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Is it possible to guess in January. How to guess? Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

The desire to look into the future, especially in difficult life situations, always disturbed the minds of people. The practices of fortunes are different and in each of the directions there are their successful dates when you can guess. These days, answers to questions about the coming will be the most understandable and truthful. It is believed that it is impossible to guess during church holidaysbut dissonance arises. After all, fortune telling in the Christmas holidays, Holy baptism And the Trinity became an emerged folk tradition.

Best time for predictions on maps

For several centuries ago, with the help of rites and rituals, our ancestors tried to find out what the harvest would be and what to wait for the coming year. Thoughtful moms and grandmothers, concerned about the fate of younger women in the family, tried to look into the future and see when it comes to the house. Over time, regular practitioners allowed to highlight the best days to search for answers.

Predictions on tarot or with a playing deck - the most flexible methods. Such fortune-telling does not imply the layouts in certain days. The governing may encounter a situation where the cards do not want to talk, but it does not depend on the day of the week or lunar day.

An experienced predictor will never make an alignment if taking a deck in hand, he intuitively will feel discomfort. Another way to inform the gadel about the reluctance to speak - a deck starts to crumble and involuntarily fall out. In this case, the search for the answer is postponed for several days.

Depending on religious affiliation, some predictors avoid layouts into the days significant for their church. But from the point of view of religion, the divination is initially considered the sinful process. Inexperienced practices begins to get acquainted with favorable days Intuitive.

A beginner fortunetel in the first stages should be used by strong dates.For example, night on Friday of the 13th. In the process of practice, the gadel can celebrate its feelings and, leading the diary of predictions, track their accuracy.

You can begin to guess not only on Fridays of the 13th. It is worth paying attention to the days of power. Predictions will be successful on Sunday, Monday and Friday. They are associated with planets responsible for intuition: Venus and Moon. Therefore, interpretations will be perceived much easier, and the time for the setting will be needed less.

Successful days on the lunar calendar

Favorable days For fortunes, they are divided by the dominant planets. Some days will help get the right answers to questions about the career, others - find out the causes of love bad luck. However, this does not apply to traditional bark, passenger and new Year's predictions.

Lunar calendar of fortunes:

Moon day Description Recommended materials Warnings
1-E. Adverse time for fortunes Answers will be confusing
2-E. Day is suitable for fortunes for the nearest period, no more than 30 days Wax, bulb, paper
3-E. Another day It is better to refrain from predictions so as not to cross the program of favorable events.
4th Good time to find out when turns out cherished desire. True will be divided, implied by a short answer - "yes" or "no" Water, Pendulum, Coins, Ring
5th On this day, you can find out the answers to questions about love and deal with your own experiences. Mirror
6th Any fortune telling will be true
7-E. On these days, you can find out the answers to questions about the relationship with the surrounding people. Rice and Gorok. An unfavorable period for love fortunes
8-E. Extensive will be the search for important events from the past, which influenced the current situation Playing deck kart
9th An unfavorable period
10-E. You can guess about relationships with family and future mother-in-law, future children Needles, buttons, broom
11-E. Any prediction method will be truthful the fire
12-E. The best day for predictions. It is worth considering only the most important questions. Inaccuracies in the wording confuse the answer Books
13th You can get predictions for the near future (2-3 days) Paper and Wax Inactive questions about relationships with other people
14th Day when you can ask questions about life destination and spiritual path crystal ball
15th Day suitable for any fortunes
16th Higher power will prompt favorable solutions for financial problems Plant leaves, bills, cracks on asphalt and walls, coins
17-E. On these days, you can ask questions about feelings, experiences, mental health. Also favorable fortune telling on the narrowed and marriage crystal ball
18th It is impossible to guess You should pay attention to the signs of fate
19-E. You can not guess Dangerous burning on mirrors
20-E. On this day, you can ask questions about interaction with the bosses, social life, to find out your present position in society Clock, dirt, sand, dice
21-E. You can get answers to questions about creative life. Books, Colored Plates
22-E. On these days, predicting the material well-being, valuable acquisitions, financial projects, success, glory, popularity is relevant. Mirrors, Difficult Covers, Salt
23-E. Unfortunate
24-E. On this day, the predictions of new projects will be accurate, acceptas right decisions in a distant future
25th You can ask any questions, but only in case of extreme necessity
26-E. You can not guess
27-E. On these days, you can get answers to questions about sea travel, financial flows, temporary framework Snow, water, milk
28-E. The best day for any predictions
29-E. On these days, you can ask questions about things and problems from which you need to get rid of Black candles
30-E. Rare day. Makes it possible to find answers to the most difficult life questions and get an accurate prediction to the remote future Animal bones, complex card folders

Favorable months

The most popular months for gadas - winter, namely the New Year and saty fortunes - From December 25 to January 17. Although in Russia, the prediction of fate was considered unclean and characteristic of witches only, at this time even the most ardent skeptics under the cover of the night tried to open the veil of the future. The period from the day of Christmas and before the Holiday Baptism is considered the most good time For gadas.

