system of saving musical and recreation work involves the use of the following healthy-saving technologies at the music classes: - Valeological songs - deposits, ask a positive tone to the perception of the surrounding world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom,

Respiratory gymnastics, increases the diagnostics of the respiratory system, develops singing abilities

Articulating gymnastics, produces high-quality, full movements of the articulation organs, prepares to the properly pronouncing the background.

Gaming massage, increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetaryvous tone, activity of the vestibular apparatus.

Finger games, develop a child's speech, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers of the hands (preparation for the letter), combine the finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form a figurative-associative thinking

Speech games, develop musical and speech hearing, expressive speech, motor activity

Music therapy contributes to the correction of the psychophysical status of children in the process of their motor-gaming activities. The listening of correctly chosen music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores calm breathing.

Everything is used taking into account the individual and age characteristics of each child, his interests. All work is carried out in conjunction with speakers, physical investigators, educators and necessarily under the supervision of medical professionals DOU.

The main form of musical activity in Dow - musical classes, during which the systematic, purposeful and comprehensive education and formation of musical and creative abilities of each child are carried out.
Classes are conducted - individual, according to subgroups and frontal. In content - typical, dominant, thematic, complex, integrated.
- Valeological songs - grinding.
With them, I begin all the musical classes. Uncomplicated, good texts "Hello" and a melody, consisting of the sounds of a major gamut, raise the mood, prepare a voice to sing.
For example:
Good morning!
Good morning! (turn to each other)
Smile rather! (Break hands to the sides)
And today all day
It will be more fun. (clap your hands)
We will define Lobik, spout and cheeks. (perform movements on the text)
We will be beautiful, (gradually raise hands up, "lanterns")
How in the garden flowers!
Different handpiece (movement in the text)
Stronger, stronger!
Now praise
Breeway, bolder!
Ears we are now hidden (rubbish ears)
And health will save. (Break hands to the sides)
Smile again,
Be all healthy!

Breathing exercises.
It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, a playful role in the blood supply, including pulmonary fabric;
- contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system;
- improves the drainage function of the bronchi;
- restores disturbed nasal breathing;
- Corrects various deformations of the chest and spine corrected in the process.
Peripheral organs of hearing, breathing, voices, articulations are inextricably linked and interact with each other under the control of the central nervous system. Violation of the speech respiratory function is considered to be a chest rise and pulling the abdomen on inhalation; Too big breath; Study of breathing; Shortenness of exhalation; inability to make an imperceptible good air; Wrong posture. The essence of the developed methods for the restoration and development of this function is in the conscious management of all phases of the act of breathing through the operation of the respiratory muscles and the adjustment of the respiratory center. As a result, at each occupation of respiratory gymnastics, indicators of the diagnosis of the respiratory system, the development of children's singular abilities increase.
For example:
1. "Machine" (training with a gradual exhalation of air) I.P. - Children become on the same line, they breathe ("pour gasoline") and start moving forward, while making lips "BR-R-R". Children, as usual, copy the operation of the motor. The winner is one who left everyone "left" in one breath.

2. "Flower". (Exercise is essential to achieving respiratory relaxation due to physiological reflex, as a result of which, when inhaling the nose, there is a relaxation of the smooth muscles of the bronchi).
I.P. - Standing. Hands are omitted. Eyes closed. There is a slow breath, as if the fragrance of the flower is inhaled. This exercise is recommended early in the morning, turning to the sun.

3. "Doggy" (tempering of the language)
I.P. - Standing. Language to launch from the mouth. Make fast respiratory movements, seeking to cool the oz (how the dog does).
The main tasks of breathing exercises on musical classes are:
- strengthening the physiological respiration of children,
- training forces inhale and exhalation,
- Development of the duration of the exhalation.
- Articulating gymnastics.
Exercises contribute to the training of the muscles of the speech apparatus, orientation in space, teach the imitation of animal movements. As a result of this work, the indicators of the level of development of children, singing skills increase, musical memory, attention is improved.
For example:
1. "Zhaba Kwaka" (complex of exercises for melting neb and pharynx muscles)
Toad Kvaku with the sun got up, (squeezed, hands on the sides)
Sweet and sweet score. (children yawning)
The grass juicy burned (imitates chewing movements, swallowed)
Yes, the driver swallowed.
On the pitch of the village
Spare Song:
2. "Kva-ah-ah! (Sounds will pronounce ripple and loudly)
QF-E-E-! Kva-ah-ah!
The life of the kvaock is good!
- Wellness and phonopedic exercises.
Conducted to strengthen fragile voice ligaments of children, prepare them for singing, preventing diseases of the upper respiratory tract. V. Enelyanova's development, M. Cartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmal, abdominal respiration, stimulating the gentle-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses wellness exercises for the throat, intonational-phonetic (adjust the pronunciation of sounds and activate the lamination exhalation) and voice signals of Dorchevoy Communication, games with sound.
For example:
1. "Dinosaur"
Four dinosauric, cheers, cheers, cheers!
We love to sing and dance, Taram-Pa-Ra-Ra!
Funny we, good, we love to fool!
And we are busy all the time, we have no time to be sad!
Children with voice "draw" dinosauric, using the sequence: "ya-a-s-and-creaking!"

