Repairs Design Furniture

Essay My yard city country. Soil, vegetable and animal world

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A person is inherent to decorate his own life, not only for foreign eyes, but for their own. This is understandable, even naturally. As birds build its own nest, so a person creates comfort in his own home, order and traditions in the family, lifestyle. It doesn't matter only when it becomes an end in itself, not a background, but the main story, when serious conversations are gradually hidden and ...

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Sonia Gritsay

When I have time, I always go to the courtyard to walk, there is never boring there. On vacation, I always still in my yard, and when I return it covers a sense of joy. My yard is like a small island of my small homeland. My yard is my favorite corner in Murmansk.



My favorite corner in Murmansk.

My favorite corner in Murmansk is my courtyard. I have some of the most interesting moments of my life.

In the winter in the yard, I and my girlfriend we build snow tunnels. Maybe we do not quite turn out, but when we lie on the belt in the tunnel, it seems even very unusual.

Next to my courtyard there is a ravine, at the bottom of which a stream that does not freeze even in winter. There is a staircase. Residents of the neighboring courtyard and pedestrians go down on it, and from there go up a hill to the street, where my courtyard is. Children ride on the hill: Some on the sleds, some even on skis, but I am with my girlfriend on the cheesecakes.

In the summer in the ravine we build a slash, and we can play different games there for a long time.

In my yard there are many beautiful trees and shrubs: rowan, birch, aspen, raspberry, etc. When in the summer you walk around the courtyard, it seems that I found it, as if in the park, among high trees and green grass. There we ride on the rollers and bike, and in the fall we collect herbarium and make crafts.

Children's garden with new venues and a couple of swing makes my courtyard cozy. I really love to swing on the swings in my yard.

From my window offers views of hills that rise above the houses. That's very beautiful.

When I have time, I always go to the courtyard to walk, there is never boring there. On vacation, I always still in my yard, and when I return it covers a sense of joy. My yard is like a small island of my small homeland. My yard is my favorite corner in Murmansk.

Gritsai Sofya, 4 "a" class

gymnasium number 2, Murmansk

Project for the improvement of the house territory "My childhood courtyard"

2015 - 2016

Social project on the functionalization of the courtyard

If every person on a shred earth has done everything he can how beautiful would be our land!

Any yard is a small planet, where amazing things can occur. This is a world that keeps dreams, secrets and memories. With love for his yard begins great love for homeland. A child growing on a beautiful landscaped territory, since childhood will be accustomed to beauty and when it becomes an adult, it will strive to landscaping the environment of his habitat. Analyzing the work done, we came to the conclusion that you can make any rival territory with your own forces on our own, you only need to want it very much, a little work and everything will work out.

Problem field

Outdoor territory did not endure any criticism; It did not correspond to the interests of children. But the problem was basically that the courtyard was a passage and all those who took their contribution: Dogs were pulled out, children broke, adults tearfali. Those who underestimate their abilities and their own individuality passes by the opportunity to decorate their life, improve living conditions and work.

The impetus for work was the resentment for his indifference to everything and in particular to children and old men. It is impossible to hide the disadvantages of the improvement, the litter of the territory, non-obvious waste and other unsightly places.


Creating a healthy-saving, psychologically comfortable, aesthetic environment that promotes successful socialization not only pupils with disabilities, but also all children in general.
With the improvement of the yard, it is necessary to take into account many questions: landscaping, choosing and accommodating small architectural forms, compliance with the requirements of the safety and needs of children. The preparation of a project to improve the territory requires a certain theoretical and practical training. This is a set of events performed in stages.

Project implementation

Create a favorable atmosphere for children is an extremely noble task. She is ran away only by a friendly team. Create, so create, - we thought and engaged in creating a project of the device of the local area. I wanted to rejoice at the type of well-groomed blooming flower beds, sports and playgrounds located in the courtyard, to create a single complex, where it would be possible to implement all your abilities, requests, interests, the perfect model of the small world of colors - such was our intent. The yard for us had ample opportunities for self-realization benefit to themselves and others, acquiring the experience of life creative success.

