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Scorpio girl compatibility with others. Scorpio woman her mystical abilities, pros and cons, stone and character. Marriage and family life

In very rare cases, a long and favorable relationship develops between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman.

A strong passion can arise between partners, which will be quickly extinguished by frequent conflicts and the desire to take a leading position in a relationship.

Only if one of them can give way to the leader, a favorable alliance is possible.

What is the compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac and the combination between a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman in sex, relationships and love, marriage?

general characteristics

Scorpio man- this is very strong personality who knows what she wants and goes for it. For him, someone else's opinion is not important, and he does not need advice.

He will not live by patterns and try to please someone. They set themselves certain goals and go to them, no matter what.

Is quite an impulsive and irritable person. He immediately expresses his dissatisfaction, which is the reason a large number ill-wishers.

In work, he often reaches unprecedented heights. He can do almost anything, as he knows how to give himself to work.

He expects the same from others. It is difficult for him to communicate with frivolous and absent-minded people.

Despite the outward calmness, emotions overwhelm him and at any moment can splash out. It is difficult for people to live with him because of the increased demands and conflict.

The woman is different a special sexuality that attracts to her, like a magnet, representatives of the opposite sex. Despite this, she is often lonely.

She is smart and quick-witted. He is not afraid of hard work and finds a way out of the most difficult situations.

She is quite emotional, but she never shows it in public. She will not cry and complain about life, although it may be too bad for her.

The girl is aggressive and conflicted. She could avoid many stressful situations if you could control your emotions.

It is difficult for her to remain silent when someone is unfairly accused or slandered in front of her eyes.

Despite being very popular among men, she knows how to love and is faithful to her partner.

She will do everything possible to make his life a paradise, and in case of betrayal, she will definitely take revenge.

Are they suitable for each other, are they compatible

Compatibility Between Scorpios is favorable in rare cases. Most often this happens when one of them has more weak character and agrees to give up his leadership position.

Relationships and friendship

At first sight it may seem that a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man are the perfect couple.

They have similar interests, are active and know how to organize leisure. They are completely satisfied with their sex life with large quantity experiments.

But sooner or later, a war for leadership begins between partners.. A man of this sign will never tolerate being led by a woman. He begins to point out her every mistake and tries to prove that he is better.

A girl can pretend to agree with her partner, but only at first. Every day her resentment grows, which sooner or later will spill out in a stormy scandal.

She will try to repay her partner in return - and will definitely point out his weaknesses.

Gradually, hatred will grow between partners, which with destructive force will change the romantic period of the relationship to a black streak.


If a Scorpio man and a Scorpio woman entered into a marriage, then most often a woman resigned herself to take a second position in a relationship with a man.

How long the union will be depends most often on the behavior of the fairer sex. If she agrees to recognize her husband as the main one and does not point out his shortcomings, the union can be quite long.

This couple can achieve a lot and become a great example for the rest. They know what they want and go for it. Difficulties are not terrible for them.

They love children and can be good but demanding parents.. In their house there will always be order and prosperity.

The girl of this sign is quite cunning and, by controlling her emotions, she could build a happy family with almost any sign.

But more often than not, she gets bored with it - and she is looking for a more pliable partner with less strong character which can be easily manipulated.


In bed, a Scorpio woman and a Scorpio man are perfect for each other - and can make great lovers. These partners know how to enjoy intimacy and are completely liberated.

They love experiments, and their sexual life can be the envy of all other signs. At first, they can't get enough of each other and try to try everything at once.

In the future, their sexual potential remains at the same high level.

This couple will not experience problems in bed until old age. but men of this sign are capable of treason. No matter how liberated his soulmate may be, he can go in search of something new.

At the same time, he will be completely sure of the sincerity of feelings and love for his soul mate. Sex for him is a way of getting pleasure, not a manifestation of love.

Is this couple perfect? How does a Scorpio man relate to a Scorpio woman? Is such a man suitable for her, is she suitable for him?

