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Line of destiny of chiromantia. Human difficulties at a double line of fate. Intersection of multiple lines on "fate"

Chiromantia is a whole science that is based on observation and comparison of facts regarding nature. First of all we will understand what hand guess: left or right. Left hand Displays what is prescribed, right is that there is at the moment and what will happen. Segments can change their movement depending on how human life is formed. Saturn line on hand or otherwise, the fateful comes out of the wrist and grows up. What do the lines indicate on the famous Saturn Bugre? We will understand below.

General rules for a beginner chiromant

Saturn lines may be absent. This phenomenon means that fate can be very bright and complete different eventsBut a person does not see any goals ahead. Such an individual, engaged in one thing for several years, can change all his fate at one time. Saturn's fate line is very often not visible on the hands of criminals or drug addicts.

Standard Saturn's cut on the palm takes its origin from the wrist itself and strives to upwards to the middle finger. As mentioned above, they read the fate of right palm. All segments can change their direction depending on what actions is making a person. People themselves build their fate and not always, it happens exactly what is shown on the left hand.

Before starting reading, you will definitely examine the left palm. She will give many answers. After it is necessary to go to a more detailed study of the right hand. The ring of Saturn on his hand is located above the Saturn Bugger, under the middle finger. Most often, such a sign is celebrated in people with a bad character, envious and bored. Ring Saturn Delssimist Ring, lazy people who do not want to pay attention to the fullness of life. Nevertheless, the ring is a sign of a changeable, and when the individual changes his views and acts boldly and openly in a rush to achieve a cherished goal, it disappears. Budgorm Saturn began a fateful segment.

Saturn Budgorm is one of the most significant figures on a human palm for a chiromant. Well-developed hill speaks about melancholic, purposeful nature, it is very difficult to build with him love relationship. He is more prone to scientific activityStudying the little things. Moles between the segment of fate and the middle finger talk about loneliness, unsuccessfulness, the rock of fate, pursuing a person in all spheres of life. The value of the lines is interpreted by the set of location, the icons lying on them and the intersections of the main and secondary segments.

Analysis of location

The lines of the fate of Saturn on the palms can consist of intermittent segments. This situation means that there were difficulties in the life path and he was on some verge, trying to change his position. Long, the continuous line is viewed very rarely. Often, segments are short and often interrupted. Almost no one person has the ability to immediately build their lives right away, we are constantly looking for yourself.

Double lines on the hill Saturn say that you are a purposeful personality, which can be engaged simultaneously with several cases. With everything in everything that is being taken, he is accompanied by success. Everything achieved is suitable for unbearable labor. He seriously applies to everything, for which it takes and always brings the case to the end.

The wave segment that ends at the Saturn Bugre shows the individual, in which there is no action. Everything happens only in words. His word is simply nothing. Collaborate with such a person is very dangerous.

If the segment of fate on palm is flat without breaks, originates from the very wrist, in front of you with a dirty nature that does not tolerate other pointers. The person is infertility, a little nervous. I do not know how to restrain my emotions, so you can hear a lot of insult.

When the Saturn line crossed with the line life path, Then moves up again, Chiromantia says that a period of such a person will come in life when he can relax and understand that finally everything goes to his woman and wish more even makes no sense. When the long-awaited peace comes, you can determine with the help of a circulation. Matching lines on the palm and will be a year of the implementation of the dream.

Features location

Lines on your finger Saturn - What value do they carry? Since antiquity it was believed that heavenly luminaries have a special impact on the fate and character of people. When the segment of fate begins his way from the hill of the Moon, it means that the person will always have to bear his cross and bypassing the fate is simply impossible. In rapid affairs, he is always waiting for defeat.

When the additional line passes next to the segment, it speaks of a universal personality. Such a person can redo the whole car of all sorts of affairs per day. He always and everything has time. His mind allows you to do anything without any problems. Even if he is not back in something, it is not a problem, because he is quickly learning.

Saturn's Vertical Lines are attaching vertical lines - the signs of fate say that a person will have or have good additional earnings in a completely different, from the main work of the sphere. The more segments, the greater the knowledge that can be used to profit, finds a person.

Additional interpretations

Hiromantia is engaged in deciphering human destinies in segments. Also, as in fortune telling on the maps, one line cannot tell everything completely. It is necessary to rely on the intersections and signs that very often can be noticed on these cuts. Lines on your palm is a kind of map that leads to the cherished wish.

When the segment of Saturn passes through the head line, you have a balanced person who is in stability and under control. If, while the fateful segment grows up, passing through the heart line, this person has long compiled a plan to achieve its goals for which a person is confidently moving forward. When at the end point you see the similarity of the flower, as isometric in the photo - this is a sign of good luck in all matters, wealth and stability.

Under the finger, Saturn is sometimes formed a line of fate, overlooking the cut of the heart and head. Such a location is involved as a victory ultimately, but with great difficulties. In the second embodiment, about the same interpretation, the fateful segment comes out of the line of life and passes through the heart line and the mind, entering the island of Saturn. The man's dream has become a reality as a result of a long painstaking work. This is the achievement of not only material benefits, but also success in family life, by working on yourself.

