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Interesting facts about May 9th. Victory Day: Holiday Story and Interesting Facts. Twenty years Victory Day was not a festive ...

On May 9, we celebrate the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Holiday and joyful, and sad at the same time. Joyful, because Soviet troops defeated Nazi Germany, sad, because the victory was given to us a very expensive price. Let us remember the latest events of the war, when a few days remained before the victory ...

A bit of history

The victorious promotion of Soviet troops began in January 1945, from the attack on Poland and Eastern Prussia. The army of the Soviet Union gradually knocked out Germans from previously employed positions.
April 30, Hitler committed suicide. The capital of Germany, Berlin, Soviet troops took on May 2, 1945. A Soviet red banner appeared above the defeated Reichstag.
On the evening of May 8, representatives of the Supreme Commands of the USSR (Marshal G.K. Zhukov), USA (General K. Sports), Great Britain (Marshal Aviation A.Dedder), France (General J.M.G. de Latter de Tassigny) .
Later, the History of the German High Command was delivered to the hall to sign the "Act on Military Citulation". Fascist Germany was finally defeated.
At night, May 9, 1945, about two hours in Moscow time, Soviet people heard on the radio about the surrender of Germany. In the afternoon in Moscow, a salute was held in honor of victory in the war, glorifying the troops of the Red Army, parts and ships of the navy. Since then, May 9 in Russia - a festive day, Victory Day.
Interesting Facts
Only three years after the end of the war, the holiday remained a day off. In 1948, the government ordered the war and restore the destroyed country. Only in 1965, Brezhnev again announced on May 9, the annual salutes and parades in honor of the holiday were resumed since then.
Abroad, Victory Day is celebrated on May 8, since in the central European time the act of surrender of Germany was signed until midnight.
By order of Stalin, the USSR did not sign the agreement on the world with Germany. Therefore, the war was documented until January 21, 1955, while the Soviet Union did not yet accepted the decision on the truce.
Probably, each war took someone from close people. If you have veterans in your family, arrange the holiday on this day, pay attention, listen to the memories of this terrible time. After all, there are very few participants in war and veterans who lived to today. Congratulate and thank them for the world, while there is such an opportunity.

Brief History of Victory Day History

9th May. Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.
The day of the legendary victory over fascism and the day of memory of the dead warriors.
In January 1945, Soviet troops began an offensive in Central Poland and Eastern Prussia (forceding the Hitler's command to transfer part of the troops from the Western Front to the Eastern), and in the south continued victorious advancement in the Balkan direction. Allied armies have knocked Germany from the Rhine region and the Ruhri basin and moved to the Elba River, as well as at the central and southern sections of the Front. Hitler, who survived four attempt, committed suicide on April 30, 1945 - before Berlin capitulated on May 2 after the assault on the troops of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts. On May 7, 1945, the representatives of Admiral Charles Mennie, the successor of Hitler as head of the German state, signed an act of unconditional surrender to Western allies at Eisenhuer headquarters in Reims. On May 8, in Berlin, Field Marshal Keitel signed an act of surrender in the presence of representatives of the Soviet military command. The whole territory of Germany was occupied by Soviet, British, American and French troops.
In the suburbs of Berlin Karlshorst at 22 hours 43 minutes in central European time (in Moscow, the next day has arrived) the final act of military surrender of Germany was signed. On behalf of the German Supreme Commander, the act signed the head of the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht General-Field Marshal V. Keitel, Commander-in-Chief of the Navy Admiral von Friedeburg, Colonel-General G. Yu. Stampf.

The Soviet Union was represented by the Deputy Supreme Commander of the Marshal of the Soviet Union. As witnesses, the Commander of the US Strategic Air Force General, General K. Sports and Commander-in-Chief of the French Army, General J. M. De Latre de Tassigny. Even before the signing of Akt I. V. Stalin signed the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the proclamation of May 9 Victory Day. On the morning of May 9, the decree was read by the Levitan speaker on the radio.

Around the day of victory as any historical event, many myths have grown over time. Some of them, as the famous producing photo with the Red Flag on the Reichstag, were created artificially.

Why did the historic photo drawn smoke, tanks and fighters? Who cut off a piece from the victory banner? And why on May 9, 20 years was not a day off?

