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How to make a magnet more powerful. Where to get a neodymium magnet. Making magnets from salt dough with your own hands

Neodymium magnets in our time densedly replaced simple. They are made of ndfeb metals alloy, characterized by large magnetic properties. Result: The device is better than magnetite and much more resistant to demagnetization, unlike the usual one.

What can be made from a neodymium magnet, consider in the material.

The first thing comes to mind is the production of toys and puzzles from this alloy. As a rule, for these purposes it is not the strongest magnet, which is made in the form of balls. Crafts from a magnet can be drawn up in various figures and from neodymium can be formed complex sculptural forms in miniature. But it is important to remember that such a toy is forbidden to give children up to 6 years.

A pair of magnets, which turned out in the stomach or intestines, can hook the esophagus walls, which in turn will entail perforation, and the victim will inevitably be in the hospital.

You can make different locks from the magnet from the magnet. A pair of medium magnitia magnets can be used as a vice. The use of alloy, in this case, is much more practical, in contrast to the vice metal. Details of non-standard forms will be fixed more reliable.

For car enthusiasts, this alloy is generally indispensable and can be used very diverse. For example, not everyone knew that the magnet can be used to filter oil in the oil filter. If you install it on a drain plug in a movable crankcase, then the entire metal garbage will accumulate at the installation site, which will subsequently facilitate its removal.

With the help of magnets it is convenient to search for small metal objects: for example, needles or pins on the carpet darkest. Neodymium can be used to search for metals in Earth or various communications in the walls.

The device is suitable for magnetizing various items made of steel, such as screwdrivers, needles and not only. With it, a tool or other steel inventory is recorded. Properly installed magnetic holders will help correctly distribute the tool in the workshop or even in the kitchen. In addition, the alloy of such power can be magnified even the old demagnetic magnet.

It is often used to format information on electronic media. Information with video and audio cassettes, as well as from a hard disk and from credit cards with a powerful magnetic field is permanently removed.

Options for using magnets in everyday life

Neodymium magnet is widely used in everyday life. The main thing is to be able to show fantasy. There are standard methods, and very interesting use methods.

Amazing shelf for spices

To spices are always at hand and did not occupy a lot of space, you can construct a special shelf using neodyms. To do this, you will need:

  1. Metal jars with a transparent lid.
  2. Magnet from neodymium with a diameter of 1.5x6 mm.
  3. Epoxy resin.
  4. 100th grain odds.

We process the bottom of the jackets outside and with the help of a resin we stick magnets. After that, they will be reliably held on any metal surface.

Lifehak: Metal surface can be created independently. Just attach to the usual coating metal plate. If it is missing, use what is. For example, the door of the refrigerator. At the same time we recommend familiar with the master class to create without dust and worries.

It turns out beautiful and gently.

Scissors and household tools at hand

Knives, scissors and other household utensils can also be attached to neodymium locks. To do this, it is enough to choose a suitable place, create a strip from a magnet and set. And then the kitchen utensils will always be at hand.

By the way, for this you can use magnets from speakers, most importantly, it is beautifully issued.

Method of storage of beer

So that the beer package does not occupy an excess space in your refrigerator, you can simply hang the bottles to the ceiling of the refrigerator. Just getting a tape with magnets and attach it.

The magnet power will be enough to keep the bottles reliably.

Orangery using magnets

To surround yourself with home plants, it is not necessary to acquire large pots and put them on the shelves. It is enough to create small containers, for example, from traffic jams and plant favorite plants.

After that, to locate around yourself in such a way as you like more.

Opener for bachelor

Such adaptations will appreciate any man who does not have a woman in the house. A decorative plate with a beer opener is installed on the wall, on which the magnet is fixed on the reverse side.

Now you do not have to collect traffic jams all over the apartment - they will remain on the opening. By the way, this will create some collection of drunk.

Decision on wearing tools for masters

So that the tools and fittings are always at hand you can make magnetic bracelets and belts in which the alloy will be inside. This will allow the belt on the belt is not a very heavy tool, but on the bracelets to sculpt fittings.

And since the magnet has healing properties, then you get an additional bonus.

Space for triggers

Any beauty has a huge number of studs, but, as a rule, they are often lost. Therefore, you can attach a magnetic tape inside the wardrobe or on the wall of the cosmetic bag, and then all the hairpins will always be in one place.

Shelf for cosmetics and women's accessories

This device is also created on the principle of the shelf for spices.

A steel surface and magnets, glued to the bottom of cosmetic cases, will be required. A similar surface is installed next to which hooks are attached with the help of neodymium. They can hang their decorations.


