Repairs Design Furniture

How to defrost a plastic tube: emergency help. How to warm the frozen water supply: an overview of the most effective methods How to heat the polyethylene tube under the ground

In almost every private house there are drainage and sewer pipes through which water and water and drain are applied. Since this system is the property of tenants, then in case of any breakdowns or problems, they often have to cope with everything themselves. One of the most relevant and unpleasant situations with which you have to face is freezing water in pipes in the winter. It is very important to be able to properly defrosting the pipes so that the ice during the melting does not break them, violating the integrity of the entire water supply.


For the water supply in the conditions of a private house, both metal and plastic pipes can be used, but that others are not protected from freezing in winter if the process of their laying was incorrect. The most important reason for the fact that water freezes in the pipe under the ground in the frost is the insufficient deepening of the water supply system. If the laying technology is performed correctly, the entire system is located at the level where frosts do not get.

Due to the fact that the main pipelines have a large diameter, even in winter they do not freeze, because in them all the time there is a movement of water. Home systems are laid by pipes with a diameter of 20 mm or more - in 32 mm. Such thin elements are important to deepen well for frost to them to them, but it is not always possible, therefore you need to know about what means you can insulate the pipes to protect from the cold.

In the event that all the recommendations were withstanding, and the water still freezes, then in this case it is necessary to keep the system all the time turned on so that water always flows through the pipes at least a thin flowing. This is quite expensive, given the cost of water, but it will not be necessary to spend time, strength and money for defrosting the entire system.

In order not to carry out work on heating pipes with water annually, it is important to prevent all possible problems at the stage of laying the entire network.

During the installation, it is important to comply with such rules:

  • The depth of the trench should be greater than the level of primerization of the soil, which is characteristic of this region. There are corresponding SNiP norms that will help to properly design a water supply.
  • Choosing the location of the pipes, it is important not to lay them next to products from reinforced concrete, because their thermal conductivity is greater than that of the soil.
  • If the gasket is carried out under the foundation, then the pipes are isolated from reinforced concrete with the help of a large layer of thermal insulation, which is best exposed to mineral wool.
  • Planning the water supply system underground and on its surface, it is best to use pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, because thinner products are much faster.
  • Selecting the material for pipes, it is worth a preference to polymer products that can increase the size of several millimeters, which saves them from cracking during freezing and size.
  • To accurately secure a calm winter, it is standing near the pipes to lay a warming cable that will maintain the optimal temperature and will not give the system to freeze.
  • If the house is used only in summer, and it is empty in winter, it is important to drain all the water from the system so that there is nothing in the pipes in the pipes. It will save them from freezing.

What will required?

If the private house has a pipe that gives water or removes drains, you must first determine the plug place to eliminate it and not exacerbate the situation. The easiest way to search will be the use of an iron cable, which is inserted into the plumbing, which was blocked in advance and immediately under the crane is promoted at the construction site. It is important to choose the longest cable, because there may be a problem space both at the beginning of the system and at its end.

As soon as the plug was detected, it is possible to dig up the pipeline damage zoneand take all the necessary measures for defrosting. If the design is old and metal pipes, then the most simple way to heat the water inside will be the current for which the welding machine is used. But for the pipeline from the PND, this method is no longer suitable. For them, the use of external means brings little result, you need to apply another approach.

The most efficient, but expensive will be the use of a hydrodynamic machine that can supply a stream of water at such a speed that ice and some other substances are melted from such an impact. Only a professional can work with the device, because it is important to know the technology and comply with the work algorithm. If you need to quickly eliminate the problem, but there are no necessary skills and equipment, you can simply call the masters that will easily do everything necessary to restore water supply.

Another method of pipe heating includes a steam generator, working with which it looks like this:

  • pour water into the container in the amount of 2-3 liters;
  • connect the heat-resistant sleeve to the place where the safety valve is located;
  • start the hose into the pipe before the place where the plug was formed;
  • enable the device and expect a result.

Works need to be carried out only in the correct sequence and it is better to have assistants with yourself, because after the hose from the pipe, where the ice was, it will just beat the fountain. This water must be collected in buckets that must be prepared in advance. You can cook more rags.

If there is no steam generator, it is not a misfortune, for defrosting the pipes and boiler will be combined. To use this option, you need to prepare the wire, it must be copper, twilight and have a cross section of 0.5 mm, and it should be equal to the pipe. In addition, a steel wire is needed, a dimer of which is 3 mm. Copper wires are cleaned by 60 cm, and the second is 1 cm from the cut. There are separate turns on each wire so that there is no contact, otherwise a short circuit will happen.

Copper wires are screwed to the steel and it is immersed in the pipe. In such a simple way, it turns out to build a homemade boiler. It must be connected to the network to warm up the pipe, which will push the tube from heat. As soon as the problem is solved, the boiler turns off and pulls out, and the pipe overlaps. When the system starts again, everything works as it should.

The defrost of pipes can be made by a welding inverter. This is a wire that connects with the pipe in the place of icing and heats it. It is important to work properly with the apparatus and do not overheat it, giving different stresses. Already after ten minutes of this effect, ice turns into a liquid and the plug is absorbed.

