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Cross on the line of fate. What does the cross mean on the palm? What does the mystical cross in the Chiromantia

The fateful feature characterizes all consistent events that are found on the way for each person. Surely not everyone knows that the line of rock (fate) at times appears and disappears. Depth expresses the most successful moments in life, and the absence of a loss of itself or aimless life. So the cross on the line of fate leaves his immediate imprint.

Before discussing the question, which means a cross on the line of fate, let's remember a little about the value of the Rock thread. This trait will tell us how a person can respond to the problems arising and cope with them:

  1. If the feature is clear and pronounced, this indicates clearly that the gone clearly knows what he wants from this life.
  2. Thin thread or her absence talks about passivity, such people make a minimum effort to solve problems.

  1. Also, on the line of fate, you can learn some aspects of personal life: how many marriages or divorces will be.
  2. The location of the line plays an important role: where does the beginning begins where the presence of dangerous signs and threads of influence on it ends.

Rock thread, ideally runs along the entire palm, crossing other lines, forming a drawing or a sign.

The environments of all signs and symbols, which are reflected on the thread, would like to note the following:

  • triangle;
  • square;
  • on the line of fate cross;
  • island.

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The value of the cross in the fate of a person

Among many signs, such a symbol, as the cross bears not the most irrelevant value. The cross on the line of fate on the right or left hand (depending on the activity) predicts fundamental changes in the life of the gadget.

Note. On the nature of the change, we will tell us further behavior of the fateful thread.

The symbol is also interpreted as a turning fluid life and from how a person will cope with this task, its further life depends. These are the fate of the Surprises.

Note. Hand reading some unpleasant moments, do not despair, as each of us can cope with any situation, even very difficult.

What does the cross mean between the line of life and fate

What does this character mean, when such a symbol is located between the two main lines? As it is not paradoxically, such a drawing bears a positive value.

Holders of such a picture are prone to altruism. They are capable of disinterested open actions and as a rule, the fate is smiling at them and gives them even great benefits.

Note. Such people can be attributed good doctors, and if there is a small gift of clairvoyance, then excellent healers are obtained.

But the same drawing has the other side of the medal. This is misunderstanding with relatives and constant problems in the family. The influence of relatives can strongly affect the further quality of life in the fate of man.

Note. To disassemble the drawing to high quality, it will be necessary to consider additional symbols and lines of influence.

Cross squared on the line of fate

The cross on the line of fate on his right hand anywhere in any case reflects a strong disorder of self-preservation system. If other negative features and symbols are observed, the cross warns about some body damage. It may be an operation, hidden analysis errors or medical error, in general, all that is associated with danger. All this will be expressed on your palms in the form of cruciform figures.

Note. Any rule provides an exception, so you need to carefully explore all the moments around the cross. And most importantly, consider whether the symbol is imprisoned?

If so, the square neutralizes the entire negative:

  1. The owner will avoid injury or even death, thanks to a happy chance, even contrary to the will of the subject.
  2. In other words, "Save You can only miracle" and this miracle is a square.
  3. If the cross placed in a square is located on the hillock of the moon and the incident is associated with water, then the person will save, it is not climbing.
  4. If the line of fate ends with a cross imprisoned, then a person will be able to avoid violent death (this may be an attack of an animal or man).

Note. Square does not cancel the effect of the cross, it only prevents the degree of danger.

If destined, the subject will in any case fall into a dangerous situation and will receive possible damage. But his life will be out of danger if the cross is imprisoned.

