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So who opened the North Pole? Cook vs Piri. What did Robert Pear

Robert Edwin Piri was born on May 6, 1856 in the American city of Pennsylvania. In 1877, he graduated from college and received a diploma engineer. Soon after graduation, Peiri joined the US Navy and served in Nicaragua for some time.

The beginning of the way

In his first Arctic expedition, the future conqueror of the North Pole went in 1886. It was a trial journey to Greenland, which lasted only three months. Pyiri set a goal: first to cross this island, but it did not manage it. The first person crossed Greenland, in 1888 he became Norwegian FRIDTJOF NANSEN. Piri himself managed to do it only in 1892. And if in 1886 he acted as a private person, this time it was supported by American Geographical Society and Philadelphia Academy of Sciences. Frederick Cook (Frederick Cook), the future opponent of Peters for the title of the first person who has reached the North Pole participated in this expedition.

According to the results of these early travel, the American researcher formulates several rules, which further contributed to the success of his expeditions. So, he carefully studies the experience of Eskimos for survival in Arctic conditions, and then refuses tents and sleeping bags. Instead, Pyiri uses dome-shaped houses built from snow blocks. In addition, he developed a system of transshipment bases on which food reserves were left.

Forward, to the pole!

In 1895, Piri made another trip to Greenland, and first tried to reach the North Pole. During this expedition, an American researcher lost 8 fingers from frostbite from frostbite and could only move on a sleigh for 11 days. But although no difficulties could break his will, he did not manage to get to the northernmost point of the planet. But its prey was the meteorites brought from Greenland. In honor of the enormous Meteorite Anigito, who took the researcher to New York, received the second name of his daughter Mary Anigito Piri.

In 1905, a new expedition was held, also not bringing the desired success. But this time, Piri went further than all his predecessors, and set the record - 87 ° 06`` Northern latitude. Only strong storms prevented him to move on.

The provision of the last expedition of Piri to the North Pole assumed the US naval forces. President Theodore Roosevelt, saying goodbye to the researcher, called him a hope of nation, and not surprisingly, because by this time in the race for North Pole Many countries of the world took part.

The expedition started on June 6, 1908, and on April 6, 1909, 52-year-old Robert Piri reached his goal and installed the star-striped flag over the northernmost point of the planet. His final detachment consisted of four Eskimos and a non-negro servant. It is believed that such a choice of satellites was not accidental: Piri did not want to share the fame of the first white man, pulled on the North Pole.

Spore with Frederick Cook

The return path of the expedition was fairly easy, but the researcher was able to give a telegram about his achievement only in September 1909. Here, Piri waited for an unpleasant surprise: it turned out that shortly before him, a similar telegram was sent by another American, Frederick Cook. Moreover, Dr. Cook argued that he got to the pole for almost a whole year earlier. Piri was shocked and outraged, he argued that his opponent was never on the North Pole. A real scandal broke out, according to the results of which Cook was recognized as a fraudster. In 1911, Robert Piri received the title of counter-admiral and became national heroes.

However, neither Cook nor Piri could provide sufficient evidence to their discovery. Moreover, the recognition of the merit of Piri was largely due to the fact that in his direction the Arctic club created by him, which included many influential people Countries, including owners of newspapers. There is even an opinion according to which Piri decided on a grand falsification only when he learned that he was ahead of Cook.

Nevertheless, by the end of his life, Robert Piri received a government retirement and enjoyed many privileges. He died on February 20, 1920 in Washington. The reason for his death was a long disease.

Robert Piri is most famous for what he first visited the North Pole. To this achievement, he walked all his life, with an obsessed self-dedication performing one task for another.


On May 6, 1856, Robert Piri was born. His hometown was Creska, which is located near Pittsburgh. He studied also on Eastern coastwhere the United States Naval Fleet went from. Army duty abandoned him in Latin America, Including in Panama and Nicaragua, where at that time Americans tried to build a Nicaraguan Canal to simplify navigation between the quiet and Atlantic Oceans.

But hereby enthusiasm and passion young man There was North. At that time, the theme of the Arctic blinked the scientific community and simply adventure lovers who wanted to be on the edge of the world. Almost all the years of the life of Robert Pear (1856 - 1920) were given to polar studies. Only 15 years were held among Eskimos. Even the daughter of the discoverer Mary was born on the expedition.

First expeditions

In 1886, he first went to the north, being in Greenland. Traveling on this island was organized based on the use of dog harness. Piri was such an adventurer who wanted to cross the island alone. However, his Danish comrade convicted a young researcher. Instead, they went together, leaving behind one hundred miles, or 160 kilometers. At that time it was the second largest voyage on the "green island". Robert Piri wanted to improve his result, but in 1888, Greenland was conquered by Furothe Nansen.