Heating of water pipes in the event of the formation of a traffic jam is one of the most effective option. For the iron pipe, the method of external influence is suitable, and for plastic - internal. The tool, with which it is convenient to fight with icing can be anyone, and each chooses what he likes and on his pocket, the main thing that was the result, but it is best not to bring to such situations that correctly paving water pipes and warmly insulating it.

How to warm up?

In order to heat the metal-plastic plumbing pipe in which the water has frozen, you can use several techniques, including:

  • The effects of hot water, for which the design is wrapped with foam rubber or rags and very hot water is poured, almost boiling water. This option is quite simple, but it is effective for pipes inside the house. In the case of underground ice traffic jams, this method can be pierced to the barrier up to ten o'clock.
  • Using hot air, for which you need to have a construction hairdryer or heating device. It warms the place of icing any of the devices for two or more hours, it all depends on the degree of freezing of water inside. It is not difficult to do this job, but it is important to spend all the events carefully, because from the high temperature of the pipe can be deformed, which will further aggravate the problem. The effectiveness of this method is not too big, because with large energy and heat loss, the real result does not occur soon.

  • Heated with thermal conductivity. It is a pipe winding with a cable that is used in a warm floor system. When everything is ready, the resulting design connects to electricity and begins to warm the pipe itself. The working process lasts about three hours and allows you to prevail only those pipes that are above the Earth and in the house. Wires for a warm floor are quite expensive, so buying them in order to defrost the system unprofitable once in view of the high costs.
  • The process of heating pipes inside allows to effectively solve the problem. For work, it is important to have access to the problem area so that it is in charge of hot water using a special device that drives the liquid under high pressure, but you can also apply the device that looks like a boiler. The work passes slowly, the problem is completely solved by at least three days. It is forbidden to use this option for those segments where the pipes go vertically. The system to ensure efficiency should be horizontal.

If they have to deal with plastic pipes, then with defrosting them you can cope with your own hands, the main thing is to know what exactly needs to be done. For those pipelines that are located underground and the system is a network of turns and a variety of bends, then all previously listed options will not be able to help. The best option in this case will be the welding machine to be connected to different ends of the pipes and turn on. If there are no suitable equipment, you can use just hot water.

To make an effective means for defrosting pipes, you need:

  • find a hard hose or plastic pipe of small diameter;
  • place the hose or pipe in the plumbing and move until it is wielding into the ice;
  • pour hot water or brine;
  • for water, which will be formed from ice cork, you need to put the container;
  • as soon as the problem is completely liquidated, you need to turn on hot water in the crane and thoroughly clean the system.

If metal-plastic structures were laid, then a number of actions should be made for their defrost:

  1. Find a problemable place for which it is enough to try all the pipes. The freezing place will be much colder than the rest of the surface.
  2. Finding the icing is coatd by rags and all the taps of the water supply are opened. It is necessary to take care of the presence of a reserve of hot water.
  3. Processing the surface of the pipe is gradually, cold water is immediately used, because hot. This is important in order not to damage the design with a sharp leap temperature.
  4. Clearing water will begin to leave the pipes through those cranes that were open earlier.

If there is no desire to carry out such operations annually, or even several times in winter, it is worth quickly organizing the insulation of the site, which is particularly susceptible to freezing.

In cases where the freezing of water occurred in areas inaccessible to humans, for example, under the foundation, you can deal with distressed situations with a number of events:

  1. You need to purchase a barrel, a pump and an oxygen hose. In the barrel it is necessary to dial hot water, the temperature of which will constantly grow.
  2. The hose is inserted into the pipe and pushing until it rushes into ice.
  3. You need to open a tap and connect it with a hose that starts in a barrel. If there is no such, you can use a simple bucket.
  4. There is a launch of the pump, with which hot water is fed into the pipes for defrosting ice. From time to time, the pump must be turned off to merge the resulting water.
  5. As soon as the problem goes, the hose must be removed, and drain water in the pipeline.

If the problem has touched the sewage, then you can cope with it if you know how. Typically, the sewer pipes do not freeze, because the used water is usually warmer, but with very strong frosts and it is possible.

To combat ice plugs in sewage can be:

  1. Dilute the bonfire in the place where the collector is located. This option will be effective if the pipes are not far from the surface. The flame must be supported as long as possible to be able to warm up the land, and with it and sewer.
  2. Using a salt salt. Homemade, but very effective method is to put a large amount of solution of a concentrated table salt in the sewage pipe, which does not freeze even in the bubble frost, and the salt will be dissolved in contact with ice.
  3. You can use an electrocabolic, which will start to icing through the toilet or revision hatch. Once the device is installed, enable it into the network.
  4. You can use the viewing hatch of the septica, where the hose for irrigation of garden plants is started through the outlet. It needs to be promoted before the place where ice is assumed, after which it is supposed to pour hot water from the water pipeline. It is necessary to continue the process until the ice is completely left.

In the case of severe frosts in the winter and freezing of water in the pipes, you need to know how to cope with the situation. It is primarily important to understand what material consists of pipes with which they have to work, as deeply they are laid and another number of nuances, after which it will be much easier to choose the right version of the fight against ice plugs.