Next to the exit (in the hallway), the magnetic panel and key rings are installed on the wall. Keys will never be lost again.

Also, these panels can be attached lighters and other little things that may be required to you outside.

Nothing to forget

With the help of magnetic holders, you can leave notes or write a list of cases for tomorrow, after which it is fixed on the most prominent place. This will allow not to forget the little things and always remember what needs to be done.

Order in childhood

Toys with magnets installed in them are easier to store on metal surfaces. Thus, the child will become more interesting to carry out cleaning in the room, which will help to achieve a long-awaited order in the nursery.

Study without leaving home

Every child needs to learn, but the time has passed when the children wrote on the desks. Now you can make a marker board for a child, on which there will be a magnetic panel. You can attach all the necessary tools to study.

Lego do it yourself

You can make or order small details of various shapes and sizes, glue them magnets and on a large metal surface to create a wide variety of designs.

These figures can be constructed with each other, which will allow a small creator to develop in a creative key.

Healthy sleep on a magnetic pillow

Orthopedic magnetic pillow will allow fully rest during sleep. But before it uses it is necessary to consult with the doctor, since there is a contraindication. For example, the presence of a pacemaker in a patient.

Magnet can be used for various things, the area of \u200b\u200bits use is almost immense and the properties of this alloy are of great importance when used. In the skillful hands, you can make a huge number of desired and useful things and accessories.

Video: Cool Lifehaca with magnets

Magnets greatly facilitate life. Look in the video as immediately apply the knowledge gained in practice!

The man first met the magnet in antiquity. However, very quickly this natural stone stopped satisfying the needs of people. It was then that the technology of manufacturing magnets was developed. Of course, a lot of time has passed since then. The technology has changed significantly, and now it has the opportunity to make a magnet at home. For this you do not need to possess special skills and knowledge. Enough have all the necessary materials and tools at hand. So, the manufacture of the magnet is as follows.

Magnetic materials

All materials capable of magnetization can be divided into magnetic and magnetically solid. There is a significant difference between them. Thus, magnetic materials retain magnetic properties for long.

You can conduct an experiment: spend several times by strong magnet iron shelters. As a result, the material will acquire properties to attract other metal objects. However, the manufacture of possessing these abilities is impossible in this case.

Magnetically solid materials

Such materials are obtained as a result of magnetization of an ordinary piece of iron. In this case, the properties are saved much longer. However, they completely disappear when the subject is impaired quite solid surface. Also destroyed if you heat the material up to 60 degrees.

What do you need


Making permanent magnets at home - the process is quite simple. However, when using certain schemes, accuracy should be accurate.

The most powerful of permanent magnets is the neodymium. It is possible to make it at home, however, it requires a billet from rare-earth metal - neodymium. In addition, boron and iron alloy apply. Such a billet is magnetized in a magnetic field. It is worth noting that such a product has a huge force and loses only 1 percent of its properties over a hundred years.

Employees of the site sometimes ask how to make a neodymium magnet with their own hands. Let us try to figure out how much it is possible, and that in general is the process of producing such products.

Thus, the devices sold by us consist of an alloy, which consists of 70% from iron and almost 30% from boron. Only some interests in its composition fall on a rare-earth metal neodymium, whose natural deposits are extremely rare in nature. Most of them fall on China, they are still in several countries, including in Russia.

Before making neodymium magnets, manufacturers create forms for them from sand. Then, the tray with forms are glued with gas and are thermal processing, because of which the sand hardens and retains future outlines of the metal blank on its surface. In these forms, a hot metal will be placed later, from which, actually the necessary products will be obtained.

Now let's look at how the neodymium magnet make. In contrast to ferromagnetic products, the metal does not melt here, but sins from a powder mixture placed in an inert or vacuum medium. Then the obtained magnetoplast is pressed with simultaneous exposure to it electromagnetic field of a certain intensity. As we see, even at the initial stage of production, it is noticeable that the question of how to make neodymium magnets at home, sounds inappropriate. Operations and equipment used are too complex. Creating such conditions at home is hardly possible.

After the billets are getting out of the forms, they are machined - thoroughly polished, then their firing is performed to improve the coercive force of products.

Finally, we approach the last stages that will help finally answer the question of how neodymium magnets make. The sintered ndfeb alloy is re-finished on the machine by means of a special tool. When working, the cooling lubricant is used to exclude overheating or powder ignition.

