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What did Robert Piri did. Robert Peel North Pole

Robert Piri is a famous American traveler, an explorer of the Arctic. He devoted most of his life to the conquest of the North Pole, and became the first person who managed to achieve him. By carrying out several expeditions to Greenland and the Central Arctic, he acquired a vast experience in part of survival in the harsh Arctic lands.

First expeditions

The future discoverer was born on May 6, 1856 in a secured American family. The boy studied well at school and, inhabit love of natural sciences, received a profession of a geodesist drawer.

The young specialist received the position of deputy chief engineer on the construction of the Panama Canal. However, stable job caused boredom and dissatisfaction with him: much more was attracted by the possibility of exciting travel and geographical discoveries.

To fulfill its long-standing dream of Peri managed in 1886, when he went on a journey to Greenland on dog sledding. Together with his comrade, he overcame 160 kilometers and literally "fell ill" by the Arctic.

Fig. 1. Robert Pear.

After traveling around Greenland, Pyiri began to seriously study the experience of survival and movement in northern lands. To help him came the Eskimos who shared important secrets: during wintering to actively hunt, always have with you more dogsWhat should be used only the strongest and reliable sleigh, replace tents and sleeping bags on the needle - the traditional winter dwelling of Eskimos.

In 1892, Piri managed to cross the North-West region of Greenland, and thereby ensure their recognition in his homeland. Highly fascinating both legs, he had to amputate 8 fingers, but the accident did not break the perseverance of the traveler. After 10 years, he managed to fulfill his cherished dream - to get to the northern Cape Greenland - Jesup.

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Fig. 2. Dog blackheads.

Conquest of the North Pole

In 1905, the traveler began to build a vessel on which he planned to achieve the highest point of the Arctic. His team consisted not only of Americans, but also from Eskimos.

The long expedition included wintering in ice. Some members of the expedition regularly returned to the larger land to inform about the path traveled. Robert Peel slowly, but confidently moved to his goal.

April 6, 1909 was accomplished significant eventTo which the American researcher was 23 years old. Together with his team members, he installed the American flag in a place where, according to his calculations, and there was the highest point of the pole. In confirmation of his opening, Peel makes several dozen photos.

Fig. 3. North Pole.

The opening of Peel was overshadowed by news that another traveler, Frederick Cook, visited the North Pole before him. However, the latter did not have enough good evidence that he was able to achieve the highest point of the Arctic. After many proceedings, Robert Peuric was officially recognized as a pioneer of the North Pole.

Robert Pir.(1856-1920) - American polar researcher.

In the summer of 1898, the first expedition of R. Pyri on dogs, on the ice of the ocean, he passed from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago to the North Pole, the discovery of which was a dream of R. Pyri all his life. This expedition did not bring the desired result, and in the next four years he was unsuccessful tried to achieve it. During one of the trips, Piri froze his legs and his own fingers amputated. Truly there are no boundaries to his enthusiasm, the great strength of his spirit - every year he was closer to the goal. And every time, reaching another point, Peiri left there a piece of the star-striped flag, presented to him by his wife, which is no less than he himself believed in his victory.

Robert Piri was already 53 years old, when in the summer of 1908 he again gathered an expedition consisting of 21 people, and in the spring of 1909 after wintering she came to the assault of the pole. Ahead of the auxiliary detachments built snow houses and arranged food warehouses. The road was very difficult, the snow stormies happened, fell below 50 °, Kerosene was viscous, Sani often broke. For the last decisive attack, Peari selected 5 people. The proximity of the goal instilled in him hope and vigor. Now stayed only for short-term recreation. It was beautiful, although the thermometer showed -40 ° C. On April 6, 1909, R. Pyri recorded in his diary: "The North Pole is finally conquered. My dream and the goal of twenty years of life were pronounced in reality! " Having determined several times its location and spending 30 hours on the pole, Peters went to the hard way back.

Returning to the village, he sends to US President William Taffeta enthusiastic telegram: "North Pole at your disposal!"

Shortly after the return of Peel, an unprecedented scandal broke out. National Piri Frederick Cook announced the whole world, as if exactly a year before Piri, he himself visited the North Pole, but he could not submit significant documents proving his right point. Cook appeared in the eyes of the public as a fraudster, especially since the participants of his expedition ultimately showed that they moved away from the shore into the depths of just a few tens of kilometers.

Robert Piri himself died in 1920, and according to his testament, almost 70 years old did not have an access traveler archive. When the ban's term has expired, it turned out that R. Pyri did not reach the pole, he turned back due to the lack of food and the full decline of the forces in about two hundred kilometers from the target ... It is why the following is true: one way or another, at the beginning of the 20th century Robert Peel penetrated the very heart of the central Arctic further than anyone else. He was already 53 years old, and he would no longer dared to the next desperate attempt.