The implementation of massage manipulations expands skin capillaries, improving blood circulation and lymph, actively affects the metabolic processes of the body, tones the central nervous system. The use of gaming massage increases the protective properties of the upper respiratory tract and the whole organism, normalizes the vegetaryvous tone, activity of the vestibular apparatus and endocrine glands. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is reduced.
2. (Gaming massage)
1st Point: "We came to visit brings, they found them with my fingers"
2nd point: "Filter found a pavement, on it we are scall-plank"
3rd point: "Shed a little bit lower and raised on your fingers"
4th point: "So we touched the neck and smiled in the sewing"
5th point: "There is a need to rub the ears to do not get sick anymore."
6th point: "Hands must be confused to no longer hurt."
7th point: "And do not forget about the back to be slim to be"
Finishing massage, children say: We want to be fun, beautiful, healthy. "These words are a kind of installation for them for the whole day.
- Finger games.
An important place on musical classes is taken by finger games and fairy tales, which are performed as songs or pronounced music. Games develop a child's speech, motor qualities, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers of the hands (preparation for drawing, writing), combine the finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form forming-associative thinking based on oral Russian folk art. The earlier the children start actively and skillfully move their fingers, palms, show this or that action, the earlier they develop, begin to speak, it becomes related, emotional. Folk fun and songs have always accompanied the life of children. This genre is close to them, understandable, interesting.
For example:
We looked at the window (fingers of both hands make a "window")
The cat walks along the track ("run by" the index and middle fingers right hand on the left hand)
With such a mustache! (Show "Long Mustache")
With such eyes! (Show "big eyes")
Cat Single sings, (cotton in your hands)
We are walking soon. ("name" with the right hand)
- Speech games.
Speech games allow children to strengthen the voice apparatus and master all expressive means of music. Speech games (speech musication) are necessary, as musical hearing is developing in close relationship with richev. In speech games, children sing or rhythmically reclaim the choir, solo or duet. The basis is the children's folklore. To sound you can add musical instruments, sounding gestures, movement. Plastic makes pantomime and theatricalization in speech games. The use of speech games at musical classes effectively affects the development of emotional expressions of the speech of children, motor activity.
For example:
Rain, rain, rain in the morning. (cotton alternate with slaps on the knees)
Have fun! (Light jumps in place)
Slap on puddles, slap-slap. (Tits)
Clap in your hands, clas-clap. (cotton)
Rain, do not poison us, (threaten with your finger)
And rather catch up! (run away from "rain")
- Music therapy.
The listening of correctly chosen music increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores calm breathing.
Music for meeting children and their free activity ....
01. I.S.Bach. "Prelude to Major".
02. I.S.Bach. "Joke".
03. I.Brams. "Waltz".
04. A.Vivaldi "Seasons of the Year"
05. Y.Gaidn. "Serenade"
06. D.Kabalevsky "Clowns"
07. D.Kabalevsky "Peter and Wolf"
08. V.M. Motsart "Little Night Serenade"
09. V.M. Motsart "Turkish Rondo"
10.I. Straus "Polka" Trick-Truck "
Songs for children:
01. "Antoshka" V.Shinsky
02. "Bu-Ra-Ti" Yu.ntin
03. "Be kind" A.Sanin
04. "Merry travelers" M. Strolomsky
05. "We all divide Popolam" V.Shinsky
06. "Long live Surprise" Yu.ntin
07. "If good you" B.Savelyev
08. "Lucches of Hope and Good" E. Ductenko
09. "True friend" B.Savelyev
10. "Song of the Wizards" of Polandkov
Music for awakening after day sleep
01.L.Bokkerini "Menuet"
02.E.Grig "Morning"
03.A. Dvorzhak "Slavic dance"
04.Lutrive music of the XVII century
05.F.Tist "consolation"
06.F. Madelson "Song without words"
07.T.Mozart "Sonata"
08.M.Morusorgsky "Ballet of unheard of chicks"
09.m.Morusorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow-River"
10.K.sen-Sans "Aquarium"
Music for relaxation
01.I.S. Bach "Aria from Suite №3"
02.L.Betshen "Moonlight Sonata"
03.K.Gluk "Melody"
04.E.Grig "Solveig" song "
05.K. Herbissi "Moonlight"
01.N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sea"
02.G.Sviridov "Romance"
03.K. San-Sans "Swan"

The success of classes is impossible without the joint activities of the musical leader and the educator, who actively helps, organizes independent musitization of children in the group.
Thus, the results of musical and recreation work are:
- raising the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
- Stability of the emotional well-being of every child
- raising speech development
- reduction in the incidence rate
- Stability of physical and mental performance

1. Arsenievskaya ON "System of musical and recreational work in kindergarten" Volgograd, "Teacher", 2009.
2. Vetroga N.A. "Methods of musical education." (M. "Enlightenment" 1976)
3. Campbell.d. "Mozart effect." (M.1999)
4. Kovalko V.I. Heating technology. (Moscow, "Wako", - 2004)
5. Sarotyuk A.L. "Development of preschool intelligence" (Creative Center. M 2001)

Experience of the musical leader of the kindergarten

Description: Experience is provided to familiarize themselves with musical leaders of pre-school educational institutions.