In the event that there were problems with pipes in the private house, namely their freezing in winter, then you need to know some secrets to prevent such phenomena or skillfully fight them.

To prevent such phenomena, it follows:

  • Installing water pipes and sewage pipes lower than frost, and this is at least 120-140 cm depth. In case of problems with such a deepening of the pipe, it is thoroughly insulated.
  • Using the large-diameter of the pipe, it is possible to avoid their rapid friction. The optimal will be 50 mm.
  • In order to avoid stagnation of water in the system during its arrangement, it is worth providing an angle of inclination so that it flows faster to the source.
  • Laying pipes, it is worth staying away from beams, foundation, the thermal conductivity of which is higher than that of the Earth, which is danger to pipes. If possible, it is worth making good insulation if there is a reinforced concrete nearby.
  • If the water supply is in a non-residential room, where there is no heating, it is important to insulate it, for which mineral wool, glass gamble and foam can be used.
  • Living in regions with very harsh winters, with the construction of the water supply, it is better to lay the cable next to the cable that will warm the pipes. Its advantage is that he determines the moment when you need to turn on and disconnect, but there are manual models.
  • Choosing a pipe, it is worth the preference to polyethylene, and not polypropylene, because they are well withstanding the freezing process and ice defrost.

There are a number of tips that will help protect the system from freezing or cope with it more efficiently:

  • To protect the pipeline from the freezing, it is worth examining the temperature regime of the region and omit the design to the meter below the mark where the frost is usually lowered. This will allow you to forget about any problems with water in the cold time.
  • If the pipes freeze in the place of intersection of the soil with an open space, the usual hairdryer can help, and with particularly complex cases - construction.
  • If the problems with the pipes arise annually, then you should set the goal to redo the system than to constantly deal with the consequences.
  • When the freezing is very serious or difficult to solve on its own, it is best to call a professional who will remove an ice cork without problems.
  • If you manage to deal with ice, but you have to constantly clean the system by running the water, it can be collected in special containers and then use in economic needs.

Those who still use metal water tap or sewer pipes, you can struggle with ice plugs using terminals that are attached to a problem space, after which the current is starting, which heats up the pipe and ice inside starts to melt. In case the freezing occurred in a pipe leading directly from the toilet, then one of the options can be water heating right in the plumbing, for which the TEN is needed or a boiler. Metal pipes are heated and with a soldering lamp, for which you need to make a trench at the location of the sewage and the lamp to warm the pipe, going from below. Work is carried out from the side of the cesspool or septicism if it is to give the opportunity to unhindered water outlet after melting.

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How to defrost a water pipe - 11 simple and efficient ways to combat ice

With the onset of winter and the beginning of strong prolonged frost, the risk of such an unpleasant phenomenon is significantly increasing, as the freezing of water in water heating pipelines, cold and hot water supply or in the system of home sewage.

This problem is especially relevant for residents of private houses, since their communications are less protected from frost, but, despite this, not every country housing owner knows how to defrost the pipe under the ground, inside the walls or other hidden cavities, without having It approaches and direct access.

For those who do not know, I must recall that the resulting ice cork leads to the full blockage of the inner lumen of the pipe, and thus prevents the passage and free circulation of the fluid. However, the main danger of such a phenomenon is that when the ice is formed, in the crystallization process, water is incorrectly increasing in the amount, which in conditions of limited space often leads to ruptures and cracks of the outer walls of pipelines.

How to prevent freezing pipes

The preventive solution of this problem is to initially prevent the formation of ice traffic jams throughout the water pipelines. For this, during the laying and installation of engineering communications, I advise you to not ignore the requirements of the construction standards and rules, and fulfill the elementary councils and recommendations set out in regulatory and technical documents and prompted by experienced builders.

  1. The minimum depth of laying a water or sewer pipeline must be located below the greatest depth of the soil freezing for your region, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-G. 3-62 "Water supply. Design standards ";

  1. When laying outdoor or underground communications, it is necessary to use water pipes with a diameter of 48 mm and higher, because thinner pipes are subject to rapid freezing throughout the thickness;
  2. If possible, I advise you to use pipes and fittings from polymeric materials (polyethylene, polypropylene) for these purposes (polyethylene, polypropylene), since they are more elastic, which allows them to stretch slightly in case of deformation, and in addition, these materials have less thermal conductivity;
  3. I also do not recommend laying the pipeline in the ground, close to building structures from brick and monolithic, since their thermal conductivity is significantly higher than the thermal conductivity of dry soil;

  1. To protect the outer and underground pipelines, it is necessary to use heat-insulating sleeves or segment linings made of polypropylene, polyurethane foam or extruded mineral wool, and in those places where the pipe passes through a concrete foundation or a brick wall, it is necessary to apply a double layer of heat insulating material on it;
  2. In unheated private houses of seasonal living, it is impossible to leave water for the winter inside the pipelines and other communications, so with the onset of the first cold it is necessary to completely merge.

If these measures were not enough, or they were undertaken indefically, and the water in the pipes still frozen to minimize the likelihood of unpleasant consequences in the form of burst pipes, locking valves or fittings, then the reader will offer a simple instruction in which I suggest a few simple Methods for eliminating ice jams in water pipes.

