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The characteristic of the zodiac sign for the Virgin. Complete characteristic of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo

Astrological sign, including dates from August 23 to September 22, is included in the constellation of the Virgin. It symbolizes the mythical goddess Demeter with wheat ears in hand. The constellation personifies the fertility of the earth, women's chastity and wisdom.

The sign is patronized by Mercury, the dominant element - the Earth. Thanks to this combination of Virgo is not a windy and changeable sign, although it is subject to the air planet. The earth makes a sign on landed, practical and very serious. The most bright these features are manifested in people born in the first numbers of September.

Character features

The astrological characteristic of the sign of the Virgin Zodiac contains some common features, characteristic of almost all representatives regardless of the birth. Astrology claims that the majority of virgins fall under such a description:

  • possess a sharp mind and a good sense of humor;
  • seriously belong to the romantic relationship and the creation of a family;
  • have an increased sense of responsibility;
  • strive for excellence in everything;
  • do not know how and do not like to show feelings;
  • pathologically honest;
  • have a pleasant modest appearance.

Astrology believes that the character of a person, its preferences, temperament and even appearance largely determine the dominant element and the position of the sun and the moon in the sign. These features do not change depending on the upbringing, experienced experience or education. The ruling planet over time only emphasizes the main characteristics of the sign.

The Sun in the Virgo forms a man's desire for perfection in everything. September is a month of workaholics and ideal performers. The active Sun in the Virgin can lead to the beggars in behavior and strengthening negative traits. This astrology explains the pickyness, pedantry and pettyness of the Virgin.

The moon in the Virgin gives a tendency to analyze and attentive to small things. September - a month in which good accountants are born, stock players, analysts and investigators. The virgin of this period is an intellectual, capable of applying his knowledge with benefit for himself. The Moon in the Virgin testifies to the rejection of lies in all its manifestations. Therefore, the sign is sometimes skeptical to the statements of others.

The moon in the Virgin calls on a person to seek the truth and seek justice even where it can negatively affect the career. The sign of this period in its actions is guided by logic, the manifestation of emotions for it is a rarity. The moon in the Virgin helps to achieve a good material situation. The planet suggests its ward to go to success gradually, without interfising in risky enterprises.

A great influence on the sign has a dominant element of the Virgin. The Earth gives him a desire for a leisurely increase in the quality of life, principle, organization and practicality. September - a month in which good artisans are born, but not creative people. The earth makes the virgin a conservative and a supporter of classic family relationships.

The earth, as the main element of the Virgin, improves the demandingness of the sign to the opposite sex. Therefore, it is difficult for them to find a person suitable for a description of the perfect spouse. September - a month in which a lot of bachelors and old maids were born. But if the representative of this period meets his half, the land and its influence will make it a better husband or wife.

Happy days of this period - Wednesday and Saturday. Astrologers argue that for the Virgin favorable are the numbers, multiple 5. Born in September in life accompanies figure 9. And it is not so much mascot, how much oracle, which foreshadows important events or changes in the near future. Also happy numbers for this sign - 3, 6, 12, 20 and 27.

Exterior and Health

Most often, the Virgin is happy people in the health plan. They rarely complain about illness, caution helps them to avoid injuries. September gives the world a large number of long-livers, all of them feel pretty cheerfully. What kind of secret do they know? Just Virgo does not postpone the visit to the doctor and watches its nutrition.

What problems may arise with the health of this sign? The complex nature of the Virgin and looping at work lead to regular stress. Inability to throw out the negative can lead to the appearance of virginity, allergies, neurope, eczema, psychosis or epilepsy in women. The sign must be at least once a month to organize a full-fledged weekend in the most narrow family circle or alone.

The appearance is very important for the Virgin, it matters every detail of the wardrobe, the status of the skin and the figure. In women of this sign, concert and elegance remains for many years. August and September are rich in the date of birth of people whose appearance is considered perfect.

Astrology argues that the element of the sign determines its appearance: a nonsense beauty, muffled colors and softness of lines. Large eyes are combined with accurate features of the face and beautiful hair. Virgo draws attention to the appearance of others and do not hesitate to make critical comments. They do not like untidiness, slope and excessive frankness in clothes. Usually for women's women, it is also characteristic of a little bit of emphasizing the appearance with light makeup. Men prefer classic costumes or jeans with shirts.

