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How many parts of the world and what. How many continents on earth and their names. Northern Arctic Ocean Interesting Facts

The man began to share the land on the regions from time immemorial. With the development of large areas, there was a need to designate them for a better understanding of land affiliation. Parts of light are called large areas of sushi, which include continents or their large parts, including nearby islands. They are associated with the historical development of society, and are not equivalent.

How many and what parts of the world is on earth?

Sharing sushi to various regions began in the era of antiquity. In those days, three parts of the world were known: Europe, Asia and Africa, also referred to as the old light. In the period of great geographical discoveries, three more areas were mastered, including America, Australia and Antarctica, also called new light. Thus, to date, the world is customary to divide for six parts of the world. Some of them geographically coincide with the mainland, and the Eurasian continent is divided into two large parts.

Australia and Oceania

Australia and Oceania on the map

At the same time is the smallest mainland and part of the Earth, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 7.6 million km². The Federal State Australia includes 6 states. More than 24 million people live here, the population density is very low.

They call the region consisting of islands and atolls in the Pacific Ocean. Their total area is 1.24 million km². Oceania includes more than 10 independent countries and about 30 territories dependent on other states. The population exceeds 10 million people.


Asia on the map

It is located in the eastern part of Eurasia and ranks first among all parts of the world both in the area and population. The area of \u200b\u200bterritory is about 44.58 million km². The natural border between Europe and Asia are the Ural Mountains. In Asia is about 50 countries. More than 4 billion people live here, the ethnic composition of which is distinguished by a great variety.


America on the map

America consists of two mainlands located in and hemispheres. The total area is 42.55 million km². In America there are 36 states and 17 independent territories. The population is about 1 billion people, most of which live in Latin America.


Antarctica on the map

It occupies the territory of the same continent. This part of the world was opened in 1820. Antarctica Square is 14.11 million km². There is no permanent population, and temporary is up to 5,000 thousand people. Earth does not belong to any state. According to the 1959 International Treaty, the territory is demilitarized. On the continent there are several polar stations belonging to different countries. They lead exclusively scientific activities.


Africa on the map

Another part of the light, known from the antiquity, is. The ancient Greeks called her Libya. The size of this part of the light is approximately 30.3 million km². It is located in the southern and northern hemispheres of the earth, through the territory of the continent passes. Africa is a cradle of mankind. Today there are 54 states in which 1.1 billion people live.


Europe on the map

Europe lies in the western part of the mainland of Eurasia, its area is 10.18 million km². Numerous large islands and peninsula are adjacent to it. Today, Europe is the largest political and cultural center of the Earth. It contains 43 states on its territory. Part of the light is characterized by a large population density. About 10% of the world's population lives here.

What parts of the world differ from the mainland?

The mainland means a huge part of the sushi, surrounded on all sides and. In different historical times, the number of continents was unequal. Delivery on the mainland is due to geographic and geological characteristics. Parts of light include mainland or part of them. These are also the most closest to the continents of the island. The separation of sushi on the part of the world is associated with historical and cultural events.

Parts of light and oceans

Europe is washed by the 10 seas of the Northern Icetic and Atlantic Oceans. The Asian part of the light is washed by three oceans. In the quiet and Indian Oceans are the main seaside paths. Therefore, the bays and coastal seas of the Asian part of Eurasia are actively used in global shipping.

From the North-West Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean. From the east, the Pacific Ocean is adjacent to it. Oceania islands are located in the quiet and Indian Oceans.

The most southern part of the world, Antarctica is washed by three oceans: Atlantic, Indian and quiet. Some oceanologists combine the water of these oceans into a separate southern ocean.

North America washed three ocean: northern ice, quiet and atlantic. South America, quiet and Atlantic Oceans are adjacent to the shores of South America.

Africa's shores are washed by the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. South of America and Africa are located close enough to Antarctica and washed by the Southern Ocean.

Which countries are located in two parts of the world?

