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How to become the Fairy Winter. As becoming in real life, the values \u200b\u200bof water, fire and all the forces of nature at home. The easiest way

Right now. Recently, a huge variety of cartoons appeared about Fay, after watching which girls began to seriously think about the question, as they themselves turn into real chains of all their might as in Winx. All girls wish to fly around the world, have a huge force, while staying a little beauty. We describe you a few simple ways to transform and transform into a real fairy with wings. Read and remember future small fairies.

Also, if you can't turn into a fairy yourself, you can start a friend's fairy that will not let you get bored and becomes the best toy and other for you. In the meantime, you will familiarize yourself with what faces are and what kind of forces they possess.

How to become the fairy right now

A simple way to transform number one. Write your desire on a piece of paper, you need to write that you burn the desire to become a real fairy with wings, but there are still conditions, you must specify more specifically, what fairy you wish to become (fire, water, nature, you can even all my best ) After that, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw this piece of paper into the open hand, so that she flew away far away. Go to bed. Waking up, you will be the most real fairy.

The second is a great way to turn into the Winx Fairy at home. Type in the bowl of cold water, take the color paper, for each type of fairies, paper should be a specific color (for the fair of love - red, if the fairy of nature, then green, etc.). Also need a mirror and a candle. From the paper of the red color, cut the heart, from the green - a piece of wood, out of blue - a sea wave, the symbol depends on what fairy you would like to turn into. Then set fire to the edge of a lightweight candle. Put the paper into the water. Then, reflect it in the mirror. Then, look in the mirror and tell me: "I want to turn into a real fairy of all your might!", Repeat this spell three times, loud and distinctly. BUY BE FULLY. If the flame is walked quickly, then this means that you have turned into a real fairy.

If you do not work with turning into the fairy, you can at the end of the article pay attention to the purchase of fairies, and who knows, perhaps she will also elaborate with all the abilities that they own.

How to become a real fairy

The third method of transformation into Winx, no less than a wonderful way to turn into a real fairy looks like this. Put ice in a large vessel, wait until it melts. Further, one - two minutes lower your hand into this vessel, close your eyes and in your imagination turn into the fairy, choose a certain force. Pull out a vessel hand wash your hands with soap. Rock your hand in the same vessel, immediately after naming. Then, tritte hand in hand two to three minutes. After completing this ritual, within a few days, you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

How to become a fairy in real life

Fourth Council on the transformation into a real fairy with wings in real life. Take a blank bottle from under the spirits or toilet water. Type water water in it. The next item is very important. Pour three spoons of the table salt into the water, three spoons of cane sugar, two spoons of soda and a tablespoon of liquid soap. Then, let this bottle stand on two weeks - three on the windowsill. Then, every day you have to splash on yourself from this bottle with the resulting magic potion, while presenting in your imagination, as you become a real fairy (do not forget to choose strength). After one - two weeks, the transformation will end!

Fifth way how to become a fairy house It is that waiting for the full moon, you should describe the fate of your dreams on a piece of paper, then, then approach the open window, reflect in a pre-prepared glass with water moon and lower the leaflet with the desire to this glass. Pour the water from the glass into the window and your desire will be fulfilled, you will become a real fairy.

How to turn into fairy forever

The sixth, most correct way to transform into a real fairy forever, I am a conversation with the most fairy, let it take you with your abilities. To talk to the FEE, you need to call it for conversation. If you wish to become a fiery fairy, then sit next to the fire, if the lunar fairy, then look at the full (this condition is required) the moon. Then Tikhonechko, call the fairy that you want to see (for example: "Moon Fairy, I call you!"). If you feel a light breeze, or goosebumps, or the rustle of the wings, then Faii responded to your call. Ask for her the power you want. And do not forget to say that you will use this power only with good intentions, if this is not to say, the Fairy may think that you want to become an evil fairy, and do not satisfy your request. After talking with the FEE, come home, clean your teeth and go to bed. You will be wary with the values \u200b\u200bwith real wings and magical strength.

The surest way to become the fairy of all elements

The method is seven. If you use them, you will become the Fai of all elements. You will need a toothpaste. Spit the nails on your hands and hold 5 - 10 minutes in such a state (the more Hold, the stronger the faee will become). After that, inhale more and say out loud: "Fairy of all elements". Repeat this phrase as many times as you can (in one breath), the more than more than say, the better the fairy will come of you. Then a fairy will appear, politely ask her to give you a magical force (if you ask not politely, it will not agree). Go to bed. In a dream you will dream how you turn into the fairy. Waking up, you will be real fairy.

How to turn into a cute feud

The eighth way to turn into a cute fairy with wings per minute. Make sure you are at home alone (no one should interfere with this ritual). Become in the middle of the room, raise your hands above your head and say out loud spell: "I don't want to be a man simple, I want to be a fairy, with golden wing!" Repeat this ritual ten time. Fairies will hear you and will definitely make their own strength.

The easiest way to become a fairy

Soviet way I advise you to use only those girls who have a cat. The easiest way to become a fairy with wings right now. During the full moon, take your cat in your hands, intend it and when she starts purring, ask her the ability of fairies. The fact is that cats are special animals and they have a magical connection with the Fay country. If your cat likes, as it was stroked, then you will definitely fly the fairy to you the next day and gives you your wonderful abilities.

