Repairs Design Furniture

Gentle Narcissus - Symbol of Spring and Passion. Narcissus Flower - Early Beauty Symbol White Flowers Similar to Narcissus

Probably, you like many have a house flower in appearance foliage like a small bow. How to perform the right departure for zephiranthes at home? We will also talk as a landing of Zephiranthes.

Often it is called domestic daffodil. His flowers are quite simple, however, when in his foliage, the cap of white buds grows - the beauty is worthy of admiration. As you probably understood this and there is a handsome drugs!

If we talk more about its appearance of the Flower of Zephiranthes, then you need to say the following.

Description and pedigree Zephiranthes

Simple sight, but very gentle daffodils, it is customary to consider Central and South America.

Zephiranthes is a houseplant, a perennial bulbous plant relating to the family of amarylline.

In Greek, he sounds like "Zephyr" in the translation of Marshmallow, which means the name of the Greek God. This name means the Western warm breeze "anthes", which in turn in the translation means "flower".

Zephiranthes is a "water lily". Flowers, lovers call him an upset.

The bloom of Zephiranthes traditionally begins in April and lasts until July. At this time, in his homeland, the beginning of the rainy season.

At this time, his blooms are rapidly growing completely unnoticed.

Flower Zephiranthes on the tip itself blooms in shape as a six-pointed star and color depends on the variety.

In the open form, the flower lives only about 2 days after which it fades, then the new flower is blown.

Thus, the continuous cycle of flowering allows to rejoice in its beauty.

The bulb of the flower appearance is egg-shaped and usually diameter it reaches 3 cm in diameter there are also encountered instances and larger, but at the same time.

If we talk about reproduction, it should be said that Zephiranthes is easily multiplied.

One "mommy" can give up to 15 kids. As an option, you can certainly wait for seeds by landing them and wait for bulbies, but this is quite a long time and for this reason this method is used very rarely. If you despite the duration of the method, they still decided to breed seeds, then know that the seed planting of Zephiranthes must begin immediately after collecting. After even a short time, the seeds lose their qualities.

There are many opinions about Zephiranthes transplant. Someone is a commitment to transplant once a year in the spring or in the fall, someone advises to refrain from transplanting until it comes to transplanting a pot, and someone is confident that digging the flower at all in the spring for landing.

The preferred option may be without annual digging with transfers. It is enough just to look after the bulbs it is not too closely in a pot. When there are more of them, it just looks delightfully, and when flowering it does not have enough words to convey its beauty.

In the case when there is a lot of bulbies, you can simply separate them during transplantation.

And you do not need to forget at the time of the transplant of Zephiranthes, there may be long cervix at the bulbs. In this case, you need to plant so that the neck peeps out of the ground. And in the case when the neck is short, then it should be completely bought.

What pots are better for him

And a little about the pots. For Zephiranthess, the lowest plane is best suited, while we are widely, depending on the number of bulwans who are going to plant. And in mandatory, the bottom of the pot should be made a decent layer of drainage. And it is clear that after transplanting the flower do not water several days.

Prikormka Zephiranthes

Fucking Zephiranthes can be done by any fertilizer for bulbous plants with periodicity once every two weeks.

This is such a care for Zephiranthes at home, since you decided to start this flower.

Euharicis large-flowered grows in the tropics in the south of America. The flower looks similar to Narcissus, so the second name of Euharicis is "Amazonian Narcissus". It is a great flowering, shadowless tuber plant. Belongs to the amarylline family. Euharicis has an exquisite aroma, a white coloring flower, fragrant, from 10 to 12 cm with a diameter, is in an amount of from 3 to 6 pieces in an umbifide inflorescence, on a light-free flour of 60 cm in height. The sheet does not fully resell. After blowing, it is necessary to reduce watering for two months. Euharices will not be able to move the cold nights, and in the winter period they squeeze low temperature - from 16 to 18 ° C.

Euharis grows better with good lighting. Watering should be abundant from the growing season: from winter and summer. Support the substrate eukharicis is wet, but not to water overly, because it leads to the airproof bulb. Spraying regular. The transplant of Euharicis and the Babe Department to spend as less as possible. Euhariches bloom only if they are in a dense environment of children. With the advent of bulwing-kids, a color appears in the plant. At the time when Amazonian Narcissus blooms, it does not need to spray it, because the falling water on the petal can leave the ugly dark spot, and there is also a reduction in the flowering period. With the end of flowering, Euharicis is at rest, which lasts up to 1.5 months, it is not necessary to water at that time.

The best time for planting and transplanting euharicis of large-color is March. Large copies of a transplant spend every three years. You can transfer a young seedling every year, carefully, without harming the root. Salting euhariches, use substrates, including good moisture. Lukovitsy planted with a distance from 5 to 10 cm in deep spacious pots. The bulbs deepen up to 4-5 cm. Posted by Amazonian Narcissus, it is placed in the north-west, northeast or north - where there is no hot ray of the sun. Since the plant is heat-loving, it grows at a temperature of from 10 to 12 ° C, although the best growth and flowering will be at a temperature in the winter period from 18 ° C. It is necessary to water abundantly from the spring until the autumn period, and in winter - moderately. Stealing to spend every 2 weeks. Euharices are breeding a subsidiary and sowing seeds.

The leaving of the tropical jungle blooms not so often. However, not even blooming, it will decorate any room with its wide glossy leaves. For the magnitude of the leaves, he got the nickname "Room Lophch"! Euharicis feels great at home, for the development he needs not so much.

Family: Amarillix. Bloom: often. Growing: The medium.

Euharicis - Amazon Lilia (photo)

This bulbous plant was first noticed in the wet forests of South and Central America. The flower "hides" under the shadow of large trees, lives on the slopes of the mountains and near the reservoirs. Most often, the tropical burdock can be found in the mountains of Colombia and in Western Amazonia. Probably, therefore, the second name of the plant is an Amazonian lily (not to be confused with Lily Sadovaya).

Europe, this "Amazon" visited only in the 19th century, first appeared in England, and quickly gained popularity in room and decorative flower growing. After all, beautiful not only flowers, but also leaves of the plant! Large up to 55 cm. In length and 20 cm. In width, smooth, they look very exotic.

Blossoms most often happens in winter and early spring, but in room culture the flowering period depends on the specific conditions, so the flowering euhariches can be seen at any time of the year. The flower-length is about 50 cm long. It develops very quickly: after 2 weeks after its appearance, the flowers collected in inflorescences - umbrellas, usually 6-7 pieces begged.

The bulbs do not like loneliness, quickly multiply and grow by groups, making up a beautiful magnificent bush. One bulb is able to have from two to four leaves at the same time. In nature, there are up to 20 types of eukharis, but it is possible to distinguish them from each other only during flowering. The most popular view - euharicis large-flowered.

Externally, flowers resemble daffodils. They have an amazing, nothing like a fragrance, and their shade varies from purely white to greenish and yellow. Even at home, Euharicis is not demanding of care! They decorate offices, apartments, and also used in landscape design, but only in southern regions. After all, the plant is heat-loving and not winter-hardy!

Do you know?

Beauty Lily of Poison, her leaves contain alkaloid provoking nausea. However, no one is going to eat it!

Care rules

If you provide the flower eukharica suitable conditions, it is able to please his owner annual blossom. How to find a common tongue with a tropical plant? Flower euharicis care at home, the peculiarities of growing.

Temperature and lighting

Tropical burdock is used to the shadow, because in the forests, where it grows, there are no straight sun rays. However, it is not worth it at all! Without it, the leaves pale and lose decorativeness. For normal growth, it is enough to arrange a pot near the south-eastern or southwestern windows. During the shortage of the Sun, it is possible to fill its lack of artificial lighting. How to create backlight for flowers in winter.

By the way, in contrast to hibiscus. For the summer period of this representative, blooming room flora is better to leave in the room. After all, fluctuations in daily temperatures can destroy the plant! The optimal temperature is 18-25 degrees, it must be constant.

Watering and humidity

Amazon Lilia refers to the amarylline family, its bulbs are sensitive to the temperature and humidity of the soil. Do not allow water stagnation, it will inevitably lead to rewarding! Therefore, watering should be abundant, but not frequent, only after the soil burned. If the depth of 3 cm the ground is wet, watering better postpone! 8 ruled irrigation.

Euharicis is not committed to care , But it will be grateful for the regular rubbing of the leaves with a damp cloth. Their wide surface quickly accumulates dust, which prevents the plant to "breathe"! Spraying is not included in the number of mandatory procedures, but it will only be benefit from it, because the lily comes from rainforest, where the air is wet. Leaf feeding - what is it?


Water can not pour into the center, from where the leaves grow, it is better to evenly distribute it along the pot wall. So you will bring to zero the risk of overvoltage of bulbs!

new leaf Euharicis

Fertilizers and feeding

Nutritional feeders are needed by a plant during flowering and growth. You can use universal fertilizers for room colors (preferably precisely for bulbous plants). All about mineral fertilizers.

Reproduction and transplant

Even if Lily has already filled out the pot, having a change in transplant! Indeed, in a wide dish, bloom may not take place at all. In addition, she does not like when the roots are disturbing! Change the pot only when the bulbs really become closely. However, even in this case, the next pot should only be a pair of centimeters wider than the previous one in diameter. By the way, in choosing a pot, give preference to a wide and spacious dishes. How to choose a flower pot?

euharicis Lukovitsa

Like all bully cultures, Euharicis breeds the division of bulbs. But, consider that the Amazon Lilia is reluctant in a single landing! In this case, waiting for flowering will have about 3 years, until the plant gives subsidiaries. The substrate must be saturated and nutritious. Gardening land and sand in a 2: 1 proportion can be diluted with humus. When landing, straighten the roots of the bulbs, as shown in the photo so that they take the area of \u200b\u200bthe pot. At the bottom, be sure to pour the clamps and make sure the holes are available! How to buy proper soil?

euharicis Transplant

Attention: rest period!

With the right caring for euharicis during the rest, he can delight with flowers up to two times a year - early in spring and late autumn! Building bulbs usually actively happens from mid-winter, fresh leaves begin to appear from these bulbs, and the flower arrow can already be formed by March.

The rest period lasts two months, it precedes the spring awakening. Since October-November, watering is gradually reduced by supporting the relative humidity of the soil. By January, watering is minimized, wetting the soil as complete drying, maintaining the ambient temperature of about 15 degrees. In such conditions, Euharicis winter, and with the arrival of spring, watering gradually increase when a flower arrow appears on the light, produce first feeding.

Will a blurred arrow? At your discretion! But, so that the flower did not spend the strength on the formation of seeds, it is better to cut when the arrow will begin shirt.

flowers Euharicis

amazon Lilia

Problems in growing?

In the care of Amazon Lily, it is necessary to take into account that sudden changes of the conditions cause the plant to root. Therefore, try not to arrange the stress too often!

  • If the flower euharicis yellow leaves ...
  • The death of the lower old leaves is a pattern for actively growing euharicis (if it is increasing new). The most likely cause of mass yellowing is the mooring of the soil. In this case, the leaves fade quickly, raging around the edges and die away!

    If the process develops rapidly, carefully remove the top layer of the Earth and check the bulbs: if they are soft, raw, uneven color, then there is a rotation process. Even in this case, the plant can still be saved! Cut the damaged segments with a sharp knife, suck cuts with activated coal, let me dry on a newspaper in a ventilated room and place it back into the ground, it is pre-drying.

    But sometimes the yellowing of old leaves may impose a quick bloom. So, with a shortage of nutrients in the soil, Euharicis gets rid of the old foliage, directing all the forces on the formation of a bloody. Carefully sink and check the bulbs: if they are solid and healthy, then the plant is normal. You just need to put it in a warmer and bright place and be sure to feed. Perhaps, in a short time, a new sheet will appear from the center of the sheet outlet, and that and the flower arrow!

