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How to choose the future profession to choose, if you do not know who you want to be? How to find your purpose in life

Hello, my name is Ramil. My problem is next .. I can't figure it out, I can not understand what I want in life and who I want to. I have no definite dream. Yes, I want to be successful personBut who to be in what area - I do not know. It scares me, inhibits me. One of the apathy constantly pursues. Laziness takes top to me. It seems that I will slowly chakhu. On the this moment I study on a programmer, already in the second year. I understand that this is not mine, there is no shower to this specialty. Only on the advice of parents went to this specialty when they said that she was in demand. Well, what to do, because I myself do not know what I want. Of course I listened to my parents. I kind of strong spirit guy, confident and do not like to complain, but this moment scares me. I am afraid for my future. Time like water will be speedy. Therefore, it is necessary to take some measures. Tell me how to be how to find yourself, sort it yourself. And then crazy so go ... :(

Ramil, Age: 19/05/06/2014


Ramil! Work is often not like studies, i.e. and when a person works out, he will start to get something, he can enter the taste. Regarding yours or not, probably prudent profession to get and work. If you make sure that it is not your second education easier to get or finish the courses than to rush from one to another. But this opinion, in practice, in different ways, think. As for successful, it is a stamp and not quite good. A person is successful, but not happy. Or successful, but not decent. Or successful, but does not like his business in the shower. There are no dreams and do not know what you want, but it is understandable, a young man who has not visited the profession from the inside difficult to choose. With the exception of some professions, vocation, like sports, in which a child since childhood or art. But even in art a lot of routine, for example, the artist makes 100 copies to order. So do what you do on conscience, get one a good educationLearn how to do well at least something, then some other calling, if you find it, you will be able to master the more people know how to learn how much. Chash in 19 years so that you do not do, it is impossible. Everything should work on you: like, you get pleasure, do not like-make the will, it turns out - you are happy to be successful, it does not work at all, they go to overcome difficulties. A man should not be looked at comfortable, convenient, careless if he lives so much, he must find what to overcome, it forms male character. A C. strong character It is not so important what you are doing and even how successful you are: you are from the inside harmonious; And loved ones: Wife, children with so calm and good.

Martha, age: 35/07/06/2014

Patzan, I myself was so in 18. Familiar.
1. To begin with, do not try to learn!
Especially if you don't really know what you really want.
2. Take the sport.
I was helped by kickboxing and ballroom dancing. And both sections went at the same time. P. 16.00 - 18.00 - Dancing. From 19.00 - 20.30 - Kick.
3. We must try. Act and look for your own.
I am now 24.
Outcome: finished engineer. I went to learn to a lawyer. I work. Life can't imagine without a rod. He learned to play accordion. Hobbies - repair of old cars (although it used to seemed the soul to the technique at all) and the shooting of pneumo. Plans to open a gym, and after buying an apartment.
But, Ramil, I tried a lot (from origami to C / x production) until I found my own.
Dare !!!

Sergey, Age: 24 / 17.06.2014

For your age, this is a normal phenomenon. In principle, sooner or later, a person sets this question throughout life, while different levels Achievements and success. Try to combine your studies with your hobby, if you program, come up with something that you like and make a program related to your interests. If studying does not like, find a specialist in vocational guidance (help in choosing a profession) and an independent person will help you in the definition of your skills, and you will tell you everything about what sow sings. Go to the army, there will be time to sort yourself up, plus a big life experience Get self-education. Then by their own. By wishes to choose, what the soul is inclined and remove. Life is a much multifaceted thing, who said that everything is needed to do everything on the template and for the fact that the parents will say ... it is necessary to build it yourself and look at all things wider. I wrote to you because I myself was exactly in such a situation, only the decision on the change of the university took on the 1st year and everything turned out safely!