Use of health-saving technologies in the musical activity of preschoolers

The system of musical and recreation work involves the use of the following health-saving technologies at each music lesson:
valeological Songs

Songs-jigs are held at the beginning of the classes, raise the mood, ask a positive tone to the perception of the surrounding world, improve the emotional climate in the classroom, prepare the voice to sing.
luggage grips and exercises

Logritic is a complex technique, including the means of speech therapy, musical - rhythmic and physical education - one of the sections of therapeutic rhythm created on the basis of the method of musically - rhythmic education E. Jacques-Dalcross.
The complex of the splash and exercises of the speech therapy rhythm is aimed at overcoming speech violations by developing and correction of the motor sphere in combination with the word, music, movement.
Due to the fact that children every year there is a tendency to reduce the level of speech development, and this is directly connected with musical education (correct articulation), I created a card file of logo units, games, speech games. Materials of such authors are widely used, such as M. Kartushina, T. Ovchinnikova, K. ORF, E. Makshantseva.
For example, in the middle group, I use folklore-based exercises - these are sweatshirts: "Sunny", "Ozerechik", "Bunny", "mouse", etc.
In the elder group, speech exercises are used: "Openings", "My Silence" in my house, "" Voron "," Sun-Bolkolnyshko "," Gerasim - Grachevnik "," Wyry Circle ", etc.
A number of other logo exercises are created by me based on dynamic pauses with the addition of melodies and are used, as a type of disposal with the movement. For example, the "vegetable garden", "cat", "cloud", "in the morning of the gnomes", and others. Card file was created on the basis of gymnastics in verses from the magazines "Preschool Education".
The preparatory group uses games and exercises M. Kartushina "Being healthy want", as well as exercises from the card files - "Winter entertainment", "Issue and Bearing", "on the garden and on the branch", "Gifts", "Linden", " In the garden "," Korovka "," Ding - Don "," spinned, handled ", etc.
breathing exercises

Very often there are disruptions of the respiratory function (the brightness of the chest up and pulling the abdomen on the breath, too much inhale, the rapidity of breathing, the shortenness of the exhalation, the inability to make an imperceptible goodness of the air). The essence of respiratory gymnastics is in the conscious management of all phases of the act of breathing through the breathing muscle training and the adjustment of the respiratory center. This exercises Belyakova L.I. , Semenova N., Strelnikova A.N. et al., which are selected by me in the file and systematized for phastening. For example, the older group: September - Exercise "Zoo", October - "Familiarity", November - "Spray", December - "Singer", January - Snowflake, February - "Candles", March - "Ball", April - "Stork", May - "Rocket".
psychodstastics and theatrical etudes

Starting with the second younger groupThe sessions use the above-mentioned technologies to create a positive emotional background, when, in addition to the study of the emotions themselves, occurs: the development of the emotional sphere, the development of the collective, the development of morality, responsibility, empathizing other people, a more subtle feeling of the inner world of other people, the development of creativity, attention, self-monitoring and so on .. For each age group, a file has been created on the basis of preschool education magazines of such authors such as cleanyakov, Sorokina and others. For example, the preparatory group: September - "Round Eyes", "Carlson", October - "Meditation "," Nigandan joy ", November -" Battle "," Dirt ", December -" Lask "," quieter ", January -" Two clowns "," furious bear ", February -" Crimp "," Miscellaneous Mood ", March - "Nasty Duckling", "Chunga - Chang", April - "Three Character", "" Surprise, "May -" Fear "," Valerka ".
In each age group, communicative dances and games for the development of relevant quality are learned, which is directly related to the development of the emotional sphere. For example, in the middle group - "Hello, friend!", In the older - "Dance with me, friend!", In the preparatory - "dance of friendship" and others.
articulating gymnastics

The main goal of the articulation gymnastics - Development of high-quality, full movements of the articulation bodies, preparations for the properly pronouncing the background. Mimic gymnastics also applies here. In class, exercises from the book Abelian L. "How the Ryzhik learned to sing", as well as from the collection of Arsenyevskaya O. "The system of musical and recreational work in kindergarten".
wellness and Phonopedic Exercises

Development of V. Emelyanova, M. Kartushina contribute to the development of nasal, diaphragmal, abdominal respiration, stimulating the gentle-pharyngeal apparatus and brain activity. The work uses wellness exercises of the above authors. For example, exercises such as "our weapons", "Spring Voices", "Mistel", "Rubber Toy", "Terrible Fairy Tale" and more .. Such health exercises, like all sorts of trainings, Fizkultpauses contribute to the development of meaningfulness, enrichment of imagination, creating A positive psychosomatic state, a value attitude towards its and foreign psychic and physical abilities, awareness of their importance and uniqueness. These trainings are most effective as "I am a doctor", "overcoming difficulties", "I can", "" I scratch your hand. "
gaming massage

Thousands of years ago, Tibetan healers installed: we are pleased to clap your hands, walk barefoot, since it unconsciously sends positive signals internal organs. By making self-massage a certain part of the body, the child affects the entire body as a whole.
Training with the simplest massage techniques occurs in the game. At musical classes, massage is carried out to the music or a song, or under the poem, or just under the text. The most effective are the massages of biologically active zones during periods of unfavorable natural conditions, especially the autumn - spring. I like the children of communicative massages, such as "friendship", "your handles are good, and the neighbor is better." For young children, "Rain" massages are offered, "here they are, handles." And smoothly go to finger games, as one of the components of the massage at all.
finger games