Russia has huge areas. By occupying the impressive part of the continent, it is located simultaneously in the European and Asian parts of the world.

The Scandinavian country of Denmark is located in the north-west of Europe. It also includes Greenland. Geographically, it refers to North America, so it can be argued that Denmark is located in two parts of the world.

In Africa and Asia, Egypt is at the same time. Sinai's small peninsula, belonging to this country, geographically refers to the Middle East. It is in Sinai that deposits of oil and beautiful resorts are located. The larger part of the country is located in the desert African lands.

The Republic of Yemen, located in the south-west of Asia belongs to the Socotra archipelago in the Indian Ocean, which refers to the African part of the world.

Indonesia is the largest archipelago. Its islands are on both sides of the equator. The northern part of the republic is located in Asia, and South - in Oceania.

The bulk of Spain is located in the southwest of Europe. The residue of the once extensive Spanish colonial empire in Africa is an enclave of bustle.

Two thirds of the territories of Kazakhstan are in Asia. A small part of it lies in Europe. On the border between Europe and Asia are Azerbaijan and Turkey.

The United States is located in North America. However, the state belongs to several land plots in the Pacific Ocean, which relates to Oceania.

Consists of water space and sushi. The world ocean accounts for 70.8% of the earth's surface, which is 361.06 million km 2, and the share of sushi is 29.2%, or 149.02 million km 2.

All the land of the earth is considered to be divided into parts of the world and continent.

Continental land

Continents, or continents - These are very large areas of sushi surrounded by water (Table 1). They are on Earth Six: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia. All continents are quite well isolated from each other.

The total area of \u200b\u200ball the mainland is 139 million km 2.

Part of the sushi coming into the ocean or the sea and surrounded by three sides by water is called peninsula. The largest peninsula on Earth is Arabian (its area is 2732 thousand km 2).

Small compared to the continent of the sushi section, surrounded by water from all sides, is island. Distinguished single islands (the largest - Greenland, its area of \u200b\u200b2176 thousand km 2) and the clusters of the islands - archipelagoes (for example, Canadian Arctic Archipelago). By the origin of the island is divided into:

  • the mainland is the major islands that separated from the mainland and are located on the underwater edge of the mainland (for example, about. United Kingdom);
  • oceanic, among which there are volcanic and coral.

Perhaps the greatest number of volcanic islands can be observed in the Pacific. Coral (organogenic) islands are characteristic of a hot belt. Coral structures - atoll They have a rings or horseshoes with a diameter of up to several tens of kilometers. Sometimes the atolls form truly gigantic clusters along the shores - barrier reefs (For example, a large barrier reef along the Eastern Coast of Australia has a length of 2000 km).

Parts of the world

In addition to dividing sushi on the continent, in the course of cultural and historical development there was a allocation parts of light, also six: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Antarctica and Australia. Part of the light includes not only the mainland, but also adjacent to it island. Significantly remote from the mainland of the Pacific Ocean is formed a special group called Oceania. The largest of them is about. New Guinea (Area - 792.5 thousand km 2).

Geography of continents

The location of the mainland, as well as differences in the properties of waters, the flow system and tides makes it possible to divide, called oceans.

Currently, five oceans are distinguished: quiet, Atlantic, Indian, North Arctic, and since 1996, by decision of the Geographical name Commission - South. More detailed information about the oceans will be shown in the next section.

Table 1. General information about the mainland


North America

South America



Area, million km 2 without islands

Coastline, thousand km

Length, km:

  • from North to South
  • from west to east
Extreme Points


m. Chelyuskin 77 ° 43 "S.Sh.

m. Ben-section 37 ° 20 "S.Sh.

m. Merchison 71 ° 50 "S.Sh.

m. Hapinas 12 ° 25 "S.Sh.

m. York 10 ° 41 "Yu.Sh.