The broken line indicates a sharp negative change in life. This may be due to any sphere:

  • divorce;
  • loss of work;
  • forced relocation, etc.

Such a moment is a turning point in the life of a person, but it will be sure to follow the opportunity to start re-and succeed. When the segment of the head interrupts its running on the segment of fate and exits otherwise, it is always associated with changing the scope of activity. For love and family, such signs do not apply. This means that a person puts a cross at one moment on what he does and begins to unwind new ideas, to build his life in the Career plan in a new way.


Chiromantia implies the interpretation not only the intersections with the main and additional lines, but also considers the importance of all sorts of icons formed on the fateful segment, which may be an obstacle or tip.

  1. Star - talks about the problems in terms of career, a decrease in position, which will affect financial position.
  2. The island - in the center of the palm is interpreted as a partner's loss. The location of the sign at the end of the segment, a significant warning about changing the life statute, otherwise death awaits you.
  3. Square - Chiromantia interprets like a coastal sign. Not only square, but any other sign with sharp corners will mean protection.
  4. Chain - difficulties in all aspects. Perhaps the trouble threatens not to the person himself, but his relatives and loved ones, but he will fully feel their suffering.
  5. A triangle - a person confidently must go to his goal and not to retreat in no means if he wants to achieve victory. The triangle means victory at the end of the way.
  6. Cross - always talks about troubles. The cross of the Chiromantia interprets, as the end of what has brought suffering, and the beginning of a new era, clean sheet.

Interpretation depending on the duration

When the length is long, it looks clear, strives for the middle finger - the person is persistent. He knows where he needs to go, where to get around the neighbral paths, and where to pave new road. In his fate, there is practically no special choice because it will have to follow what is predetermined in advance. Man is unable to argue with fate.

If the line is completely absent, then a person does not have completely no goals. Basically, such a phenomenon is celebrated in people who independently ruin their lives with alcohol or drugs. Characteristic absence of a line for criminals. The most interesting thing is that on the left hand the line of fate in these people is still, there is, which means everything can be corrected and return to normal.

The average length of the segment that seeks for the middle finger, but does not reach it. All sorts of variations of lines indicate the uniqueness of the life path of each person. People in their lives are constantly studying something, they are looking for themselves, they fail and conquer victories. If the line of fate is simply dressed in all sorts of segments, it means that the worldview and character of a person changed under the influence of society and events. If the line is too clear and deep - in front of you strong personalityTo some extent even a dictator. He knows how to suppress people who oppose his opinion.

Interpretation at starting point

Saturn line originates in the center - characteristic sign balanced and responsible nature. When the Moon Buds are taken for the point of reference - a person communicates a lot with people. His life path is connected with sensitivity, emotional shocks. When the line of fate begins very deeply on the hill of the moon, rejected from the Saturn Bud - the location itself is extraordinary, so the person in front of you is unusual.

This location indicates a person with non-standard thinking, closetness and unpredictability. The Saturn line originates from the life path line - this location says that the main thing for a person is a support for family values. Such a person has little individualism.


The line of fate is the most changeable on the human palm line, respectively and the value of the interpretation will change each time. Its location can vary depending on the lifestyle of a person, changing habits, work, changes on the personal front. The lines in the hands are laid when a person makes any actions, for example, squeezes fists when angry or opens a palm when rejoicing or trying to show his openness. Chiromantia is a whole science that, based on the comparison of information about the lines of hands, can make a forecast for the future.

If a person changed the life charter, he became different behalf of himself, then the lines of fate change their location and clarity. The interpretation will depend not only on the type of line, but also from its location, signs on it. For example, a star warns about problems with finance, which means you should change the work or find additional earnings; Square - powerful defense; Triangle - achievement goal, victory; Cross - difficulties that will replace luck.

The line of fate extends from wrists to the finger of Saturn, capturing the palm center. To be more accurate, then the middle is an exemplary landmark. The line of fate between the middle and index finger is either between the middle and unnamed. Seemingly she looks like vertical stripwhich crosses the palm in about the middle. The chirromants emphasize that not all people have this mark. More often it happens only on one hand. Often the line of fate is split, intersects or connected to others. important signs. Before moving to their interpretation, the main value of this band should be considered.

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      The line of fate on the right and left hand

      Professionals note that if the line of fate is found on the right palm, it shows the events that should happen throughout life. The mark on the left palm determines the potential laid upon birth. It is noticed that those personalities that show activity and ambitiousness, the segment of fate is more common on right hand.

      • If she is on the palm:

        • Direct - the subject is good-natured and constant. But often amenable to the influence of others and circumstances, which prevents him from full strength Reveal individuality and follow their destination.
        • Winding - a sign of a timid individual, which in the process of development it is necessary to produce purposefulness. It may indicate excessive stubbornness in character.