Valery, Age: 25 / 30.06.2014

I doubt that such problems are solved on the network, and still I want to see at least a couple of tips. My current life is similar to some hopeless deadlock. I absolutely do not know what to do next how
By going, and all because of ignorance, which I want. A year ago I graduated from the university, in the specialty I was a biologist, on the 5th year began working at school, read ecology and biology, work is not
I liked the salary enough only on a light snack. After 8 months left. The laboratory also pay funny money, work to nausea is boring. You probably love why I only
after 5 years of study woke up? I do not know, I used to really liked, practice and theory, maybe study and work is really different things. Now I seriously think about another specialty, but
Although I will not know what to choose, I'm in a stupor. I do not know what I want. I am very afraid and staying with anyone. I tried myself in journalism, wrote for the site of the article, it turned out well, but almost again
is free. At the moment, we work in the club (dance) dancing with 17). Parents say that I sneak out of the extreme to extreme and burn life. I'm still afraid of it, I do not want to be
fucking, very afraid to remain unrealized man, a pacifier, and at the same time I absolutely can't understand myself, I read a lot and try to try something new, but nothing
Helps, apathy and fear overcome me more and more. Please answer what to do?

IRA, Age: 22 / 08.02.2015

Joke, I ask myself this question from 16 years old. I now 29, a bunch of works replaced different areas, did not miss any proposed adventures! And still in the search, today
I will get confused again. Tip: Bold and know you are not alone!

Valery, Age: 29 / 13.04.2015

Ramile and everyone who read his question and the answers of the guys. In your 25 I am an engineer in one very-interference large company, the salary is normal, but the soul does not lie to work, and still I am in
confusion. I will support the advice of Sergey and Valery, fully share them: and in sports, I found it, and in army, glances to life dramatically changed, but nevertheless, I still break my head, in which
express yourself. Be sure to read thematic literature, because Only she in concentrated form gives you information to thinking and solving your question.

Alexey, age: 25/12/06/2015

Probably, I am quite late writing, but the fact is that I am exactly the same situation (by the way, I also study at the programmer; sucks) I am going to throw and interact for the next year. It seems to find
What I like, but 100% is not sure. Friends say this bold act, but the unknown scares. But it's worth trying; so I dare!

Nastya, Age: 18 / 06.11.2015

If you do not know who you want to be and what you can do, and you want to find your destination, try to constantly change your professions, every time you have to get on
any work until you find your favorite and necessary work, and if I did not find, stop and come back to all previous professions and carefully think that
You liked doing the most. Thus, look preferably as many specialties as possible and then you will have a choice in some watery! This concerns
Only for those who do not know who they are, and people who have a specific goal in life, they know what to do!

Bakat-Ulan, Age: 17 / 01/15/2016

The same situation ... Only I study at a medical university and this strongly complicates everything, because medical devices are seriously, we are talking about the health of people who come to me
Studying a person interesting, but I do not feel that this is mine
I'm already on the 3rd course, and still I do not know if I want to be a doctor
There was a lot of new things, but I could not yet decide what I like, and this strongly oppresses.

owl, Age: 19 / 18.01.2016

The same story, I can not find myself, I want to talk to anyone, so that the Council was given or sent to the right track. I'm in a dead end. After grade 9 entered finances and
Credit, I don't even know why I did it, because I did not even study, but I worked all this time, that's how 5 years helping the parents of the proven in the store, but for ourselves nothing new
I find out, I try to read the books of self-development and psychology, but I can not find myself. Who I will be, who do I mean? All these thoughts are killed, no clear goal, yes and talents
No to show yourself in something. Help....?

Kanyai, Age: 20 / 01/20/2016

Indeed, we are much. This is the topic of choice of life and it is very important. Probably understand what you really like, but you like a lot of classes. But who said you need to choose something
one? I really feel that it is like painfully refuses some desires. And laziness is a sign that you do not want to do it. Perhaps there are questions more important than it?
Yesterday I watched a film about the hockey player of Legend 17, there was such a moment that the hero was in a quarrel with a girl and his coach says, you are not completely completely on ice, I decided to solve my problems and you have to
play. Maybe everything is in this case with hockey? Are there any problems and questions that are now prevented? Herself is now in such a state, although I feel pain, I do not want to give up this case,
It likes it, but I want to know the world, solve my problems, perhaps everything is not true of experience. And it happens that the matter does not like that they do not protect it.