Sifra 63 ° Yu.Sh.

m. Piaay 1 ° 16 "media.

m. needle 34 ° 52 "Yu.Sh.

m. Majato 7 ° 12 "S.Sh.

m. Froaeard 53 ° 54 "Yulia.

m. Southeast 39 ° 11 "Yu.Sh.


m. rock 9 ° 34 "ZD

m. Almadi 17 ° 32 "ZD

m. Prince of Wales 168 ° 00 "ZD

m. Parinas 81 ° 20 "ZD

m. Step-Point 113 ° 05 "V.D.


m. Dezhneva 169 ° 40 "ZD

m. Ras Hafun 51 ° 23 "V.D.

m. Saint Charles 55 ° 40 "evil

m. Kabulakka 34 ° 46 "ZD

m. Bayron 153 ° 39 "V.D.

How many parts of the lights on earth? Europeans in the 16th century divided the world into four continents: Africa, America, Asia and Europe. It seemed that each of them was his quadrant of the world. Europe - on - in the East, Africa - in the south and America - in the West. This separation corresponded to the trends of that era - then the world was divided into four seasons, four classic elements, four cardinal directions and so on.

Ancient trilateral world

How many parts of the lights on earth? In times, when people have not yet known anything about America, Australia and Antarctica, there were not so many. Before the discovery of the new light in the classic and medieval geography, three parts of the Earth's light were highlighted - Europe, Asia and Africa. As once said to his readers Laurent de Primefit (the outstanding French translator of Latin literature at the beginning of the fifteenth century): "Asia is one of three parts of the world, which extends to the east to the rising sun."

If you look through the eyes of a modern geographer, then the Ural Mountains that share Europe from Asia are a geological seam between two fragmented continents or briefs. Another divisible factor was Gellespont (the ancient name of the Dardanesely Strait). He gently separated Europe from Asia. From a European point of view, in the opening era, Asia began outside Gellespont, where the Roman province was located, extending to incredibly exotic and remote places ...

How many parts of the lights on earth?

In the sixteenth century, America was full of fascinating promises about the new world. So the fourth part of the world appeared. After official confirmation that Australia was an island continent, the topic of four continents lost most of its relevance long before the sixth continent was discovered, Antarctica. However, despite this, the "four corners of the world" iconography remained in the same form.

Parts of light and continent

A total of six continents, of which Australia is the smallest, and the largest Eurasia, which is geologically one of the whole, but for convenience it was divided into Europe and Asia. Between them was a conditional border along the Ural Mountains.

Parts of light, as well as continents, there are six. The most densely populated and alpine - Asia. America consists of two mainlands, which are interconnected by the Panaman Cleans. Africa from Asia is separated by the Suez Canal. There are such continents that do not come into contact with the rest are Australia and Ice Antarctica.

Single array descended by different sides

It is likely that some scientists believe, all continents were once one of the whole, a single array, which over time went to pieces under the influence of the internal forces of the Earth. There is an assumption that certain areas on the planet rose, while others, on the contrary, have dropped. The mystery of the emergence of the continents still remains a relevant issue in geography, people still remain only one thing - build various hypotheses. Perhaps the future generation of scientists will be able to shed light on endless secrets of the universe.

What is the difference between parts of light from the mainland?

What are parts of the world and what do they differ from the mainland? Let's deal with. The continents are large sushi segments that are on the World Ocean Low. Parts of light refer to the areas to which the surface of the planet from historical and cultural considerations is convened. The difference between them lies in the fact that these concepts are used in completely different apartments. The main difference is that the "mainland" is a geological and geographical term, and "part of the world" is a concept associated with history, culture, politics.

The continents are of interest, first of all, as really existing physical objects. Geology and geography are engaged in their detailed study, including the study of powerful processes that occur on Earth. As a rule, the continents are separated from each other by the oceans, but there are those that are fine neighbors (Eurasia).

How many parts of the lights on earth? Despite the fact that their borders and the boundaries of the continents do not coincide with all 100%, there are also six in terms of quantity. Eurasia, for example, is one mainland, but is divided into two parts of light - Europe and Asia. A little different things about America. There are two mainland form one part of the world. Only Africa, Australia, Antarctica coincide.

