Repairs Design Furniture

The basis for the manufacture of garlands from the balls. How to make a garland from paper balls? Video instruction. Flat garlands from four balloons

Multicolored inflated balls beautifully decorate any solemn event - birthday, wedding, firm anniversary and so on. And if the balls are not just inflated, but also collect some kind of composition, it will look even more beautiful.

Now we will tell you how to make a garland from the balls.

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    How to make a two-color garland from the balls

    Buy balls of different colors and immediately inflated. Try to do so that the inflated balls are about the same volume.

    Now make the garland itself. Tie balls with tails with each other.

    Carefully and slowly twist the harvested forms around the fishing line so that it does not overcome the balls and did not cut your fingers.

    As a result, it will be like a flower with four petals. Similarly, fasten the remaining blocks from the balls. Slowly increasing the garland from the balls and ultimately you will have a beautiful decoration in the form of thick long "sausages".

    How to make a tricolor garland from the balls

    In essence, it is done in the same way as the two-color, only to the connecting elements need to add another shape of four petals. We describe this process more.

    Buy balls of three colors and inflated them.

    Now make the foundation for decoration. Sliced \u200b\u200ba piece of fishing line so that it was three meters longer than the harl edge already.

    Fasten the fishing line with one end to the chair or to another object, which stands still, while one meter of a piece of fishing line should stay free. Tensioning it and tie the other end in the same way to another basis, also leaving a whole meter hanging.

    Now you can attach inflated balls to the stretched fishing. Make double billets, tied two balls with each other, then link them using two double blanks, knitting their tails without using threads. It turns out a form with four petals.

    You twist the balls that are located on the fishing line.

    Build the decoration, connecting other four-lines blocks to it, not forgetting to wrap them. Do not forget to stick to the color rhythm. As a result, you will manage to make a beautiful tricolor garland, which you can decorate any holiday.

    On both ends of the crafts tie the tapes from the paper.

Garland from the balls is an elegant ornament to which they add to the most different reasons. There are many interesting combinations of such a decor. They may differ not only in their form, but also in colors. Today we learn what kind of garlands from the balls exist and how they can be made with their own hands.


Today there are a mass of decorative additions used to create a festive and friendly atmosphere. One of the most popular and spectacular products are garlands. With their manufacture, the balls are used for which the different-dimensional design is characteristic. Such decisions look very interesting and attract a lot of attention. As a rule, decorations of such a form are silently fit into many interior ensembles. Moreover, they can be used for a variety of reasons.


Beautiful garlands from balls are different. Often at various events you can find standard options in the form of the arch, but this is not the only way to perform such a scenery. Get acquainted with them closer.

From balloons

Most often there are simple (but no less attractive) copies in the form of the arch. The second most popular is the designs in the form of a large heart. In such decorations, both monochrome and multicolor balls may be present. In both cases, original and attractive jewelry, which will never be ignored. Garlands from the balls may have the most difficult structure.

The main advantages of this decor are:

  • affordable price - buy a similar decoration or make it with your own hands on your pocket to everyone, because the garlands from the balls are inexpensive;
  • the possibility of applying on large events - garland collected from balloons can be used to decorate not only a modest holiday, but also a large-scale celebration with a lot of guests;
  • the speed of manufacture - a beautiful bundle of balloons can be made in just a few minutes, so there will be no free time for the design of the festive room;
  • long service life - despite the fact that balloons are not the durable products, the decor of them can stand for several days without any loss (of course, to achieve such a result, you need to adhere to the technology of manufacturing garlands);
  • universality - similar decorations are decorated not only by various rooms, but also cars (most often to such a festive decoration are treated when decorating cars from a wedding cortex).