The most truthful for predictions days in January:

  1. 1. From January 3 to January 7.
  2. 2. Epiphany night - from 18 to 19.

The last day of fortunes in January - the 18th, to the first roosters. You can learn about the upcoming events for the year, ask for advice in matters and make a schedule of events. Starting from January 20 and up to maslenic week Do not guess.

In December, the girls were guessing on the narrowed. December seventh is the feast of St. Catherine, the defenders of women's fate.

Not only in winter you can get truthful answers to the burning questions. In the summer there comes a special period - green shints. This is the time from June 5 to July 15. Mid-summer day is considered better time For gadas for love and marriage. Predictions in August make it possible to learn the floor to find the floor of the child.

The divination is a magical ritual, designed to give answers to questions about what awaits us in the future. For the results to be reliable, a number of rules and conditions must be observed. For example, to resort to gadetting practices can only at a certain time.

Let's try to figure out when you can guess, and at what time it is better not to ask questions of the universe.

Fundamental rules

It is believed that Monday - a day for divination is not the most suitable. So it makes a deceptive moon. This luminous patronizes poets and in love, but predictors and magicians are not in honor.

And the relationship is best in women's days - Wednesday and Friday. Questions about financial cards are more readily responsible for Tuesday or Thursday. Saturday is suitable for common plan predictions.

It is impossible to guess on Sunday day, however, just like in all other church holidays.

Do not suit for card gadas The days are cloudy, in which heaven is tightened with clouds.

Respectively lunar calendarThe person is easier to enter into cooperation with the subtle worlds on the 12th, 14th and 19th day. It is at this time that our intuition is exacerbated, the ability to perceive and recycle information.

Getting Started, do not forget that the more clear your question is formulated, the more accurate will be the answer to it. The time interval on which card predictions are distributed is small.

Traditionally favorable days for any fortunes are the solstice, as well as the entire period of the density.

What day coming to us supplies?

As you already understood, in order for maps to spread, you need to still pick up the moment. But there are rituals for daily use: simple bones, coins. You can resort to their help at any time in order to find out how the coming day will be.

If you can only comprehend the basics of fortune telling, you will be suitable for the simplest ritual. It will take only a needle and a piece of paper. You can prepare predictions and in advance to use the same template constantly.

Cut the square from Watman and in two columns we write on it predictions:
squabble, controversy
profitable offer
financial damage
attention bosses
friendly support
empty troubles
old friend Meet

There are only 14 phrases, but you can add a list at your discretion. Now close your eyes and pinch the needle on the list. What prediction falls, to that you expect for the coming day.

Note that the more often you are resorting to such fortune tells, the more rather there will be predictions. When can you guess this method? Every day, at any time. However, do not forget to returned and focus on the question.

The fortune telling with the appeal to the spirits implies a specific answer to the question. Take an opaque vessel and 12 pieces of paper. Write on six of them "Yes" and still six "no". Then turn each and lower in turn in the vessel by pronouncing the name of the spirits: Anael, Mikael, Gabriel, Sabul, Cutles, Hut, Avanabil, Fataha, Tabasis, Bergen, Lucabis, Saidis. Shake the vessel, cover it with your left hand and say the spell: "Twelve perfumes - demons (list the entire list again), answer me three questions, do not laugh, but open the truth."
Do not ask the copies and do not repeat, even if the answer does not suit you. When can you guess? At any time, when a serious problem arises. There is no disturb of the spirits for all sorts of trifles.

Divination "weaving" for accuracy and informativeness does not pretend but it good way To kill time, if you write the name and name of a person on the list, whose attitude is going to find out. Below, put the numbers from one to one hundred and date. All this is posted as a kind of matrix. Zeros do not need to write.
I draw out the same numbers and those that give the amount in addition equal to 10.
By the number of remaining numbers, you learn the attitude towards you who you are guessing.

1 * 10 * 19 - loves
2 * 11 * 20 - suspected of treason,
3 * 12 * 21 - indifferent,
4 * 13 * 22 - sympathizes
5 * 14 * 23 - Shows attention
6 * 15 * 24 - He (she) is not interested in you,
7 * 16 * 25 - Will be together soon
8 * 17 * 26 - His (her) pulls you
9 * 18 * 27 - Your pair has a future.