After that, the polar star became the idea of \u200b\u200breaching the North Pole, who has not yet conquered anyone. In order not to die in the first expedition, Piri sequentially studied the survival skills in the harsh climatic conditions of the Far North. For this, he studied the life of Eskimos. Already then the aborigines of this people will help the researcher in its hard journey.

Exotic experience did not pass in vain. Robert completely refused the usual gear for Europeans and Americans. Even before that, many expirations of gibbles from behind unpreparedness to critical temperatures during their stay in the parking lots. There used tents and bags that were defenseless before the Arctic winds and cataclysms. Eskimos instead they were built asylum from snow, or needle. Their experience and adopted Robert Pear. The biography of the discovere room states that this man borrowed a lot from the indigenous people of the North.


The first attempt to achieve the North Pole was undertaken in 1895. Prior to that there were a few more travels to Greenland, where Piri gained experience and knowledge about survival in the harsh conditions of the North. He created the system transfer points To simplify the Communication of the Expedition. As for transport, the preference was given to the dogs, while their number was invariably large than it was required.

Robert very carefully chose the inventory, guided by the rule that the campaign should only take what has a minimum weight and can bring maximum benefit. Excess things could be a burden, a slowing researcher, and in the north every hour of roads, since the weather was changed regularly with an enviable surprise, and life support resources were calculated.

I was important psychological work Inside the group of polar explosions. Pyiri adopted the experience of army discipline. In his expeditions, the authority of the boss was unshakable. Orders who gave them were immediately carried out, thanks to which they managed to avoid deviations from solving the tasks.

Purpose - North Pole

All this luggage of knowledge and skills was applied in 1895, but the attempt was unsuccessful. In addition, many suffered from frostbite, including Robert Piri himself. The North Pole deprived him of eight fingers on the legs, which had to amputate.

The second attempt took place only five years old - in 1900, when Piri was able to improve health and solve organizational issues. This time he managed to advance further, but he never achieved the goal.

Conquest of the North Pole

In 1908, the sixth Arctic Expedition of Peelies was organized. It was his third attempt to conquer in the campaign participated a team from Americans and indigenous Greenlanders. The multi-month path to the target included long-term wintering on the ice. Through certain segments of the route, some participants returned to the Great Earth to report results. Slowly, but correctly made his goal to his goal Robert Pear. What he discovered, it became clear on April 6, 1909, when his people installed a striped-star flag in the snow, in the place where the calculations were pole. Here the team stayed 30 hours, after which it turned towards the house. Return took place on September 21, 1909.

The traveler died in 1920, washed with glory. Shortly before that, the US government made it a counter-admiral.

There is everything here: antagonist and protagonist, tragedy and farce, ice and heroism and, of course, riddles.

Each schoolboy knows that the northern pole is an outstanding traveler Robert Piri. However, except official version There are serious arguments in favor of Frederick Albert Cook championship. A crucial role in determining the discoverer at one time played the press. Piri became a counter-admiral and achieved global recognition. Cook ... well, about everything in order.

September 1, 1909. New York. Editorial newspaper New York Herald. Editor Gordon Bennett receives a telegram that has become a real "bomb": "On April 21, 1908 reached the North Pole ... The word 2000 words were left at the Danish consul. Cost $ 3000. If you agree - contact. Cook. "

Concisely and essentially. The interest of society to the study of the surrounding world at that time was much higher than the present. Bennett has already presented as the Emergency Release of Heralda sweeping from the shelves.

September 8, 1909. Ibid. Editorial newspaper "New York Times". No less interesting telegram: "Stars and stripes in the North Pole. There can be no errors. Do not take the version of Cook seriously. The Eskimos accompanying him said that he did not go far to the north of the mainland. Their tribesmen confirm it. Peel.

It turns out that Cook was ahead of Peir for the year (April 21, 1908 against April 6, 1909). And the messages came about at one time because Frederick stuck on the wintering distance from civilization.

Grew the largest proceedings. Newsipers rubbed their hands.


1891 year. From left to right: F. Cook, M. Henson, J. Veroyf, E. Astrap, J. Piri, Robert Piri, L. Gibson

Both researchers of the Arctic met in 1891. Robert Piri, who has been studying the Arctic for five years, announced the search for a doctor to participate in the expedition. At that time, Cook stinched in the medical office in Brooklyn. Seeing the announcement, he collected things and appeared at the appointed place.