Berlin was taken on May 2, 1945. But the German troops still have resisted. The final surrender was signed on the night of May 9th. Moscow time it was at 00:43 May 9, and on the Middle Easternist at 22:43 on May 8. That is why in Europe the holiday is considered to be the 8th. But in contrast to the post-Soviet space, not the day of victory, but the day of reconciliation. Same victims of Nazism.

In the US, the two holidays are celebrated - the Victory Day in Europe and the Victory Day over Japan.

Red Flag over Reichstag

On the night of May 1, 1945, a red flag was watered over Reichstag, who later became a victory banner. According to the official version, Alexei Berest, Mikhail Egorov and Melitone Cantaria, although they say that several groups with flags climbed to the roars of the Reichstag. And about who was the first, disputes are still underway.

Anyway, the symbol of Victory became the photo of Evgenia Haldey "The Banner of Victory Over Reichstag" with supposedly Egorov, Kantaria and Berest.

However, in fact, the photo production, the role of the bannamers performed Alexey Kovalev, Abdulkhaim Ismailov and Leonid Gorichyev. Their chalde was shot on May 2, when Berlin was already taken, and the photo was subsequently carefully edited. The negative was given to the smoke, as if the battle for the city is still continuing. In the photo, a soldier's clock was disappeared from the bottom, so that the Soviet soldiers are not accused of looting or capturing trophies. On another version of the picture, the tank opposite the Brandenburg gate and fighters in the sky were mounted.

Discovered banner of victory

The very banner of Victory also experienced a lot. In the first parade in Moscow it was not. It just turned out that the bannamers who took the Reichstag are not shaking the construction preparation. Assign others for a parade did not become, and the flag decided not to endure.

Later it turned out that someone cut off a strip of 3 cm wide from the banner. There is a version that I was taken to a souvenir for a souvenir by the header Katyusha, who stormed Reichstag, or female political waste of the 150th Rifle Division.

First Parade of Victory

The first Victory Parade was held on June 24, 1945. He was planned to spend back at the end of May. But the date was determined by the sewing factories, which manufactured 10 thousand sets of the parade uniforms for the soldiers. Participants in the parade were chosen by growth - not lower than 170 cm - and daily Mustered with 10-hour construction classes.

June 24, the mood spoiled a strong shower. Because of him, an air span was canceled. Participants in progress. Mundir Marshal Rokossovsky sat so much that he had to break up to remove it.

He took the parade of Marshal George Zhukov on a silver-white horse idol. Theoretically, in his place was to be Stalin as commander-in-chief, but he took a place on the stand.

It turned out that Generalissimus fell from a narrative idol, whom the weekly chosen for him during rehearsal was chosen. Stalin said Zhukov, he will take a top parade, but necessarily on this hot horse. As you know, the beetles with the task coped fine.

Interestingly, Kumir not for the first time Garcel in Red Square: he participated in the parade on November 7, 1941, when German troops were on the approaches to Moscow. His rider Cavalist Ivan Maximets was very surprised when he saw his horse after four years at the Victory Parade under the marshal seat.

20 years without a parade

Parads have become relatively recent each year. For almost 20 years, May 9 was not considered a festive day at all.

In 1948, the country's leadership stated that it was necessary to forget about the war and engage in the restoration of the state. Only in 1965 on May 9, L. Brezhnev was installed as a festive day. At the same time, the second parade of Victory was held. The third passed to the 40th anniversary of Victory - in 1985, the next - 15 years later, in 1990. After the collapse of the USSR, the parades on May 9 were not held until 1995. And then became annual.

It is interesting:

1. Despite the fact that on May 9, 1945, it was officially considered the day of the end of the Great Patriotic War - the war officially lasted until January 25, 1955. All this time, the Soviet Union was in a state of war with Germany. On May 8, only an act of surrender was signed, which was officially enforced since May 9.

2. One of the symbols of victory in the Great Patriotic War was the so-called. "St. George Ribbon". It was established in the XV111 century for the manifested valor in battle. It is noteworthy that on May 6, 1945, right on the eve of the Victory Day, was the day of George the Victorious, and Georgy Zhukov took the surrender of Germany.