How to turn into the main fairy

The tenth way is the most difficult. You have to make a difficult ritual. Write on a piece: "Greetings you, about the main fairy, I am ready to pass your test!". Go to bed. When you wake up, the question will be written on your sheet. Answer it. If you answer correctly, then the next day you will ask a new question. A very important condition is to be honest, without taking advantages of adults or the Internet, if you violate this rule, then the ritual will be interrupted, and the main Fairy Winx will be offended. If you answer all the questions, then we will take the place of the main fairies, I wish you success! Thank you for taking our useful site.

Sea Fairy

Eleventh way to turn the fairy. Fill the bath with warm water, go to it. Arriving in it thirty minutes, call the sea for the words: "Sea Fairy, I call you!" Then tell her what you want to become a seaside with a tail. If you have a good heart and a clean soul, the fairy will surely fulfill your desire. Thus, it is possible to turn only to the sea fairy.

Cute Fairy Winx

The method is twelve. Take the chalk and write on the wall: "I want to become a winged pretty fairy." Let the inscription will benefit on the wall of 5 - 10 minutes, after that erase it. Repeat this procedure for two weeks. For the third week you will definitely turn into a real fairy.

The thirteenth way to transform is designed for driving girls.You need to cut one hundred of the same square small pictures, write numbers from one to one hundred. Stir them and pull out one card, if you pull the cardboard at number 77, then you will become the Fime. Repeat this magic ritual until you pull the cardboard 77.

Mighty fairy.

Fourteenth way. Make this ritual needed in full dark at night. Stop on your knees, start whispering: "Mighty fairy come and reward me with its own power!" Repeat this phrase until you hear the fluttering of the wings. Continue to repeat the spell until you ask the question: "Who are you and why did you call me?" In no case are not afraid, do not open the eyelids. Respond partitioning and politely. Tell me, that they called the Fairy for her awarded you with his power. Tell us how you love Fay and want to have the same force. Tell me that you will use it only to do good. If you like the fairy, then it will definitely reward you with your knowledge and strength.

Fifteenth way. It is known that good fairies live in flowering buds. Plan such, go to a flower shop and buy a bouquet of flowers with big buds. In some flower, Fairy will definitely be sitting. Throw away from the bouquet, close your eyes and say: "Fairy, let's live together." Speak so several times. Fairy will necessarily come out if she sees good in your heart, it will stay with you. Following the time when you make friends with her, it will definitely reward you with your power.

Sixteenth way. Just inspire yourself that you are a real fairy. You need to believe the whole soul. Learn to see magic in the simplest things. Give people more positive. Smile, speak polite and kind words, in difficult times come to the rescue. These are the things that the real fairy should do, give people good. To become a real fairy with wings, you need to learn exactly this. It is not necessary to make magic rituals, cook potions or pronounce spells - everything is in your hands, you have the opportunity to be the fairy right now, if you learn how to give good people around you.


Finally, I will say that there are people who are more predisposed to transform and transform into the fairy, but there are very few such people. If a person knows how to frozen water, he will be easily with the bee of water. If he knows how to catch things up the things alone with a look, then his path lies in the society of Fay Fire. People who can look out to move objects in innocent air faces.

It is worth saying that turning back to a person - lighter easy, you only need to do the same ritual, but in reverse order. I think you can choose a suitable way for yourself and implement your dream - how to become a fairy right now.

Who knows all this fiction or really this world hides Fay from us. The fairy tale is or reality, solve only to you, there is only something that we ourselves believe. Personally, I really believe in such an existence of fabulous fairies, but since these tips help people, it means there is something magical and truthful. I advise you not to forget about the real world, more concentrate your attention on real life and not on fabulous characters. On the other hand, we ourselves choose what we believe. Thank you for visiting our website of the Soviets, this information is sure that this information will not be accepted as something real. Believe in what you see and live your life!

Fairy is a magical, mystical beauty, famous for his mischief and good soul. Each fairy is unique, possesses individual features, talents and style. However, there are certain key features that all fairies possess - love for nature, animal relationships and a desire to help people. This article will tell you how to look, act and feel like a fairy and maybe even turn you into this tiny creature.


Part 1

Find Individuality

    Decide what fairy you want to become. There are many types of fairies, each with its own characteristics, talents and style. Before deciding to become a fairy, you will need to decide what kind of fairy you want to be. Try that your personality corresponds to one of the existing fairies, it will make the transition faster and easier. Consider all the options and select the one that comes best.

    • Perhaps you will fairy Earthwhich loves trees, flowers, plants and forest creatures? She is suitable for earthy tones in clothes, and she spends her time in the garden.
    • You may become fairy waterwho loves everything connected with water and spends their time near rivers, lakes and streams, always holding legs in the water?
    • Or you will be fire Firethat loves warmth and flames, showing a passion in everything, what does, regardless of whether it is great or not enough of this business?
    • And maybe you will become fairy air, which is eager for open space and wind, developing her hair, whose aerial nature picks up the wind?
    • Or will be fairy sleep, surrounded by mystics and always wanting good dreams to their friends.
    • You may be fairy musicwhich constantly finds melodies and rhythms in the world around it, be it the singing of birds in the trees or wind breath between the cliffs.
    • May should be closed to fer of lightwhich loves sunlight and can shine clear thousand stars?
    • Or maybe you will be mysterious dark Fee.which prefers the night of the day and indulges in dark spells?
  1. Choose your name. The name of the Fairy should correspond to its essence or talents that it possesses. For example, "Fairy Earth" can choose the name "bladeing", "sugar" and so on; "Fairy Fire" can choose the name "Spark", "Flame"; "Water Fairy" can choose as the name "Wave" or "Breeze".

    Create your own magic pollen . What will this be for the fairy without magic pollen? Your pollen, as well as your name, should correspond to your essence and talents and must be absolutely unique. You can buy a shine in a special store to create the basis of your pollen, but you will need to add something special that pollen gets the magic.