This couple can hardly be called ideal, even if it will create such a look. These partners find it difficult to be with each other.

Scorpio wants to see a woman next to him who will appreciate all his efforts and praise his every act. He does not like conflicting and aggressive representatives of the weaker sex.

At home, he needs complete peace of mind. In a Scorpio woman, he sees a rival. He understands that even without him she will be able to reach heights and build happy life.

It is difficult for a man to restrain himself and not point out the shortcomings of such a partner, even if there are practically none. He will search for days weaknesses his soulmate, just to show his advantage.

But in any case, nothing will come of it, since the Scorpio woman is confident in her superiority.

Scenes of jealousy often occur between partners. Even in the absence of feelings, they want the partner to belong exclusively to them.

It is very difficult for a jealous Scorpio man to live with a Scorpio woman that attracts the opposite sex. It is no less difficult for her, because her partner is also in demand.

Scorpio man and woman need a calmer partner, which will not claim leadership. Scorpios want to be the best in everything, even in relationships.

This game will not lead to anything good. Instead of achieving their important goals, they will spend time competing.

This union can spoil the psyche of two people and make them enemies.

How to interest, seduce and tame

The Scorpio woman has an attractive appearance, intelligence and ingenuity. She has everything to win a man of this sign.

But unfortunately, to be successful, she must become more feminine and refrain from harsh criticism. She must show that she completely trusts a new friend and considers him better than the rest.

He needs to be complimented, while refusing rude flattery. Scorpio must be confident in their irresistibility.

Train Your Scorpion can be care, affection and understanding. He wants to feel that his partner completely belongs to him and is ready for anything for him.

At the same time, she must be beautiful and smart. Relationships will be dominated by patriarchy. In no case should a girl claim a dominant role.

It shouldn't be too accessible., but, at the same time, must stand out with sexuality and beauty.

What will happen if a Scorpio woman offended a Scorpio man?

It's very easy to offend a Scorpio., although he rarely shows it. He doesn't know how to forgive. Every day the resentment will only grow, and he will begin to develop a plan for revenge.

If the offense is too strong, it will make itself felt even after ten years. Scorpio will never forgive betrayal, although he himself is quite greedy in front of beautiful girls.

A proud man can abruptly cut off contact with the one who offended him. Do not wait for time - every day his hatred will only grow stronger.

Betrayal and lies are what hurt the soul of a Scorpio and completely changes his opinion about a person.

If at a younger age they are more loyal to the mistakes of others, then at a mature age they exclude offenders from their lives.

Love and sexual horoscope: a forecast of what to expect in the future

Love between two Scorpios is possible but rarely does it lead to anything good. These two people are too similar.

They are not used to giving in and very quickly the purest feelings can turn into hatred. Secretly, they envy each other and want to suppress the partner's activity.

A Scorpio man needs a Scorpio woman only when she is ready to listen to him and recognize his leadership. At the same time, both are attracted by the beauty, sexuality and intelligence of each other.

A woman can come to terms with such a fate and admit that her partner is stronger and better than her. Then the relationship can last a long time, but Scorpions are not recommended to sacrifice themselves for them.

In order to build personal happiness and a happy life, both partners need to learn to listen to each other and become more restrained or abandon this relationship.

Love works miracles, but it is not subject to the stars. Two Scorpios is a sea of ​​emotions, success and violent conflicts.

Between a woman and a man Scorpio according to the horoscope is good sexual compatibility, these two people can become good lovers and straightforward friends, but they rarely manage to create a happy family.

This requires a lot of effort and hard work above oneself.

Unprecedented passion is shown in everything by Scorpio, the sign of the zodiac. Compatibility with other signs makes such a man a maximalist in friendship, love, and work. He doesn't try to compromise. In life, Scorpio is self-confident, has a strong, strong-willed character.

What are the characteristics of Scorpio men in life. Compatibility in sex, love and marriage

The character of a man born under this sign is very controversial. It harmoniously combines passion and coldness, natural attractiveness and certain repulsive features. Scorpio always recognizes lies, does not tolerate injustice. Such a man does not like to deceive. In love, he will not tolerate deceit. With the woman who betrayed him, he will quickly and irrevocably part.