An important place on musical classes is taken by finger games and exercises that play as verses or to the music. Games develop the child's speech, motor quality, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers of the hands. Exercises for the development of small motility - "drummers", "hammer and toporist", "Flower", "Washing", "Flashlights", "funny splashes" and many others (author E. Rogozhina) - are performed without words, only to the music. According to the German philosopher of Kant: "The hand is a broken out of the brain." The work of small muscles is similar to the work of the highest departments of the cerebral cortex, ensuring the work of the thought and functions of speech. This task is subordinated and finger games used by me, as physical culture pauses, as they like children, because they are attractive in the text. For example, "on pancakes", "Utrechko" and many others from the created card files.
music therapy

The listening of correctly selected music increases the immunity of the child, reduces tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores calm breathing. Music therapy is very effective in correction of communication disorders, it helps to establish an emotional dialogue often even in cases where other methods are exhausted. Using your experience, I made it possible to take advantage of the use of musical material from the huge program proposed by the programs of music material, which meet the above tasks. The works are preferably "live", except, of course, orchestral music.
The most successful in the music therapy is considered to listen to the following works - Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata", "To Eliza", Oginsky "Polonaise", Griboedov "Waltz". It is this music that is used during relaxation in classes.
music - Wellness Leisure

(held once a quarter for all groups)
It is also a practical application of health-saving technologies, but in the form of entertainment and as a peculiar regular stage in musical and recreational work in kindergarten.
TO tasks Data of leisure belongs:
- to help preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers;
- to form in children the position of recognition of the value of health, sense of responsibility for its strengthening, expand knowledge and skills on hygienic culture;
- develop musical and creative abilities, physical qualities of children in accordance with age and individual characteristics;
- to conduct in a game form to prevent diseases of the upper respiratory tract, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, vision, hearing, etc.;
- Improve the emotional well-being of each child.
The plan of musical and recreational leisure is a project designed for three years (for a given kindergarten).
First year: "On a visit to Uncle Au", "Winter Journey Kolobka", "Winter Olympic Games", "Around the World".
For the second year: "Repka", "Seven Kozat", "About the doll", "Visiting Water".
Third year: "Tit and Bartholomew", "Journey to the jungle",
"Marine Kingdom", "bird holiday".
When developing scenarios, I use health scenarios M.Yu. Cartoon. Naturally, each scenario adapts, preparations and children are being prepared (each group learns the song on health, hygiene, sports, etc.), and adults (any fabulous character participates in each leisure). In carrying out musical and recreation years, all the above health-saving technologies are used in one configuration or another. Many leisure activities are planned and held together with their parents.

Using the health of saving technologies

on musical classes in Dow

The upbringing of a healthy youthful generation of Russian citizens is the primary task of the state, which largely depends on its future prosperity.

Health is the basic value and the necessary condition for the full mental, physical and social development of the child. Without creating a health foundation in preschool childhood, it is difficult to form health in the future.

In all existing comprehensive programs for upbringing and learning in preschool educational institutions, the thesis of the priority of measures related to child health is declared, increasing its functionality, the level of physical, mental development and motor preparedness.

However, modern trends in society testify to the opposite - growing the number of children with various health problems from birth, early or preschool age.

Pre-school childhood is a period of intensive growth and development of the body and its increased sensitivity to the influences of the natural and social environment, including preventive and health events conducted in kindergarten.

Save the child's health is the main task facing all the child's garden staff. Experience shows that only the joint work of teachers and medical professionals for the improvement of children can give the necessary effect.

Essence (meaning) of experience: Music is one of the physical development of children. Musical development is very important for any child. And it does not mean at all that it is necessary to raise a brilliant musician from the baby from the diaper, but to teach him to listen, understand the music, enjoy it - in our power. The music perceived by a hearing receptor affects not only emotional, but also on the general physical condition of a person, causes reactions associated with changing blood circulation, respiratory.

The goal of musical and recreation education in a preschool educational institution is: strengthening mental and physical health, the development of musical and creative abilities, the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

As a result of the work on this problem, a system of musical and recreation work was created, uniting traditional musical classes with wellness activities. As part of the system of musical and recreational work, the forms of organization of musical and recreational activities have been developed.

Novelty: At musical classes, it is possible and necessary to use modern health of saving technologies in a game form. The usual types of musical activity can be diversified with health benefits.

Availability: The system of musical and recreational work can be used in the educational process of preschool institutions and institutions of additional education.

Performance : Increasing the indicators of the physical development and development of the respiratory system of children. Improvement of motor skills and qualities (plasticity, coordination, orientation in space); Improving vocal skills and skills.

The basis of this experience is based onprograms and methodological guides : on musical education: "Methods of musical education in kindergarten" N. Vetryogina, "holiday every day" I.Kaplunova, "Music education in kindergarten" M. Zatsepina, "Music education of preschoolers" O. Radinova, program "Elementary Musication with preschoolers "T. Tyutyunnikova, the program" Rhythmic mosaic "," Top clasp, kids "A. Bumenina;

technologies E. Zheleznova "Rhythmics for kids", "Finger games", "Developing Musical Games", "Health Games", T. Lobanova "Developing Games, like a healthy-saving basis", V.V. Eleelianov "Phonopedic development of the voice apparatus", E.A. Alyabyeva "Correction classes", A.P.Zarina "Music and movement in the correctional work"

The health of the child is not only the absence of disease, but also the full physical, mental and social well-being. Therefore, the improvement of children in recent years becomes a priority in the work of many DW. Teachers and doctors are looking for new techniques to preserve and strengthen the health of children, create favorable conditions for their implementation, based on the results of the health status diagnostics and the individual characteristics of each child.