Attitude to work

The nature of the Virgin is best manifested in their profession. The signs of the sign are accustomed to work, without work it becomes boring. Born under the sign of the Virgin very responsibly approach their duties. By ordering them with the task, you can be sure that they will fulfill everything in time and best. Happy people of this sign are always engaged in a favorite thing, unloved work introduces them to despondency.

The teacher of the Virgin is very strict, but fair to his subordinates. What can not be done at work, having a virgin in the supervisors:

  • late and disrupt the employment regulations;
  • chelister and lazy;
  • deceive, too hard to fantasize and turn in the clouds;
  • criticize the authorities.

The astrological month of the Virgin rarely gives the world of chiefs. The sign does not really like to take on a big responsibility. Walking on its own business, Virgo is capable of achieving storm heights. September is a month of birth of many millionaires. The patronage of the Planet Earth makes its wards hardworking, purposeful, diligent and tirelessly. In addition, the earliest character of the Virgin allows it not to spray financial resources, but it is profitable to invest them.

What specialty and professions are suitable for people born in this astrological month? Virgo with her analytical warehouse of the mind and passion to find deficiencies can be criticized: literary or theatrical. It is suitable for both creative professions, but only with a practical result: a jeweler, designer, crate.

Deva is attentive to all trifles and loves to help people. Astrology believes that for women of this sign, professions that bring specific benefits are suitable: pharmacist, doctor, cook, social worker. September is a month of birth of excellent performers, so there are excellent secretaries, administrators and consultants. For women, the sign is characterized by developed intuition and some mystical abilities. Therefore, of them may turn out oracle, fortune teller or sign.

What kind of activity is contrary to the nature of the sign? Not suitable to the Virgin Profession related to trade. The sign can not join, flatter and deceive.

He is also better not to become a teacher: the desire to criticize on the slightest occasion will be angry with students. Because it is important for virgins, they will not work to work there, where it is possible to get dragged too much or it is easy to look.

Virgo is considered one of the complex signs of the zodiac. It requires too much from others, and understands their essence through deduction, logic and constantly systematizing their actions. The nature of the Virgin on the horoscope is brightly colored by skepticism, the infractiveness of everything that happens around them.

What is the character of male and women maiden on a horoscope

At the same time, most philosophers, pointing to their spiritual leaders, note that they belong to the zodiac sign - Virgo. After all, representatives of this sign are not inclined to exaggerate, they are all subjected to careful analysis.

They are confident that everyone understands correctly and is criticized without constraint, in their opinion, incorrect actions.

It is typical to simplify everything, and at the same time they appreciate everything to the smallest details that is not quite simple. Virgin, like cats, burst between fear and curiosity.

Their sign are cats and all small animals. They are subject to frequent concerns about the outcome of a particular case, so they try to take into account all possible options.

Verva is smart, brutally workable, reliable and can engage in any kind of activity. At the same time, she will hear the greatest bore and mediocre person, although it does not prevent her from being a brilliant thinker and philosopher.

We can say, the Virgin is one of the most complex characters from all twelve signs of astrological zodiac. And you will be absolutely right.

Virgin, very sensitive and seriously refer to the fulfillment of any work. Often they love to criticize, but sometimes they themselves do not mind to hear criticism, but only from relatives or loved ones. They are still those fans of praise and absolutely non-stupid on compliments.

People living in such an astrological sign are friendly. Of these, good friends are obtained. They like to do surprises, although sometimes they themselves do not mind to get a particular gift from loved ones. In eating their taste receptors guess practically not possible.

The nature of the sign of the Virgin Zodiac may depend on the mood. Although the mood of this sign of the zodiac is very difficult to spoil, bringing it to tears, do not wait. They are accustomed to always stand for themselves, although very sensitive to what is happening around.

In society, the Virgin will never be bored. After all, the general attention center will always come to them.

Greed Types from Dev

Very often, the virgin is thinking, because it is too economical and calculated. There are several different types of virgin character on greed criteria:

Virgo of this type is not able to solve the problem of greed. Representatives of this type of character are always extremely designed and appreciated. Such people exist in the negative and positive extreme sector. They are manicly pedantic in collecting "ringing coins", overly scrupulous and capable of spending money to constantly postpone on tomorrow. Of these people, good collectors are obtained.