The natural compatibility of Scorpio with women attracts the opposite sex to him. This man attracts with his excitement and danger in character. Almost every girl dreams of such a gentleman. When Scorpio truly falls in love, he is ready for any feats for the sake of the second half. The whole world will fall at her feet. A man will surround his companion with care, tenderness and love. However, even for the sake of love, Scorpio is not ready to change his character. The coldness of the chosen one will only provoke him, make him strive with all his might to the woman he likes.

As a rule, a Scorpio man begins to live sexually quite early. Sexual compatibility makes him an active partner. In bed, such a man likes to dominate, he is ready to go on bold experiments. If he remains unsatisfied, then his anger will begin to splash out on everyone around him. Any little thing can piss him off. In intimate life, Scorpio manifests himself as a passionate, energetic, experienced lover. He tries to deliver an unforgettable pleasure to his partner.

Many women in such a man are attracted precisely by sexual compatibility. Scorpio will never cheat on a lady of the heart, because he is too clean. Being a bachelor, he can conquer women for a long time by choosing perfect companion. By nature, such a man is very jealous. If his chosen one flirts with someone else, Scorpio will be angry. This sign of the zodiac does not perceive any infringement on what belongs to him. The property of Scorpio, in his opinion, includes the second half.

The Scorpio man loves to dominate in relationships. Compatibility in love is possible with that woman who is ready to obey her chosen one in everyday life and in bed. A woman with a strong character in a relationship with Scorpio will have an emotional, exciting life. They will often quarrel and also often passionately put up.

A woman should make every effort to family life I was happy with Scorpio. Such a man will marry only an excellent mistress, a tireless lover and, in general, an amazing nature. The lady needs to immediately decide whether she needs such a relationship. Will she be able to put up with the character of Scorpio. Even minor disagreements can turn into a real scandal. The temperamental Scorpio man in love finds compatibility with attentive and caring women. He falls in love once and for all his life. However, he expresses his feelings in different ways. At the beginning of a relationship, he can shower his beloved with compliments and gifts. And then he begins to be jealous of the girl, to bully her, to find fault with trifles. The young lady should be ready for such changes in the mood of her chosen one. If a woman manages to put up and get used to it, then Scorpio will become a loving, caring, passionate husband for her.

Spouse Scorpio is not used to showing his love. By nature, he is not very romantic and not emotional. A woman needs to come to terms with this feature. Light hints will help Scorpio please his beloved. The compatibility horoscope of Scorpio characterizes him as a loving and demanding father. As a rule, he brings up his child independently. Scorpio will never give offense to his own children, but he himself is sometimes overly strict with them. At any age, the father will take care of and take care of his child. Because of this, problems arise in the relationship between adult children and the father.

Who does the zodiac sign (man) choose as a companion for Scorpio? Compatibility in love relationships

Such a man makes any important decisions in life on his own. He does not listen to the opinion of parents, friends and buddies. Even the point of view of his wife, he will not consider. This is the main "highlight" of the Scorpio man. As a rule, it is difficult for representatives of other signs to make a decision without prompting. And therefore, the independence of Scorpio is even a plus.

Since such a man is not emotional, he does not show his feelings in public. The chosen one of Scorpio may think that her young man is too inattentive, rude and sometimes cruel. Sometimes he makes fun of the shortcomings of his companion in front of strangers. However, it is worth being alone with him, he will certainly confess his sincere feelings.

When there is a good compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac in love, Scorpio will never let go of his chosen one. He will be very jealous of his beloved. At the same time, Scorpio himself loves to flirt with other women. His companion must accept this innocent habit of her gentleman. Just by nature, Scorpio is endowed with charm and charm. It should be remembered that a man in love will never cheat on his soul mate, will not succumb to the charms of another woman. If the passion fully trusts Scorpio, shares his interests, shows attentiveness, care, tenderness in relationships, then their relationship will be long-lasting, very strong, saturated with love.