        The long strong line symbolizes the person who is satisfied with his life and follows its destination path. In such a person, the main lines on both hands almost do not differ from each other.

        Cut on different hands

        If the segment is located on square handThis is a sign of fame and happiness. The brighter the line of fate is expressed, the easier it will be successful. On mental palms, this segment is expressed weaker and in its length shorter. It indicates that the owner uses not all resources in order to achieve certain heights.

        The line of fate on tapered hands means that success and glory will come with a successful coincidence. This person is a baloveman of fate and often causes envy of others.

        The same segment on shovel palms emphasizes a versatile developed nature. This is a man of business, not loving long to reflect. He is original and independent. It has good physical endurance, capable of applying acquired knowledge in practice. The line of fate on such hands is a sign of smelting and intention. Their owner will come to success thanks to hard work.

        On mixed hands, the strip of fate meets most often. This emphasizes the good adaptation of the person in the most different areas. Such a feature will help him achieve recognition in several cases at the same time. In rare cases, it may mean inability to focus, since the spread of energy in different spheres. With this status, it is hardly possible to come to success.


        Despite the fact that the line of fate takes its beginning at the bottom of the palm and rushes up, to the finger of Saturn, it has various nuancesthat sometimes it makes it difficult to find her. In this category there are hands of business people.

        Practical chiromantia believes that the line of fate can begin on the lines of life, mind, hearts and on some hills. It should be borne in mind that this segment refers to the main lines, so it must be clear and stand out against the background of other secondary bands.

        If the line of fate intersects with a line of life, then the owner of such a mark reaches high material benefits.

        Lack of line

        It does not argue that personality is prepared to live a boring sullen life. After all, as already mentioned, this mark is not present at all. In most cases, the absence of a segment of fate emphasizes the fact that a person is versatile and is able to rotate in many areas of activity. There is an opinion that they "hold the nose in the wind".

        If the personality is devoted to a certain type of activity for a long time and reaches weighty success in it, the fate line may appear on the right palm.

        Also, the segment of fate is absent in a person who has not yet decided on an expensive in his life. Many children can not find such a mark for the reason that its formation takes place at the age of 15-18. If nevertheless, this segment did not appear on the palm of her hand, it indicates a person who is never sure in his words and actions.

        Strick Start

        It can begin at the bottom of the palm closer to the wrist. Sometimes the line is slightly higher than usual. it pretty sign that the owner will find his way in the second half of life in adulthood. If the line of life is adjacent to this mark, this indicates that the family play a huge role in a person's life. She will help in proper choice Life path. In some cases, such a lines is indicated by the generic dynasty of doctors, lawyers, actors.

        It is necessary to take carefully to the place on the palm of your hand, where the segment of fate is broken away from the line of life. This means the period of that time when the personality is exempt from the influence of its family and a close environment. If the fate line originates on the wrist, it suggests that such a person will be difficult to change his life, since events unfold as it was destined.

        A sign that the personality thinks for a long time about his life destination is a line of fate that originates on the head of the head. This is a symbol of intelligence that is in priority at the gadget. If love was dominated in his life, the line of fate on his palm would be on the cut of the heart. In this case, this person, when making decisions of various nature, would be guided more feelings than reason.

        The line of fate, which originates on the hill of the moon indicates that the person will come to success thanks to the public. These can be different voting, election. Of particular importance is that Glory will not be directly related to the talent of a person. Success is possible only if the public comes to such an opinion.

        The most rare is considered when the length of life begins close to the Mercury Hill. The owner of such a sign is pretty eloquent, has a tendency to foreign languages. She strives for scene and show business.

        Special characteristics

        Available on the fate of the fate of the island and gaps are indicators of takeoffs and falls. Denote periods of favorable periods and empty spending time. If the length of interest is the straight and long, free from various chains and breaks, then this is an indication that a person has chosen his field of activity in childhood and will remain faithful to him to retirement age.

        We can talk about success in several areas when the line of fate is split. If it is entirely going to the side - the individual will master the new sphere of knowledge. But if it is a slight branch on a straight line, then a person will achieve certain success in the sphere, which looks like its main occupation.

        If the fate line dominates over the others, it symbolizes excessive workolism, negatively affecting the physical and mental health of the personality.

        End of line

        The line of fate that climbs up the palm and ends on the finger of Saturn, symbolizes a person who does not know the feelings of measures and does not find the strength to stop. Such a subject can be a singer or artist who wishes recognition even after the love of the audience is dried. If the fateful segment ends on a hill, then this is a sign that a person will achieve recognition in the area for which the hill is responsible.

        Jupiter Island to such a owner promises a bright and unusual success associated with a special purpose. He knows how to tie relationships with the people of a rare warehouse of the mind. It is inherent to rally masses in the team and captivate all common matter. In most cases, such a person chooses a satellite of life with which one field of activity has.

        If the line of fate ends on Venus's hill, then such a person will achieve success thanks to a special one. Many people will search for rapprochement with him, as he is able to understand someone else's point of view. Character flexibility and professionalism will help him climb on the service staircase.