    • Make sure that the brilliance is in order and not rough. Dense layer of shine is what you need to avoid. Select a color that the selected fairy you choose. For example, green - for the Fairies of the Earth, Blue - for air faces, lilac - for the Fairies of Darkness and so on. Add a little body lotion to secure the effect, just do not add too much, otherwise it will start sliding.
    • Then you need to add some things that will indicate your enchantment. If you decide to become the Fairy Earth, try to decorate yourself with leaves and grass. If the water is water - add sand and seashells. If Fire Fire - use a tree or coal. If the air fairy is to add some cotton or feathers balls.
    • Clear shake the magic dust so that all the ingredients are mixed. Place it in some bubble, and as a talisman, put on the neck. The talisman will always be near and can walk with him anywhere. Or you can put pollen into the jar (which you can then decorate) and put it in the room or another safe place.
  2. Make your signature unique. Fairy signature is not the same as the signature of an ordinary person. Fay's signature reflects their essence and those talents that they possess.

    • For example, if your magic talent is agriculture, then your raisin is pansies and other flowers. If you are aquatic fairy, use seashells and algae. If you are airy fairy, use a feather. Happened? The signature must be something small, it should reflect your talents and your identity.
    • You can use your distinctive feature. For example, if you grow flowers in the garden, you can somehow specify it on your plants. Or if you bake cookies, you can use it to show authorship.
    • For an additional effect, some leave pieces of the mixture on the site of creativity.

    Part 2

    Achievement of the corresponding view
    1. Wear light, air clothes. Magic clothes should be lightweight and air, it must be made of light fabrics. Selecting a color or shade of color clothing, again, will depend on the degree of your facilities. Earth faces usually wear clothes of green and brown tones, fiery fairies - red and orange tones, water fairies will be blue and green flowers, and dark fairies wear purple and black tones.

      • In stores where costumes for theater, show, Halloween are sold, there are various fabulous suits in assortment. But, depending on your size and individual preferences, you can make yourself a suit yourself.
      • If you decide to make your own costume, find your own style, buy some accessories and then buy a cloth. You can use different types of fabric - velveteen, tulle, transparent, overflowing canvas and so on. You can also use second-hand dresses and skirts that can be fitted under your shape.
      • To make a magic skirt, you can simply take an elastic tape or elastic band (the size of your waist or hips, depending on where you will wear it), and then take pieces of tulle or grid (length depends on growth), and sew them to the braid . Make sure you have taken enough layers and the skirt does not shine.
      • To wear a skirt, you can simply tie it with a ribbon, but if you use an elastic band, then you will need to attach a fabric to a rubber band using buttons, velcro or just sew. You can decorate the skirt, you can use flowers, stars or other accessories.
      • For vertices in the style of fairies, you can sew something on your own or find a shirt (which can be adjusted under your figure) times of the Renaissance or something that will be not too heavy and dense.
    2. You must have long healthy hair . Fairies are famous for their stunningly flowing curls, so hair care is a priority for you. Hair color does not matter, fairies are all individual! The most important thing is that your hair is in good condition. To do this, moisturize them with hair conditioner, drink plenty of water and periodically make homemade hair masks.

      • With regard to style, most fairies are growing long hair, sometimes longer than the waist, if possible. Never collect your hair, let them fall down the back. However, if you have a short haircut, you can go and her!
      • Make a twist or a few small smoke, just for the framing your face. For this purpose, you can use the curl, iron, hair curlers or sculpt the hair into curls. Alternatively, you can make hair wavy, so they will look more natural.
      • Fayam should not be fused on maintaining hair in perfect condition. They have more important things to think about their hair! After all adventures at the fairies you can see the remains of branches or flowers in the hair, and it is not entirely scary!
    3. The skin should be shining. Fairy should have perfect, shining skin, take care of it. Wash your face twice a day (no more and no less) and moisturize it with a brightening cream. Disguise acne, extended pores with cortisan cream. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and drink from 6 to 8 glasses of water per day.

      • As for the makeup of fairies, you need to use reflective tonal cream or powder, which will add a healthy color and shine of your skin. Use a light tone across the cheekbones and under the eyebrow to add an additional relief. And if you really want your face to shine, add a little shine on your cheeks, the effect will be awesome!
      • To emphasize the image of the Fairy, you can use other makeup tools, including light pink blush, lip gloss, a little carcass (applied only for upper eyelashes) and some shadows that will match your fabulous mind and clothing.
    4. Pick out any magic accessories. As mentioned earlier, the fairies are not too concerned about their appearance, so you don't need to spend too much on accessories. However, a few simple details here and there really can bring a little charm to your outfit and help you feel the real fairy.