Who gets along with Scorpio - horoscope. Man - compatibility in marriage

In a relationship with such a man, a woman should not be excessively soft. Otherwise, you can fall in his eyes, lose respect. Scorpio appreciates the riddle, passion and inner strength in the chosen one. If a woman shows that the gentleman's mockery is unpleasant for her, he will consider her weak and helpless. With such a man, it is best to just be silent and smile. Do not cry, throw tantrums. This will only piss off the Scorpio.

Such a man will never tolerate humiliation and bullying from a woman. This will drive him crazy. An angry Scorpio does not give an account of his actions, and therefore can even hit. The strong inner core of such a man attracts representatives of the opposite sex to him. Charismatic and charming Scorpio Zodiac sign. Compatibility of a man is possible with a passionate, individual woman, a bit of a bitch. When everything is calm in a relationship, he begins to look for thrills. In public, such a man behaves differently than in his personal life. He used to lead both reason and emotions. It's hard to guess what's on his mind.

Strong and independent sign Scorpio (male). Compatibility with representatives of other signs

Inside such a man, a real volcano of passions boils. A woman with such a gentleman will not be easy. She will need to bend under her chosen one. Most likely, you will have to obey the imperious Scorpio.

Scorpio is the most attractive and mysterious sign of the Zodiac. These people are gentle and sensitive, but they will never allow themselves to show such traits. They demonstrate willpower and determination to others, and not everyone will be able to understand how caring and generous they are to loved ones. Scorpio has harmonious compatibility in love and marriage with those who see the true essence behind his mask.

In love and family life, Scorpios are devoted and faithful. Representatives of this sign especially appreciate the emotional side of relationships. They often successfully marry and marry, their spouses have either talents or intelligence, which helps them to succeed in life.

The best compatibility in love and marriage for Scorpio with the signs of the Zodiac water element: Cancer (June 22 - July 22), Pisces (February 19 - March 20) and Scorpio (October 24 - November 22). They are well compatible with Virgo (August 24 - September 23) and Capricorn (December 22 - January 20).

Incompatible signs for Scorpio are Leo (July 23 - August 23) and Aquarius (January 21 - February 18), although an alliance with Leo can be good for a career, and with Aquarius for emotional support. An alliance with Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) can bring financial benefits. With regard to compatibility in marriage, one of best picks for marriage will be Taurus (April 21 - May 20). For spiritual development, a fruitful partnership with Libra (September 24 - October 23).

More about love compatibility Scorpio with all twelve signs of the Zodiac read in the articles below:

Horoscope of compatibility of Scorpio with the signs of the zodiac

Scorpio - Aries Scorpio - Libra
Scorpio - Taurus Scorpio - Scorpio
Scorpio - Gemini Scorpio - Sagittarius
Scorpio - Cancer Scorpio - Capricorn
Scorpio - Leo Scorpio - Aquarius
Scorpio - Virgo Scorpio - Pisces

In love, Scorpios are focused on the partner, they will offer him a lot of attention. Depending on the characteristics of the individual, some will be unnerved, and many will be flattered. They have a strong need to control their significant other, although this is not immediately evident, and they themselves will never admit it. If they love, they want to completely possess the beloved, to own both the body and the soul. Scorpios are characterized by extremes in manifestations of love. Their emotions are sometimes so intense that they seem over the top to those who are looking for a more carefree relationship.

No matter how deep the relationship is, they always have their secrets. But as for the secrets of a partner, they can hardly be kept from the penetrating gaze of Scorpio. They are experts in human relationships and see others for who they are. These people do not find anything wrong with playing underhand games and intrigue, although they do not admit it. Everything in the name of a goal is their motto, and Scorpio, as a rule, achieves its goals, this also applies to matters of the heart.

People born under the sign of Scorpio are inherently strong personalities. They are almost always smart, intellectual and emotional. Being under the auspices of the element Water, this sign keeps all experiences within itself. Scorpios tend to exaggerate problems.