To ensure guaranteed protection against freezing, in the regions with a cold climate I advise you to use an electric warming cable to be put along the entire length along the pipe and shut-off reinforcement, under the heat insulation plating.

How to defrost outdoor pipeline

If the frozen area of \u200b\u200bthe water pipeline is located in an open place, in the zone of direct reach, the solution to the icy plugging problem is substantially simplified, since for this you can use external heating of the pipe.

As a source of heat for the outer heating of metal-plastic, polyethylene or polypropylene pipes, only electrical heating appliances are allowed, for example, a construction or household hairdryer, an electric heating and a heating cable. For heating naked metal pipes without external heat and waterproofing, in addition to the devices presented, you can also use an open flame from the gas burner, a soldering lamp or a homemade improvised torch.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the location of the foundation of the water pipeline, and to open the tap of the nearest plumbing probor to provide free drainage of the outflow of water;

  1. Before defering the heating pipes, you need to turn off the heating boiler, make sure that there is no water pressure in the system, run the circulation pump and a slightly open the drainage of the drainage of the heat carrier from the heating circuit;
  2. Connect the heating device to the network, or light the flame of the gas burner, and from a safe distance to begin to warm the frozen section of the pipe, gradually moving the tool from the drain crane towards the submarine riser;

  1. When using an electrical heating or heating cable, you need to evenly wrap it around the frozen pipe of the pipe, and turn on the network. To enhance the effect, I advise you to climb a thick tissue or an old blanket over it;
  2. After a while, as the temperature increases, a thin strik of water will appear from the axle crane, which indicates a gradual exhaustion of ice, and after the pressure will increase dramatically, you can turn off the heating devices.

If the outstanding area is located in the apartment, it is possible to use hot water to heat it, watering a pipe or a battery from the kettle, having previously wrapped it with a thick cloth, and substituting a wide bowl or a basin under it. Also in the house, instead of a hair dryer, you can use a medical lamp with a deflector, or a household electrical heater.

How to eliminate ice cork in sewage

In private houses of permanent residence, the freezing of sewer pipes - the phenomenon is quite rare, since with continuous use of sewerage, a positive temperature is naturally maintained in the drain system, due to its own sewage heat.

However, if for any reason it happened, then I will tell you how to defrost the sewer tube in a private house using simple and affordable, but at the same time effective ways.

  1. In cases where the drain collector runs at a small depth, if the conditions on the household plot are allowed, over the intended place of the soil freezing, you need to light a bonfire, and maintain the fire until this section of the Earth is fully reached;
  2. If the ice cork is located near the drain of the sink or toilet, I recommend pouring a saturated hot solution of a salt salt into the sewage system (1 kg of salt on 10 liters of water). The resulting brine has a sufficiently low melting point (below -22 ° C), so the ice when contacting it takes into the reaction, and begins to actively melt;

  1. If the plug is located far, you can take a plumbing cable, and to climb a flexible rubber hose to it in several places. After that, the free end of the cable with the hose to start in the sewer pipe until it is reproached to the ice plug, and then with the help of a wide funnel to flood hot salt water into the hose;
  2. With a significant distance septicity from the house, the ice cork can be formed at the end of a drain manifold. In this case, you need to open the weeding suit of the septica reception chamber, to the sewer pipe to begin the flexible rubber hose to the stop, and feed water from the hot water system to completely interleeping the ice.

If the house remains a segment of an electric heating cable of sufficient length, it is necessary, as far as possible, to start in the drain hole of the sink or toilet bowl, and connect to the electrical network (the drain system should be filled with water).

Towing hidden plastic pipes

Currently, pipes made of polymeric materials (polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC, metal plastic) are used everywhere to bring cold water to home from a well or centralized water pipeline, as well as to perform an intrama wiring. The freezing of intra-quarter communications is rare, but if the pipe with water is laid under the ground, it is laid inside the wall or passes through a displeased underground space, upon the occurrence of long-term frosts, it can freeze.

The methods described above are not suitable in this case, so I'll tell you how to defrost polypropylene pipes if they are not in sight, and there is no direct access.

  1. First of all, you need to purchase a bay of a two-tier electrical cable of sufficient length, with copper monolithic cores. I used to use the NYM 2x1.5 mm² power cable for these purposes, worth 20-35 rubles / mp, but it is possible to take its domestic analogue of VG 2x1.5 mm², the price of which is 16-25 rubles per meter.

  1. One of the free ends of the cable must be separated as shown in the figure below. On a plot of 80-100 mm long, it is necessary to completely remove the upper insulation, then fully shock one copper core. The second core to clean up to half, bend it back, and make several turns of the bare wire around;
  2. Fully cleaned custody also turn back, and trying not to damage the isolation, to wind by several turns to the very end of the cable;

  1. The prepared end of the cable will start in the plastic tube, and push it forward until it flips into the ice tube. After that, connect the free end of the cable to the electrical network;
  2. When the electric current is passed between two copper windings at the end of the cable through the water in the pipe, it will begin to heat up, and gradually pull the ice;
  3. The shut-off valve at the entrance to the house, while you need to keep half-open, and under the free end of the pipe to substitute a bucket or a bowl, because after some time it will begin to flow out of the water.