The purpose of the work is: to organize musical and wellness work in the Dow, providing each child to strengthen mental and physical health, identifying and developing musical and creative abilities, forming a habit of a healthy lifestyle.

In addition to educational and educational tasks, such work places and wellnesstasks:
1. Save and strengthen the physical and mental health of children.
2. Create conditions that ensure the emotional well-being of each child.
3. With the help of the health of saving technologies, increase the adaptive capabilities of the children's body (intensify protective properties, disease resistance).

Music and wellness work in kindergarten is an organized pedagogical process aimed at developing the musical and creative abilities of children, the preservation and strengthening of their psychophysical health in order to form a full-fledged personality of the child.

The results of this work are:

1. Stability of the emotional well-being of every child
2. Reducing the incidence rate (more than colds)
3. Improving the level of development of musical and creative abilities of children
4. Raising speech development
5. Stability of physical and mental performance.

For the full development of musical and physical abilities of children, all the necessary conditions have been created in DW. Musical and physical center, sports ground, music corners in groups are equipped with appropriate equipment for musical and recreational work and meet hygienic requirements.
The system of musical and recreational work involves the use of a variety of health of saving technologies. Among which are valeological sites, respiratory gymnastics, articulation gymnastics, wellness and phonopedic exercises, gaming massage, finger games, speech games, music therapy.

Valeological songs - Excellent start of any musical lesson. They raise the mood, ask a positive tone to the perception of the surrounding world, prepare a voice to singing.

Good morning!

Good morning! / Turn to each other
Smile rather! / Dilute hands on the parties
And today all day / clap your hands
It will be more fun.

We picked up Lobik / Traffic Movement
Nose and cheeks
We will be beautiful / gradually raising hands up,
How in the garden Flowers / Performing "Lanterns"

Ladoshka / Movement on the text
Stronger, stronger
Now praise
Brew, bolder.

Ears we now hide
And health Savings
Smile again
Be all healthy!

You can use valeological songs, both at the beginning of the classes and instead of the familiar feminochka. Uncomplicated good texts and a melody, consisting of a major gamut sounds, have a positive effect on the mood of children, improve the emotional climate in the classroom.

At the beginning of the school year, monitoring is noted by children who have speech disorders and often ill children. After all, weakened breathing does not give the child to completely catch phrases, correctly build suggestions, even sing songs - you have to inhale the air more often. Therefore, special attention is paid to respiratory gymnastics.

Exerciseson the development of breathing Play an important role in the recreation system of preschoolers. Doctors have proven that respiratory gymnastics has psychotherapeutic, intake and even therapeutic effects on children. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes that play an important role in blood supply (including lung tissue), contributes to the restoration of the central nervous system, improves the drainage function of the bronchi, restores the impaired nose breathing. The main tasks of breathing exercises are:

1. Strengthen the physiological breath of children

2. To train the power of inhalation and exhalation
3. Form the right speech breathing (short breath - long exhalation)
4. Develop a long breath.

Work on breathing precedes singing songs, and can also be an independent activity. In the game form, with the help of simple exercises. Singing with the preceding respiratory gymnastics has psychotherapeutic, intake and even therapeutic effects on children.

In working with preschoolers, I use uncomplicated exercises Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova, who developed a well-known method of respiratory gym for rehabilitation. The principles of this technique - a short and sharp breath in combination with the movement and passive exhalation.

Exercise "Ladoshka"

(by A.N. Strelnikova)

Ladushki-palm, ringing cotton
We squeeze our palms, the nose is inhaled.
As the palms we spawn, we breathe calmly.

(At the expense of "Once" - grabbing movements with palms (squeeze them into the cams), simultaneously with the movement noisy inhale the nose. Immediately after a short breath, palms are squeezed - exhalation)

There, on the hills, sits the cudak,
Sits and blows so and soyak.
He blows up
He blows a lobby,
It blows along and across.

Then the teacher puts onto the palm carved from the paper autumn leaflet (snowflake, puff, bird, air ball) and brings it to the mouth of the child. Calling the name of the child, he neatly blows off the leaflet. The child catches him and, blowing away, calls the name of the next child.

When learning songs on musical classes, often you have to observe that some children incorrectly pronounce individual sounds. This indicates the incomplete development of the speech apparatus. In our power to help each child cope with these difficulties with special exercises.articulating gymnastics. It contributes to the workout of the movements necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds, syllables, integer words. Exercises are conducted jointly with Dow speaker, which helps to select the desired exercises for the articulation gymnastics and learn them with children. It is important to observe a certain sequence, to go from simple exercises to more complex. Regular use of articulation exercises improves the quality of the speech of children and, accordingly, the quality of singing.

Monitoring held at the end of the school year allows to observe the positive dynamics of the speech development of children. Children began to speak better, poems read with pleasure, perform roles in children's holidays.

Another interesting element of musical and recreational work-igroitmic exercises . These are special exercises to match the movements with music. Game and movement are the most important components of children's vital activity. Such exercises contribute to the development of imagination, musical and creative abilities of the child, the formation of the process of perception and the inclusion of both the hemispheres of the brain, relieves muscle support, improves physical well-being, increases the sociability of children. Through the heroitmic exercises, the child expresses his feelings and releases the accumulated energy, turning it into an act of creativity.

