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Who is suitable for an independent woman Aries? Perfect zodiac sign for a woman of a ram

Compatibility Horoscope: The perfect zodiac sign for the Aries woman is the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

In the first half of life, the easiest way to meet the ideal among other signs of the fire elements is Lviv and Sagittarov. However, marriage will be harmonious, provided that the lion will be engaged in purely creative work and will not claim the leadership in the family. The shooter for the complete happiness of the Aries would be good to travel a lot (by the nature of the activity, for example) to give the time to the spouse to smoke a little alone, and then share bright impressions with her. In the second half of the life, the Aries should look for the perfect pair among twins or water. But here there is one "but": marriage will be exemplary only if your chosen one has already been married, and the divorce took place on his initiative!

The best pair for Aries

Twins: They can be a very happy pair that feels harmony of their relationship and appreciates each other. Marriage between them can be concluded quickly and for many years. However, the vulgarity and sharpness of the Aries may be depressingly acting on the twins, and the frivolity of the latter is upsetting the Aries, this prevents the compatibility horoscope: the twins Aries. The joint life of these signs promises to be rich and interesting.

Sagittarius: This pair is a very successful combination of zodiac signs. Sagittarius and Aries are similar in their love for a luxurious life filled with bright events. True, the relationship of this pair has an increased fire hazard: the fiery element of these signs is doubled. This warns the horoscope compatibility of Aries Sagittarius. The segless leadership in the pair will belong to the Aries, which the Sagittarius will inspire the great things.

a lion: Egoism and the desire for leadership may prevent this couple, the lion and Aries compatibility horoscope warns about this. If you manage to come to an agreement that it is better not to argue about power, then this couple can become an extremely successful combination of zodiac signs. Aries inspires lion and can open new abilities. With a successful coincidence, they can become a fruitful creative tandem, this confirms the horoscope of the compatibility of Aries Lion.

Worse Couple for Aries

Virgo: The relationship of the owners of these signs of the zodiac can quickly move into the stage of the Cold War, this warns the compatibility horoscope. Aries and Virgo have completely different temperaments: the eloquentness of the Aries scares the virgin, which, in turn, seems to be a wave-free crevice. However, if Virgo accepts the extravagancy of Aries and stop picking up to him, the pair may turn out to be successful, this is the horoscope compatibility of Aries Virgo.

Capricorn: Aries and Capricorn are too different. The conservative Capricorn will annoy the excessive thirst for life and Avenue Avengers, which in turn will take out home-based Capricorn. Quick Roman promises to end for this pair disappointment, warns the horoscope compatibility of Aries Capricorn. However, if the relationship is delayed, the Aries will open a lot in Capricorn and they will extremely successfully complement each other.

calf: Taurus fascinates the sensuality of the Aries, and His Eroticism of the Taurus. Nevertheless, the Taurus will invariably lag behind the constantly accelerating pace of the Aries life than to annoy the latter. This confirms the compatibility horoscope: Aries Taurus. Energetic Aries constantly strives for bright sensations and often causes jealousy from a conservative Taurus. These outbreaks of distrust can spoil relationships - this indicates a horoscope compatibility. Aries and Taurus, however, can be a beautiful pair if they learn to appreciate the reliability of each other.

Strained relations

Aries: This union is doomed to a permanent confrontation, in which none of the activities agree even the slightest concessions. Compatibility horoscope: Aries Aries confirms that the energy of one will necessarily encounter the energy of the other. However, a pair of owners of these zodiac signs can quite harmoniously coexist, if both of them are combined with one goal or if one of them consciously obeys, and the second Aries dominates. Compatibility horoscope prevents that with mutual stubbornness and soldering chances of this pair a bit.

Libra: The relationship of Aries and scales promise to be exemplary captivating: they both love entertainment and light flirt. Scales annoying the passion of Aries to riotiness and noisy entertainment, this warns the horoscope compatibility of Aries scales. Nevertheless, this pair has a brilliant future, the optimism of Aries inspires scales, and their refinement enters the Aries. They successfully complement each other. Marriage usually happens long.

Aries with other zodiac signs

Who is suitable for an independent woman Aries?

The rapid, omnipresent, who believes in love and an independent Aries woman is in his own irresistible and attractive special. Yes, not every man will be able to give a woman freedom, do not stand on the path of independence and infringe on her interests. However, satellites, which walked to test their compatibility with such a woman and the past exam will receive a gentle and ardent mistress as a reward. After all, its booming energy and the desire to be always and everywhere should find a mandatory way out. So why not in bed? Of course, as in any other sign included in the zodiac, it also has negative traits of character. But it is only worth an effort to create perfection, and you can get it. Even of such a complex personality as Aries.

general characteristics

To really understand this mysterious creature, which is a woman of Aries, you need to try well. With the first impression, it may seem overly cold, and to men will treat some disregard. But this is just a mask. After all, changing Aries can play a great role. It can be charming and controversial, show your temperament and make unpredictable actions. Such a quick change of images can confuse its interlocutor who is not able to keep track of its changes.