Once again I want to recall that such a method can be used exclusively on plastic pipelines with plastic locking reinforcement, because even if a steel pipe or a metal fitting will be installed on some site, it can lead to a short circuit.

Defrosting the hidden pipeline made of metal

Despite the widespread dissemination in the modern construction of polymeric materials, metal pipes are currently not less popular. Since the technology described in the previous section, it is unacceptable to use the technology for defrosting metal pipes, I offer the reader to get acquainted with two similar ways that can be used to thaw hidden underground or in the wall of engineering communications from metal.

  1. The first of these methods resembles the previous one, however, instead of an electrical cable, in this case a thin flexible hose is used, in which hot water or saline solution is supplied directly to the place of formation of ice cork;

  1. In order for the hose to be climbed, did not get stuck and not bent as it moves inside the pipe, it must be closed with a tape to fine, but rigid steel wire in several places, after about every 600-800 mm, and so that the wire does not cling to bends and turning , it should be beaten with a small hook inside the hose;
  2. After one end of the hose reaches an ice cork, to another end you need to attach any suitable capacity, preferably with a crane, to which you need to gradually pour pickle or clean hot water;
  3. As a water tank, I advise you to use the Medical circle of Esmar, or simply speaking, the usual enema. All other actions need to be performed similarly to the previous method using an electrical cable;

The second way, in my opinion, is much easier, because it does not require partial disassembly of the pipeline and dismantling the shut-off reinforcement with their own hands, besides, it can be carried out without further human participation, but it is quite energy-intensive, besides, a welding machine is needed.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to roughly define the pipe of the pipe on which an ice plug was formed, after which it was formed from two sides from this site to remove a small part of the thermal insulation, and clean the metal pipe to shine;

  1. To the stripped places to attach electrical cables connected to the secondary winding of the welding transformer, while it is important to provide a high-quality electrical connection;
  2. Install on the welding machine the minimum current value of the working stroke, and connect it to the electrical network. When the low voltage with high current for metal pipes is passed, they will begin to warm up along the entire length of the connected area, which will lead to a gradual depression of ice;
  3. Heating can occupy up to several hours, and at this time it is important that the building of the water closest plumbing device is opened in the house.

When working with a welding machine, it should be borne in mind that connecting and disconnecting the power cables of the secondary winding to the pipe is allowed only when the transformer power is turned off, otherwise, the electrical arc is formed at the time of breaking the chain, which can cause rogues of hands and eyes, and even lead to Begging the walls of the steel pipe.


Summing up, in my experience, I can say that each of the methods described herein, in one way or another is quite effective, but if any scenario, it is necessary to understand that the process of defrosting pipes can take away quite a lot of time and strength. Therefore, I believe that any problem is always better to warn in advance than in winter, to suddenly stay at an indefinite time without water supply, heating or sewage.

More detailed, all the described methods described methods can be viewed in the applied video in this article, and if after viewing the reader questions will appear, I will always be happy to answer them in the comments below.

July 22, 2016.

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Water pipe can be frozen for different reasons. If, when laying a water supply, the requirements of the GOST and propylene tubes are laid at insufficient depth. Poor or lack of insulation. With small water flow or in the absence of tenants, when the water consumption is zero, and an abnormal frost on the courtyard. Whatever the reason, and the frozen plumbing must be heated. The warm-up method will depend on where an ice cork occurs: under the ground or in the house.

Search for a place of freezing

Before you begin to defrost the pipe, you need to find a plot where Ice Cork formed. You can do this in two ways:

  • visually inspect the pipe. When freezing the water expands, and the ice cork can push the plastic outwardly on the pipe will be visible thickening;

First of all it is necessary to determine the place of the ice cork

  • the second method is used if there is no possibility to visually inspect the pipeline. In this case, the faucet overlaps and after it dismantle the nearest detachable connection or the pipe is cut. Then the metal flexible cable is inserted into the pipe. By the length of the cable, you can calculate the distance to the freezing point.

The order of further actions to eliminate the ice traffic jam will depend on where exactly the damned.

Disposal of water supply electric shock

It will take copper wire having two veins with a cross section of 2.5 mm. The veins are disconnected and bred to the sides. Then the end of one vein is broken with such a calculation so that several turns can be made from the bare wire around the other. The veins should not come into contact with each other to avoid short circuit. At the opposite end of the wire, the plug is connected.

Electric current

The wire is pushed into the tap pipe until its ends are disappeared into the ice plug and include a plug into the network. The warm-up process resembles the work of a household boiler. The current passes through the water and heats it. This method is safe for the pipe, only water is heated, so the melting of propylene water supply is excluded.

Council. Before arching the boiler in the pipe, the device should be tested. Lower the end with a bare wire in a bucket with water and turn on the plug into the network. There should be bubbles and a slight buzz. In no case do not lower your hands in the bucket so as not to hit the current.