Piri, Robert Edwin(Peary, Robert Edwin) (1856-1920), American Nautical Officer and Researcher of the Arctic. Born on May 6, 1856 in the Kress (PC. Pennsylvania). I visited high school in Portland (PC. Maine) and graduated from College in Boudoine in 1877, receiving an engineer diploma. He worked as a drawer in the coastal and geodesic service of the United States. In 1881, he was admitted to the Civil Engineer Civil Engineers Civil Engineers. In 1884-1885, I spent the photographic work in Nicaragua.

In 1885, after reading the message about Greenland Glacier, Piri became interested in the Arctic. After that, he organized and spent eight Arctic expeditions. In 1886 he went to a three-month expedition to Greenland to find out the possibilities of movement in its inner areas. Together with a friend, he explored the glacial hat to the east of the disco bay. In 1891-1892, after a two-year forced work in Nicaragua, Pyiri went north, crossed on Sanya Northeast Greenland - from the Bay of McCormick to Independence Fjord, overcoming the distance of 2100 km, opened the lands of Melville and Heylprin. He found that the eastern and western shore of Greenland converge and, thus, Greenland is an island.

In 1893-1895, Piri held a third expedition in Greenland, and in summer 1896 and 1897 launched short-term trips to Cape York in Greenland to search for fallen meteorites. In 1898, went to a four-year expedition, during which he tried to reach the North Pole, but in 1902 he managed to get only to 84 ° 17ў S.Sh. During this expedition, he visited Fort Congre - a hut on O. Elsmir, where the base of an unsuccessful expedition was previously located under the leadership of A.Gryili, and found diaries and devices left there. Peeri explored the districts adjacent to Lady Franklin and Prince Mary bays, and a separate glacial hat on O. Elsmir. During the seventh expedition (1905-1906) reached the sleigh to 87 ° 06's.Sh. This point was among the bouncy of the hazardous Northern Ice Ocean, just 322 km from the North Pole.

During the eighth expedition (1908-1909), Peiri was for the first time on the full provision of US naval forces, probably due to the efforts of his friend Theodore Roosevelt. Pyiri argued that during this expedition on April 6, 1909, he and his assistant Matthew Geneson, as well as four accompanying Eskimos reached the North Pole. Upon returning to 1909, Piri learned that the surgeon of his expedition 1891-1892 Frederick Cook argues that he reached the pole for almost a year before Piri, April 21, 1908. After the acute discussion of Cook's claim was refuted, and Piri was recognized as the winner. However, doubts remained in the accuracy of the opening of the pole by Peer's himself. For example, the ruled Amundsen never believed that Peir had a pole. However, only in 1980-1990, when diaries, maps and photographs of the FRI expedition were studied, his championship was questioned. Studies undertaken in 1989 by the Navigation Fund led to the conclusion that Peeli was not more than 8 km from his own goal. This result was confirmed by the National Geographic Society. In 1996, Robert M.Bries, who dedicated 20 years of studying this controversial issue, published a book Cook and Peel: Completion of the Polar Discussion (Bryce R.M. Cook and Peary: The Polar Controversy, Resolved), in which he argued that neither Cook nor Piri had reached the pole and that the latter remained to pass only 160 km to the desired goal.

Piri - author of books Polar Travel Secrets (Secrets of Polar Travel, 1917); North Pole (The North Pole., 1910); Near Pole (Nearest The Pole., 1907) and By big ice to North(Northward Over The.« Great Ice», 1898).

Robert Edwin Piri was born on May 6, 1856 in the American city of Pennsylvania. In 1877, he graduated from college and received a diploma engineer. Soon after graduation, Peiri joined the US Navy and served in Nicaragua for some time.

The beginning of the way

In his first Arctic expedition, the future conqueror of the North Pole went in 1886. It was a trial journey to Greenland, which lasted only three months. Pyiri set a goal: first to cross this island, but it did not manage it. The first person crossed Greenland, in 1888 he became Norwegian FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Piri himself managed to do it only in 1892. And if in 1886 he acted as a private person, this time it was supported by American Geographical Society and Philadelphia Academy of Sciences. Frederick Cook (Frederick Cook), the future opponent of Peters for the title of the first person who has reached the North Pole participated in this expedition.

According to the results of these early travel, the American researcher formulates several rules, which further contributed to the success of his expeditions. So, he carefully studies the experience of Eskimos for survival in Arctic conditions, and then refuses tents and sleeping bags. Instead, Pyiri uses dome-shaped houses built from snow blocks. In addition, he developed a system of transshipment bases on which food reserves were left.

Forward, to the pole!

In 1895, Piri made another trip to Greenland, and first tried to reach the North Pole. During this expedition, an American researcher lost 8 fingers from frostbite from frostbite and could only move on a sleigh for 11 days. But although no difficulties could break his will, he did not manage to get to the northernmost point of the planet. But its prey was the meteorites brought from Greenland. In honor of the enormous Meteorite Anigito, who took the researcher to New York, received the second name of his daughter Mary Anigito Piri.