Network, age: 21/08.05.2016

Nastya, here they are not who can not do and you have gathered.)

sanya, Age: 19 / 11.10.2016

I am 26, the first university threw studies after three months (finance and credit), second graduated (management). Worked in banks (in sales, in recovery), at construction sites, in the decoration, on the drilling rig
GNB (machinist, location equipment operator, welder polyethylene pipes), I worked as dry, then a wagon cook in a restaurant, a cook on corporate dinkers, studied
Programming on three different courses. I play on the synthesizer, guitar, bass guitar, I am writing a little music. Doing sports.

But, I still can not find my place in my life, my profession, hobbies. There is no little to work where there are failures everywhere, since there is no experience. Offer a cook, for a penny, bank clerk for
Another smaller penny. The diploma manager can only be pursuing guzno.

Everything seems complete de * l ... Thanks to my wife, I have not got crazy yet. Fawn that loved ones are alive and healthy.

Reconan, Age: 26 / 12.11.2016

Julia, Age: 19/23/2016

For any education on 1 plan.
Then swimming and run, well, and great (bike) does not hurt.
Music as a hobby, guitar or some other tool.
Do not drink alcohol even light and not smoke, in general, no drugs.
Well, communicating with the right and reliable people.
With girls of relaxing. Parents' opinion is sure to be weighty!
Through them (the highest mind or god, kama as you like) give us advice
For further arrival and detention in this world and situations.
That's the whole focus.
And smaller a delusional TV to watch with sudden transmissions.
Progresate and destroys life, and ruins the psyche of the population.
Learn! And do not pay attention to the assholes!

Vladimir, Age: 44/09/02/2017

Completely agree with Julia. I 22, I was doing to the army that I liked, I came from the army doing what I like, only in time the interests change, people change, who surrounds you, you can not find all my life
His calling, but all your life is to do what I like and be satisfied! Self last years I try to find one of the main directions of my activity, basically I associate my life with appliances (cars,
Motorcycles) Since childhood, he loved to quickly ride quickly, at the moment I'm leaving in a car sport and everything connected with him, I study at the 5th year of the car college (this year I finish) about earning: that I am
Like earnings There are no, some costs, earning a living working for a hundred, and still engage in real estate "business." Of course, everyone has their own capabilities and desires, do not tolerate and do not deny yourself something
do the way you want to work where you want (if possible) and over time you will understand that it is not necessary to deal with all your life in one thing, the main thing from every work is to enjoy, because
Happiness is a feeling and condition of full, higher satisfaction.

Igor Sergeevich, Age: 22/14/05/2017

The same situation! Just inclined to the profession of a programmer (this is what is really so bored?: C). There are so many interesting answers. All my life reflects about the choice of profession and I can not understand who I want to be and who I am in
principle. True, I'm still very small compared to you. Nevertheless, I am glad that not one.

Rob, Age: 14/09/2017

Books! I try to read the maximum. Books inspire. I am after each read book, as if updated. You need to try yourself everywhere until you find what I was looking for so long. If you have a hobby,
Try to make it a profession (if possible). I constantly think what I want and what I do not really do this. And so far yes. It is important! Do what really likes.

SG, Age: 16 / 12/28/2017

Hello everybody. He studied for a programmer, realized that not mine. Now on the decret. But the question of who to be in life does not exert me. I think I think. It seems to be something, but I'm afraid to try, and after being mistaken. I understand that without trying to try, you will not know. During the decree, it was generally broken and became loner. Heavy new acquaintances for me. But I try to keep and get out of this state.