      • Everyone knows that fairy can fly on wings like elegant butterflies. You can buy magic wings in the store for costume halloween or make wings yourself, using wires and colored stockings. Find out how to make wings, you can. Do not worry about what you have to wear wings constantly, often fairy hide their wings when they become "big", so if you walk without wings - it will not be a problem.
      • Want to become a fairy in the crown? Easily! Take the hoop, equal to girth and glue artificial butterflies to it, and / or flowers. Also, you can take a few studs and glue artificial flowers to them. Secure the studs with flowers in your hair in a beautiful hairstyle. Alternatively, to create a simple, natural earth image, you can wear a wreath of daisies.
      • Not all fairies have magic wands, but some use them to carry out magic spells, especially for dark fairies. Wands can be either purchased or made independently. They can be made using a branch from the garden; You can also use any thin, long, straight piece of plastic. Attach ribbons or other decorations to the stick, in general, what you feel necessary. Use imagination!
      • Most fairies are very old, but time is not powerful above these magical beings. However, the decorations they wear are very old. In the stores of vintage things or commission stores, you can find vintage jewelry, and bracelets or necklaces with medallions will be especially suitable. Nothing if the stones are big, they will also work on your image - especially if they are approaching the color to the rest of the accessories. For example, the Fairy Sleep will use lunar stones, the fairy of the water - pearls, Fairy Fire - Ruby, Fairy Earth - jade and so on.
    5. Find a unique fragrance. Part of the image of fairies is the presence of its unique fabulous fragrance. Therefore, depending on what type of fairies you belong to, you need to use the appropriate perfume. You can simply buy a suitable perfume if they like them, but it is better to create your own fragrance.

      • Consider the option of buying a perfume set, with different oils that can be mixed and create your own unique flavor. You can also buy natural essential oils that are sold in most healthy nutrition stores and dilute them with water in the spray gun. Add some sparkles to "revive" perfume.
      • Some popular flavors often include: floral flavors, such as jasmine, lavender, chamomile, rose and geranium; Fruit flavors, such as lemon, grapefruit, mandarin; Spicy aromas, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom and carnation; Earth flavors, such as: vetiver, cedar and eucalyptus.
      • Select the flavor again, which matches your Fairy type. For the Earth's Fairie, choose floral, fruit or herbal flavors. For the Water Fairies, select Rainy Fresh Smell. For fire faces, choose a spicy smell. For air faces, choose a cotton, windy or mountain flavor.

    Part 3.

    Appropriate behavior
    1. Smile More often. Fairies - happy, cheerful creatures, which always burns a mischievous light in the eyes. From your face - you are fairy - you should not go smile, whether it is a kind smile, a mischievous smirk or a dreamy halfup.

      • You do not need to walk and constantly shine, but in dealing with people you should always smile, as this will help you make you more attractive, at the same time adds mystery and mysteriousness.
    2. Make good deeds . Fay, these cheerful and mischievous creatures, golden hearts, they help any creatures. Good deeds can be done in any area of \u200b\u200beveryday life: you can wash the mountain of dirty dishes, or to take care of the old people in the nursing home.

      • Keep in mind that the fairies often make good deeds anonymously, they do not make them sake of praise. They are enough to know what they did someone's day a little happier.
    3. Spend more time on open air . It doesn't matter to what type of fairies do you feel: to the fairy of fire, water, sleep, or whether you are even a dark fairy - all the fairies are connected with the Earth and Nature. Fayam is important to spend a lot of time in the fresh air; It is important for them to feel like a rustle grass under their legs, and how the wind plays their hair.

      • Being a fairy, you should feel deep contact with nature and enjoy the time spent in nature, frolic in the fresh air, to appreciate the sights, sounds and smells of the Earth. Try to make bouquets of wildflowers, climb on trees or practicing bird singing.
    4. Put, dance and learn to play on a musical instrument. All fairies (although, above all, musical fairies) love music, songs and dancing. They hear music everywhere: in the singing of birds, in the murmur streams, in the wind, carrying through the trees, and even in the cod of the flame. They gladly sing ancient chanting and lullaby songs with their gentle, sweet, high voices.

      • Fayam likes to play on such musical instruments like: flute, twin, hussli, tambourine, bells and boorone. Learn to play any of these tools, which will be a worthy lesson for any fairground.
    5. Care for animals. Fairies love nature very much, and also feel deep contact with a variety of forest fauna representatives and pastures. They can communicate with them, feel their emotions as people are not given. Birds, deer, rabbits, frogs, squirrels, mice - all of them are fairy tales, so looking for them everywhere where you can.

      • Leave the carrot or juicy lettuce leaves when you pass by the rabbit, or help the bird fallen with a broken wing. Do whatever you can help in need.
      • Fairies are not very loved by cats, because cats are considered much closer to the wizards.
    6. Eat natural food. Fairies live in nature and enjoy all her gifts. This is reflected in their choice of food. They prefer fruits and berries, vegetables and nuts. Because of his connection with animals, they tend to hold away from meat, and, accordingly, are adherents of a vegetarian diet

      Decorate your room to reflect your fabulous personality. Create a fairy tale, decorate the room in the colors that match your Fairy type. Suspend dream catcher and musical suspension to the ceiling and put a small fie statuette to your desktop, bedside table, dressing table or windowsill. Hang the baby on the bed to protect you while you sleep. Keep the stock of the magic pollen somewhere in a safe place, for example, high on the shelf or in a locked table drawer.

    7. The attention of other fairies can be attracted if you plant the aforementioned flowers in the garden. Also, guests can attract the wonderful aromas of homemade baking, soap bubbles in the sky - yes, let the soap bubbles, fairies love them - either invite Fay to your garden, where they can spend great time.
    8. But, most likely, you just need to behave in everyday life, like a real fairy. Make good things for others, enjoy the connection with nature and open your heart. If you do all these things, other fairies will be able to feel your soul to you, and you will not need to try too try to attract their attention.
  • Despite the fact that you do not know how to fly, you can feel magic and mystic. When you believe that you fairy, you will find yourself in your magic world and feel when something strange will happen. Sitting chill on the spine. The feeling that someone is watching you. And elusive tips in the form of light laughter, dances, circling in the blow of the wind.
  • Each fairy should emit love and peace. Be strong will. Do not let others humiliate yourself. Be happy always and everywhere!
  • You can become one of the fairies described in this article, or create your own image. Do not limit yourself.
  • Before you a large selection of Fay images, any of which can be "performed" on yourself. If none of the images are suitable for you, create the style you enjoy.
  • Do not worry about the fact that you do not know how to fly. Not all fairies can fly; There are different types of fairies, and each view has its own abilities.