The rain is weak, here is ... / quiet and rarely slams in
/ Hands (Half)
Well, clap, guys, all with me! / kids repeat movement

And it happens a strong rain, that's such ... / claps in your hands stronger
/ (fourth)
Shop again, guys, all with me! / kids repeat movement

And there are miracles in the sky -
thunder rattles and the thunderstorm begins! / Tops and clap
/ At the same time (eighth).
/ Children pick up movements

Shone-slap-slap - / children rhythmically tapping palms on the legs.
I go on puddles.

Lap-snap-snip-snip-/ rhythmically poured legs.
Water in shoes.
Cap cap-cap - / raise hands up and rhythmically click fingers.
I need an umbrella - / with simultaneous movement of hands from top to bottom.
Op-op op - / cross hands on the chest and
Water backing. / Rhythmic patted on forearms.

Bul-Bul-Bul - / Perform a rhythmic spring.
Fell cap.
Oh oh-oh, / swing your head, hands to the head.
Circle water.
Yes, yes, / rhythmically nod your head.
It is so sorry.
Dress in the rain always!

The paper uses elementsgame Massage . Why is it nice to clap your hands, walk barefoot? Why all - and adults, and children - like massage? The fact is that massaging certain points of the body, we unconsciously send positive signals to the heart, easy, liver, stomach and other organs. The implementation of massage manipulations expands the capillaries of the skin, improving blood circulation, actively affects the metabolic processes of the organism, tones the central nervous system. In addition, it raises the mood and improves human well-being. The child can easily learn this in the game. At musical classes, the game massage is carried out under the music - words come down (or rhythmodecamation is used), or the music sounds just the background.

Using the game massage A. Yumanskaya, M. Kartushina increases the protective properties of the entire body. The frequency of diseases of the upper respiratory tract is reduced.

(children get up with each other "train")

Rain, rain, we must
Diverge home / slap palms on the back

Thunder, Thunder, like from guns
Today the holiday has frogs / pumped cams

Hail, hail, raplet hail
All under the roofs are sitting / tapping with fingers

Only my brother in the pool
Catches fish to us for dinner / stroke the back palm

(children turn 180 degrees and repeat the massage again)

Here on the street frost

Here on the street frost! / Stroke the hands
Well, let's spend your nose! / Cover the tip of the nose.
For nothing to beat the bumps / threaten the right index finger.
Well, all the ears took:
Twisted, drivers,
Here and the ears beat! / Index and thumbs / hold on the uche
/ And rotate them forward, then back.
They knocked on the knees, / knock the knees on the lap.
Along the shoulders patted, / hands - screensally at the chest level, clap the palms on the shoulders.
Floods flooded! / Top legs.

Important place at musical classeshaving finger games. There is a direct connection between the movements of the hands and the pronouncement of words. Researchers studying the mechanisms of speech, argue that the speech areas of the brain in children are partially formed under the influence of pulses coming from the fingers of the hands. In addition, on the palms of people there are important biologically active points for the whole organism. In this regard, finger games are of particular interest, which allow in a game form to knead, massage fingers and palms, favorably affecting all internal organs. Finger games E. Zheleznova, O. Patterova is held to the music. A simple, easily memorable melody and accessible movements allow you to include finger games in classes from a three-year-old age (the second younger group). Texts for these games should be pretty simple - Russian folk songs, sweatshops, counters, short poems.

Finger games develop a child's speech, motor quality, increase the coordination abilities of the fingers of the hands (preparation for the letter, drawing), combine the finger plastic with expressive melodic and speech intonation, form a shaped-associative thinking.


We looked into the window / make the fingers of both hands "Window"
On the track there is a cat / "run" by the index and middle fingers
/ Right hand on your left hand.
With such mustes / show "Long mustache"
With such eyes / show "big eyes"
Cat Song sings
We are walking soon calling / "name" right hand

Sand house

Here is a sandbox big / bodied hands on the sides
With roof in polka dot / hand "house" above head
From the sand we build a house / knock on a cam o cam
In the house five winds / show revealed palm - "Five"
First - for bunny / bend in turn fingers
Second - for the Sovka
In the third doll costs
In the fourth - two mushrooms.
In the fifth round window
We laid the cat / palm "sleep" under the cheek
Only a cat is a little / threatened with a finger
Jump! And our house broke / slapped palms on his knees.

Speech games - One of the forms of creative work with children not only in the work of the speech therapist and the educator, but also in musical education. It has been proven that the musical hearing is developing together with the speech. Means of musical expressiveness - rhythm, tempo, timbre, dynamics - are characteristic and for speech. Thus, the use of speech games at musical classes allows children from younger age to master the whole complex of expressive music. Working in this direction is used by the K. Orf technique. Speech games, accompanied by movements, sounding gestures (cotton, click, slaps, etc.), the sounds of children's musical instruments, greatly develops a sense of rhythm. The rhythm of music in combination with the declamination is easier to digest children, and Tex's support by movements or music contributes to better memorization, more emotional reproduction. Signs, plastic, Mimica in speech games encourage children to improvise, disclose their creative potential.

