Repairs Design Furniture

Mastic for roofing work and waterproofing. Mastic to repair the roof will help to protect themselves from the flow. Approximate consumption of mastic when performing various works

Sealing the roof is one of the most important stages in construction. It is not enough to lay high-quality coverage - it is also necessary to isolate all vulnerable zones from moisture exposure. For this purpose, special roofing sealants are intended - their wide choice will help qualitatively treat any roof, ensuring its strength, moisture resistance and maintainability. Sealing layers are applied both directly on the joints and seams of the coating and under the roof itself.

Sealants are used both in the construction process and during planned and urgent repair work. It:

  • elimination of seams between sheets (or other elements) of roofing, especially on the roofs with a slight bias;
  • sealing joints between roofing and other materials;
  • elimination of cracks in the field of chimneys, drainage, ventilation mines, antennas and other elements that violate integrity;
  • processing of inclined skates;
  • insulation of cold bridges;
  • quick leakage repair.

Manufacturers offer six main types of roofing sealants. Consider in detail each of them.

Ambulance for roofs

Sealing ribbons - Easy application

The belt sealant is one of the cheapest and effective roof protection solutions. His main advantages:

  • good resistance to low temperatures and sunlight;
  • simplicity of application;
  • comfortable and fast replacement;
  • fat and sealed bitumen layer;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • durability.

Sealing joints on slate

The ribbon is widely used as patches when repairing a bituminous roof, for insulation of adjoins, sealing of vapor insulation films, repair of folded metal roofs and drainage systems.

The sealing tape for the roof as a waterproofing is well suited for people without construction experience, it is applied on the seams and the place of the joints like construction scotch.

Bituminous sealant - the best choice for metal roof

Bituminous sealant is mainly used to seal the metal roof (professional flooring, metal tile and other varieties), tiles and rubberoids. From disadvantages, high toxicity can be noted and insignificant resistance to high temperatures, but it has a number of advantages:

  • the possibility of staining under the color of roofing;
  • magnificent moisture resistance;
  • high strength and durability;
  • elasticity;
  • high-quality hitch with wet and dry surfaces;
  • pleasant price.

Rubber and silicone sealants and their properties

Professional roof treatment

Silicone mixtures are sold both in standard pistol packages and in buckets for use with an advanced pulverizer or construction roller. This variety of sealants is one of the most common and affordable on the market.

Basic arguments in favor of choice:

  • multifunctionality;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations and sunlight;
  • fast frost;
  • suitable for temporary and long-term isolation.

Silicone compounds are divided into acetic (acetate) and neutral. The latter are significantly inferior in terms of strength, but less toxic and do not have an unpleasant odor.

Tubes with silicone compositions

Acrylic compositions for roof sealing

Acrylic mixtures in their properties go with high quality silicone, but have more democratic prices and require ideal dry surface treated.


  • there are no solvents;
  • does not smell;
  • the market presents in a wide range of colors;
  • excellent hitch with porous coatings.

Classic sealants on the acrylic base are not the best waterproofing, because they are based on soluble water dispersion. If you still chose them, then additionally you need to use a tape to seal seams and coating joints.

Polyurethane mixes are simple and fast

The application of the polyurethane mixture is characterized by simplicity

The polyurethane composition is based on a polymerized resin polymerized. As a result, a viscous and dumping mixture is obtained that is easily applied to any surface. This type of sealant is toxic and is the most expensive, but the cost is more than compensated by high quality and efficiency. His advantages:

  • work at the lowest temperatures;
  • increased resistance to mechanical exposure, moisture, corrosion;
  • fast frost;
  • simplicity of application;
  • efficiency;
  • durability.

The polyurethane sealant for the roof is combined with any material, it creates perfect waterproofing with high reliability.

Two-component compounds for roof insulation

As part of a two-component mixture, the main material is silicone rubber. It consists of adhesive paste and a special hardener. Before immediate use, the tool can be stored for a very long time, and after mixing, the two-component composition should be applied for a certain time - the mixture will begin to polymerize.

Before using a two-component sealant, you need to mix its components

The main advantages of a two-component composition:

  • ease of application;
  • range of possible temperatures for applying wide - from -25 ° C to + 40 ° C;
  • the temperature range in which the sealant is able to maintain its properties is even wider - from -70 ° C to +70 degrees;
  • excellent hitch with basic materials - metal, brick, PVC, wood, concrete;
  • durable and smooth seam.