Real Fairy: How to become her and what is needed for this?

In order to turn into a real fairy, you will need a white clean paper leaf, writing handle or pencil and a glass of water. Take a leaf and pen and write why you want to become a fairy that you can see the beautiful and interesting in its activities. In addition, it should certainly clarify what skills you would like to have, because the real fairy always has its own special, individual abilities. After you write the necessary text, you need to drink a glass of water, and throw the sheet with the records through the open window. It is advisable to throw it down, and to the side so that he flew out as far as possible. After that, you need to lie down in the crib and fall asleep. The next day, waking up in the morning, you will feel that you are a real fairy, with the desired skills and features. Some giving say that in order to become a fairy, throw a piece of paper into the window, and you need to eat it, drinking everything with the same glass of water.

How to become the Water Fairy: What do you need?

Many girls dream of becoming the Fai of Water, so we offer you a proven way to turn into this excellent creation. So, we will need with you: a bowl or a small basin, filled with cold water, a paper leaf of a concrete color, a candle, a mirror and a desire to become a fairy. Now about the sheet of paper: it should be a specific color, which is determined by what fairy you want to become. If you are the future fairy of love, you have to find a red piece of paper, if the fairy of nature is green, and if the fairy of the water element - the color leaves should be blue or blue. Proven methods for transforming are also advised to cut a certain form of leaf: for love - heart, for nature - maple leaf, but for the elements of water - the waveform or drop shape. After everything is ready, on the edges of the leaf you need to set fire to the candle, which we lit in advance. After that, immediately omit the leaf into the water, raise in front of the mirror, so that in the reflection there was visible and leafleka and we repeat the phrase aloud: now I am a fairy. Spreading the spell, the paper must be burned to the end. According to beliefs it is believed that if the sheet is wiggleless, it means that you managed to become a water fairy.

What do you need to become a fairy at home?

We will give some more proven ways that will help you become the Fai of the house without applying too much effort. So, in the first case, we need to be needed or a medium-sized bowl and a small amount of ice. We put the frozen water in the soulful and wait until it melts. The ice should turn into ice water, for which we need a certain time. When we see that the process is completed, and the glacial driver is in the package, it is necessary to lower your hand into it for thirty seconds. At the same time, close your eyes and imagine that you have already been able to become a fairy with wings and certain skills that choose yourself at our discretion. Thirty seconds, we take out the hand from the ice water and smearing the shampoo, gel or butter and immediately wash off the water where it was hand before. For two minutes, after the oil was blurted out, it is necessary to intensively rub his hands alone about another. Following some time you can become a fairy at home And master the desired abilities.

Another way of how to become a fairy trulyThis will require the presence of an empty bottle from cologne or spirits, salt, sugar, water, liquid soap and a tablespoon. We take three pinchs of salt and fall asleep in an empty vial, three sugar snapping - we send there, pour it all this with a tablespoon of liquid soap, and after ordinary water. We take the bottle and send it to the window to appease for two weeks. After the specified term is over, the infant potion should be splashing every day, as perfumes, while thinking about how to become a truly. After a certain number of days, the desire to realize and you will get long-awaited skills.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Let us give a proven method that is consecrated in other articles and books on how to become a fairy with wings in reality. It is possible to perform the described ritual only in full moon, so that it really affect. So, wait for the moment when the full moon appears in the sky. You need: a glass of water, clean sheet of paper and writing object. On the leaf, describe in detail what the fairy you would like to become and what abilities to have. After that, go to the open window, taking with you water and a sheet with a description of fairies. Give me a glass so that the full moon is reflected in it, then lower the paper with the wish. After that, all the water that was in the glass, it is necessary to pour over. After completing this ritual, you can become a fairy in real life, which will become the owner of beautiful wings at night. If it does not work itself to become a wizard, then you will certainly have a friend's friend, which you can manage the power of your own thoughts and control all its actions.

Let's try to call the fairy.

In order to become one of the little magicians, it is possible not only to independently carry out various rituals, but also to apply for help directly to the Fayam. For this we will have to call them first. So, what is necessary for this. For a start, as always, you must decide whether you would like to become the most, and depending on this find the necessary object. For example, if you dream to become a fairy of the water, sit on the shore of the lake or river, if the game of music - go to the source of musical sounds, and so on.

After you approach the source, you need to call the fairy three times, for example, the water fairy, come! - And so three times. You will be able to understand that the wizard in place, feeling a light breeze or handing a quiet rustle. After that, you need to contact her, asking you to make you a magical force. The request also needs to be built correctly: clarify that you want to get the abilities only with good intentions and in no way will be applied to harm. If you do not specify this, the desire may not be fulfilled. After that, go home, and go to bed. Early in the morning you wake up with the desired abilities.

What do you need to become the fate of all forces?

For this we will need a little: toothpaste and water. Fairy of all forces is also considered the main fairy, which owns various abilities. So, we take toothpaste and apply it to the index fingers of both hands. We leave the paste on the fingers for forty five minutes, and after the time it is washed in water. Cleansing hands from the paste, you need to repeat the phrase five times: I am a fairy. After half an hour, hear the quiet voices of the fairies, which you should ask to become the fate of all your might. After that, go to bed, but certainly put the alarm clock for three o'clock in the morning and check if you have it, and whether you own new features.

