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How to activate the southwest sector. East is a zone of happy family life according to Feng Shui. Tips for organizing space for activating the travel and help areas

In this article, you will learn:

Feng Shui Northwest considered the helper sector. Their presence in life depends not only on the ease of doing any work. The meaning of this concept in the Chinese mantle has a broader meaning.

Which element is responsible for the north-west

The element of the northwest zone is Metal. She has a powerful energy and is able to influence a person's life in the most unpredictable way. In Feng Shui, there are several rules that help to cooperate with the elements without prejudice to your own well-being:

  1. It is advisable to put with this sides of the apartment furniture or other items with clear geometric outlines.
  2. Paired items must be placed symmetrically. This will help the Chi energy to move without stagnation and will create a constant flow of helpers into the life of the home owner.
  3. It is not necessary to install a hearth (stove, fireplace, etc.) in the north-western sector of the dwelling. The energy of Fire as an element destroys metal and can interfere with the fulfillment of a person's desires associated with the work of the sector of assistants.

The basic rule of Feng Shui teaching is to harmonize the common space and activate the zone of each sector of the apartment so that the energy passes freely throughout its entire area. Therefore, other areas of the apartment will also have to be properly equipped.

You can define the travel zone and assistants using destinations in Gua... To do this, you need to take a simple tourist compass and find out the location own apartment or at home in relation to the cardinal points. Stand facing north approximately in the center of the room. The northwest zone will be in the front left corner. In the same way, you can define the travel sector in each individual room. In relation to the main entrance to the premises, the zone will always be on the right.

The meaning of this zone in Feng Shui

The name of the sector of assistants makes it clear that when it is activated, some patrons should appear in a person's life. It can be Good friends, who will always provide support in a difficult situation, or influential persons, on whose participation the speed of solving some problems depends. But Chinese philosophy also includes numerous good deities of the Buddhist pantheon among the forces helping a person. For a European, such help from above can be symbolized by a guardian angel, a good spirit or Lucky case depending on religion.

A man can also serve as an assistant for a single woman. If a girl is haunted by failures in her personal life, then the activation of the assistant zone can lead to changes. The ability to find support and accept help also depends on the correct flow of Chi energy in the patron zone.

Revitalization northwest in Feng Shui sometimes leads to amazing gifts of fate that a person does not even expect: from the desire of children to please their mother with self-cleaning to an unexpected inheritance. Most often, such help comes when it is most needed.

The sector also has another meaning: travel. This means not only an abundance of impressions from changing places and visiting new countries and cities. The activation of the patron and travel zone helps to quickly eliminate from life that which should not interfere with it. Unpleasant situations, unwanted people will not be able to stay for a long time in the close environment of a person who is attentive to the corresponding zone in his apartment.

Tips for organizing space for activating the travel and help areas

To vitality Moved freely through the dwelling, without stagnating in the north-western corner, it is necessary to organize it in accordance with the requirements of Feng Shui:

  1. It is not recommended to arrange a boiler room or kitchen in the northwest. This is especially important to consider when building your own cottage or country house... The apartment should not be installed in this sector even electric heaters... But the layout of housing in an urban high-rise building may be unsuccessful, and the kitchen will be in the patron zone. To reduce the destructive effect of the elements of Fire (stove), you can include a large number of metal parts in the interior (for example, decorate a high-tech kitchen).
  2. If the bedroom is located in the area of ​​patrons and travelers, the landlord may never have a permanent partner. It is advisable to change the purpose of the room or activate the Bagua sectors for a particular room. It should be remembered that it is better to place the bed in the center, in the health zone.
  3. Metal decor will help to activate the northwest sector. Desirable metallic shades light colors: silver, chrome or nickel. Yellow metal for this zone is less desirable.
  4. If in the patron sector there is a door to the toilet or the bathroom itself occupies the north-western part of the apartment, then the owners of the dwelling are unlikely to be able to live in abundance. Any help or chance for good luck, received by the action of the energy of life, will literally quickly "merge into the sewer", i.e. even the given chance cannot be properly used. It is best to change an unsuccessful apartment by choosing a new home taking into account the requirements of Feng Shui.

For those who want to visit some important places and countries for him, it is recommended to make a map of desires with the designation of the sectors of Bagua. By pasting images of these places in the travel zone, you can get a chance to go there in the near future.

