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Plant mustard: benefits and harm to the human body. White Mustard Application Growing Mustard Salad

Mustard can have a good service both in the garden and in the kitchen. To do this, you need to decide on the view - white, black or salad (Srept). What a mustard looks like: a white grade plant has a pasta leaves located in pairs. The top sheet is threedole. Flowers are collected in the inflorescences of yellow or white. It is usually blooming in the summer, and seeds gives in August. The variety is more suitable for the site's seed.

Black mustard is distinguished by leaves that do not have peristryiness, but more smooth and solid.

It is called it for the color of seeds, of which they make a table mustard. For culinary purposes, it is considered the best, as it contains many essential oils that give the taste of sauces.

Sredtsky variety is universal for cultivation and use. From the Sarept mustard make oil, used in cooking for cooking sauces, namely, the Russian mustard in banks, add to salads in green form, are grown in the country area to improve plants and soil. The leaves are like white grade, mustard flowers are also collected in yellow or white inflorescences.

Mustard Seeds in Cooking - Indications and Contraindications

Fatty acids - the main advantage of the plant of the mustard. It is in them that all fat-soluble substances are concluded - vitamins A, E, D. There are also trace elements - calcium, iron, zinc and others.

The burning agents increase appetite and metabolism. Finding into the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidant and antimicrobial. Therefore, the use of mustard is shown to weakened people with low immunity, restored after diseases.

Caution! If you overdo it with fresh seeds, you can provoke natural cleaning of the body - diarrhea, as they have a laxative effect

Best of all mustard sauces are combined with meat dishes.

Application in cosmetology

Slimming is often observed sorcement of skin on problem areas, so the mustard is used for various masks and wraps. In the salons, this procedure is also available, but it is not cheap, as the seeds and leaves are first prepared by Cashitz, which then process the skin.

Video: All about mustard

Masks of mustard contribute to the influx of blood to the hair lows, which affects the growth and condition of the hair. Add mustard oil into masks for problem skin face. Bactericidal substances allow you to get rid of acne and acne.

Mustard in medicine

Not only folk, but traditional medicine is used mustard drugs. All are famous mustard chips, which are treated with colds, neuralgia, hypothermia, bronchitis.

The bathroom with a gripped powder warms well and quickly cures from a cold and flu, while improving skin condition.

The oil is taken to reduce cholesterol in the blood and preventing the formation of intravascular plaques.

Contraindication to the reception is a predisposition to elevated arterial pressure, gastritis and increased acidity of the stomach, renal failure or stones in lochanks, tuberculosis in the active stage, acute lung inflammation.

Mustard as Siderat - Benefits and Harm

Grass mustard is considered weed and destroyed. And in vain, since its presence on the household site is the safety of plants, among which it grows.

The cultivation of the mustard plant helps to reduce manual labor costs and the soil looser. The grass has a long root, after which there is no need to drain the soil. The principle of the Sideration is as follows:

  • Plants set off thick so that there were many roots in the soil. After mowing the upper aboveground part, the roots are overloaded in the soil, giving the nutrients that they pulled out of the deep layers of the soil. In this case, the tubules remain in the depths of air and water.
  • Greens are used as far as there is an increase in compost, on food animals and birds, for laying into the soil before planting vegetables, for mulching and feeding growing crops.
  • The plant is planted between tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, so as not to multiply the beetles, eating sowing.

By nutritional properties, green fertilizer equates to the manure, which has its own negative points: first of all - the cost that does not compare with the cost of 1 kilogram of seeds, which can be placed in a plot of land with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 6 acres.

And finally: if someone saw the mustard grows on the field, he will surely want to see the same beauty in her dacha.

Plus, in addition to beauty, the mustard have many other useful characteristics that will be suitable on the site and in everyday life.

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Calorie and features of the composition of the product. What a sheet mustard can help in improving the body. Whether you can eat it in food. How to use a plant in cooking: the features of the workpiece, interesting recipes.

The content of the article:

Sheet Salad Mustard (Brassica) is an annual plant from the family of anticipated. It is believed that her homeland is China. It is a salad culture with large leaves of various shapes. Depending on the variety, not only the form of leaves changes, but also the size of the plant. On average, its height is about 30 cm, but some varieties reach 60 cm. Sheet mustard is actively cultivated today in his homeland, that is, in China, as well as in Japan and India. In these countries, it is used everywhere in cooking, adding in fresh salads, sandwiches, hot dishes. The product adds piquancy to the dish, it reminds immediately and green salad, and sharp horseradish. Respect the leaf mustard and in other regions. So, for example, in America, it is used in the preparation of steaks, and in Italy they make a fragrant sharp paste. In Russia, the culture, unfortunately, does not use popularity, despite the fact that capriciousness it does not differ and the cultivation of sheet mustard in the conditions of our climate is not difficult. It has an enviable chemical composition, it is rich in various minerals, vitamins and other biologically active components, and therefore, of course, its eating has a beneficial effect on the body.

The composition and calorieness of the sheet mustard

Like any other salad culture, has a modest calorieness, and therefore it is committed without feet can even be included in a strict dietary diet.

The calorieness of the sheet mustard - 27 kcal per 100 g, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.9 g;
  • Fats - 0.4 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 4.7 g;
  • Food fibers - 3.2 g;
  • Water - 90.7 g;
  • Ash - 1.36 g
Macroelements per 100 g:
  • Potassium - 384 mg;
  • Calcium - 115 mg;
  • Magnesium - 32 mg;
  • Sodium - 20 mg;
  • Phosphorus - 58 mg.
Trace elements per 100 g:
  • Iron - 1.64 mg;
  • Manganese - 0.48 mg;
  • Copper - 165 μg;
  • Selenium - 0.9 μg;
  • Zinc - 0.25 mg.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • Vitamin A, RE - 151 μg;
  • Alpha Carotene - 10 μg;
  • Beta carotene - 1.79 mg;
  • Beta cryptoxanthin - 40 μg;
  • Lutein + Zeaxanthin - 3730 μg;
  • Vitamin B1 - 0.08 mg;
  • Vitamin B2 - 0.11 mg;
  • Vitamin B4 - 0.5 mg;
  • Vitamin B5 - 0.21 mg;
  • Vitamin B6 - 0.18mg;
  • Vitamin B9 - 12 μg;
  • Vitamin C - 70 mg;
  • Vitamin E - 2.01 mg;
  • Vitamin K - 257.5 μg;
  • Vitamin RR, NE - 0.8 mg.
An indispensable amino acids per 100 g:
  • Arginine - 0.197 g;
  • Valin - 0.105 g;
  • GISTIDIN - 0.048 g;
  • Isoleucine - 0.098 g;
  • Leucine - 0.083 g;
  • Lysine - 0.123 g;
  • Methionine - 0.025 g;
  • Threonine - 0.072 g;
  • Tryptophan - 0.03 g;
  • Phenylalanine - 0.072
Fatty acids per 100 g:
  • Omega-3 - 0.018 g;
  • Omega-6 - 0.02 g;
  • Saturated - 0.01 g;
  • Monoinsaturated - 0.092 g;
  • Polyunsaturated - 0.038
Also as part of the plant there are digestible carbohydrates in the form of mono- and disaccharides (sugars) - in 100 grams of them contained 1.32 g.