Easy way to become a fairy.

This is the easiest and most common option. Return where no one will distract or hear you. Heat the eyes strongly and repeat the phrase three times out loud: I am the most powerful and main fairy. At the same time, you need to raise both hands above your head and at the moment when you will pronounce the words, clap your palm. Do not think that everything will work at a time - you need to repeat this event not one day, but if you do everything right, then, in the end, you will get a long-awaited skill.

Another interesting way to become a fairy.

Try to believe that the dream has already been implemented and you are the same Fairy, whose one has been dreaming for a very long time. Feel this with all my heart, will penetrate this thought. Try to understand that everything that surrounds you is already magic. Singing birds, bright sun or favorite toys - all this is endowed with parties of magic elements. Feel that you are a wizard, try to assist around people, treat a stray dog \u200b\u200bwith delicious food or help home parents - after all, it will be that magic that you are doing. The activity of each fair, regardless of its elements and abilities, is aimed at assisting others, they seek to make the world better, brighter and more beautiful, and not always need wings or other abilities for this. Start with a smile, a positive attitude towards people and assistance to others, and everything else will appear gradually. Well, we hope we gave you enough advice, how to become faey - Proven methods will certainly help you implement your dream.

As an article of this Fairy (video 1):

As an article of this Fairy (video 2):

As an article of this FEE (video 3):

Each girl dreams to be special and possess the abilities that are beyond its peers. How to become a fairy and learn to create magic? To make favor and good people, please them and surprise them? Become a real wizard is a real adventure that will transform the life of any girl or a girl!

However, it should always be remembered that it is not only a huge gift, but also a big responsibility. The girl who envies, is angry with others, lies to parents, makes Caverza and other bad deeds, will not get to get extraordinary abilities. For this you will have to change the harmful character. After all, the Fairy is first of all - a very good creature, so she will give his power only sincere and good person.

In this article:

Club Winx: how to become the same?

These magical creations came to us from the "Winx Club" animated series, telling about unusual girls with magical abilities. Six beautiful fairies, each of which has its own magic, became a real sample to imitate. Is it possible to learn how to have such talents right now? Yes, it is quite possible to transform into Fairy Winx. The main thing is to believe in the magic and be a kind person.

To have the abilities of one of the villas of Winx, you should remember several important rules:

  • they will never harm a person and make bad acts;
  • the wizards are not only beautiful, but also carefully following themselves: wear well, the teeth are brushing on time and combed;
  • if you really want to turn into a girl with the abilities for magic, it is best to tell anyone about it. Even close friends!

Flora: Queen Flowers

Will possess the magic of Winx - Flora - it means to be able to talk with flowers and plants, to love nature very much. To become a similar to flora, you need to go for a walk in the summer on a sunny day on nature and find the most beautiful flower. In no case cannot be disrupted!

Sitting near the flower and stroking his stems, these words should be pronounced:

"Flora, be my girlfriend! Give me strength! I love flowers and believe in magic. Thanks to you, I can become a real Fairy nature! ".

Magic spell must be pronounced three times. Now magical abilities will increase every day.

Muse: Sound Energy

Becoming Fairy Music is to learn how to control the sound of sound. To possess the talents of the muse, it is necessary in the evening before bedtime, quietly rush to myself the most beloved song and pronounce the real plot:

"Muza, give me magic of music, the magic of sound! Let them help me create good for all people! ".

After that, try to fall asleep. In the morning your secret abilities will be much stronger.

Fairy of the Sun and Moon

Those girls who like to admire the moon and the lunar light can enjoy Magic Stella, and for a long time walking on the street on sunny days.

To become a lady of the energies of the Sun and the Moon, you need to hang two threads on the wrists of your hands. On the right hand of yellow thread - it will symbolize the energy of the sun. On the left - white thread. It will become the conductor of the energy of the moon. But before conspiring threads-talismans in the hands, say:

"The sun and the moon, help me to become a real good sorceress! I will make only good acts and no one causing an evil! "

After that, through threads, you can feel the sunny and lunar power, which will be awarded with extraordinary talents and skills. The sun will help you to learn well, be always in a good mood and help others, and the moon is to be a very beautiful girl and not afraid of anything.

Lady of light and fire

In the Cartoon "Club Winx", the Bloom magician enjoyed magic of light and fire, which gave her almost unlimited abilities. Become a lady of the elements of fire and light can be with the help of a magic conspiracy and a small secret rite.

In a clear sunny day you need to go to nature and find a small clearing. You need to make sure that no one has seased right now. Then get up on the middle of the clearing and stretch your hands up, straight to the sun. In this case, pronounce the words of the magic conspiracy:

Leila: how to subordinate water

To have the abilities of the wizard leyla, you need to hold a magic rite. For this evening, in front of bedtime, when the moon will shine out the window, put a glass with water in the room on the window sill. Here are the words of a conspiracy that will help to gain the strength of the water element:

"From now on, I will learn to manage water, draw a magical power out of it! Leila, make me a real fairy, Odari for your magic! I swear that I would use it only for the benefit! ".

After that, you need to go to bed. If in the morning you felt a large tide of strength - it means that you have become a powerful wizard, which from now on can manage water elements. However, you should not immediately throw to the nearest reservoir to test your strength. Your abilities will be disclosed gradually, day by day.

All technologies will be subject to

The sixth wizard - techno - had a skill that allowed her to subjugate all the well-known technologies. How to make it so that you have never broken the phone in your hands, and the remote from the TV did not disappear when it is most needed? To do this, seek help to magic and spend a very simple rite.