Cheat Sheet for Beginners Hiromants: Crosses in different parts of the palm

  1. Symbol on the middle of the index finger - influential acquaintances.
  2. Bright and clear under the index finger - monochrome, happy and rich marriage.
  3. Buds Saturn or Cross at the end of the line of fate - infertility, poor health, violent death, force abuse.
  4. On the top cushion of a ring finger - for a woman, old Virgo. For a man, a wreath of celibacy.
  5. Budgorm ring finger - bad luck and constant financial difficulties.
  6. The upper part of the maiden is loneliness, will not find his half.
  7. Budgorm Mercury, several variations (depending on the situation around):
  • financial deprivation;
  • wound up;
  • before you a liar;
  • venereal disease;
  • the desire to deceive the companion and extract not honest benefit for yourself.
  1. Marsa Budgorm is a thief or theft.
  2. Nizhny Mars is an attempt to suicide.
  3. In the middle - murder.
  4. The symbol concerns the lifestyle from the side of the Venus Bud - all the time problems with relatives.
  5. Clear on Venus - all life love for one person.
  6. In the middle part of the moon - the disease of rheumatism.
  7. At the bottom of the moon - problems with the kidneys and the bladder.
  8. Illusions, fear of drown, fear of water.
  9. The cross on the line of fate on his left hand and right hand, in about the middle:
  • murder;
  • burglar;
  • aggression;
  • cruelty.
  1. It is involved reluctant to the trial.
  2. In the middle of the line of fate, at the bottom of a large triangle is a success with a large delay.
  3. Between the line of head and soul, closer to Saturn. Good happy life, insight.
  4. High finger top - man immoral.
  5. On the life feature - involve in litigation.
  6. At the end of the line of life - poor old age and poor health.
  7. Drawing on a female hand - a breaking.
  8. Drawing on the mind line is the danger of a crash.

  1. Figure foreshadows death associated with violence.
  2. At the break of fate, a cross is a turning point in a person's life.
  3. The cross on the line of fate in the middle itself is a strong stress that destroys the fracture.
  4. The drawing shows the influential moments on the life of relatives.
  5. On the heart thread - you will lose everything because of love adventures.
  6. On the success line, near Mercury, blocking to business.
  7. Dangerous combination, the possible danger of insanity due to religion.
  8. Near Mercury is a complete change in life.
  9. At Mercury itself - warning about danger.
  10. Such a combination foreshadows blindness.
  11. Clairvoyant-charlatan.
  12. On the wrist: a serene life or an unexpected legacy.
  13. On the marriage, a difficult understanding with the parter.
  14. The unexpected death of the partner.
  15. Miscarriage.

Here in principle, and all that I wanted to tell about this dangerous sign. Seeing his palm on his palm on the line of fate not to panic, as this is not a sentence. Everything can be changed, to prevent, learning about some kind of problem in life.

The cross is a sign of oscillations, indecision, dangers and obstacles, strengthens the properties of any site that meets. The cross is where a person thinks about choosing a path. It is considered a negative sign, but in some combinations it can bring good luck and happiness. At the beginning of the line, he detains her manifestation, in the middle indicates an obstacle, at the end - to a dysfunctional result. If it has the right form and is well folded, that is, all intersecting sign lines have the same length. Such a sign is considered a "good" sign, especially if located on a bad line.

The cross (especially double) and the astrological sign on Jupiter's Bugre says that a person is in marriage and he will reach a high position in society, wealth and glory. If he is at the Saturn Bogre, then this suggests that you are haunted by an evil rock. This is a sign of broken hopes and the possibility of violent death, especially if the line goes down from this hill. If he fights Saturn and the Sungram, speaks of a person's tendency to theft. The cross at the beginning of the line of life between big and index fingers, foreshadows life, complete failures. The cross in the middle of the lifestyle indicates severe illness and nervous disorder. The cross in the end of the line of life promises a happy life to a deep old age. The cross at the beginning of the line and the mind foreshadows happiness, in the middle - misfortune, severe illness and a dangerous injury, and at the end - a possible marital face with a spiritual face. If there is a cross on the first joints of the Mizinz, then this suggests that a person needs to be very careful, since he has a congenital tendency to theft.

The cross on the Bugre Mercury predicts a great luck in trade, but failure in other enterprises that are not related to commerce. And also indicates a tendency to theft and deception, which loves to get started at someone else's account, and at the same time he comes off his hands. And the wrong symmetry of the cross, the brighter the negative qualities of the sign will appear. At Mars Bugre, he talks about a noble and generous person who knows how to use the authorities and power. But he is capable of extremely not thoughtful actions, loves to travel and can achieve great success in a military career. On the Bugre, he talks about a man with a rich imagination, prone to lies and self-deception, and to the old age, another cross foreshadows poverty. With the descending line of the head and the mind warns about danger from water. Two cross on the hillock - the probability of drown. Located on the head of the head and mind under the middle finger threatens close death. If one of the rosette lines intersects the cross or a star, then this promises wealth due to inheritance or a large win, calm old age.