Flat varieties of scenery are manufactured in the same way as simple round or square garlands. Four balls combine with each other and bind with a fishing line or ribbon. In compiling this decorative composition, it is very important to accommodately approach the calibration of the balls used. To make a flat garland, you will need to first build a semblance of a quadruple flower. Next, the ball is attached to its central part, which has more modest sizes, it will perform the feature function. Such structures are very popular, because they look interesting, but they are simply made. It takes quite a bit of time.


Street garlands are made up of more dense balls. For ordinary garlands, options are applied simpler. As a rule, street structures easily carry low temperatures (frost-resistant), but the exhausting heat has a negative impact on them. High-quality street garlands can serve from the week (or more) if there was a good weather for this time without strong winds.

Street edging from the balls is often used in the opening of new institutions or carrying out different kinds of events. As a rule, for this choose brighter balls. However, such a decision, despite its attractiveness, cannot be called practical. Ideal weather conditions do not always take place, therefore the durability of such decorations can be significantly reduced.


LED girlands of a spherical shape today are insanely popular. Such decorations are most often used during the New Year holidays. They are hanging not only on the Christmas trees (street and home), but also on various urban objects. With the help of properly selected garlands, you can give the setting of a truly festive and elegant appearance. Luminous decorations with diodes have many positive qualities:

  • low electricity consumption;
  • diode scenery are not heated;
  • they have a pleasant, but at the same time a bright light;
  • serve for a very long time;
  • are not afraid of external influences from atmospheric precipitation;
  • not afraid of temperature differences (of course, if made of quality materials);
  • represented by the broadest assortment.

However, it must be borne in mind that these products cost quite expensive, but their operational characteristics and long service life justify the high price.

Thai lanterns

Thai lanterns are a real trend, they enjoy mad popularity. Lanterns are nourishing and rathang. Such details are often complemented and the interiors of different styles are completed. Consider the characteristic features of the filament options.

  • Such scenery can only be kept in dry and closed rooms.
  • Such models are luminous and operate from the network in 220V.
  • Fissure products are permissible to operate at temperatures from 0 to +45 degrees.
  • Such garlands are prohibited to include while they are packaged. In addition, they can not be covered with even very light and transparent tissues / bedspreads.
  • It is not recommended to store these fashionable round garlands in places where they will remain unattended or children / animals will be able to reach them.

Spectacular design boasts round rotan garlands. According to designers, such decorations discard a very beautiful shadow. Rotan variants are offered in a variety of colors. Often, these decorations, like woven, are the result of manual labor.


Very beautiful and original garlands are obtained from colored paper or cardboard. Similar scenery can be easily made with your own hands. Conduct such work will not be difficult, it is even a child. If everything is neat and right and right, then the result will be sure to please. To beautiful paper garlands in the shape of a bowl are treated in a wide variety. They are hanging on different foundations during parties, name day and other similar events. Often paper compositions combine several different colors in themselves. As a result, positive and attracting decorations are obtained.

Choosing materials

Spherical garlands can be quite possible to make it yourself. Most often, people independently make paper decorations, and also make up interesting compositions from balloons. So, for the manufacture of garlands from balloons In most cases, such materials are required.

  • Air balloons themselves. First, decide on their colors - decide whether the design is one-photon or consist of several colors. It is also extremely important to consider the diameter of the balls. If you plan to build a decoration that will be on the street, it is advisable to choose products whose diameter is about 12 inches. For household solutions, there will be enough balls with a diameter of 5 and 9 inches.
  • Also need a pump.To form a beautiful and full-fledged composition, a lot of balloons will be useful. To inflate them most often use special compact sizes. As a rule, they are sold in special stores where various products are offered for holidays.
  • Leske. The "air" composition should be a fishing line. Just on it and it will be holding a design. It should be transparent and dense, but at the same time flexible enough.

If you plan to make inexpensive, but beautiful garlands in the form of paper balls, then you will need other components.

  • Colored paper. It will produce the balls themselves for garland. You can use not 1 or 2, but a lot of colors.
  • Hole puncher.
  • Threads and sewing machine.