In communication, its impulsivity is often manifested. Aerian girl says what he thinks without taking care of the feelings of others. Follow your tongue and think before saying something is difficult for her.

Such a person with wide views does not like to be bored, and therefore interesting activities are constantly finding. At the same time, it seeks to enjoy physical exertion. Large tennis, sailing, Pilates classes or snowboarding is quite in her style. This can also be attributed to the sex in which the match for this arranging mistress plays not a latter role.

Of course, at the first acquaintance, it may seem like a windy special, capable of changing partners like gloves. However, it is not. Aventurism and spontaneity, which the zodiac awarded it, pushed to the implementation of momentary desires. But it is the motto "Now - it means now!" Attracts to such ladies the opposite sex.

Select a gift for Aries is quite simple, because the main thing for it is experienced emotions, and not practical value.

And the representatives of this sign love and know how to spend money. That is, they will be able to quickly make that the huge amount turned into, practically, in zero. In this, it would seem a reprehensive feature that Zodiac awarded her, she sees nothing wrong. After all, money is simply created in order to spend them.

Among the beautiful maidens, they often encounter optimists who are able to preserve such a look at the world until the end of life. And even in old age, they will enjoy life as children do.

Love and Aries

Around this intriguing person is always a large number of men. Each of them would like to know whether compatibility with such an amazing woman is possible. But the feature of the Aries is that such ladies prefer to choose their cavaliers themselves. They are so confident in this right that they can even show the initiative and make the proposal of the hand and hearts first.

An Aries woman has a number of male qualities that do not make it less feminine. In the appearance of such a lady there is always a charm. She has a very good figure, looks at the world with an open look and always looks young and attractive.

But in no case do not remind her about stumbling or strong fatigue. Such sympathetic views will not be able to bear any charming, born under the sign of the Aries.

If you are aimed at creating durable and long-term relationships, remember that women prefer romance. Also this companion it is necessary to feel like his beloved and only. For it, the emotional compatibility of partners is important and the possibility of both to experience the same feelings at the same time. It will always wait for heat and openness in your relationship. If she has a suspicion of the existence of secrets, she will do everything to find out. Do not hide anything from the beautiful Virgin, otherwise it will demonstrate your ability to roll scandals.

Marriage for Aries

In terms of its nature, the woman of Aries seeks to rule not only in the professional sphere, but also in the personal (family) life. Her desire for independence and opportunities to make decisions at its discretion make it "head of the family". And it is useless to oppose this "law".

For happiness, such a woman should be looking for a spouse who can normally treat her desire to be an independent person. In family life, she should not interfere with the initiative. But it is very important to love and admire such a spouse, with adoration to look at her. A good compatibility in life will be at Wife Aries with her husband who will become equal to her. A belligerent calf, which can only badly fulfill the order given to him, does not prenten this strong woman. She would rather prefer a lonely life than the union with those who are not worthy.

According to the characteristics, Zodiac awarded this independent personality to keep loyalty to his chosen one. There is no stronger strike on a rash than the infidelity of the second half. And even if the relationships were practically ideal, and compatibility, both in the physical plane, and in emotional, good, all this will collapse at the moment when the spouse learns about treason.

Sex and Aries

In sexual games, the Aries woman does not seek to curb his temperament. And why should she need it. After all, it will not be able to get the most pleasure to which she strives. In bed, it will be an erotic, sexy and unbridled mistress. Of course, first of all she takes care of his own pleasure, but will not forget about the satisfaction of the partner.

Zodiac awarded this sign such a big love for sex, that Aries are ready to deal with them everywhere. Moreover, it can exacerbate sensations, emotions and give the present "sky in diamonds."

Good physical compatibility in such mistresses with temperamental and endless partners who are able to doubt aggression and the desire to dominate. But for some reason, this man does not suit the Aries in bed, it will easily change it on the one who can become an excellent partner for her.

In love games, she still prefers a leading role. That is, it selects the positions at which it can be able to control the entire process: ranging from the rhythm and ending with the achievement of orgasm. Often among women of Aries there are lover of BDSM, and a leather suit with a wicker and the role of "Mrs." are one of the sexual fantasies.

Negative features

That life becomes the embodiment of a cherished dream, and fate is happier, many people have enough to overcome negative features or turn them so that they serve in good.