We use the steam generator

The steam generator is a special car regenerating and under pressure. The fitting is introduced into the pipe water pipe and hot steam melts the ice tube. This is the most efficient and fastest way to eliminate Ice Constitus. The lack of one is not in every house there is such a device. But if you have a steamer or autoclave, they can also be adapted for heating. When using them, the procedure for action is:

For defrosting water supply, you can use a steam generator

  1. Poured into one of the listed aggregates water.
  2. One end of the heat-resistant hose is connected to the autoclave flat.
  3. The second end push into the plumbing pipe to the freezing point.
  4. Turn on the device for heating and waiting for the result.
  5. Watch the water level in the autoclave.

Submersible pump and barrel to help

It will take a metal barrel, bucket, pump and hose.

Council. Propylene tubes are connected by fittings, which in the joints of the joint do not narrow the inner diameter of the pipe, therefore the process of removing the ice plug is significantly simplified in comparison with pipes made from other materials.

Inner defrosting from undergrades

This method is similar to the one that we described above. But not everyone knows the iron barrel with the pump and the opportunity to divorce the fire, but the circle of Esmark (in the people - enema), for sure to be found in every home. So, it will be necessary to work:

  • enema;
  • wire;
  • a tube.

Scheme: Disposal of the water supply with the Mug of Escam

The tube with wire is connected by the tape so that the end of the wire is shorter than the end of the tube. Pusk the phone until it stops in the ice. Open the cray on the circle of Esmar, which is pre-filled with hot water. Water enters the ice traffic jam, and Talaah will pour out into the substituted bucket. As Ice decreases, the wire will be proper further. It should be noted that this method will require considerable patience and time.

External heating of propylene water supply

External water heating is simply implemented. You can perform this in several ways. But first open the taps so that the waters and ice might come out.

  • Hot water. On top of the plot of freezing on the pipe, any rag is wound, which absorbs well and keeps water. In order not to damage the pipe, the water temperature is raised gradually. Under the pipe set any capacity for collecting water. It will take no one cycle to push the vehicle and re-pour hot water.

If you defrost, you need a small area, you can use the hairdryer

  • Hairdryer. A construction hairdryer can be used as a heat source. It requires a lot of caution and work skill with this power tool, since the propylene tube can be melted by negligence. Fan heaters and other electrical heaters are used, but this method is not effective enough, since a large amount of heat released is wasted. For a very small area of \u200b\u200bfreezing, a typical hairdryer for drying hair is used. Additionally build a small housing to delay warm air.
  • Self-breeding electrical cableIt is still used in the arrangement of a warm floor. The cable is wrapped around the pipe and include a network.

Council. You can not use a soldering lamp, wax candles or a fire for warming up propylene pipes - they are missing. Such methods can be used for a frozen metal water supply.

  • Hydrodynamic machine. If all the ways are tested, but there is no result - call specialists. In a matter of minutes, they can eliminate the ice jam with a hydrodynamic machine, the profile use of which is purified by water of water and sewer pipes. The water equipment of the unit works on diesel fuel, and the installation itself is from the network. The machine creates a high pressure of hot water and is able to break down and more solid materials than the ice, therefore the use of such equipment requires qualifications and knowledge of safety.

Pipeline freezing prevention measures

At the first opportunity, when warm weather is established, it is necessary to take measures to insulate the water supply in order to avoid such trouble in the future. Deformed areas will need to be replaced.

But while in the street, the frost is fascinated not all methods of isolation can be applied, and it does not make sense to drop the absorce ground. One effective action can be advised - even though it is a violation of the safety rules: Keep the crane is ajar, so that the water flows a small thin weaving, and then the moving water flow will not give the opportunity to form ice.

How to warm up the frozen water supply: video

Watering Development Methods: Photo

Russian winter frosts are a habitual test not only for residents of our regions, but are also a serious test for durability for most categories of private and industrial communications.

In the event that when the pipeline laying to the house during the preparation of it to winter operation, serious violations were made - you soon or later encounter the problem of freezing and, as a result, with the need to familiarize yourself with how to defrost the tap pipe.

Causes of water freezing in pipelines

As noted, the most likely cause of the movement of water in pipelines is gross violations of the following requirements for the order of their installation:

  • when laying pipes, such an important indicator was not taken into account as the depth of soil freezing in this area;
  • there was no sufficient effort to carry out the outer insulation of pipes, laid open or in special boxes;
  • insufficient measures were taken to insulate pipes at the entrance to the unheated premises.

In order to avoid all the violations listed above, you should bother in advance that the following conditions have been carried out when laying the pipeline:

  • In the case of underground pipeline wiring, it is necessary to prepare a ditch under it in such a way that the latter depth somewhat exceeds the level of primer of the soil in this area.
  • It is desirable to lay the water pipeline on the removal from the available reinforced concrete structures, the thermal conductivity coefficient is different from the same indicator for the soil. In this case, the probability of water freezing in pipelines is noticeably reduced.
  • It is recommended to lay pipelines together with the heating cable, which (despite the overall cost of work) finally remove the problem of pipe freezing.
  • Pipeline wiring zones through walls of structures It is necessary to insulate glass gamble, which will avoid direct contact of the pipe with the wall.
  • To reduce the probability of freezing pipes, their diameter should be at least 50 mm.
  • When installing pipelines in the outdoors and in unheated rooms, it is recommended to use polyethylene pipes that maintain several frost and defrost cycles (for comparison, polypropylene pipes after 2 such cycles are usually encouraging).
  • With seasonal use of the water supply on the winter idle time, it is necessary to completely drain the water from the system.