Virgin of the second type of greed reach the psychological breakdown with one thought about the spending of funds. Sometimes they can break through and physically, thus, expressing their disagreement and an ultimative protest. Such Virgin love power, suffer from thirst forces and very selfish. The behavior and character of the virgin of this type is often compared with scorpion.

The third type is mixed. These virgin fluctuate between the first and second types. They are capable of one hand generously exciting, and the second is mercilessly selected. People of this type are often sloppy, although mostly the Virgin is extremely clean. In the face of an eye, a respectable citizen can turn into a frantic beast.

The nature of the Virgin is reflected in the manner to dress. She honors classic style, flawless costumes and outfits, conservative in their views on clothes, but at the same time cares about all the details, even the smallest.

In general, the zodiac sign is not bad.

Character of women - virgins

For girls are characterized by such character traits such as preferably and patience. Men, in turn, can be called "real knights." This manifests itself, not only in relation to the lady of the heart, but in general to others. They are courageous and responsible.

Charming girls - Virgin, always look great, are often concerned about their appearance, but it only goes to them.

They are open to new dating and even sometimes ready for adventure. This sign is very spontaneous. Maybe sitting somewhere in the office, you will dramatically want to think about the vacation: about the house near the sea. In general, the devians are very characteristic of spontaneous decisions, they often change their mind.

Men's character - virgins

Mushroom guys-maiden are absolutely not romantic, but are capable of great deeds. Since childhood, they have a huge love of reading scientific literature. The trait of their character, it is probably a secrecy. They will never tell you, about their problems, even about what is worried about several weeks. It should be noted that they can keep secrets like no other.

They are fierce representatives of "home owners", love calm and comfort in the house.

For a child born under the sign of the Virgin, calm and curiosity is characteristic, the baby always wants everything and know everything. So, do not interfere with your baby to know new expanses and it is possible that in the distant future, he will become a famous scientist.

Characteristic of a person born under the sign of the Zodiac Virgo.

The secrets of happiness of the virgin

Your mark is by no means the sign of the greatest lover in the world. Your attitude to love and marriage is very weighted and traditional - with the preferences of the amenities and safety of the quiet home happiness of the Great Passion, knocking everyone from the legs. In such a position, there is not too much romanticism, although you have excellent qualities - loyalty and resistance. This power of unshakable can serve you a great service much later, on a long distance. You will have durable and long, although not too rich relationships with a marriage partner. Look for this constancy and similar aspirations. A neat and clean home and a round bank can have very important for you.

Your tendency to concern is bordered by neurotic, although you deliberately bring victims for the sake of family and at home. Often, family disagreements may be caused by sexual problems. One sex cannot serve as a cement of your relationship - you need special, mental ties. Born under this familiar sexual disorders are possible - attention should be paid to it. Sometimes it may be necessary to consult a psychotherapist.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign of Virgo

Symbol: Virgo.

The ruling planet of the Virgin: Mercury.

Sign: Ground-changing-negative.

Criticism sign, secretary.

The nature of a typical "virgin": a very intelligible, accurate and methodical, expressive, with a developed recognition ability, analytical, sincere, reasonable, mentally susceptible.

Positive qualities of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo: Methodology, mental susceptibility, accuracy and reasonableness, expressiveness, analyticality, insight.

Negative qualities of the sign of the Zodiac Virgo: Excessive tendency to criticism, excessive accuracy and rigor, cheepingleness over measures and search for flaws in other people, the undeveloped feeling of compassion, pickiness and weldability, stability.

The identity of the virgin

You are very careful and methodical, capable of careful planning and diligent execution of your plans; With your scrupulousness, you sometimes remind your computer.

We note and extremely meticulous attention to the details, often encouraging you to such sharp criticism that it may even hurt people. Your feature is an exacerbated insight and remarkable analysis ability.