NORTH - WEST - defined as a travel zone, helpers!
The main element of this zone is - Metal... The main nutritional element is Earth. Weakening element - Fire. Weakening - the destructive elements of this zone - water and wood. Colors - white and all colors of metals: silver, gold, copper, brass, bronze, platinum. For this zone, hallways, halls and rooms without a particularly specific purpose are suitable!

The Northwest Zone has two fundamental purposes: helping in the acquisition of important patrons, teachers, gurus, assistants for the advancement and development in life and in career as well. And the second is the promotion of the set goals in terms of travel, trips, active perception of everything new.

It is believed that by correctly activating this zone, you will be able to receive the necessary information on time, a favorable attitude and positive decisions in favor of your ideas and projects from the right people... It will become much easier to negotiate with colleagues, family and friends, ask them for help and receive it, turning life not into stress, but on the contrary into an easy, smooth and non-stop process of being. The planned trips will be more successful than ever: the road will be easy, the hotel will be cozy and comfortable, the vacation will be unforgettable, as you dreamed. In addition, there are frequent cases when the activation of the northwest became the reason for offers and gifts in the form of upcoming travels, issues with visas and other documents were easily and quickly resolved, and it was possible to purchase a good tour at a very pleasant price.

The following talismans are suitable for the northwest zone:

FACES OF SAINTS, ICONS - Many of us have icons in the house, the faces of saints for which sometimes special prayer corners, tables, etc. are assigned. So the north-western zone is the best suited for their location. It is here that the channel of communication with higher forces will be much cleaner and clearer, it is here that prayers acquire the highest degree of their power.

PICTURE OF IDOLS - of course, for many believers, the commandment "do not make yourself an idol" is a rather serious parting word, but I used this word more in an allegorical sense. After all, every person is surrounded or "on TV" (friend, parents, relative, boss, colleague, business coach, singer or TV presenter, a successful politician) people, talents, courage, whose merits we admire, and we take their achievements and best qualities for an example. Here we are talking about such people. In the northwest zone, it is favorable to place a photo or poster of the person you are trying to be equal to. This will help you to get closer to the development of the necessary qualities in yourself and the development of those character traits that previously did not allow you to get closer to the cherished goals.

ANGEL FIGURINE - who, if not a guardian angel, steps after you on the trail, who else, if not he, lives with you every day and every mine of life, protecting and protecting from troubles and losses. An angel, your first helper is always and in everything; therefore, it is the northwest zone that will help to activate his power and make the angel stronger.

MOUNTAIN PICTURE - very suitable for the northwest zone. In difficult moments of life, when you feel that you have stopped in your development, that there are no more strengths, aspirations, desires, despondency has seized you and you see no prospects or a way out - this talisman will start working. The mountain will help you overcome all these difficult moments of life, will not allow you to get stuck at one stage of life and will gently transfer the current situation to another plane, where the problems will no longer seem so terrible and hopeless. (The main thing when choosing such a picture is not to forget that for this zone water is a destructive element; accordingly, the mountain landscape should be deserted, without any signs of water.) If your office goes to the northwest zone - great, you can tell a picture with a mountain behind back, it will help you quickly go through troubles, leaving them literally and figuratively "behind your shoulders."

SILVER BUSINESS CARD- an excellent attribute for being located in the area of ​​assistants, because it contains the necessary contacts on which the outcome of matters that are important for you sometimes depends. By selecting the northwest zone for the business card holder, you can attract the right people into your life who can help you move forward. career ladder and in the promotion of their own ideas and projects.

MAGIC WHITE ENVELOPE - Have you thought of a new business, are you running some kind of project ?! Gather all the materials related to him and put them in a white envelope. Put it in a secluded place in the "assistants" zone and say something like the following: "My project is accepted ...." by such and such people "(name the names), my project is being implemented easily and successfully, my project brings me maximum pleasure and high income."

CRYSTAL OBJECTS, CRYSTALS - any variations of crystal objects are acceptable for this area. They harmonize space, balance desires with your capabilities and will not allow imbalance in life between any spheres of life.

WIND MUSIC WITH SIX METAL TUBES - the number 6 is the number of the northwest, and metal is its main element, therefore the wind chime in such a variation is suitable for this zone and will help the emergence of unexpected, pleasant moments in terms of personal development and at the same time will extinguish outbreaks of setbacks and troubles.

A PICTURE OF FAR COUNTRIES - the travel zone, of course, assumes the appropriate recharge, therefore any images of different countries, places where you dream to go should be located here. This will strengthen your desire in such a way that it turns into a conscious intention and is reinforced by actions and accompanying positive events.