  • If the leaves of Eukharis lost the tour ...
  • If the leaves take the same shape after irrigation, it means that there is a lack of water. In addition, the provoking factor is the undercooling: drop in temperature, or watering with cold water. So that the burdock came to himself, the soil must warm up.

    This is the most common problem of novice flower flower. First of all, you should not hurry with a plants transplant! Formation of subsidiaries - a great background to flowering. He is preceded by a rest period (see Hishe), for the appearance of flowers should be sufficiently light. Flower Euharicis at home can be stimulated by the drugs "pollen", or "bud", but very carefully, minimal concentrations, pre-wetting the soil with watering water.

  • If the Amazon Lily is deformed leaves ...
  • Sometimes you can observe the folding of the leaves: so eukharicis protects against dryness of air, preventing moisture evaporation. More often, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, eliminating them from dust and increasing moisture!

    Deformed turned out to be a new sheet? Perhaps in the process of unfolding, he received mechanical damage. If all the leaves are deformed, inspect the inner side for the presence of pests. The reason may also be an excess fertilizer, or supercooling. The burdock is vividly reacts to the change of conditions of content!

  • If old leaves disappear with the appearance of new ...
  • Such metamorphoses are observed more often during the winter period during the shortage of sunlight. The plant simply lacks reserves to maintain the growth of new leaves and the preservation of old! Provide a flower with stable lighting, water as a coma breads, do not overheat and do not overcoat the ground. Try feeding with organic fertilizers in minimal concentration, or fertilizers for bulbous crops.

    Can't find your problem in the list?

    If you have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments. ? If you liked the article, share it in social networks.

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    wita. Expert (284) 5 years ago

    yes, it primulus, blooms once a year. It is advisable on the street because after flowering foliage disappears, and the next year appears again. Wintering normally

    ? M @ Rin @? Genius (82192) 5 years ago

    Which in the photo does not winter on the street.

    wita. An expert (284) introduced the whole winter, and feels perfectly perfectly. If you stop it, then cover Loutrasil for winter. I have been doing a long time ago and not on the hearse. If you told you in the store that it is not true. To sell everyone needs. And you will hold for a couple of months at home and see what will become

    Valentina Belozerova Master (2009) 5 years ago

    Apostle Peter - Guardian of Paradise,

    In the dosor was the key playing,

    From the paradise golden gate,

    Tired of day care,

    By chance, the key dropped ...

    The key flew among the shining ...

    And I got to the ground ...

    Pavlu's laughter forgive ...

    Returned the keys in the native mistog

    But there would be our God the Creator,

    When used on the site of the landing,

    The key he did not create creativity ...

    The flower is beautiful he gripped ...

    And "Paradise" * wisely dubbed.

    * From the Middle Ages, the interesting legend of the origin of the primrose reached us.

    Being guarding at the gate of Paradise, the Apostle Peter dropped the key to the keys from the kingdom of heaven. Falling from the star to the star, the keys flies to our land. Falling on the ground, the bundle of keys deeply entered it, and the yellow flower grew out of the ground, similar to the keys of the apostle. Although the angel sent by the monitoring of the keys, and returned them to the apostle Peter, each year the flowers grow from their prints, opening their flowering the arrival of heat and spring.

    Olga Evveno Thinker (6432) 5 years ago

    Primula-100%, I gave me a daughter on March 8, still blooms, I am going to put it in the soil in the country, she is still a street flower.

    Inna Samoilova (Voronkova) Artificial Intelligence (113467) 5 years ago

    Under this description, the episcation is suitable

    alina Ulubeckova Expert (254) 3 weeks ago

    Hovemy or Kenia - High slim palma room It looks great in spacious bright rooms as a single soling plant or in compositions with other large plants. Palma Hove Sea in room conditions can grow to a height of 2.5 meters, the trunk of it is short, and elegant arc-curved pasta leaves (wii) can be 1.5-2 meters in length.

    Palma Hovemy ( Howea) In nature grows in Australia on the island of Lord-how. In natural conditions, palm can grow at a height of more than 10 meters, it has a thin trunk, thickened at the base and leaves with a long to 4 meters long, the ring-shaped traces from the leaves are clearly visible. In total, Khovoy includes two types of palm trees.

    Bells - Charming Flowers. They are often grown on the flower beds, in containers, and some species are suitable for growing in pots, like indoor plants. Flowers bells received their name for the bell-shaped shape of a whisk, in Latin, the name of these plants - Campanul (Campanula).

    The genus the bell (Campanula) includes up to 300 species of perennial and annual plants, which are distributed in nature everywhere.

    Bells are unpretentious, abundantly blooming plants, followed by very easy to care for. The bells are very diverse not only in the form and color of flowers, as well as on the form of plant growth. They are low (up to 15-20 cm) and high (up to 1 meter) with reprehensive strong stems, and ampel forms with sharpening and hanging shoots are perfectly suitable for growing in hanging baskets.

    Local Decorative Plant From the tropics, very beautifully blooms with large funnel-shaped bright color flowers. The creation in nature is growing like liana, on curly stems growing up to 5 meters covered with shiny green leaves, bright colors are blooming all summer. Voronchen-shaped flowers, with 5 petals, in diameter reach 8 cm, depending on the type and variety are white, orange, pink and red, monophonic or yellow yawn.

    Belopeerone - Indoor Plant. Which replenishes a list of the most unpretentious and beautiful plants. Many flower products are called Beloperone "Room Hop", since its bracts form similar shapes of the bumps like Hop. Well, other unusual bright orange accosate inflorescences more resemble shrimp tails, due to the color and slightly curved shape.

    Beloperone is growing in the warm tropics of South America. This evergreen semi-stabiliar is plenty of almost all year round.

    Rod Belopeerone ( Beloperone.) There are about 30 species of evergreen semi-walkers. As a room plant grown mainly one species - beloperone drip ( Beloperone. guttata.). This is a small half-walker in height reaches 50-80 cm.

    Euharicis Common indoor plant with decorative leaves and elegant flowers. Euharicis is often called "Amazon Lily", since the birthplace of this plant Amazon's pool in South Africa. But it is possible to call this plant "Amazon Narcissa", because Euharicis flowers are very similar to the flowers of Narcissa.

    Rod Eukharis (Eucharis) from the Amaryilice family has about 20 species of bulbous plants. In detailed flower growing, the eucharis large-flowered (E. Grandiflora) received widespread (E. Grandiflora). This heat-loving plant in the open soil can be grown only in southern countries.

    Pahira now fashionable decorative plant With an interesting shape of the trunk and a lush crown of large painted leaves. Pahir belongs to the so-called "bottle" trees, as it has the ability to accumulate moisture at the bottom of the stem, which is changing the stem in the lower part. Noble this property, a plant without prejudice can be transferred short-term drought.

    Cenpolia. Violets Uzambar (Saintpaulia)

    These plants called " indoor violets "In fact, only have flowers similar to violet flowers, growing in the forest or in the garden. Actually a plant room Filieca come from East Africa and called sENPOLIA Or otherwise, Uzambar violet.

    In Europe uzambarskaya violet appeared in the 19th century. In the homeland of SENPOLIA, violets Uzambar. This perennial herbaceous plant grows up to 30 cm and has two dozen species. In bedroom flowering sENPOLYA Love for small dimensions and long-term (up to 10 months a year) bloom.

    The plant violet has oval (sometimes slightly elongated leaves). The edges of the leaves are smooth or jar, are collected in a root rosette. The color of the leaves can be dark or light green. Flowers are simple or terry from 2 to 4 cm in diameter, have a painting from purple, blue, red to pure white.

    There are varieties with non-uniform painted flowers. Root system SENPOLIY SURFACE. This must be considered when choosing pots for indoor violets - they should not be big and better to choose the pots are flat and not high.

    Types of Senpolia

    Thanks to the efforts of collectors, there are now more than 1,500 species of sensipolium, all of them are hybrids, which are obtained from the crossing of Satpolia Phials (S.Inderhantha) and sensipoly erroneous (S.confusa).

    Currently, standard forms of violets are known with 15-30 cm. There are ampel species that have new outlets at the ends of the stems.

    Thanks to this variety, SENPOLIA variety is not easy to determine, so we send you to the book of Dr. D.G. Hessyone "All about indoor plants." This book lists many grades of Senpolia.

    Violet. Care

    The cultivation of violets (SENPOLIY) requires some effort if you want Satpolia abundantly and long bloom, you must follow the following rules:

    What is this Plant / Flower? How to care?

    This plant is called primulous a basic or ordinary, refers to long-term plants that are not intended for growing in room conditions (only short time), but is grown in open soil. This species has many varieties and a wide variety of colors. Distinctive feature - single flowers on a short stem. Machion grades are found.

    It blooms very early in the spring, abundantly, forming many flowers. For sale a lot of varieties, but when transplanting to the garden is not stable not all varieties, but only those that are close to natural species, the least stable - varieties with blue flowers, they often do not stand overwrings.

    Best landing and transplants do early spring, but you can also at the end of summer.

    Better plants develop in light shadows on thin soils, do not tolerate excessive humidity or dry soil. From time to time they are divided, in the summer you need a regular watering, weeding, rare approach. Plants are stable.

    the system chose this answer as the best.

    The photo shows a home plant - violet. This is the most common room plant. Fials to find out is not difficult, the curl of the flowers is noticeably incorrect, double-dimensional. It consists of five separate petals, and the lowest larger than everyone else. This structure of the flower has all kinds of violets. However, only a few violets smell. Most species of flowers are completely smell. Its popularity among flower water is explained by many reasons.

    This beautiful plant pleases a variety of colors and shapes. In addition, the violet is unpretentious and, with proper care, it grows well and breeds. But, nevertheless, you need to know some subtleties, thanks to which you can grow this magnificent flower as a pile room.

    Care and reproduction, cultivation subtlety - to understand these issues will be only a beginner flower, and the violet will delight it with its colors for almost all year round.


    Lukovichnye perennials with linear surface leaves and flowers located on the tops of light-free flowers, single or collected in inflorescences of 2-10 pieces. The perisheries consist of cylindrical tubes and six bent fractions. Blossom in the late spring. Light, half. Rich soils. Reproduction of daughter bulbs and seeds. Sowing autumn.

    Narcissus General Information

    narcissus (Narcissus), the amarylline family.

    Place of origin. Meadows, mountain slopes, river valleys, forests. South and Central Europe, North Africa, Small Asia.

    Using. Drafting, bulbous, potted.

    Plant dimensions. 20 cm in height.

    Height. fast.

    Bloom. December - April.

    For full bloom, tacets are needed rather dry and only slightly cool rest period, depending first of all from watering. When landing in the fall in open soil during normal deadlines, they manage to pass the rest period and begin to grow intensively just before the first cold. That is why Tázeta is completely unsuitable for the garden, the only way to grow them is room conditions.

    Narcissus varieties

    Narcissus Angustifolius)

    Mountain meadows of Mediterranean and widespread deciduous areas in Alps from Provence to Lower Austria, in the French and Swiss Yura, Carpathians, the Mountains of the North and the West of the Balkan Peninsula. Plant up to 30 cm high. The bulb is oblong-ovoid, 4-5 cm high and 2-3 cm in the diameter. Flowercouled flowers, sly. Leaves up to 40 cm long, sly, including 3-4. Flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, with a pleasant strong aroma, 1-2 on the flower view. In the booton stage, weave the coat consisting of two bracts. The pellets of the perianth in the lower part are greenish-yellow, they grow into the tube, which goes into bend, whose shares can be of various shapes and sizes, from lanceal to almost rounded, white or slightly cream with a flower dissipation. The crown is very short, yellowish with an orange or red corrugated edge.