Useful properties of sheet mustard

The Chinese are distinguished by excellent health and high life expectancy. Of course, we will not believe that these facts they are obliged to their love for spicy salad culture, however, one way or another, a sheet mustard has the richest composition of useful components and, definitely, makes a significant contribution to the improvement of the body at regular use.

Let's wonder the benefits of the sheet mustard Read more:

  1. Strengthening cardiovascular system. The product has a beneficial effect on the heart and vessels. It reduces the likelihood of heart disease and acute heart failure. Well purifies vessels, especially effectively reduces cholesterol levels, which contributes to the prevention of thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other dangerous vascular diseases.
  2. Prevention of cancer. The plant contained antioxidants with a high degree of activity - quercetin and kampferol. These elements contribute to the regulation of the level of free radicals, which in excess lead to the formation of anomalous molecular bonds, which in turn launches the development of tumor processes. Reducing the level of free radicals, quercetin and the kampferol reduce the likelihood of cancer.
  3. Anti-inflammatory effect. Powerful anti-inflammatory properties are caused by the presence of the high content of vitamin C and the presence of omega-3 acids.
  4. Normalization of the digestive system. First of all, the positive properties of the product in relation to the gastrointestinal tract are expressed in the normalization of intestinal peristals, this is possible due to the content of fiber and water. Thus, this salad culture is an excellent way to get rid of constipation, meteorism and other intestinal disorders. Another useful property of the digestion for digestion is to stimulate appetite, it contributes to the mustard oil, which is part of the plant. Of course, for those who sit on the diet, the excitation of appetite is not the most useful effect, but if we are talking about toxicose manifestations, mental fatigue and other unhealthy reasons for the decline of appetite, the leaves of the mustard are a solution to the problem.
  5. Strengthening immunity. Of course, there is a salad culture and a general healing effect on the whole organism, due to the presence of a large number of useful components in the composition. Regular use of the product leads to the restoration of the vitamin and mineral balance, increases the body's protective forces.
  6. Beyond the bone and joints. Sheet mustard plays an important role in strengthening bone tissue and joints, which makes it use especially necessary for people in old age.
  7. Beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. The high content of folic acid makes the mustard leaves with a necessary product in the diet of women preparing to conceive a child, as well as in early pregnancy. Folic acid is the main vitamin of future mothers, since it plays a crucial role in the synthesis of DNA and the development of the nervous system of the fetus.
  8. Improving skin condition. Regular consumption of culture has a positive effect on the skin condition. The fiber, which is part of the plant helps to remove toxins that often become the cause of various imperfections. In addition, there are many vitamin A in the leaves, which also has a beneficial effect on the skin condition.
The benefits of the product is really great, this plant is often compared with the spinach, and this culture is a real storehouse of health. It is noteworthy that in Russia during the times of Catherine II, the leaves of the mustard were very valued as a delicious and useful product, it is a pity that few people remember this today.

Contraindications and harm of sheet mustard

Despite the impressive list of useful properties of the sheet mustard, it, unfortunately, is shown to use not everyone. First, it is worth saying that there is a thin face between the benefit and harm of the sheet mustard, and the name of this face is a measure. This means that even a healthy person should not be abused by this product, otherwise, one or other unpleasant symptoms may appear.

However, some people are not recommended to eat the product and in normal doses, not dangerous to a healthy person. First of all, patients with a gallbladder and kidney disease are in the risk group. In the leaves of the plant contains substances such as oxalates, which negatively affect the state of people suffering from the above aids.

In addition, it is worth saying that if you are prescribed by the treatment with calcium drugs, it is better to abandon the use of the product, as it prevents the suction of this mineral into the blood. It is also not necessary to eat it in the use of anticoagulants - these drugs are directed, including to reduce the level of vitamin K in the body, and the mustard leaves will increase it.

It is impossible not to mention that, like any other spicy culture, the sheet mustard should be administered with extreme caution to the diet in the presence of severe heart disease and the digestive system.

Care should also be allergic, pregnant and lactating women. The active components of the plant can cause individual intolerance.

If you have health problems or take drugs that were not voiced in this section, most likely a sheet mustard are not contraindicated, but it is better to consult with the attending physician before entering the product into the diet.

How to eat sheet mustard

Of course, the best way to eat a leaf mustard is to add it fresh in the salad. It can also be accompanied by the flow of meat or another hot dish. It is not forbidden to use the plant as a spice, but in this case it is better to add it a couple of minutes before making a dish, so more beneficial substances will remain.

As for the harvesting sheet mustard - this is a very controversial moment. Salad cultures are rarely trying to preserve for a long time, they are mainly used in fresh form, and after freezing and drying the product can be used purely as a spice.
And, nevertheless, if such an option suits you, you, of course, can make the reserves of sheet mustard for the winter. It can be frozen or sued as any other greens.

The drying is better to perform in the outdoors (pre-leaves need to rinse and cut), but you can use the oven, try not to increase the temperature of more than 40 degrees. The freezing is performed and even easier, the greens only need to rinse, dry, cut, fold into plastic containers, close the tight lid and remove into the freezing chamber.

And also a leaf-lubric mustache can be chopped or salted, for example, for such a recipe:

  • Rinse the leaves (1 kg), dry and cut into pieces of desired size.
  • Cut on the onions (1 piece) by half rings.
  • Prepare marinade: Mix the water (3 liters), salt (4 tablespoons), sugar (8 tablespoons), vinegar (2 tablespoons), bring it to a boil.
  • Fold the mustard and onions in the banks, pour a slightly cooled marinade and roll the banks or close them with a dense lid.
It is allowed to store such a workpiece at room temperature, and you can already try it through a day.

Recipes dishes with sheet mustard

So, as we have spoken above, the use of the product in cooking is not limited to the strict framework. It sounds equally well in the cold, and in hot dishes, except that in desserts, perhaps, is unlikely to be appropriate. But the rest of the recipes sheet mustard will add piquancy and unusual original notes, so if you want to make changes to the already stuffy dish, try using an acute-spicy culture for this purpose from China.