Anya, Age: 22/08/03/2018

Hello, my parents make me to engage in the accordion, they are already saying so sitting. Doing often, for they are musicians, but it annoys me lick. How much I shed tears and how much it was the quarrel, I already do not remember, as it began with the 6th grade. After a certain quarrel, I take myself in my hands, trying to force, but everything is a fascinarian. Mom says mathematics, chemistry, physics-it is mine. I agree with her. What should I do .. I will be grateful to every word


In this article, I describe the scenario of the career guidance session in the phenomenological key, which underlies the gestalt approach. Like many other techniques, he was born spontaneously and then helped me more than once. It can be useful for both the consultant and as a tool. If you want to answer the question for yourself "Who should I be?", You can do the described actions yourself orally or on paper or find a person you trust, show him this article and ask him to help.

For generality, we will proceed from the fact that you are a consultant, and a confused client came to you, who declares that he does not know who he wants to continue to work.

The script consists of four stages.

Stage 1.. The purpose of this stage is to find out what types of activities are able to deliver pleasure and inspiration to man. After all new job Must bring joy, otherwise - what is the point of contacting the consultant? To do this, ask a person the question: "Remember what you did in the last month at all?" And listen carefully to what he will say. It is very likely that you quickly get the answer: "Yes, nothing" or "well, any nonsense" or something like that. It should not stop you. At this stage, great attention is required and perseverance. The main thing is not to allow the client to run forward and make premature conclusions and evaluations: "Well, this ... it is not suitable as a job." The goal is now in another. It is necessary to ask a person about the details of his daily activities, even if the most common, and find out what caused the greatest interest in it and the rise of energy.

For example, a person says that the TV watched all day. Need to find out what kind of programs I watched, what prefers? What moments were most interesting and why? Whether experience was similar to what he saw in the television program, or the desire to get it. As a result, it is necessary to allocate some kind of activity that at least potentially causes interest and can bring joy. For example, in the case of a TV "Watch animal transmission", in the case of computer games - "Play strategic games where you need to build virtual cities", etc. Yes, and such activities need to be found at least five.

Stage 2.. For each of the activities found at the previous stage, the following mental experiment must be held. Give the client such instructions: "Imagine that you are doing all day tomorrow<этим видом деятельности>. Tell us in detail in the present time, how it will happen in which sequence. "And for example, the client begins to tell:" I got up in the morning at 8 o'clock, fucked my scrambled eggs and sat down to watch the channel about animals. The program shows sea lions. I like to look at how they move in water. I see how deftly swim and catch fish. It is a pity that the presence of a person in their habitat worsens the life of marine animals ... ". Here you need to closely monitor the manifestations (phenomena) of the client accompanying the story. Perhaps you will open interesting details. For example, you will see that the client telling, manifests boredom or dislike, and then you need to check whether he really likes how he spends his fictional day. Or, on the contrary, you will find an inspiration of the client when he mentions some secondary details accompanying the story about what he does. Perhaps This will lead to the fact that at this stage some kind of activities are filled or changed.

After completing the story, you need to ask such a question: "Please, please, literally a few words, what exactly are you doing when you perform everything that sounded? What is your intention? What do you bring this world?" The phrase should be brief and contain the quintessence of the described activity. For example, "studying the nature of the North", or "Keeping rare animals", or even, for example: "teach children", if it turns out that the client each time after viewing retells the content of the transfer to its little son And his friend. Happened? Congratulations, you just produced the so-called phenomenological reduction and allocated a semantic core of the described activity, the deep intention of a person, which is closely related to its unique system of values. Let's call her "intention." For each of the five types of activity, you need to find our intention.

Stage 3.. This stage requires client creativity and horizons. Before the client, you need to set the task: "For each of the intentions received, pick up three professions, which, in your opinion, implement them." Important Support the client in non-standard ideasFor here and the very creative begins. For example, a scientist theorist in the office of the institute, and a zoologist on the expedition on the research vessel, and the operator of the Earth satellite surveillance operator. If a person does not really represent, what professions are at all, and it makes it difficult, you can help him, offering our options: "I think<это намерение> People can realize<такой-то профессии>. What do you think, is it? "

For each intention you need to find at least three professions. As a result, you must have a list of 15 professions, which in one degree or another correspond to the system of values \u200b\u200bof your client, and therefore they carry the greatest meaning in this life stage. Wouldn't we want to achieve?