        Practical chiromantia leans to the fact that on the segment of fate may be marks, which indicate the offspring. In reality, such signs come across rarely. After all, the birth of children is visible on the marriage line. In any case, it will not hurt to look closely to the palm of the gadget.

        If there is a wide branch from the line of fate, it predicts the birth of a boy. Slim - girl appearance. The number of children can be found by calculating these branches.

        Interrupting line of fate

        Often, the gap on such a line predicts global changes in human life: relocation, illness, a sharp change of profession. Prediction carries both negative and positive meaning. To understand this, you should consider the line of fate in combination with other important strips and marks.

        If the segment of fate is interrupted, but it is clearly expressed, this man has a sober mind and constancy. Whatever failures to him harrow - he will with dignity will come out of them, removing the life lesson from what happened. Such a feature suggests that it is worth relying on a similar person.

        Professionals advise to look at the breakdown. If it is visible in the middle of the line, then such an individual has a lightning reaction, prone to a correct analysis. Loves holidays with friends and loved ones. Attracts with a balancedness, but poorly tolerates criticism.

        Several breaks throughout the segment of fate - the location of the frequent change of the situation, the image. It is noticed that this person seeks a variety, even without leaving the house. For example, frequently moves furniture in the home. In the personal life, the owner of such a sign is not very happy, because he often does not know what a satellite of life needs him.

        Short cut

        A distinctive feature of such a person is decency and responsibility. Unusual hardworking helps to achieve incredible success in life. A short segment of fate indicates an exacerbated sense of justice, but the owner is not always ready to defend this position.

        In certain cases, the segment of fate is short due to the fact that it originates in the center of the palm, and not near the wrist. This means that a person implements his plans in more mature age. He could not implement them in young years due to the influence of relatives.

        Additional characters

        Divorcing the fate line promises its owner's achievement of success in several spheres. If at the same time the mark is on the left palm, then the individual is given such potential from birth. If right - it will reach everything due to the desire and development.

        A sign in the form of a fork, located at the beginning or end of the line of fate, is an indicator of freedom in choosing. It should be interpreted as follows: a person will be at the crossroads and he will have to take a fateful decision that will change his fate. The symbol in the form of a trident has a positive value. This is a good configuration of the circumstances, in which personality can embody its most bold fantasies in real life.


        A favorable sign that allows its owner fearlessly to rush into the struggle for a successful future. If you show perseverance and attach the effort, then you can achieve that result that was dreamed of. A person must show a decisiveness, logic, healthy egoism to change his life for the better.

        A triangle for people with a military profession is of great importance. Sign predicts fast and unhindered advancement career stairs. Success in military operations, if they are foreseen.


        It has a negative meaning. Such a person is destined to experience enormous difficulties. Often these are financial problems that stretch from the young age.

        If the star is located at the beginning of the line of fate and the band is not interrupted, then the subject will still correct its position. But if the strip is interrupted and thin in its quality, it symbolizes the losses both spiritual and physical. Often means financial collapse.


        The indicator of what personality is protected. At this mark it is difficult to understand who will patronize a person. Friends, relatives, the second half can be opposed as defenders.

        Perfect if the square is available on the segment of fate in personality with a creative profession. The patron helps to promote his ward. Additional value of the square is inspiration, the presence of the muse. Sign of good health.

        Another interpretation - if a nuisance or an accident happens to the holder of the square, it will come out of a difficult situation with the least loss. Sometimes it is a sign that serious deprivation will cost a person's side.

        Chirromants believe that the line of fate is the rare and mysterious of all. It predicts both successes and failures. Before you fortunate, you should consider all the nuances to get the right interpretation. Even if a certain negative is predicted, then you should not be upset. It should always be remembered that the line of fate does not approve a life event, but warns.

The chirromants on the palm of a person among the main lines are also distinguished by the line of fate. This strip has other names, such as a success line or career line.

For this lane, you can judge the potential development of a person in professional activities. And what does the double line of the hand on the right hand mean?

Difference between the right and left hand

First of all, it should be noted that to interpret the lines to find out the future is needed by the active hand of man. The right hand is the right hand, and the left hand, respectively, left hand. Just an active hand indicates what is currently happening in a person's life.

For a complete picture, the chirromants look and the second hand. It is determined by the past events in a person's life, you can also predict some moments in the future. Double line of fate on his right hand if this hand is active that interpretation we look at.

What does the double line of fate mean?

In general, the double line of fate is a favorable news. Hiromantia insists that in this case you are an active person that he can get involved in several things at the same time. Its life is very interesting and saturated with events.

Special value Double line of fate has for women. This is a sign that in the forces of such a woman to combine professional activities with a happy family. In such a woman there is organizational abilitiesthat will allow her to find space for everything she likes in life.

Moreover, in a different way, such a person can not live. In it, too much energy, for a long time to sit without a case in one place he will simply can't.

What is the location of the promise double professional success?