3. Permanent weekend on May 9 was only in 1965. Earlier the day off was from 1946 to 1948.

4. In 2000, the last hiking parade of veterans passed in Moscow.

5. In 2008, for the first time at the Parade of Victory on Red Square, a heavy technique was held.

17 years in the Soviet Union did not celebrate the Victory Day. Since 1948, for a long time, this "most important" holiday today was not actually noted and was a working day (instead of the weekend was done on January 1, which since 1930 was not weekend). For the first time, it was widely celebrated in the USSR only after almost two decades - in the anniversary of 1965. Then the Victory Day again became not working.
5 million 691 thousand liters of vodka drank only in December 1942.
Cancellation of the holiday Some historians are associated with the fact that the Soviet government is pretty afraid of independent and active veterans. It was officially ordered: to forget about the war, all the forces to quit for the restoration of the destroyed war of the national economy.
Within 10 years after the Victory Day, the Soviet Union was formally in a state of war with Germany. It happened so that by accepting the surrender of the German command, the Soviet Union decided not to sign the world with Germany, and thus stayed with her in a state of war. And only on January 25, 1955, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the cessation of the state of the war between the Soviet Union and Germany", thereby legally adding the end of the fighting.
From 7 to 43 million the number of Soviet citizens killed during the Great Patriotic War increased.
Soviet power did not burn with the desire to engage in real estimation of losses during the fighting. Therefore, immediately after the war, Joseph Stalin "from the ceiling" took the figure of 7 million people. True, in the West immediately noted that this figure does not correspond to reality. However, before the death of Stalin, the number was not revised.
Already after the divorce of the "cult of personality", this figure has increased to "more than 20 million" (then said then Khrushchev Secretary General). The actual study of losses began only in the late 1980s. Then it was already started to talk about almost 30 million. According to the evaluation of the Russian publicist Boris Sokolov, the common human losses of the USSR in 1939-1945. - 43 million 448 thousand people, and the total number of those who died in the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces in 1941-1945. - 26.4 million people (of which 4 million people died in captivity). If you believe it, the ratio of losses of the fighters of the Red Army and the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front reaches 10: 1. However, the question of the number of victims still remains open, and it is unlikely that it will ever be able to give a final answer.
80 thousand Soviet officers during the Great Patriotic War were women.
In general, at the front in different periods with weapons in the hands fought from 600 thousand to 1 million of the representatives of the weak gender. For the first time in world history in the Armed Forces of the USSR, women's military formations appeared. In particular, 3 aviation regiments were formed from women volunteers: the 46th Guards night bombarding (Warrovers from this unit, the Germans called "night witches"), the 125th Guards Bombarde, the 586th Fighter Flight Police. A separate female volunteer shooting brigade and a separate female spare rifle regiment were also created. Snipers prepared the central women's Sniper School. In addition, a separate female reticue of sailors was created. It is worth noting that the weak floor fought quite successfully. So, the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union" at the time of the Great Patriotic War received 87 women.
Interestingly, according to secret applications to the decisions of the State Committee for Defense, it was recorded: at all stages of war, victorious and failed, drank in the Red Army approximately equally. For example, in December 1943, the Red Army "used" 5 million 665 thousand liters.
True, the hardest relied not all. On July 20, 1941, the chief "supplier" of the USSR Anastas Mikoyan offered in his resolution to "establish, starting from September 1, 1941, the issuance of 40-degree vodka in the amount of 100 grams per day per person to the Red Army and the superior composition of the existing army." But Stalin after the words "composition" add "first line troops". Like, you want to drink - go fight, and do not sit down in the rear.
About 400 thousand awards and medals were not issued to Soviet veterans.
Moreover, by the end of the Great Patriotic War, about three million awards were not awarded. In addition to the high rotation of the personnel (someone translated, someone in Lazareza, and many died), the reason for such a delay was the banal lack of the orders and medals themselves. We did not have time to release.
Immediately after the war, the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, Archival Services, the military registration and enlistment offices began to actively engage in the wanish awarded. By 1956, about a million awards were awarded. Then wanted, in fact, stopped. Issued only in the case of the appeal of citizens. Over the next decades, another half-million of orders and medals were awarded. However, the remaining 400 thousand orders are unlikely to ever find their heroes: real veterans have almost left alive.
More than 400 people committed a feat, similar to "Matrosovsky".
The first who went to the ambrusura was the junior political tank company Alexander Pankratov. On August 24, 1941, in battles for the defense of Novgorod, Pankratov closed an enemy machine gun, which allowed the redarmers without losses to take a bridgehead. In general, before the "raced" Alexander Matrosov, 58 people committed a similar feat.
334 settlements in Ukraine were burned by the German Nazis together with all residents.
The Koryukovka of the Chernihiv region became the largest town, destroyed by the invaders. For two days, 1290 were burned out of 1300 houses, about 7 thousand inhabitants of the town were burned and burned.
According to historians, Drobinizko and Romantko, during the war, about 400 thousand policemen passed to the Germans. True, this figure is sufficiently conditional, since it is not possible to check it. First, parts of the regular army of the USSR captured the policemen did not try. They were destroyed immediately. In addition, since 1942, many began to move to partisans. Already by 1944, such transitions became massive, and only police officers who had hands in blood at the very elbows remained faithful to the Germans.