    Narcissus Asturian / Small (Narcissus Asturiensis / Minimus)

    This is a miniature plant originating from Pyrenees and Portugal. Its stalks, rising to the height of only 10 cm, carry one yellow flower, which in a mature state reminds Narcissus from a group of tubular forms. The driven has numerous deep folds. This species blooms very early, often in February. The leaves aimed at different directions reach the length of 15 cm. Small bulbs easily form children, so plants quickly spread and occupy all free space. The bulbs plant large groups, immersing in a well-permeable soil at a depth of 1 cm.

    Narcissus Bulbocodium)

    Mountain slopes, meadows. Southeast Europe, North Africa. Plant 5-10 cm high. Leaves in a semi-cylindrical cut 0.1-0.2 cm thick and 4-7 cm long. Flowers are yellow, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, have a relatively large tube and miniature shares, 0.1-0.2 cm wide and 0.3-0.5 cm long. Flowering at the beginning - mid-May. Shine. Drained soils. Seed reproduction.

    Narcissus Canaliculatus

    Central America. Plant 15-30 cm high. Stems are slender. Linear leaves, root, green, 1 cm wide. Flowers with 6 white petals and yellow, cupid crown.

    Narcissus Cyclamineus)

    Meets in Portugal and Spain. Plants 15-25 cm high. The bulb is small, about 2 cm in diameter, round. Leaves up to 15 cm long, narrow polyephous, cylindown. Flowers diluting, 2.5-3.5 cm long, bright yellow, with a long cylindrical tube.

    Narcissus Jonquilla (Narcissus Jonquilla)

    Mediterranean from the Pyrenean Peninsula to Malaya Asia and Palestine. Plants 20-30 cm tall. Flowerons are almost cylindrical. Semi-cylindrical leaves, arcoid curved, up to 4 cm wide. Umbrella inflorescence of 2-6 small, very fragrant flowers, 2-3 cm in diameter. Flower later than other types.

    Narcissus Lacticolor / Lacticolor Var Caucasicus / Caucasicus / Hermione Lacticolor)

    The bulb is spherical-ovoid, about 4 cm wide, shrouded in dark brown vagina. Flat leaves, linear, about 12 mm width, equal to the floral arrow. Top leaf at the base of the umbrella is a membrane, oblong, shorter than the flowering. Umbrella with 5-7 flowers on unequal flueballs. Picker white with wide-elliptic shares, shorter than the tube; The crown is golden-yellow, low, cup-shaped, solid, slightly outstanding from the corolla tube.

    Narcissus Nanus (Narcissus Nanus)

    Glossy gray-green leaves reach a length of 15 cm. Flowers are sulfur-yellow with a diameter of about 3 cm. Little yellow brown is greatly expanding to the top. Blooming early spring This plant is very similar to Narcissus small.

    Narcissus / Campernelli (Narcissus X ODORUS / CAMPERNELLII)

    This is a hybrid of jonkil's daffodils and falsecissus. Narrow inclined leaves reach the length of 40-50 cm.

    Narcissus Poetic / White (Narcissus Poeticus)

    Wet mountain meadows, light brown brown forests. Mediterranean and south of Europe from the Iberian Peninsula to Italy. Plant 20-30 cm high. Bulb spherical egg-shaped. Leaves are flat, narrow, sizo-green, among 2-4. Double-mounted flowers. Single flowers, twisting, white. Crown flat, saucer, yellow, with a bright red rolled edge.

    Narcissus False / Yellow (Narcissus Pseudonarcissus / Lobulans)

    Growing on mountain slopes and in the valleys of the rivers of the Pyrenean Peninsula, France, Italy. Low plant, 20-25 cm tall. Bully-ovoid bulb is up to 4 cm in diameter. Coloros carries one flower, up to 3.5 cm in diameter. The root leaves are flat, straight, linear, shorter than flowers. The shares of the perianth are light yellow, broadwater. The crown in the form of a long tube with a unevenly apprailed wavy edge of yellow to 3 cm long. Flowering in May. Polymorphic look.

    Narcissus Bucket / Tázetta (Narcissus Tazetta)

    Grows on raw meadows near the sea coast in the Mediterranean. Polymorphic look. Perennial bulbous plant 30-50 cm high. Bulbs with numerous scales, 2-5 cm in diameter. The leaves are among 4-6, flat, gray-green, almost the same length, as well as a leafless blurry, surrounded by a film vagina. Flowers on unequal flowers, collected 3-15 to umbrella inflorescence. The perianth consists of a greenish tube up to 2 cm long, moving into a lobe of white bending. Crown (Kurenchik) Warmland, Golden-Yellow. In the northern zone for the winter needs careful shelter.

    Narcissus Triándrus)

    It is found on the whole Iberian Peninsula on open herbaceous slopes, in pinemas, often on acidic soil. Polymorphic view with flowers of various color and sizes. Plants 15-25 cm high. The bulb is egg-shaped, 2.5-3 cm long and 2- 2.5 cm in diameter. 0.5 cm width leaves. Floweros 15-20 cm high, carries 2-4 digging flower. The perianth with a little bent back shames. The crown is about 1 cm long, has a smooth edge. Flowering in the second half of May. In the north needs easy shelter for the winter.

    Narcississal and Content

    Temperature Summer 18 - 20

    Temperature Winter 5 - 10

    Lighting. Bright scattered

    narcissus - Culture more shadowing compared to, for example, with tulips, but on the illuminated "harvest" of their flowers and bulbs are significantly higher than in the shade. Narcissus well adapt to local conditions.

    Watering narcissa. In winter - without watering

    In summer - moderate

    Air humidity narcissa. without spraying.

    Transfer narcissa. Landing, transplant: Reducing the number of blooming shoots is a transplant signal. The cleaning of the bulbs begin immediately after the lodging and yellowing of the leaves. It is impossible to be late, since the bulbs begin to bother again, and, moreover, the late digging has adversely affects their quality. After the fish, all the bulbs of narcissus should be carefully examined, to remove copies struck by pests or diseases and burn them. If you are a pity to part with the bulbs of a very valuable grade, but unfortunately, affected by Luke Juror, they still can be sacrificed. N. Rubinin from Moscow Makes this this way: Cuts the diacon of the bulbs, removes the larva, rinsing the bulb in the water, then it maintains it for 20 minutes in a strong heatman solution and dries. If such a bulb later dies, she still has time to form a baby. Dugged healthy bulbs are purified, sorted, washed in water, disinfected in a dark pink solution of manganese and dried outdoors in shamplasty trays, necessarily in the shade. Store at a temperature of +17 "C in a well-ventilated room.

    The best time for landing on bulbs Narcissov August is the beginning of September. If you adhere to these landing time, the bulbs before frost are well rooted. Plot for landing of daffodils is treated in advance so that the soil has managed to settle. The plot is drunk, bring river sand, well overwhelmed manure or humid and nitroposk at the rate of 60 g per 1 m2. In a daffodil flower bed, it is better to plant asymmetric groups. If the flowers are designed for cutting and will be grown in the economic part of the garden, then the landing row is more appropriate. The depth of planting bulbs depends on their size, local climatic conditions, such as soil and number of years before the next digital. Depending on the size of the bulbs, the landing depth ranges from 10 to 20 cm, sometimes up to 25 cm. E. Timokhin from the main botanical garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences advises with the annual digs of Narcissians to leave over the bulbs of the soil layer, which should not exceed 5 cm. If Narcissus Leave in the soil for 2-3 years and more, planting the bulbs should be at a depth of 15-20 cm at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other.

    In dry weather, planting is watered, and in the late autumn mulk peat, then they are covered with a layer of leaves, better oak or birch. Many varieties of winter-hardy and can winter without additional shelter, but there are attaches to honest winter. In the spring, after melting of snow, the shelter is removed, leaving the leaves between the rows.

    Podkord narcissa. Spring-summer - 1 time in 2 weeks Mineral and organic fertilizers

    winter autumn - without feeding.

    Cutting narcissa. does not need.

    Pests and Diseases Narcissa

    He is damaged by Cherver, a spider tower, aphid and nematode.

    Narcissus care features

    Yellow leaves - draft, little light.

    Slow growth is an insufficient rest period, insufficient watering.

    Deformed flowers - high temperature.

    Narcissus - culture is quite moisture, so during the flowering period and within 4-5 weeks after it need to water if there is no rain. The rest of the care is reduced to the weeding and removal of patients. To improve the quality of the bulbs and prevent the spread of diseases, the worshipers before the formation of seeds are broken, since many nutrients spend on ripening plant seeds.

    Growing spring bulbies in the garden and at home, landing and care for them

    The first colors are especially beautiful.

    All blooming in spring bulbs belong to ephemeeroids. That is, "one-day species" translated from Greek. These are plants with a very short period of active vegetation. In the spring they bloom, at the same time or a little later, the leaves grow, soon the leaves are yellowing, the seeds ripen, the entire above-ground part dry out. The life of the plant continues under the ground in the bulb.

    Such a life cycle is associated with the origin of plants, most of them come from those edges where sediments fall in spring, and summer is dry and hot. Nevertheless, the bulbs grow perfectly and bloom in a moderate climate, many can not even dig up for the winter.

    For a few centuries, the cultivation of bulbous developed techniques for the care of them, methods of protection against pests and diseases, many varieties have been derived. Within 3-4 weeks bloom, replacing each other, different Snowdrops.

    Sutting off early, medium and late-leewamental varieties, you can extend the flowering of tulips and daffodils to one and a half months. All bully perfectly distinguishes, however, require to transition to the flowering of the cold period. Narcissus, tulips and hyacinths are grown all year round in greenhouses on the cutting, but can only be admired in the spring - in parks, botanical gardens or on its site. Crocus, Prolesta, Muskari, Pushkin, Hionodox, Iridodikim Rockery will decorate the rococarditance while other plants just start growing.

    At the beginning of the summer, the leaves of the ephemeroids turn yellow and dry out that there are no flower beds. There are two ways to correct the situation.

    The first is to plant bulbies in mesh boxes and insert into the ground. When the plants are swinging, they are moving together with boxes into a secluded place until all the nutrients from the leaves do not go into the bulbs. The second method is suitable for those ephemeroids that do not necessarily dig each year - they are planted among other perennial plants. In the summer, growing, perennials cover the drying leaves of bulbs.

    Lukovichny plants have similar requirements for growing conditions. All of them do not endure the close level of groundwater, wetlands and sections poured with thawed waters, prefer light soils. Under the bulbous can not be made fresh manure, it leads to diseases. The period of active life they have short, so in addition to the main application of fertilizers before planting bulbs, it is advisable to still carry out feeding before, during and after flowering. In general, there are enough unpretentious plants, inexperienced flowers are best to start with them.


    The first snowdrock blooms the first onion, its delicate flowers appear literally from under the snow. It is attractive with touching defenselessness and at the same time vitality, because his flowers are withstanding freezing to -10 ° C.

    Snowdrop, or Galantus (translated from the Greek "Milk Flower") belongs to the Amarylline family. Rod includes 18 species. Cultivate snow-white snowdrop, Elvis, p. Caucasian, p. Foldly, ikarian and other, more than 200 different forms of these species are known. Snowball snowdrome is popular thanks to the ability to quickly grow. It blooms before all snowdrops, at the end of March - early April within 30 days. Of the 500 existing varieties, most relates to this kind.

    Snowdrops have dismissed bell-haired single flowers with a perianth of 6 leaves, on top of three inner green spots. Linear leaves, 10-20 cm long, appear simultaneously with blooms. The bulb is fleshy, with a diameter of 1-3 cm, with brown or golden exterior scales.

    There are plants with simple and terry flowers. The most popular Snowdrops Snowdrops with simple flowers include " Sandhill Gate ', "Sam Arnott'," LuteScens', "Scharlockii '," ViridesCens'. Sort "Snow White GNOME" His altitude, its height does not exceed 5 cm. varieties of folded: South Hayes, Solossus .