FIGURINE OF THE COUNTRY LEADER KUAN - KUNG - the commander Kuan Kung is a symbol of the protection of the house, he is a real warrior (although he is elevated to the rank of a saint) who will not allow enemies to get into your house and somehow harm. In addition, he will patronize people who have lofty goals in front of them and are striving to achieve something significant in life. He is especially good at helping the military, businessmen and politicians.

PAIR OF DOLPHINS - for a rare person, a dolphin will not cause a smile, everyone knows that with these animals you don't really need to find mutual language, they themselves will reach out to you and find an approach. Therefore, dolphin figurines located in the northwest zone will help you to become more sociable, simple and pleasant to talk to. They will begin to listen and hear around you, interaction will be pleasant and easy, and there will always be people in your environment who are ready to support you and lend you a friendly shoulder. In addition, dolphins are famous travelers, in this area they will also be able to help you !!!

Love feng shui talismans - know how to use them correctly!

Consider what the western sector of Feng Shui is:

The dominant element is Metal

Power element Earth

Damaging element Fire

Weakening element Water

Trigram, sector number Dui, number 7

Auspicious colors White, silver, gold, yellow

Favorable shapes Round, oval, square

Hazardous symbols Candles, fireplace, red and green colors, triangular shapes, excess water symbols


Elephant. In feng shui, the elephant is one of the favorite talismans that brings good luck to the owners of the house. It is believed that the presence of these good giants ensures the fulfillment of all desires. In addition, elephants strengthen the children's sector. It is best to have a pair of elephants. This will provide support and care for the younger generation. You can hang a picture of an elephant either in the west or next to front door... Please make sure that the elephant "looks" inside the apartment, and not out! This will be a symbol that good luck has arrived and is already at home. It is most important. Remember, if something doesn't work out the way you want it, then it’s better for you. You are protected by higher powers. Maybe you have a completely different purpose in life than raising children.

As for purely feng shui advice, I want to remind you: the only way to receive something is to imagine that it is already in your life. For example, if you dream of a child, then, contrary to the popular belief that you cannot buy everything in advance, start buying children's things. Like to like! You can hang angels in the western sector of Feng Shui, and put children's toys next to them, as if you already have children. If you want a baby, then keep in mind that during this period you should not vacuum under the bed where you sleep. Classic feng shui also warns against major overhauls, drilling walls and hammering in nails. The birth of a new life does not like unbalanced energy. o Try using affirmations.

Affirmations to expand creativity and harmonious relationships with children in the practice of Feng Shui.

Inside me, in my soul, there is a source of creativity. I got it by birthright. Every minute my life is filled with creativity, I myself create my life at my will.

I am able to create, I am able to create something new, something that did not exist before me, and I do it all the time. Every moment of my life gives me an opportunity for creativity. Everything that is around me is created by the creative power given to me by nature. My children, my family, my home, my work, my hobbies are the field of my creative activity, and every day the garden of my creativity blooms more and more magnificently, and my life becomes more exciting and interesting.

Powerful creative forces doze in my chest and are just waiting for the moment to break out. This moment has come, I no longer need to restrain my creative powers, they break out and create a new wonderful world in me and around me. Every day I discover new possibilities for creativity in myself, I see how you can transform your life and saturate every moment of life with great meaning, if you approach it creatively.

I am constantly and actively realizing my creative essence. I express myself in creativity in the ways that I like best and that bring more satisfaction. I like the fruits of my creativity, and I know that I need my creativity, the world needs it, people need it, and what I do is always in demand.

I am not afraid of changes in my life. I myself create for myself a life in which my creative possibilities are most fully realized.

I like to create new things. I choose to create. I create joy for myself and others. My children are an extension of me, they are the fruit of my creativity, but they are also individuals, and I respect the personality of my child, loving him, letting him be himself.

The birth of a child is a miracle. I easily and joyfully let this miracle and this happiness into my life. I continue to learn and grow spiritually with my children. Mine are getting stronger every day friendly relations with children, we respect each other and trust each other.

Every day my relationship with children is becoming warmer and more harmonious. Mutual understanding reigns between us. I love my child, and he loves me. We have a calm, warm, joyful relationship.

I am in complete harmony with my child.

My love is a powerful protective force for my child. I surround him with an atmosphere of my love, and this makes him invulnerable. He is always cheerful, healthy and unharmed.