To embody their ideas, creative groups of two classes (8 and 4) were created, which worked in the following areas:

Organization of a children's gaming zone;
- Landscaping and organizing the Kommbam;
- organization of the sports zone;

As a result of the painstaking work of creative groups, a general plan for individual yard was created.

I wanted to create an atmosphere that would externally attracted to myself, and not repelled. Adults and children pass through their yard every day and want these steps to a special world, full of warmth, beauty and understanding.


"How lacked the playground!" - Any sensible person will say, who goes from day to the day agencies. In our yard, they were not full. "No!" - We said a wasteland. "Yes!" - We said the playground. At least a small, but a fairy tale appeared on the place of the wasteland of the Pedagogues and students of the school. The territory of the wasteland turned out to be big, and the children's structures were not. A field of activity has appeared for creativity of children and teachers. Each class from the girlfriend (old tires, logs, plastic bottles and other material) began to create figures, items that could decorate the playground.


On the playground were insoles and painted wheels for jumping and climbing, disc braces - stairs. In winter, a fortress for playing in snowballs is made.

Landscaping plot

Flowers, flower beds, flowers are associated with beauty and comfort, so they are so necessary in the landscape design of any yard. Trees, shrubs and flowers are now not just beauty. These plants for us are also small lekari healing from fatigue and returning a good mood. The flowerbeds are created from annual and perennial flowers, shrubs separated the path from the game zone, trees are closed from direct sunlight. Creating a beautifully decorated site, creating an atmosphere of good and friendliness both during labor affairs and after them; Pride for well done work. With the help of like-minded people, we can make our courtyard more comfortable and more beautiful, you just need to make all your efforts to this work, and, of course, try to keep this beauty as long as possible. Beauty teaches us to love and appreciate each other.


The creation and implementation of this project - the improvement of the courtyard territory contributes to improving the living conditions of children and adolescents,

The value of this work is as follows:
1. Attracting students to work, the acquisition of the school of experience in the landscaping of the adjacent territory, which will continue to help them descend their social environment.
2. The creation of comfortable conditions leads to the creation of a safe, healthy-saving environment.
3. The thoughtfulness, functionality and implementation of the project will help more fully organize an educational process at school and raise it to a higher level.
4. The acquisition to the beautiful will help in further school pupils in successful socialization.

Any owner of a country residence understands that the arrangement of a private territory does not end in the construction and decoration of the residential building. Creating a modern courtyard design of a private house is an integral stage on the way to decoration and organization not only a beautiful, but also functional territory.

In order for all the work on the extraction of the local area to be harmoniously and correctly, and the end result could only please their owners, neighbors and guests, to planning should be approached very thoughtfully and seriously.

Stage planning

The beautiful courtyard located around the house is the first thing that falls the eyes of anyone who falls into the territory. It is on its arrangement and appearance that the owners themselves are evaluated, their taste and aesthetic views.

Getting Started with landscaped work on the site, you should first answer a number of questions from which it will depend on how the result will result. Will the preference of the practical component be preferred, or the goal is to create a beautiful image.

Does the family have small kids for which the game territory is needed, or the owners prefer noisy gatherings by a fire with kebabs. All these moments are important when organizing the territorial space.

The design of the courtyard of a private house will also depend on its size. If the area is large, it is possible to limit here only by your own fantasy and money. If there is only a small back courtyard, then practicality and ergonomics are placed in the chapter.

After priorities are arranged, the plan should be drawn up on which all the necessary segments, communication systems, lighting and decorative compositions will be marked. It is the gasket of communications and arrangement of artificial reservoirs is the initial stage of work on landscape design.

Road organization

Tracks running around the entire area are an integral part of the design. Their main task is to safely move around the territory, as well as zoning and decoration.

Various materials can be raw materials for layouts: stone flat elements, plates, brickwork, small gravel or pebbles. It is advisable to organize low borders who will be an additional security tool.

Passages can have a clear geometry, and can play and plant and planting and planting. Here the selection depends on the taste preferences of the site owners.

Flower flower beds

Fit clubs in the courtyard of a private house you can create a magic fairytale atmosphere. Such plants will become the main decoracing of any land.