    Terry varieties Ophelia, Flore Plena, "Pussey Green Tip" - Outdoor leaves of the perianth 3-5, and internal 12-21.

    Popular varieties of Elvis: COMET, TWO EYES, KITE.

    Growing snowdrops

    Snowdrops are quite simple in cultivation, but they cannot be called unpretentious plants, as they are rather demanding on growing conditions; Love open solar places, but grow well in half. Snowdrops are resistant to contrasting weather overhauls, alternating thaws and frosts. It is best to develop on a sufficiently wet, loose, well-drained nutritious soil after making humus or compost. High, dry and low water plots Snowdrops are not tolerated. When growing snowdrops on heavy clay soils, a significant introduction of sand and organic additives is required.

    Reproduction of snowdrops

    Snowdrops are breeding on bulbs-Mi-kids, which are planted immediately after dividing at the end of summer to a depth of 5-7 cm, trying not to break the roots. For a year, 1-3 bulbs are formed. Snowdrops transplanted in the spring during flowering, almost always dying. At one place, Snowdrops are better not to grow longer than 5-6 years. Perhaps reproduction and seeds. Sowing immediately after the collection of seeds, bloom comes in 4-5 years.

    Snowdrops - care

    During the period of active vegetation, feeding with mineral fertilizers in a dissolved form with a minimum content of nitrogen is carried out. If the spring is dry, snowdrops need to watered. The leaves are removed only when they completely dried.


    The whitewear looks like a snowdrop, but flourished slightly later. He has larger flowers with six equal inland petals in contrast to a snowdrop, which has 3 long petals and 3 short. L.

    the thing at the white exchanger is wider. In addition, the whitewear blooms longer snowdrop. There are species blooming in spring, summer and even in the fall.

    The white student refers to the amarylline family. Rod includes 10 species. These are plants up to 40 cm high with linear leaves, disrupting wide-rolled white flowers (single or in umbrella inflorescences) with a green or yellow spot at the top of the lobes. The leaves appear together with flowers, die in mid-June. The bulbs are egg-shaped, multiple, 3-5 cm high and a diameter of 2-4 cm, the coating scales brown. There are two types of cult virgin: Spring sealer (blooms from mid-April to May) and a white studge of summer (blooms from the second half of May).

    Spring Spring Spring Carpaticum flowers are white with yellow spots on the tips of the petals, most often their two; Plant height 10-30 cm. At the variety " Podpolozie. »Two flower on a flower view. Grade " Gertruda Wister »Machine (in the center of the flower, additional segments form a socket). Gravetye Giant. - Garden variation b. Summer, derived in England. On shoots 50-60 cm height, 6 flowers are located.

    Growing conditions. Wholesale

    Prefers half-day, but it grows well in the sun. You can grow a whitewash on the shores of the streams and garden ponds. Soils for it are suitable wet, draned, rich in humus, not acidic. When landing, it is desirable to add large river sand or gravel to the soil.

    Breeding whitage

    The Whirlpool will breed with subsidiary bulbs (1-2 new bulbs are formed annually), they bloom after 2-3 years. The landing is carried out after the leaves will yellow, to a depth equal to the three diameters of the bulbs. When dividing the nests, it is important to quickly plant the bulbs, as they do not endure over. To speed up the reproduction, the maternal bulb is planted for a minimum depth, in this case it forms many children. You can breed a whitewash and seeds. They are sown immediately after collecting, best in the boxes. Shoots appear on the following spring, seedlings bloom in 5-7 years. In one place, the whitewash can grow 6-7 years, after that it is seated.

    White care care

    During active growth, liquid inorganic fertilizers with low nitrogen content contribute. Phosphorus is useful for flowering, and potassium - for the formation of bulbs, due to excess nitrogen leaves are often amazed by mushroom diseases. In the dry spring, the whitewasher needs watering.


    Crocus reproduction

    Crocuses are extremely attractive, they have large flowers of a wide variety of shades. Crocuses grow well, these are very life-life plants. Refer to the family of lines, the genus has 80 species. Grow mainly blooming crocuses, although there are blooming in the fall. Flowers in crocuses of funnel-shaped, with a diameter of up to 5 cm, 1-3 flower leaves, over the surface of the soil they rise at 4-6 cm. Anthers are brightly painted and contrast with the perianth. Leaves up to 7 cm long appear during flowering. Crocuses bloom in the second half of April approximately for 3 weeks. The tuberukovitsa is flattened, covered with mesh scales.

    On the basis of the crocus of the spring, many varieties with large flowers are white, lilac, purple, purple and two-color.

    White crocuses:

    • "Albiflorus, Albion '," Carpatian Wonder ";
    • lilac: "Flower Record '," Vanguard, Jubilee ";
    • double "Pickwick".
    • The crocus varieties are yellow: "Largest Yellow '," Golden Yellow'.
    • Golden crocus varieties: Gipsy Girl, Cream Beauty, Snow Bunting.
    • Current conditions for crocuses

      Crocuses do not suffer from spring frosts, nevertheless grow on well-lit, heated areas. We need soil with a neutral reaction, light lungs are best suited. Do not love the convergence. Can grow on poor soils.

      Crocuses spread with subsidiaries, which are formed from kidneys in the sinuses of scales. Different varieties each year appear from 1 to 10 subsidiaries. The varieties multiply more than species plants. Babes bloom for the 3-4th year. You can propagate crocuses and seeds. They are sow immediately after harvesting in pots or boxes. Shoots appear on the following spring, seedlings bloom on the 4-5th year.

      Croks care

      Crocuses can grow in one place for 5-6 years, later the resulting clubnellukovs begin to close each other, flowering weakens. So, nests need to be searched. Do it in the period of summer peace. Dugged clubnellukovitsa 2-3 months are dried in a ventilated room with room temperature, purified from old roots. Crocuses clubnelluca can damage mice, so they need to be stored in an inaccessible place for rodents. Before planting in the soil, river sand or fine gravel, humid, leafy ground are added. If the plot is low, make high ridges. During the active growth of crocuses, like all the bulboys, feed. If the spring is arid, watered.


      The prolesca bloom 2-3 weeks after snowdrops and white glazers. Very good, their bright blue flowers collected in private inflorescences, leaning under the severity of flowers. There are varieties with white, blue and pink flowers.

      Plant height 10-20 cm.

      Lukovitsa oval with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm with a black-made shell. Flowers appear simultaneously with leaves. Rod includes more than 80 species, they are mainly grown by Siberian.

      Prolesta Siberian " Alba » with white flowers; " Grace Lofthouse. "- with purple blue; " Spring Beauty ', "Atrocaerulea" - With blue .

      "Spring Beauty" - powerful tripotoid grade with flowers with a diameter of up to 3 cm. At the variety ENEM. The flowers are also blue, the original form is found in the Krasnodar Territory near the village of Enem.


      Pushkin looks like a proless, but she has more durable flowers, they do not run. Pale blue flowers. Ophid-shaped bulbs. Rod has only 2 species - pushkin hyacinthidoid (blooms in May) and pushnia proleskovoid (blooms in April)

      Known large-flowered form of Pushkin Prolezova - Lebanese ('Libanitics'), as well as a white-color form - Alba .


      Almost simultaneously with snowdrops and crocuses bloom of iridodics. Their flowers in size 5-7 cm are similar to the motley butterflies: purple, blue, blue with jewelry in the form of white, yellow and orange spots and a variety of hatching. Leaves grow up after flowering. The bulbs with a length of 3-4 cm and a diameter of 1.5-2.5 cm is covered with a net-fibrous shell. Iridodikiums belong to the family of lust. Rod has 11 species, they are grown in the main variety of Iris Mesh.

      Reliable are considered the varieties of the Iridodikioma of the Mesh " Cantab » with light blue flowers with a golden yellow strip in the center of external shares and « Ida " With purple flowers with a bright yellow strip in the center of outdoor shares. Also known varieties « Clairetty ', " Harmony ', " Royal Blue ', " Spring. TIME » and etc.

      Terms of cultivation of iridodictumum

      Iridodikiums are very light-sounded. They need well-drained soil with neutral or weakly alkaline reaction.

      (clay and black earth soils are not suitable). It is best to grow them on a hill. In addition, Iridodikiums need a cool spring with abundant precipitation, hot-dry summer and winter with a high snow cover, without thaws.

      Reproduction of iridodictumov

      Iridodictiums are well multiplied vegetatively, forming new bulbs for the year. If the bulbs disintegrated into a lot of small, which do not bloom, it means that it's time to update the variety. You can breed plants and seeds. Seeds are sown immediately after the collection, the next spring appear friendly shoots. Seedlings dive to the ridge, they bloom after 3-4 years. Signs of varieties are preserved only in reproduction by subsidiaries.

      Iridodictum care

      In the first half of the summer, the iridodikioma fade into small doses of full mineral fertilizer. Different with resistance to diseases in spring time, but as the bulbs and soil warming up the disease resistance is reduced, especially in a rainy summer. It is advisable to dig bulbs for the summer. Do it when you get the top one third of the leaves. Selecting the nests, but without breaking down the leaves, dry the bulbs for several days at 23-25 \u200b\u200b° C, then cleaned. Store in a dry room at a temperature of 18-22 ° C and again plant at the end of September - early October to a depth of 7-10 cm. If you don't want to mess around with the sputum of bulbs, the plants are covered with rain. With this condition, they will grow in one place for 4-6 years.


      Hionodox is good because it can grow on the lawn, covering it with a sky-blue carpet (it is necessary to spend the mow after moving her leaves). Blooming after snowdrops. Unlike prolestin, the flowers of Hionodox are directed up. Leaves appear simultaneously with blooms. Rod includes 6 species. The most famous hionodox Lucilius .

      Flowers are blue, blue, white, pink. Hyonodoxes of Lucilius "Pink Gigant" It is highlighted by large bulbs and darkest coloring flowers. Hionodox Forbes and Szillla Two is easily cross (if there are bees), forming hybrids, which called chionoscills. They have dense inflorescences of 10-15 small blue star flowers.

      These three bulbous plants (prolesm, Pushkin, Hionodox) have similar requirements for soil and illumination, almost identical techniques of growing and reproduction. They can grow on lighted areas and in light shadow. Good grow in rockers. We need drainaged fertile soil.


      These three plants determine the bulbs and seeds. After 4-5 years of cultivation in one place, a nest of 5-7 bulbs is formed. They are digging after drying the leaves and stored in a cool room. The proleski is better to put on a new place. Seeds are sown under the winter, young plants bloom at the 3-4th year.

      Hionodox: care

      Under the pixel before planting, compost, wood ashes contribute. In early spring, it is desirable to carry out feeding with full mineral fertilizer. If spring is dry, after frowning, watering is useful. Transplantation and division of proleski and Pushkin should be conducted in 4-5 years. Hionodox can grow in one place longer.


      Narcissus can be seen at each garden plot. What is the reason for such popularity? Apparently, in the simplicity of cultivation - only novelties of selection. Narcissian bulbs need to dig and dry only once every 4-6 years, they have a stably bloom every year, well multiply. In addition, the bulbs of these colors are poisonous, they do not touch the rodents.

      Narcissus refers to the Amarillic family. Rod has about 60 species. Garden daffodils appeared as a result of hybridization of various species. Grow and natural species. Narcissus - perennial bulbous plants with linear leaves and single or collected in the brush with flowers (with a diameter of 2 to 10 cm), often fragrant.

      Flowers in May - June. Narcissus 6 petals and crown in the center, often it happens a contrasting color. The bulb is a long-term, color-shaped, egg-shaped or rounded, covered with brown film scales.

      More than 30,000 narriesss varieties are known. The result of breeders was obtained by obtaining varieties with large petals, crowns of an unusual shape, a variety of color. All garden shapes and narcissus varieties are divided into 13 groups. From the most unpretentious varieties that grow perfectly even on severe sublinous soil, you can call Dutch Master. Large bright yellow grade from a group of tubular, blooming early, as well as miniature " TET-A-TET »From a group of cyclamenia, which is suitable for natural-style gardens.