This zodiac sign always stands his ground, he is a bit stubborn and selfish. However, the sign of water knows how to endure defeats and losses with dignity. At first glance, it may seem that the scorpion is weak and defenseless. But this is not so at all. The water sign only misleads others, disguising itself in this way.

Compatibility in love relationships

Scorpio love can arise suddenly and fieryly. However, this does not mean that everyone will know about it at once. Scorpios are not accustomed to flaunt their feelings. A water man will long and hard conquer his woman. For her sake, he is capable of crazy deeds and expensive gifts. Such a sign conquers a girl almost always immediately, he will captivate her into his networks.

The scorpio lady in love is passionate and jealous. She is able to drive a man in love with her crazy. The love of such a woman has no boundaries. But the medal has another side - she hates just as much. The deceived woman of the element Water is capable of much, she should be feared. Such a lady can even destroy the life of her former chosen one if he betrays her.

Marriage and family life

Scorpios strive to burden themselves with family ties. Often these signs marry in quite early age. This is already a well-considered and serious decision. Some scorpions are looking for their chosen one for a long time, approaching the issue very carefully.

The family life of two scorpions often resembles an Italian TV series. Two temperamental possessive signs do not let each other get bored in marriage. Quarrels in such an alliance arise often and pass with all the passion inherent in scorpions. When scandals subside, water signs live in perfect harmony for a while.

A scorpio husband always protects his wife from various problems. Often such a man himself deals with all material issues, leaving household chores to the woman. However, the offended spouse will reveal everything to you negative sides of his character. He will not restrain himself in insults.

Scorpio-wife in such a marriage is often the head of the family. She demands from her husband complete report in everything from spending money to arriving late from work. This is often the reason for family quarrels. Spouses fight for the place of the leader mercilessly. In some couples it drags on long years.

friendship between scorpions

Being friends with a Scorpio is not easy, but it is possible. Serious and unshakable natures, they often scare people away with their appearance alone. It seems to others that this person is selfish and arrogant. However, upon close contact, it becomes clear that this is not the case. The person who manages to overcome the coldness of a scorpion will become a close and faithful friend for him for many years.

Having few friends, the sign of water cherishes them. He will always help in a difficult situation and help out in trouble. But friends of a scorpion never know what to expect from this sign tomorrow. The watermark is unpredictable. He is a mood man. Today your friend is joyful and happy, and tomorrow he is overcome by gloomy and sad thoughts.

Two scorpions can become great friends if they make concessions. After all, they, like no one else, are able to understand each other and forgive all the small flaws in their violent nature.

Scorpio compatibility in bed

A couple of scorpions in bed is a sleepless night. Nobody loves sex and experiments as much as these zodiac signs. To make love with a scorpion, you need to stock up on strength and patience. He will never leave you unsatisfied. This sign is a passionate and unrestrained lover. Before going to bed, the water sign builds a whole plan, which is steadily followed.

You have to be careful with a scorpion. If sex with a partner begins to bother him, then the sign of water can find a replacement for him. Women who are cold in bed should not even attempt to get a scorpion lover. Firstly, you will not be able to satisfy him, and secondly, you will annoy him very quickly.

Scorpio compatibility at work

A sign under the element of water is an excellent worker. He is responsible, serious, demanding and executive. Scorpio is given to his work entirely. Not finishing the job or quitting halfway through is not about him.

However, a tandem of two representatives of this sign is not an easy task. With such a couple, everyone around is constantly in the line of fire. Two born leaders with a hot temperament do not know how to share power. Passions always boil around them, they compete and constantly prove their superiority.

It is very difficult for water signs to get along in one team. Not only they suffer from this, but also those around them. Business projects and the company's affairs in such a situation are also under attack. After all, it is not clear what is in the head of an unpredictable scorpion. This sign cannot come to terms with the role of the second.

It is possible for such a pair to work together with only one condition: one must yield. But not all representatives of the element Water will go for this.