Hiromantia - split the line of fate,

Hiromantia line of fate on hand (part 5)

Line of fate on hand. All your fate on your palm. Chiromantia The Line of Destiny. Palmistry.

There are such people who are called human orchestra. They are truly successful in two, or even in three areas of activity. So, if you explore the hands of such people, we can see that they have a double strip of success. And it has a special location.

With double professional success, one of the strips of fate leads to the hill of Jupiter, and the other is directed to the hill of the sun.

If you have noticed such a position of the strips, then you have the same potential. Perhaps earlier you thought that you were terribly taken for a new thing, which is not enough time or strength. If, with all this, you still have a desire to do something in addition to the main activity, then dare. This position of the band indicates that you will have forces.

If the second strip appeared after 40 years?

A slightly different value, has a double line of fate if it appeared the palm of the person after 40 years. This is the age when a conscious understanding of life comes to person. At that moment, the person can realize that he lived throughout his life, fulfilling own desires, and guided by a pointer of others. For some, this awareness becomes a turning point, because of what a person begins a new life.

Just in this case and there is such a split strips on hand. It seems to be the physical manifestation of unwillingness to live as it lived before, namely:

  • Personality is disappointed in his work, it is no longer admired the achieved peaks. It is an attempt to leave for the same place of work. If the boss offers you in this case big money, then they do not stimulate you. There is not enough internal sense that you fill your activities.
  • A person can be disappointed in itself and close person, spouse. He suddenly understands that he no longer loves his spouse or never loved. There is a desire to take a pause in a relationship, leave more space for yourself to determine your own desires.
  • Sometimes the body itself comes to the consciousness of man that his life proceeds not as he wants his soul. This can manifest a disease that does not allow a person to live, because before.

All this gives the thought of the thought that he does not want to live as he lived before. And if at that moment the person takes a bold solution to cool to change his life, then the second line of fate appears on his hand.

Location Double strip of fate when you help?

If a person's photo or hand shows that the second strip of fate takes its beginning at the Moon Hill, the value of this is.

This suggests that the personality will have a patronage in all their endeavors. In order not to realize an individual, a patron will always meet on his way, who will tell him the right direction in this.

It is surprising that the people themselves with this location can not be aware of this. If they think, they will notice that their ideas help them to embody walking ahead, and they sincerely follow them. It turns out very sincere symbiosis of the leader and some gray cardinal.

If the second line originates at the first

The exact opposite situation is obtained if the second strip begins at the base of the first. It says that all changes in life man peaks completely independently without support.

And he really likes it. He is in the foreground, and help to realize the desires of other people.

If the second strip originates at the Mars Hill

This is a very favorable sign. It means that a person is well aware of himself and is connected with himself and the outside world. Such a state of consciousness makes it possible to undergo life changes gently, without sharp turns, at which there are stress and energy loss. Personality simply flows from one life situation to another.

This location is also smoothes all negative qualities Double line of fate, which will be discussed below. For more full characteristics You need to look at the presence of other signs, for example, a square. The presence of a square is sometimes included in preaching with this location.

Human difficulty with double line of fate

The second line of fate indicates the ability of a person to radically change his life. This means that in the character and will of a person a lot of power. However, there are their nuances with such a high potential that it is important to take into account:

  • Personality with this arrangement of cases sometimes seems to be who he has a bottomless sea of \u200b\u200benergy. Therefore, at some point, you can catch yourself on the fact that you are dedicated to work around the clock. But even a favorite job with such a time organization can lead to exhaustion. After work you need to rest. This is important important to consider in obligatory Arrange vacation.
  • For the same reasons, such workable people are important to keep focus of attention on his health. Need not to forget correctly and in time eat so that there is no gastritis and ulcers. Successful time to devote sleep. This is especially true of men aged 30-40. This is the age when a man conquers professional vertices, without regretting himself. Because of this, they are recycled, because of this, they have heart attacks.
  • Professional activities of people with a double strip of fate can seize them so much that they begin to pay attention to their family not enough. After that, they will dissolve, but do not change anything. They are captured by ideas, their implementation, and about the feelings and desires of their loved ones, they completely forget. If a person wants family happiness, then such a challenge should not be allowed, this question should also be held in focus.

Hiromantia is useful for a person in that if he knows about all these predispositions, he has the opportunity to warn it all. Then the presence of such lines is a double line of successful fate.

Among the Four of the Elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth, the line of fate on palm shows the first element of fire. It visually placed under the middle finger and passes vertically through the middle of the hand. It is considered the most extraordinary and changeable thread, if we consider the four main lines on the palm.

From the point of view of the chiromantia of the palm (Palmystria), the fingers and hills on the hand contain information about human energy.

Unlike them, the fate of the palm denotes the personality of a person:

  • his peculiar addiction;
  • bodily and mental state;
  • speaking otherwise: life lifestyle in his fate.

Note. You can find out about them, considering the threads under the middle finger, the symbol of Saturn.

Each person, consciously either do not set certain goals. The lines are important in that they indicate individual priorities and directions in life. On the palms are placed signs found in many people.