      From new products interesting varieties Taurus. »With a large split crown of pink color," Clear Day. »With orange-pink terry middle, lemon yellow Fashion Parade.. Gustomahns large-flowered Acropolis, "Gentle Giant" With a bright orange crown. There are even varieties with a terry middle, for example Wave. Interesting varieties of poetic daffodils: Late Blowing Actaea, "Milan" with green eye; multi-flowered - "Grand Soleil" and Paper White Ziva.

      Conditions of cultivation of Narcissov

      Narcissus grow well in sunny places, put together with a small shading. It is only important not to plant them in the zone of the root system of trees and shrubs. The soil should be well drained and fertile. Lime and marshy soils poured by thawed waters for daffodils are unsuitable. The soil reaction should be neutral or weakly acid.

      Retalization of Narcissov

      Hybrid varieties and shapes breed children. In order not to injure the maternal bulb, only those kids are separated, which are easily laid out. With a rare landing of Narcissian bulbs form more children. If you need to reproduce an interesting grade, the bulbs are planted, leaving a distance of 20 cm between them.

      Warranty species can be multiplied by seeds. Freshly collected seeds are sown under the winter in the boxes or a bloom. Most of the species blooms for the 6-7th year.

      Narcissus care

      Daricissus transplant when the nests grow so much that the number of blooming shoots will decrease. It makes no sense to dig bulbs earlier than 3 years after landing. Narcissa lives the bulb for up to 5 years. Within one season, it is laid from 3 to 7 children, they are not immediately separated. Baby can bloom, being inside the maternal bulbs.

      The bulbs dig up after the yellowing of the leaves, look and destroy damaged pests and affected by diseases. Healthy bulbs are disinfected in a solution of manganese and dried indoors. Store at 17 ° C.

      The soil under Narcissus is drunk to a depth of 30-35 cm 2 months before landing. Move the humus - 10-20 kg per 1 m 2.

      Plant the bulbs of narcissus, like. However, other bully, it is possible not earlier than 3 years after the introduction of fresh manure. Before planting the soil, a comprehensive mineral fertilizer is deposited again - 50 g per 1 m. The bulbs are planting in early September. The depth of planting depends on the height of the bulbs.

      1 m 2 plant 50-100 bulbs depending on their size. In dry weather landing watered. It does not hurt the mulching peat and shelter by leaves (this is done in late autumn). Many varieties of winter-hardy and can winter without additional shelter, but there are attaches to honest winter. In the spring, the shelter is removed.

      The period of intensive nutrition in narcissus is short, so they are demanding of the soil fertility. Maximum nutrient consumption falls on bootonization and start of flowering. At this time, a large number of leaves and flowers are formed, so besides the main loading of the soil, it is advisable to hold feeders. Narcissus love moisture.

      If during the flowering period and within a month there is no rain, they need to water. Watering cease when leaves will yellow. Faded flowers break up that the plants do not spend the forces on the formation of seeds.


      Tulips are the most popular bulbous plants. Every year, the Netherlands export about two billion tulip bulbs around the world.

      Tulips are grown in open soil, and in greenhouses, so they can be found on sale at any time of the year.

      There are about 10 thousand varieties that differ in height, color, form, flowering time. Among such a variety is easy to choose the varieties that will bloom from mid-April to the beginning of June. Plant height ranges from 10 to 100 cm, color - from white to almost black (no blue and blue tulips), there are two-color and three-color varieties, the flower shape is a glass-shaped, invalid, star, pionic.

      Tulips belong to the family of Lily, Rod has about 140 species. The primary center of the origin of these colors is considered mountainous areas of Central Asia, where summer is roast, and the winter is cold. That is why modern varieties endure even misfortune frosty winter. By the way, tulips are not growing in tropical areas, as it requires a cold period to develop and accumulate growth hormone. In the northern regions, tulips are higher, and the flowers are larger than in the southern regions.

      Allocate 15 classes of tulips, combined in 4 groups (three groups - in terms of flowering, fourth group - wild species and varieties obtained on them).

      I. Wounded (bloom in late April)

      1. Simple early tulips. Talky high 25-40 cm, strong and durable. Flowers are yellow and red, glazing, in sunny weather are widely open. In the open ground, the varieties of this class often fall under the spring frost. Well suited for pastures. The "Aprot Beauty" variety with apricot flowers has a delicate aroma.

      2.Terry early tulips. Flowerines with a height of 20-30 cm, durable, however, large flowers (8 cm diameter) after rains can be clone to the ground. At a persistent variety " Verona. »Terry flowers of gentle yellowish color. At variety "Peach Blossom" (Translated into the "blooming peach") white-pink flowers, at variety "MONSELLA" - Two-color, yellow with red.

      II. Firmwerving (bloom in late April - early May)

      3.Rimf-tulips. The height of the color seeds is 40-70 cm. Flowers for a long time, well retain the shape of the glass, they have a high reproduction factor. At variety PAUL SCHERER Brilliant flowers of almost black, they look great next to pink tulips.

      4. Darwinov Hybrid. The height of the color seeds is 60-80 cm, the diameter of the flowers may exceed 10 cm. Spring frosts are well tolerance, resistant to the virus of spells, is last saved in the cut. Popular variety "Banja Luka" Perfect for pastures.

      III. Late-flowering (bloom in the second half of May)

      5. Simple Late Tulips. The height of the color seeds is 60-75 cm, the flowers are large. This class includes multi-flowered tulips (3-5 flowers on one blooming). At variety "Shirley" Cream petals decorated with purple strokes and stripes.

      6. Lilliecetny. The height of the flowers is up to 50-60 cm, the flower is similar to Lily. I Petals, pointed at the ends. At the variety " Queen of Sheba. »Red and yellow flowers, similar to the flame. Flowers of grade " Mona Lisa. "- a gentle combination of yellow with red.

      7. Barbed tulips. The height of the color seeds is 50-80 cm. At the edges of the petals of the fringe. Sort "Canasta" Pink-red with white fringe, is distinguished by long flowering, varieties " Lambada. »Yellow fringe on a paint orange background. Long blooms, well multiplied, does not get sick. Purple variety Cummins. »White fringe. Grade " Valery Gergiev »It is highlighted saturated with raspberry-red. Breakingers made even terry fringe tulle-pan, for example, " Mascotte "(Translated by flying) of a gentle purple color.

      8. Zelen color. Coloring height 60 cm. Thicken middle petals green, edges of various color petals. At the variety " Esperatorto. »- The edges of petals white, pink, red or yellow. At the variety " Greenland. »Green with a wide bright pink border flower, does not open in the sun.

      9. Rembrandt tulips. The height of the flowers is up to 70 cm. On the petals of the touches and stains of different colors. At the variety " Jack Line »Purple with a brown tint flower with yellow cigarette stains and strokes.

      10. Parroty. The height of the coloring up to 80 cm. The edges of the petals are deeply rugged, sometimes wavy, resemble disheveled bird feathers. The widely opened flower can reach 20 cm in diameter. At the popular variety Black Parrot. »Flower is a large, dark burgundy, close to black. Red grade " Rococo. »Flowers 2-3 weeks. " Estella RijnVeld. "- Very elegant red and white grade.

      11. Terry Late Tulips. Strong flowerons with a height of 45-60 cm. Gustomahmer flowers, similar to peonies. Miranda variety is the most powerful and large-flowered among terry later. "Carnaval De Nice" - Elegant white with red grade. Very leveled purple Bluaiamond. " Yellow with red " Golden nizza. ", Red-brown "Uncle Tom '. Orange " Orang Princess. ».

      IV. Types of tulips, their varieties and hybrids (bloom at the end of April)

      12. Tulips Kaufman. The height of the floweros is 15-40 cm. They differ in the earliest blossom. Flowers of star shape. "Giuseppe Verdi" - Yellow with red grade 20 cm high.

      13. Foster tulips. Floweros height 25-50 cm. Large cupid flowers. Flowers are usually a glasswall or cupid form, elongated, up to 15 cm high. Candela » (Translated "Candle") - a plant with a height of 30-40 cm with a yellow flower height up to 15 cm.

      14. Grey Tulips. The height of the floweros is 25-40 cm. Cropbed leaves or strokes. Flowers do not fade long. Interesting varieties: orange-red with yellow edges " Compostella "Height 20-35 cm and red" Fire of Love. »25 cm high with brown and white stripes on the leaves.

      Terms of growing tulips

      The bulbs of tulips are planted on a well-lit place protected from the wind. It does not interfere with a small bias for the flow of excess water.

      Tulips need fertile, loose, moderately moistened soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. If the bulbs were grown on acidic soils, underdeveloped flowers are formed. In severe clay soil, you need to add sand, peat, humus.

      On the sandy soils, the plants suffer from the lack of moisture, in this case the organics contribute (compost, peat) and a small amount of clay. Plots with a high level of groundwater are not suitable for growing tulips. For the previous place, tulips return no earlier than in 5-6 years, it is impossible to plant them after other bulbous pests that are common with tulips and causative agents of diseases, as well as after the plants of the Polenic family. Tulips can be planted no earlier than 3 years after making a fresh manure.

      Tulip reproduction

      Tulips spread on bulbs. The old bulb after flowering deviates, a nest of replacing the bulbs and subsidiaries is formed around it. The number of daughters depends on the value of the uterine bulbs, and in cultural forms - and from the variety. The nests are digging, cleaned from the ground, dried. Major bulbs (with a diameter of more than 4 cm) are planted in flower beds, smaller fuse. They are planted on a separate garden, the depth of placement depends on the size of the bulb (8-12 cm). During the growing season, careful care for plants (loosening, feeding, weeding, watering).

      If buds appear, they are removed so that the plant spends strength to grow the bulbs. Tulips seeds breed in breeding purposes, seedlings bloom only for the 5-7th year. Signs of grade in seed offspring are not repeated.

      Tulips care

      There is no consensus on whether every year it is necessary to dig bulbs of tulips. Professional flowerflowers make it annually, lovers - in different ways. Much depends on the cultivation area, something - from the variety. Experts proposed for use in urban flower beds several varieties that can be digging no more than once every 5 years: 'AD REM ",' APELDOORN", 'ELISA VOLTA', 'JUAN', 'LITTL PRINCESS', 'FUSILIER' ' (red), as well as yellow ' Summit ' and species - tulip foxvucet. Tulip Late, Urumy Tulip. They all differ unpretentious. Drought-resistance, but not shuffle with special attractiveness.

      If you want to grow truly beautiful, exquisite varieties of tulips, it is better to dig bulbs every year. They do it in June - July, when the leaves are dried, and the lubber's crumbling scales turns into a light brown color. Two days of the bulbs are dried in the fresh air under a canopy, then 2 weeks are kept at a temperature of 22-24 ° C, purified and stored at a temperature of 20 ° C to mid-August, and then at 17 ° C to landing.

      1-2 months before landing of the bulbs, the soil is drunk on the shone of shovels, for neutralization of acidity makes a dolomite flour, haired lime, chalk, wood ash. In front of the onset of the bulb G, 1-2 hours is kept in a solution of potassium permanganate (3 g per 10 liters of water). Tulips bulbs are planting at the end of September - early October with such a calculation so that they manage to root to frosts.

      At this time, the soil temperature at a depth of 15-20 cm descends to 10 ° C, the rooting process passes intensively, in 2-3 weeks. If the temperature is higher, the bulbs are rooted slowly, more often amazed with diseases. If the bulbs are planting at late time, the soil is covered with dry leaves, humus (layer 3 cm).

      Early spring immediately after stating snow, mineral fertilizers are introduced (20 g of ammonium nitrates per 1 m 2), the following feeder is carried out at the appearance of buds (20 g of nitroposka per 1 m 2). In dry weather, tulips are regularly watered. Ugly and sick plants immediately destroy.