The North-Greenland Expedition of 1891-1892 has become a heavy test for the Peer's team. At the very beginning of the way, Robert breaks his leg. Such injury in Greenland can mean disability for the whole life and the end of the polarist career. Ship Dr. Frederick Cook was able to assist and allowed the captain to bring an expedition before completion. Later, Piri said that "many owes him [Cook] by professional art, patient and coolness ... He was always a useful and tireless worker."

But after the completion of that travel, the doctor categorically refused to have any things with Piri. The reason was intolerant of Piri to other people's successes. The latter began to explore the Arctic in 1886. In his youth, he recorded in the diary that "I would like to save the name that would open me access to the terms of favorites, where I would feel on a par with everyone." The desire to become great - that's what was the main engine for him.

Cook during the expedition gathered a large amount of data on the culture of Eskimos and began to speak with lectures. Peei forbade him to do it, referring to the paper signed before the departure, in which all team members were forbidden to publish materials on the results of the expedition throughout the year. So Pearing guaranteed itself championship. Cook could not serve restrictions and refused to participate in the campaign for the next year.

Cook in the south

Cook understood that Peeri made the Arctic of his territory. If Amundsen, Sverdrup, Scott and other polar explorers worked on the South Pole, then in the north of the research, only one Piri was engaged. Few of the travelers tried to send their activities there - everyone knew the aggressive mood of the American. So, in 1888, the young Furoof Nansen crossed Greenland than the PERI plan outlined two years before. Robert stated with despair that "this execution of the enterprise conceived by me has inflicted a serious blow to me." But from Greenland to the pole was still far away.

Once at the air temperature of -100 ° F and light, but harsh wind, as if driving frosty needles in our flesh to the bones, we walked in vain on the racing, topped with ice slopes in the hope of finding at least some signs of life ... (F. Cook, "My finding pole", 1911)

And in 1897, Cook also went south together with the Belgian expedition, where he met Amundsen. Together, they saved the ship stuck in the ice and helped to survive the team in conditions of unplanned wintering, hunting for seals and penguins. Cook has made a diet of the team that no one suffered from Qingi, which usually mowed polar children to dozens every year. At the end of the path, Cook was awarded the highest reward of Belgium - the Order of Leopold.

Then Cook participated in the campaigns and organized them along Greenland, explored Alaska. In 1906, he was the first to climbed to the top of McKornley - the highest point of the American continent. And in 1907, his recognized polar explorer hires billionaire John Bradley, who wanted to hunt in Greenland. Cook helped him with the organization, but in return as he asked to finance the expedition to the North Pole.

Cook begins and wins?

Why did he go to it, knowing that Peelie would not forgive him? It seems that the reason has become a research exchanger: being in Greenland, he simply could not not try to make an independent throw on the "Makushka of the Earth". Successfully spending the Arctic safari, Cook sends a telegram to the larger land: "I chose a new route to the pole and stay to use it ... Mr. Bradley will tell the rest. All lets. Cook. "

Cook route map (dottedier) and pyri (points) to the North Pole and back

Already here he emphasizes that the Peer's route does not take as the basis, trying to escape the opponent's wrath. But Piri learns about the plans of the former doctor and reacts so: "In order to avoid any misunderstandings ... I declare that the behavior of Dr. Cook, who tries to get ahead of me, unworthy of an honest person."

Cook started to the pole on March 18, 1908. He, two stages of 13 dogs, two Eskimos and a minimum of products.

That night we are all fairly tired, but nevertheless were satisfied with our success. We almost reached the 89th parallels, and I recorded in my diary: "Give me three more days of this weather!" The temperature at the beginning of the transition was -40 ° C. That night I brought all weak dogs into one sled and, as necessary, began to score them and feed meat the rest ... (Piri, North Pole, 1910)

Ahead of the researcher was waiting for gigantic ice bulk, steel giants standing on the way. The fields of such pointed protrusions could reach hundreds of meters and more. Periodically, the cracks formed more than once made the jump among the night and skirmish the camp, literally snatching things from the resulting wormwood. Unexpectedly emerging spaces of open water were forced to make tedious hooks in detour. And all this at temperatures below -20 ° C, chilling winds, at the limit of forces.

To make it easier for the road, Cook carefully monitored the power, to base it with pemmican - a special meat powder that Eskimos feed on. Easy, the fast team should have won the speed. Although it was rapidly destroyed the body.

Cook led permanent geographical observations, for which various devices and tools were taken. Many of his observations on the presence of ice islands, the structure of the snow cover in the near-ooleous space, the direction of ice drift and the location of open areas of water were confirmed only in the 50s of the twentieth century, when the Arctic began to actively study Soviet specialists. The researcher described in the diaries was simply unknown on his days.

