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Methods for removing the old page in VKontakte. How to delete a remote page vkontakte

Good day. Today we will talk about the constant question: how to remove the page in contact forever? It would seem that something is difficult: to break - do not build! But the administration of social networks is interested in holding users and you understand that it is easier to be inside it than to leave the social network.

Recently, I was sent a letter with a request to tell how the page is deleted in contact and with what pitfalls can be met when deleting a page. So I decided to make detailed instructions.

First I will tell you the most accurate way of removal, and then let's talk about other ways.

To date, I know (I looked at the Internet), there are several methods to remove a page in contact:

  • Built-in deletion through "My Settings".
  • Manual information destruction and closing profile.
  • Submission of an official statement at the place of physical location of the Office of VKontakte.

Let's talk more about each of them.

Deleting page

Built-in deletion through "My Settings".

The method is known not so long ago, I can not say an accurate date, like since 2011. This method immediately gained confidence in the social network users in contact. Many users like convenience and minimum effort costs. And most importantly, for this decision you need to do only a few clicks and you do not have a page in contact. To start deleting a page in contact, you must go to "My Settings":

After that, scroll through the page to the nose itself and click the "You can delete your page" button.

In the window that opens with the inscription "Please indicate the reason for the removal of your page" - choose the option you like, write a comment - if there is a desire to rejoice at this holiday, put a tick next to "tell friends", you can not put it, it is already at your discretion. Now, click the Delete page button.

That's all, the task is completed! The page is deleted, personal data is hidden from viewing.

For your own tranquility, go to "My Settings" - "Privacy" - "Who is visible on the Internet" - "Only VKontakte users" or "Everyone, except for search engines". This will automatically close the page from search engines. Screenshots apply below.

Upon fact, the page is removed after a long month - during the next cleaning of VKontakte. Prior to that, the removal remains fictitious, as the account is restored at a time or two to three - with full preservation of all information.

When you delete your page, it can be restored for 7 months. What should be an excerpt in a person who spent all the time in this social network? As I said above, you need to register in contact only 2 minutes, and to retire from it have to wait months.

Date to which you can fully restore your page, you will see immediately after removing above.

Before removing your account, not to tempt yourself, you can change the password, because some people spend on social networks all your free time, but what's free, all working time!

By the way, very often in large organizations where social networks are not needed, closed for some employees. So if you do not have access to one of the social network, this does not mean that you have problems with the Internet, and perhaps "good" director or admin, closed access to them.

The password to be changed must be such that you never remembered it. You can open any text document and score characters in chaotic order. Now use this password for the page you want to delete. For example: AJDFG234WEREEI35.

Manual information destruction and profile closure

The method was actively in line until the page is deleted through the settings, which was told above. I think it is better to take advantage of the first way than that.

But for those who want to know several ways, I will continue the article.

Click from the main page to the "Edit" button in the basic information field begin to destroy all the data in all sections.

We delete the text everywhere, the selected values \u200b\u200bare replaced by "- not selected -", "- not selected -".

Also completely delete: photos (including avatars), audio recordings, video recordings, notes, documents, recordings and reposites on the wall. We leave: groups, public messages, activities, applications. Remove friends, erase correspondence.

Ultimately, the page should remain clean - without a single recording.

After total cleaning, go to "My Settings" - "Privacy" - "Who sees the basic information of my page" - "Only I".

You can also change the name: "Edit" - "Basic".

By destroying the data, it is advisable to "finish" the page, deleting through "My Settings" - this will accelerate the final erasing from the database.

Submission of an official statement at the place of physical location of the office VKontakte

I will tell another way how to remove the page in contact forever. An ancient, extremely complex, but very, very effective method - according to those who long distorts in contact. After such Applications The administration has no right to postpone the destruction of the page.

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, any user has the right to refuse the site, independently deleting the information or personal page.

The deletion of the page proceeds through the personal written application of the user to the administration, writing to the physical office of LLC "in Contact", located at the address: 191015, St. Petersburg, ul. Tverskaya, d. 8, lit. B.

The letter must be duplicated in electronic support " [Email Protected]"- sent from that e-mailbox to which VKontakte account was registered.

Be sure to specify the number of a tied mobile phone.

There is a untested legend that entering the black list of the chief administrator VKontakte - Pavel Durov leads to extremely fast removal. It is so unknown. If you are going to retire with contact, you can go to his page and unpacked a little;).

After removing your page, I clicked "Restore my page", another page was opened, where it was proposed, to instantly restore my account by clicking on the "Restore page" button. All data were in place. So we figured out how to remove the page in contact completely, but do not forget about the important moments that spoke in the article.