The sign of Aries "Native" Planet Mars gave such negative features:

  • the tendency to arrange emotional scandals and ugly fights, while drunk;
  • ability to talk about for hours;
  • journal;
  • dislike to return debts;
  • the ability to put a pig for someone at the lowest possible;
  • mental inhibition;
  • antagonism;
  • confrontation;
  • mental contradiction;
  • lumpiness;
  • selfie;
  • self-person;
  • largeness;
  • painful welders;
  • egoism;
  • vulgarity;
  • coarseness;
  • ruthlessness;
  • blood love;
  • aggressiveness;
  • conflict.

Suitable men

Good compatibility will be in two partners Ovnov. After all, this will attraction similar and will create an excellent union. And even after disagreements in life, "Sweet" reconciliation in bed will fix everything.

Roman between the seductive of the Ovny and the man Lion It will just be a weselves from the feelings present in it. They even have the opportunity to create an alliance based on deep feelings.

Zodiac awarded a man Sagittarius The desire to diversify their lives. And by this he will attract a woman of Aries. They are unlikely to ever be bored, both in life and in bed.

Man calf And a woman Aries is a beautiful couple for sex for one night. Although, such relationships can last and longer if jealousy will not often get up between partners.

Very easy to woman Woman twist a man Scorpio. Of course, he may not quite comfortably feel herself in the role of toys that they love and appreciate, then throw and forget. However, his thrust for this woman will be just inexplicable. And she, perhaps, will understand that it became the only one for him, and wants to stay forever.

Inappropriate men

Create Union Girl Aries and Male Libra Just can not. He will love himself too much, and she is unlikely to be able to love the coward and calculating nature.

Men compatibility Virgin And the beautiful Virgin Aries is also dubious. His desire to fulfill everything according to the rules and follow certain rituals will not be able to get along with the reluctance of the lady to obey anyone or anything.

And although a man Twin It will be interested in authentic, however, the strength, which awarded her sign of the zodiac, will scare him. However, as well as its desire to openly demonstrate their feelings and emotions.

Slowness Rakov and CapricornIn turn, will scare the Aries after dating.

Unable to compatibility of energies that have men Fish And women of Aries. Maybe they are the same for strength, but absolutely opposite to the direction vector.

Men Aquarius Will not miss the opportunity to enjoy "on the side", which is also noticed in women of Aries. Mutual reproaches and distrust commocate the union to disintegrate.

Woman Aries: Who is suitable for her?

Characteristic features of a woman-aries

It is not so easy to understand, as it seems. It impresses with a cold-blooded person. Sometimes it may seem that it refers to the opposite sex with some prejudice. But this is only at first glance, since the woman-Aries is a true actress: contradictory, charming, unpredictable and temperamental.

And, as an actress, it is characteristic of extremely often to change its images. Its speech is pretty impulsive. She always says what he thinks.

As a rule, women-Aries have no time to bored. They choose themselves to enjoy the physical level: tourism, walk, sport, etc.

Aries romantic from nature. Sex for her is considered one of the main positive phenomena in life. From the partner, first of all, she is waiting for it, and not care and care.

But it should not blame her in the eases, because, despite the fact that she has an adventurism in her blood, she is not completely dissolved. Among women, every second is idealistic, each third is a philosopher, but these qualities do not interfere with the decisions.

The key to her heart is flattering. The compliments in your address is ready to listen endlessly, especially if they are addressed to its appearance. Women-Aries are often admired by themselves. They have very moderate makeup, as they believe that their appearance does not need correction.

A man who is going to associate life with her will have to be content with the role of a second plan or prepare for infinite conflicts. Due to the fact that excessive independence women are peculiar to women, they often have problems in relations. If it is jealous, then it is most likely due to the pride and offended pride, rather than because of the feeling of the ownership.

Such a woman is convinced that money is needed to spend them. She loves to spend their right and left, without thinking about tomorrow.

There are many optimists among Aries that somehow can save this cheerfulness until the oldest, rejoicing every new day.

Woman Aries in bed

Sexy, passionate, erotic - if she has sex with a man, then, first of all, does it in order to delight his pleasure, and only then a partner.

Women Aries do not believe that the bedroom is the only place for sexual jeads, they are not against doing this in a car, elevator or more extreme places. She does not like long preludes, sex itself is important for her.

She needs a strong, passionate and endless lover who can do as she wishes. If a man does not suit her in this regard, she will look for another, because it does not represent his own life without high-quality sex.

Woman Aries - the leader in sexual games and prefers to do this in the positions "top" to independently control the entire process by setting the rhythm. During sex, she does not hold back their emotions: moans loudly, shouts and scratched. In general, it makes everything that gets even more pleasure.

Men who are suitable for a woman Aries

Boring, lazy or man, "quiet" is clearly not suitable. She needs a passionate and strong man with male leader.

From the point of view of astrology, a woman-ray woman is well suited. Yes, sometimes they will have noisy conflicts with each other, but then they will buy themselves with each other, and family idyll will definitely come.