Parts of light and continent sometimes have similar names. However, between these two concepts there is a big difference. And the essence of the differences is not even in the fact that partly one concept was formed historically, and the other geologically, but in the definitions themselves.

Part of the world is a mainland or its part along with the nearest islands. Partial division of this type is due to the cultural boundaries and the initial racial composition of the population.

To parts of light include:

  • Antarctica;
  • America (both, without separation);
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • Australia;
  • Europe.

The mainland is a large part of the sushi that the ocean is washes. When divided into continents, only geological factors are taken into account, but there are different continental models.

Some offered to highlight 7 continents:

  • Africa;
  • Europe;
  • Asia;
  • North America;
  • South America;
  • Australia;
  • Antarctica.

Others share only 4 continent - African, America, Australia, Antarctica.

But the most common option is 6 continents:

  • Eurasia;
  • Africa;
  • Australia;
  • Antarctica;
  • North America;
  • South America.

Parts of light and mainland, differences.

Unlike the model with the 7th continents, this option takes into account the fact that Europe and Asia are located on the same common array of sushi, Africa from Eurasia separates a subtle shelter (interrupted by the Suez Canal), America is also separated by a thin coach with the canal.


Parts of light (titles) and continents have similarities. So, on the mainland of Eurasia, in the West, the southwest, is Europe. As part of the world, Europe is limited to the east of the Ural Mountains, the Emba River (to the Caspian Sea), from the West by the Atlantic Ocean.

The southern border runs around the seas:

  • Mediterranean;
  • Black;
  • Marble;
  • Aegean.

In the north, part of the world is limited to the ice ocean. The area of \u200b\u200bthis part of the light is 10180000 square meters. km. Climate, most of the territory, moderate, but closer to the northern borders is replaced by continental, subarctic and arctic. Near the southern borders of the climate Mediterranean and semi-desert. For most of Western Europe, the oceanic climate is characterized.

This part of the light includes almost all natural zones. There are 2 types of tundra, and 2 types of steppes, mountainous, Mediterranean and wide forests, taiga.

The highest point of Europe is Mount Mont Blanc (4808 m), the lowest is the Caspian Sea, -27m. The largest lakes are Ladoga, the moon and Onega.

The main geographical feature is a large number of peninsula inhabited territories and islands, including those located far from the mainland (for example, Iceland). The most unique animal that lives only in Europe and is listed in the Red Book of Russia - dying. There is only 1 subspecies - the Pyrenean Dummy. There are external differences between them, but the lifestyle is slightly different.

One of the plants endemics is a hyacinth pallas. In a wild form, the flower is found in the Rostov region of Russia and in Ukraine. Flowers blue flowers collected in the brush. Another endemic is a Ulex Gall, a low-spirited shrub with small yellow flowers relating to the family of legumes.

Among the geographical objects, the Icelandic Gloufrafoss waterfall, which flows into the cave is of particular interest. To evaluate the entire uniqueness of the object, it is necessary not only to look at the waterfall from afar, but also to get into the cave. It seems as if the water falls out of nowhere.


Parts of light (titles) and continents, similar sounds, did not go around Asia, it is on the same mainland that Europe, but east of the Ural Mountains. Between Africa and Asia also passes the border - the Suez Canal. Interestingly, in ancient times the border was held according to the famous African River Nile.

Asia is washed by the North Arctic, Indian Oceans and Sea, related to the intramatic waters of the Atlantic Ocean - Azov, Marble, Black, Mediterranean, Aegean. The area of \u200b\u200bthe light is 43475 thousand square meters. km.

The highest point of Asia is 8848 m, Mount Everest (Jomolungma), the lowest point is the Dead Sea, -407 m.

In Asia there are all climatic zones - arctic (Siberia), equatorial, monsoon, continental, semi-desert and desert, tropical.