In the depths of my soul still lives Small child... I love him, approve of everything in him, I give him the right to be who he is, always support him and listen to his opinion. I let him play, wonder at the world, be alive and spontaneous. I smile at him and send him the warmth of my heart every day. My child is always protected by Divine power! I am calm for him. Me and my child are always lucky!

Feng Shui northwest is the sector for assistants and travel. Correct organization spaces in will provide you with powerful patrons and loyal friends who will support you throughout your life. Let's talk about the features of the arrangement and activation of this zone in accordance with the canons of Eastern philosophy.

The element of the northwest zone and its features

First of all, these are:

  1. Getting help and support higher powers, the ability to always be under their invisible protection. Activating the energy in the assistant and travel sector will provide you with powerful support throughout your life.
  2. The number of loyal friends and powerful patrons who will be in your environment. How stronger energy northwest zone, the more useful and pleasant people will appear around you.
  3. Trips. Their quantity and quality. If the energy in the travel zone is not enough, you will constantly have obstacles on the way to visit the desired countries, go on vacation and get new experiences.
  4. This sector indirectly affects love. If there is not enough energy, a man will not appear in your environment, who can become a life partner. This will happen simply because the social circle is small, and new people will stop meeting you.

If you strive for an active social life, want to be in the spotlight, dream of your opinion to be authoritative and respected, it is very important to activate the helper and travel zone.

Organization of space and activation of the assistant and travel zone

Now let's figure out how to activate the energy in the north-west of the apartment so that it does not stagnate and move freely through space.

First, let's look at the most common problems when organizing space:

  1. If the northwest is absent and not activated, then there will never be a man in the house. This is a typically feminine dwelling that lacks masculine energy. If a girl gets married, then her husband will either get sick often, or leave her sooner or later.
  2. If the sector is located in the bathroom, the man in the house will not be able to earn enough money to meet the needs of the family. There will always be financial difficulties, the head of the family will not be able to realize himself in his career.
  3. If the kitchen is in this area, it is extremely dangerous. The head of the family is at gunpoint: he can die early and constantly endanger his life and health.

The “wrong” sector threatens with big problems in the financial sphere of the family, so it is important to activate it correctly.

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According to the traditions of Chinese feng shui teachings, children attract into the house and fill it with the most precious vital energy Qi. A home with children is considered fortunate and very attractive to her. Therefore, feng shui places great emphasis on the energies associated with children.

The sector (or division) responsible for good luck and happiness of children(any - ours, strangers, future and present) is the West... The western sector of the house or room is the children's zone. In addition, the western direction is responsible for creativity, so it is recommended to activate it for all people whose activities, professional or individual, are related to creativity. And we would like to dwell in more detail on the recommendations to improve the quality of life of both children and parents and on ways to harmonize the western zone.

Using a compass, determine where the west is in your home (you can determine the appropriate zone both in general - in a house, apartment, and in a separate room - for example, in a nursery or living room) - this will be the sector responsible for the well-being of your child (or children, if you have several), in feng shui it is called the zone of children and creativity.

By activating a specific area, we attract specific energies. Thus, by energizing the west, we attract happiness and good luck to your children and harmonize the relationship between children and parents, as well as stimulate the energies of creativity. Let us now consider how we can achieve this.

No matter how trite it sounds, the most important thing for the zone to work is it's cleanliness and order... Your western sector should be free of dust and dirt, clutter, rubbish and blockages of things.

Any zone effectively activated by highlighting: place the sconce in the western part of the room, or desk lamp and let them burn in the evening for at least 3 hours (this recommendation is relevant for any other zone: to activate the wisdom zone, we highlight the northeast, love and harmony - the southwest, luck and success - the south, and so on). In general, luck and happiness are attracted by bright light - if you want to be successful and successful in everything, try to keep your house brightly lit in the dark for at least 3 hours, without dark rooms, nooks and corners - luck and success are very fond of bright light.

You can activate the children's sector using incense suitable for this area - incense sticks, aroma lamps. Smells are very strong conductors and magnets for attracting the corresponding energies of the universe. To activate the children's zone, the following aromas can be recommended - geranium, grapefruit, jasmine, ylang-ylang, calendula, camphor, cedar, coconut, cinnamon, lavender, incense, lily, lemongrass, tangerine, honey, morgue, nutmeg, mint, rosemary, chamomile, eucalyptus. Also use aroma sticks "Mother and Child", "Little Angel" (you can buy them in specialized stores). The smoking of these aromas, which are effective for the western zone, will in itself favor the increase and strengthening of energies beneficial for children and parents.