If the in the middle of the line of fate is a cross, it foreshadows good change in life thanks to whose promotion or the resulting inheritance. Two clearly outlined cross and ring (circle) near the Saturn Bong on the line of fate - a sign of people capable of a crime, killers, as well as persons who have served prison for a long time. Such a sign in the upper or middle part of the Venus Bud, says that a person will meet his only and happy love, and he has a happy marriage ahead. Two crosses and more point to marital infidelity and human impermanence. If it is located at the bottom of the Buggra, indicates impermanence in love. If the line of art ends on the bug (Apollo) and at the end of it this sign, it says that a person does not succeed to achieve fame and wealth. But if there is a cross, which does not cross the line of art, is a sign of wealth, fame and respect in society. The cross, which is located on the marriage line, he predicts you for the upcoming break of relationships in marriage.

If there are cuts and crosses on the heart line, this suggests that the object of love of man will take another. Crossings and asterisks ("chain of happiness") between the line of life and the head of the head and mind under the Jupiter's hillone foreshadow glory and wealth, outstanding social position, indicate a persistent nature and a brilliant mind. The cross at the beginning of the head of the head and the mind foreshadows, in the middle - misfortune, severe illness and a dangerous wound, and at the end - a possible marriage with a spiritual face. The cross or star on the head of the head and the mind near the moon boogue or on it - they predict extreme poverty in old age. A large number of stars and crosses on the head of the head and mind is the indicator of a very calm life.

On the head of the head and mind under the middle finger, he threatens close death. If the line of art ends on the Sun Bougra and at the end it is this sign. That says that man does not succeed to achieve fame and wealth. The cross on the line of health threatens death from liver disease and in general diseases. Such a sign located at the first or second joint of the thumb, talking about a person prone to intrigue. If he is on the third joint of the Mizinz (not in his center), then this speaks about the lust and dishonesty of man. And the same on the third joint of the Mizinza in the middle ("Hermes Helmet") adds to the same eloquence and ability to inventive activities. The cross on the middle finger speaks of a happy marriage. The cross on the second joint of the index finger suggests that the man of flattery and pretense placed the influential persons. The cross on the third joints of the middle finger to women foreshadows infertility, and men possible death in war.

Chiromantia is studying the relationship between the pattern on the palm and the fate of the person. In addition to the main three lines that form the further path of the personality from birth, there are symbols, the appearance of which is due to what is happening at the moment. One common phenomena in the chiromantia is the crosses on hand.

This sign is formed when crossing the main lines or crossing side branches, and may appear on the human skin in any life period. From ancient times, this symbol paid special attention. The interpretation of the cross on hand depends on the location of the drawing and its shape.

Cross on palm in chiromantia

Quite often, the lines on the palm of a person can form a cross. Depending on the shape and location, this sign can be both a messenger of favorable events and a bad omen. In the Hiromantia, the cross is often considered to be unfinished, which can radically change the fate of the person.

However, if the cross has a uniform length of the lines and crosses an unfavorable sign, then it can foreshadow a good future. The same applies to the line on which the symbol is. Many crosses on hand means contradictory nature and a difficult life. Such people tend to limit themselves and do not reveal the entire potential of their personality.

Crosses on the palms are divided into large and small. Large signs form crossed main lines, while small creating branches or separate recesses on the skin. Despite the unfavorable omen, the cross is short-term. Bad and good events in the life caused by a cross on the palms occur quickly according to the approval of the chirromants. However, this symbol can cause radical changes in life. The location of the cross is very dependent on the interpretation of the sign. The symbol may form on:

  • major lines of life;
  • hills;
  • other parts of the palm.

The chiromers inspect the crosses of the non-working hands, that is, the left in the right hand, and the right of left. Experts argue that signs on the working palms do not affect the fate of a person.

Cross on the main lines of life

The cross crossing the main lines on the palms denotes the point of no return. It is believed that this sign can radically change the fate of a person in the middle of the way, or to ensure a heavy start.

Depending on where the symbol is located, the cross on line of life may mean:

  1. Heavy lives, fighting flaws, serious trouble if the sign crosses the line at the beginning.
  2. Weak health, infectious diseases with severe consequences and impaired nervous system means finding a symbol in the middle of the line.
  3. Losses in ship matters, death from the disease, if the cross is at a point where the line ends.

A sign intersecting the mind line most often means serious skull injuries if it is located in the middle. It also characterizes a person as a faithful and responsible worker. Such people are very worried if they cannot make a task in time or do not hold the word.