The main geographic feature is the highest mountains (Himalayas) and planeau in the world, the plateau of Tibet. Here they also bred unique bulls, yaks, there are also wild individuals. Home used as pack animals, meat, milk is also eaten.

A unique, but well-known plant - ginseng. All varieties except Ginseng Spotted grow in a wild form exclusively in Asia. The plant is known as medicinal from antiquity, is now used as a toning agent, adaptogen.

Of interest is such a natural landmark as the volcanoes of the Kamchatka Peninsula. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which includes about 30 valid and 300 extinct volcanoes.

It is also noteworthy that they are located in different parts of the peninsula and different specially protected natural parks, but are considered one object. Interestingly, the exact number of volcanoes in Kamchatka cannot be calculated and different sources indicate a different amount - from 3-4 hundred (and valid and sleeping), to more than thousands.


Parts of light (names) and continents, coinciding geographically completely or partially - ordinary phenomenon and Africa is one of them. This includes the entire territory of the Main Statter of the Eastern Suez Canal and the adjacent islands, such as Madagascar and St. Helena Island. Kilimanjaro volcano is the highest point of Africa - 5895 m, the lowest dot of Lake Assal, -157 m.

Africa is washed by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean and Red Sea. Territory - 30221532 square. km. Interestingly, almost through the center of the mainland runs the line of the equator, however, due to the specifics of the climate, natural zones do not reflect the mirror on both sides. Nevertheless, the mainland contains all climatic zones in the range from the northern subtropical to the southern one.

Despite the fact that with the same part of the world, the Sahara desert is most often associated, in Africa there are extensive wet areas. They are located in the central part of the mainland and on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, all African forests are concentrated there.

In the desert Namib, a plant has been preserved, which is impossible to meet anywhere else - Velvichia is amazing. It can grow up to 1000 years, for life only 2 sheets. However, the leaves can be longer than 3 meters and grow very slowly. Interestingly, the plant is so unique that is depicted on the state coat of arms of Namibia.

In Africa, the only representative of the genus Okapi is living - Okola Johnston. This is a low-minded wooden travelers, like a horses and giraffe hybrid, but with stripes on the legs.

Of the geographical objects, the most famous and visited waterfall Victoria on the Zambezi River. This is the only waterfall that is more than a kilometer in width (1800 m). It is higher than Niagara Falls, and the "fog" rises from the fall of water sometimes above 400 m.

North America

Part of the light and mainland with this name is located in the northern part of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth.

North America washed oceans:

  1. Arctic.
  2. Atlantic.
  3. Quiet.

In the south it was washed by the water of the Mexican Gulf. The area of \u200b\u200bthe light is 24365000 square meters. km. North America in its northern part is similar to similar latitudes in Eurasia. The only difference is that the north of the continent comes closer to the North Pole, at the expense of Greenland and the Canadian archipelago. In North America there is no equatorial climatic belt.

North occupy tundra, arctic deserts. Most of the Western territory of North America is occupied by the mountains and only on the coast, the situation changes and the north and south of the coast share the taiga climatic zone and the Mediterranean. The eastern part is more diverse.

Tundra replaces the taiga climate, then the zone of mixed and variable wet forests, in the east, and next to the mountains only the steppes zone either forest-steppe.

Due to the dense population of the mainland, wild nature can be found either in unsuitable zones or in reserves. So, one of the samples of wildlife is located in the Yeloustone National Park. It is typical for the middle strip nature, the animal world complements the bison, snowy goats, wolverines. There is also information about habitat on the territory of the Park Turtles.

In the north-west Yeloustone, 2000 mm of precipitation per year will drop out, which is not typical for this natural zone. Interestingly, the park is inside the huge calder of the sleeping ancient volcano. This partially explains the microclimate and the number of winter sediments.

One of the unique plants that do not occur in other parts of the world - Tis Florida. This shrub, rarely - wood, not higher than 10 m. Height, the diameter of the barrel does not exceed 40 cm. The view refers to being on the verge of destruction. In Mexico, the unique cacti of the family of Mamillaria is growing.