If you decide do it yourself make fashionable balls today from threads, then you should purchase the following materials:

  • rubber balls;
  • pVA glue;
  • threads;
  • starch.

For the manufacture of thread balls, you can use almost any types of threads. For example, it can be acrylic or cotton options. It is not recommended only to turn to woolen threads. Perfect absolute synthetics. The sizes of balloons largely depend on where you plan to set the future decor. For example, if you decide to supplement them to the chandelier in the house, it is worth buying great options. It is advisable to choose products with a special ring on the end. It will be convenient to hang the resulting product for it.

As for the Glue of PVA, then it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is necessary only in a special construction store. The package must necessarily indicate that it can be used to work with wooden surfaces. It is not necessary to acquire a sticky composition in a regular stationery store, because it is diluted with water from the very beginning.


If you are going to make a beautiful design of balloons, then you will need to spend the following preparatory work:

  • prepare a calibrator - With it, you will define the size of already inflated balls;
  • inflated balls using the pump or call someone to help yourself;
  • fold out the balls on clean surfaces;
  • be sure to decide how future the future design will have (based on this parameter, you will need to choose a suitable fishing line or a lurking rope).

If you are making decorations from paper, then in the first stages you need to cut the required number of balls using a hole punch (instead of holes, you can take a small glass or a small glass, attach it to paper and put it with a pencil). Prepared mugs should be cut with scissors. Before proceeding to the manufacture of threaded balls, you need not only stock all the necessary materials, but also to properly prepare glue to future work.

To do this, you will need:

  • dilute 3 tablespoons starch with water;
  • the resulting mixture must be thoroughly stirred, and then add to the floor-liter jar with PVA glue;
  • after that, the adhesive composition will become liquid enough, so it will be much easier to apply on the thread, and the starch will make the product stronger.

Also need to inflate balloons. This can be done both independently and with the help of the pump. After that, they will be needed to lubricate with technical oil. This process is necessary that the adhesive composition does not start sticking to the ball, and was going on sites where there is no thread.

How to make your own hands?

Upon completion of the preparatory work, you should proceed to the direct manufacture of spherical scenery. To begin with, you will get acquainted with the step-by-step instructions for the manufacture of one of the most attractive garlands from balloons.

  • First inflate 2 balloons, but you do not need to do it to the limit. Inflatable products, slightly lower the air from them. It will be necessary to do to reduce the level of voltage in the walls, otherwise they simply burst. No need to tie the tails of balls thread. Just press them with your fingers.
  • Next you need to check the diameter of the balls. Basically, for this purpose, a special template is used, which is a board with a hole in the center. If an inflated ball enters there too easy, it needs to be fun. If he, on the contrary, does not pass, then it will be needed slightly.
  • Making sure that the balls have the same size, they will need to be crossed with each other, twice twice and tie a nodule.
  • The next part, which is required to prepare, is four. You need to take a couple of twars, put their cross-cross, and then twist. So, the basic item will be ready.

Next, you can move to the decoration of the scenery. If you plan to make it a two-color, then to prepare the four you need to take 2 pairs of balls of different colors and twist them in such a way that the details of one shade are located opposite each other, and the colors alternated. The assembly is carried out so.

  • Prettyly pull the fishing line between 2 static objects (for example, it can be a chair, table, wardrobe). Leave free ends on both sides about 1-1.5 m, so that there are no difficulties with fasteners.
  • Take the four and attach it to the fishing line. 2 balls must be held, and 2 others twist around the fishing line so that all the elements are securely fixed, and the color order has not changed.
  • Now take another four. Repeat the same actions. Be sure to make sure that the colors are located and alternated correctly. It is desirable that they are located in a checker order.

