Repairs Design Furniture

How to make glowing helium balloons. Ball with LED inside: make quick and beautiful. Make glowing balloons with LEDs

In this article, you can read about how quickly and simply and very originally decorate an evening holiday. In fact, there is enough ordinary air ball, LED, scotch, and a battery to give the paints at night. In this article you will read about how they can successfully combine an interesting scenery for the holiday.

How to make glowing balloons do it yourself:

Perhaps some of you have already watched, such an original creation of designer thought, like glowing balloons Figure No. 1.

Figure No. 1 - Glowing balloons

Of course, the secret is simple, and there are already ready-made stamps in order for the ball to light up Figure number 2.

Figure 2 - Special Machine

You need to simply turn on the LED and inflate the air ball, but probably not everyone knows where to purchase this kind of thing, there is a way out, and it is especially necessary to "wrap up" you need to just take ordinary LEDs and stick a battery to it (preferably on 3 V) Number 3.

Figure No. 3 - Battery LED

It will only be left to put the LED inside the balloon Figure No. 4 and inflate it. Such a combination will give you the effect of a luminous balloon Figure No. 1.5. Which you can decorate your room by creating a festive atmosphere.

Figure No. 4 - LED is put in the air ball
Figure No. 5 - Glowing Balls

P.S.: I tried to visually show and describe not cute advice. I hope that at least something will be useful to you. But this is not all that it is possible to invent, so dare, and look through the site

Declaring any children's holiday, party, birthday. Make balls with your own hands quickly and simple. Work does not require special skills or expensive inventory, but to glow and please their shine balls will be more than three days.

Choose the color of the balls and LEDs

For child holiday It is better to use colored LEDs, or pick up a glowing element under the interior of the hall. For a wedding, white LEDs are used more often - they brightly glow in the night sky and replace Chinese celestial lanterns well.


The darker the room, the brighter the balls will be lit. Therefore, the launch is better to do at night.

If you have theme party in blue-white or blue colors, In the blue ball, it is better to put a white LED. It glows brighter blue. In the green ball, the color is almost not visible, in pink - can be seen. In yellow, orange and red balls, you can easily use the red LED - it is the brightest of all.

First of all, you need to connect the battery and the LED. To do this, use the isolant, molar ribbon or ordinary scotch.


Pay attention to the polarity of the battery and the LED - it is necessary to apply elements plus to a plus, minus to minus. If they are wrong to connect, the LED will not burn.

Both elements have a big and smaller surface. Big is a plus, smaller - minus. Given this, connect the battery and the LED and soak the tape. Now the LED is not going anywhere. According to such a scheme, you prepare all the LEDs that you intend to use - plus to the plus, dressed, postponed.

If you have purchased transparent or white balls, it will be better that the color strapping does not stand out from the ball. In this case, we recommend using a transparent tape.

It is also very easy to fix the LED with a battery using balls-sausages, of which still make "dogs". Take the ball and cut it with pieces about 2 cm long. - We get rubberry.

Scissors insert into a rubber, spread them, and insert the battery and the LED inside, remembering the polarity of "plus to the plus". Such an eraser tightly holds the LED on the battery and closes the legs that will not break the ball when inflating.

If you are lucky and you bought big balls, the LED easily falls inside. If the ball is small, then it needs to be neatful enough to go deep into the ball.


Better take big balls.
You can also stretch the ball and put the LEDs inside. It will be much faster. In addition, stretching ball, you additionally check it for strength. And if there are holes in it, then it will break it.

Inflation balls

When you inflate the balls, you must definitely protect your eyes, because no matter how good the balls are, they will definitely be holes. And when the bowl bursts and flies the LED, he can injure your eyes.


We put on a ball on a gas cylinder. It is necessary to inflate it until a small pear appears. If you died the ball, lower it a bit, because the front ball will burst in itself. We make a drop-shaped ball and tie on a ribbon.

Balloons and bright lanterns - the usual attribute of many holidays. Separately they are good, and together even better. Creating glowing balls does not take away from you a lot of strength or free time, but the result will exceed all the expectations.

You will need: Ordinary Multicolored Balls, Batteries - Tablets, LEDs, Scissors, Scotch / Tolent, Eye Safety Glasses, gas cylinder, as well as ribbons to bind balls.

Video instruction: how to make glowing balloons with your own hands.

Today, when in the trend, the direction "Hand-Maid", make things with their own hands for the house relevant and besides rational. Excellent solution as decorative element There will be inflatable balls with glowing light bulbs inside. It certainly will not be full lightingbut he will fit perfectly in the interior as festive decoration Birthday or any other holiday.

LEDs are most often placed in inflatable balls. But other devices can serve as a source of light. About how you can make your own hands such a beautiful and unique part of the interior, this article will tell.