Leaf fall

Autumn, autumn! Falls! (Rhythmic cotton)

Forest autumn caulkit (clicks with fingers)

Leaves redhead rustle (Trute palm about palm)

And fly, fly, fly! (swing hands)

Music therapy - One of the promising areas of recreation work in Dow. It contributes to the correction of the psychophysical health of children in the process of their livelihoods. The listening of correctly selected music with the implementation of psychogymnastic etude M. Chistyakov increases the immunity of children, relieves tension and irritability, head and muscular pain, restores peaceful breathing.
Modern information imposed on the most ancient knowledge shows that the sounds of various musical instruments are influenced by the human body: the sound of the impact tools can give a feeling of stability, confidence, physically cheer. Wind instruments affect the formation of the emotional sphere. The intellectual sphere corresponds to the music performed by keyboard tools, especially the piano. String tools directly affect the heart, and vocal music affects the entire body, but most of all on the throat.

In kindergarten, music is necessary for children throughout the day. This does not mean that it should sound continuously. Music should listen to children dosage, depending on the time of day, the type of activity, even the mood of children. For relaxation, removal of emotional and physical stress, for a pleasant immersion in a daytime sleep, it is necessary to take advantage of the beneficial influence of classical and special relaxing music filled with the sounds of nature. We pay special attention to the musical and reflex awakening of children after day sleep. This technique was developed by N.Efimhenko in contrast to the standard awakening of children. Hearing the sound of familiar music, the kids are easier and calmer to move from the state of full rest to active activities. In addition, it is possible to carry out complexes of simple exercises, without raising kids from the bed.

(Set of exercises for awakening)

Here are fluffy swear peacefully sleep in their cribs
But it is enough to sleep, it's time to get up with sulfur.

The handle is right dying, the handle is pulled out.
Eye opens, play with legs.

Press the legs, straighten the legs
And now we run soon on the forest path.

With side, turn on the side,
And already completely wake up!

It should be noted that the success of the musical and recreation work depends not only on the work of the Pedagogical team to DOU, but also from the relationship to this issue in the family. In order to enlighten parents on this issue, consultations are held, open classes, joint musical and sports holidays and entertainment. Parents willingly take part in such events. Using the health of saving technologies not only in the classroom in DOU, but also in family education helps to more effectively develop musical abilities of preschoolers, maintain and strengthen their health. To help parents draw up mobile folders containing articulation, finger, speech games and other material that can be used at home.

Recovery of children, the creation of emotional comfort is the most important task of Dow. Organization in the kindergarten of musical and health work using modern methods of health savings provides a more careful attitude towards physical and spiritual health of children, helps in a complex to solve the tasks of the physical, intellectual, emotional and personal development of the child, actively introducing into this process the most effective technology of savings in this process . After all, the well-being of society largely depends on the health of children in many ways.


Breathing is life. The justice of such an approval is unlikely to have an objection to anyone. Indeed, without solid food, the body can do several months, without water - a few days, then without air - just a few minutes.

The priority of the process of breathing to life, makes the ability to perfectly own this hardly by the main ability of a person to work wonders with its body, get rid of diseases, becoming healthy. Therefore, the problem of preserving the health of the preschooler and the impulse of them a healthy lifestyle today is very relevant.
Purpose: Save and strengthen the health of the preschooler, the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle.


Give the primary ideas about the respiratory authorities.

Develop and strengthen the health of children through the system of respiratory exercises.

Test to understand the value of the careful attitude to the respiratory authorities and the correct care.

The system of musical and recreation work involves the use of health - saving technologies at the music lesson, one of which is respiratory gymnastics.

It has a positive effect on:

Exchange processes playing an important role in blood supply;

Contributes to the restoration of the central nervous system;

Improves bronchi drainage function;

Restores disruption of nasal breathing.

Singing, melodiclamation, special speech games contribute to the development of votes (the basis of which is the right breathing). Before singing, songs are engaged in respiratory, articulation gymnastics, phonophyted and wellness exercises for throat and voice ligaments, which affect the health of often ill children, as well as children with speech disorders.

The main tasks of breathing exercises on musical classes are:

Strengthening the physiological respiration of children (without speech).

Training force inhale and exhalation.

Dehydration duration.

As a result of the respiratory gymnastics at each occupation, the performance of the respiratory system, the development of children's singing abilities. The breathing exercises contribute to the saturation of the organism with oxygen. The ability to control the breath contributes to the ability to control themselves. Slow exhale helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability. By studying the respiratory gymnastics at the lesson, follow the child to have no symptoms of lung hyperventilation (rapid breathing, a sharp change in the color of the face, trembling of the hands, a feeling of tingling and numbness in their hands and legs). If the head begins to turn around - we put your palms together (bucket), bring them close to the face and deeply breathe deeply in them (2 - 3 times).

We give as an example an exercise on the formation of a diaphragmatic respiratory with the use of music therapy.

Imagine that a small-little balloon settled in your stomach. He really likes when it is inflated and blown away. Try to inflate it. To inflate it large, the air must be inhaled through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. Let's see, who has the biggest ball.

Exercises for children with impaired nasal breathing to the music:

Source standing standing. The mouth is closed. One half of the nose to close your finger, breathing alternately (4-5 times) through each half of the nose.

Standing inhale through one half of the nose, and exhale over the other up to 5-6 times.

Standing legs together, nose clapped with fingers. Slowly, loudly count to 10 (mouth closed), then take a deep breath and full exhalation through the nose (5-6 times)

Inhale through the nose, mouth closed. On the exhalation exhalation, the sound "Mmm" (slowly up to 8 times).