A protective coating is applied to the magnets. This is due, firstly, the fact that the sintered metals are quite fragile and they need to be strengthened, and, secondly, the metal will be protected from corrosion processes and other exposure to the external environment. So manufacturers are concerned about how to make a neodymium magnet more durable and durable. The coating can be copper, nickel, zinc. At the last phase of the production process, magnetization is applied by means of a strong magnetic field. Further - they are sent to the warehouse, and from there to buyers.

So, after we have more or less in detail reviewed the production process, it became clear that, probably, it is not necessary to seriously wonder how to make a neodymium magnet at home. " After all, this requires not only the presence of certain knowledge, but many of the most complex aggregates.

How to completely demagnet the neodymium magnet

Neodymium magnets enjoy great success in the modern industry and when solving a number of household problems. If the buyer (for example), with delivery in Piter, chose strong magnets, but violated the storage conditions or transportation, as a result of which they glued together with each other, it may be necessary to carry out the correction procedure. The same action may also be needed in other cases when it is necessary that the product has lost its qualities.

The process can be carried out in various ways, including using the factory equipment, and decide how to unagine a neodymium magnet is necessary, taking into account its capabilities.

The loss of the properties of attracting metal objects can occur both naturally and when conducting a number of actions. In compliance with the rules of operation and storage, the quality of neodymium elements is preserved for 100 years or more, and ferrite analogues continue to attract metal for 8-10 years. Mccognition of neodyms is naturally inappropriate if necessary to perform a procedure for a new item.

Heating Product

This method is used both in industrial and living conditions: if the magnet is made of a standard neodymium alloy with a boron and iron, it will lose the properties when placed in boiling at 80 degrees Celsius water or in case of contact with the surface heated to the specified temperature. If we are talking about the product with increased resistance to thermal drops, to fulfill the procedure in domestic conditions is unlikely to: neodymium Magnetic Magnetization Temperature With such properties - 200 degrees Celsius. For the procedure in such cases, special industrial equipment is used.

Mechanical actions

Neodymium may lose its qualities as a result of a strong directional impact, for example, impact: This material has a powder structure, which is destroyed when falling from height or when exposed to shock equipment. In addition, demagnetization can happen by chance in the process of drilling or cutting a magnet: it is an excessive mechanical pressure or an increase in the product temperature without forced cooling.

External magnetic effect

Most often, if there is an opportunity to use industrial equipment of high power, use another magnet, which allows you to form a field with an induction force of about 4 Tesla. The neodymium magnet is demagned in a matter of seconds, so this method, despite the technological complexity, is distinguished by the rapid achievement of the result.

How to magnetize the modest neodymium

If the demagnetization of the element happened randomly, and it is necessary to return the product of its properties, it is impossible to perform this at home. To restore the neodymium magnet, the use of a product that is capable of creating a very powerful field is required, and for this, professional installations used in creating such objects are used.

Usually, if it is required to return the properties of the configuration for a particular element, turn to the plant, which specializes in the production of such products.

Is it possible to do something so that the magnet has become stronger?

In the event that the neodymium is modified, used in domestic purposes, often a more appropriate solution will be the purchase of a new element. The cost of work on magnetization varies depending on the necessary properties and pricing policy of concrete production.

Application of neodymium magnet

These products are available for various shapes and sizes, they are used for the following tasks:

  • Creating a clamping effect, fixing metal elements with each other. With the help of neodymium magnets, you can fix the antenna, a car number, a sign, a different metal part, a device or a whole mechanism.
  • Filtration of oil systems in cars and other techniques: Neodymium magnets allow you to easily and quickly remove the metal chips.
  • Creation of magnetic locks, fasteners used in industrial sectors and domestic purposes.
  • Search works related to the finding of metal objects (search for treasures, historical values, weapons, demining work, etc.).
  • Restoration of other magnetic elements: With the help of a neodymium element, you can create a magnetic field that will return the product to its property to attract metal.
  • Removing information recorded on diskettes, disks, flash drives and other electronic media, for safety reasons.
  • Creation of universal application devices (hangers, fixtures for stirring, compasses, etc.).
  • Construction of current generators that can be used as experimental models or devices suitable for domestic use.
  • Creating decorations: Neodymium can have a different shape and size, the balls from this material often give a chrome coating, they can be painted in different colors.
  • Water treatment with the help of magnetic effects, as a result of which the formation of scale is reduced, and the fluid itself acquires an improved taste and smell.
  • Air conditioning combustible, which reduces fuel consumption for auto and motorcycles.
  • Sorting small metal objects to be removed from a variety of non-metallic products.