Various formats

Balloons are ordinary decoration Any holiday: Birthday, New Year, wedding anniversary, etc. But if you insert into them such a glowing element as LEDs, you will receive a unique design element of the interior. And making such lamps on their own, you will not only surprise your friends, but also you will delight the child.
The most important detail here will be the light source - LED. It is directly dependent on him how beautiful and bright will be a ball.
Today glowing balloons With your own hands you can make from the following light sources:

Ball with tablet

  • glowing element-tablet. It is a widely applied backlight option. The light source here serves a LED "tablet". It is quite simple to make such a design, and the light source itself will calmly go into a ball of any type. Especially beautiful here will look like a luminous "heart". But for large-scale backlight, such a tablet will not fit, as it is not capable of creating a uniform illumination of the ball. It will only cover the bottom of the inflatable product, as the tablet has sufficient weight. Sometimes the glow is not at all noticeable if you look at a certain angle. Another disadvantage of such a design will be a short period of glow;
  • luminous wand. In its middle, the wand contains a LED (several diodes use in some chopsticks). In addition to LEDs, a battery for autonomous power is built into it. Make such a light bulb enough easily and quickly. But the disadvantage of such a design is the sufficient weight of the sticks and its noticeable arrangement inside the infllion bowl. As a result, such a ball can not be filled with helium. But for the party of this is quite enough;

Note! You can buy such a wand in a specialized store, and you can make yourself and independently from the remedies.

Balls with chopstick

  • fastened stationary LED. This option will be the most qualitative decision For independent orientation organization balloons. Popularity This type of assembly received because it is possible to place the LED higher. In addition, the LEDs for the balls can be found much easier than a tablet or wand. This is an option for any life situations.

Note! A large advantage of use to illuminate inflatable products with stationary LEDs is their simplicity in operation. Such a ball can be inflated both gel and ordinary air.

Balls with LEDs

Whatever option you have chosen to create "cosmoshos", you can all make it yourself. The complexity of the whole design is only to supply an inflatable ball and a LED as a whole.

Preparing materials

In order to quickly mount such an original inflatable ball, depending on his view, you will need the following materials:

  • air balloons;
  • 3V batteries for sticks;
  • 3V LEDs;
  • termocles or tape;
  • lED flashlight for tablet assembly.

From tools, for emptiness assembly you can take advantage adhesive pistols and soldering iron.

Preparation for work

To make a glowing inflatable ball with your own hands, you need to stick to the assembly instructions:

  • first you need to decide on the type of inflatable balls. This method can highlight the ball of any color. Typically, multicolored are used on holidays, but for a wedding or party you can pick up balls defined color Gamma. (If there is some special subject of the festival). In addition to ordinary round items, curly and oblong balls can be used here. The simplest light will be for standard and oblong products;
  • after that, we are determined with the type of backlight used: a wand, a tablet or stationary LED. Far in the instructions will adhere to the lighting situation of the LED, since this is the most optimal option;
  • select LEDs. For the birthday, you can use colored LEDs, but for the wedding it is better to stay on the white. Their light in the night sky will be especially bright and festive. Do not insert the LED into the ball the same color with it. This will make his glow imperceptible;

Note! The choice of the color of the LED should be made on the basis of the indoor shaders in which the holiday will be held. With bright lighting of the room, the illumination of the balls will be almost inconspicuous, whatever color you have chosen. And under the native premises will show your cracker in maximum glory. Therefore, such products will perfectly fit into any party.


    ⦁ Next, connect the LED with the battery. To attach, you can use a tape or ordinary tape. It is better to use scotch, as it will not interfere with LEDs shine. At this stage it is important to properly make a connection. Therefore, pay attention to the polarity of the battery. All items need to be connected to minus to minus and plus to the plus. Most on the battery is a plus, and smaller - a minus. Otherwise, the LED will not burn. The check on the correct connection should be taken immediately, and not already in the ball;
  • check the connection to strength. All items must be fastened firmly. Otherwise, when placing this design inside the ball, the batteries may simply fall out.

According to this scheme, we produce the training of LEDs for all the balls that will need to inflate and highlight. The first element will take you for a few minutes, and each subsequent will go like oil.
Now we have all the elements in order to assemble this inflatable decorative product Holiday.

Start assembly

It remains the most important and responsible moment - to connect all the elements into a single design or place the LEDs in the balls. The most easily prefabricated device LED battery is placed, of course, into large balls. But if the product is small, then everything should be done very carefully, so as not to go through the ball itself or not to interrupt the contact between the battery and the diode.
The assembly occurs according to the following scheme:

  • check the precast device for strength;
  • we stretch the hole in the ball and gently suck the LED with a battery. In addition to the introduction of the LED, stretching allows you to check the product for strength. If there is marriage or holes in it, it will surely be broken at this stage;

Spooking device

  • after that, inflation the ball. Here, to prevent the eye injured in case of rupture of the product, be sure to wear safety glasses. You can inflate both your mouth and with a cylinder;

Note! The ball, if it is standard configuration, must purchase a drop-shaped form. It is not necessary to inflate the product strongly, otherwise, in the process of the LED, the risk of its Lopanna rises.