But we do not notice them and no longer know what influence they can have on our fate.

Fate's threads are not found

Further, we will discuss the threads of fate, which are not inherent in everyone. Vertical, passing almost through the entire palm, is called Saturn's line. Her trajectory starts from the wrist, goes up towards the fingers of the hands. But meet different forms Lines of fate, different directions.

The starting point may be anywhere in the base of the palm. Most often, the thread lies in the midst of the base, rushing to the symbol of Saturn.

The presence of a line of fate on hand may mean that in a certain period of life of the life path, the individual will have to work to work on the desire to achieve the goal and the embodiment of its ideas, i.e. Get the expected result. This is a sign, symbolizing personal aspirations, abilities and opportunities to acquire success.

Hiromantia was carried away from a long time, its origin refer to the times of ancient Egypt. For a long time, it was considered a long thread of fate predicts a huge success. It is logical that the big line in the absence of its own motivational purposes is not a guarantee of success.

Note. The chirromans have been observed to observe such threads in many Indian beggars, which for a long time survived due to alienation from more successful people.

Their desire and participation in their own fate did not affect this sign of success.

What lines meet and what do they mean?

It is believed that the line of fate is the guarantor of fortune and a happy share. Those whom higher power awarded the symbol of luck, it lives easier and more successful in contrast to losers:

  1. Weselves easily leave the sorrows and troubles.
  2. They possess developed intuition.
  3. They manage to promptly make the right decisions.
  4. Make an accurate choice.
  5. Make faithful actions.

Note. And indeed, it seems that higher intelligence Manages them, helps to be successful.

Recognize Web Symbols will allow the initial rules of the Homoant:

  1. Before predictions, carefully studied completely leftShe is able to answer important questions about Fortune Wheel Surprises.
  2. Further, it is possible to read the reading of information on the right hand, it is from the meaningful analysis of this palm that the Saturn line recognition will occur.

Several models of the thread

If it is intermittent. This will tell that heavy torments occurred on a certain period of time or attempts to cool change their life path.

If the thread is short and interrupted. Symbolizes unsure people who are not easy to adapt to the blows of fate and decide on their preset.

Meet a clearly designated extended thread. This is a rarity, it gives deeply purposeful personalities, with early childhood Such individuals accurately know their priorities in life, all their actions and deeds are aimed at achieving the goal.

A dual line or a line of fate crosses the line of fate

The dual line or 2 lines of fate will tell about the person who will have to achieve high-profile victories, and in parallel in several endeavors.

Additional classes of such a person are equally important and successful, as well as classes on the main activity.

Wave-like fateful thread

Such notice will tell himself for itself and about the lack of clear, reasonable deeds. As a rule, it is impossible to fill the failure to trust the word owner of the wavy line of fate.

When interacting with such an individual, you need a strong "bookmark of the foundation", otherwise it will rebuild the rules of the game under itself, crossing the permissions. In other words, this is a symbol of "slippery" personality.

If the road of fate goes from the very wrist, and at some stage the processes depart, this suggests that in this very period of life, the owner goes to a better standard of living. When the line of fate splits and each process moves to a specific hill, then the same borger and will indicate the scope of activity in which the gone and will be implemented.

Line from wrist

If you had the opportunity to see a man with a line of Saturn, starting from the wrist, then it is rather a stubborn, independent person. She does not allow someone to influence the choice of his profession.

In cases when the thread runs deep furrows, an individual susceptible to the chirromate nervous breakdowns, incontinence to the opponent, solutions, but with the absence of balloon.

Fate line from life

Observation on the palm of the palm of the lifestyle from the line of fate can mean harmony. Regardless of the floor, the owner will reach soul equilibrium And happiness, for such people life managed.

When the material stability and the long-awaited appearance will help dating on the line of fate, which will help you calculate the simple old method Circle. When the life thread crosses the line of fate (the peak of the development of two lines), means the time of the dream.

The line of fate is located in the field of the moon

There are options when the notice of fate runs off the moon. The dependence of a person from the moon is known since ancient times. Such a presenter on the palm says itself. From fate it is almost impossible to leave, even if you try to do in my own way.

With rapid acts, the defeat is inevitably. Often, the owners of such a thread refer to the category of losers. To help them there will be lessons of chiromantia, they will teach away from the vicissitudes of fate and avoid trouble.

Nearby additional line

The symbol of versatility is considered lines parallel lines of fate, sometimes sometimes distinguishable, clearly visible only under the magnifying glass. She speaks about the versatility of the mind, her owner is able to perform various works: From repairing household items before writing universal computer programs.

Thanks to its abilities, a person is easy to quickly acquire a new skill and hone skill. Often, such a thread is intertwined with the line of mind (head). Probably, therefore, the owner of parallel marks trusts only scientific research, and not superstitions and signs.

Unusual line of fate

The photos depicts unusual lines of fate. They are interpreted as the ability of an individual of good earnings in parallel unrestricted areas of activity.