Stage 4.. This stage can be done together, or the client can do it independently. Rather, not even so. He is unlikely to be able to do it :). After receiving a list of 15 professions, he will certainly begin to identify with them, "trying to" on itself and sort to the degree of conformity of his personality. You can help him in this, asking to choose from the list what he likes to the greatest extent to discuss prospects and possible difficulties on the way to a new profession, as a client sees them. In any case, further work with the client will go from the area "What to do?" In the more practical area "How to achieve this?".

All examples in this scenario are fictional, all coincidences are exclusively my projections :). Five and three numbers (five activities and three professions for one intention) seem optimal to me, but they can be changed in one direction or another depending on how the process is moving. //

What does it mean to be adults? This is when you contain yourself when you do not consult with my parents when making decisions when you have children, or when you walk stayed, you live alone, but maybe it's when you have a dog for which you are responsible? Probably nothing listed.

When there is a choice of a future profession, it seems you know what you wantAlthough not everyone. The outstands of the profession do not know, so it seems that everything is so cool, because only the result is visible. Outside: Business trips and yachts, cars and parties. The essence of professionalism is probably in the fact that it would be difficult for a person, the result looks so easy and simple, as if it should die. At 17, it often seems often that now you're already an adult and you know what to do next, but it's quite not true. Because you do not know anything at all.

Well, now I will finish school, I will do, and that's it. Well, now I will finish the institute, and that's it. Well, here, graduated from the institute, and what? I do not know who I want to become when I grow up.

In childhood it seemed that 25 years - this is old agethat all the children of mother's friends are such adults. It was not clear why their parents do not think so why about these adult twenty-five-year-old children tell some completely teenage stories. And now it is clear. I don't want to be adults at all, and when it turns out that this face is unnoticed, and you have already become like on the edge of the cliff, they grab up for any chance, if only a little longer stay as if a child. You run away from receipts and budget planning for a party with friends, to mom on pies or for coffee to another part of the city, when all the grandwords turn your conscience in ash. In the end, you go to the magistracy. As they say in "VKontakte": "Master is one of the ways to avoid adult life."

Among my familiar peers (20-30 years old), many people do not know who they want to be, although they have education and work. I must say that not everyone and after 30 know who they want to be, just work at least someone in any case. This, by the way, comfortable and funny excuse "When I grow ...", but for now I'll just chat. I received higher educationAnd what to do with it yet I do not quite understand. I was still lucky in some way, I didn't want anyone else since childhood. And now it turns out that I have journalistic education, but there are no journalism in the country (almost). There is an option not to be boring and forgive your work not by profession, the main thing is to mention morally. Humanities, for example, in this sense are still lucky, the choice of profession is wider than in some narrow specialists. With journalistic education, of course, you can work almost everywhere. At this place argument arises: not all people work in the specialty, not everyone has education, and it does not interfere. Then it comes to the fact that the meaning and value of the education obtained is incomprehensible, if somewhere without him people live better.

So much digital around, once or two there are some popular bloggers, the people who "unwound" their business, well, to whom it wants to shine in the office, not the factory. If another five years ago there were some lawyers and economists, now there are some freelancers, bloggers and motivators. So I don't want to go to any boring job, especially if you really don't pay anything, and what would be it like to do, so that everything is immediately - finding not easy. It is necessary to make a reservation that the work is not obliged to delight and arrange in everything? Who wants, of course, finds, and work, and an interesting occupation, and where to earn.

Maybe know who you will be when you become an adult and do not need. Do not dig and do not require strict certainty. Just do what you like now, brings money and benefit yourself or others and not to give up chances that sometimes throws up life?

Hello. My name is Nastya. I'm 19.