A drawing that is under the mind line symbolizes a threat to health or trouble related to work. Also, this line affects the mystical cross, which is located between it and the heart line. If the sign is closer to the Mind line, then the person is easier than chiromantia.

The symbol on the line of the heart is usually appearing in people who are not lucky in love relationships. If the sign hits the main line of the edge, this indicates novels with an unsuccessful end, but the cross, through the center of which the main line passes, prevents the death of a partner. Mystical cross, which is located next to the heart line, indicates good intuition and high energy sensitivity.

The cross on the line of fate can mean the cardinal changes in the human life. The symbol is considered to be a precursor cutting change of activity, dismissal or any events associated with spending material values. Some chirromants interpret the sign on the line of fate as a possible robbery or loss of important things.

The cross on the intuition line rarely affects the fate of a person, but characterizes him as a person. Holders of such a symbol are prone to dishonest transactions and lies. They prefer to manipulate people to achieve their personal benefit.

Cross on hills in chiromantia

The value of any signs on the palm can vary depending on whether the symbol is in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich hill. The effect of major bugs can change the interpretation of the symbol. Sometimes the cross on the palm acquires the opposite value and becomes a favorable sign.


The cross on the hill of Venus is associated with love and family aspects of life. This location of the sign has such a value:

  1. Problems with relatives or friends.
  2. Collapse of marriage, treason of spouse.
  3. Lack of mutual understanding with the working team.

The sign in the area of \u200b\u200bthe hill of Venus affects social communication. In the future, the owner of such a drawing may lose respect for loved ones or work due to the conflict with the bosses. Three cross in this area can be interpreted as a breaking of all social relations in the near future.


The cross on the Jupiter's Hill is an indicator of a good marriage. The symbol on the base of the index finger denies any trouble in family life.

It eliminates possible treason or misunderstanding between partners. If the cross appeared in the index finger area on the eve of the wedding, then the marriage will be successful.


The cross in the field of influence of Saturn has a bad meaning for a person. The drawing at the base of the middle finger warns of emercent troubles or diseases.

If the symbol is large, clear and it can be seen even in the photo, it may mean a serious injury or an ambulance death. The chiromers also associate the cross in the area of \u200b\u200bthe middle finger hill with a hard pregnancy or failed attempts to conceive.

The sun

The symbol on the hill of the Sun is associated with the determination of the owner. If the sign is on the base of the nameless finger, the will of the will and perseverance are characteristic of personality. The symbol located directly on the hill gives a person with such qualities as uncertainty in herself, loss of individuality, inability to defend its point of view.

Also, the hill of the Sun is associated with material wealth and success. Such a location of the cross can bring to poverty and lack of a house.


Crossings on the hill of Mercury affect the formation of a man as a person. Usually this sign appears in people prone to deception and theft.

The synthesy synthesis symbol is the designation of a dishonest way to achieve goals and tendency to manipulation. A sign near the Mars Hill predicts the winner of the fast conflict and physical violence.

The cross on hand may appear on the right palm of lovers of fights or provocations.


The symbol on the hill of the moon primarily indicates weak health. Holders of this picture may suffer from pain in joints or rheumatism. In addition, the work of the reproductive organs and the gastrointestinal tract may be broken.

People with the moon sign are prone to religiosity, they intend to lead a ascetic lifestyle, limiting themselves even in the necessary. Also should be neat with water if the cross appears in this area. A similar sign can mean death from drowning.


The cross on the hill of uranium is associated with temperament of character. Holders of this symbol easily lose self-control and often break off on the people around them. Such a drawing can also be a precursor of nervous diseases.

Cross in a large triangle

Sometimes the location of the sign does not cross the area of \u200b\u200bhills or main lines. In this case, you should delay the geometric shape in which the character is located. If the cross is in a large triangle, then it is interpreted depending on the near corner.

A large triangle is formed on three vertices - Venus Hill, Mercury Hill and Jupiter Hill. All of them affect the meaning of the symbol, however, if it is closer to Saturn, it may mean a high evaluation of work in the future.

Cross in the field of Bugrov Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune

The mystical sign of the cross near the wrist or on the front of Neptune, most often develops pragmatic. These individuals are not prone to dreams or adventures, preferring material values \u200b\u200bto spiritual wealth.