In addition, the man-lion will become an excellent option. If she connects her destiny with him, then their novel will be so passionate and fervently, that it will be visible to the naked eye to all others. Between these two zodiac signs, real feelings are quite possible - gentle and long. A woman-ray will sufficiently felt a little with Lvom, and he will be on her short leash.

Sagittarius can also be an excellent partner for a woman-Aries. He is very similar about it in a diversity, so they will never be bored together. As for sexual relations, the best pair do not find, they are simply created for each other. Even and even a sense of "festerness" appears, the situation can always fix the fresh ideas of the Sagittar Men.

The Taurus is perfect for a woman-Aries. To spoil such a relationship can only feel jealiness, which is especially characteristic of a man of this zodiacal sign. But if there will be real love between them, they will be survived. By the way, a male Taurus is the perfect option for sex without commitment.

Male Scorpio will feel with a woman-authentic way as if he was her favorite toy, which she hugs and kisses, then throws on the floor. And even despite this, Scorpio will still try to be with a bird. And she, playing with his feelings, one day can understand what is indispensable, and will remain with him.

Men who are not suitable for a woman-ray

A woman has a happy life with a male zodiac sign of scales. This is due to the fact that he very much loves himself, which is unacceptable for Aries. In addition, she will not impress his calcality and cowardice.

Male-Virgin is very important feelings of proximity, cohesion and mutual responsibility. That is why this novel knowsly doomed to failure, as it is pointless to demand a tough discipline and subordination to the rules.

The twin man is slightly afraid of such a woman. Although he considers it a rather attractive person, but he scans her desire for an open demonstration of his own feelings and emotions.

Cracks and Capricorns are excessively boring and slow for impulsive women-ras.

Male fish though very energetic, but its activity is directed completely into the opposite side for the ramp. In this situation, they can not get out of the fact that the novel, but even physical proximity.

Men-Aquarius, as well as Aries, have a tendency to frequent flirt and treason, so, even with other favorable circumstances, without mutual reproaches in infidelity will not cost. Secret, sooner or later, it becomes clear.

Woman - Aries: Who is she and what a man is needed

Do not consider this article as the truth in the last instance. "Ideal" representatives of any sign of the zodiac, 100% appropriate under the above description, in nature does not exist, as there are no phlegmatics, cholerics, melancholics and sanguits in its pure form. Nevertheless, get a general idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you need is quite real. In any case, we do not encounter you to launch the already established relationship, if suddenly it turns out that according to this text you do not fit each other.

Woman - Aries

It is not so easy to understand. It impresses a weathered, cold-blooded person, sometimes it seems that it refers to men with some prejudice. But this is just visibility, because the woman is Aries is a real actress: charming, controversial, temperamental and unpredictable. She changes his role so quickly that if her companion would be a person with a quick fast response speed, then after some time he would certainly feel that his head was circle.

Her speech is impulsive, often she has something on the mind, then in the language, Aries does not give himself a little labor first to think, and then talk, because rubs the truth-uterus in the face.

Women - Aries, as a rule, bored once. These contests in the skirt choose their own classes that enjoy physical, bodily level: tennis, walking under the sail, snowboard, Pilates, sex finally!

Aries in love. In love, she is romantic from nature and considers sex one of the most pleasant sides of life. From her lover, she is waiting, first of all, sex, and not a decent care and custody, she does not need the second father.

Do not hurry to blame the "lamb" in the levity - despite the fact that the spontaneity and adventurism in her blood, she is not at all windy. Among Aries - every second idealist, each third is a philosopher, but quality data does not interfere with them to make decisions. If she says "Come on!", That is exactly what it means, this feature attracts men to her.

The key to the heart of the Aries is flattering, it can infinitely listen to compliments in its address, especially if they are addressed to her body. Not in the nature of the Aries pass by the mirror and not admire himself. "Bashek" is painted very moderately, considering that, by and large, their appearance in the correction does not need.

They do not have the needs for useful, practical gifts, the main thing for them is emotions. Aries from the soul will be delighted by some pajama of silk, but still will continue to sleep in the costume of Eve, because so a comfortable body.

A man who marries her will have to be content with the role of the Deputy Boss or to prepare for a central war in which there will be no mercy. Because of the need to be independent and inability to sit at home from the "lamb" often arise in marriage. If it is jealous, then in it, rather, says the pride and offended pride, rather than the sense of ownership. Aries feel absolutely unhappy if they quarrel with husbands or lovers. However, they themselves are capable of bringing any "to the handle."

Woman Aries is convinced that money was created in order to spend them. She loves to go left with money to the left and right, the overrun of the funds does not frighten it. "Barashka" is confident that if today finances sing romances, tomorrow they will surely fulfill the life-affirming march.

There are many optimist among Aries that manage to retain their cheerfulness to a deep old age, rejoicing every new day in the morning.