And if you do not want to experiment, use ready-made recipes:

  1. Useful Sandwich. Fry toast bread (4 slice) in a frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil or dried in toaster. Boil chicken breasts (1 piece). Prepare a paste sauce: Mix shredded mustard leaves (50 grams), olive oil (1 tablespoon) and folded cheese (100 grams). Cut with thin circles tomato (1 piece), lards breast. At every slice of bread, lay out a bit of pasta, then a couple of tomato circles and several breast plates.
  2. Fried mustard with garlic. Heat vegetable oil in a deep pan (1 tablespoon), fry thin onion mugs (120 grams) to golden color, then add chopped garlic (2 teeth) and cook until its smell is spread across the kitchen. Add sliced \u200b\u200bmustard leaves (500 grams) and pour broth - meat or vegetable (3 tablespoons). Touch until the leaves become soft. Add sesame oil (1/4 teaspoon) to the finished dish, spray and pepper. You can apply such an interesting ranger to any meat as adding to the main handbarma, such as rice or potatoes.
  3. Fresh leaf mustard salad. Green onions (20 grams) Cut with circles, tomatoes (150 grams) and Bulgarian peppers (150 grams) - with small cubes. Split kintu (10 grams) and mustard leaves (40 grams). Fold all the vegetables and greens in a bowl. Prepare refueling: Mix vegetable oil (25 ml), lemon juice (1 teaspoon), salt and pepper to taste. Pour the refueling into a salad, let's breed five minutes and eat.
  4. Spicy Pork Podle Beans. Heat the vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) in the Wok-frying pan or a scenery, fry the pod bean (200 grams) for 5 minutes and put on the plate. Make a strong fire, lay out pork mince (400 grams) and fry it 5-10 minutes, then return the beans, add the sheet mustard (100 grams), any wine (3 tablespoons) and soy sauce (3 tablespoons). Cushion dish for another 3-5 minutes. Speake the finished dish and stick to taste, sprinkle with sesame.
Sheet mustard is a great way to make not even completely healthy dishes useful, but if you like the taste of this product, try to use it in the kitchen as often as possible, not forgetting, of course, about reasonable limits.

Mustard leaves have an interesting feature: when repeated heating, nitrates can transform into harmful components - nitrites and nitrosamines. This transformation occurs due to the activity of a group of bacteria that breed in rich food nitrates. That is why hot dishes with a sheet mustard are better to cook for one reception to avoid secondary heating. By the way, the spinach possesses the same curious feature.

Culture requires minimal care, it only has two main "requirements" - loosening and watering. If you forget about the last, the leaves become tasteless and rude. Mustard grows very quickly, four weeks after landing, you can get good salad beams.

Despite the fact that the sheet mustard according to the degree of usefulness is often compared with the spinach, the closest "green" relative is arugula.

Some of the best varieties of plants are "Salad 54" and "Waves".

It is noteworthy that the sheet mustard can occur in our climate in a wild form, on abandoned gardens, wastehouses, near the roads.

Culture is used to produce oil, which can be used to refuel salads.

Watch video about Sheet mustard:

Sheet mustard is a real storehouse of nutrients, but also this is also a delicious product that adds piquancy and originality to any dish. In our stores find it not so easy, but if you manage, be sure to buy and try. And in the event that you enjoy this culture, you can grow it yourself in the country or houses in pots. However, before entering the product into the diet, read it from the contraindications.

In fact, many people have never heard about the leaf mustard (Brássica Júncea) from the cabbage family.

These large leaves with gear or corrugated edges, warm aroma and sharp taste have a beautiful shade (from emerald to dark red and purple). They are unlikely in a fresh form in the composition of various salads.

Proteins, iron, calcium and potassium, phosphorus, copper and manganese, vitamins A, C, E, B6 and K - this is not a complete list of nutrients as part of the sheet mustard.

The absence of cholesterol and saturated fats, low calorie (26 calories in 100 g) with good fiber content - turn this greens into an attractive dietary product.

Benefit for health

  1. Effective cancer protection. Green mustard can play an important role in preventing the most dangerous disease in the world. Many fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants with antitumor activity, but it is the leaf mustard that distinguishes a whole range of similar substances operating in the complex. In addition to vitamins, these are the following phytonutrients: hydroxicaric acids, quercetin, iszernetin and kampferol.
  2. Anti-inflammatory properties. Fresh leaves have anti-inflammatory properties of amazing force due to the presence of vitamin K, omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid) and glucosinolates (synigrine and gluconasturtin).
  3. For heart and vessels. If you are in the risk group on cardiovascular diseases, be sure to turn on in your diet. Her greenery creates real wonders!

Progressive studies arrange that mustard glucosinolates and folic acid are effectively protecting against heart disease and vessels, reduce cholesterol levels.

By the way, according to the content of folic acid, the sheet mustard (500 μg for every 100 calorie) is inferior only to the repex.

Possible harm and contraindications

In the mustard there are oxalates - an unwanted component for people with kidney and gallbladder problems. They also prevent calcium suction.

In healthy people, the product does not cause side effects.

Culinary certificate

Pretty sharp and fragrant mustard leaves perfectly feel in vegetable salads at the neighborhood of corn, beans and other leaf greenery.

Americans love to eat them with steaks, and the Italians prepare stunning salads with pasta.

For example: chopped greens of mustard, cedar nuts, goat cheese and olive oil droplets.

Mustard leaves benefits and harm to the body

Plant Mustard: benefits and harm to the human body

The plant's plant contains a large amount of nutrients and is counted for medicinal. It is used to treat and prevent various diseases. Such seasoning is actively used in cooking. It is indispensable in Asia, Europe, America.

Mustard is a nutritious product. 100 g contains more than 500 kcal. There are substances such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber. The composition found folic and pantothenic acids, niacin, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine, and vitamins C, A, E, K. From micro- and macroelements there are sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc and selenium .

Mustard refers to the cabbage family. Outwardly, it looks like a weed grass forces. It is an annual herb plant. The root has a rod look. It can delve into the soil for 2-3 m. Stem is a reprehensive and branchy. The leaves below have a peristo-closed shape. They are quite large, completely green. Upper greens is shortcut. The shape of the plates is the same as the bottom. They have a naiza tide.

Inflorescences are collected together and are located on the top of the barrel and branches. The fruit is a thin cylindrical pod. It has a shape in the form of sewing. Length grows from 0.7 to 1.2 cm. The veins are intertwined on the sash. Seeds are presented with small balls with a diameter of up to 1 mm. They have a brownish red, black and gray and sometimes yellow shade. Flowers culture in May. Seeds ripen in June. Mustard is an excellent honey.