There is a young man with whom I meet 3 years. I will tell about him a little later. So, not everything is too smooth. In general, I did not know who I go to learn. And I decided to become a beautician. Yes, I like all sorts of masks, care ... But for this you need to come to medical. I did and here almost learned the year. You, as psychologists, had to hear about learning on medical care. That is, it's just hell and that's it. I wanted to learn at any university, except for the first honey. But parents wanted for the child the best. In general, yes, I'm here.

I like to learn and responsible, but here such a load is that even I can't stand it. I have burnout. I no longer want to learn here. I do not want to spend 10 years of life only on footing (6 on the general and 4 graduate school + courses ...) And so I want to leave, but I do not know where. I do not know what I want. My young man speaks to those university, because I get a lot. Yes, I have a better score than the rest in mathematics and computer science here, but not from the medical side, I think I can not cope. I think about something that has a common between medicine and technology, calculus, because I have imbued with medicine. But how is the goal with cosmetology? And yes, I planned to leave abroad to learn, but then I realized that since I could not learn here, then in another language I won't be able to.

The problem is still in finance. I study on the target. If you take the exam, then they will have to pay for courses. Yes, and for six months I will not have time to prepare. Or maybe I do not want those at all. I am empty. Where are I? Why everyone is fine, and I like a white crow. Who am I? I dont know. I do not know what I want. I think even go to courses and make cilia, so that somehow take a sell in the summer, because I can't do not, study takes and day and night. I hope you can help me, because I just realized my condition and it scares me very much. Insome emptiness ...

Please help me figure out yourself.


Svetlana Dyachenko

Administrator, Russia

Nastasyushka, Nastya, Hello!
Please tell us about your hobbies and interests.
What do you feel about the ability?
What is the result of communication with a psychologist would be useful for you?

I don't even know what I like
I love to travel, like learning the language. But I'm not very good in humanitarian objects, but I love to read. I also interest me the interior, but I do not know how to draw. I also like to take pictures, but I'm not sure that I could do this on an ongoing basis. I also love punctuality and accuracy, so not against something in this area. But the analysis of all kinds of office paper / definitely not mine.

I assume that I can not work on monotonous work. As you understand, I like to care for myself. Like to understand in all sorts of creams, masks ... I am sufficiently shy and even I'm afraid to talk on the phone, but it is fixable, I know. Before the exam, he was dancing for about 5 years, but never really knocked out the best. Previously, I thought about admission to genetic engineering, but in Russia it is bad about it. Maybe I would be horns b to the hardware cosmetology, but there, it seems, also need honey education. I do not know if there are some places for training cosmetology abroad. Because I believe it is not so important to dig in the internships of people to make Botox.

And yes, I do not scare me out and blood, and all that. Anatomy is passing on wet preparations. I think about what I want to learn somewhere where I could spend time on my life. In the medical I will miss all youth there. Yes, and I don't want to forget about children. I know that now there are many people who do something at home make their business and get not small money. Yes, maybe I want everything and immediately do nothing. But I understand that not everything is so simple. Maybe parents would support me (although without education is unlikely), but I just can't find myself. It seems to me that everything is interested in something and know what they want, but I am not. And it's a shame that I spend a lot of time on it. Against this background, it seems to me that I begin to grow old. Although I only 19 !!! And I realize it, but there inside the scraper. I still say that I am 17. I know that many adults consider that I completely went and everyone would like to return my years, but forgive me, I can't do anything. By the way, my young man sometimes speaks about it too. And maybe if you can help me, I would have been able to somehow cheer.

Svetlana Dyachenko, Well, I think that on the phone is not very a good ideabecause I still feel very comfortable, but there is no time live. So it can stay here, if it is not difficult for you.


Sadly, so much wrote
And the answer never waited


Svetlana Dyachenko

Administrator, Russia

Nastasyushka, psychologists are responsible for the extent possible, in its free time.