      Hyacinths are not only beautiful,

      but they have an unsurpassed aroma, they are well distinguished. Garden hyacinths occurred from the Hyacinth of the East of the family of hyacinth and its varieties. They bloom in mid-April. The height of inflorescence ranges from 15 to 30 cm, they are dense or loose, white, yellow, orange, pink, red, blue, blue and purple. The bulb has a perennial hyacinth, 4-6 cm, it can bloom for 10 years.

      From white varieties Very spectacular 'Thor White', 'Carnegy', 'White Reagree, interesting varieties with salmon inflorescences' Gipsy Queen ",' Orange Boven ', with pink' Queen of Pink ',' Pink Frosting ', Red' La Victoire ',' Jan Bos', Lilac 'Amehtyst', 'Anna Lisa'. At the varieties' Double Eros, ',' AnnaBelle ',' Isabelle 'Machrow Inflorescences.

      Growing conditions

      Hyacinths are more heat-loving than daffodils and tulips. They are planted in solar places protected from wind. Well, if the flower bed is raised by 15-20 cm. The plot with a small bias is also favorable. The soil should be produced, river sand and peat add to clay. Hyacinths do not like acidic soils.

      Gyacinth reproduction

      Hyacinths spread in bulbs-kids. For the year, an adult 5-6-year-old bulb forms 1-3 kids. If they are well separated from the maternal bulbs, their

      moving separately. If the kids are separated badly, the maternal bulb is planted with children. To increase the coefficient of reproduction, cutting or cutting the diagram. Dugged in early July, the bulbs with a diameter of 5-6 cm washed, disinfected and dried. Donets cut out or make intersecting in its center of incisions. Then the bulbs are laid by Don and kept at a temperature of 22-25 ° C. On the cut formed small bulbs. The maternal bulb is planted with them in October. They dig new bulbs in 2 years when they grow up. They bloom after 3-4 years. Reproduction seeds are used in selection. Seedlings bloom only in 5-7 years.

      Care for hyacinths

      So that hyacinths are well bloomed, their bulbs need to dig every year. Do it after the yellowing of the leaves (in early July). The bulbs are drying, purified from roots and leaves and stored in a well-ventilated room 2 months at a temperature of 25-26 ° C, and then a month at 17 ° C.

      Sit them at the end of September - early October to a depth of 15-20 cm. If there were no fertilizers in the soil at the soil, then compost or peat add to the wells during the landing. To protect against infections to the bottom of the hole, it is advisable to place river sand with a layer of 3 cm. In the sand plant the bulb and fall asleep with sand, and then soil. In the spring, feeding: when sprouts appear, with increasing buds and after the end of flowering. In drought you need to water.


      Bright blue, blue, purple club-like Muscari's inflorescences, consisting of small barrel flowers, appear in April - May, they have a pleasant musky aroma (from this, the name happened). The plant is called mouse hyacinth, a guy onion, and the British dubbed him with grape hyacinth due to the similarity of inflorescences with a bunch of grapes. Muscari is distinguished by unpretentious, winter hardiness, a long period of flowering. It can be grown under the crowns of fruit trees, since the depth of planting bulbs is small - 6-8 cm. This gene refers to the hyacinth family and has about 60 species. The height of plants is 10-30 cm, egg-shaped bulbs, up to 3 cm long and a diameter of up to 2 cm.

      Muscari varieties

      Muskari Grindowed - the most common appearance. Flowers in early May. Coloros high up to 20 cm high, the inflorescences are smaller than that of Armenian. There are shapes with white and pink flowers. Culti-vitacing winter-hardy m. Armenian. At the variety ' Blue Spike 'The grinding inflorescences carry 150-170 blue fragrant flowers. Coloros tall up to 25 cm. Flowers at the end of May for 3 weeks. The variety is unpretentious enough, it is used for design and for cutting. At variety Cantab. Flowers bright blue, blooms late, the plant is low. At the variety ' Fantasy Creation 'Flowers terry, blue-green, blooms from mid-May to the end of June. At variety Sapphire. blooming in April - May, inflorescences dark blue, y Skay Blue '- Sleeper blue. There is a form with white inflorescences. Grow down also muscari Kistere and Muskari Slavicizer (Leaves, like a tulip).

      Growing conditions

      Muscari grows perfectly both in the sun and in a half. Does not end the water stagnation. The soil must be a water permeable, loose. The plant can be successfully grown on stony rols.

      Muscari reproduction

      Muskari spread the daughters that planted at a depth of 6-8 cm immediately after the bulbs are digging, which grew in one place for 5-6 years. Make it in the fall, at the end of October (at the same time they are planted and buying muscari bulbs). The plant is well multiplied by seeds. They are sown immediately after collecting, as they quickly lose their germination. Seedlings bloom on the third year.

      Muscari care

      Muskari Responsive for the introduction of organic fertilizers - forms larger onion and more powerful inflorescences. When the soil resistance, compost contribute in the fall - 5 kg per 1 m 2. During the flowering period, plants require a lot of moisture and vice versa, during the rest of the rest.


      The most effectively African species of birds, in our climate they are grown in greenhouses. European species look more modest, but they are well winter in the open soil and differ in unpretentiousness. Poultry shops belong to the hyacinth family, the genus has 130 species, cultivated about 15. Plant height ranges from 30 to 150 cm. The removal leaves appear before the floweros. Flowers white or slightly yellowish with green stripes on the outside of petals, collected in akinoid or palate inflorescences. Ovuk-shaped bulbs or rounded, dressed with strong crumbling scales.

      Types and varieties of a bird processor

      In early May, a low bird championship blooms Balance (10-15 cm height) with a few, but large flowers (diameter up to 3 cm). The most common view is umbrella, or white brandos. This is an unpretentious plant with a height of up to 25 cm, the leaves are grooved with a longitudinal white stripe. White flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm are collected 15-20 in an umbifice inflorescence. Flowers are directed up and closed overnight. It blooms this view in May. The plant forms numerous bulbies-kids, which are easily separated from the maternal bulb and can even clog the site.

      Children's Children's Church up to 50 cm high like a hyacinth, he has gray-green leaves with a white stripe, and the blooming is decorated with a dozen drooping silver-white flowers. Flowers in June. Wintering without shelter.

      Children's bird grinder Reaches a height of 150 cm. Flowers with a diameter of up to 3.5 cm are collected in a loose brush. Flowers in mid-July. P. Tailed by a sign of lover of indoor plants called "Indian bow. He has a large green bulb with a diameter of 8-9 cm.

      Flowers fine greenish-white color on high blurry. It is valued for the beneficial properties of the burning juice used as an anesthetic outdoor with bruises, pain in the joints.

      Children's doubtful It is distinguished by bright coloring flowers, it is cultivated as a houseplant. Two varieties are known: ' Ballerina ' with orange coloring and ' Sunshine ' - With yellow. In the open ground, these varieties do not win.

      Poultry shops prefer sunny places, but grow well in the shade of shrubs and trees. For them, sandy soil is suitable than clay. Do not wear stagnation of water and acidic soils, put together with poor soils.

      Breeding a birdhouse

      Poultry shops give many kids, the broken groups are seated once every 4-5 years. The depth of planting is 3 heights of the bulbs, about 10 cm. It is possible to reproduce the seeds, they are sown under winter, bloom after 5-6 years.

      Bulbage care

      The landing and transplant is carried out in September-October. In severe clay soils add sand. Flower paints with faded flowers cut. Punchers are rarely affected by diseases and pests.

      Diseases and pests

      What are afraid of bulbous?

      Lukovichny - strong, strong plants, while observing all the rules of the agrotechniki, they are very ill. Basic principles: not to plant bulbs on raw plots and heavy soil without its preliminary improvement; put no earlier than 3-4 years after the introduction of fresh manure; not to apply in excess doses of nitrogen; Each eggs

      bulbs of tulips and hyacinths; when digging and landing, unwind damaged bulbs; remove and destroy patient plants along with roots and leaves, and even better - with a room of land; prevent strong landing thickening; Systematically remove weeds, as well as plant residues, deeply pull the soil before planting bulbs.

      Mushroom and bacterial diseases

      Mushroom and bacterial diseases are made of the greatest harm: risoconiosis, tyifolez, sclerotiniosis, fusariosis, bacterial wet rot. They are striking tulips, daffodils, crocuses,

      Viral diseases

      Serious harm is caused by viral diseases, causing change in coloring and deformation of flowers. The most dangerous spells, striking tulips. The varieties are gradually degenerated. The virus applies to the juice of patients with plants, and tolerate it tli, TRIPS, CYCADES, COLLOES, BLACKS And other insects. Since the mass appearance of muskari. Signs of diseases: stains, spice dispute on the leaves and bulbs, rot. For the prevention of mushroom and bacterial diseases of the bulbs before planting are treated with solutions of copper-containing drugs, potassium permanganate or 10 minutes withstand in hot water (50-55 ° C).

      The emergence of these pests is observed in the second half of May, then they are amazed by spelling mainly varieties of the middle and late blossom periods. Sometimes infection occurs through the cutting tools when cutting flowers. To prevent diseases, you need to fight with carriers of viral diseases, to observe the cultural turn, to delete and destroy the affected plants in a timely manner.

      Pests of bulbous

      Bulb, blooming in the spring, are good because there are still few pests during their vegetation. However, they are. Especially dangerous root onion tick, striking many bulbous flowers. The females lay eggs on the bulbs, inside the pest penetrates through the Donets, stretches the moves in the bulbs, they reveal. The growth of affected plants slows down, the leaves are yellow and die away. For the prevention after the bulbous, it is useful to plant velvets, pyrethrum.

      For daffodils, Narcissal Fly is dangerous. Its larvae penetrate the bulb and eat juicy scales. The bulbs become soft, make an unpleasant smell, rotate. During the growing season, the leaves fade and dry out. Lukovichnaya also harm Khrushchi (larvae of May beetles) and wires. Measures to combat them - deep soil perplex, weed removal.

      Flower bulbs love to be touched by mice, especially attractive crocuses for them. However, the bulbs of daffodils are not touched, the simple method of protection is based on this: on the perimeter of bully, they are sitting on Narcissal. Another way is to cover the planting by a plastic mesh (its edges are pinned to the ground).

      Choose bulbous bulbs - how and what better

      Every year, stores, garden centers and various floral farms offer us a huge number of bulbs and clubnellukovits of new varieties. Sometimes it is very difficult to resist, but how not to be mistaken and choose them correctly so that the result does not disappoint?

      There are a number of not difficult rules that should be adhere to when choosing bulbs, tubers and tuberukovits.

      First, storage can significantly reduce the quality of the planting material, as you create the necessary conditions very difficult to create houses. Secondly, if you purchase plants into non-optimal dates for this, for example, the bulbs of tulips in the spring, do not forget that most likely it is so-called knocked bulbs, that is, after the surveillance. To make the plant bloom again, you will have to tinker not one year.

      Attending the bulbs standing at the beginning of the season, while they are still no longer a hundred times buyers, especially tulips that are easily injured, despite the seeming density.

      2. When buying always carefully examine the planting material.

      Cloths and bulbs should be smooth, clean, dense, heavy, with intact smooth shells. It should not be thrown by stalks and roots - only onion, there is a rustling of roots, but in this case the bulbs are necessary as soon as possible. Mechanical damage, stains, points, inconspicuous color - these are signs of poor-quality planting material, possibly infected by pest

      mi or causative agents. Permissible small, but necessarily dry cuts, without mold. Donets should be intact. Do not be afraid if, for example, the tulips had the top scales, it happens quite often. It is worthwhile to avoid wrinkled, as well as too easy instances. But in any case, before landing, it is better to treat bulbs by fungicide, such as the drug "Maxim".