And on April 21, Cook writes: "Nothing remarkable; Poles as such; Sea with uncharted depths; ice is more active; Fresh cracks, divorce ... is filled with joy, I do not find words to express your satisfaction. As we are tired and exhausted. We need rest. "

If Cook constantly conducted observations and measurements on the way, then Peelie worked quite differently. His expeditions have always differed in minimal scientific value. Each route - how to race to the ultimate goal, without such nonsense, as the study of local peoples, directions of flows and measurements of temperatures. On the last expedition in 1909, he came out with 23 sleds and several dozens of people. Auxiliary buses punch the path among the torosa so that it would be easier for him to go further. Sani Piri has always walked along the latter road, with the exception of the last 200 km of the path that he passed one, in the company with two Eskimos. Each participant of the American expedition was certain task: Someone rubs the torus, and someone steps on the pole.

North Pole has an important feature: It can be determined only with the help of astronomical observations and calculating the coordinates of the area. This is not a mountain peak, rummaged by the researcher unambiguously knows: I'm on top. And this is not the South Pole, which is located on the mainland. If you leave there camp, then it will continue forever. The North Pole is located in the ocean, and the flags left here and other testimonies will be in hundreds of kilometers in hundreds of kilometers thanks to the constant movement of the ice flood under pressure.

After a couple of days, Cook unfolds and starts the way home.

In Caccus calculations, I used the assumptions of Pyri on the drift direction, which turned out to be completely incorrect. As a result, Cook goes to the west of the Camp left at Cape. The offensive of the polar winter forces the traveler to dwell on the wintering at Cape Sparbo, which is on Devon Island.

For annotoku (Eskimo-cereal on the northern tip of Greenland, which Cook elected his base before the campaign), the exhausted traveler came out only in the spring of 1909. Here he met Harry Whitney, a simple hunter who played an important role in the dispute over the pole.

Cook in the courtroom

Dinner in the Royal Geographical Society in the Hotel "Phoenix", Copenhagen. 1909 year. Dr. Cook is located in the center

Eyewitney testimonies are preserved that Peelie on returning to the ship after the last throw on the pole did not mention the victory. He disappeared into the cabin and did not talk to anyone to annotoca. Here Harry Whitney reports the success of Cook, after which Piri declares that he reached the pole.

But what to do with time? After all, even if he visited the pole, then did it last a year later than the enemy? The output was only one - make Cook a deceiver.

In his book, Frederick Cook says that "one of the characteristic techniques of our journalism is the tireless repetition of the same data, through which the consciousness of the public is being introduced as a fact that something is contrived and unreal."

With such a motto, Pear's active work began and created by him the Arctic Club, which consisted of sponsors of Robert. The first thing that Piri did after receiving the news is still surprisingly from geographers - he began to interrogate two young Eskimos who were with Cup. The natives, exhausted by winter and in the emphasis, not understand why "white people" are so torn to the pole, responded to the confused and indifferent. The only thing they wanted to have to relax from the expedition and from strange "white".

Immediately after interrogations, Peiri composes a telegram in New York Times.

Harry Whitney

Harry Whitney asked for a board to Piri, to finally get home after a long and low-power hunting in the north of Greenland. Meeting a compatriot who goes to the shores of America, Whitney could not seek to get on the board of the ship. But enterprising Piri said that there is no place for the ship for the things that Whitney had with him. He knew perfectly well that in the hands of the hunter turned out to be the field notes and the tools of Cook, which he could not take with him when he left annotocks (Cook was in the settlement not just exhausted by the hardest wintering, but also completely without livelihood. At the same time he understood What you need to get to civilization as soon as possible. Therefore, he leaves his tools and part of the records of Harry Whitney's hunter, lens money to a steamer to Europe and after four days of rest floats in Copenhagen. So the main evidence of cooking cooks in the North Pole turned out to be Broken in the ice of Greenland.

Cook read a lecture on his successful journey to the Pole in Copenhagen and believed that the dispute with Piri would not. And that at this time began a massive attack on the discredit of the opponent. Simple peoplewho were far from the features of the Arctic just like from knowledge in chemical composition Saturn rings, began to receive dosed portions of information that had one general grain: Frederick Cook was not on the pole, and in general he is a deceiver.

At times, our bodies did not allocate sweat and toxin completely, as if generating unearthly fatigue in the muscles, filling and brain fatigue. When I efforts with the effort step by step forward and the sweat still stands out from us from the pores, it freezes on the folds of clothing and then the deceruble parts of the body are covered with anter. We suffered such flour daily ... (F. Cook, "My Pole Observing", 1911)

Any facts from the biography of Cook were positioned false. So, in 1898, Cook, returning from the Antarctic, received from the hands of the Missionar of Thomas Bridges compiled by him the dictionary of the Island of the Fire Land. He published a dictionary, but in the editorial office mistakenly indicated his name on the cover. And despite the fact that title page It was pointed out that the dictionary was drawn up by a missionary and prepared for the press of Cup, he was accused of the stealing merit of the missionary.