Making a flowerbed, one rule should be taken into account: the varieties of plants are selected so that the period of flowering is alternated. The result is a bright flower arrangement that can "delight eyes" all year round.

Water Organization

Thinking on the topic, how to decorate the courtyard, many come to the conclusion that the construction of a water branch is the best idea. Water, according to Japanese masters, is a symbol of life and harmony. Indeed, the falling cascades of waterfalls and smooth races with fish look at the homeland plot fascinating.

To organize its own reservoir, it is better to take advantage of the services of professional organizations that will hold all the necessary studies of the soil composition, the communications will put, in accordance with all the rules, the fountain or cascade will be co-worn.

Lighting the territory

Properly organized lighting throughout the countryside is a security deposit. First of all, it is necessary to consider the functional component: the backlight of the facade part of the house, entry / departure, all passing tracks, steps and recreation places.

Then you can consider the organization of decor-lighting systems. You can highlight flowerbeds, sculptures, reservoirs. Sparkling dotted lamps are quite fabulously looking at the surface of the Earth, creating the illusion of scattered stars, as in the photo of a beautiful courtyard of a private house.

Rest zone

The organization of the cozy platform for relaxing outdoor activities with the ability to prepare dishes on fire is a priority in organizing a nice leisure.

Around the open source in the form of a fireplace or a furnace is equipped with a recreation area represented by comfortable garden furniture. Plants are used for decoration.

If the territory allows, it is advisable to construct a canopy in the courtyard of a private house, under which the furniture will be placed. Such a canopy will be able to protect in the summer from the annoying sunlight, and during the rain will not give to get into the rain.

Rear courtyard

Often suburban possessions are not equipped with a large local area. The place in front of the house is usually occupied by the parking area, and only the back of the yard is given to the arrangement of the recreation area.

To arrange a modern small courtyard of a private house, it is advisable to design a deck or a platform from wood, on which furniture will be placed.

Flowers with perennial plantings that will not only decorate the territory, but also become a kind of tool for shelter from prying views, I have along the fence.

Furniture equipment

Choosing garden furniture objects, you need to focus on cash equivalent and personal preferences. Stationary items are made of stone raw materials or massive wood. It is impossible to remove them, and the wooden items will have to be constantly maintained in proper condition.

The most popular are folding models made of plastic. Such items can be removed when they are not needed, and the care of them is minimal - it is enough to rub with a dust rag from dust.

Thanks to a large color assortment and possible constructive configurations, plastic furniture can be seamless to any landscape design stylist.

The cheaper analogue of wood furnishings are rattan products that have an expensive respectable look.

As elements for decorating a homeland territory, you can choose numerous figurines and figures, and if you wish and the availability of a large amount of free time, decorative elements can be made himself.

Stock Foto Courts of private house

My native courtyard is the courtyard of a multi-storey house. It is medium in size and pretty cozy. In our house nine floors and four frontal. As you can see, there are many people in it. Therefore, in the yard there is everything so that you can get out of the apartment outside and with amenities to breathe fresh

Air. And to play children.

In the courtyard installed shops where you can sit. More on the asphalted platform they put cars. But in our yard there are no cars, because there are no garages in some other yards.

On that part of the yard, which is not covered with asphalt, trees and bushes are planted. It is nice to relax in the tank in a hot summer. Also a dock with the help of older women from our house broke the flower beds with garden flowers. There, depending on the time of year, flower petunia, clematis, asters, peonies and other flowers.

In our yard growing walnut, and in the fall under this tree everything is not too lazy to collect nuts. BUT

There is still a rowan, where birds feed in winter.

A small playground with a slide, swing and sandbox arranged in the courtyard. Here are kids. Near the benches are followed by moms and grandmothers. In the courtyard there was a table, which played in Domino pensioners, and late in the evening youth gnawing seeds. Well, and knocking for carpets - another detail of our yard.

Our courtyard is cozy, everyone finds a place in it. A couple of homeless cats always lives in the bushes. They feed their grandmothers, and therefore they will walk toward each who live in our yard.

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