1. Losses after the Wehrmacht war amounted to about six million people. According to statistics, the ratio of the total number of dead and deceased people between the USSR and Germany is 7.3: 1. Of this we conclude that more than 43 million people died in the USSR. These figures take into account civil losses: USSR - 16.9 million people, Germany - 2 million people. Read more in the table below.

Losses of the USSR and Germany after the end of World War II

2. Not everyone knows that after the war in the Soviet Union did not celebrate the holiday "Victory Day" seventeen years.

3. From the forty-eight year year, the holiday of Victory Day was considered the most important holiday, but no one ever noted, he was considered ordinary day.

4. The day off was first of January, but from the thirtieth year he was canceled.

5. People were drinking five million six hundred ninety-liter vodka only in one month (December 1942).

6. The first time Victory Day was extensive only after two decades in 1965. After that, the Victory Day became a non-working day.

7. After the war, only 127 million inhabitants remained in the USSR.

8. To date, Russia has forty-three million Soviet citizens killed during the Great Patriotic War.

9. Now the celebration of the holiday Victory Day Some sources hide: fear that the Soviet government is afraid of active and independent veterans.

10. According to official data, it was ordered: about the Great Patriotic War to forget and make every effort to restore the human labor of the destroyed buildings.

11. For a decade after the victory of the USSR, it was still in a state of war with Germany. After the participation of the Citizen by the Germans, the USSR decided not to accept and not sign the world with the enemy; And it turns out that he stayed with Germany in a state of war.

12. On 25 January 1955, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a decree "On the termination of the state of war between the Soviet Union and Germany". This decree formally ends the war with Germany.

14. Leningrad blockade (now St. Petersburg) lasted 872 days from 09/18/1944 to January 27, 1944.

15. It is difficult to believe, but the USSR authorities did not want to count the killed during the fighting.

16. After the end of the war, Stalin approached the number seven million people approximately.

17. Western residents did not believe that seven million inhabitants died and began to refute this fact.

18. After the death of Stalin, the number of dead was not revised.

19. Not only men fought, but also women during the Great Patriotic War.

20. As the statistics of the Great Patriotic War showed, there are eighty thousand women among Soviet officers.

Greeting Russian soldiers American

21. As the Secretary General of Khrushchev said that after the divorce of the "cult of personality", Stalin had already had more than twenty million dead inhabitants.

22. Real counts of the deceased population began only at the end of the eight-day year.

23. Until now, the question of the real number of dead remains open. In the territories of warring states find fraternal graves and other burials.

24. Official data on the number of victims such: from 1939-1945. Forty-three million four hundred forty-eight people died.

25. The total number of dead is from 1941-1945. Twenty-six million people.

26. Approximately 1.8 million people during the Great Patriotic War killed prisoners or immigrated.

27. According to Boris Sokolov, the ratio of the loss of the military Red Army and the Eastern Front (top) is ten to one.