In 1906, Cook conquered McKornley. Now this fact turns out to be a lie. The partner of Cook Edu Barill receives $ 5,000 and with bright epithets tells at a meeting of the commission that Cook did not even come close to Mount.

We must pay tribute - the workers of the Arctic Club showed huge talents in the desire to make Cook with a funeral, completely discrediting him in the eyes of society. The accused himself was able to oppose only attempts to appeal to the court and the president, who simply drowned in a mad stream of articles and statements.

Top McKinley, which evil tongues called "fake peak"

In 1910, an official statement of Frederick Cook was published in the journal "Hamptong": "I do not have absolute confidence that I reached the pole. This statement may seem striking, but I am ready to surprise the world, if one way I can defend my honest name ... I admit that the feat of Peiri, to whom he devoted his whole life, deserves recognition. I never questioned the statement of Piri about the opening of the North Pole, I have no doubt that now. " Only after a couple of years, the magazine corrector reported that the material was made after the ultimate request of the deputy editor. Moreover, employees were confident that Cook did this statement. In fact, it was a selective compilation of separate phrases of Cook, which carried completely different information in the original.

In the dynamics of events, all commendable letters were drowned and official statements Eminent polarists, such as Sverrup, Mikkelson, Grill, Amundsen. They all as one congratulated Cook and sought to defend his name. But what are the words of outstanding researchers, if they confront such a colossus as the media?

Robert Peel. Photo in the form of counter-admiral (no earlier 1911)

At one of the meetings of the Special Commission, dealing with the decision of the dispute, the excited Piri frankly stated: "I put a lifetime to make what it seemed to me, for the task was clear and promising ... And when, finally, I achieved a goal, some kind Pogaty cowardly impoverished everything is written and spoiled ... "

Total: The Lower Chamber of the US Congress in 1911 adopted a resolution, according to which Robert Piri officially recognizes the title of the North Pole and he is awarded the title of counter-admiral with the highest pension. The question was resolved by voting: four people for and three people against ...

After the decision to decide on the championship of Peeli, the life of Cook collapsed. He from the leading polarist of the world turned into a fur driver. He no longer participated in the expeditions, finally disappointed in geography, and it became a big loss for science.

In 1965, the portrait of Frederick Albert Cook again hanged at the club of researchers.

But Robert Piri is considered the primary back pressureman of the North Piir. However, Dr. Frederick A. Cook left the descendants the most important heritage, which hides in his statement: "True satisfaction does not give the achievement of the goal, but overcoming obstacles to it."

April 6, 1909 Expedition of the American Researcher Robert Liri reached the North Pole. His compatriot Frederick Cook at the same time claimed that he visited the North Pole a year earlier.

Who was Robert Pear

Robert Pear was an extraordinary ambiguous person. In his youth, he recorded that "I would like to save a name that would open me access to the terms of favorites, where I would feel on a par with everyone." At the end of the school and college, he became an officer of the US naval department and was engaged in military engineering works in Central America. But even then, after reading several books about the north, Pyiri began to associate its ambitious dreams with the study of the northern territories. And soon went to Greenland.

In 1891-1892, he crossed this island on the sleigh - however, it's not too successful: at the beginning of the campaign, Piri broke his leg and did not remain disabled only thanks to the professional skill of the Expedition doctor. This doctor was just Frederick Cook, his future rival.

Robert Pear In general, it was not lucky for a long time - all his ambitious plans were collapsed, because it was constantly ahead of him (the same Furoof Nansen, for example). However, the American did not despair - reimbursement of the conquest of the North Pole, during the 1890s studied the life of Eskimos and invented his "system", which should have helped him get to the northernmost point of the planet.

Pyri made his throw in the first half of 1909. The expedition was preparing fundamentally: under the auspices of the US Naval Ministry; Intermediate bases were arranged in advance; The number of squad was great.

April 6, 1909 Robert Peel reached the North Pole. What was his amazement when he learned on the way back that Frederick Cook did it a year earlier: April 21, 1908. Since then, Piri has been fiercely defended its own priority, unfolding a wide newspaper campaign and tirelessly accusing Cook in herbs.

So was Robert Peel in the North Pole

The case for Cook was complicated by the fact that the documents of his campaign were lost (not without, it seems, the efforts of Piri). It should be noted that modern researchers who have studied diaries, maps and photographs of the Feir's expedition are inclined to the conclusion that the American still did not get to the pole, making an error in the calculations. At the same time, the distances from eight to 160 kilometers, separating it from the target at the end point of the path.