You need to take any home gadget, for example, a cell phone or tablet that belongs to you. Then in the evening, before bedtime, take it in hand and quietly say:

"From now on, the whole technique becomes subject to me! Now I have nothing to break and work badly! I own powerful magic - magic technology. From now on, any technology is conquered! ".

After this secret rite, the phone or tablet, over which magic words were delivered, should not be included overnight. In the morning you will see that they have become much better to deal with any technique in the house, and it has become better and faster.

How to become a fairy with wings?

Many girls dream of real lung wings. It's so cool to learn how to fly! Unfortunately, your transformation will pass unnoticed to others. According to magical laws, the wings will not be visible to anyone of people, but only representatives of the magical worlds. They can be seen in the lunar reflection of the lake once the wizard itself.

However, it never stopped special girls who know that magic is a serious thing, and boasting your friends that you have invisible wings with the help of transformation, it is definitely not worth it. Otherwise, all the magic will disappear, and it is not always possible to return it.

To become a fairy with wings in real life, exactly at midnight in the dark will need to open the window and, looking into the sky, tent times a magic spell:

"I am crawling your wings! I fly to the stars! "

After that, within seven days, it is necessary to represent that the wings grow behind your back. A week later there will be a transformation, and the girl will turn into a powerful sorceress with the wings that she will feel behind his back, when he wants.

In real life, the fairy with wings will not fly. But at night, in a dream, you fully experience your transformation and can enjoy the wonderful feeling of flight and fascinating communication with good creatures from other worlds.

There is another way to turn into a walled wizard with transformation. This will help such a ritual:

  • draw on a clean sheet of paper such a fairy with wings in which you want to turn;
  • on the reverse sheet, write the magic abilities you want to master. For example: "I want to fly," "I want to treat animals" or "I want people to be drawn to me" and any others. The main thing is that they are not evil and could not hurt anyone;
  • then put a piece of pillow on the night (you can bend it). How to sleep;
  • the next day, buried the leaves in the ground so that no one saw him and did not dug.

How to turn into a fuel per second? Ritual at home!

This is the easiest way to apply to the wizard at home. To do this, you need to stay alone in your room, close your eyes and give magic words three times:

"Fairy power is now with me!".

First you will not feel anything, but then every day an amazing adventure will be held with you. It is always worth remembering that now you are special. Therefore, you can feel people, their desires, dreams. It is necessary to help people and animals so that your strength has increased. If you do not do this, magical abilities may disappear.

Another way to quickly become a fairy house will require a courage of character. At night, you need to wake up when it is still dark, go to the mirror and say such words:

"Magic, put me with the beauty and magic of fairies!".

After that quickly return to bed, close your eyes and fall asleep until the morning.

The next day, a girl who decided to gain extraordinary talents in this way, will feel much more confident in their power. If earlier she was a timid, now it will feel more bold and decisive, she will have good real friends.

How to understand what happened to become special?

After a mysterious rite of dedication, many girls are looking forward to instant magical abilities. However, home magic is not working in the way, and it will not be possible, for example, to become the Fairy nature or fire.

Magic talents will manifest every day in a little bit. Magic changes can be felt every time you commit a good act: feed the hungry kitten, comfort the crying baby, support a good word of lonely person. After each such act, you physically begin to feel like magic in you becomes stronger.

It is necessary to walk as often as possible in nature. The real magician spends most of the time among flowers and trees, helping them to grow and protect them. Instead, natural elements will give a special girl wisdom and power, which will allow her to repeatedly increase their extraordinary talents.

Becoming Fairy means living in harmony with people, nature and animals. Never offend them, but always help and maintain. Then you truly feel the wings behind your back and realize that they turned into a powerful good wizard.

How to become Winx: 6 options + 3 indispensable rules of young magicians.

We all in life lack wonders, good magic and adventure. Is it because all the girls like the stories about the fairies - excellent creatures with wings that own magical abilities?

And the Italian cartoon series "Winx Club" about these bass and has become a cult! Many girls after watching the next series began to wonder how to become Fai of Winx.

And we are ready to help you in finding a response. Consider who your favorite heroine?

How to become Five Winx: 6 options depending on the strength you want to get

№1. Bloom: Yes, there will be a light!

As you know, Bloom can control light fluxes.

And if you want to become the most Winx, which the sun's rays are conquered, will have to try a little:

  • Wait for a clear, sunny day and go to the street.
  • Spread around the four pebble - red, blue, blue and purple colors around themselves, since they are the main for Winx Bloom.
    Pebbles need to be positioned so that each of them point to one of the sides of the light (the sequence is not important).
  • It is time to pronounce the Winx wizard spell:

    Fairy, gather in the circle, take me to yourself, do not open the hands. I want to command I want light and fire. I will not carry destruction, I will help people and create only good deeds. From now on, I am Fairy Bloom, and it is impossible to me all that before that was hidden.

  • Now close your eyes and completely enjoy the sunlight, feel how his energy fills you.

IMPORTANT! Like other rites below, this one gives strength that will be noticeable only to those who also became Winx with the help of magic. Ordinary people will not notice your magic wings, no maturity. But will it stop you on your magic path?

№2. How to become Fite Winx Stella and conquer the heavenly shining.

Stella won a lot of hearts, because it can control the sun, moon and stars. And who did not want to put on a wonderful weather on the weekend or before traveling to the sea?