Highlight 3 main types of such culture:

  1. 1. Black. She is also called French. Growing such a variety is carried out in France and Italy. Seeds have a lack of fragrance. Of them are preparing a famous table mustard. An example is Ravigot sauce and Dijon mustard.
  2. 2. SISAY. She is also known as Sareptaya. It is grown in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia. To taste it looks like black. Sold in the form of flour. What she is lighter, the better. Popular varieties of such a variety of mustard are Mustang, Zelenoliste, Zarya, Charming, Easy, Sadko, Freckles, Donskaya 5, Slavyanka, Aregoto, Jubilee.
  3. 3. White. Also called English. In such a variety, the fragrance is completely absent, so when preparing various dishes it is complemented by other seasonings. It is usually not eaten into food, but used for the manufacture of mustard oil. Popular varieties of the plant is Carolina, the standard, Talisman, Ziland.

Separately breeders have created a salad variety of mustard. Their foliage is more tender to taste and texture. Greens develops rapidly. It is used for the preparation of salads and garnings. Use only young leaves. Some varieties have a fat root, which can also be eaten. The plant in height reaches 30-60 cm. The most popular mustard salad varieties are a virtual, mushushka and a wave.

The beneficial properties of the mustard are that it is:

  1. 1. Helps with malignant tumors. In particular, it applies to cervical cancer, dairy glands, a large intestine and bladder. Anticancer properties are associated with the presence of phytonutrites, which inhibit the development of malignant cellular structures.
  2. 2. Treats psoriasis. Scientists have proven the ability of seeds to influence the synthesis of catalase enzymes, glutathioneer peroxidase and superoxiddismutase, which affect the development of autoimmune disorders in chronic form. When using mustard at psoriasis confirmed therapeutic effect.
  3. 3. Used to treat contact type dermatitis. Seed extract accelerates the regeneration process and eliminates the swelling, which is associated with irritation of the skin as a result of the effects of chemical and toxic substances.
  4. 4. It is used for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In the mustard oil there are fatty acids, including Omega-3. It prevents myocardial infarction. If you use such a product, then the likelihood of the rhythm of the heart muscle is reduced. Also, the means based on mustard can eliminate pain in this area.
  5. 5. Suitable for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Seeds have a warming effect, which is very useful for human health. That is why the plant is used for baths and mustard pieces in the treatment of bronchitis, cough and other things. You can make compresses from mustard oil and camphor. They improve the bloodstream, suppress asthma attacks, purify breathing channels from mucus. Mustard extract can be used to rinse the throat to remove the swelling during the sore.
  6. 6. Eliminates pain and spasms. It is recommended to make appliques with mustard oil, as they have an analgesic effect. They can be used with muscle pathologies like paralysis of limbs and rheumatism.
  7. 7. Helps with poisoning. If the body suffers from intoxication, which is caused by the use of alcoholic beverages or other narcotic substances, it is recommended to drink a decoction of mustard. This tool displays fast toxins and eliminates the symptoms of poisoning.
  8. 8. Promotes hair growth. Mustard oil is a strong stimulant for these processes. In addition, the product contains a large amount of vitamin, which will feed the hair, so that the strands will look much better.
  9. 9. Improves the condition of the skin. Seeds are used to prepare a paste, which is used in cosmetology for the treatment of acute rash. Such a composition eliminates a ringless deprived. To clean the skin of the face, you can use a scrub of mustard seeds.
  10. 10. Helps with diabetes mellitus. It has antioxidant properties, reduces the level of glucose concentration in the blood, due to which the oxidation of lipids is prevented. Also contributes to the stimulation of metabolic processes in the human body.
  11. 11. Positive affects the health of the genital system of men and women, as it improves the condition of the hormonal background.
  12. 12. Preserves the health of bone tissue, as it contains a large amount of calcium and magnesium. Reduces the likelihood of osteoporosis.
  13. 13. Reduces cholesterol in blood. Substances from plant extract are binding bile acids, which consist of cholesterol, and contribute to their elimination. Due to this, the product purifies blood vessels from plaques, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
  14. 14. Slows the process of aging. This is due to the antioxidant properties of the plant, which are due to the presence of folic acid, vitamin A, flavonoids, carotene, lutein.

Despite the great benefit to the body from such a plant, like mustard, it is necessary to remember contraindications. These include pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, renal pathologies. It is necessary to be cautious people who have problems with the heart, a stomach ulcer, entericolite in chronic form. The plant can harm people who have individual bad tolerability of such a product. In this case, an allergic reaction is developing. In addition, it is necessary to remember that with prolonged contact with mustard pieces, irritation appears on the skin, so it is always worth watching the time of the procedure.

In folk medicine, there are many recipes with mustard. They help in the treatment of various pathologies:

  1. 1. With a cold. It is recommended to pour mustard powder into woolen socks and put them on your feet. At the same time, it is necessary to drink a lot of water or other warm drinks (a decoction is suitable with raspberries, lime inflorescences, black currant leaves).
  2. 2. With pain in the feet and knees. It is necessary to make a compress. It will take 1 tbsp. l. Salt salt, soda, vinegar and mustard powder. All components mix thoroughly and applied to the patient to the patient. After 2-3 days, the problem will disappear.
  3. 3. When Iikote. It is necessary to prepare a cashem, mixing a small amount of vinegar and mustard powder. The resulting product is on a third of the language. Feelings will be unpleasant, but after a few minutes Ikot will disappear. Cashitz will need to wash off and cast the mouth.
  4. 4. With pneumonia and bronchitis in chronic form. It is required to prepare therapeutic compress. It will take to take 1 tsp. mustard powder, medium-sized bulb (chop it on a grater), 1 tbsp. l. Honey, sunflower oil, goat fat and alcohol. All ingredients mix thoroughly to get homogeneous thick mass. It needs to smear the wax paper, and then attach everything to the place on the body in the lung area. This warming compress is recommended for all night. Unlike mustard pieces, he has a more gentle action, so that strong burning will not appear.
  5. 5. When coughing. It is recommended to prepare a compress pellet from 3 tbsp. l. Wheat bran. Add to them 1 tsp. Sunflower oil, vodka, honey and mustard powder. Easy to knead, pouring a small amount of warm water. The skin first needs to be covered with cloth, and then upload the resulting cake. For children, you can make another compress. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Honey and mustard powder, and then add 2 tbsp. l. Boiled grinding potatoes.
  6. 6. With hemorrhoids. It is recommended to make steam baths. It is necessary to take 4 tbsp. l. Mustard powder for 3 liters of boiling water. Liquid to pour into a bucket and sit on it, shutting down the lower part of the body with a blanket. The procedure should last no more than 5-10 minutes.

The mustard is actively used in cosmetology. You can mix 3 tbsp. l. Powder with 1 t. L. ASUSUS and a small amount of water. Such crawl helps with hair fatty. You can make masks and face. But before applying it is necessary to lubricate the skin with olive oil.