Aries in bed

Erotic, passionate, sexy - if she is given to a man, then it does it, first of all, in order to enjoy the most partner, the partner will get the honorable second place.

"Bashek" do not consider the bedroom the only suitable place for sexual fun and do not mind to have sex in the back seat of the car or office sofa. She does not care for long preludes, if a woman - Aries is experiencing lust, then even before the candles go out and will respond to the latest tactics of the romantic melody, her man will be lying on his back, and in the pose of "rider" from above.

She needs a worthy lover to become a strong, hardy who can curb her aggressiveness and help to see the sky in diamonds. If a man does not suit the "lamp" in bed, she will prefer to find another, for hardly represents his life without sex "at the highest level".

She is a leader in love games and prefers to make love in the positions of the "woman from above" to control the process itself, setting the pace and rhythm of movements. On the way to orgasm, she prefers not to restrain his emotions - screaming, moaning, scratched. Aries often leave their "markings" on male bodies.

Their desire to dominate sometimes pushing the Aries to the BDSM, one of the typical erotic fantasies - a man whom Mrs with a wagon makes Kunnilingus.

What a man needs her

Boring before the dislocation of the jaws of Liegehogo or "okuukanny" Mamenkin Son - the Sun - Aries is obviously not a couple. She needs a real "energizer" with the leader's deposits.

Aries are suitable

"This attracts the like" - according to this principle, a woman is a wonderful woman - Aries. Yes, from time to time they will be "beyond" with each other, will not cost no other clarification of relations, but then a turn of sweet reconciliation will come to bed and family idyll.

Another wonderful option is a man - lion, their novel will be so fermented, passionate, which is sparking, slipping between these two, will be noticeable with the naked eye. Between these two possible, real feelings are deep and delicate. "Barshka" is sufficiently gently scratching the defenseless bass king beasts (both in direct and figuratively) to keep it on a short erotic leash.

A man - the Sagittarius can make a competition of a woman - Aries in terms of traction to a variety, so that they are unlikely to be bored together. As for sex, the best pair cannot be wished, they are created for each other. If still a certain feeling of "festeriness" appears, the remedy will help the fresh wind of change.

Male - Taurus Also a good party for Aries, only a spoon of jealousy in a barrel with love can spoil the relationship - because of her "barus" the wedding ring may seem the link from the cautious chain. He is an ideal partner for sex for one night.

A man - the scorpion of a woman-Aries turns, as he wants, he often feels her beloved toy, which is kissing and hugging, then throw angle. Despite these sensations, Scorpio will still reach the Aries. And she, playing his love, one day can feel the indispensable, and. will remain with him.

Aries are not suitable

For a happy life with a woman, a man-based man, the scales love themselves too much, and she will not impress their cowardice and prunes at all.

The male girl is extremely important a feeling of proximity, rituals and routines - so this novel is doomed, for it is not necessary to demand from a woman - Aries discipline and subordination to the rules.

A man - the twin "Barashka" is slightly afraid, he thinks her very attractive special, but her desire for an open demonstration of his feelings and emotions scares him.

Cancers and Capricorn seem to be impulsive and slow and slow.

Assembly, confident, cheerful, vain and hot-tempered, with overestimated self-influence, but responsive and friendly. This is a fiery sign of the zodiac, which combines the personalities of strong and active, with the enormous potential and the power of the Spirit - "men in the skirt", but very feminine.

Such women are accustomed to being first and able to impose their opinions on others. They are characteristic of themselves, they love compliments. These are actresses, unpredictable and contradictory, who know perfectly well how to impress.

Azart, the spirit of adventurism, thrust for a variety of blood in women-Aries, they adore adventures, but not completely frivolous. As a rule, these women make a bet on their career, and successfully move through the career ladder, and their energy is enough for life and family. Aries generies and money spend easily without thinking with how difficult they got.

These are fervent and temperamental nature for which. In this regard, and the man needs the same - strong and passionate, which must necessarily arrange in bed.

Men who seek to link their lives with a woman-autumn, should be remembered that she will dominate in marriage, and they are prepared by the role of the second plan, which will have to tolerate its quick temper and stubbornness. Women of this sign are very independent and least consider a man as a support in life, and even more so, custody. They will never sit in the four walls, they need the environment of people, admiration and compliments.

What men are women who are compatible with women?

Women Aries And indeed the flame, the head of which is difficult to withstand. If they liked the man, they easily take the initiative in their hands, by any ways attracting attention to themselves. However, too calm and quiet men in the energy plan are difficult to be in the company Women-Aries. They may not withstand its energy, pressure and requirements, and in bed it is at all "will catch all the juices." Strong men who seen themselves only in the role of the leaders are able to emotionally utilose the Aries, who is constantly aspiring to the championship. The indomitable desire to take the top is fraught with frequent outbreaks and conflicts, and the excessive independence of Aries leads to problems that this union is able to cool.