In 1905, a new expedition was held, also not bringing the desired success. But this time, Piri went further than all his predecessors, and set the record - 87 ° 06`` Northern latitude. Only strong storms prevented him to move on.

The provision of the last expedition of Piri to the North Pole assumed the US naval forces. President Theodore Roosevelt, saying goodbye to the researcher, called him the hope of a nation, and not surprisingly, after all, many countries of the world took part in the race for the North Pole.

The expedition started on June 6, 1908, and on April 6, 1909, 52-year-old Robert Piri reached his goal and installed the star-striped flag over the northernmost point of the planet. His final detachment consisted of four Eskimos and a non-negro servant. It is believed that such a choice of satellites was not accidental: Piri did not want to share the fame of the first white man, pulled on the North Pole.

Spore with Frederick Cook

The return path of the expedition was fairly easy, but the researcher was able to give a telegram about his achievement only in September 1909. Here, Piri waited for an unpleasant surprise: it turned out that shortly before him, a similar telegram was sent by another American, Frederick Cook. Moreover, Dr. Cook argued that he got to the pole for almost a whole year earlier. Piri was shocked and outraged, he argued that his opponent was never on the North Pole. A real scandal broke out, according to the results of which Cook was recognized as a fraudster. In 1911, Robert Piri received the title of counter-admiral and became national heroes.

However, neither Cook nor Piri could provide sufficient evidence to their discovery. Moreover, the recognition of the merit of Piri was largely due to the fact that in his direction the Arctic club created by him, which included many influential people Countries, including owners of newspapers. There is even an opinion according to which Piri decided on a grand falsification only when he learned that he was ahead of Cook.

Nevertheless, by the end of his life, Robert Piri received a government retirement and enjoyed many privileges. He died on February 20, 1920 in Washington. The reason for his death was a long disease.

Robert Edwin Pearing He is a maritime officer of the United States. Also researcher Robert Pear Known by his works dedicated to the Arctic. His life began in the Cress. After the end of the Portland school, he continued his studies at Boudoran College, after became a certified engineer.

The first work experience gained in the geodetic and coastal service of America. Being a civil engineer, began military service in marine powers. The first shooting work began to spend from 1884 to Nicaragua.

Interest in the Arctic was caused by a message about the ice cover of Greenland. The possibilities of movement to the internal regions were passionate about this edge and study, he spent 8 Arctic research expeditions. The first expedition was organized for three months. The group studied the glacial header of the Bay of Disco and near the lying area.

The expeditions were interrupted for a two-year period, which required work and forced stay in Nicaragua. After that, the study of the Arctic was resumed. In 2 expeditions it was found that Greenland is an island.

For these conclusions it was necessary to overcome the distance of 2.1 thousand kilometers, cross the East Northern Greenland, starting with the Gulf of McCormick and ending Independence Fjord. On the journey opened the land: Haleprin and Melville.

After the end of the third expedition, a journey to the caulation of York was organized to find residues falling in Greenland meteorites. And in the period of a four-year expedition, researchers were sent to the goal.

I managed to visit the Fort Congre Islands Elsmir. There earlier was unsuccessfully completed Expedition A. Grily. Old appliances and diaries with records were found there. Glacial Schacasostrov was also studied, in the districts of Princes Mary and Lady Franklin.

During the seventh expedition, Edwin Peei has advanced further. His distance from the pole was only 322 kilometers.

The eighth expedition financed the military forces of the United States, which was most likely achieved thanks to friendly relationship Peel and Theodore Roosevelt.

Travelers were sure that they got to the goal. At the moment when the researchers returned home it was found out that Frederick Cook claims to visit the North Pole championship.

Allegedly he was ahead of the expedition for 1 year. In the investigation of the acute discussion, Robert was a winner, although his championship was questioned in the 1980s, when they were studying records, data and cards of the last expedition.

The National Geographic Society confirmed that only 8 km remained to achieve the cherished point of the expedition.

Achievements Robert Piri:

Proved that Greenland is an island
Opening of Melville and Haleprin lands
Study of the glacial hats of many regions of Greenland

Dates from Robert Piri biography:

05/06/1856 Born
1877 graduated from college
1881 went to serve in the sea fleet
1884-1885 First shooting on the territory of Nicaragua
1885 An interest in the Arctic was born
1886 headed to Greenland for the first expedition
1891-1892 Opened land Haylprin and Melville
1898 Publication "For Big Ice to North"
1907 issued a book "Near Pole"
1910 led the work "North Pole"
1917 published "Polar Travel Secrets"
20.02.1920 died

Interesting facts Robert Piri:

At 2 expeditions overcame the distance of more than 2 thousand kilometers
1996 Publication "Cook and Peel: Completion of the Polar Discussion"