The use of mustard grains in cooking is very extensive:

  1. 1. Used as a conventional spice, and both sauce, and in grainy form (French). She emphasizes the taste of any kind of meat: pork gives sharpness, beef - noble, and lamb is softer.
  2. 2. Used to prepare mayonnaise.
  3. 3. It is used in creating various sauces, and this also applies to sweets that are very popular in Italy.
  4. 4. It is one of the main components in the Carry Spice Mix.

Grains give salads from vegetables spicy notes. The grain mustard is added to soups, but only in small quantities. Such mustard can be deceived by meat before placing it in the oven. This product is used on a par with mayonnaise, honey. Even the harsh cutting will become much softer.

Many are interested, whether the use of mustard leaves is permissible. You can eat these parts of the plant, but only in special salad varieties of culture. Usually, the sheet mustard is used to prepare meat dishes, snacks, salads. It is often used to decorate meals when serving on the table. In America, it is preferred to add to steaks, and in Italy it is used to prepare paste.

The taste of a salad mustard looks like a green salad, horseradish and acute mustard. This greenery adds piquancy dishes. In some recipes, it can be replaced by an acute mustard. Leaves to use fresh. They can be heat treatment before adding meat or fish to dishes. Mustard leaf can be harvested for the winter: it can be preserved or marinated.

The leaves of the mustard of salad varieties are used in the food industry. Of them make emulsifiers for mayonnaise, sauces. At home, from this greed can be prepared a delicious salad. It is necessary to scream it with boiling water, cut and fix with mayonnaise.

Mustard Sheet

Sheet mustard belongs to the family of cruciferous. Her homeland is India and China. A leaf mustard in China, in Japan, in Indonesia, in Southeast Asia, is very widely used.

This plant is an annual, swelling and cold-resistant. For the month of mustard sheets develop large leaves with original colors. Flowers of yellow color, small, form a co-shaped inflorescence, and the fruit in the form of a pod.

It is very rare to meet the leaf mustard, grown in room conditions. But it has a very beautiful view, so it will be very attractive to look at the house, in addition to this mustard is a good source of vitamins.

In this beautiful and healthy plant, a very large amount of vitamins and nutrients are concentrated. Among them are copper, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, potassium, proteins, iron, calcium, vitamins B6, and, C, E, K. The plant does not present cholesterol, there is also no saturated fats.

The product is non-caloric, 100 grams of about 25-30 calories. With all this, the mustard sheet has a lot of fiber, so it is a very useful dietary product.

  • Anti-inflammatory action. Thanks to the vitamin K, which is in large quantities in the fresh leaves of mustard, mustard has anti-inflammatory properties. Also, the anti-inflammatory effect of mustard has been due to the content of glucosinolates in it - gluconasturtin and synigrine, omega3 fatty acids of alpha-linolenic acid.
  • To improve the work of the cardiovascular system. If a person has some problems with the work of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to include mustard in his daily diet. The greens of mustard can provide a very amazing and positive effect. In the mustard is folic acid and glucosinolates. And if you use regular mustard, then the condition of the heart and blood vessels is improved, cholesterol levels decrease. In the mustard there is a very large amount of folic acid, the caustician is losing only in the rill. In the sheet mustard there are 500 μg of folic acid (with a calculation of 100 calories).
  • Protection against cancer. Such a dangerous disease, like cancer, can be prevented thanks to the regular use of mustard sheets. In many vegetables and fruits, antioxidants are contained in large quantities, which have antitumor activity, but only a mustard sheet is characterized in that when it is used, all these substances act comprehensively. It has different vitamins, but besides them there are also such important phytonutrients - a campferol, quercetin, isoraline, hydroxicaric acids.
The leaves of this plant are very fragrant and sharp, they are very well complemented by vegetable salads with beans, corn and another greens. In America, it is preferred to use a sheet mustard together with steaks. In Italy prepare a paste with very tasty salads.

Hurtness from the use of mustard sheet

In the mustard there are substances such as oxalates. This substance greatly harms people who have problems with the work of the kidneys and with the work of the gallbladder. In addition to this oxalate, the calcium is completely absorbed.

If a person is healthy, then the use of mustard sheet does not cause any side effects.

Mustard and its properties used in cooking and cosmetology. The benefits of mustard and harm to the body. »Sousseki

Mustard has long been deserving respectfulness from humanity. She became one of the most worthwhile seasonings in a huge sea of \u200b\u200bspices. The long series of vitamins and useful components contained in it increases appetite and actively helps the digestive system to absorb oily food.

In history, the mention of the mustard is dated 3000 months before our era and it happened in India, whose kitchen was then used mustard seeds. But one of the first popular and today recipes refer to the 40s of our era. In the 9th century, the production of mustard in France was very popular. If we put it in modern, it was one of the main "businesses", bringing good income. In those days, the mustard was sold to the milk and became more and more popular in the kitchen.

Mustard includes some types of annual herbaceous plants of the family of cruciferous. Most often only seeds are used, which, abrade in powder and mix with water and other spices.

As mentioned above, the mustard contains a number of vitamin A (prevents impairment of vision, fights dermatological problems), in (positively reflects on the work of the nervous system, soothes, improves the mood), D (strengthens the bone tissue) and e (retains youth, It helps in smoothing wrinkles, struggling with ailment in the cardiovascular system), contains such components as Fe (iron), K (potassium) and p (phosphorus).

Upon contact with the mustard powder with water, a light yellow cashem with spicy taste and sharp smell is formed. A mustard essential oil, which is contained in seeds up to 47%, is widely used in the cooking during conservation.

Thanks to its composition, the mustard has been widely used in cooking. It is used as seasoning and flavoring to hot and cold dishes, especially to sausage and fatty meat. It successfully prolongs the storage time products. It is used as one of the important ingredients of spicy sauces, refueling. The mustard is perfectly combined with honey and acts as an excellent emulsifier, it prevents the release of juice and gives a deep fragrance. Therefore, before baking it covers both meat dishes and fish. Want to get juicy meat - add mustard, even a minor amount will have a positive effect on the frying process, you want to make a salad more vitamin - add young mustard leaves.

  • 1 benefit and harm mustard
  • 2 mustard in cosmetology

The benefits and harm mustard

Consider what the benefits and harm of the mustard for the human body and its use in folk medicine.

The action of the mustard on the body is such that the protective properties of the body awaken. With a cold, this is a number one help, it is used internally and externally. In the absence of high temperatures, feet in the mustard powder or applied to the chest mustard chips. Thus, the condition is facilitated with a strong cough and other unpleasant cold symptoms. Making such procedures is important to be neat - the excessive use of mustard missions can lead to burns. In addition, the mustard oil reduces the risk of oncology and cardiovascular diseases.

Perhaps one of the most important advantages of the mustard is its help stomach. Each fat meat dish, especially fried, should be taken with mustard. She wonderful "settles" problems with any meat. With her, the most raw dinner will never be a "night" problem.