Waying methods

This chapter will consider some methods of the defrost of pipes, taking into account the possible difficulties of their implementation. But independently of the pipe heating method you choose in all cases it is necessary to comply with the following general rules:

  • In the process of heating tubes, it is necessary to keep the valve valve open to the outflow of water can flow freely from the pipeline.
  • It is undesirable to start defrosting the water supply from its middle part.
  • The generally accepted order of heating is from the valve crane towards the riser. When working with sewer pipes, the procedure for heating changes to the opposite (from the riser - to the valve).

All known methods of defrosting pipelines can be consecrated to the appearance of an external influence on the heated area and on the methods of internal heating. First of all, we investigate the heating tips of the frozen water pipes due to the external impact.

The simplest device that allows you to conduct an effective outer defrost of pipes, is an electrical cable, for whose heating you will need one of the devices specified in the list below. It can be:

  • ordinary soldering lamp (gas burner);
  • professional construction hairdryer;
  • the device operating on the principle of electrical heating (spiral from the old plate, for example).

Taking advantage of any of the accessories discussed above, you can continuously affect the area of \u200b\u200bthe pipeline to be defrosting. Evidence that, as they say, the "process went," will be the appearance of water trickle at the exit of the consumable crane.

Note! The most safe and rather effective way of external defrosting pipes is considered to use a special heating cable or heating electric ribbon (in the latter case it is enough to wind the tape or cable on the frozen section of the pipeline and include them in the network).

If it is necessary to externally defrosting the pipeline from steel pipes, the method of connecting the working ends of the welding machine to the boundaries of the frozen area is often used. At the same time, the whole process of heating will take you not more than 2-4 hours (depending on the length of the defined area). At the end of the defrost, be sure to examine the pipeline for the appearance of leaks, which can "appear" in the most unexpected places.

How to defrost a pipe from plastic

Currently, traditional steel pipelines are widely replaced by modern waterways, assembled on the basis of plastic pipes that are not affected by many corrosion and are not destroyed during their freezing.

But in the case of the formation of an ice plug in plastic, none of the external impact methods listed by us are not applicable. Indeed, the use of open fire in order to warm up the plastic pipe will cause its destruction, and the use of external heat heating (a construction dryer, for example), is usually ineffective due to poor thermal conductivity of the material.

All electrical methods of heating of such pipes are also absolutely useless, since all types of plastic elementary do not conduct an electric current. The method of mechanical impact on the ice "plot" (by introducing inside the pipe of the steel rod) and it is possible to break through the plug of small size, but the risk of damage the walls of the plastic pipe appears.

Of all the above, it follows that the only real way of defrosting the plastic pipe is pouring inside the hot water channel. Immediately note that this technique is quite effective, but its use is appropriate only on pipes of small diameter.

With this method, the defrosion of hot water is supplied directly to the place of freezing as follows:

  • A pipe or hose from material is greater hardness, but a bit of smaller diameter.
  • For defrosting the straight line of the pipeline, it will be more convenient to use a metal-plastic pipe. Well, in the case of a plot of a pipe, curved on an arbitrary curve, you will need to take advantage of a sufficiently rigid, but flexible hose of smaller diameter.
  • In the course of the story, we note that typical watering hoses for performing this operation will not suit, since they are noticeably soften from hot water. Gas or oxygen welding hoses are best suited for defrosting.

The use of metal-plastic pipes

Metal-plastic pipes will be required if the diameter of the absorber pipeline exceeds 20 mm. Before the start of the work, such a pipe should be carefully accelerated, after which it will be possible to smoothly promote it through the pipeline, tiping up to the ice dome.

After that, it will be possible to start pouring hot water, trying to keep the temperature at a high level.

The exhausted water will begin to flow out of the gap formed in the location of pipes; So in this place it is necessary to establish an arbitrary container for collecting waste. As melting, the metal plate tube will increasingly pushing deep into the freezing, up to the complete removal of the ice cork.

Note! The considered method is good for the case when the iceguard was formed near the probe entry point in the pipe. In the same case, if the pipe was laughed at a large distance from the house and has many turns and bends - the metal-plastic pipe push into it is unlikely to succeed.

For such a situation, there is another way to defrost the pipeline - this is the use of a mug of esmark. When implementing this method, the following manipulations are carried out:

  • First of all, a hydroretor of any type is prepared, wire bay by 2-4 mm and an Esmark mug (a device for cleansing enema).
  • Then the end of the hydraulic tube is taken, to which the wire made of the bay prepared earlier is attached to one or another. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the wire tip is tightly pressed to the hydraulic tube and prevented its promotion by the defrostable channel.
  • Pay attention to the fact that the tip of the tube played 1 centimeter from the location of the wire.
  • After that, the response end of the hydraulic tube is connected to the drain nozzle of the Esmar mug and begin to gently push the entire design into the defrosting pipe until it stops it into the ice tube.
  • Now in the circle of Esmar, it will be necessary to pour boiling water and fully open the water supply valve.
  • As the ice tube melts, you should push the tube along the movement.
  • In the place of the joint of two tubes, you need to install a suitable capacity.