28. Unfortunately, the question of the number of those who died to today remains open, and no one will answer it.

29. In general, at different times they fought six hundred thousand to one million women.

30. In the days of the Great Patriotic War, female formations were formed.

31. In Baku plants produced shells for Katyush.

32. In general, by enterprises of Azerbaijan for military needs during the Great Patriotic War, seventy-five tons of petroleum products and oil were spent and recycled.

33. During the collection of funds for the creation of tank columns and aircadrylium, the ninety-year-old collective farmer handed thirty thousand rubles.

34. Three regiments were formed among the speakers, and called their "night witches".

35. In the morning of the second of May, forty-fifth year, Mamedov Fighters, Berezhnaya Ahmedzade, Andreev, under the leadership of Lieutenant Medzhidov, watered the banner of victory over the Brandenburg Gate.

36. Three hundred thirty-four settlements, which were in Ukraine, were completely burned by the Germans with people.

37. The largest city that was captured by destroyers, became the city of Koryukovka in the Chernihiv region.

38. In just two days, 1290 houses were burned in the largest captured city, there were only ten untouched and seven thousand civilians were killed.

39. During the Great Patriotic War, voluntary brigades were created and even spare rifle shelves from women.

40. Sniper women prepared a special central school of snipers.

41. A separate reticue of sailors was also created.

42. It is very difficult to believe, but women sometimes fought better than men.

43. They received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union eighty-seven women.

44. At all stages of the war of failure and victorious, alcohol consumed the same in large quantities.

45. More than four hundred people made a feat that is similar to "Matrosovsky".

46. \u200b\u200bThe Medal "For Taking Berlin" was awarded about 1.1 million soldiers

47. Some saboteurs have been allowed to succeed tens of enemy echelons.

48. More than three hundred names of the enemy's technique destroyed by dogs fighters tanks.

49. Vodka relied not to all fighters. From the forty-first year, the main supplier offered to set the parameters. Issue vodka in the amount of a hundred grams per person per day by the Red Army and the heads of the army.

51. We did not have time to produce medals and orders and that is why they did not get everyone.

52. During the war, more than one hundred and thirty species of ammunition and weapons were produced.

53. After the end of the war, the personnel management began active work on the search for awarded.

54. By the end of the fifty-sixth year, approximately one million awards were issued.

55. In the fifty-seventh year, the search for awarded people was interrupted.

56. Medals were only issued after the personal appeal of citizens.

57. Many awards and medals are not awarded, because many veterans are not survivors.

58. The first who came out to the ambrusura Alexander Pankratov. Junior Political Tank Rota Company of the 125th Tank Regiment of the 28th Tank Division.

59. In war, more than sixty thousand dogs served.

60. The communication officers delivered about two hundred thousand combat reports.

61. For the period of war, the Sanitary Dogs were taken from the battlefield about seven hundred thousand serious commanders and redarmeys. Sanitary and porter for carrying out 100 wounded battleships assigned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

62. Supreme dogs cleared more than three hundred major cities.

63. On the battlefield, the Sanitary-Sanitary Dogs were crawled to the wounded soldier and substituted him a medical bag. Patiently waited until the soldier will tear the wound and crawled to another soldier. Also, the dogs were well able to distinguish the live soldier from the dead. After all, many wounded were unconscious. So the soldiers of the dog licked face until they wake up.

64. Dogs have detected more than four million units of fugas and enemy mines.

65. In 1941, on August 24, Pankratov closed the enemy machine gun with his body. This gave the opportunity to redoarmers without a single loss to take a bridgehead.

66. After the feat, performed by Pankratov, they made another fifty-eight people similarly.

67. From personal savings, people were translated into military needs fifteen kilograms of gold, nine hundred fifty-two kilograms of silver and three hundred twenty million rubles.

68. During the war, more than one million units of the necessary goods and one hundred and twenty-five wagons of warm clothing were sent.

69. Baku enterprises actively participated in the restoration of the DniproNes, the port of Azov and other important objects.

70. Leningrad until the summer of forty-second-year-old, Baku enterprises sent and collected two carriage caviar cars, dried fruits, juice, puree, hematogen, gelatin and other food.