The location of the sign near Mercury indicates a court matter. The cross, which is in the proximity to Jupiter will become a strong marriage symbol.

There are also squares on the palm of the person who form the main lines and hills. So, a sign in Saturn's square indicates a longevity, another interpretation speaks of great luck in life.

The drawing in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Square of Jupiter may mean high personality spirituality. Such people often become fans of the occult. If the symbol is at the top, then the person has highly developed intuition.

The mystical sign of the cross on the upper phalange of the thumb can characterize the owner as a person with low moral qualities. These people are prone to a slight way of life and frequent change of partner.

Signs on hand - In the chiromantia they have a special meaning. Hands are often like a lot of signs on hand and on lines, and completely without signs. People who are familiar with the chiromantia of the storyboard - that besides the hills and lines, it is very important to occupy signs on handwhich are able to radically change the situation of events defined by man's hand.

The signs of the hands can be located on different parts of the palm, and your presence almost always adjust the course of events. Most likely, you yourself suggest a question: what do the signs mean? what do death signs look? Changing the effect of tubercles as well as lines. It is worth paying attention to the line of marriage-sign there, will indicate events that are waiting for you in love and relationships in marriage with loved ones.

Rare hand signs such as - a star sign, whose signs are also Points, Islands,Grid, Triangle and Square, are the main and sometimes rare palm and finger signs.

Signs and symbols located on the palm of palm - can be both a permanent sign of the hands and temporary, which, in turn, warn the owner of the hands about various noisyness. Not permanent signs, - may later disappear and modern appear again. One of the special and mysterious signs of the hand is the finding of a mystical cross on hand, which is usually located in the center on the throne of the palm. Such a sign usually detects in people actively engaged in occult practitioners.

Star sign on hand- value

Star sign - It can be predicted on the palm of both a good event and completely bad, - however, the general value of the sign is interpreted as:

This event that does not depend on the free will of the person, it is the character of suddenness, outbreak. Usually the sign is found on the beatings and the hills of the palm. Often the sign can be seen on the line, where the star carries a completely bad meaning.
Located on the line, - the star always means any strongly unfavorable exhaustion, which can end the life of a person, is a celebrity forcible, according to the location of the sign.

An unsuccessful location of the star sign (1) is Saturn's Hill - the life of such a person will end with great misfortune, he will become famous thanks to his terrible fate, especially if the sign is under the Saturn Bugr.

Star on the hill The moon (2) - there is a bad sign, it symbolizes hypocrisy, tendency to betrayal, emphasizes the lowness and pretense of a person, people with such a sign in their hands better to avoid in particular when several stars are found in this space. The star on hand usually brings misfortune, and in particular the star on the hill of the Moon, is the misfortune caused by imagination. The sign increases the likelihood of drown on the water.

If a Star It is located on the Mars Hill (3), "can threaten a violent death," it often means murder, throat for health from fire, fire, as well as firearms. The star in this place symbolizes the resistance, active actions, the most severe struggle for life, and as a rule, bodily injuries. Star sign at the bottom of the Venus Budgard (4) indicates the suffering and misfortune of the owner of the hand, which was caused by the opposite sex features.

Star sign Which is located on the hill of Apollo (5) - indicates prosperity and universal recognition, but wealth is unhappy, it is not spiritualized by positive emotions, and a true feeling of happiness. If the star on this bugarh with the line, then indicates a celebrity, often violent, but accompanied by a big talent.

If the star is located on the Jupiter's Hill (6), this is the location of the sign, is the most successful, it says that a person will have or possibly indicate that there is already powerful power over other people and recognition. Sign symbolizes internal satisfaction, pride. Not rare a similar sign is the mark of a lucky one in love, "however, there must be more additional characters.

Star sign on Mercury Hill (7) Indicates certain abilities of the subit, and depending on the other indicators on the palm of the palm, may indicate the gift of eloquence, the ability to pledge the essence is, is also a sign of not small success in science and commercial affairs. However, in place at the wrong hand, on which the explicit expression of the negative aspirations and properties of a person is viewed, such a sign, "means a helicate mind that can go for the achievement of the goals and profitable, - to deception and dishonor.