Neodymium magnets are products that are widely used in commercial, industrial and domestic activities, they are distinguished by high lifting capacity, excellent properties of attracting and durability. Before demaging neodymium magnets, it is important to make sure that you have the necessary equipment: This requires either an industrial installation, or a device for heating at least up to 80 degrees. The magnetization of the rareral products has rarely happens more appropriate, but if necessary, order a procedure, contacting the manufacturer.

Increase the power of the magnet

Magnetizing device with your own hands

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How to strengthen the magnet

Any permanent magnet can be simply magnetized by placing it in a certain way in an external magnetic field. The increase in electromagnets is due to an increase in the current of the winding or the number of its turns.

You will need

  • - a set of permanent magnets;
  • - glue;
  • - current source;
  • - Isolated wire.


  • Take a permanent magnet. Place it in an external magnetic field, which is stronger than the magnetic field of the magnet itself. It can be created by another, more powerful permanent magnet, and can be electromagnet. Continue to keep the magnet in this field for some time and its magnetic properties will improve. For each magnet, its amplification depends on the set of factors, therefore the effectiveness of such a method cannot be predicted.
  • To enhance a permanent magnet, combine it with other magnets, in this case the field will increase in proportion to the number of magnets. Magnets connect with each other so that the poles of the same name are equally oriented.

    How to strengthen the magnet

    Since at the same time they will be repelled, so they need to be glued.

  • When a certain temperature is reached, the magnetic properties of the permanent magnet disappear. This point is called the point of Curie. But the cooling of the magnet to the temperature is significantly lower than the point of Curie does not increase its strength, since this transition is phase, that is, hoppy.
  • The electromagnet is an electrotechnic steel core with an insulated wire wound. Increase its magnetic force in two ways. The first is to increase the current supplied to the winding. In this case, the magnetic induction of the field will increase in proportion to the increase in the current in the magnet winding. But if the current in the winding exceeds the value of the short circuit current, it will be overrid, then the electromagnet will fail. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the current supplied to the electromagnet. An increase in current is carried out by increasing the EMU of the current source.
  • If this is not enough, the expulsion of the electromagnet in another way is to increase the number of turns of the winding without increasing its length. To do this, impose a second series of wires, and if you need the third one. The magnetic induction of the field will increase in proportion to the increase in the number of turns on the electromagnet coil.


Often there are situations when it is necessary to increase or decrease the power of the magnetic field, to make it easy for electromagnets. But how to be if the magnet is permanent?

How to increase the magnet power?

Increase the force of adhesion of neodymium magnets is impossible, these products are permanent magnets, then they produce a constant magnetic field of a certain power corresponding to their characteristics. In other words, to increase the magnet grip strength, you need to change it to more powerful.

How to make a neodymium magnet at home

How to reduce clutch power?

It is easier to reduce the force of the grip of a neodymium magnet in two ways.
1) Increase the distance between the magnet and the subject to which it turns out to be an effect, the further magnet from the primitive surface, the weaker the effect of attracting.

2) The principle of this method is similar to the previous one, but here you can not increase the distance, and while maintaining a certain remoteness, the non-magnetic material is laid between the magnet and the subject.

The power of the magnetic field in this case will be determined by the degree of magnetic conductivity of the magnetic screen used.

Specialists of our online store will help you choose the magnet of the desired power.

The process of manufacturing neodymium magnets includes a magnetization step. At this stage, the workpiece is exposed to a powerful magnetic field. As a result of this, a powerful neodymium magnet with high coercive force and no less high adhesion force appears. The service life of neodymium magnets is extremely long - theoretically, they can work hundreds of years. Magnetization of the neodymium magnet occurs very slowly, at a speed of 0.1% in 10 years.

How to make a neodymium magnet in the event that he demagnetized? This operation is impossible, because for this it would take a very powerful magnetic field. If you take a magnetic disc 70x50 mm for an example with a clutch force of 295 kg, then you can imagine what magnetic field it was necessary to magnetize it. Thus, to magnetize a neodymium magnet at home will not work - you will have to buy a new magnet.

How to demagnet the neodymium magnet so that he lose his power? To do this, you can use a strong blow or heating. Properties of neodymium alloy are such that it does not withstand strong blows and heating to high temperature. If you hit the magnet hammer, then it has every chance of losing its magnetic power. The magnetic field will weaken and in the event that heat the neodymium magnet over +80 degrees. These properties are characteristic of many brands of neodymium alloy, but there are exceptions - individual brands withstand the heating to + 200 degrees.