More harmonious relationships in a woman-Aries with men, prone to adhere to the slave position. These women do not tolerate instructions, comments and critics, and therefore dream about satellites of life that would share their views on life and did not prevent the initiative in their hands, sometimes turning into the chapter of the family. On the other hand, the Men of Aries should not be quiet or losers, and to occupy a firm life position.

Woman Aries is the owner, and therefore a terrible jealous. Treason may not forgive, because it is exactly the best. In terms of life, this independent nature never holds for a man, and therefore can easily stop relations. But in general, with a loved one, women-Aries strive for a long and stable relationship. They are ambitious and for her husband become excellent assistants and the achievement of social vertices. These are optimists, ready to support your chosen one and in sorrow, and not just joy.

Sign of the zodiac Aries compatibility in the sexual sphere. General characteristics and signs of the zodiac Suitable ray.

Aries - a sign of fire, controlled by Mars, pointing to passion. The fire is connected and with spring time, bringing new life, it is impossible to quench and stop.

The passion of the Aries in spring freshness, to each new beloved refers to the first one, with an indispensable condition to be the only one for him. Much in the relationship of Aries with representatives of the opposite sex is dictated by his own and leader inclinations. Aries does not tolerate when they impose an opinion that differs from his own, therefore he does not want to listen to the advice. But he loves if his half asks and listens to his opinion and advice: thanks to this, he feels useful and significant.

Aries Sexuality in life and feelings.

The sex life of Aries usually begins early enough, but rather call it a tireless experimentator, and not an experienced connoisseur.

Aries are unpredictable, both in ordinary life and in sex: frightens demanding and aggression, then surprises attentive and tenderness, hobble in passion. And, as well as in all, in sex, he, of course, requires unceasing approval and admiration. It inspires him and he strives for new feats.

Women are bold in experiments, enchant independence, but they are sometimes absurd by freedom. At the same time, they are incredibly jealous: they will not forgive the partner what they allow themselves. Although most of their novels are just dreams.

Men are easily fond of, love strongly, caress beautifully. But the novels of their short-term - wine inherent egoism. The satellite of the Aries should be turned inside out so that only his interest to her did not weaken, then she will get a fervent adoration.

Aries is capable of strongest emotions and passions, easily falls in love and the chosen one idealizes. And encountered with a serious disadvantage, feels deceived, which leads to another disappointment. From the outside it may seem impermanence and inability to loyalty. Such an opinion of others contributes to happiness in the personal life of Aries.

Aries Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Signs of the zodiac, suitable ray. Element of Aries - Fire.

The existence of fire is not possible without air. Consequently, the most beneficial effects will be on the Aries satellites of life that occurred in the world under signs Air Element: Aquarius, and Scales.

If we take into account the impact of the planets, then the ideal satellites for Aries should become. They will complement each other harmoniously, and their family can become an unreal fortress.

A bright, unusual and successful alliance may turn out from a hot Aries with unpredictable. But in the event that Aries will be quite wise to accept Aquarius as it is, and it will be more practical and learned not to hide feelings for the mask of coldness, which is intolerant for Aries.

less.A happy union can have a rash and fiery signs -, oily and. But he will be deprived of diversity and surprises.

Fire - Fire, such pairs occur more often or until 22 years, when choosing the principle: it looks like me, or already at age, when the relationship is important precisely, and not passionate. Such an alliance is not bad when one is not 22 years old, the other is more than 40.

Zodiac signs suitable raven in exceptional cases. Fire is quenched water and earth. Therefore, the Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo (Earth), and Cancer, Fish, Scorpio (Water) may not allow the natural data of the Aries.

But from any rule there is an exception. Earth particles - dust - in the desired concentration can explode from the interaction with the fire, and the water forms steam, boiling on fire. Aries, which came to the world with large ambitions or a serious goal, connecting with earth or water, can achieve not small.

He will turn over and change the world with the help of an explosion energy that appeared in it due to the Union with the sign of the Earth. Or it will be easy to drag in life a non-promotional cargo due to the steam engine formed as a result of marriages with water elements.

The tremendous explosion of passions from earthlings can always awaken the Virgin, and the exemplable love forces will give a Water Scorpio Aries. But such unions can withtate only monumental personalities. Not so - it is better not to risk.

But these recommendations are rather a generalization. To learn real compatibility in a pair, you need to know the names, eye color, time of birth, date, hair color, nose shape, and even features of the figure of both. It is believed that knowing the necessary parameters, you can find the perfect satellite.

Sign of the zodiac Aries compatibility in solving problems

1. "Suffering from solitude"

For Aries is the absence of a person who can be conquered for a long time: attractive and inaccessible.