Sign trident on hand- value

Trident sign - This is a very rare sign that meets on hand - it is formed by divergent discharges in different directions from connecting the hand line as shown by the example of a photo picture. The trident does not need to be mistakenly confused with a similar "fork" who is a much more disgraced sign. Such a sign necessarily has a clear drawing and usually completes or starts one of the main lines.

The best arrangement of the trident on the palm, there will be an option when the trident is located on the Jupiter's Hill (1), it is a certificate and guarantee of public significance of a person and his ideas. If he chose the location on the Apollo Hill (2), it will be a sign of public glory, and just fantastic, incredible success. This is undoubtedly happy future.

Sign cross on hand- value

Sign cross - It is considered basically a bad sign and a bad omen. However, you should remember the main rule when interpretation of the Cross on Hand. If the cross has the right form and is well complicated, - that is, when its mutually intersecting signs of the sign have the same length, - it is considered a "good" sign, especially if it is located on a bad line.

If the cross is ugly, he carries a bad meaning, especially on a good beautiful line. Below is the value of the cross on different parts of the palm.

The sign of the cross on the Jupiter Bogre (1) is like a star good sign, is a signpost of a successful happy marital margin, you just need it to be clear, distinct.
When the sign is on Saturn Burghorcon (2), - he carries special meaningThis is a fading sign of mysticism, the fate of the rock "is threatened here," we note that even any line descending from this tubercle down, is a harbinger of a hard accident, not to mention other negative signs of the hand.

Sign cross on a tubercle Apollo (3) is misleading and waging in arts and wealth, this sign denotes the stopped success, which is not destined to be reborn. On Burgork Mercury (4) cross sign, I donates the nature not honest, predisposed to deception and theft, - we note again, which is not the correctness of the sign, the brighter the negative qualities of the sign will appear. For example, if you saw a cross in my hand, which settled on the line of marriage, he predicts you for the upcoming breaking of relationships in marriage.

The cross located on Venus (5) means the only fatal love, but its meaning can change the additional cross on the Jupiter's Budright, - that in combination these two signs mean the only happy love of life. This is how the interpretation of the sign is changed sharply.

On the Mars Hill (6), the cross talks about the arrogance of his owner, this is a subscriber who likes to argue even if he is wrong. Such people are capable of extremely not thoughtful actions and differ in a kind of temper. But if the cross is on a positive Mars, such a sign may indicate events related to violence, both psychological and material, in particular, as practice shows, the sign of the cross may indicate the operations suffered by a person.

Although the person goes to such a case is quite consciously, the person's self-preservation system does not understand such an intervention in the body as an operation, and considers it determined when they invade the body or cut it - the violence, respectively, the event fixation occurs.

Cross on a hill The moon (7) will indicate a person able to deceive, - sometimes the subscript can be captivated that he will not notice how he deceived himself. What signs at this place are unfavorable, for example, 2 short lines on the hill of the moon, constituting a straight angle between them - mean a drowned sign. The sign of the cross, if it is between the lines of the heart and head, and stands separately from the line of the screen of the hand, such a sign, is called a mystical cross, he indicates the identity of the intensively interested in the injection sciences, or the capable of express itself in this direction, often that man and I do not suspect that there is hidden talents.

It should be recalled once again - that the crosses on the palm are decrypted, - when they are well made, and their hands on which they are harmonious and proportional, then in chiromantia - It is most likely good signs. But if signs Made bad, incorrect and bad shapes - they are especially unhappy.

Island Island Sign

Island sign It is usually located on the line, - there he expresses adverse periods of life, always worsening the prediction, often the islands are a shameful thing of the line on which they will be. For example, the island on the line of fate (3) indicates immoral behavior and often marital treason.

Often the sign is evidenced by the period of life in a difficult financial situation. Generally Islands They are interpreted as - clogging, barriers or obstacles that will inevitably take place if you do not take any actions.

On the line of the heart such a sign (1) - shows problems with a blood system, heart disease, and may also indicate periods of doubt in feelings, adulsion. On the line of life (2), big Island - threatens the decline of vitality, limits the mobility of a person, that is, it indicates future periods carried out in diseases, and is extremely unfavorable familiar in this place.

Island on the line of success - if it small island - So it will be difficulty, a loss of a good public or official position. When the island on the Mercury line is a deterioration in health, liver disease and as a result possible bankruptcy. On the head line (4) the sign is the island can be evidence of psycho-emotional disruption, mental illness of man, as well as being a sign of insidious plans.