Cheerful exercises for kids


IP: lying or sitting. The child puts the palm to the diaphragm area and deeply breathes. Inhale and exhale is made through the nose.

The exercise can be performed in the sitting position and accompanied by rhymes:

Hippo gotten, tombed tumors.

Then the tummy rises (inhale),

Then the tummy lowers (exhale).


"Zhu Uh - said the winged beetle,

I sit down and mess. "

"Cheerful train".

Children are given installation: "Whose train will pass longer?"

It is proposed to take a deep breath. By the sign of the music. The head of the train is driving: "Chuch-Chuh-Chuh" - so long, for how much breathing is enough. Wins the "train". Who had a longer enough breathing.


Children are offered to "inflate balloons" (short, short, through the nose). First influence the ball, then with the sound "TC-C-C" - blow, making a complete reset of air. To control you need to keep your hand on your stomach.

"Stop tying"


It should be pronounced on one exhale, without additional air inhalation:

As on a hill, on the hill

33 Echorks lived

Once Egorka, two Earch ...

The more Egorok will be able to name the child, the greater the volume of the lungs.

Several exercises that are advisable to use in the exercise of theatrical activity.


Deeply breathe and slowly exhausted to say "puff .."


Breathe deeply, then, interrupting, slowly exhaled and uttered "pyh-pyh ..."

"Big Filin".

To breathe deeply and, exhausted sharply pronounce "Wow!".

"Little Filin."

Breathe deeply, abruptly interrupting. Exhalation and pronounce "Wow-Wow-Wow .."


To breathe deeply and, exhausted, pronounce the sound "U-U-U". At the same time, as if raising the sound from the bottom up.


Deeply breathe and loudly in the exhalation of saying "Tykto-Someone who is who .."

With each pronunciation of the word "who" the voice is caught all quieter and quieter.


Inhale and exhale the sound of "Zhr.", The lips must be folded into the tube, then stretch into a smile.


Inhales and in exhale, on a high note, say the sound "z-zz", then amplifying sound, then weakening. "

"King the baby."

Inhale and in exhale to pronounce "aaaaaaa-ah .." The sound should be like when making a baby.

"Creep trees."

On the exhalation, the sound "and-and-and .." lips are stretched into a smile.

In order to create emotional mood, the motivation of children to perform these exercise, as well as intensifying their attention, the teacher can combine such exercises a single game plot. So, for example, a story about "traveling to grandmother" can be the basis for gaming training for the development of breathing and voices.

"The grandmother in the village".

We arrived to grandmother in the village. Grandmother sat guests at the table, put samovar. Samovar Greed, Greed and Zakpel: "Pyh-pyh" (I exhale). And next to him, a small chairs: "Pyh-pyh-puff .." (I exhale) Grandmother poured tea with children in the mugs, and he is hot. In order not to burn, you need to pour into the circle: "Fu-y!". In the house, mosquitoes fly - "z-z-z". But we are not afraid of them and drink delicious tea: "FP!" (inhale air). Poured tea and went for a walk.

On the street warm, the bees around fly - "Zhr." Tasty smells with flowers ... (inhale the smell of flowers). They walked, went and came to the big grief. And on the mountain there is an incomprehensible silhouette. We scream loudly: "Who are you?" And the echo will answer us: "someone who is." Suddenly we heard the wovers: "U-U-y". And they decided to go home rather. House grandmother ordered us to go to sleep. And so that we quickly fall asleep, the grandmother sang us the lullaby: "A-A-A-A-A."

Memo for parents and educators

Respiratory gymnastics Children can use not only in kindergarten in the course of the day, but also at home with parents. The exercises below will teach you and your child respiratory self-defense.

"Big and small".

Standing straight. On the exhalation, the child rises on the tiptoe, stretches up with his hands, showing what he is big. Secure this position for a few seconds. On the exhalation, the child must lower his hands down, then sit down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time say "Wow", hide his head behind his knees - showing what it is small.

"Geese fly."

Slowly and smoothly walk around the room, waving his hands, as if wings. Hands on the breath lift, at the exhale omit, uttering "Mr.". Repeat 8-10 times with the child.


Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and one leg bent in the knee, take ahead. Secure the position for a few seconds. Keep equilibrium. On the exhalation, lower the leg and hands, quietly uttering "Sh-sh-sh". Repeat 6-7 times.


Stand straight, the legs are slightly wider than shoulders. On the exhale, fold the hands with a hatch and lift them up. Abruptly as if under the weight of the ax, elongated hands on the exhale lower down, the housing tilt, allowing the hands to "cut down" the space between the legs. Say "Bach". Repeat 6-8 times.


Stand legs together, hands up. Slowly rotate straight hands, uttering on the exhale "Zh R-R". When the movements are accelerated, the sounds become louder. Repeat 7-8 times


Position the legs together, imagine how the frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat it jumping: slightly squeezing, breathing, jump forward. Landing, "Catchy". Repeat 3-4 times.


Imagine that you've got lost in the dense forest. Having inhaled, at the exhale, say "ay". Change intonation and volume and turn to the left, then right. Repeat 5-6 times.

Using modern health-saving technologies in a game form, you can save children from offseason diseases. It should be remembered that positive results for preschoolers are possible only with the joint work of the whole team of kindergarten and parents.

Let our children be healthy!