Your sign - Virgo - gives you love for cleanliness. Cleanity is your passion, along with love for order, punctuality and accuracy. You are careful, careful and prudent. Your planet, Mercury, indicates both the mind and the ability of self-expression. Your sign is an earthen mark, which makes you practical and reliable, analytical and literally landed in many sides of your life. You also love gardening.

As a rule, in concerns about their health, the "Virgin" people tend to reach extremes, almost to the hypochondria. Sometimes you may cover unreasonable anxiety. You are really one of the diligent workers of this world - you are distinguished by forming hardworking. Even your sign is a sign of great performance, modest disinterested ministry and help of near. In fact, you are experiencing real pleasure from work and "not in its plate" in its absence.

Your attitude to sex is quite restrained - here you follow your ideal of cleanliness. No matter how hard it sounds, sometimes it can border the disease, becoming a kind of perversion. You are critical and analytical - disseminate even the most close to you and place them under your microscope; Often it makes you not too pleasant partner in life. You can also be stupid, although usually spend money with the mind.

Virgo as a friend

Here, "Virgo" is at the height, very reliable and constant, is always ready to help and full of practical proposals. "Once after becoming a friend - became another forever" - here is the right motto of your life. Your sign is a sign of ministry and life for the benefit of society. You hate tearing relationships with people.

Virgo as father

You tend to be unnecessarily critical and somewhat intolerable. Praise and promotion you only mean in the most meager doses. You may seem somewhat cold and alienated, not particularly gentle to your children. However, having many lessons even in moments of leisure, you serve them an excellent example in their extra-training hours, involving them in active and fruitful activities. However, as a rule, you can easily communicate and interact with your children.

Virgo as a mother

"Virgo" is unusually scrupulous in care for its children, contains them in immaculate clean and perfectly dressed up. As her children grow, she increasingly considers the motherhood of severe wear - endless work in the house. You should have a more rational and carefree attitude towards the homework and raising children, avoiding excessive criticality and not becoming so difficult in everyday life. Learn more often to give yourself a necessary respite.

View for decades

If you were born between August 24 and September 2 (first decade), then all your activities and actions are managed by Mercury, a lot of contributing to the completeness and accuracy of your work, giving you acute intelligence and hand dexterity. You are more sociable and friendly than other "Virgo", successfully act in the field of pedagogy, good in public speeches and when interacting with people.

If your birth was for the period between 3 and 13 of September (the second decade), then the Planet Saturn is ruled. You are very practical and persistent, although you can be stubborn and wayward, sometimes go too far in your decisiveness. You are very diligent and conscious in work and especially successfully act after thirty years. You may have a weak intestine and you can feed the tendency to melancholy. For you, money is very much mean - you are even able to turn into a pitiful scary.

If you were born between September 14 and 23 (the third decade), then your ruler is Venus, and you get both pleasure and benefit from art. You have a refinement and a sense of excellent and more impermanent than the other "Virgin". Do not become a pedant and do not expect too much from your life satellite.

About Double Nature People - For Changes Born on Days

If you were born in the period 21-4 August, then the date of your birth came at the time of the transition of Lion / Virgo.

Complex and confusing character; Conservative, critical, however, capable of successful cooperation. Your native brothers are great loyalty and nobility. You can not show too much warmth, but you are a true friend. Your asset is your intelligence, your deep feelings soften and revitalize it, thereby making you a more pleasant and cute human being. Therefore, do not hide your true face. A good actor, a wonderful organizer, a wonderful researcher - this is what I see you. Legislation, statistics, aviation, psychology, sports can also become an attractive activity for you. In the field of health, care is important about the stomach, intestines, heart, back, spine. The most important years will be 1, 4-5, 10, 13-14, 19, 22-23, 28, 31 - 32, 37, 40-41, 46, 49-50, 55, 58-59, 64, 67-68 , 73, 76-77, 82, 85-86, 91.

Your circle is children and animals. Yes, there is a certain contradiction, branching in your character, behavior, manner of thinking. You would like to like and put pressure, podium and criticize at the same time. It is not always possible and, therefore, you may have problems. In this case, it is very often good appearance, charm, arrogance, harmony and rudeness, going hand in hand with each other; Less often meet the ability to judge or evaluate, be a writer and criticism, lawyer or judge, a diplomat or a dancer, a psychologist and amellist, an artist and an accountant. Happy colors for you should be blue, orange and yellow. Caring for health may require special attention back and stomach.