Sign Sign - Square, or how else they say a rhombus or a rectangle, are considered to be challenges. These are signs that weaken the threat from damaged lines and soften the blows of fate. Square is a sign on hand favorable, he gives a person a common reason, a loyal look at life and cold energy with which the owner of the hand will be able to leave the hard position.

Squares are undoubtedly a good sign on hand, and is a protective and softening sign, often enclosed in a square of various lines (2) - and often completely bad signs, may be deprived of their negative action and neutralized squares.

But if the sign of the square is in a near line of life, on the hill of Venus or adjacent to the life line (1), indicates the restriction of the free will of the person throughout its length.

Usually such a square is interpreted as a prison sentence, but it does not always happen. Any limitation of will may be expressed by a square - whether it is a service in the army or study in closed institutions, long-term diseases causing a person to bed, and depending on the other signs of the hand, it is possible to determine the meaning of the sign.

Large square rectangle

A large quadril is differently called the "hand table". It is formed by the main lines and intersections among themselves: the mind lines, the lines of the heart, the line of fate and the success line. It usually has a far uncorrect shape of geometric rectangular bevel angles, distant from direct, or the absence of some of the parties. However, it will be good if it is less correct, is big and expanding to Jupiter's hill. It says good health, indignant and latitude of nature, honestly, kindness, pleasant character.

If a large rectangle is generally defective in appearance, it is revealed by a person indecisive, weak, with a cowardly character, and selfish nature.

Sign point on the line line

Points on lines- These are signs that mean sudden shocks, events in the appropriate influences of the planets, the point on the line of the heart is a sharp or sudden grief, the point on the Saturn line is an incident, striking during the fate of his surprise, and here it is a very bad sign for a very impressionable person.

White dots - a sign is not particularly good, but relatively empty. On the line of the point of the point, minor nervous or brain suffering may be predicted, may be a sign of sudden discoveries. On the heart line - the sign of love victories. On the line of life, injuries or illnesses are predicted, but the diseases purchased most likely, that is, depending on any circumstances, and not on their own weakness of health.

Dark dots - serve as an indication of serious disasters, for example, obtained in force majeure circumstances, and the location of the point on the line of life indicates the date of events. Often, small points on the hands of the hands are minorly, and to consider the point on the line, the skin should be stretched.

Sign circle

Sign Circle, Ring is a very rare sign on hand, - Circle sign on huts Palm, is a halo, he points to glory and success in the area where is and there is a good sign on his hand. But if he is on the line of his head or life, as the legend says - then it is a loss of the eye, two circles of losing both eyes, as you can see almost so setting up a sign, and instantly can turn into a very snatch sign on his hand.
I would like to emphasize that the influence of any sign on a person, to a large extent depends on the types of hands on which the sign is located, and can in different degrees reflected on the events.

Sign triangle on hand value

Triangle - A good sign, a sign of a great ability and a tendency to science, knowledge, mental work. But unfortunately, this rule is not without exception, it is as easy as a circle, it becomes a big threat if it is located as it is necessary.

On the hill of Jupiter (1) a sign of a triangle, it indicates large diplomatic abilities, but with huge ideas. The triangle on the Saturn hill (2) is interpreted as a sign-wizard in the evil sciences based mainly on black magic, as well as indicates the ability or tendency to spiritivity, magnetism, hypnosis.

In other parts of the palm, the triangle acquires its particular importance. So on the hill of Apollo (3) - it means the ability of pure art with strict scientific, - on the Mars Hill (5) - a skillful calculation, great abilities in military business.

On the hill of the moon (6) - penetration into mystery of art, mysticism. On the hill of Venus, a triangle, if it stands on the line of life (7), it's a bad sign, "he threatens to suffer from the fire," if the triangular is near the line of life, then a person may suffer materially from fire, but not physically.

In other cases, the location of the triangle on Venus, it marks the application of the pure mind to the art of love - this means that the calculation in love affairs is above all.

Value of lines in pictures




Rosetta line

Sign grid on hand- value

Lattice "The hand on hand is meant as small figures, most often than the quadrangular shape consisting of frequent, closely standing and intersecting thin lines, which in appearance resemble the grille. Most often, the grille means extremes, hobbies and obstacle. Hill Country Venus (1) means a big desire for sensual sexual pleasures, perversion that does not honor a person.