71. Great help was provided by medicines, money and equipment Krasnodar Territory, Stalingrad, Stavropol Territory.

72. Since December 1942, the German newspaper "Speech" in Russian began to appear once a week.

73. Among people were distributed by leaflets, posters, brochures that called people to restore their homeland.

74. Almost all military correspondents were awarded orders and received the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

75. The most active woman's sniper was well known in the USA and the song "Miss Pavlichenko" Artist Woody Guthrie was written about it.

Residents of the Soviet village meet German soldiers flag-tricolor.
USSR, 1941.

76. In the summer of 1941, it was decided to disguise the Kremlin from enemy bombing. The disguise plan provided for repainting roofs, facades and walls of the Kremlin buildings in such a way that it seemed from the height that these city blocks. And it was possible.

77. Manege Square and Red Square filled with plywood scenery.

78. Borzenko personally participated in the opponent's reflection.

79. Even despite the difficult conditions of the landing of Borzenko, performed its direct duty of the correspondent.

80. All works of Borzenko exhaustively informed about the position in the landing.

81. In 1943, the Church and Patriarchhood fully restored in the USSR.

82. After the war, Stalin announced that the Council was needed on the affairs of the Russian Orthodox Church.

83. Many volunteer women participated in the Great Patriotic War.

84. The Germans during the war produced unique pistols P.08 designs George Luger.

85. The Germans made manually single weapons specimens.

86. During the war, the German sailors took on board the cat's linker.

87. The battleship ship was flooded, only one hundred fifteen people out of 2,200 carriages were saved.

88. For stimulation of German soldiers, the pevitin (methamphetamine) was widely used.

89. The drug officially added tankers and pilots to soldering.

90. Hitler considered his enemy not Stalin, but the speaker Yuri Levitan.

website - First of all, I want to congratulate everyone with this holiday and thank our veterans for everything that we have now. After all, if it were not for them, it is not known what our life was now. Freedom that we are now breathing, calm and peace, this is all thanks to our veterans!

And on the eve of this event, I would like to tell some interesting facts about this date. So, ahead:

The most interesting fact is that the Victory Day is celebrated not on May 9th, as in Russia, and the 8th, since the act of surrender in Central European time was signed on May 8, 1945 at 22:43 (May 9 at 0: 43 Moscow time).

The victory is the assault flag of the 150th Order of Kutuzov II degree Idritsky Rifle Division, watered on May 1, 1945 on the Reichstag building in Berlin.

The first day of Victory was celebrated as, probably, there were very few holidays in the history of the USSR and Russia. People on the streets congratulated each other, hugged, kissed and cried.

On May 9, 1945, the Li-2 plane with the crew of A. I. Semenkova, who took the act of surrender to Nazi German to Moscow, landed on the Frunze's central airfield.

The europe's exterpated by the war also celebrated the victory day sincerely and nationwide. On May 9, 1945, almost all European cities, people congratulated each other and soldiers - winners.

In London, the center of celebrations were the Buckingham Palace and Trafalgar Square. People congratulated King Georg VI and Queen Elizabeth. Winston Churchill spoke with a speech from the balcony of the Buckingham Palace

Berlin was taken by May 2, but the German troops had a fierce resistance of the Red Army for an even more than a week before the fascist command, in order to avoid in vain bloodshed, was finally decided to surrender.

On May 9, in the evening, the victory was given in Moscow, the most ambitious in the history of the USSR was given: from a thousand guns were given thirty volleys.

However, on the day off on May 9, only three years remained. In 1948, the war was ordered to forget and all their strength to quit the restoration of the destroyed war of the national economy. And only in 1965, already in the era of Brezhnev, the holiday was again represented by merit. May 9 again became a weekend, parades resumed, large-scale salutes in all cities - heroes and commemoration of veterans

Georgievskaya tape: - Bicolor (bolt) orange and black colors. Orange means fire, and black - smoke. She leads its history from the tape to the soldiers' Order of St. George the Victorious, established on November 26, 1769 Empress Catherine II. This tape with minor changes entered the USSR award system as "Guards Tape" - a sign of a special difference of a soldier. She is covered with a block of a very honorable "soldier's" order of glory.

In the US, there are as many as two days of Victory: V-E Day (Victory Day in Europe) and V-J Day (Victory Day over Japan).

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