Percent Compatibility

The compatibility of a pair of scorpions is very good. Such a union has every chance for a long and happy life together. If two representatives of the water decide to unite, then, basically, they stay together, no matter what. No one says that together they are easy and cloudless. Their life is full of passions, quarrels and insults. But it is also filled with care, love and devotion.

Compatibility in love for two scorpions is 80%, married 95%, friends 85%.

Negative moments in the union

The union of two scorpions, no matter how desirable it may be, already carries negative energy. And it's not that people don't fit together. It’s just that the nature of these signs is such that they can’t live differently.

Scorpions are like vampires. They "eat" from their partner. And a couple of these signs live from "mutual feeding." Together they feel good, but there comes a time when the spouses just need to quarrel. Moreover, they can come up with problems for themselves, even if they do not exist.

Scorpio men are terrible owners. They don't want to share their wife with anyone. Parents, friends and even children often suffer from this. Such a spouse tirelessly requires attention to himself. He used to always be in the first place.

Scorpio women are jealous and impulsive. They can wind themselves up over trifles and thereby bring their husband. Such a wife is used to living in abundance. Therefore, the husband will always demand material well-being for the family.

Another negative in a relationship can be an attempt by one of the spouses to cheat. It can remain only an attempt, or it can become a test for the whole family.

Necessary conditions for a good relationship

Two scorpions is one of the pretty good alliances. Seeing their reflection in a partner, these signs are capable of analyzing their actions. They have a lot in common, but, unfortunately, not only good. For such a marriage to succeed, it is necessary to find a compromise and make concessions all the time.

Scorpions are incapable of living without passions. Their life will always be emotional and full of adventure. Such a couple needs to learn to cope with themselves, to control themselves. Water signs you need to trust your partner.

This love can literally flare up at first sight, but what will happen next is not easy to predict. Scorpio is a very wise sign, but when it comes to love, his wisdom disappears somewhere. This is a battle between the mind and the senses. The Scorpio man and woman will become either inseparable tender lovers or sworn enemies. The divorce rate in these couples is very high.

For your Scorpio family to be happy in marriage, do not repeat the mistakes of other couples.

Listen to the advice of an astrologer. Simple Rules living together help you keep your love for years to come. This zodiac sign may well build a harmonious union, so do not miss your chance. V love relationships unique compatibility can be achieved if two Scorpios learn to listen and yield.

Zodiac signs in love

There is a story in the East about two Scorpios in a jar. If you close them there alone, leave them for a couple of days without food and water, then the situation will have two outcomes. Either they will kill each other, or they will coexist peacefully. So is the case with the pair Scorpio + Scorpio. This is due to the fact that the fiery energy of the sign flares up quite often.

By itself, Scorpio is a very wise sign. They are capable of compassion, love, understanding. Young guys and girls are more prone to changes in character, so it can be much more difficult for them. If a mature man and woman meet after several not very successful relationships, then these Scorpios can be very friendly to each other. They will appreciate their similarity, and they can laugh at negative qualities.

The sign of the Zodiac is determined by the zodiacal energy. When a child is born, the Celestial Luminaries send their energy to him, and with it, character traits and destiny. In Scorpions, this energy is very strong, so that, in their youth, they can be like two magnets with the same polarity - they repel each other, which is strength. So the young and sweet Scorpio girl will most likely just hate the Scorpio guy.

Interestingly, the life of the same signs of the zodiac often develops in this way. In nature, there must be harmony in everything - different signs form successful unions in love, and the same - not always. This is not only a similarity in everything good, but also a reflection in the mirror of your negative qualities.

Scorpio man

The man is very ambitious and independent. He likes the recognition of his brilliant success at work. When you need to be the center of attention, he has no equal. Rightfully, he can be proud of his achievements. These people are punctual, honest, with a huge ego.

His main dream is to win over his competitors. But, you need to play honestly, by the rules. So it is much more interesting to win than to use your position. The Scorpio man is ready to fight, he already sees himself as a winner even at the beginning of the journey. A young guy chooses the most difficult profession to prove to everyone that he is the best.