By the way, if you need to remove the page or group in classmates, I wrote this on the blog:

Hey! In touch Evgeny Kryzhanovsky! Today I will tell you how to delete the VKontakte page forever. Deciding to link himself with virtual social networks, you, not wanting, tighten yourself into a dense web, in which there will be a whole hours of time.

If you decide to delete your page "In contact", then easily solve this problem. Turning away from a passionate desire to regularly visit your virtual page due to its absence, you get a bunch of free time, spend which you can use.

Of course, first it will be hard for you to experience your own disappearance from the social network, since you overnight lose such privileges as a permanent virtual communication with friends, the opportunity to learn not always the necessary news, and also stop spending a bunch of time on various applications, watching videos and games.

However, it is worth it, because in return you will get more - a huge amount of free time. You can always spend you with benefit - for example, read, watch a movie, meet friends live and chat. I congratulate you on the decision to retire from the site "in contact" and suggest a simple algorithm for this procedure.

How to delete a page VKontakte? Easy way!

  1. To begin with, it is quite logical, you need to go to your page and enter personal login and password there to enter the system.
  2. In the menu on the left, select the "Settings" item, familiar to all users of this network.
  3. Scroll to the open page to the nose and choose the link "Delete your page" link.
  4. Next, you will find a list of not quite adequate causes of deletion, among which you can choose anyone at your discretion. At the same time, pay attention to the "Tell Friends" item. Putting there a check mark, you can notify all your friends from your list about your intention to remove from the social network. If you leave this item not labeled, then your friends will learn about your flight, just going to your page. Next, by resolving with your page, click on the Blue tab "Delete page.
  5. In principle, the removal algorithm is completed on this, which confirms the dog's muzzle on your avatar with crosses instead of eyes.

However, despite the removal, VKontakte gives the right to restore the page for six months from the moment of deletion. From recovery in this case, only one step will remove. This moment suggests that the removal is impossible to be called "forever". To implement the last option, you should go to another way.

How to remove VKontakte page forever? Forever!

To find out how to delete the VKontakte page forever - it is enough to repeat all my actions described below.

  • We go to the "settings" and change the password there by choosing a rather complicated version of the combination of letters and numbers.
  • You also need an unnecessary sim card, the number of which should be tied to the account.
  • After that, we remove the page in the usual mode, as described in the first part of the article.
  • After instead of the photo on the avatar, you saw the usual PSA with crosses instead of eyes, press the "Exit" item in the upper right corner.

Now it is necessary to break a symart and throw a leaf with a new complex password if you managed to rewrite it just in case. Now you can never enter your account, which in six months will simply stop exist. Of course, this method is rather psychological, which will allow forever to ban yourself to enter the social network, giving her a bunch of time.

I have everything on this! Now you know how to delete Vkontakte page forever. If something is not clear to you - do not hesitate to ask questions in the comments. I always answer quickly and absolutely everyone. I wish all good and health!

From uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Want to remove VKontakte page forever?
Did you decide on it?
Tired of sitting vkontakte?
I'm very happy for you.

Deleting the VKontakte page, you will make yourself only better, at least, because you will have a lot of free time. After all, it is no secret that today a huge amount of people spend VKontakte for a few hours a day. Five, ten o'clock is not the limit.

If you delete the VKontakte page, then you certainly lose something: a bunch of games, tons of communication, video and music, hundreds of groups, thousands of status, hundreds of hours of video and much more. But in return, in my opinion, you will get more: free time. The time you can spend with close people and friends or work out self-education, read an interesting book or learn lessons, spend time in nature or help parents! Etc!

In short, I approve your decision delete pageIn contact with. How to do it, I will tell you next.

1. We go to your Vkontakte page: We enter your username and password, press the "Login" button.

2. Go to the "Settings" page.

3. Going on the page in the most bottom. There is a link " Delete your page" Click on it.

4. We choose absolutely any reason why we want to retire from VKontakte. We can leave a tick "Tell Friends" to find out about this news. And we can remove, and it will remain a secret until they go to our page. I confirm your intention by clicking " Delete page».

Everything seems to be good, we deleted the page of Vkontakte, as shown by the window, where the dog with crosses in the eyes instead of avatars. But as we see the page, you can return as many as half a year, simply clicking on the link " restore your page».

If we click it, we will see that only one step separates from recovery.

And we wanted to delete the VKontakte page forever. We do not want to wait half a year when our page will be fully erased, and we will not be able to restore it.

We change our plan to remove the page. Therefore, first restore it.

And now we delete the VKontakte page forever!

We act a little differently. Again, go to VKontakte in "Settings". We change the password to a very complex one, for example, such: 17GMP9yfz3g3zz. We write down the password of this type on the leaves, I do not save anywhere. Next, tie the new number to the page (which is not sorry to throw out). Here you will have to sacrifice in the form of a thrown sim card.

So, after you changed the password that you do not know, and changed the number tied to the page, you can already calmly delete the page.