      3. Watch attention to size.

      Usually beautiful, full-fledged flowers are obtained from large instances. But remember - too large onions can say that they are old or have been reconciled by stimulants, which is not very good for plants.

      Lilies, Georgina and Gladiolus

      At the bulbs, lilies should be live roots and dons without rot. When purchasing preference, we give elastic, dense instances and bypass the roar and scattering. If you buy lilies in the spring, take those that with one sprout - will bloom certainly. But in the fall of the bulbs with sprouts, on the contrary, lay aside. If suddenly at the variety that you so wanted to buy, the bulb loose, it can be tried to help: Wrap it in a wet cloth, put it in a plastic bag and remove into the refrigerator, to the bundle for vegetables. There to hold it for several days - the bulb must come to normal.

      If we talk about dahlia, then depending on the CornClube variety can be different in size. But in any case, shouted, wondered, you should not take safe. Remember that on high-quality copies should be: a piece of last year's stem, root cervical and 2 - 3 renewal buds. It is better to take young decene. How to distinguish them from old? Old is larger, darker, more wrinkled, their root neck is wide. Unfortunately, the "youth" on sale can be found not often, but do not be discouraged, and 3 - 4-year-old Cornklubni will be good to bloom, but only one year. In the autumn, most likely new nodules are not formed on them, and it will be almost impossible to keep them in winter, therefore it is such an annual version.

      In the case of gladiolus, the rule "larger means better" does not work, as large, flat clubnelluckers with a wide Donets are usually old. Yes, they look attractive, but they may not bloom, blossoms are very weak or do not exist at all. It is necessary to choose clubnevukovitsy small, with a diameter of no more than 3 cm, elongated up, they should be similar to candy truffles.

      Tulips, daffodils and hyacinths

      The bulbs of tulips should be tightly covered with scales. If it is too dense, peeling - this is a sign that they were disturbed in the soil. In this case, the spring through such a shell will be bad to germinate the roots, which will affect flowering. When buying, pay attention to the tip of the future stem: dense, but in no case that has not been touched into growth. Also look at the bottom of the bulbs. It must be dense, without traces, rot, with well-noticeable tubercles roots.

      Narcissa has no features, choose healthy copies, with dry, golden or brownish, tightly adjacent scales. Spots, raid, damage is unacceptable. The bulbs may differ in size: large (3 - 5 cm in diameter) are used for landscaping, as well as for pastures, the main drawback - after 2 - 3 years they will have to dig and divide them; The smaller (1.5 - 2.5 cm) is blurred not immediately, they are usually used for reproduction.

      Adult hyacinth bulbs in size are usually from 4 to 6 cm in diameter, but terry and yellow-ceiling varieties are slightly smaller. The bulbs should not only be solid, without any damage, they must have a clearly pronounced neck (the uppermost part) and the shoulder (like a person is followed by the neck). It is still very important to the ratio of the diameter of the diameter to the diameter of the bulbs: 1: 1.6 and says that everything is fine. In poorly grown and old copies, this indicator is usually less, such better not to buy.

      Usually, on a bulb, it is impossible to determine the belonging to the variety, but hyacinths are not so, the color of the shells speaks about the color of the future flower. So, for example, if the bulb is violet, then the flowers will be purple, purple, lilac; Lilac - pink; Light chamfer - snow-white flowers; Dark cherry - red; Serious cream - yellow.

      We share the experience of burning the first bulk

      Small spring joy

      Many of us belong to early colors with special tenderness. After a long winter, even an ordinary mother and stepmother makes smiling and think about something pleasant. And sophisticated and elegant garden primroses are able to make a happy one who admires them and inhales them intoxicating aroma!

      What garden plants are blooming the very first when the snow is just going? The very first blooming onion and tube, which were planted in autumn. But among them there are record holders. So, earlier than others, chio-nodox, muskari, goose onions, prolesta (Scylla), Crested, Crocus and some hyacinths appear.

      The miniature bulbous plant blooms immediately as soon as it becomes snow. Flowers are similar to asterisks or opened bells, usually blue-blue, purple-lilac or white shades. Hionodox flowers bloom about two weeks, after which they rest until the next spring. Unpretentious: undemanding to the soil, can grow both in the sun, and in a half. Hionodox can become a rocaria or alpine slide decoration, since it does not need to grow and flowering a lot of land. And from Hionodoxes it turns out a magnificent flower carpet that will look great next to forest trees or in mixlers.

      As soon as the first sprouts appear, adopt Hionodoxus nitrogen fertilizer (just do not burn the leaves!), And it will delight you with rapid growth and bright flowers.

      Another "dwarfs" on the spring flower bed. They are also called "mouse hyacinths." These little flowers are usually bluish-siren shades, there are white - stunningly unpretentious and lively. They give a lot of kids, thanks to which they quickly grow into dense flower curtains. Moreover, Muskari can become a weed, since their small bulbies are very difficult to choose from the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to plant them either where they definitely do not break your plans to their fecundity or not to the ground, but in the basket, a special container for a bulbous or a leaky plastic can. It is necessary that, if necessary, take out and transplant them all together with a lore land. Muskari love the sun or half-day, the soil is undemanding.

      Goose Bow (Gage Yellow)

      Surely in the forest met a small yellow snowdrop. These plants themselves look quite modestly, so they are better to decorate alpine slides or lawn, as well as use in mixed flower beds. The goose bow prefers solar sections with loose soil, but can grow in a half. Actively multiplies both for children and seeds, thanks to which it can grow as weed, without requiring almost no care.

      Prolerski (Scylla)

      Small unpretentious plants with bright blue flowers. The prolescas are ideal for rocky kindergartens: low and very bright, these plants are surrounded by stones, like sapphires in an exquisite frame. But the requirements for the care of the proceasses are special. They need a non-acidic soil rich in nutrients, wet, but without water stagnation. But as for the light, then the proleski will please you: they feel normally and in the sun, and in the shadow, only in the shade bloom later.

      Another little joy for gardener. It transfers any frosts and the most Spartan conditions, while there are many species that differ in variety of colors. Hochlasts can grow in the shade, acidic soils normally tolerate, the only requirement - there should be no water stagnation. Perfectly feel on the lawn, the grass does not score them. Can grow many years on one plot without transfers.

      Misseling of diamonds on the spring flower bed. Huge flowers on a short stem are noticeable from afar, and their gentle aroma lifts the mood and disperses the longing. Crocuses are undemanding, but timely feeding and the abundance of sunlight will make them larger. In the shadow and on poor soils, crocuses are flashed. Unlike its primrose fellow, crocuses love mineral fertilizers: they need to feed flowers before starting, during and after flowering.

      On the flowerbed rose like King: they are the brightest and highest of early primroses. The very first blooming hyacinths of blue shades, the latter - yellow and orange. Thus, disembarking hyacinths of different varieties on the flowerbed, you can enjoy their continuous flowering from March-April to May-June.

      When hyacinths only proceed, they need to be filled with nitric fertilizers, and before the start of flowering - minerals. The bulbs after fading the upper part are digging, falling in the fall again. For the winter shelted.

      How to please the bulbous

      All primordars are very different, but they have a lot of common taste preferences.

      Most of them (except crocuses and hyacinths) poorly carry mineral fertilizers. Therefore, they are better to make it under winter, and in the spring it is necessary to feed nitrogen.

      Each flower has its own requirements for illumination and soil, but all without exception used to bloom in areas where the snow comes first. So, if you have a hilly or corner in the country, which from year to year appears from under the snowdrifts earlier, it will be the perfect place for flower beds with primrocuts.

      All bulbs need soil with good water permeability. Many water is required only in the spring, later stagnation is leading to shockting.

      Without loss of color quality, you can grow primroses on the same plot about 5 years.

      Do not cut off the top of the plant when the flowers are faded. It is necessary to cut on only a color sector - the further development of the leaves is important for the embedding of floral kidneys for the next year.

      Create spring flowerbed

      During the active growth and flowering of primroses of leaves on the trees yet. So, where in summer trees and shrubs create a dense shadow, spring is still enough light, and the place is suitable for arranging the early flowerbed there.

      The primroses perfectly revive the lawn. Being about one growth with

      surfaceing grass, they make it similar to the carpet with a magical and bright pattern. And since many of the early primroses do not require almost no care when they are swinging, you can simply forget about them. Lawn they will not harm him, he too.

      Early bulbous suitable for use in mix bears. They are planted in the first rows, behind them are the late bulbous (daffodils, tulips) and the Rannetic swelling perennials (Viol, Daisy, Primuli).

      Beautifully looks at the spring flower beds-islets, created entirely from primroses. High tulips and daffodils are planted in the center, then hyacinths, goose onions, prolesk, crocuses and muscari. The advantage of such a flowerbed is that when the top of the plants will start, you can calmly move the whole flower leaf and choose the bulbs, without fearing to disturb other plants.

      Hochlette perfectly tolerates the neighborhood with conifers and can be used as a carpet under juniper, fir trees and pines.

      Especially exquisitely and at the same time naturally looks primroses on the Alpine slings, surrounded by small evergreen plants. The advantage of such cultivation is also in the fact that with a slide snow faster becomes faster, and therefore flowers will dissolve before. But it is important to provide food and drainage.

      You can grow primroses on flower beds with late plants so that they do not seem empty. For example, all the bulbs perfectly get along with roses, which, by the way, create a beautiful background for them.

      To the flower bed looks stylish and not too Pestro, choose 2-3 colors plants, but you can use many different shades.

      Brief overview of bulbous plants

      1. Wildly-minded types of tulips need a sunny place. Flower in April - May. 2. The proleski grow well in the sun and in half, buds are blown in April. 3. The Wholesaler prefers halftime and wet soil, its white inflorescences and bells appear in mid-April. 4. Muscari loves the sun, plants in pots can be put in half. Flower in April - May. 5. Crocuses need to highlight solar flower bed. Buds appear in late March. 6.Giacintoid on the temper of feverish places under shrubs, flowers appear at the end of May - June. 7. Narcissus feel perfectly in the sun, and in half, bloom depending on the grade from April to June. 8. Iridodikioma prefer solar places on the basis with good water permeability. Flowers appear in March - April. 9. Snowdrops are suitable for solar and half-hearted corner. Buds bloom in March - April. 10. Tulips love the sun, depending on the variety bloom in April - June.

      A. Korneva G. Tula

    Narcissus flower is the brightest representative of the coated grained plants of the amarylline family. Belongs to early spring cultures. Produces inflorescences with a strong dashboard-shit aroma. There are more than sixty plant species. Culture in southern Europe, most countries of the Mediterranean and Asia are widespread. For growing at home, about 25 subspecies of Narcissa are used. Most plant representatives are bred by breeders. Different areas of Narcissa are used in the perfume and pharmacological industry. Translated from the Greek name "Narcissus" means "blistering". The resistant smell can cause migraine.

    Amazing blossom of spring daffidis.

    Place for disembarking

    On the site it is necessary to choose a well-lit zone. Culture can maintain decorative at half-directed conditions. Protection from drafts and strong wind gusts should be protected. A strong air flow can destroy abundant large inflorescences.

    Moisturizing soil

    Flower prefers wet soil. As soon as it hits the snow, and the first sprouts will seem, it is necessary to hide the ground at the base of the flower.

    The bulbs can be covered with soft spots and dig from excessive irrigation. Before disembarking, it is necessary to provide for the drainage of the soil.

    During the flowering period, the culture needs regular moisture. It is not advisable to allow the dying of the earth coma. The lack of fluid causes the fading of buds at the formation stage.

    For rapid development, narcissus need to ensure evenly moistened soil.

    Culture Transfer

    After a bunch, you must choose a place to disperse. The optimal time for transplantation is in June, after the appearance of yellow sites on the leaves and shoots.

    Culture can maintain decorative in one site not more than 6 years. Every 3-4 years you can transplant mature bulbs. On the tubers during this time several full-fledged children are formed.