Scorpio pushes him to this fire sign zodiac. It is pointless to fight against your nature. There is nothing wrong with these qualities, especially for work and career. In personal life, of course, this does not always play a positive role.

In relationships and love, the Scorpio man is unpredictable. Today he is romantic, gentle, caring, and tomorrow he will begin to make unexpected claims. Its compatibility with other signs is not so high, and a pair of two Scorpios is fraught with violent showdowns.

Scorpio woman

A Scorpio woman is used to relying on herself. From childhood, she was distinguished by independence, she sought to solve her problems herself. Such girls do not complain to their parents, but they themselves make their offenders pay for all the bad things. The Scorpio girl will go to study a non-prestigious profession, because she is already ready to take care of herself. She knows exactly what career attracts her.

Two Scorpios are a hurricane in relationships

She is very open with friends and family. They know that despite the strength of her spirit, she really wants love, understanding, tenderness. It will show it only to those whom it trusts one hundred percent. Otherwise, a woman is very similar to a man of her zodiac sign.

She starts stormy romances, but men are often morally much weaker than she is. It scares her away from them. She wants a full-fledged partner with whom she can share all the difficulties and joys. She loves to travel, she is attracted to distant countries, culture and peculiarities of their life. Will gladly move to live in another country.

In love, passionate and insatiable. A Scorpio woman is always ready for a relationship, only if she manages to make all the important decisions herself. Its compatibility with strong male signs good, but they cannot avoid competition for the right to be called the owner of the house.

couple in a relationship

No one here knows how the relationship between the two Scorpios will turn. On the one hand, they are delighted with each other. At the beginning of a relationship, compatibility can be perfect. They fall in love at first sight, enjoy every minute together. Soon this period will end, and what will follow it - only fate itself knows, but the Stars that brought them together.

The sign of the zodiac is complex, ambiguous. After resentment comes sexual desire, and passion is replaced by coldness. They are very dependent on each other's opinions. If a partner expresses his dissatisfaction, then the other is mortally offended.

This is a struggle, and the winner will be indulgent to the vanquished. The Scorpio man wants to conquer a woman, and the Scorpio woman does not want to bow down to her man. What should they do if there is love, but they cannot fully enjoy it because of their character?

Proud Scorpio can't stand betrayal

Marriage, family, children

With the advent of children, they declare a truce for a while. Both of them were really looking forward to the appearance of the kids, so I want to spend as many pleasant minutes with them as possible. A woman will gladly stay at home for 2-3 years, just to properly raise her children. A man loves children, buys them expensive, beautiful toys. All this helps them build relationships, and during this period, compatibility is very high.

This is a good chance to rethink your family life. If before the appearance of children there were quarrels, scandals and misunderstanding, now all this can disappear without a trace. Family is important to Scorpio. It's proud and independent mark Zodiac now lives only for one purpose - children.

Great chance to improve your life. Discuss everything with your partner honestly, without sarcasm or jokes. This will help make your family the happiest. If there are no children in the couple, then very soon it will begin to “weaken”. What's the point married life without children? In old age there can be a lot of money, titles and fame, but if there is no one to whom all this can be transferred, life has been lived in vain.

Remember how your relationship began. The couple rejoices every day that they managed to spend alone. You rushed into adventures and adventures, met in the middle of the night, rushed somewhere just the two of you. It was your beautiful. unclouded love. Let it be so.

Cheating will ruin this marriage. Scorpio is a very proud sign. If someone tries to spin an affair behind his back, then he will pay dearly for it. Life together after that is not possible. so don't play with the wrath of a Scorpio.

If it’s hard in marriage, then remember your love, how you wanted to see your beloved as soon as possible. This will help raise your compatibility, strengthen it. How can I do that:

  • talk more, express your opinion
  • view old photos, records
  • remember your travels, joint trips
  • Tell your children about how you met.

This will help you remind each other of how much you really are in love.