Weak points of the body - kidneys, urinary tract, colon, intestines, solar plexus, genitals, feet; Possible rash.

The most important years: 5-6, 14-15, 23-24, 32-33, 41-42, 50-51, 59-60, 68-69, 77-78, 86-87. Physical activity is urged.

Know what is successful for you:

- A happy number of Virgin: 5, 14, 23, 32, 50, 41, 59 (series five).

- Happy color of the Virgin: white, orange, yellow, gray.

- Happy Virgin Day: Wednesday.

- Happy Flowers and Grass Virgin: None - Pink or Red; All is purple and blue, for example, violet, bellyness.

- Happy Maiden Stones: Topaz, Marble.

- Mascotman Virgin: Key, Owl, Bamboo, Snake.

Virgo (on the lat. Virgo) - Sixth zodiac sign. The period of the Virgin continues approximately August 22 to September 23 (a year from year to year can change a little). On the main features of people born during this period, the astrologer Natalia Voloshina says

Reference information about Virgo sign

  • Planet Governor -
  • Planet in Fall -
  • Element - Earth
  • Symbol - Young girl

Character of Virgin

The main features of the virgins are practicality and sanity. They are big pragmatists. It is perfectly noticed by little things and coped with them well, so they are successful "here and now", but they do not have enough strategic thinking, and on long distances to succeed, devices need to cooperate with twins, weights and aquarius.

Male Virgo: Characteristics

Male virgin erudite and thinly ironic. He does not like to shap in history, but stretches to the recklessness and bold friends and with them for the company often falls into alterations. However, he pulls all. He is perfectly focused on everyday life, and if he lives independently, it is capable of fulfilling a household, and in the family he brings his wife about white cropping by the fact that the nose is in all economic trivia.

Woman Virgo: Characteristics

Women-maids are neat, clean, not capricious (although touchy), never go against the rules of good tone, but they are somehow without a light, without a "raisin", so all signs other than the same earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) consider virgins simple and fresh. But they are excellent employees, good wives and reliable girlfriends. This is more than compensates for the lack of driving.

What celebrities were born under the sign of the Virgin?

Lifestyle and psychological portrait of the Virgin

Best of all the Virgin feel in the predictable setting. They love when everything is ordered. They have their own place at home. Outside the house, they prefer familiar places and familiar routes.

But there is a lot of things that it is for the virgin habitual. If Virgo is used to traveling, it can get together on the road for half an hour, and during this time she will carefully collect luggage and thinks in which hotel will stop, where it will eat and on what excursions will be.

In a word, the devies are good wherever they can stick to the plan and where they understand what is happening. And they understand everything that is filed with rational understanding. For example, in other people's senses, the Virgin disassembled badly, and therefore avoid emotionally constant situations. After them, the Virgo feel squeezed, they need to restore forces.

To do this, they start a general cleaning or make up a list of small affairs and steadily followed by him, and then calm down: all the things in this life can be calculated and controlled!

Virgin in relations and love

Virgin is not passionate and not too romantic, but gentle and true. They are offended and very picky to the partner in the trifles, but it is possible not to wait for trouble with a large one. Virgin is not interested in love adventures, their personal life is not too saturated with events. Relationships for them are not something special, but the usual part of everyday life, along with work, friends and everyday affairs. If they do not see a row of a suitable partner, calmly carry loneliness.

Virgin Zodiac Sign Characteristics: Virgo Male Zodiac Sign, Virgo Zodiac Sign Woman, Virgo-Baby, Health, Amy Stones, Druid Horoscope

Born 24.08.-23.09. - Virgin - belong to the elements of the Earth. Mercury is their heavenly patron. Colors - light blue, purple, white, green; Metals - tin, copper. Astra flower is a common talisman.

Temperament of virgins is usually discreet, melancholic. The nature is calm, dryish, pedantic, the predominance of intellectual interests.

Top quality: diligence, responsibility, sense of debt, accuracy.

The worst features (possible): coldness, criticality, excessive passivity, cynicism, cunning, ruthlessness.