Use of mastic for roof sealing

In addition to the above sealants, mastic can be used to process the roof. Mastics are viscous plastic masses obtained by mixing binders with fine fillers (soot, talc, graphite and others) and special additives.

Roof Waterproofing Bituminous Mastic

Mixing components (various resins and plasticizers, rubber) are made by masts of certain characteristics.

For waterproofing, bitumen mastic is most often used, but its expensive polymer analogue is used (it is highlighted by increased elasticity and adhesion). It is chosen for mounting roofing rolled materials (soft roof). All kinds of mastic must be applied to carefully purified from dust and dirt surface.

Choosing the right sealant for various coatings

Varieties of sealants due to their distinctive features can be ideal for a certain type of roof and at the same time be absolutely unsuitable for another. To decide which roofing sealant is better suitable for the desired coverage, consider the most popular of them.

What to protect from moisture metal roof of different types

The sealant for the metal roof should be approached by a number of requirements:

  • increased elasticity;
  • resistance to precipitation;
  • strong hitch with metal;
  • enhanced resistance to vibrations.

The above criteria are most correspond to polyurethane compositions Bituminous rubber sealants, preserving plasticity throughout the entire period of operation. Before processing the seams of the metal roof, the surface must be deguted and dried. If you need urgent insulation, you should choose products with the possibility of applying for wet materials.

Attention! For roofing from roofing iron, the use of silicone insulation is contraindicated - it becomes the cause of rust.

Professional flooring in terms of its requirements and properties is largely reminiscent of metal tile, so their sealing is carried out similarly. The maximum allowable bias of the roof is 14 degrees, special attention is paid to the processing of cross-linked sheets of profile sheets. Sealants on polyurethane and silicone are best suited for such a roof due to their waterproofing properties.

To proper sealing the roof from the corrugated floor, the following conditions must be fulfilled:

  1. Before conducting the procedure, carefully check the joints - they must be dry and clean.
  2. The sealant for the roof of the corrugated floor to apply a smooth layer of 2-3 mm. It is convenient to use a polyurethane ribbon.
  3. Sealing in dryness and with positive air temperature.

Installation of metal tile with waterproofing

When choosing a sealant for a roof of metal tile, given the overall similarity coated from the corrugated floor, the following sealing features should be taken into account:

  • the creams of up to five millimeters use silicone sealant;
  • for the best result, it is necessary to use silicone with increased resistance to ultraviolet rays;
  • the mixture is carried out with the treatment of all the joints of the roofing carpet (longitudinal and transverse), ventilation exit, antenna exit, as well as the edges of the chimney apron and its joints with sheets of coating.

Materials Loading Roofing

Soft roof (flexible tile) has always been one of the most popular types of coating. For global sealing, mastic is most often used. In other cases, you need to consider:

  • for a flat roof, a liquid rubber is chosen - bitumen emulsion or mastic;
  • local repair of leaks involves the use of single-component liquid rubber, and waterproof elastic composition is also suitable;
  • to eliminate seams and joints, the sealing tapes for the roof are perfect;
  • mastic for sealing without problems is applied even to wet surfaces, it can boast an excellent coupling with most common materials and does not forms a swirling time.

Sealing the roof surface before applying a soft roof

Manufacturers and the average cost of roofing sealants

Prices for sealants may differ depending on their characteristics, manufacturers and the sale region. On average, the package will have to pay:

  • bituminous sealant - from 90;
  • polyurethane sealant - from 160;
  • acrylic sealant - from 100;
  • silicone sealant - from 85;
  • ribbon sealant - from 140;
  • two-component sealant - from 130 rubles.

Naturally, large packaging and wholesalers always cost cheaper petty packaging.

The most in demand in the market products under brands:

  • Soudal;
  • Makroflex;
  • Tytan;
  • Liquid Nails.

Choosing the current roofing sealant, you need to carefully examine the packaging. It is important to pay attention to the setting speed, the possibility of curing in a wet environment, compatibility with roofing material, resistance to atmospheric phenomena, the possibility of staining.

The ability to correctly select the insulation material and compliance with all technologies will ensure the required roof protection. To fulfill most of the work, with their own hands, it is quite minimal experience and knowledge, but when doubt it is recommended to turn to professionals who will prompt which sealant is better suitable for your coating, and will qualitatively carry it waterproofing.

The modern building market has a wide, varied price and characteristics of materials for waterproofing, but bituminous mastic remains the most demanded products in this segment. Liquid resinobitumes consider high-quality, inexpensive, universal means with economical consumption, long service life. Thanks to different form of release and methods of application, it can be used both for the construction of roofs and for their repair with their own hands. In this article we will tell you how bitumen mastic for waterproofing roofing is properly used.