Of course, such divisions seriously take it stupid, they serve more for fun and pleasant pastime. When can you guess on paper? At any time, as soon as it becomes boring.

we are confident that there are special days for gadas. It is then possible to get the most faithful information about the future. Dusting is a way to obtain information from the other world. And so that the prediction was true, it is necessary to guess on concrete days and hours when the connection with the world of the dead is the most strong. So,

Days when you can guess
It is believed that the most truthful predictions can be obtained in certain moon day. It is believed that the connection with the other world is the strongest in 12, 14 and 18 Moon days.

And the psychics and digestives also distinguish certain numbers in the calendar when you can get reliable information about the future:

2 Number - the day is good for any kinds of ghostas and magical rituals;
- day when you can learn your future;
10 Number - on this day you can get faithful information about the events of the past;
20 Number - day when fate submits the greatest number signs. Also on this day you can guess for love;
22 Number - on this day is good to guess the books;
27 Number - On this day, events are easily opened both by the past and of the future life. 27 numbers can be obtained all answers to questions;
28 Number - On this day you can trust intuition. Most people open the third eye, which allows the most clearly to see the future.
In addition, there are days a year when you can get a truthful prediction. Such are the sinic days - from 7 to 19 January. T. you can also guess from March 15 to March 20, from June 23 to 28, from November 15 to 21. A special day for fortunes is considered a feast that, these days, a person becomes more susceptible to obtaining information from another world.

When you can start guessing in time

Divination is recommended to be carried out with 11 to 4 o'clock in the morning. It is at this time that you can set close contact with the other world and find out the answers to any questions.

You can also guess during the daytime day - from 14 to 16 hours. But at this time, a person is usually more difficult to focus on the ritual, and it can easily lose touch with another world.

Card fortuneren should also be allocated separately from other ways to divine. You can guess on the maps at any time of the day, but on certain days. The most favorable days for divination on the maps are Monday and Friday. Do not lay a deck on Saturday and Sunday - these days the cards are lying.

The desire to find out your future is familiar to many. That is why people often resort to the help of different ghosts. More accurate and loyal are considered divisions that spend on certain days of the year. What days of January 2018 it is best to guess?

Days for fortune telling in January 2018

In January there are many days when you can satisfy your curiosity and open the secret of your future. First of all, the New Year's Eve is suitable for divination. Can (night from 06.01 07.01), on the old New Year (night from 13.01 at 14.01), 17.01 (feclests day) and on baptism.

Most often try to guess in the listed days. However, you can actually guess within two weeks between January 6 and 19. At this time, the shints are going - the days when they are not only having fun in Russia, but also learned what they are waiting ahead.

Fortune telling

The night when one year is completed and the other starts - the time is very favorable for predictions. You wonder at this time most often the girls, trying to learn their narrowed.

there is different variants fortune telling. You can, for example, put under the pillow of the card kings. Which card will dream - this will be narrowed. If there was no sleep, then the king should be pulled out at random.

Another divination is carried out like this: they put a piece of festive dishes in the head of their bed and the name of it is sick. In a dream, the girl should see her groom.

Preparation for gadania

In the period from January 6 to January 18, many are trying to learn their fate and begin to guess. It is best to spend all the rites closer to midnight. It is necessary to do everything in a relaxed atmosphere, without the included TV or radio, so that nothing distract from fortune telling. Before you begin to guess, they advise you to wash and comb your hair, change clothes into a clean shirt and remove all the decorations. It is best to guess with loose hair and barefoot. During divination, you should not cross the hands and legs, so as not to interfere with the passage of energy flow.

Fortune telling in wax

Often, candles are used for divination to predict the future on the molten wax. The advantage of this divination will be what it is not alone, but in the company. However, it should be remembered that the process should be treated seriously, do not joke and not laugh. The girl whose turn to guess should tying in a bowl of water, take a candle and set fire to her. When the wax melts a little, you need to pour it into a bowl of water. After that, carefully consider what kind of figure it turned out. If you see a wreath or ring - this is to the coming marriage, an apple - to sufficiency and success. At the same time, it takes a certain proportion of fantasy to see the shape in the wax. If there is a lot of small figures from wax, it will become a sign of a successful fiscal year.

Fortune telling

In the sinic days you can find out the floor of future children and how much will it be. To do this, at night, a glass of water is put up at night, and in the morning we consider how the water in it frozen. The tubercles that are formed on the surface of the ice will point to the birth of a boy, and the pits will be formed to the girl.

Confidence in the future inspires peace and harmony into the human heart. Know probably about what is preparing tomorrow or the coming year It is impossible. However, there is a way that helps to open the veil of secrets and look through the time - fortune telling. What kind days are you guessing in January 2018? Completion and update of the calendar cycle, when thin matters of the world are updated, change and allow sensitive people To catch the echoes of the coming events, most favorable for mystical sacraments.

How exactly and when you guess in January 2018?