Robert Edwin Pearing

American Polar Traveler, Admiral (1911). In 1892 and 1895 crossed Greenland. On April 6, 1909, dog sledding reached the area of \u200b\u200bthe North Pole.

Robert Piri was walking five times to the top of the planet and was forced five times to turn back. That unimber open water, the impassable torus stopped it.

In the intervals between expeditions for the year, he returned to his homeland in the United States. Returned only to prepare a new expedition. In total, he lived among Eskimos at the extreme north of Greenland and a half dozen years.

During one of the expeditions, he frosted his legs. Eight fingers had to amputate. But neither this accident nor numerous failures could break the perseverance of the traveler.

Robert Edwin Piri was born in Springs Springs (Pennsylvania) on May 8, 1856. Father died when the boy was two years old. Mother returned with her son in Maine, on the southern border of the state, where he grew among wildlife. He was the only son. After graduating from the school of the first and second stage in Portland, he was admitted to Bodouen College in Brunswick. The mother moved to Brounswick, so as not to be separated with her son at least in the first years of his student life.

After graduating from College, Robert goes to Washington, where it works as a draftsman in the coastal and geodesic service of the United States. Soon, however, he goes to the Naval Office for the position of engineer and receives the military rank of lieutenant. After three years, it is sent to Nicaragua. In the tropical forests, he conducted the survey of the channel of the canal through the experiencing. The ministry appreciated this work to Piri, which provided him for several months of vacation. In 1886, Robert took a vacation, asked the mother $ 500 and unexpectedly went to Greenland.

In June 1886, the whaling of the needle ("Eagle") landed Robert Piri in Godhavne.

It seems that at that time, Piri had not yet thought serious about the conquest of the pole. His plans were more modest intersection of Greenland from the West Coast to East.

At that time, the inner part of Greenland remained on the maps of a white spot. There was an opinion that the glaciers only absent the island, and naked climates with a softer climate should be behind them, even covered with forests.

In 1878, crossing Greenland tried Dane Jensen, in 1883 - Swede Nordsheld. But both of these attempts ended in failure.

Piri was also unable to succeed. For 26 days, his detachment managed to move less than 100 miles deep into the depths of the icy desert - even less than the Nordeceld squad.

Piri wrote about his first unsuccessful attempt to cross Greenland as an intelligence campaign; In fact, the Piri plan, as mentioned, was to get to the peak of Peterman on the opposite side of the island. Piri passed about one sixth distance and was forced to return.

But the Greenland expedition made him a name, and he himself is now hopelessly "fell ill" in the north. The biographer writes: "In the mainland ice of Greenland during the reconnaissance expedition, it was for the first time a taste for arctic journeys. It was a way that fusing his desired glory."

Peeries returned to Nicaragua, then moved to Philadelphia. Having enlisted with the support of the American Geographical Society and the Philadelphian Academy of Sciences, received a monetary subsidy, overturned the eighteen-month-old vacation in the service and in 1891 he again went to Greenland. He formulated his goal as follows: "... to achieve and determine the northern border of Greenland is terribly, that is, cross the inner ice."

The first ride to Greenland Pyiri called intelligence. But this time he really headed the expedition: a special ship, thirty man on board.

At the very beginning, on the approaches to the place of wintering, a huge piece of ice jammed the steering wheel of the vessel, a heavy iron tape pulled sharply. The blow fell Piri on the legs.

"The fracture of both bones above the ankle," the doctor of the expedition of Frederick Cook defined.

Piri in his book gives this episode three lines: "Thanks to the professional art of my doctor, Cook and the European and attentive care, Mrs. Peel, my complete recovery was quickly achieved."

And after a month and a half, Peari personally participates in the throwing of food warehouses, which must ensure the launched travel of next year. In winter, gear was tested in short campaigns, people trained in walking on skis. Eskimo women sewed clothes. And in the spring, Pyiri went hiking and passed on the glacial shield more than 2,000 kilometers, committing double crossing Greenland in the northernmost part of it.

In January 1899, Piri, preparing a throw to the pole, at the darkest time of the polar night will decide to throw the auxiliary food warehouse. His detachment will make a week to Fort Congre. "We walked in complete darkness, on ice healing, stumbling, falling, rising again, and pierced the road further and further for 18 hours." When in Fort Congre, in the very house where the grill expedition had once ever walked, he will be able to undress for the first time, he will see that the legs are hopelessly frozen.