When all the balls are risen, you need to check whether they are slightly shifted to each other and whether all the colors are located on the places allotted for them. Free ends should be fixed. As for independent making paper garlands round shape, there is also nothing complicated here. Prepare the desired amount of cut circles, it will be necessary:

  • fold cut out blanks on the planned combination of colors;
  • now start shooting the stacks of rounders using a sewing machine;
  • sticking one element, go to the next, without breaking the thread;
  • in conclusion, it is necessary to adjust each circle of ingot.

And now consider the master class on the manufacture of fashionable thread garlands. Wash the thread on the prepared balls is better with the assistant. Unfortunately, those are not always and have to do everything on their own. In this case, it is effective, but not the most pleasant is the method of self-applying glue on the thread with your fingers. The starting thread turnover on the ball should be tied by a node, and then you need to continue to carefully appreciate the threads on the round base. You can make threads in glue with small portions, then wear out on the ball. In this case, the materials may simply get confused, so it is better to simply miss their hands at the time of laying on the ball. Of course, it takes a lot of time and patience, but the threads will not be confused.

The wrapped air ball will need to hang literally for a couple of days to dry.Then it will take it carefully blur. After that, the ball from the thread will be ready. Of course, there are still a lot of interesting technologies for manufacturing garlands from balls. Among them, there is both very simple and quite complicated. The above describes the most understandable master classes, with which everyone can cope with.

Properly made garlands from the balls are able not only to decorate the existing interior, but also to make festive notes. Consider some attractive ensembles in which these original scenery are present.

At the entrance to the recently opened establishments in most cases, garlands made of balloons exhibited in the form of high and rounded arches. Similar decorations attract more attention to themselves if made of multi-colored balls. For example, it can be harmonious combinations of white and blue, turquoise and silver, white and orange, golden and red and many other colors.

Girlands made of balloons, made specifically for children's holidays, look especially gently and cute. As a rule, such events use the materials of calm and "sweet" colors of the type of purple, pink, white, turquoise or gentle yellow. Such structures can be performed in the form of arches, supplemented by large flowers of contrasting colors (from balls), or brilliant balls in the form of stars - options mass. In this case, it will be relevant and scenery in the style of "Rainbow", combining all the colors of the iridescent spectrum.

From balloons, very interesting and beautiful (asymmetric or curves) of scenery are obtained. Often they are located in special photose and photo studios. These structures most often combine 2, 3 or more colors. Beautiful colorful arches are sometimes built for children's holidays, complementing a different thematic props. For example, the product from the solubular balls of pink, white, mint, blue, scarlet and yellow colors will be harmonized with figures of beautiful pink flamingos.

From the balls are very interesting outdoor scenery. For example, it can be high flowers with green balls from below and pink (petals) from above. The center of improvised buds is better to add small red balls.

Fashionable rating garlands with illuminated in the form of a heart will become an excellent addition to the romantic and mysterious interior. White-blue (or tricolor white-cine-purple) rattan garland on a dense white rope will become an excellent decoration of light premises in unshakful tones.

About how to make garlands from balls with your own hands, see the next video.

Not a single event, but in particular children's, does not work out without decorating the hall with balloons. Adults and children of all ages love this element of the holiday, which one of his appearance is visiting a good raised mood. And if one, waiting for a solemn event, turns to special firms for preparing for holidays, then others, on the contrary, prefer to issue an event on their own. However, if you buy and inflate the balls does not seem to be something unbearable, then create a beautiful composition is not always obtained from them. In today's article we will share, from the balls that will delight all the gathered.


Before you work for work, you should definitely determine that in the end you want to do. The first is a color solution. It is usually selected in accordance with the shared decor and the style of the event. For garlands it is better to choose from two and more colors of the balls. The best and most bright solutions are usually garlands of two colors of different contrast. Red and white. Burgundy and green. Blue and black.

The second is the size of the balls. Decide what you want to achieve from the garland. If you need something noticeable, air and volumetric, then boldly choose large balloons for work. If you need to make an exquisite decoration and emphasize the elegance of the decor, then the balls are small. However, both sizes are used most often for garlands.