The more marks, the higher the probability of understanding different professions, scientific topics, business directions.

Additional information on this topic :.

Interesting palms and additional signs on the line of fate

Of course, predictions only on one line of fate will be incomplete. The whole palm is "coded" symbols hiding in themselves interesting, useful information. They distinguish both the main and extra mark on the hand. The importance of additional lines will be discussed later, to begin with, it is worth dealing with the main directions and consider various branches from the line of fate.

Fights at the end of fate

From the point of view of Palmystria, the contact line of fate with the line of mind, without interruption, speaks of the stability of labor relations, an increase in the career ladder.

And when the designated vertical is distinguished to the finger of Saturn (average), without interrupting the heart line, this means the presence of a clear well-thought-out strategy to the owner only for success.

The branch from the line of fate to the Hill Mars says that such a person will definitely achieve a result, will not turn off the way, no matter how difficult it was necessary. An excellent sign will be a branch of the line from fate (in the figure they are designated in blue) in the top of the line: it is an abundance, happiness, good luck.

Extending line

The chirromants, the exhaust lines of fate from the threads of the heart and mind, explain how the triumph, but in the huge obstacles. Photos "A" depicts a big luck map after a long hard work.

The next photo "B" depicts signs speaking success, reach which can be possible due to mental abilities, refers to the areas of work career and personal life. But everything really is actually attached to a lot of effort.

Rule on line

The fate lines will tell about changes in work, personal life, place of residence and other problems with negative consequences.

However, the likelihood is not excluded that everything will be resolved and the owner of the breaks will be able to return during the river called luck.

Intersection of multiple lines on "fate"

An interesting hand card, displayed in the photo, when the line of mind breaks down on the threads of fate, but runs out in another part of the palm.

More often a symbol indicates a non-permanent individual. He is able to challenge the case with the inexplicable reasons. for a long timeAnd never return to it never. More this applies to the profession or work performed, but not a relationship of a love nature.

The similarity with the pattern (marked with the letter "A"), when the line of life, as it were, not immediately interrupted, will tell that some period a person at the same time takes part in a new project, but does not give up its original work.

The old case can end up lightning, and a new way to begin, if a sharp break and beginning will be expressed on a similar palm map.

Coming changes that can wait for a person on signs

But not only the lines recognize the chirromants, all sorts of associative characters in the form of asterisks, islets, geometric and figures located on the threads of fate:

Asterisk under No. 1 Signals about the difficulties at work, lowering the career, financial instability.
Budrock under No. 2 Do not promise anything good, in the chiromantia this bulge in the middle of a hand can broadcast about a quarrel with a close man, unexpected death, squabbles, deception. Placed tubercle at the end of the line warns about changing the existing lifestyle. In the case when the palm owner does not rethink his personal values \u200b\u200band will continue in the same spirit, the fatal outcome will not be afraid.
Square under No. 3 Identical angular signs are regarded as charging, so you should not worry, insidious enemies will be defeated.
Spiral under No. 4 or chain Speaks about a serious period, material difficulties or illnesses. The sorrows can be associated with close surroundings, but the owner of this symbol is not to avoid difficulties.
5th triangle Broadcasts about luck and victories, so that the attack needs to go bravely, fate favors a person, but without the efforts can not do.
The 6th Cross talks about adversity. Do not get away from the sorrows, flour, but everything will be over or too late. High chances of returning to a positive way of life.

"Hiromantia" translated from the ancient Greek means "fortune-telling, prophecy on hand."

At the moment it is considered one of the most ancient ways to tell about the person, his past and the future. Thanks to the chiromantia, you can learn about the unique features, the features of the character of a person, about which he sometimes does not know.

Hiromant, just looking at the relief of your hand, can tell about what was in your destiny, which lesson will bring the greatest income and what to expect from family life. Symbols are also of great importance.

Despite the fact that science puts chiromantia in one row with astrology and occult teachings, there are several universities and academies who teach chiromantia in the world.

The hills in the chiromantia call bulges on the palms. Each convexity carries information regarding human life and is responsible for a certain sphere. Consider hills on your hand, if you open the palm, straightening your fingers. At the base of the fingertips they will be located. From whether they are obvious or, on the contrary, smooth, depends on what kind of virtue or vice possesses the personality, what kind of tendency and character traits have.

Total distinguished 7 hills:

  • Moon hill. Located opposite the hill of Venus, below Mars's hill. Responsible for mental state, fantasy and character. Also, the presence and condition of the hill of the Moon can say about the abilities for mysticism, human sentimentality and the presence of intuition.
  • . The bulge is at the base of the thumb and is responsible for the ambitious human thoughts and his future on the love front, the happiness of the owner. Also can say about temperament and the power of will.
  • . He is responsible for talent, successes in art and glory. Located at the foot of the nameless finger.
  • Mars Hill. Located below the Mercury Hill. This hill speaks of human qualities such as courage, composure and hardness of character.
  • . Located under the little finger. Maybe a lot to tell about fate, tendency to science and the attitude of a person to negative qualities, such as theft, deposit, falseness and others.
  • Speaks about the purposefulness and ambitious owner. Located under the index finger.
  • Saturn Hill. It will look at it more.