This is an extraordinary attentive people who mark all the shortcomings of this world, which makes the impression of the mosted in the trifles of life: Virgo will definitely fix what is forces.

Virgin is endowed with the mind, logic, but so critical to the world, that because of their peeling, they lose their loved ones and friends.

Calm balanced girls can bring rudeness, vulgarity, stupidity. Faced by this, Virgo as if "loses coordination": the most restrained are removed, others rushed into battle.

Virgin spend money intelligently, distinguished by practicality, rationalism, concern for the future. However, the potential for the Virgin is sometimes more important incarnation in practice.

Beyond the desire to achieve earthly benefits of Virgo hides a tremendous need of sincere improvement.

Zodiac sign male

Mercury empowers a long life and appearance younger than his years. An analytical mind is developed with a sharp sense of hearing, time, taste, smell. Thanks to the striking abilities, the Virgin see all the shortcomings of people. They did not like it, then they prefer to retire. They do not like compromises.

Usually, their claims are fair, but very unpleasant. It should be understood: criticism, deeply wounded, does not benefit.

The Zodiac Sign of the Virgin Male is very closed, carefully and without measure. He believes: self-esteem can give peace and happiness.

Male Virgo will reach heights if he has his analytical and critical abilities: it is an outstanding organizer, the administrator, manager, can become the director of the plant. Due to the critical nature, he should fear the loss of simple ability to enjoy life, or turning into a ruthless cold man.

Men's maiden are endowed with powerful inner power, but feel humility to fate, because they will rarely go to a desperate act.

Virgo sign zodiac woman

The one who found with the Virgin love will be happy. Virgo loves sex, but is an absolute supporter of Monogamy - belongs to only one partner. She is it is always trying to emphasize the separation belonging to the chosen one and gestures. If, being tired, reject these caresses, you can take it deeply offended, it will be regarded as hostility.

Virgo sign of the zodiac woman at the same time can be the mistress, mother and mistress. That is, excellent wife - with one partner who is true. Maybe, therefore, the Dev is rarely developing strong, without understanding the desire or the need for a lover, communicate with other women, whether in the case or so.

Virgin women often seem sinless, without human, but not this is their main dignity. Virgo are with a difficult character, but they always retain the passion of the soul, a clear mind and an excellent taste. Their emotions do not contradict them.

The embodiment of the soul of Women-Virgin - flowers of roses, rosehip, currants and other low shrubs.

Virgin Zodiac Sign Characteristics: Baby

Children-virgin is characterized by tactfulness, politeness, inconspiciency. They are often ahead of their one year's development, the questions ask sensible, "adults", interests have versatile. It is necessary to do everything to meet their inquisitive research.

Logical thinking allows small devices with adults to communicate on equal terms; Being confident in its rightness, will argue with any, without looking at the post, regalia and age.

It is difficult to please the devices, from the young age they are very critical to the world. The virgins must be surrounded by caressing, do not hesitate to express love through kisses, care, embrace - Virgin is in dire need of this.

Criticism for virgins is very painful, rude remark from close - a real blow. Only reasonable, tactfully expressed claims to the Virgin will take note. High intelligence, giftedness, responsibility in study contribute to school successes. Virginship is hardly transferred to public reprimands, the comment to make them must be alone, as much as possible, then they will try to correct behavior. We need a good education, respectively, their intelligent requests.

Family values \u200b\u200bare special attention: the Virgin is inclined to "single swimming" and if they grew into the family of dysfunctional or incomplete, they can forever remain with bachelors. It is impossible to interfere in the relationship of adolescent-mars with the opposite sex. Apply to this mental trauma, you can contribute to their further abandonment of family life.

Health of virgins

Virgo is not too painful, although the digestive system, joints, intestines can be vulnerable points. It seems a tendency to colds, bronchitis, exposure to infections.

Devas are characteristic of anxiety, hypochondria. They are too many, practically without resting, work, can abuse alcohol. But here is the most acute problem: Virgo absolutely do not spare nervous system. And the complex question, which harms it more - overload or insurmountable pessimism.

In general, the prescriptions of the doctors of the Virgin are fulfilled submissive and meticulously, if it does not interfere with work: no matter how do doctors advise you to rest, Virgo works until complete sipopsy.