It is necessary to referred to neodymium magnets, it will allow not to think about how to magnetize a neodymium magnet in case of losing the magnetic field. Do not allow their overheating and strong blows. If the neodymium magnet is demaging, it should be just thrown out. Also should not be subject to any deformations. Attempts to change its shape can lead not only to demagnetization, but also to obtain burns - the separation of the alloy can cause fire.

Powerful magnets

In addition, the violation of the integrity of the protective layer of zinc or nickel will lead to the appearance of corrosion.

If we talk about the natural demagnetization of a neodymium magnet, then this parameter can be neglected. It is simply impossible to notice the decreasing force without special equipment. In order not to think about how to magnetize a neodymium magnet, it is enough to just follow the rules of operation.

Sometimes ask how to make a neodymium magnet with their own hands. Let us try to figure out how much it is possible, and that in general is the process of producing such products.

Thus, the devices sold by us consist of an alloy, which consists of 70% from iron and almost 30% from boron. Only some interests in its composition fall on a rare-earth metal neodymium, whose natural deposits are extremely rare in nature. Most of them fall on China, they are still in several countries, including in Russia.

Before making neodymium magnets, manufacturers create forms for them from sand. Then, the tray with forms are glued with gas and are thermal processing, because of which the sand hardens and retains future outlines of the metal blank on its surface. In these forms, a hot metal will be placed later, from which, actually the necessary products will be obtained.

Now let's look at how the neodymium magnet make. In contrast to ferromagnetic products, the metal does not melt here, but sins from a powder mixture placed in an inert or vacuum medium. Then the obtained magnetoplast is pressed with simultaneous exposure to it electromagnetic field of a certain intensity. As we see, even at the initial stage of production, it is noticeable that the question of how to make neodymium magnets at home, sounds inappropriate. Operations and equipment used are too complex. Creating such conditions at home is hardly possible.

After the billets are getting out of the forms, they are machined - thoroughly polished, then their firing is performed to improve the coercive force of products.

Finally, we approach the last stages that will help finally answer the question of how neodymium magnets make. The sintered ndfeb alloy is re-finished on the machine by means of a special tool. When working, the cooling lubricant is used to exclude overheating or powder ignition.

A protective coating is applied to the magnets. This is due, firstly, the fact that the sintered metals are quite fragile and they need to be strengthened, and, secondly, the metal will be protected from corrosion processes and other exposure to the external environment. So manufacturers are concerned about how to make a neodymium magnet more durable and durable. The coating can be copper, nickel, zinc. At the last phase of the production process, magnetization is applied by means of a strong magnetic field. Further - they are sent to the warehouse, and from there to buyers.

So, after we have more or less in detail reviewed the production process, it became clear that, probably, it is not necessary to seriously wonder how to make a neodymium magnet at home. " After all, this requires not only the presence of certain knowledge, but many of the most complex aggregates.

Neodymium magnets - the thing is extremely useful in the economy. Make them from rare-earth metal neodymium, with the addition of iron and boron. These magnets are appreciated for the greater power, the attraction and stability of the magnetic field, as well as resistance to demagnetization. Many are looking for where such can be purchased. In fact, neodymium magnets can be easily hampered with their own hands, if there is a desire and a suitable screwdriver.

1. Old headphones

The first and simple place where you can find a small neodymium magnet are old headphones. Armed with a suitable tool, disassemble the accessory who has tested his own, and we get useful magnet use. The entire extraction procedure will take a couple of minutes. Depending on the type of headphones and their manufacturer, the magnets may differ in power and form.

2. Hard Disk PC

The second place where you can find a very powerful neodymium magnet. No more than a few minutes will leave for disassembly diskay. It is worth remembering that in this case the neodymium magnet will have to knock down a screwdriver (or another suitable tool), since, most likely it will be planted for glue. The most important thing is to do it carefully, because the magnets are very fragile.

3. Old CD / DVD-drive

Another popular way to deal with a neodymium magnet is to disassemble the old drive for the CD. In this case, the magnet is in the optical head. It will have to get it. This method is notable for what happens not one, but at once there are two small neodymium magnets. Magnets from the drive (most often) have a rectangular shape.

4. Stepper engine

If you do not have medium knowledge in electronics, board controller, interface board and acute need to set somewhere and run a stepper engine, then you are happy man! Because it has a complete moral right to let a stepper engine under a screwdriver without remorse.

If you drop the jokes, it is worth adding that to extract the magnets from the engine is more difficult. High risk damage to the product. At the same time, the magnets in the engine will be two. Most often, such aggregates are used in all kinds of office technology: printers, scanners, copy machines.


In continuation of the topic, we understand and is it really helps.