After you delete Vkontakte page Do not forget to click "Exit".

Now burn a sheet with a password from the page, and break the SIM card to which the page was tied.

We deleted VKontakte page forever! Since we will not be able to restore it, due to the fact that we do not know the password. The password on the tied phone number will not come, because sims no longer exist.

The answer to this question is inexpensive, so consider it from different angles. Let's start with the classification of remote pages. Then consider how to delete a remote page from the list of your friends. And in the end, let's talk about whether it is possible to remove the VKontakte page completely, because after deleting at least a page mention remains. About the process of deleting the page I wrote here.

Classification of remote pages

Remote page may be in different stages. If the user simply deleted his page, then it has the opportunity to recover Vkontakte for six months and his page looks like this:

At the expiration of this period, VKontakte cleans dead pages and the next stage will be -

It is impossible to restore this page, you will have to create a new one. Also, the page can freeze for suspicious activity, for example, for spam newsletter. It is possible to restore it by confirming its phone number and change the password.

However, for the constant receipt of freezing or for the high severity of the offense, the VKontakte administration may decide to remove your page irrevocably.

Delete a remote page from the list of friends

Among users on your list of friends, there are probably inactive pages that you can delete so that they just don't hang in your friends. You can find out how many blocked and deleted friends can be using the application. It is also easy to remove them - we find the right friend in the list and choose to remove from friends.

How to delete a completely page VKontakte?

Fully the page is deleted after 6 months, and in order to break the connection with the page, before removal, you should delete all of your friends and change the name and surname to not associated with you.
Thus, you will break all the ropes and no longer return to your page. I tried as simple as possible and briefly consider this topic, there are questions - welcome to the comments.

Hello everyone! In the modern world, few people want to completely abandon the use of social networks and. After all, for many, it is not just an excellent reason to pass time, chat with friends or relatives, but also work or business. Although, on the other hand, some people have become simply dependent on modern social networks and can no longer get out of this West. After all, how good it would be easy to go outside and walk with friends or visit your relatives, and not sit in Vkontakte. Some users to get away from dependence are asked: "How to delete a page in VK?". Of course, this is a nebody of the situation, since instead of a remote page you can create a few new ones, but still if you have a goal to get rid of the Internet addiction or you just want to remove an unnecessary account of the Vkontakte social network, then let's look at how to do it.

The first method implies a quick account blocking. In this case, all users who want to get to your page will see that it is blocked. This method is good because the account owner goes into his profile will be able without any restrictions.

The second way implies the complete removal of the account from the service forever. True, before learn how to remove a page in VC, you must familiarize yourself with some rules.

How to delete a page in VC from a phone or computer forever.

You can delete your account VKontakte from any device, whether it is a smartphone, a tablet or computer. I would like to draw your attention only at that time that through the mobile application to delete from the service you will not work, this can be done only with the help. Therefore, all actions for different devices will be the same. To perform the task, follow the conditions described below:

Everything, after these actions, your profile on the social network VKontakte will be unavailable. And the main page of your account will take a special form by which users wishing to go to the page will see that it is removed. I would like to note the fact that after deleting, you will not be able to find you in the search.

Note! After the above-mentioned actions, the data about you will be kept in the BASES more than about a year. Therefore, you will not be able to register a new account attached to the same phone number.

If your account was removed by the attackers or you accidentally, then you need to quickly restore it on the main page to click on the "Restore Page" button.

By the way, on the recovery page, the date will be indicated when your account will be completely removed from the base. Therefore, if you want information about you disappear forever, you will have to be patient.

Note! If for some reason, you will temporarily restore access to the page, the reading date for deletion will also change, so consider several times.

How to temporarily freeze the account in VKontakte

If for certain reasons you do not want to delete an account from the social network, but you need to hide personal data from others, then you can use the freezing page. Plus this method is that for you access to the page will not be limited, and you can also remove the freezing at any time.

Tip! When installing an account freezing, all user data and files will be deleted.

Therefore, if you decide to execute the account temporary disconnection, we do the following:

After the settings done, go back to your page and remove all records from the wall, as well as video and music files.

In conclusion, remove all your friends, for this choose the right contact. We click on the button in the form of three points and choose "remove from friends". If you want, you can not find in search, you can change the user name and gender. Now everything, your page will be frozen.

We delete the Vkontakte page via user settings.

This method is faster, since you do not have to manually delete all your friends and media files that you have accumulated quite a lot. In this embodiment, we will simply establish new profile settings.

Tip! This method will be faster, but you must fulfill all the conditions described below.

After completed settings, the system will think that the account owner voluntarily refused it and automatically delete your profile about 3 months. In this case, the credentials affected by this account will be released. If you drew attention, this is a faster method, how to remove the page in VC.