Ship Physician Thomas Dedrick amputing him eight fingers, and again the detachment will be made through the night - now it's already back, to the parking lot "Window Orda". But in his book, Piri will write about this way back only two lines: "Twenty-eighth We have reached the parking lot" Windoword ". Everything, with the exception of me, went on foot 250 miles in 11 days ..." His 11 days were taken on Narts. And a month after amputation, he will go back to Fort Condu ... on crutches. Whatever there, in the spring they should go to the pole!

Piri was frantic in work, he did not gem or other people. And he did not tolerate when his companions showed independence when they had their own opinion, different from his opinion.

By the way, a hurry when throwing food to Fort Conder in 1899, when Pyiri frightened so seriously, explained precisely that the American traveler sought to get ahead of the Norwegian Otto Sverdruup ...

In 1892, in his report of the Philadelphia Academy of Sciences, Piri described Dr. Cook as "a tireless researcher of the unusual people, among which we had a chance to live."

A little later, Cook wrote an article about his ethnographic studies and asked for Piri permission to its publication, because even before the expedition, he was associated with certain contractual obligations. Peel refused.

All his life, Robert Piri subjugated the fulfillment of the dream of conquering a pole. "More than once, I returned from the great frozen desert defeated, exhausted and exhausted, sometimes mutilated, convinced that this is my last attempt ... But I didn't take it a feeling of concern about me again, I did not pull the feeling of anxiety. With unlimited ice expanses, I longed to fight the frozen element. "

Peei is already fifty, but he does not want to put up with failures. "I did not engage in a systematic physical training, as I do not see any special benefit in it. Until now, my body has always subordinate to the will, which would have the requirements for him," wrote Piri.

Over the years, he has a feeling that conquering the top of the planet is destined to him by fate. "I long years She believed that it was written in the family to reach the pole. "

Money for a new expedition gives rich patrons from the Arctic Pear Club. President Theodore Roosevelt himself, hugging him for a farewell, calls Peer's national hope.

Over the years, the plans for conquering poles changed somewhat. "Only very small parties are suitable for real work in the polar regions," he wrote to Peeri. Now he believes that "auxiliary parties are needed." They pave the road in the torus, build a needle (ice hut) for overnight stays, they should throw as nourger food reserves and, finally, to keep the strength of the main detachment for the decisive throw to the pole.

At the end of February 1909, a huge caravan leaves Cape Colombia: 19 Nart, 133 dogs, 24 people. On March 1, Robert Piri himself starts in the angroup ...

Radiocommunication at that time has not yet entered polar expeditionsAnd I did not know anything about the fate of Peir's world until the fall of 1909.

Only September 7, a victorious telegram came to Europe: "Stars and strips are drunk in the pole!" As you understand, the "stars and stripes" are the American flag that Piri, according to him, watershed in the pole on April 6, 1909.

On the very day when the Piri telegram reached Europe, the conqueror of the North Pole was already honored in Copenhagen ... Dr. Frederick Cook! He argued that the top of the planet was reached on April 21, 1908.

Dr. Cook learned about the success of Piri on a banquet arranged in his honor: "Dead silence came in the room ... It seemed that the air was electrified. Hearing news, I did not feel ... Neither envy, nor annoyance. I thought only about Piri, about Long and heavy years, and I was happy for him. I did not have a feeling of rivalry. I believed that Piri decided in his campaign other than vain and big scientific tasks. Perhaps he managed to open new lands and put new spaces on the map. "

Speaking on the day before journalists, Cook will be restrained: "We are both Americans, and therefore no international conflict may arise because of this wonderful discovery, so long ago and so hotly welcome." It seemed that Cook and Piri were made with a complete foundation to be interpreted among themselves the honor and fame of the discovers. But Peiri could not accept the fact that he was "only the second". He is too accustomed to consider Pole with his property. Already one of the first Piri telegrams was the declaration of war: "Please note that Cook just pissed the public. He was not at the Pole on May 21, 1908, at what other time ..."

And scandal broke out - unprecedented in history geographic discoveries. Many times the question of the priority of the opening of the pole was understood at the meetings of the Special Commission and even in the US Congress itself.

Piri said: "I put a lifetime to make what it seemed to me, for the task was clear and promising. And when, finally, I achieved the goal, some kind of faded cowardly impoverished everything was written and spoiled."