The western zone can be activated using the appropriate paintings and images- drawings, photographs, engravings, minting. The energies of the West can be effectively enhanced using the following images:

  • pictures, drawings and photographs of children, children's drawings, images of animals (that is, animals - babies), the image of the trigram Dui;
  • stylized Chinese paintings depicting children - for example, a child with a peach, a boy with a sparrow, or the famous Chinese painting, which is called that - 100 children, it depicts exactly 100 babies, joyfully
  • playing in front of the house, very powerful talisman... The ideal location for this painting is the western wall of the living room - in this case, it is like powerful magnet will attract good luck both to your children and to yourself, filling your home with the most valuable pure yang energy, and also greatly enhance your luck in offspring.

In general, images and figures of children will be brought into your home a large number of pure yang energies.

Feng Shui mascots for the children's area

To energize the West zone, you must use the appropriate talismans. The following rules apply here:

The ruling element western zone is Metal(therefore, any metal objects will activate the energies of this sector).

Trigram Western zone - Blow.

West number - 7 .

Favorable colors- white and all shades of metallic: silver, gold, copper, steel, as well as yellow.

Favorable shapes are oval, round and square.

Favorable talismans for the western sector are crystals, a crystal egg, bells, both ordinary and airy (wind chimes), moving toys (mobiles), and so on.

Elephant - a great talisman for the children's area, protecting, protecting and supporting your young generation. An image or figurine of an elephant can be placed in the west and (or) put a couple of elephants with raised trunks next to the front door (while you must remember that your elephants should look inside the room, and not outside, this will symbolically mean that good luck has come and is already there in the house The elephant as a talisman in your children's room will bring them great luck.

Toddler figurines in feng shui they are considered powerful energizers of the western sector and are used very often. Among them are the following:

An excellent energizer for the western zone - "The music of wind"(air bells) of 7 metal tubes, located in the western sector by the wall. Such variants of "wind chime" are especially favorable, in which the upper part, where the metal tubes are attached, is made in the form of the roof of a pagoda or a “heavenly circle” - a solid circle or circle to which 7 tubes are attached.

Moving mobiles are a great symbol of a continuous flow of beneficial energies and a wonderful activator of your living space.

Insofar as the element of the West is Metal, then any metal object of your taste and discretion, from the most exquisite and expensive to the simplest, can activate this zone. Again, you can use any metal - gold, silver, steel, copper, aluminum, iron, cupronickel, of your choice, or imitation of metal products.

One of the simplest, but very effective talismans for this sector is as follows: take 7 metal coins and place them in the indicated sector - this will attract good luck and success to your children.

Children's photographs or children's drawings on the west wall will bring great luck to your children and will brilliantly energize the energies of creativity. If you do not have children, place beautiful, bright and funny postcards or pictures with children in this sector.

Frames for photographs, drawings and paintings should be metallic colors - white or any shade of metallic - silver, gold, copper, and the like.

The crystal globe is a wonderful symbol of wisdom, knowledge, stimulates interest in science, success in learning, in its action it is similar to crystals.

The colors themselves are wonderful talismans, strengthening the flow of energies, attracting and enlivening them. For the children's zone, the mascot colors are the already mentioned white and all metallic shades - silver, gold, steel, copper and the like. To activate this sector, you can also use earthy colors - various shades of yellow and brown, ocher. Use the listed colors in the decor of rooms in the western part of the house or apartment, when choosing decorations, fabrics, dishes and so on ... In relation to the red color in this sector, you should be careful not to overdo it.

Unfavorable symbols for the Ba-gua children's area

Symbols unfavorable for the sector of children and creativity are - a fireplace (do not place it in the western part of the house or separate rooms, this will worsen the luck of your children and complicate relations with them), candles, triangular shapes, red and green colors, symbols of water in significant quantities. Avoid all of this in the west of your home.

Using metal objects do not forget that they should not cause feelings of aggression or suppression; avoid decorating your home with knives, daggers, swords and other weapons.

Creating good feng shui in the house, activating the children's area, using personal favorable directions for your child will help him grow up healthy, strong, calm, and will also ensure that your children remain a loving part of the family. A home filled with auspicious, clean energies, dominated by good feng shui, usually very rarely encounters the problems of naughty or "difficult" children.