To become the same Fai of Winx, you need to spend a special ritual:

  1. Find some small things on one of which the sun will be depicted, and on the other - the moon. It can be decorations, magnets, bracelets, key rings, pebbles, on which you yourself scratched the drawing, will come down everything to become a stele facing.
  2. Dress up the clothes of bright, warm shades (yellow, orange, red, etc.)
  3. Now go to a secluded place on the street so that no one seen you and the shadow fell on you.
  4. Put cooked amulets on the left (moon) and on the right (sun) from yourself.
  5. Pretty concentrate and say a conspiracy:

    Stella, the Fairy of the Sun and the Moon, you come to me, let's share, accept into your ranks.

  6. Now with new magical forces can go home. But please do not forget the images of the Sun and the Moon - they will become your reliable overalls. How does real winx fight evil without protection? The same ...

Number 3. How to become Flee Winx Floratus, so that everything around smelled and bloom?

If you are the souls do not have a chain in beds and groats, forced all the window sills in the apartment with vasons, and the best gift really consider a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then it's time to go further - to become a felix felo fringe.

  • Cook big, beautiful flower - pink or red in a pot. It can be taken from the house, and you can buy in the store or on the market (in this case, when buying it is impossible to bargain and take the delivery).
  • Now go to a beautiful, secluded place in nature. It can be a glade, the forest, the coast of the river - the main thing that there was a lot of greens for the birth of a new flora!
  • Put the pot with a flowering plant in front of them and spend three times with an expression:

    Flora, from now on, calling over green meadows, forests to fly, with the plants of the conversation lead. Let my strength to multiply, on good only applies.

  • Wait a little with eyes closed, listen to the rustle of herbs and trees, tune in to a magic wave.
  • Now take your conspiracy plant. While it will be vividly healthy, Winx Fairies forces will be rightfully belonging to you.

№4. How to become Five Winx Museum: If the music is yours all.

There are girls who do not eat bread - let me listen to good music. Even graduates of the conservatory will envy them sensitive hearing. It is them that they should be the Fairy Winx Museum - the very subject to sound waves.

  1. Prepare the record of your favorite musical work. Be careful when choosing: the stronger you like the song, the more effective will be rite!
  2. Left alone in the darkest, dark room, trigger the favorite composition three times, completely moving away to music.
  3. Then close your eyes and whisper:

    Magic music and sounds - my vocation, I will only fulfill good desires. Winx Muza, Share Share with me, Magic your joy.

  4. Now you, a nice young lady, will begin to listen better and hear this world. And the song will become a real guard: every time it wants to fill Winx's magic energy, it will only need to once again listen to the composition.

№5. How to become Fey Winx Leila: Yes, you, baby, cooler mermaids!

Leila is different from other Winx family faces what can manage by their wishes by any liquids - at least the ocean, even tea in the circle. Fascinating, isn't it?

But in order to become just such a Winx, it will take a little more time and patience than in previous cases:

  • First of all, prepare a bowl with water and two handkerchiefs - brown and blue.
  • Wait for the evening and before going to bed, leave the sill on the windowsill with water, covering two cooked scarves.
  • At the same time you need to talk spell three times:

    Let it be like Leila - Schrake, like water, clean as a tear, is easy, like dew. By force, I will be filled to the very rapids of the soul, neither sorrow will bring anyone, no trouble, but only joy and light.

  • In the morning the water you just need to pour out, and the two scarves leave yourself and store in a secluded place like amulets.
  • The rite is worth checking. For example, try the power of glance, concentrating well, to warm the water in a mug or make her move. Happened? Congratulations, you are a real fairy wizard!

№6. How to become Five Winx Tekhna: and no longer breakdowns!

The image of the Fairy Fairy is just a discovery for girls who cannot live without their smartphone and the Internet, they will easily repair the computer and the vacuum cleaner, and the best time is considered "sticking" in some new-fashioned gadget. It is TSN to "you" with the technique and the latest technologies.

You can become such a fairytale Winx by spending a special magic ritual:

  1. Prepare the ribbons of three colors in advance - green, purple and black. It is these shades that are the main for the text.
  2. Choose the subject of technology that you use most often and practically do not part, for example, a mobile phone, MP3 player, headphone, fitness bracelet, etc.
  3. Carefully draw on the selected gadget ribbons and say the conspiracy:

    I, like Tekn, I own technique as good forces by this world. My mind is open to all new and progressive. Let it be so far from forever.

  4. Ribbons can be removed, but it is advisable to carry them with you, as they will feed your magic force.

How to turn into a fairy?

And so, when the favorite Heroine Winx was chosen and the ritual was held, it seems that there is only a bright magical future ahead. And indeed it is! True, if you remember the pair of the secrets of real little sorcerers.

To become one of Winx and stay in their ranks for a long time, you need to remember:

  • True faces are kind and bright.
    They do not use their power to harm their karma and other people. That is, remove the branch from the road so that no one has stumbled about it, is yes! But to pull out the flower garden of the nasty neighbor - no, no and no longer! What are you fairy after that? Something we do not remember such bad actions for Winx.
  • Fairies are modest and do not brag their magical forces.
    Well, except that his closest girlfriend, who also passed the rite of dedication to Winx, can tell how the water was heated by the power of the view.
  • Faories are beautiful not only with soul, but also the body.
    That is, they try to dress beautifully and tidy, feminine and well-groomed. Therefore, the proportion of ribbon jeans - Long live lush skirts, neat pigts and original decorations.

So "How to become Fey Winx?" - This is not the most difficult question. Much more important with the help of magic and inner mood to carry only good, light and positive into the world.

But truly smart girls, such as you, dear readers, will be able to. We do not doubt this in this way!