    Extracted bulbs must be carefully cleaned from soil residues. It is necessary to carefully inspect the plant. The affected or rotten bulbs should be destroyed.

    Major representatives of the amarylline must be neatly rinsed under a stream of flowing water. For disinfection, you need to prepare a sturdy potassium permanganate solution. After the procedure, you can easily separate the tubers.

    Pruning healthy roots can damage the culture. After the department, it is necessary to dry the decene and put it on storing in a cool room without sunlight.

    The air temperature should not exceed + 17 degrees. In two months it is necessary to move daffodils to the ground. If the tubers do not land in the fall, the landing material will lose moisture. After landing, you will need to water the culture within a month.

    Narcissus in winter

    If in winter the bulbs remain in the soil, you will need to protect underground stems. Leaves should be given the opportunity to dry yourself. It is not recommended to cut off the ground parts of the plant. With the help of vegetative organs, the flower will be able to accumulate energy for the period of rest.

    The place of the culture landing should be covered with a thick layer of mulch. Peat briquettes or dry weeds can be used as a protective reservoir.

    "Tattle" daffodils are a very sensitive representative of culture. In winter, the plant may not withstand a sharp decrease in temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully insulate the plot of luxury landing.

    In the winter season, the bulbs should be stored in a cool room.


    There is no consensus on the need to remove leaves and shoots after a daffodil. On the forums of flower products, it is recommended to safely remove the yellowed parts of the plant.

    As practice shows premature cleaning reduces the threshold of frost-resistant culture.
    You can choose an alternative. Narcissus leaves need to "brake" into a pigtail. After complete drying, with the help of small garden, the rabel can be carefully removed dried parts of the plant.

    Narcissus on the site

    Daricissus flowers are one of the first to appear in the garden. Inflightened inflorescences simultaneously with crocuses, tulips and hyacinths. It is quite simple to grow in an unpretentious culture in the open ground.

    It is enough to choose the correct zone to plant the tubers. Narcissus is greatly developed on illuminated, loose and fertile soils. A week before the landing it is necessary to prepare a flower garden. On the flower bed should be thoroughly disappeared. You can add mediterranean sand and humus (per liters per 1 meter square meter).

    Fresh manure can destroy daffodils. Therefore, use the component during the landing or for fertilizer is strictly prohibited.

    Excessive level of alkalinity can be corrected by the contribution of dolomite flour. Increased acidity decreases with pouched charcoal.

    When growing narcissus, it is necessary to take into account the alternation of cultures. It is not advisable to plant a flower on a plot after lilies, tulips and other bulbies. Perennial representatives of Flora - Chrysanthemum, Flox and Astra are also depleted. It is necessary to choose a plot with last year's breeding of legumes or cereals. Perfectly suitable soil after cucumbers or peonies.


    Select the landing period follows with the climatic conditions of the region. For the rooting of Narcissus it will be necessary for about a month. Plant can land in early spring or at the end of the winter season. But for this you will need to preliminarily stimulate the germination. The bulbs should be stored for 2 months on the refrigerator shelf with the function "without freezing." Otherwise, tubers may not come.

    Facilities landing can be found from the video:


    The ideal composition of the soil for growing at home can be prepared using:

    • alumina (turf soil);
    • compost;
    • peat;
    • mediterranean, clean, river sand;
    • chalk.

    For breeding, you can purchase a ready-made soil. It must be borne in mind that the optimal pH is 6.5.

    The soil with a suitable level of acidity can be prepared at home.


    In the open area, it can be made to the soil nitroammofosku, a bird litter (granulated, soluble), ash and bone flour. Fertilizer is desirable to use during the ruins of the Earth.

    Subsequent feeding should be made as needed. Weakened soil can be seen in the spring after the appearance of the first sediments of the ammonium Selutyra. Intensify the flowering and formation of bulbs will help high potassium content, as well as phosphorus in fertilizer.

    Fresh manure is destroyed for daffodils. Organic fertilizer can be a source for breeding onion bumps. The pest will destroy the plant.

    Growing Narcissus in the container

    It is not difficult to care for the plant in indoor conditions. The plant feels comfortable on the pre-pixed windows. For the accelerated development of buds, you can put a container on the lit side concern.

    Feeling the soil is necessary at the stage of production of buds and after fading the inflorescences. To extend the flowering period to three weeks, it is advisable to transfer the vase into the loggia or the balcony.

    Unlike most home plants, the culture should be poured directly into the pallet. It is advisable to use indent room temperature.

    At the stage of fading the inflorescences, it is necessary to reduce the frequency of irrigation. When all the leaves boost, you can stop moisturizing the soil.

    The plant is very hard tolerate overly dry air. You should avoid immediate vicinity with heating devices. Near the vason you can spray water or purchase a device for artificial moisture.

    Narcissus can abundantly blossom in containers.

    Classic problems of Narcissov

    Failure to comply with the conditions of storage of bulbs, later extraction or insufficient treatment can cause the appearance of a fusarious rot. On the tubers there are distinct brown marks.

    At the initial stage, you can save the seating material with a solution of a fungicide. From a strongly damaged tuber need to get rid of.

    Excessive use of the organic causes sclerocycial rot. Affected daffodils need to be burned. Sharp cooling and excessive humidity can cause gray rot in different parts of the plant.

    A special danger to daffodils represent nematodes. There are two subspecies of pests that are affected by the tubers and stems Narcissus. Cerencing the plant will not succeed. Culture should be destroyed.

    As prophylaxis, it is necessary to carry out heat treatment of the planting material. Soil before planning needs to be disfixed with copper sulfate.

    Narcissal flies damages stalks and leaves. Insecticide "Intavir-C" should be used to combat larvae. A peat can be applied as a protective cover.

    It is easy to use the help of natural "patrons" of narcissus. Looking a culture next to the nasturtium, velvets or marigolds will scare the pest.

    Effect of Narcissa

    Scientifically proven that flowers with a pronounced sharp aroma are able to cause strong allergic manifestations. The main signs of the intolerance of the smell of daffodils:

    • the appearance of itching;
    • frequent chisanier;
    • liquid allocations from the nasopharynx.

    The plant contains a poisonous substance called "Alkaloid Narcissin". Random use of any part of the flower can cause poisoning.

    Poisonous plant can cause an allergic reaction and poisoning.

    Methods of breeding

    Division of Lukovitz

    It is necessary to sort the largest, healthy tubers. Each bulb should be divided into 5 equal segments. Each defense should remain the upper part and the tuber's bottom.
    To plan, you can choose one of the options:

    1. With the help of a solution of potassium permanganate to handle pieces of bulbs. To stimulate growth, you can apply phytoogormons of growth. Then landing the planting material in the prepared container with soil. The substrate must be defamatory.
    2. For 1.5 months, separated areas need to be stored indoors with a temperature not lower than + 21 degrees. Next, you should move slices in the cool room. Temperature should remain in the range from +10 to + 12 degrees. You can land the bulbs in September. For the winter period should be insulated with a plot with a thick protective layer of mulch.
    3. Parts of the tubers must be placed in an organic stimulator of the auxinov groups. Subsequent two months, planting material must be stored in the refrigerator. In the fall, you can land the bulbs on the plot.

    Discontinued daffodils will dissolve the first buds in two years.

    Narcissus can be propagated by dividing bulbs.

    Narcissus from seeds

    The method is rarely used for growing in a plot or in room conditions. The method is popular for the removal of new breeding hybrids. For growing it is necessary to choose extremely fresh, wet seeds. A characteristic protein coating should remain on the surface of the planting material.

    It is not recommended to suck seeds deep into the ground. You can use the surface distribution of seeds. Direct cultivation on the flower do not give results. It is advisable to place seeds into a tank with agricultural vermiculite.

    The optimal temperature for the appearance of germs is about + 22 degrees. Within two years, seedlings must be grown in the container. Then you can sear the culture into a large tank or move the formed bulbs in the ground. The first buds will appear only in 5 years.

    Why plant does not bloom

    There are several reasons for violations of the inflorence formation process:

    How to choose a landing material

    The average cost of seed packing is 84 rubles. Garden nurseries are realized by the bulbs of Narcissa Machrov "Delnasho" at a price of 34.30 rubles per piece.

    Before buying, it is necessary to find out the date of harvesting, the conditions for storing the planting material, inspect the condition of the bulbs. It is not recommended to acquire tubers early in spring. Bulbs with Spriver - a sign of poor-quality planting material.

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    Julia Pyatkova 07.07.2015 | 7211

    If you like daffodils, then this plant is accurate for you. In addition, with proper care, eukharic flowers can be admired not only in spring, but also in the fall.

    Euharis is also called Amazon Lilia. All because it is a bulbous plant from the Amarillic family family from the tropists of South America. The name of the flower is translated as "elegant", which fully reflects the appearance of this beautiful-flowing plant.

    The main advantage of Eukharis compared to other representatives of the family is that it can remain decorative throughout the year. In this case, the flower cannot be called complex in care. Although there is home "Amazon" and its cultivation requirements.

    Landing and subordinate

    For landing, Euharicis is quite suitable universal primer For beautiful plants. You can add some sand or land for cacti. After planting the plant, it is advisable to give time for adaptation, so you should not water it within 10 days. Also, you should not immediately put Euharicis on the bright sun, let him get a bit with a scattered light. All these conditions should be observed during the transplantation of the plant.

    Locking euharicis, you can also add some fertilizers to the substrate. For example, a dry korovyan is suitable, which is made at the rate of 1 cup on the bucket of the soil. But you can not produce this feeder. Usually eukharicis feed the summer mineral fertilizers in a half dose. With this care, the plant blooms twice a year.

    Flowering euharicis

    With sufficient lighting and competent leaving, the flowering of the plant is always lush. Adult copies usually produce several arrows at once, on which flowers collected in inflorescences. In one "beam" there may be from 3 to 7 pieces.

    Euharicis large-flowered which is most often found in colonel collections, stand out by truly large flowers (10-12 cm in diameter). In shape, they are similar to the daffodils, but differ from them with a snow-white color and greenish "crown" from those who have grown up at the base of the tagging threads. And what kind of flowers smell!

    Many flower products are upset that Eukharis does not want to bloom. Most often, the plant climbs, if it is wrong water. It is necessary to do it moderately, not allowing soil moistening (the soil must be given to dry between irrigation). In general, irrigation rules are the same as for all bulbous. In addition, the pot must be good drainage and drainage holes. This will prevent the root rotting, which also affects not only on the flowering of the plant, but also on its general condition.

    Sometimes the plant does not bloom if it is planted in too much pot. Roots and bulbs spend a lot of energy to master the earthen com, and they have no strength to form the shooter. Therefore, the transplant eucharis is infrequent. It is enough to do it once every 3 years.

    Eukharis during rest

    After autumn blossom, the plant needs a rest period so that it rested and accumulated strength for flowering in spring. It lasts about 1-2 months. At that time watering Euharicis must be minimized. Also should not contain a plant in too hot conditions. Wintering at a temperature of about 15-16 ° C is quite suitable for a flower (but not lower, since eukharicis is quite warm-loving). Blossom comes 6 months later.

    Platology care features

    • From time to time, Euharicis is useful to arrange "bath procedures". Not necessarily bathe it under the shower, quite just periodically wipe leaves damp sponge. Summer flower is desirable spray.
    • Euharicis - light-loving plantAlthough it may well grow in easy shaping. But the midday sun flower carries extremely bad. Therefore, the best place to grow it - eastern or Western Window.
    • Summer Euharicis can be taken out on the balcony or gardenBut remember that the plant must be protected from direct sunlight and possible precipitation from direct sunlight.

    Euharicis is an excellent plant for those who love flowers from the Amarillic family. Dealing the character of the room "Amazon", one can boldly acquire and more exotic plants of this group.