Learn to perform the "four"

The first thing to learn is the so-called Four of the balls. Having learned to make it, you can easily begin the fulfillment of the garland of varying degrees of complexity. For this you need to inflate four identical balls and pairly tie them with each other for the tips. And then tie the pair among themselves. You have to get a "cross" or a different "four".

How to make a garland

After the color decision is chosen, and the balloons are prepared, it's time to learn how to make a garland from the balls with their own hands. Step-by-step instructions will help you:

  1. Prepare a thin line and narrow tape. The fishing line will serve as a certain basis of our garland. And scotch will strengthen the balls on it more firmly.
  2. Share balls on pairs and tails link one with another. You can use the thread for this purpose.
  3. Take the line and cut off the length of the intended garlands, adding one meter on each side. It is necessary in order to be for what to fix the garland.
  4. Spinning around it two pairs of balls so that it turned out the "Four". Next, fasten the balls with scotch.
  5. Gradually increase the design of the garland, tightly adjusting to the balls each new "four". After each fixation, check whether your work is harmonious.
  6. During the banding of the balls, you need to hold a chess order in their location.
  7. After completing the work, spin the fishing line several times, for greater structural strength.
  8. If you wish, you can decorate the ends of the garlands with tiles of paper or rain. Either attach one step on each side opposite to size.

Following all the steps alternately, as a result, you will get the garland from the balls with the "Spiral" pattern. If you want a garland of striped, each "four" should consist of the balls of the same color. Alternating two or more colors, get a bright and unusual decoration.

Larger garlands

If you need a garland from the balls of greater diameter and size, then following the above instruction, you can create a garland, taking not two pairs of related balls, but three or five pairs. Then the garland will get wider.

If the fishing line is not suitable as a frame because of its subtlety, it can be replaced by a thickest base. For example, harness or thick wire.

What can be made from the garland?

Options, how can I use garlands from balls, a large amount. We give examples of such a decor:

  • Car. Often cars designed for a wedding celebration are decorated with garlands, attaching them to the hood.
  • Walls. A universal way to decorate the room is to reap the walls. And garlands are better suited for this case.
  • Figures. In honor of the birthday of a child or a beloved person you can make an increased number denoting the age of the birthday room.
  • Arch. Excellent way to emphasize a specific place in the solemn room. For example, on the wedding day, this is the table of newlyweds. Or wedding arch. And on a birthday, a table with a real-life cake or a table for gifts.

  • Stairs. Beautifully decorated railing stairs will give solemnity and mood to guests starting from the input itself.

In order for your garland from balloons to be exactly what you have conceived it, remember several recommendations:

  • To ensure that the garland has not saved or did not fall off, adhere to the rules: no more than 50 cm between fixation points.
  • If the event is planned on the street, the weather can be given a unpleasant surprise and blow away the garland by the wind. So that this does not happen, string up the "four" most tightly to each other so that the garland will be as an elastic and even solid.
  • To someone from the guests did not accidentally hide one of the balls, bursting it, place the garland above the average growth of those present.
  • In order for the resulting drawing not spoiled over time, use as many fixation points as possible to the fishing line or another basis.

  • If the balloons are filled with helium, the garland should be increasing in a horizontal position. And if air, then in the vertical.
  • For a small room, do not use the garland from large balls. Choose medium and small.

Try various options and color solutions. Your loved ones will certainly appreciate your efforts!

To houses were not bored, decided to decorate the apartment with Nadi to the apartment with balloons.
It turned out like this.

Step-by-step process of creating garlands hiding under cat.

We took five-year latex balls of different colors. They are inexpensive, the packaging of 100 pieces cost 66 rubles.
You can take different colors, you can make a mononographic garland.

First, they are better inflated. Immediately inflate a lot. To not be distracted later.

Then tie in pairs. You don't need to use threads, just tie over the tails.