Hello, Anastasia!
If you read your posts, I had a complete understanding that you want to work in cosmetology. If we proceed with the "opponent" method, then cosmetology is the only thing that is not just acceptable for you, but even like it.
Why do you need graduate school? In graduate school, those who want to work as a teacher in the university, or those who want to do scientific research etc. Therefore, to get a medical education, you need 6 years old, 1 year you have already understood.
Any courses in cosmetology you can take place in parallel with study, so the period is 10 years old is reduced by half - 5 years.
As you want to associate your life with cosmetology, then and to study can be treated as an assistant to you in this matter. The study will give you competences in the things you need, you will get the necessary acquaintances with scientists in your city, etc.
You are not required to finish the university on perfectly. A person must learn what he likes can be trained in your university in i need an aid for you.
Of course, if you can't change your attitude to study, it is not worth raping myself for 5 years.
But throwing and acting somewhere - it is to lose 1 year. And it's not a fact that in another place will go.
How to look at the same time to reconsider your attitude to current studies and learn what you want (take interesting coursework, associated with cosmetology, skin, etc.)?

The charm and curse of our life is that the feasibility of being - both individual and global - illusory.

When a person talks about the destination, asked why? Why? ", He involves the existence of the cause-goal. At the same time, goaling is always prescribed to a conscious subject and is associated with freedom of will and choice.

Question "Why should I buy chocolates?" It implies that the subject (s) can analyze its needs (I want sweet or go to visit friends and I want to treat them) and take a conscious decision, thereby carrying out a free choice. That is, the question "Why?" assumes an alternative.

In addition, the principle is given questions "Why is there a world?", "What is a person?". It is assumed that a certain subject implemented his freedom of will in making a decision on the creation of the universe, land, life. This subject is God. However, as you know, God is an unscientific hypothesis. Science does not ask the question "Why?", She asks "Why?", Excluding the subject and focusing on a simple connection "The reason is the consequence".

Why is life exist? Because throughout the millions of years, the evolutionary process complicated chemical structures, which led to the formation of biological structures. Cause (chemical evolution) -\u003e Corollary (living organisms).

Modern science is increasingly leaning towards determinism - explaining world phenomena from the point of view of causal relationships, gradually spending such a coup and at the human level. So, neurobiology significantly refutes the freedom of will and choose, thereby excluding the question "why?" even at our level household solutions. I buy chocolates not why, and why. This is a fundamentally different look at the events. In this case, the purchase of chocolate determines not my free will, but a set of reasons determining my actions: the need for glucose or the desire to be a polite guest. Ultimately, everything comes down to what is customary to be called fate. The world becomes a corps of causes and consequences related to clear laws among themselves, and therefore not having alternatives. The only area in which the hypothetical possibility of overcoming fatalism is quantum physics, but so far science is focused on the determinism paradigm.

Now let us turn to the original question, which in terms of science sounds like "why a person was born to the light?". The answer is simple and associated with fertilization and other biological processes. Again - the reason and consequence. Outside this, any answer has no scientific meaning.

However, the consciousness of a person does not allow him to accept the complete predetermination of his own being and relax on this. We are trying to agree on past, present and future in a clear and predictable picture and therefore engage in the interpretation of reality. The question is "why" is the interpretation of causality. And we can interpret with any way you like.

We can interpret the reasons that have led our parents to the decision of the child. In this case, we turn to them with a question "Why?". If your parents had an intention to raise the president, then this intention you can accept as your destination. Although most people have children at all so that they were, without specifics. In this case, the purpose of the child and subsequently an adult is to live, nothing more.

Faith in God allows you to approach the subject of destiny more solemnly, although not more creatively. If you believe in God, you are generally lucky: you take the Bible and get consolation answers to all the questions of being.

If you do not fit the first, nor the second model, you are free to choose yourself. Of course, the deterministic model says that you will not choose anything, your beliefs are predetermined, and the choice of destination is not carried out by you, but the laws of physics. However, the adoption of this into account allows you to feel calmer, because in such a situation the wrong answer to the question about the purpose is simply impossible. All you do with your life is the only proper optionbecause it is the only possible. So be sure and realize the purpose that you can and which you like it.