But, like other useful plants, the mustard have contraindications. It is categorically contraindicated with ulcers and gastritis. Do not worsen the problems with the stomach, you just need to abandon its internal use. Also, the use of mustard is not desirable before bedtime (internal use), because It acts exciting and may contribute to the appearance of insomnia.

In short, the main thing is to remember that in everything you need a measure. If you follow this rule, then benefits will never be wrapped in harm.

Mustard in cosmetology

The composition of the mustard gives her the opportunity to occupy a decent place among the so-called, "home cosmetics". Today, the most diverse shops of expensive cream filled our home and cosmetics, and the properties of mustard, suitable for use in cosmetology, are undeservedly moved to the background. And in vain, because the mustard is available at a price and easily will help achieve great results in the struggle for the perfect skin and a slim figure. The fatty acids contained in the mustard, favorably affect the metabolism, which helps with loss of extra kilograms. It has rejuvenating properties. Her fans have long been convinced that the mustard improves the skin color, eliminates the fat brilliance, helps in the fight against the manifestation of cellulite.

With mustard, as with each drug, before use, a sample should be made to identify allergic reactions. Shears the mustard mask, on the inner (gentle part) the side of the hand must be applied a small amount of its number and wait a couple of minutes. Allergies were not identified - boldly proceed to the procedures. Consider some of them.

1. The most common way to put your face is in order.

For mask from mustard will need:

1 teaspoon of mustard powder;

1 tablespoon of water;

2 tablespoons of olive oil (cutting slightly).

Divide all components. Apply on the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. To withstand 5 minutes and wash off warm water. The procedure is repeated weekly: 1 mask per week, but no more than 10 masks in a row.

2. Purified face skin slightly lubricate with olive oil. A tablespoon of powder breed in a glass of water, apply on a cotton towel and place on the face. Over additionally place a terry towel to create a "bath" effect. Suppose 5 minutes. Wash warm water.

3. When combating cellulite, you should also seek help to mustard. Wraps with its use have tremendous success.

Mustard powder connect with honey observing the proportion of 2: 3. We apply on problem areas and carefully massage the massager. If there is no such, then just with your hands. We apply a food film or cellophane and wrapped in a warm blanket. After half an hour, we take a warm shower. Wraps produce no more than 1-3 days for a month.

ATTENTION: Such wrapping is contraindicated to people suffering from varicose veins!

Complete the post video from which you know why the mustard is called a flower of happiness and health.

And in this video information about the beneficial properties of the sheet mustard, which we did not write in the article.

Mustard: benefits and harm to the body. Mustard Seed: Benefits and Harm ::

Throughout the northern hemisphere of the Earth - in India, Japan, America, Europe - a graceful fragrant plant is grown to half the meter with bright yellow brushes of colors. This is mustard.

The benefits and harm of the plant are studied from ancient times to today. In addition to acute spiced seasonings, people found many areas of its use: in cosmetology and medicine, in animal husbandry, like a green fertilizer or valuable honey.

A bit of history

There are a lot of different stories and legends about how the mustard entered our life as seasonings and medicinal plants. The first mentions of the mustard seeds were found in ancient manuscripts dated 3 V. BC e. She is mentioned in the Bible, where the seed of mustard personifies the prototype of faith and hope.

Mustard seeds were first brought to the territory of Russia in the 18th century along with some grain crops from India. Then she was still considered a weed, but later he was spreading already as a culture having a large medical, gastronomic and cosmetology value.

Little biology

Mustard is an annual relationship with the family of cruciferous. This is a half-meter plant with a straight thin stem, simple rarely located leaves and yellow flowers collected in a thick brush. The fruit is a thin pod with small round seeds.

Mustard, benefits and harm for the body of which are the subject of the dispute of physicians, undoubtedly very valuable culture for agriculture. She is a siderate, and green food, and valuable oilseed and honey culture. Mustard honey is considered one of the most delicious and useful.

Attitude to the plant in antiquity

One of the most important qualities of the mustard is that in the process of its growth, it absorbs many minerals and microelements from the soil, which is simply necessary for a person for a full and healthy life. Thanks to this quality, she acquired its exceptional healing properties. Even in one small mustard seed, there is a huge natural potential and power. The seed of mustard can a proportion and in a heat, and in drought, and in a strong frost, therefore, some of the eastern peoples mustard have been a prototype of a female, maternal beginning.

Mustard, the benefits and harm of which were known in China and India more than three thousand years ago, was actively used to treat many diseases, making ointments and balms, they were eaten as a burning seasoning, used as a sentence of gods. Hindus considered it a plant capable of renewing life, and there is some truth in it.

Place in cosmetology

Powder of mustard seeds both in antiquity, and in our days are often used in baldness. It is mixed with a small amount of water to obtain a homogeneous cleaner, which is rubbed into the scalp to the appearance of a characteristic burning path, is kept for a few minutes and wash away. Mustache stimulates blood circulation, thereby improves the metabolism in the skin, which contributes to the active growth of hair, strengthening hair bulbs. This property is also used in the manufacture of all kinds of rejuvenating masks, shampoos, with wraps for weight loss and giving the skin of elasticity.

An interesting plant is mustard. The benefits and harm when it is used in cosmetology can be equivalent. When using cosmetic masks with the addition of mustard, you can get a strong burn. And when wraps, which are so often done in order to lose weight, it is necessary to take into account that the mustard contains active irritating skin and capillaries elements. Therefore, everything is good in moderation. For a positive result, the mustard should be used moderately, it is desirable to pre-try its impact on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin to avoid allergies.

Gastronomic value

In cooking, use the mustard seed. The benefits and harm it also depends on the correctness of the use. Seeds season some dishes, which allows them a pleasant fragrance. It is thanks to various ways to process seeds that we enjoy the spicy and sharp taste of mustard as a sauce.

It is known that this plant belongs to the family of cabbage. In this regard, the eating mustard leaves often use. The benefits and harm of the plant part also cause debate. Lovers of gastronomic delights add greens in salads and other dishes, make sauces, marinades, podlivals from them. Supporters of dietary nutrition argue that such food is very annoying the stomach and intestines.

The greens of mustard, the benefits and the harm of which are due to the presence in the composition of active substances, is not as biologically active as seeds. If the leaves of the mustard are pre-boiled, they lose the characteristic mustard fragrance and burning and become similar to taste on ordinary cabbage.

Therapeutic potential

The composition of the mustard seeds includes essential oils, fatty rich acids, vitamin E, as well as glycoside Sinirigin and the Mirozin enzyme. All this variety of beneficial substances provides a mustard reputation in a very valuable plant in the medical sense of the plant.