Cook sent a letter to the President: "If you sign a decree on Piri, then you will be honored to a person with sinful hands ... At this time, there are at least two children who scream about bread, milk and their father . They are alive witnesses of Piri packages, which are covered with a pair of inexpressible vice. "

But Cook was a participant in the Firth Expedition in 1891 - 1892. Young Frederick Cook then looked at his head as a deity, and Piri after the end of the expedition wrote: "Dr. Cook we are obliged to the fact that among the members of our expedition there were almost no diseases. I can't not pay tribute to his professional ability, constant patience and comprehension At critical moments. By ethnography, he collected a huge material about the practically not yet studied tribe of the Greenland Eskimos. He was always a useful and tireless worker. "

On the side of Peelie stood the Arctic Club, created by himself in 1898 and who worn his name. The club included wealthy and very influential people: President of the American Natural Resistant Museum, President of America's largest bank, railway magnate, owner of newspapers and many others. For ten years, they subsidized all expeditions Robert Pear. You can say, they made a bet on it. His success was simultaneously their success, his laurels are partly and their laurels. But what is ephemeral laurels! His success suled them quite real dividends.

It is quite obvious that the Arctic Club unconditionally fell on the side of Piri, moreover, put on the side of Piri and his influence, and his money, and most of the American press.

In 1911, after a long debate, the Lower Chamber of the US Congress adopted a resolution that the president soon signed. Pyiri was assigned the title of counter-admiral, and on behalf of the Congress announced gratitude "for his arctic studies that ended with the achievement of the North Pole". Robert Piri still had many honors during his lifetime. However, there were no comprehensive evidence of the achievement of the pole, either Cook nor Piri.

Such evidence could, first of all, the depths of the ocean, measured in the Pole region (they could later be checked), or multiple repeated astronomical definitions carried out on drifting ice, independently of each other, several expedition participants and preferably several tools.

However, neither Cook nor Piri could measure the depths of the ocean in the Pole area and carry out full astronomical definitions.

Cook was accompanied by two Eskimos, but they naturally did not know how to use the sextant.

Many participants in the FRI expedition were quite experienced navigators, but none of them reached the pole. More precisely, none of them Piri took to the pole.

Captain Bartletta, head of an advanced squad, he sent back from a latitude of 87 ° 47 ", when only 133 miles remained to the pole.

In the book "North Pole" Robert Piri will write: "I looked for a long time after a mighty figure of the captain. She became less and less and, finally, disappeared behind the snow-white sparkling torus. I was inexpressible sad that I had to part with the best companion and an invaluable companion, Always cheerful, calm and wise, which fell out the most difficult job to build the path for our parties. "

One of the historians-geographers, quoting these words, noticed quite fairly: "You can only be surprised by the hypocrisy of Piri."

And indeed, Pyiri always sought not the one "white" could not claim his fame. On the way to the pole, it was accompanied by four Eskimos and a servant-bodyguard Mula Henson.

Later at the meeting of the Congress Commission, he will declare completely frankly: "Pole is the purpose of my life. And therefore I did not think that the achievement of this goal I should share with a person may be able to and worthy, but still young and dedicated to this just a few years. Life. Honestly, it seems to me, he does not have the same right that I.

Robert Piri records called and cause many questions. First, it was found that "pole" photographs presented by Peel as proof of his victory were made not on the pole. Secondly, it cannot but cause surprise the speed of its movement on drifting ice.

Robert Peer in 1906 was able to reach a speed of 25.9 kilometers per day, Frederick Cook on his way to the pole passed on average per day, 27.6 kilometers, Captain Bartlett, Returning to Cape Colombia, - 28.9 kilometers.

A simple calculation shows - in order to have time to reach the pole in eighteen days and return to Cape Columbia, Piri after parting with auxiliary detachment was to be held in 1909 at 50 (!) Kilometers per day. Such speed seems completely incredible.

Piri himself explained his phenomenal speed by the fact that on the opposite way his detachment went on the same trace for which he was moving toward the pole. However, such a "explanation" immediately causes new questions.

Nowadays, the American Theon Wright has conducted a detailed analysis of documents and materials relating to the history of the dispute between Peir and Cook. His book "Big Nail" is also published in our country. The theone of Wright could not but confuse inconsistencies in the descriptions of Peel, and he, having studied everything and everything comes to the conclusion: "Everything shows that only one conclusion is possible" Piri was not on the pole, and his reports about the last campaign - a solid hoax " .

However, not everyone accepts the point of view of Wright. Disputes between supporters of Peel and Cook do not subside and still. And this dispute can be solved finally, probably, only American researchers - they have access to materials and documents of their compatriots.

Showing undoubted courage, the greatest perseverance in achieving the goal, Piri did not want, could not recognize his defeat. It is significant that by returning to the ship, he did not even adopt the participants of the expedition to reach the pole. Apparently, the plan for falsification of records arose only when Piri found out from Eskimos about the success of Cook. Before that, he could still hope to honestly repeat the attempt, for example, next year. But the message about reaching the opponent became for Piri to the crash of everything he dedicated life. And then he won ambition.