Specific animal endemic - water rabbit. From ordinary is distinguished by small ears and lifestyle. An animal settles around the reservoirs and are able to twist the average sizes of the reservoirs. To hide from predators, the rabbit is completely hidden under water, leaving only the nose outside to breathe.

South America

Part of the world, only partially coinciding with the mainland and symbolically divided from its second half - South America. It is located in the southern hemisphere, in the West, only a small part is located in the northern hemisphere. South America washed by the quiet and Atlantic Oceans, the Caribbean Sea.

Panama stakes between 2 America simultaneously connects the main students and separates parts of the world, especially after the appearance of the Panama Canal. Part of the light covers an area of \u200b\u200b17840000 square meters. km.

In this part of the light of 5 types of climate - tropical, subtropical, moderate, equatorial and subequatorial. Sore despite one of the harsh deserts, Atakamu, South America is the most wet part of the world.

One of the features is the most extensive wet forests in the world, in the Amazon lowland, around the Amazon River.

It is noteworthy that the entire territory of the jungle has not yet been fully studied. On the other hand, Mount Andes are separated by a minor strip of deserts in the west of the mainland from the rest of the territory, wet, relatively warm. It is noteworthy that the most south of the light of the climate differs little from the climate of the middle strip of Russia. So, in Argentina there are exactly the same birks, pines.

It is possible to understand that this is South America, it is possible only to parrots sitting on any remarkable trees. Interest is an unique waterfall - Angel, 979 m high. It is believed that this is the highest waterfall in the world. Another name of the object is keckpakupa-measure.

The unique representative of local vegetation is Rosanka Roraimskaya. This insectivore plant grows on Guiangian Highlands, in swampy, wet places. Rosyanka blooms with small white flowers. The raspberry-red plant, the leaves are collected in the socket, covered with hairs excreasing a special sticky liquid needed to catch insects and digest them.

The representative of the animal world, not found in other parts of the world - mountain tapir. They are found only in some areas of the Andes in Ecuador, Northern Peru, Colombia. The species is considered extinct.


Parts of light (titles) and continents coinciding almost completely include in their number and Australia. It is located in the southern part of the hemisphere of the planet, among the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Also, her sea washes:

  • Timor;
  • Coral;
  • Tasmanovo.

Australia includes new Guinea, Tasmania, Solomon Islands, New Zealand. Area - 8510000 square meters. km.

Australia is the most deserted part of the world. The mainland, by whose name is part of the world, almost completely consists of various deserts, only on the coast the situation changes. Only at the expense of the islands and banks of the mainland in Australia there is a moderate, subtropical, wet and equatorial climate. Also an interesting feature is that most Australia Rivers drying.

Australia and Oceania are rich in endemic animal and birds. One of the birds is little known, unlike Kiwi, Ostrich or such animals as a kangaroo or the Tasmanian Devil - Parrot Cacapo. The bird is on the verge of destruction and is considered ancient view of birds from the living now. The feature of Cocapa is that they do not fly and lead evening and nightlife.

The only available method of flight is to climb with the help of claws on the tree and plan.

Wild eucalyptus is a tree that does not occur anywhere except Australia and Oceania. Cultivation is possible in any favorable conditions and distributed, for the extraction of essential oil and in decorative purposes. The only exception is the eucalyptus rainbow growing in the northern hemisphere.

The most famous and interesting geographical object - Mount Aires Rock or Uluru. She is about 6 million years old, on the surface there are many drawings of ancient aborigines. Moreover, the indigenous population was considered to be Ulur with a sacred place.


Mainland and part of the world of Antarctica are located in the south of the planet, the mainland center approximately coincides with the southern pole. Area - 14107000 square meters. km.

Washing oceans Atlantic, quiet, indian.
Characteristic plants Qlobantus Quito, Lugovka Antarctic, various mushrooms, lichens, mosses, algae.
Unique animals Imperial penguin, the most severe and large variety of penguin from existing now.
Specific geographical object Volcano Erebus. Feature - eruption without lava, ash. Erebus throws exclusively crystalline forms. In the crater is a unique lava lake.
Geographical features The world is maximally covered with ice.