For therapeutic purposes, the custodian seed powder is used. The dough from these seeds, applied to the skin, causes irritation of sensitive nerve endings. The consequence of this is a strong blood flow to the surface of the skin, its redness and strengthening of the body's protective reactions. It is this principle that underlies all famous mustard pieces. Mustard powder, irritating, helps in resorption of various tumors and with inflammatory processes and pains of different character, cleans the skin. Powder is diluted in water and take a bath in such a solution in case of lung diseases, to separate the sputum and relief of breathing.

From mustard seeds produce oil, everywhere used for medical purposes as an effective warming agent. Accepted inside in small doses, it enhances the branch of the gastric juice, stimulates mental activity, reduces blood sugar levels, helps with constipation and pains of antispasmodic nature. It should be remembered that with prolonged exposure, mustard oil causes strong irritation and inflammation of not only skin, but also deep subcutaneous layers, which can lead to burns. In large doses, it can bring serious harm to the gastrointestinal tract.

A valuable plant is mustard. The benefits and harm for it for the body are incomparable. With the right and dosage application, the plant can give health and second youth.

Caution - mustard! Benefit and harm

This plant has both healing and destructive and even poisoning, toxic properties. Therefore, it is always necessary to remember that mustard must be used in healing and other purposes very carefully.

If you eat leaves in small quantities, it will only benefit: fill with the body with vitamins, will strengthen the immunity. But if you abuse them, it can lead to the formation of stones in the kidneys and a gallbladder. This is due to the presence of a high concentration of oxalate, which bind in the salt body and contribute to the formation of dense crystals.

The mustard can cause various allergic reactions due to the content of concentrated essential oils.

Before use of the plant, it is necessary to consult with your attending physician. If there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, ulcerative disease, inflammation of the duodenal intestine, it is better to completely abandon it.

It is completely contraindicated by the use of mustard in food to people suffering from tuberculosis of lungs.

Instead of imprisonment

People since ancient times have known for the benefits of mustard and in different situations skillfully used it in cosmetology, medicine and cooking. However, it is always worth remembering that the medal has 2 sides. This means that in whatever quality we used mustard, it is always necessary to remember not only about its benefits, but also about the potential danger that it is in itself, about the dangers that can be in negligence or ignorance to hurt yourself and others.

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences I. Sokolsky.

Aruguul, leaves
similar to oak
Generously fields olive
butter green
Cheese sprinkle, only
To parmesan.
Caesary will not be ashamed
Enjoy salad ...

Mark Gaviy Apicius "De Arte Coguinaria" ("On Culinary Art")

Science and life // illustration

Rukola, or Eruk sowing, is an annual green plant from the family of cruciferous.

Tastier fresh fresh blood leaves. Edible and creamy flowers with islant, spicy taste.

Rugs - unpretentious, shadowless, moisture-loving, cold-resistant plant.

Sheet mustard - early, cold-resistant, wicked plant.

Grandfather is a variety of variety. Green with a purple-red tint of leaves combine the taste of mustard, horseradish and salad, which gives them a spicy sophisticated taste.

Grand Mustard Waves.

Science and life // illustration

Aruguul, Rocket, Root

On the shelves of stores and in the literature, this plant can be found under different names: the most frequently used Russian trade names "Rukola" and "arugula" originate from French roquette Or Italian ruccetta.. The name "Eruk" is a direct translation from the Latin language. Less often mentioned "Rocket" and "Aruguly", respectively, English and American origin. It is not entirely clear where another name of this plant appeared in Russian - "Indau".

For Russia, the rollets is a relatively new plant, but recently the demand for it is constantly growing, partly due to the popular Italian cuisine. Ruhaw is added to the paste, pizza, risotto, no cook does not do without it, prepare cream sauce for spaghetti. Roda Ruhal, or Eruki Sowing ( Eruca Sativa.) - Southern Europe and Western Asia.

Once, during the times of ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, Ruhaluk was grown as a spicy plant, the leaves and seeds of which diversified the taste of rather monotonous dishes. In the Middle Ages, this plant as spicy vegetable culture was grown in all countries of the Mediterranean. The Rukola was and fashionable passion for English cuisine during the reign of Elizabeth I. However, under the onslaught of spices, brought from the long-range countries, a modest, but the useful plant forgot, and it continued almost until the middle of the twentieth century, when spicy greens of the RuCold got wide recognition in the European market again . Currently, there are many cultural forms of this plant, they grow almost in all European and Asian countries.

In the leaves, the tree contains biologically active substances related to flavonoids, as well as carotenoids (provitamin A), vitamins C, R, K, groups B, macro- and microelements. The smell and partly the taste is formed by essential oil of complex composition.

In the seeds, the RuCold in the same way as in the seeds of mustard, contains oils - fatty (20-35%) and essential with a specific "mustard" smell, so made of seeds after pressing the oil make a powder suitable for receiving caustic mustard and mustard pieces.

According to the ancient sources, the use of grass, the RuCold in food leads to an improvement in digestion, contributes to the strengthening of the urination, has anti-cutting and antitussive effect, eliminates Malokroviya. In antiquity about the tree they said that this is a good salad greens, which is not necessary to eat one, because she is "an unlimited passion initiates, according to doctors and in harmony with them."

In full compliance with the ancient, modern medical studies of therapeutic and simply useful properties of the RuCold suggest that biologically active substances contained in it have a positive effect on digestion, as well as diuretic, lactoral and expectorant effect.

The grass is arugula containing a fairly high, balanced amount of vitamins, macro- and microelements, consider one of the means that increase the body's ability to self-immoved and improving well-being. With a more or less regular addition of the RuCold to food, the metabolism is normalized, the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases, the water-salt exchange is improved, the risk of salt deposits and the appearance of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels is reduced. In exhaust weight with excess weight, a small-calorie rollet provides the body with biologically active substances that allow preserving the vigor of the spirit and performance. As for the aphrodiazitic properties, it is unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that a healthy and perfectly feeling person is always able to show interest in the opposite sex.

Rukel should not only have people who, for one reason or another, is not recommended to use acute food and spices.

The leaves of this plant have a bitter nut-making taste, most often used to prepare salads. As for the smell, everyone estimates it in different ways: the fans of healthy nutrition consider it a pleasant, spicy and spicy, the skeptics, he resembles the smell of oil. It is possible that those and others dealt with the leaves of different ages - the young leaves are less strong, and therefore a more pleasant smell than the old one.

The hand is combined well with a leaf or knocked salad, spinach, cabbage. In European and Mediterranean countries, a very popular combination of acute swarm with a sweet-nursing salad latoman. If the salad is prepared only from the leaves of the RuCold, its sharp taste can be softened by adding a few drops of lemon juice.

The finely chopped tart leaves of the tree is good sprinkled with hot meat and fish dishes, assorted with cold snacks, boiled potatoes, bean dishes or just bread with butter. In Italy, the chef is frying the Ruhaw on olive oil and add to dishes from pasta and rice.