At the Jupiter Burghorc (2) -dal, the lattice means the satanic arrogance, the real nonsense of greatness, the desire to shine in such a way, as well as gluttony and superstition, and is a sign of man's stupidity. If the lattice is located on the Saturn Burgunda (3), it indicates unfortunately sulfice and poor difficulty existence or life.

At the Apollo Bugorka (4), the meaning of the sign indicates insane pride, stupidity, talkativeness, and sometimes madness, loss of productive strength, envy of sofism and paradoxes of the liar. On the hill of Mercury (5) - crime, theft, soreness and lies, treachery and excitement and attractive ignorance, in general a negative sign in this place should be careful with people who have such a sign on hand.

Grill sign on a tubercle Mars (6), - who, by legend there is a god of war, gives rude to man, anger, injustice and incommensurable audacity, sometimes even thirst for blood, some tendency to tyranny, as well as may mean violent death and great risk of perishing the killer's hands.

On the hill moon lattice(7) - This is a pointer of the eternal sad mood of the Spirit, a mark is a mark that recesses a capricious personality with frequent mood shifts, indicates lethargy, anxiety, probable nervous seizures.

On a female thin hand, this is an indicator of the hystericalness of nature, eternal discontent, inextant desires, is a person's mistakenity of man and some degree fanaticism.

Once, in distant ancient times, scientists of the men trembled on the palms of young Alexander Macedonian small lines, which, intersecting, formed a figure of "x", and speaking otherwise - crosses, and the future lord of the world had more than one. And then the wise men realized that this person would be great and leave a deep mark in history.

If you notice the cross on the palm, and the value is a secret for you, then read this article, as it describes the correct interpretation of this symbol, the location of which is far from the secondary, in search of the answer.

Modern knowledge

The chirromants of our time was a study, according to the results of which, among those studied by their human hands, the cross on his palms have people with the original warehouse of the mind, having a strong and volitional character, and such features are inherent in individuals who have this sign on both hands.

Drawings on the palms resembling crosses often have in strong politicians, such as one of the former Presidents of America Abraham Lincoln. In our time, Vladimir Putin is the owner of this mystical sign.

So what do the crosses in the palm of the chiromantia mean?

It turns out that a similar distinguishing mark is located only in 3% of people, and it means much. Palm was called "mystical", and it means that a person with such a familiar stretches to the knowledge of all otherworldly and parallel worlds.

In the times of our great-grandfather, interesting features of the hands were noticed, because it turned out that each person has their own unique lines and drawings. According to a furrofit, you can read the character and fate of any individual. In all the time the existence of the Hiromantia was created not one treatise, and any of us at least once in life tried to determine the line of life.

Why should you get acquainted with Hiromantia?

But nevertheless, not many of us have taken closely studying this issue, and in vain, since informative not only lines, but also other patterns and figures. The fate of individuals, having the crosses on both hands on both palms, and it was mentioned above. Their meaning varies depending on the location of this sign, so you need to explore the chiromantia in more detail.

It has long been noticed that a person with a mystical cross on the palm is seriously interested in Esoteric, and often he even deals with it, comprehending this occult art. Moreover, half of humanity absolutely does not pay attention to fateful strokes in their hands, while the other optimally uses his knowledge and develops magical abilities. And if the individual with the cross in the palm of his hand did not engage in the occult, then it is only for the time being, since in one beautiful morning he wakes up with a hot desire to know something unknown, and as if the outer will plunge into the study of the subtleties of this science. Therefore, it is better to start as early as possible, in order not to unpain the highest strength.

But what does the cross mean on the palm?

This sign is the seal of rock or fate, so it is not to escape from destiny, and sooner or later the drawn is accomplished.

In the Hiromantia, the mystical cross is not a very positive sign, but during the interpretation it is necessary to take into account its location. In the event that it is formed from the intersection of the main groove and has a flat shape, it can be considered a very favorable symbol, especially if it crosses a negative figure.

What other characters can be seen?

On the palm of the person you can detect circles, squares and tubercles, which are formed by the intersections of the main lines. If the shape of the cross is distorted and crosses one of the smooth main, then this sign can be interpreted as negative.

Crosses, located on the palm hillocks

What should pay special attention to?

Crosses lying on the main lines or next to them, talk about the following: