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Biathlon skiing magazine. Skiing - types of skiing and their brief description. Equipment for cross-country skiing

Skiing is represented by almost two dozen disciplines, most of which are included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games. The classification of skiing involves the allocation of 8 groups, among which racing, alpine skiing, freestyle and snowboarding are the most extensive. Common characteristics unite the types of skiing in each of the groups discussed below.


Skiing began with racing. Therefore, they are considered classics of skiing and train endurance well. Present in the Olympic program from the very beginning of the organization of the Winter Games. Ways of movement of the skier:

  • classical;
  • ridge;
  • free.

Sprint. By analogy with running, a ski sprint is a race over a short distance. Cross-country sprint distances are too short for a winter rider. Therefore, they were increased to a minimum of 800 m for women and 1000 m for men. The maximum length of the sprint distance for men is 1600 m (in the team version).

The team sprint is one of the most spectacular competitions. Each team has 2 people. After the first team has run the distance, the second team takes over - so they alternate three times, making a total of 6 races. The winning teams run through the semi-finals and mass start finals.

Pursuit pursuit. They are divided into regular persuit (with a break between stages) and skiathlon (without a break). At the first stage of a regular persuit, they start individually with a frequency of 30 seconds. At the second stage - in a few hours or days - the participants enter the track in the same sequence and with the same time difference with which they came to the finish line at the first stage.

In the skiathlon, the start is massive, but there is no break between the stages. The specificity of the pursuit without a break is that the athletes need to overcome the first part of the path in the classical way, then change skis and ride in a free style. At the same time, the stopwatch is not stopped, which gives the competition an additional gambling component.

The distance of each stage in the persuit is from 5 to 15 km. One-day pursuits over long distances require good endurance of the skier.

Relays. Ski relay races involve 4 teams, each with 4 people. One person runs one distance (up to 10 km), the members of his team touch the second, passing the baton to him - and so on all four athletes. The first and second skiers run only in classic style, the third and fourth skiers run free.

Alpine skiing appeared in the programs of the Winter Olympic Games some time after the inclusion of cross-country skiing. He can rightfully be considered No. 2 in ski sports. Does not give way to endurance training.

Downhill. Downhill is a real extreme skiing. The length of the descent distance is 3 or more kilometers. The athlete not only rides on a prepared track, but also jumps up to 50 m in the event of a height difference. To ensure the best glide, the descent must have an icy snow cover, due to which an average speed of up to 110 km / h develops. It is not uncommon for an athlete to reach a speed of 150 km / h. The registered record is over 200 km/h.

Downhill skiing requires considerable physical preparation, perfect mastery of technique, endurance of the skier. It is believed that after passing the track at speed, the athlete improves his skills and behaves more confidently on slalom tracks and ski jumping.

Slalom. Slalom - "descending track" - descent from the mountain with overcoming obstacles, represented by the so-called gates - flags set between which you need to pass. It is required to pass all the gates. For missing the gate, the athlete is removed from the competition. Characteristics of the slalom track:

  • Gate width - 4-5 m.
  • The length of the track is up to 0.5 km.
  • The height difference between start and finish is up to 150 m.

The slalom competition is held against the clock and consists of two different tracks for each slalomist.

Giant slalom. The big slalom differs from the usual one in more large-scale characteristics:

  • Gate width - 6-8 m.
  • The distance between the gates is 0.75-15 m.
  • The length of the route is up to 1.5 km.
  • The height difference between start and finish is up to 450 m.

The steepness of the turns in the giant is less than in the usual slalom. The descent technique involves making turns with flat-cut sliding at the intersection of arcs. At a speed of up to 70 km / h, the athlete passes the descent in an average of 100 s.

There is also a super giant slalom variant.


Despite the fact that freestyle is perceived by many as freestyle skiing, since 1988 freestyle areas have been included in the program of the Olympic Games and, therefore, are fully related to alpine skiing and have their own standards.

Acrobatics. The so-called aerial acrobatics is the basic freestyle discipline. The athlete accelerates on the descent and jumps from a springboard of one or another height and slope. Somersaults, flips, spins and other acrobatic elements are done in the jump. Particular attention is paid to the freestyler's landing technique. Separate marks are given for the artistry of the performance and the correctness of the landing.

Mogul. Mogul is a descent along a slope consisting of low, but often located mounds. Mogul skis are not wide, with a slight cutout in the center. In addition to passing a bumpy track, a freestyler must jump from springboards up to 60 cm high. The length of the mogul track is in the range of 200-250 m. Strict requirements are imposed on the condition of the track for the maximum and minimum height difference and angle of inclination. The freestyler must demonstrate the ability to correctly make edge turns, jumps and landings, and show the best result in time.

Ski cross. The youngest of the Olympic disciplines using skis: ski cross was introduced to the Vancouver Games (2010). Unlike mogul and acrobatics, cross-country skiing is competitive skiing and, therefore, the most spectacular. A distance of 1.2 km with various obstacles - sharp ascents, descents, jumps, gates - needs to be covered for a while. First - individually, in the semi-final - mass start in a group of 4 people. Athletes develop speeds up to 60 km / h. Ski cross combines the elements of slalom and downhill, enhanced by additional obstacles.

ski jumping

Not everyone decides to fly in the air more than 100 m with skis on their feet. At the same time, it is necessary to do it beautifully, land correctly, without touching the surface and without falling. Ski jumping is a professional competitive discipline for individual performance or as part of a team of 4 people.

When evaluating a jump, in addition to the execution technique and distance, such parameters as wind speed and direction, the height of the starting gate are taken into account.

Nordic combined

The combined ski discipline (individual, team of 4 people) includes two stages:

  • ski jumping;
  • individual 10 km freestyle sprint or team relay of 4 stages of 5 km each.

The start sequence of the participants at the sprint distance is determined by the result of the ski jump, the points of which are converted into seconds according to a special system.


Orienteering is not included in the program of the Olympic Games. Meanwhile, championships are held annually around the world.

Participants are given maps of the area with marked ski slopes and a compass. At the same time, the laid routes have different speeds. Each participant must decide which tracks are best to use to reach the finish line in the shortest time. Orienteering may involve additional complicating conditions: avoiding markers, following a certain route, etc.


A skiing discipline that even people with little interest in sports know is biathlon. This is a spectacular ski race combined with rifle (or sporting bow) shooting. The skier moves freely. The total distance depends on the type of race: sprint, relay, pursuit. Biathlon can be team or individual. Depending on the type of race, target shooting is performed 2 or 4 times from a prone and standing position. The distance to the targets is 50 m.

The biathlon track is run against the clock. Missing a target adds a penalty minute of time or a 150m penalty loop.


In the classification of ski sports, snowboarding could be classified as freestyle as a "modernist" direction. However, the lack of skis, which are replaced by boards, increased extremeness (2 times more traumatic than other ski disciplines) requires the allocation of snowboarding as a separate type. Moreover, the discipline itself is not homogeneous and includes such subspecies as:

  • slalom;
  • racing cross (sprint);
  • half pipe (acrobatic stunts in a semicircular snow ramp);
  • slope style (acrobatic stunts on a slope with obstacles);
  • big air (spectacular and powerful ski jump);

All of them are full-fledged Olympic disciplines, and big air will become it in 2018.

1996 coming out first issue of the magazine"Ski race".

1997 The first departure of the brigade "L.G." for the World Ski Championships in Trondheim (Norway). The Russian team wins 6 out of 10 gold medals. Elena Vyalbe enters the Guinness Book of Records as the first athlete to win 5 out of 5 gold medals in cross-country skiing in one championship. The magazine dedicates the lion's share of the area of ​​the nearest issue to the heroes of the championship.

1998 The Ski Racing magazine is being re-registered with the State Press Committee of the Russian Federation and is being transformed into the Skiing Sports magazine. Materials dedicated to alpine skiing fill one of the key sections of the magazine. brigade "L.S." - the only among representatives of Russian sports magazines working at the Olympics in Nagano (Japan).

1998 Skiing magazine makes an unprecedented attempt Russian market analysis ski and cross-country ski equipment. For the next few years, the material with these data becomes a desktop guide for Russian and foreign specialists building their business in this region and in this market segment.

1999 Printed for three years on offset presses in Finland, L.S. "moves" to one of the best Moscow printing houses on HEIDELBERG sheet-fed presses, which allows to significantly improve the quality of the publication's print.

year 2000. The magazine "Skiing" holds the first in the country "Star Sprint" for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing" with the participation of the country's strongest skiers, multiple world champions and Olympic champions Olga Danilova, Yulia Chepalova, Svetlana Nageikina, Olga Zavyalova, Mikhail Ivanov and others. Competitions are held almost in the very center of the capital - on the territory of the Moscow Alps sports complex, a 7-minute drive from the Kremlin.

year 2000. The magazine "Skiing" organizes the first in Russia test-expedition of alpine skiing in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region.

year 2001. According to the agency "GALLUP MEDIA" for the II sprint competition "Taiga"-sprint for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing" on the RTR channel, it watches a record number of viewers for our country (in this category of programs). For the first time in the history of Russian skiing, 25 billboards advertising competitions are set up on the busiest thoroughfares of the city.

year 2001. II ski test expedition magazine in Khibiny. The number of testers doubles, the duration of the expedition and the number of submitted skis increase.

year 2001."Skiing" launches a unique project that has no analogues in the world called Union of marathons "Ski Russia", which unites more than 70 Russian ski marathons, and also prints the passports of marathon skiers. Now any skier in Russia can embark on an exciting journey of a lifetime, filling the pages of a ski passport with stamps of various marathons.

2002 III sprint competition Rosneft - sprint for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing" are shown live and recorded by the NTV-sport and TVC television companies, news stories about the competitions are seen by viewers of another 8 TV channels. And again, 25 billboards advertising competitions appear on the streets of the city. City leaders headed by Vice Mayor V.P. Shantsev become guests and participants of the Race of Honored Guests.

2002 III ski test expedition magazine in Khibiny. For the first time, wide layers of skiing enthusiasts are involved in the tests.

2002 Skiing magazine launches a fundamentally new project aimed at a wide range of skiing fans and kicks off the race "Super-hundred" for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing"- ultramarathon 100 km race. The race from the very first time takes a very high 4th place in the ranking of ski marathons in Russia (among more than 70).

2002 Skiing magazine is the first in Russia to initiate ski marathon crippled races in various related sports, just like other major commercial ski races in the world do in Sweden, Italy, France, Norway, Finland, etc. In September, the first "Velo-hundred" for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing" on mountain biking. The Russian Cycling Federation highly appreciates the organization of the competition, proposing to hold the Cycling Hundred next year in the status of III, the final stage of the Russian Cup.

2002 Skiing magazine opens its website on the Internet(, which in a few months becomes the largest Russian resource in this segment.

2003 The Skiing magazine, developing the idea of ​​conducting ski tests, signs license agreement in Russia, materials of ski tests conducted by the publishing house "Brinkmann Henrich Medien GmbH" (Germany). A record (15!!) number of manufacturers of ski equipment takes part in the tests. For the first time, materials come to Russia that were previously searched for on the Internet, photocopied, brought from abroad, passed from hand to hand.

2003 The magazine holds the first cross-country skiing marathon "Thirty" for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing".

2003 The second "Velosotnia" for the prizes of the magazine "Skiing", held as the II stage of the Russian Mountain Bike Cup, becomes the most massive mountain bike marathon in Russia.

2004 The rights to hold competitions united by the Super Hundred project, L.S. transfers to the Bitsa ski club, and the Skiing magazine changes its status in the project - now it is not an organizer, but an information sponsor of the competition.

2004 A decision is made to print the ski test materials separately from the magazine in a special issue. Now all test materials can be seen in one collection under one cover. At the same time, cross-country skiing enthusiasts get a magazine that is actually twice the size of previous editions, as skiing material leaves the magazine for another edition.

2004 The result of the negotiations "L.S." and publishing house "Brinkmann Henrich Medien GmbH" (Germany) is the decision to start forming a team of Russian testers to participate in the tests of the magazine "Ski Magazin". Skiing magazine starts selecting testers and forming a team.

2004 The Ski Sport magazine is creating a subsidiary company, Ski Sport Marketing Agency, designed to help establish partnerships between Russian manufacturers interested in promoting their brands and leading Russian athletes and clubs. Thanks to the Ski Sport Marketing Agency, the Saturn sports club signs a long-term cooperation agreement with the Trial company.

2005 year. The Skiing magazine is negotiating with the publishing house Brinkmann Henrich Medien GmbH (Germany) on the possibility of the first publication in Russia of cross-country ski test materials conducted by the Nordic Sports Skilanglauf Magazine.

It was published from 1971 to 1986 as a collection of articles by the publishing house "Physical Culture and Sport". As a rule, there were two, less often three issues a year. Black and white printing, A-5 format (half of a writing sheet), 60 - 80 pages. Its compilers in different years were I. Ogoltsov, L. Remizov, V. Manzhosov, V. Markin, L. Reiser, Yu. Kitaev, L. Borisova, V. Martynov, V. Preobrazhensky. The publications were devoted to cross-country skiing, biathlon, alpine skiing, biathlon, ski jumping - that is, all ski sports. The publication was, in fact, a collection of scientific works of coaches and sports scientists. He played a huge role in the dissemination of "ski" knowledge among coaches and athletes, since he was, in fact, the only platform in the Soviet years, where coaches, scientists and athletes could exchange experience and knowledge.

2. "Russian" ("new") "Skiing"

Members of the editorial board of the journal are Vedenin Vyacheslav Petrovich, Gromova Irina Alexandrovna, Grushin Alexander Alekseevich, Kondrashov Andrey Vladimirovich, Kuzmin Ivan Nikolaevich, Legezo Lyubov Vladimirovna and Smirnov Georgy Alekseevich.

The new magazine "Skiing", although it inherited the name of the "Soviet" "Skiing", is, in fact, a conceptually completely different publication - the main place in it is occupied by journalistic materials, reports and photo reports, interviews. At the same time, scientific materials occupy a significantly smaller part in it. Full color print, 96 - 192 pages, A-4 format, published four times a year. The magazine has its own website ( with a news feed, photo galleries, and forums.

see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Skiing (magazine)" is in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    Cross-country skiing races on skis for a certain distance along a specially prepared track among persons of a certain category (age, gender, etc.). They belong to cyclic sports. For the first time, cross-country skiing for speed ... ... Wikipedia

    The Ski Racing magazine was published in Russia in Russian from 1996 to 1998. Coated paper, full color printing, 40-64 pages. The founders of the Federation of Ski Racing of Russia and LLC Editorial Board of the magazine "Ski Racing". Published in ... ... Wikipedia

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K:Wikipedia:KU pages (type: not specified)

Magazine "Skiing" has two distinct periods of its history.

It was published from 1971 to 1986 as a collection of articles by the publishing house "Physical Culture and Sport". As a rule, there were two, less often three issues a year. Black and white printing, A-5 format (half of a writing sheet), 60 - 80 pages. Its compilers in different years were I. Ogoltsov, L. Remizov, V. Manzhosov, V. Markin, L. Reiser, Yu. Kitaev, L. Borisova, V. Martynov, V. Preobrazhensky. The publications were devoted to cross-country skiing, biathlon, alpine skiing, biathlon, ski jumping - that is, all ski sports. The publication was, in fact, a collection of scientific works of coaches and sports scientists. He played a huge role in the dissemination of "ski" knowledge among coaches and athletes, since he was, in fact, the only platform in the Soviet years, where coaches, scientists and athletes could exchange experience and knowledge.

2. "Russian" ("new") "Skiing"

Vedenin Vyacheslav Petrovich , Gromova Irina Alexandrovna , Grushin Alexander Alekseevich , Kondrashov Andrey Vladimirovich , Kuzmin Ivan Nikolaevich , Legezo Lyubov Vladimirovna and Smirnov Georgy Alekseevich are members of the editorial board of the journal .

The new magazine "Skiing", although it inherited the name of the "Soviet" "Skiing", is, in fact, a conceptually completely different publication - the main place in it is occupied by journalistic materials, reports and photo reports, interviews. At the same time, scientific materials occupy a significantly smaller part in it. Full color print, 96 - 192 pages, A-4 format, published four times a year. The magazine has its own website () with a news feed, photo galleries, forums.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Skiing (magazine)

“No, countess,” he said at last, “this is a European talent, she has nothing to learn, this softness, tenderness, strength ...
– Ah! how I fear for her, how I fear,” said the countess, not remembering to whom she was speaking. Her maternal instinct told her that there was too much in Natasha, and that she would not be happy from this. Natasha had not yet finished singing, when an enthusiastic fourteen-year-old Petya ran into the room with the news that mummers had come.
Natasha suddenly stopped.
- Fool! she shouted at her brother, ran up to a chair, fell on it and sobbed so that she could not stop for a long time afterwards.
“Nothing, mother, really nothing, so: Petya scared me,” she said, trying to smile, but tears kept flowing and sobs squeezed her throat.
Dressed-up servants, bears, Turks, innkeepers, ladies, terrible and funny, bringing with them cold and fun, at first timidly huddled in the hallway; then, hiding one behind the other, they were forced into the hall; and at first shyly, but then more and more cheerfully and amicably, songs, dances, choral and Christmas games began. The countess, recognizing the faces and laughing at the dressed up, went into the living room. Count Ilya Andreich sat in the hall with a beaming smile, approving the players. The youth has disappeared.
Half an hour later, in the hall, among the other mummers, another old lady in tanks appeared - it was Nikolai. The Turkish woman was Petya. Payas - it was Dimmler, the hussar - Natasha and the Circassian - Sonya, with a painted cork mustache and eyebrows.
After condescending surprise, misrecognition and praise from those who were not dressed up, the young people found that the costumes were so good that they had to be shown to someone else.
Nikolay, who wanted to give everyone a ride on his troika along an excellent road, suggested that, taking ten dressed-up people from the yard with him, go to his uncle.
- No, why are you upsetting him, the old man! - said the countess, - and there is nowhere to turn around with him. To go, so to the Melyukovs.
Melyukova was a widow with children of various ages, also with governesses and tutors, who lived four miles from the Rostovs.
“Here, ma chere, clever,” said the old count, who had begun to stir. “Now let me dress up and go with you.” I'll stir Pasheta up.
But the countess did not agree to let the count go: his leg hurt all these days. It was decided that Ilya Andreevich was not allowed to go, and that if Luiza Ivanovna (m me Schoss) went, the young ladies could go to Melyukova's. Sonya, always timid and shy, began to beg Louisa Ivanovna more insistently than anyone else not to refuse them.
Sonya's outfit was the best. Her mustache and eyebrows were unusually suited to her. Everyone told her that she was very good, and she was in a lively and energetic mood unusual for her. Some kind of inner voice told her that now or never her fate would be decided, and in her man's dress she seemed like a completely different person. Luiza Ivanovna agreed, and half an hour later four troikas with bells and bells, screeching and whistling in the frosty snow, drove up to the porch.