For happiness, the Aries should be understood that love is not hunting, but a favorite - not to game, not mining. It is worth looking around, pay attention to fans, and not wait for the meeting, which should change life and fate.

In the situation of gap or divorce, Aries should not be hurry from the beginning of a new relationship: you need to return faith in your strength, meet, communicate, engaged only by what really likes. This will return the irresistibility and make it happy.

2. "Lack of mutual understanding"

Aries often faces this because of the false impression produced by him, sometimes he himself cannot understand what he wants. Aries partner seems energetic aggressive, able to overcome any obstacles. Aries should not hide his weaknesses, shy to ask what he wants to get. You only need to control the form of requests and tone, it should not be an order. It would be worth learning to remove metal and aggression from the voice. And also - explain the actions. The argument "so necessary" is insufficient. The chosen one of the Aries, if worthy of trust, should know the causes of his actions.

3. "Interested in only sex?"

Aries partner may think the same: "I need a serious relationship, and only sex is interested." Aries does not hide that highly appreciates physical connection, but the need for mental intimacy hits.

The Aries should be talking, explained and working on themselves, since for him serious relationships are joint adventures, struggle, overcoming difficulties, for most, this is stability, calm.

4. "I love, but I'm bored"

Aries boreda does not endure. You can say, this is the only thing he is afraid. At the beginning of relations, it is usually not bored, but with the development of the situation changes. Sometimes a partner gets used to launching, does not respond to the expected way, sometimes it gives to understand: it will not endure it further. In the event of the establishment of peace and peace, Aries feels boredom and depression.

Having found common interests, hobbies, it is worth keeping the right of everyone to some autonomy. The main thing is to understand: stable relationships are fascinating no less than the conquest, quarrels and reconciliation, violent clarification. Realizing this, Aries spreads to boredom.

5. "Do not agree"

Due to the lack of diplomacy and excessive emotionality of Aries, often does not know how to conduct a constructive conversation. Any solution to the problems turns into a dispute, and there is a scandal. The Aries should be learn to negotiate: do not regret the time to listen and agree with the interlocutor at least something, not to think about his intellectual superiority, not to argue only for the sake of its "rightness", not to rush. Discussion of the problem is maintained to find her decision, the general opinion, and not to proof someone's right. Having learned to give up, without making it from this tragedy, Aries will make his life easier and more pleasant.

6. "Relationship in relationship"

Aries partner in them is not sure even more! Because Aries are unpredictable.

The habits of youth (a tendency to provocations, independence from the generally accepted rules, free relationship) impose an imprint on the nature and behavior of Aries. It grows, and habits remain. While Aries will not get rid of them, the partner will not believe in the seriousness of his intentions.

Aries feels insecurity when his partner takes independently a decision, "resting" from the authority of the Aries. It should be understood that everyone needss moments of independence, personal space. And learn to come to a compromise. And yet - the Aries should not try to prove to everyone that it is his novel - the strongest, best, romantic, passionate, in general, the most-most. Personal is personal. After overpowing to prove, will affect confidence.

7. "Constantly quit"

Aries got used to praise him, he loves it. Everything reminiscent of criticism, Aries perceives like quirks.

Aries should be followed in a different way. Perhaps the beloved person simply gives advice, indicates the direction where it is worth directing its fiery energy. You need to listen to the interlocutor: probably, he does not say: "You do bad," and tells how to do better.

And even if the relationship is already in a stable period, Aries becomes a capricious, requiring attention as a child. The chief of the Aries by his "criticism" may try to return brightness, wit, brilliance of intelligence, ingenuity, fantasy, energy inherent in the Aries at the beginning of the novel.

In any case, try to find a compromise and be tolerant. Love to you!

These are only the common characteristics of the Aries, and not something specific for the people of this sign, everything is individually.

Dear ladies, do you need a true friend who is able to bring all things to end? And a lover in which so much energy that envies the whole football team? Look for a man-Aries!

It sincerely takes care of you. Give flowers just as it will call with you on a trip. This is a tireless man, bold to the recklessness!

Aries is cheerful, active and leaning, like Marlon Bando from the famous militant! In relations with the opposite sex, the representative of this sign is very energetic and asserts. Aries is not able to declare: "Everything. I give up!" .

What women like raven

Aries is located in the first Zodiac House, which is responsible for the external beauty. Of course, the man of this sign like attractive girls. But at the same time, the chief of the Aries should conquer him not only with an excellent figure and refined outfit, but also the breadth of his views on life.

It should be noted that the quiet girls of Aries are not to taste. The partner is brighter externally and more interesting internally, the more chances of falling in love with the Aries. He does not like nebula and non-renewability.

If a man decides to understand the partner that she is not in his taste - so it is. Aries madly like sincere compliments. If there is a girl for what to praise him, then let her not be shy to do it in humans.