The seeds of the tree starting with ancient times and still, as well as the seeds of mustard, add to the pickles to give them a pleasant peculiar smell, that is, as a spice.

Golden yellow oil, obtained from seeds by cold spin, after a few months of storage loses its sharp taste, and it is recommended to add to salads and canned vegetables.

Ruhaw can be dried and as needed to use as a homemade drug during dry cough, poor digestion and as light diuretic. To do this, the dessert spoonful of dry crushed grass (10 g) is placed in a porcelain or faience vessel with a lid, poured with a glass of boiling water (200 ml), closed tightly, withstand 15 minutes, flicker and drink. Repeat the procedure three times a day, better before meals.

Sheet mustard

Mustard is usually called three different types of plants: Beginner White, Black and Sarept. Seeds of all kinds of mustard are used to prepare more or less eating seasonings - mustard (see "Science and Life" No.). The Srepts mustard in addition to seeds go to food and leaves. Varieties and varieties of leaf custodial mustard ( Brassica Juncea.) They differ from each other in the appearance of the leaves. In addition to sheet species, there are forms of this plant forming a round edible root roof with a diameter of 15-20 cm (it is used as a turnip).

It is assumed that the homeland of the Sheet mustard is somewhere between Central Asia and North-West India, from which it has spread to Central and Western China, East India, Burma, Japan and through Iran to the entire Middle East and the South of Russia. For many centuries in Eurasia, this plant is specifically growing as medicinal and edible. Unlike the ancestors, the modern grade of sheet mustard is obtained with some shading, because at the sun at high temperatures and dry air its leaves are stuck and acquired an unpleasant taste.

Sheet mustard - a relative of the RuCold, but at least more like another relative - a cress and a salad. For sandwicher or salad, gentle leaves of this plant are cut off with scissors after 12-15 days after the appearance of germs. The asteriority of the sheet mustard became one of the reasons for choosing it as an object of the Orange-6 experiment, conducted on board the Mir station in May-June 2000. On May 21, the commander of the ship Sergey Zaletin and the flight engineer Alexander Kalery sowed seeds of vegetable leafy crops of the genus Brassica., among which were the seeds of sheet mustard. After a week, on May 28, all plants rose, and after a few days, astronauts were able to appreciate the taste of gentle and juicy leaves.

In the leaves of the sheet mustard, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, essential oil, flavonoids, phytosterols, cyanogenic glycosides, organic acids, balanced natural complex of vitamins, macro and trace elements. In 100 g of her leaves, there is a sufficiently large number of biologically active substances, which makes this plant useful for human health and summer and winter.

Sheet mustard excites appetite, enhances the release of gastric juice and bile, has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The greenery of the sheet mustard, which in the natural complex of vitamins is dominated by ascorbic acid and routine (vitamins C and P), is an excellent anti-cutting agent, preventing late aging of the walls of blood vessels, loss of elasticity and deposition on the inner wall of cholesterol plaques vessels. Since the sheet mustard stimulates appetite, it should not be included in the diet for women dreaming to turn themselves into a cane, but it must be included in the diet of those who want to have a flowering, healthy and attractive look.

It is also argued that the essential oil contained in the leaves is highlighted through the pores of the skin and therefore a person who has had a leaf mustard is not terrible mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

Young gentle leaf mustard leaves have a thin, gentle and at the same time slightly sharp refined taste resembling mustard. Delicious, juicy, with light mustard and at the same time decorative, they make a piquant note and decorate dishes cooked with their use. In the fresh form, the leaves are well the taste of pork and beef - usually they are served to ham, buckhenine, roast bending. From fresh-insulated leaves, you can make a salad with vegetable oil or cream oil sandwiches. More mature leaves together with stems can be extinguished and serve as a side dish to meat and fish dishes or saline and marinate the future.

Hostess - note

Dishes with a trap and mustard

When preparing salads, the leaves of the tree should be no more than 1/4 of the other ingredients.

Vegetable Salad with Ross

100 g of the RuCold, 200 g of Bulgarian pepper, 1 large tomato, 100 g of repressed bow, 100 g of leaf salad, 30 g of olive oil, 1 lemon, salt, ground black pepper to taste.

Sheet salad and roluce wash, dry out a paper towel m. The onion cleaned, cut into thin half rings, clean the sweet pepper from seeds, partitions and cut into cubes, cut into the tomato with slices. Put everything into a salad bowl, squeeze lemon juice, salute, add olive oil and mix well.

Salad with ross and potatoes

3-4 leaves of the tree, 2-3 feather green onions, 1 boiled potato, vegetable oil, salt, black pepper.

Cut into cubes potatoes, sprinkle with chopped leaves with a tree and green onions, fill with vegetable oil, salt, black ground pepper to taste.

Omelet with Podkalo Beans and Ruchola

A bundle of the tree, 4 eggs, 400 g of the podoli bean (fresh or frozen), a few peeks of green onions, 1 small bulb, 2 tbsp. l. Olive oil, salt, ground black pepper.

Wash beans, boil in salted water, cut into long pieces. In a frying pan heat olive oil. Onions cut into half rings and fry in oil. Add beans and stew 3-4 minutes.

Eggs beat and add finely chopped roluble, green onions, stewed beans with onions, salt, pepper, mix well. In the Teflon frying pan heat the olive oil. Pour the egg mixture. Fry the omelet before the formation of a crust, then turn over and fry on the other side.

Pizza with Ruhacova

The dough for pizza, 2 tomatoes, 80 g of the RuCold, 100 g of smoked ham, 80 g of smoked spick, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Prepare dough for pizza. Pour tomatoes for one minute with boiling water, clean the skin, cut the cross, take out the seeds. Puffed cut into cubes, spickers - thin long slices.

Heat the oven to 230 o. Take a round form for baking with a diameter of 28 cm, lubricate with olive oil and sprinkle with flour. Even time to knew the dough, thinly roll out and shifting into the shape, making small sides on the sides.

Dough pierce in several places fork. To evenly lay out tomatoes, ham and spiche, pour olive oil and bake for 15-20 minutes. Put the ready pizza to lay out Ruhaw.

Salad of sheet mustard with radishes and cucumber

300 g of sheet mustard, 10-15 radish root plates, 1 cucumber, 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped green onions, 2 tbsp. l. Sour cream, lemon juice, salt, sugar to taste.

Mustard leaves thoroughly wash, lean on a colander and dry. Cut cucumbers and radishes, mix with shredded leaves of mustard, fill with lemon juice, add salt, sugar, sour cream. Before serving on the table, sprinkle with green onions on top.

Mustard Sandwiches

Slices of rye bread to smear with butter, put the ham, sausage or buckhenin, and from above 2 mustard sheets and a thin longitudinal cut of cucumber.