We need a measure in everything: do not take a bunch of medicines without need, get rid of workshop, do not abuse diets and alcohol, disciplining the brain - unjustified fears lead to diseases.

Artificial nutrition, medicines are rejected by the body of the Virgin. With excessive emotions - anger, nervousness - for the Virgin can be a harmful meal.

A good reaction to herbs (mint, chamomile), on beamels, shown by calcium. Recreation is needed: alone several hours daily. Vacation is desirable in the village, even better - in the mountains.

Precious Talisman Stones

(attracting mutual love, sympathy of the surrounding, favor of bosses, loyalty in friendship, in the marriage union; improvement of the sense of humor; stone courage, wealth, confonflial; Junior assistance during transitional age; wubble from financial losses; assistance in childbirth; protection against evil forces; Mascot of diplomats, lecturers, artists, artists, writers, musicians - awakening creative gusts, strengthening talents, eloquence, charm; Amulet of clairvoyant, seams);

jasper ("Stone of Life", Government, Wisdom, Herds, Foreign Secrets; prolongs life, strengthening the physical body; traveler's talisman; protection against animal aggression; attraction of good luck, wealth, happiness, feeding good energy; obstacle to dark witchcraft, curiosity, silt troubles; the establishment of workers' relations, the development of eloquence, strengthening the sense of debt);

Horoscope Druidov

24.08.-02.09. - Pine (features: the ability to emphasize their advantages; aesthetic taste; the demand for life; the ability to plan, subordinate to their needs any conditions; persistence when achieving goals; speed, accuracy of actions; thinking ordered; friendly, but not excessive generosity: Own well-being is paramount; The only weakness is love: sensuality, impulsiveness; pine - a sign, extremely favorable for women);

03.09.-12.09. - Iva (features: melancholic and peculiarity of beauty, mystery, obscure thoughts, unconscious desires; businesslikeness, determination, respect for others, lack of desire to command; some poem, romanticity in feelings, autumn melancholy is not pessimism at all; love for sensual pleasures, in which makes poetics; difficulty in partnership due to dislike for compromises, inability to quickly adapt; external meekness - deceptive; defenselessness, helplessness - often only tactic, for entertainment or personal gain; artistry, rich imagination and intuition, psychological insight);

13.09.-23.09. - Lipa (features: unheard of charm than uses; Easy adaptability to different conditions; Practical mind, teaching technique, resourcefulness, accuracy, observation, realism; calm, silence, serenity, but pessimistic; an insurmountable boredom is the main enemy; sensitivity to Finding, inconsistency, jealousness; However, it is pleasant to communicate, easily: patiently listening, respectful to the near, they don't seek to command; everything is loved and always, even when it is impossible to rely on; in the marriage, the soul can return her equilibrium).


Margarita Terekhova, Ivan Grozny, Larisa Dolina, Mikhail Kutuzov, Richelieu, Leo Tolstoy, Felix Dzerzhinsky, Sergey Botkin, Georg Hegel, Agatha Christie, Pavel Apple, Oh "Henry, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Isaac Levitan, Antonin Dvarak, Mother Teresa, Herbert Wells , Götte, Alexey Tolstoy, Rasul Gamzatov, Alexander Kuprin, Alan Pinkerton, Fenimore Cooper, Greta Garbo, Faina Ranevskaya, David Copperfield, Irina Rodnina, Angelina Vovk, Vladimir Spivakov, Alexander Karelin, Sean Connery, Valentin Gaft, Natalia Gundareva, Freddie Mercury , Evgeny Leonov, Keanu Reeves, Joseph Kobzon, Richard Gir, Alexander Rosenbaum, Claudia Schiffer, Michael Jackson, Zemfira.

Orthodox names: Feodor, Vasily, Maxim, Alexander, Arkady, Pavel, Lavr, Hilarion, John, Georgy, Andrei, Athanasius, Timofey, Arseny, Adrian, Savva, Gennady, Anthony, Peter, Joseph, Sosanna, Juliania, Natalia, Anfisa, Anna, Vasilissa, Elizaveta, Raisa (Iraida), Maria, Pultichery, etc.

These are only the general characteristics of the Virgin, and not something specific for the people of this sign, everything is individually.