Opinions of astrologers

Like all people, man-Aries from time to time prone to change life principles and re-expose priorities. Astrologers believe that up to 29 years old, quick-tempered Aries can find a harmonious equilibrium with representatives of earthly signs: with calves and devices.

At the age of 30 years, each Aries has its own experience in relations with women. He is no longer so expressing stubbornness and with understanding refers to the opposite sex. Mysterious women and independent girls are seriously interested in Aries.

After 40 years, man-Aries is fully formed and does not intend to change its habits. Woman he needs easy in dealing with a priest character. Such a partner may become a girl born under the signs of the zodiac, fish and scales.

It is not necessary to detenuate that if the chosen is demonstrating meekness in relation to a man, he is not able to search for new adventures. He can just become boring.

So that this does not happen, his girlfriend needs its own circle of friends and interesting activities. Versatile personalities are very impressed by Aries.

If Aries chose you

So, your palm is already in the courageous hand of a hot Aries? Then know that you will have to face straightness and impulsivity of the new one. The man-Aries need a girl who is able to combine naturalness, but at the same time not to be easy prey.

Aries - Conqueror! There must be an intrigue between you. The freedom-loving representative of this sign will not tolerate the obsessive invasion of the partner in the zone of his personal space. The temperamental Aries will conquer a feminine girl, but with an independent temper.

If you have a similar mind warehouse, then with the greatest probability of a man-Aries put your eyes on you. If his interest breaks up and he marries you, then be prepared to be a stunning mistress, an excellent hostess and a soul of the company.

A girl or a woman of Aries enjoys a great success near the opposite sex. Men love her, because she is beautiful, smart, generous.

The challengers on the role of hand and hearts, she moves over the years, because its demands on the future spouse of the letter high. What partner needs a woman-ray? Aries husband must be energetic, enterprising and educated. On the one hand, he needs to have a strong character, and on the other hand, it is supposed to give up an energetic spouse, skillfully combine hardness and tactfulness, respect for behavior.

Due to the contradictory aspirations and the needs of Aries-Woman often involved in love relationships that make up a rapid history. It happens that she get married several times or - which is more often - enters informal relationships. Her choice is often surprised by the environment. Aries partner chooses herself, and if they really fall in love, then the opinion of others is indifferent to her.

Wife-Aries - Life in marriage: Aries attitude to her husband, family life, house

A woman born under the sign of Aries is extremely attractive, gifted by sexuality and temperament. She adores movement, having fun, gladly tells jokes and jokes. At the same time, she has a firm character, it is independent and independent. This lady wants to manage his life itself, to be for himself and the captain at the veil wheel, and the team. Dominance a stranger solution over her own for her is permissible perhaps in the short term. It happens that sometimes a woman of Aries in marriage becomes "sweet", a cute woman, but this role does not like her. Liana's wife, who's upside down around her husband, who is the center of the Universe for her - this is a real horror for a typical representative of such a sign of the zodiac.

As a wife, Aries brilliantly controls the house. Even if she dedicates her career to the soul and body, there will always be order in her four walls, and in the kitchen - delicious and useful dishes. Such a mother will never miss the parent meeting. This is a woman who rarely get tired, rises in the early morning and cheerfully stimulates its family to perform daily duties. When she leaves, there is a unpleasant silence in the house, because it really lacks her short clear orders, jokes and cheerfulness. Woman Aries and in his personal life, in marriage has amazing organizational abilities, can make a wonderful repair, building a house or a hike with tents somewhere very far.

Woman Aries Married: Problems, Quarrels, Parting, Divorce

The Horoscope of the wife argues that the best in the case of a woman-autumn will be marriage based on the principles of genuine partnership. If the Aries husband gives himself too quickly sitting on the neck, then he will immediately lose respect, and the marriage gradually begins to collapse. However, if he treats a spouse as a soldier to whom the general gives orders, his wife will quickly cover rage, and the marriage of the Aries will open instantly.

Aries woman in marriage copes with his role of his wife, hostess, mother wonderful. Unfortunately, the husbands of Aries eventually forget what kind of treasure got. And Aries, like every woman, wants her daily efforts to be appreciated. The horoscope warns: it happens that the Aries-wife at middle age precisely because of the lack of praise flows into the despondency and even apathy.

In everyday life, a married woman Aries does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy, this person is very sincere and honest. Treason, betrayal she will not forgive. And if the crisis has occurred in the relationship, then in the case of a naughty, it is necessary to put up and act exclusively calmly, patiently and tactfully. How does the woman-Aries broke up otherwise? The wounded in the heart, it becomes a quiet, militant, desperate and even dangerous. Woman Aries will not allow insults, and in an open battle with her a man will die sooner or later, for it is determined in his actions in his actions and is consistent.