Location and characteristics

Hill Saturn: What is it? If you straighten your palm and look at your hand, you will see right under the middle finger Holmik. It may not be very pronounced, be higher than the rest or, on the contrary, below. In general, this hill is responsible for the wisdom of the owner, his success and speaks about the presence of wit and insight. Looking at this hill and considering it, you can learn about the independence of a person.

1. If instead of the boogue Saturn a small variety, it speaks of a bad life. Such a person is not very successful and is subject to depressive state. It can also say that the owner is tormented by internal fears and torments.

The owner of the depression is very dependent on others and their opinions. It is easily disappointed in people, even if for a long time trusted them. This leads to closets and insecurity. This man loves loneliness and self-seeing, can make frivolous actions.

2. The owner of a small and flat hill Saturn is different good soul and serious attitude to all. He does not know what is a duty and responsibility.

Such people are usually not just independent - they are trying to avoid society. The life of this person is full of calm and is distinguished by some monotony, but the owner of the flat hill of Saturn is not confused.

3. If the Saturn's Budgorm has an average size, this suggests that his owner has a restrained character. The value of the size here is ambiguous: the owner is separated from society and, inventing a certain framework of behavior, never flour through them.

However, this person not only loves to be alone, but can also exciting time in society of other people. The owner of such a palm is an innovator in essence and loves to recognize everything new, with interest to the nontrivial ideas.

4. In the case when the palm of the Saturn hill is very pronounced, it repeatedly increases some qualities. For example, the owner of the enlarged Hill Saturn Prudence borders with cowardice, and self-criticism develops into a complex of inferiority. These are usually people with a heavy temperament and an increased tendency to asceticism. They live apart.

Depressive, pessimistic character is also expressed in the inclinations of suicidal character, constant remorse of conscience. In view of their lifestyle, they almost hate lovers and themselves become extremely rare. These people have weak immunity and low energy.

5. Special attention should be paid to the density of the hill. If it is correctly outlined and tight to the touch, then the owner is distinguished by wisdom, witty, solid character and prudence. These people rarely associate themselves as marriage, as they love loneliness and avoid noisy companies.

However, if they get married, they will be true to their partner thanks to the aggravated sense of debt and responsibility. Relationships with such people will be calm: they are balanced and adhere to constancy. In general, the owners of such a hand are very impulsed and attentive, so they are also well an education and painstaking work.

What do shifts and lines say

A huge impact on the fate of a person can also have a shift of the hill of Saturn, as well as the presence of lines or, on the contrary, the smoothness of the skin.

  • The displacement to the hill of Jupiter (under the index finger) gives the owner of a living, decisive character and good nature than this person attracts to others. It is optimistic, so it is often drawn to it.
  • Saturn's hill displacement to the nameless finger will say that its owner is more addressed to himself and his thoughts. He is perfectly given philosophy and creativity.
  • The shift down, to the heart line, speaks of a constant immersion of a person in his love flour. Such people react so much to unrequited love, which can become heartless and worn towards others. They will be happy only when they learn to let go of the past and live today.

More details about a person can be found by studying the lines and signs on his Saturn hill. They will be of serious importance having an impact on the fate of a person.

1. The ring on one hand will tell about the financial difficulties of man. Please note: if the ring is on the hands of a child, it can escape from home. In general, the Saturn Ring speaks about the passage of life of life exams. As soon as he remembers the lessons, a square or triangle will be located on the site.

2. The square will tell about the great wisdom of a person only if it is clearly outlined and stands separately. In other cases, this speaks about the rapidness of actions. Also, the square can talk about the protection of the fate of the chaos of the outside world.

3. If the cross is clearly highlighted on Saturn's hill, such a person is overcome difficulties. Now he cannot cope with them. Because of all the turmoil, he slowly loses self-confidence and its strength.

Cover with all the clear planning will help him. If a person does not start planning his life at certain time intervals, apathy and self-name. Also such a person must be careful on the road.

4. We advise you to pay attention, whether the Cross is crossed by Saturn, between the lines of the heart and head. The carrier of this sign on hand has mystical abilities And all the time is in search of truth. He may be a mystic, clergyman or philosopher.

If a " mystical cross"Crosses, it speaks about the success in the professional sphere and science. However, this person will be difficult to find a life satellite. In cases where the cross, on the contrary, crosses the heart line, in the personal life of the owner everything will be perfectly developed, because he will be intuitively to feel his pair. But in business or career it will be a difficulty.

If the Vertical lines are attaching the vertical lines, it says that the owner of such a hand has to fight the life of the vitality all the time. If only one line passes along the hill, but clear, it foreshadows great luck.

Lines and hills on hand Much can say about the character of man and its future, but never should be looped on the information received. Life is like the river, and its current often changes the changes fundamentally. Posted by: Tatyana Igor