  • tie a ball with a bright and beautiful ribbon and on this work is completed.

As you can see, make the balls with LEDs with your own hands. Just follow the instructions above, and your holiday will come to the glory!

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Multicolored glowing balls is bright decoration Any interior. This simple, but at the same time the colorful element will decorate any children's holiday, party, birthday. Make balls with your own hands quickly and simple. Work does not require special skills or expensive inventory, but to glow and please their shine balls will be more than three days.

Choose the color of the balls and LEDs

For the children's holiday, it is better to use colored LEDs, or pick a glowing element under the interior of the hall. For a wedding, white LEDs are used more often - they brightly glow in the night sky and replace Chinese celestial lanterns well.


The darker the room, the brighter the balls will be lit. Therefore, the launch is better to do at night.

If you have a thematic party in blue-white or blue colors, then in the blue ball is better to put a white LED. It glows brighter blue. In the green ball, the color is almost not visible, in pink - can be seen. In yellow, orange and red balls, you can easily use the red LED - it is the brightest of all.

First of all, you need to connect the battery and the LED. To do this, use the isolant, molar ribbon or ordinary scotch.


Pay attention to the polarity of the battery and the LED - it is necessary to apply elements plus to a plus, minus to minus. If they are wrong to connect, the LED will not burn.

Both elements have a big and smaller surface. Big is a plus, smaller - minus. Given this, connect the battery and the LED and soak the tape. Now the LED is not going anywhere. According to such a scheme, you prepare all the LEDs that you intend to use - plus to the plus, dressed, postponed.

If you have purchased transparent or white balls, it will be better that the color strapping does not stand out from the ball. In this case, we recommend using a transparent tape.

It is also very easy to fix the LED with a battery using balls-sausages, of which still make "dogs". Take the ball and cut it with pieces about 2 cm long. - We get rubberry.

Scissors insert into a rubber, spread them, and insert the battery and the LED inside, remembering the polarity of "plus to the plus". Such an eraser tightly holds the LED on the battery and closes the legs that will not break the ball when inflating.

If you are lucky and you bought big balls, the LED easily falls inside. If the ball is small, then it needs to be neatful enough to go deep into the ball.


Better take big balls.
You can also stretch the ball and put the LEDs inside. It will be much faster. In addition, stretching ball, you additionally check it for strength. And if there are holes in it, then it will break it.

Inflation balls

When you inflate the balls, you must definitely protect your eyes, because no matter how good the balls are, they will definitely be holes. And when the bowl bursts and flies the LED, he can injure your eyes.


We put on a ball on a gas cylinder. It is necessary to inflate it until a small pear appears. If you died the ball, lower it a bit, because the front ball will burst in itself. We make a drop-shaped ball and tie on a ribbon.

Balloons and bright lanterns - the usual attribute of many holidays. Separately they are good, and together even better. Creating glowing balls does not take away from you a lot of strength or free time, but the result will exceed all the expectations.

You will need: ordinary multicolored balloties, tablets, LEDs, scissors, tape / tape, safety glasses for eyes, gas cylinder, as well as ribbons to bind balls.

Video instruction: how to make glowing balloons with your own hands.

To please the child or your soul mate, you can make a glowing, ice ball. His lack is that it melts room temperaturebut if you decorate the courtyard with such balls new Year's Eve Or for Christmas, then you and your guests will experience the real atmosphere of the holiday. The ball will light up until the batteries in the LEDs do not blown. Try to surprise your guests and your neighbors with such an amazing craft.

We offer to familiarize yourself with the process of making self-made.

To create a luminous ball, we will need:
- Espander;
- pliers;
- any marker;
- balloon;
- several LEDs;
- Glass.

So, we will start. In the glass we pour ordinary water. We are enough 200 grams. You should not take too much water, since then we will still add it from the crane. This is the quantity, we need the dye to dissolve and give water the desired shade.

We take, break our marker and pull out cotton wool out of it. We will use this cotton, like a dye.

We throw the dye (in our case, the wool from the marker) in a glass with water. So that the water is better painted by cotton it is better to sweat. You can use the food dye, which remained after Easter, and if there is neither one or the other, spread a little guashi or watercolor in the water.

Now we take our LEDs, we turn on them and grind the tape, leaving only the light bulbs. The tape is needed to keep the wiring and place of connecting the batteries. Then they will rush into the water and it is extremely not desirable that the water can come into contact with batteries.

The next step is necessary to pour a little dye diluted in the water in the air ball.

After a glass of water with a dye, you poured into the ball - omit the LEDs there. Throw them need directly into the water.

Next to the ball add ordinary water from the crane. In size, you should get a small melon. Do not make too big ball, it will be very difficult to put in the freezer and the effect of diodes will not be the same.

At the base, the ball tie to the node.

Now the ball must be placed in the freezer and wait 2 hours.