Tension the fishing line between two fixed objects. Conventional fishing line.
Try to make that on each side, already ready-made garlands, there remained at least a meter of free fishing line.
Take two pairs of balls and place them on the line.

Reflect the balls around the fishing line. Act carefully, so that the fishing line does not break and cut the balls.

It should be such a "chamomile".

Well, again tie two ligaments. And again. Gradually, the garland will begin to eliminate.

The finished garlands led to where I want :-)
We have 132 balls on a three-meter garland.

How do I like her! I can not break away, I look at the accounts of the decorators of the whole world, who have examples of holiday design with such magnificent garlands!

I do not know how to call it more correctly. If someone knows the exact name, write in the comments. I myself call this product "garland-stream". Something looks like a bright stream of happiness, descending from the mountain)).

For example, I collected pictures from the Internet, as in the portfolio of our decorators there are still very few finished works. Not because they can't ... they can all know how! Just so far our customers know that garlands can not only be perfect "on Lineberry", but also such fantasy!

Garland Creek is a bright object to create a holiday in a room of any size. It combines multicolored small and large balls, paper decorative elements and artificial flowers. Handsomely!

All items for such garlands are sold in stores

Yes, everything is there, just need to find and buy.

Balls with a pattern and without drawing, matte and shiny, large and small. Inflate them in advance many, many, tie in bundles of several pieces (or glue 3-5 pieces with rubber glue or adhesive gun). Then from these billets it is much easier to collect all the construction.

Shairs-cells. They are sold in stores with goods for the holiday in folded. There are many colors and sizes, the billet turns into a bowl over a second.

Accordion balls. There are also ready. I love these balls for the wealth of shades. The light and shadow in them are bizarrely alternate, and among ordinary balls, they are very brightly distinguished.

Stars. Many stars should not be in the garland. Let there be several pointed accents in our bubble creek.

Tassels. Simple and amazing elements of paper decor that will easily hide any flaws of garlands.

Artificial flowers. You can climb and buds, but more often the garland is decorated with long liaans with small green leaves. Beautiful and romantic!

Hooks for fastening, mesh, tight cord, tape, clips. After watching the video, you will become clearer, how to use all this. If you do not have the experience of using glue, do not risk! Balls can burst at the most inopportune moment. The beginners are better to simply link the balls into the bundles.

There is no rules!

What elements you will collect your garland - your personal decision! You can only one of the balls of different sizes, transparent or shiny, with peas or striped! You can add paper balls, as they look quite differently - another structure, game of lighting, special charm. Somewhere I saw a charming garland with the participation of large paper stars. And how cool looks like a stream with bright tassels! Artificial liaans, woven in the garland add romance.

Another important thing is what techniques use the decorator. For example, he can collect the garland for one central cord. It is beautiful, but you need to carefully fill all the empties with artificial colors so that the fishing line or cord can be seen.

If the decorator knows how to masterly use the low-temperature adhesive gun, it turns out even more effectively: small balls are glued to great, and our garland begins to truly bubble! This technique allows you to create more magnificent decoration.

But that's not all! If, before starting the work, make a frame of a flexible grid, to which then all other elements will be attached, "Creek" will be simply gorgeous!

I found a video showing the entire process of manufacturing such a garland. Even for those who do not know English, everything is extremely clear! There are no revelations for decorators here, but among site visitors again there are many enthusiasts who create a holiday with their own hands.

Not only walls

Garland-rods can decorate a photoconu in the room and in the fresh air, framing a window and an entrance door. This garland is put on a festive table (in this case, feel free to combine balls with alive colors), decorate the bundle line along the wall, make out the Candy Bar, cover the edge of the scene or simply put on the floor along the baseboard. Such garlands be played with unbelled columns, hide undesirable objects indoors, etc.

Most of the pictures of the Internet for some reason in the pink gamma. Apparently, for men's holidays, it is more often ordered by strict symmetric decorations)).