Part of the light is for the most part glacier, sometimes digging around the edges and forming icebergs. The glacier is picked up the mountain peaks - the maximum height of 4892 m. The direction of winds from the center of Antarctica to the ocean. Most of the plants in the summer appear on the Antarctic Peninsula.

For Antarctica, a polar day and a polar night is characterized when you can see the polar shine. But this phenomenon is more impressive at the opposite end of the globe.

Names that wear parts of light and continent are known to everyone. However, they say nothing about the peculiarities of the continents. Most often, the names were historically or were given in honor of the operators. Nevertheless, it is important to distinguish between the continents and parts of the world.

Article clearance: Lozinsky Oleg.

Video about parts of light

The continents and parts of the world. The world:

Grade 3 students get acquainted with cards, meet the terms "mainland", "part of the world". What is parts of light and continent? How to distinguish them? How many of them? The article has answers to these questions.

What is mainland?

The mainland is a concept associated with the structure of our planet. The solid sheath of the Earth is uneven, there are protrusions and recesses on its surface. The recesses are filled with water, these are oceans. The protrusions rise above the surface of the oceans in the form of large sections of sushi, it is mainland or continents.

So, the mainland is a land plot of a large area, surrounded by the oceans from all sides.

How many continents on the map?

Let's study the map of the world and list the continents:

  • Eurasia,
  • Africa,
  • North America,
  • South America,
  • Australia,
  • Antarctica.

North and South America, Africa and Eurasia are pairing, as they are connected to each other with narrow lawsters (Panaman and Suez); For convenience of shipping through the carriages, channels are laid.

Fig. 1. Needs, card.

Continents on the hemisper's card

The hemispheres can be seen on the map that only 2 American continents are located in Western, in East, all others, except Antarctica, which is located in the South Pole area.

If you look at the globe by Antarctica, you can see the "ocean" hemisphere, where only Australia and Antarctic are located, almost everything else is occupied by the world ocean.

What is part of the world?

Representations of the parts of the world, their names appeared gradually, as they were opened. Initially, Africa was opened (end of the 15th century), then the island of the Caribbean Sea, behind them the adjacent territories of North and South America (the end of the XV-beginning of the XVI centuries).

Then they still did not know that these are 2 mainland and called them one name America. Then came the turn of Australia (early XVII century). The latter was Antarctica (the beginning of the XIX century). Also gradually new lands were depicted on the maps.

Fig. 2. Medieval world map.

When the discoveries of new territories are stated, it should be remembered that the opening was made by European navigators, for them it was unknown areas, but they were all settled, various nations lived everywhere, there were states.

Eurasia "opened" exactly also Europeans Asian part, residents of Asia, the European part. Therefore, the mainland consists of 2 parts of light - Europe and Asia. Russia adopted the border between them in the Urals, Caspian, the Caucasus, the Black and Mediterranean seas.

In geography there are 2 definitions of the world:

  • these are large arrays of sushi, which includes mainlands or their parts together with the surrounding islands;
  • this is a cultural and historical concept, meaning parts of sushi, where (on the representation of the discovers) similar peoples live, there is a flora and fauna with common features.

How many parts of the world on the map?

We will find parts of light on the map and list them: Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia, Antarctica.

Fig. 3. World map, parts of the world.

Part of the Light America consists of 2 continents, 2 parts of the world are placed in Eurasia.

For the first time, the length of Siberia was "measured" during the first Kamchatka expedition (20s of the 18th century) Alexei Chirikov with the help of astronomical observations.

What did we know?

We learned that the continents and parts of the world are different concepts, found out what their difference. We learned how many parts of the world on Earth, their location on the planet. We saw the old and modern world map and realized how the ideas about the land of scientists of different time changed. We learned that the number of continents and parts of the world is equally, but they differ from each other.

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