In Russia, January was called "Winner", because at this time in the sky it was possible to see the blue sky between gloomy clouds. Other names of this month describe its harsh and cold weather - "Siechen", "Ice", "Zimets". On January 1, the new year begins when people wish each other happiness and fulfillment of all the desires. At the time of winter holidays, they look after the signs, predict what life, health will be, whether there will be change and achievements.

The most favorable time for gadas:

  • New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1;
  • Christmas - night from 6 to 7 January;
  • Old New Year - night from January 13-14;
  • Feclests day - January 17;
  • Baptism - evening on January 18th.

Since ancient times, a man wondered, defined the future on the flight of birds, the movement of clouds and smoke, according to the insides of animals and bones. Predicts were engaged in wise and respected people - shamans, priests, oracles. Now anyone can try to predict their future.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

Completion and early year is an important time favorable for predictions. There are several simple ways Learn about your destiny. Most often guess women, but there is universal methods Learn about the coming.

  • The girl puts under the pillow of the card kings. What will dream - this will be the fiance. If sleep is not, then the card gets in the morning at random.
  • The unmarried girl puts in the headboard the first piece from the festive dish and invites you to taste the narrowed. The groom should dreamed.
  • Another way to protrude on the dreams is put under the pillow of feathers, sins, twigs, and then interpret the vision. This method is suitable for both men and women.

All predictions and divination in January 2018 are individual, unique in trifles. The digesant independently determines the circle of significant symbolism and trusts intuition. It is the mystical flair that allows you to predict the future most accurately.

Christmas and Christmas tree

Christmas Eve is a special holiday, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. From January 6 to January 7ths prophetic dreams. To learn about the future or find an answer to the question, the head of the bed is put a sheet of paper, pencil and dream book. "Fresh" sleep is better to record and immediately interpret it on the book.

Still under Christmas are guessing by shadows. This is the legendary way to predict the future, it is quite accurate and does not require special knowledge, you do not need to understand in complex characters.

  • An unevenly crumpled sheet of paper is put on a large heat-resistant plate and ignite.
  • When the paper is prohibiting, the candle is lit in front of the ashes so that it discarded the shadow on the wall. The plate can be carefully rotated to consider all the shadows.
  • The silhouette is interpreted (for example, an aircraft - to marriage with a pilot, shoes - to the journey).

To see the signs at all optionally, "magic rituals". A subtle-feeling person sees symbols in everything - in the leaves, in the starry sky, in his own feelings. To prefigge and perfect, you need to trust intuition.

The art of interpretation of natural symbols and silhouettes

Historically, many divination systems developed from folk admission, observations. Signs of the elements were interpreted and comprehended. That is why the burner is so closely connected with the world of nature. Natural materials often act as props.

For example, to predict the future of the coffee grounds, it is necessary to drink a cup of natural ground coffee, and then tipped it on the saucer so that the mass spread over the walls and formed patterns. Images that will turn out, then interpret. The most popular symbols:

  • silhouette of a man - a date;
  • tree and plants - barriers, quarrels, longing and travel;
  • animals and birds - anxiety and sickness;
  • houses and buildings - Profit and prosperity.

Fortune telling on eggs is another way associated with interpretation of characters. Eggs take only homemade. To find out the future, protein is poured into warm water, and then interpret the shadows, signs and movement of the substance.

  • the protein falls on the bottom - trouble, loneliness;
  • the protein remains in the center and takes the outline of the figures (the church to the wedding, the ship is the journey and return of man, as well as other characters and values).
  • if a pregnant woman gets from under the hut and breaks the egg, the floor of the embryo coincides with the fellow of the child.

Unusual, terrible and beautiful fortune tells

Fortune telling with a mirror - the most mysterious and terrible type of prediction of the future for unmarried girlsHe requires courage. Guess at midnight, alone, big Mirrors, undressing donaga.

  • Two candles are installed in front of the mirror so that they are lit and discarded the shadows, as well as a smaller mirror to form an infinite "corridor".
  • When the girl installs the mirrors, you need to sort: "Durable, muddy, show!".
  • When the image of the bridegroom appears in the reflection, then you should see all the details of its appearance and shout: "Chur of this place!". The vision will disappear and the fortune telling will end.

The fortune telling with the ring also helps to see the appearance of the future husband. Wedding ring They put into a glass with a smooth bottom, pour ¾ water, and then look at the light of the candles into the center of the decoration. There must appear the face of the narrowed.

The divination with the boat is very simple and beautiful. On pieces they write various predictions, then they are fixed to the pelvis, pour water and allow an empty shell walnut. What kind of wish will boil "the boat" - then it will come true.

Hading, it must be remembered that any symbol has many interpretations. Accent attention on positive values And believe in your lucky star, then all adversity will go to the side, and light predictions will definitely come true.