The described way of defrosting the pipeline is quite effective, but will require you from certain time costs. For one full hour of work, you can free it from the ice area with a length of not more than 0.8-1.0 meters.

The situation when the water supply from the crane is familiar to you when negative in the street? Such a problem arises in your home with the onset of cold pores, and you do not know how to quickly eliminate it? To combat, it is necessary to choose an effective method for resizing the performance of the water supply network. Agree?

We will tell you how to warm up the frozen pipeline and how in the future to prevent the emergence of a problem situation. We will tell about the effective ways to quickly restore the water supply to the cold winter day for sanitary and hygienic purposes and cooking.

Our article provides a selection of the best ways to help cope with this trouble on their own. The methods for pipelines from various materials are considered. In order for you to better deal with the nuances of heating, we picked up visual photos and thematic videos with a detailed presentation of recommendations for saving water supply from ice captivity.

With a sharp offensive of frost, complemented by strong winds, cases of freezing with the formation of ice plugs inside them are often found.

Water frozen as a result of improper laying or operation of the pipeline, at best, will deprive the ability to use the system, and at worst it will force the breakthrough.

The problem of pipe freezing is more relevant for the owners of cottages and houses of the private sector, the inputs of the water supply are held on the street

The reasons for the freezing of water in the water supply can be several.

The most basic among them:

  • extremely low temperatures on the street;
  • laying pipes to a smaller depth than the level of soil freezing;
  • insufficient insulation of the pipeline;
  • small or even zero water consumption.

At night or for a longer period, when the owners do not use water supply, water in the pipes remains fixed. At minus temperatures, it quickly freezes.

Not only pipelines can freeze, but also in time not blocked taps that feed water, both in the unheated basement and into the yard

The pipe, which in the simplicity of soil, after passing warm fluxes, begins to cool, and after a short period, it takes a low temperature. Small portions of water as they begin to porty and crystallize, at some point scoring the entire plot of the pipe completely.

How to find a problem area?

The most difficult moment in this business is to determine the place of freezing in the open area. Experienced masters are advised when inspection and tackling the available part of the route to navigate the temperature sensations.

Determine the place of the ice cork in the plastic pipeline during tacking is not difficult: within the stroke site when trying to slightly bend the pipe is heard a characteristic crunch

The plumbing usually freezes in those areas where the pipes are suitable close to the surface of the Earth. We also vulnerable to frosts are also technical wells, unheated basements.

It is noted that concrete freezes the faster of the grounds. Therefore, if the basement was unreliable insulated or awarded in a period of severe frosts, it is quite natural that the frozen pipeline running in it.

If the freezing area does not determine, it is better to immediately refuse the idea to break through the ice tap mechanical methods

In the event that the "Calculate" cannot be "Calculate", use the available methods at once at several most likely places of freezing.

Effective problem solving options

The water supply can be deflated by external thermal exposure, or by defrosting from the inside. Each particular case depends on the length of the frozen area and the material from which they are completed, and therefore requires the use of various means.

Despite the fact that the ice with the same mass of the water, as part of its aggregate state, submitting to the laws of physics before melting, expands.

To reduce the risk of breaking pipes during the extinguishing period of ice plugs, it is necessary to reduce the pressure on the walls of the structure, prudently opening the cranes

Before starting work, it is necessary to open a water tap or "discharge" after the valve at the entrance in order to determine the performance of the actions performed from it.

Method # 1 - Application of hot water

If the system has frozen in the open section, or within the unheated basement, the easiest way how to warm the plot of water supply is to process it outside with boiling water. Hot water saved water pipes from freezing at all times.

For this, the pipe in several layers is wrapped with a rag and cuts off the old rags that absorb moisture well. Wet rag will extend the time of contact of the walls of the pipe with water.

The plot wrapped in a rag in several approaches is watered with hot water until the fabric wures, and the ice will not begin to melt under it

When warming the frozen section of the pipeline, it is important not to damage it. Design areas that do not require warming up, it is necessary to cover with heat insulating material. This will prevent accumulates moving through the pipeline along with water pieces of ice.

This method is used only in closed rooms and with the opening of the pipeline laying. And this technology is suitable only for steel pipelines. The system underground will have to warm up boiling water at least 12 hours.

Method # 2 - Heating with a construction hairdryer

It is possible to achieve the desired effect with the help of hot air created by a powerful construction hairdryer. The method is used for heating the frozen areas of the pipeline in those places where it is fairly easy to get to them, for example, when the system is laid inside the construction.

In order to melt water along the shell of the pipeline, the design surface is blown away from all sides by the directional hot air flow

To create conditions for moving ice accumulation through a pipe, you need to evenly distribute the stream of hot air, without forgetting to pre-open all the valves.

Consider that the construction hairdryer issues the temperature, the range of which can reach from 100 to 650 ° C. Therefore, it cannot be used for pipes made of polymeric materials.

Strengthen the effect, while reducing thermal loss, it helps the construction around the heated area of \u200b\u200bthe improvised protective cover. It will reflect warm, evenly distributing it all over the entire surface of the insulated site.

For this, a small pavilion is temporarily built, the walls of which are performed from the same film or metal shields.

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