Bituminous mastic is a traditional means used for coating or painting waterproofing, which is based on refractory oil bitumen. It is a viscous, dying, thick black liquid with a sharp smell. When applied, and then the mastic hardening is frozen, forming a monolithic film that does not pass water. This waterproofing material is valued for economical consumption and ease of use with their own hands. Resinobitume differs in composition, it is divided into the following categories:

  • Bituminous. They are produced on the basis of natural light bitumen, which are by-products of oil refining. They are characterized by a low price, less weatherproof and service life.
  • Polymer. Synthetic rubber mastic is a modern waterproofing material, which has increased elasticity, resistant to external factors, long utilization. The flow of synthetic rubber-bitumen is much higher than the usual one.
  • Bituminous polymeric. Mixes of natural bitumen, plasticizers that improve the quality of the material and synthetic rubber combine the positive qualities of both materials and differ in the available price.

Note! The consumption of bitumen mastic depends on the nature of the work performed and the adhesion of the surface being processed. However, the low price of the material makes the cooler and painting waterproofing by one of the most economical ways to protect the roof from the penetration of atmospheric moisture with their own hands.


Masty-based oil bitumen is a multifunctional tool used in many branches of construction. To make the use of this material possible in different conditions, manufacturers produce it in several forms. Most often, the following types of rubber bitumen are on sale:

Important! The use of hot mastic is possible only at a temperature of from +5 degrees, that is, in the warm season, or under the condition of the equipment "warmly". Cold mastic can be used under all weather conditions, this quality is its weight advantage.

Use of use

Rubber mastic is a practical means that applies at all stages of house construction with their own hands. Affordable price, economical consumption, and ample opportunities are made by a resurrected goods in any construction store. Bituminous mastic are suitable for the following works:

  • Organization of waterproofing and vaporizolation. The monolithic, dense film, formed after applying a resinobuit, reliably protects the surfaces from moisture exposure, extending the life of materials, structures.
  • Printing rolled roofing materials. With the help of mastic, you can glue the runneroid, only or membrane roof, as it has a high adhesive ability, providing reliable fixation of the roofing material.
  • Filling of flat roofs. Mastics are used for the manufacture of bulk flat roofs characteristic of high-rise residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Corrosion protection. Using bitumen waterproofing materials protect individual elements of rust design by creating a dense film.
  • Repair and restoration of old roofing coatings based on rolled materials, leakage elimination.

Experienced masters are recommended when choosing a mastic to pay attention to the average consumption of the mixture, service life, flexibility when exposed to low temperatures and adhesion strength. Bitumen-polymer compositions, which have a high adhesive ability, elasticity and serve more than 10-15 years old on the ratio of quality and prices.

Methods of application

To form a monolithic waterproofing layer, the bitumen mastic is applied to the surface of the roof. The method of application, the composition of the compound and the absorbency of the material strongly affect the flow rate of the rubber mixture for waterproofing. Processing the roof of the roof of mastic is performed using the following ways:

Note that the waterproofing layer obtained by applying masses based on the oil bitumen is considered the most stable and stable, since after the mixture is hardened, it does not decrease it, so this method of protection against water is called non-changing.


Mastic waterproofing is the most popular method for protecting the roof base from penetration of precipitation, a means for smelting of seams between the rolled material and repair of cracks or a shash on old coatings. Her advantages consider:

  • Inexpensive price. The cost of a hot bitumen mixture for waterproofing is 600-700 rubles per 20 liters. Cold mastic is 2.5-3 times more expensive, but also less consumption.
  • Simplicity of application. It does not require special skills or a special tool for the organization of appropriate waterproofing, so it is an approach for use with your own hands.
  • Weather resistance. External environmental factors do not affect rubber-bitumen, so it does not crack, it does not crumble, while maintaining strength qualities for many years.
  • Good adhesion. You can apply mastic insulation to vertical and horizontal surfaces, almost any types of materials.
  • High anti-corrosion and antiseptic properties. Liquid bitumen creates a film that prevents the surface of the surface of the material with oxygen, stopping corrosion. In addition, it is a strong natural antiseptic, therefore blocks the spread of malicious microorganisms.

Please note that the bulk mastic roof can be painted in the production process or already after applying to get the desired roof color.

Video instruction

During construction, building materials based on bitumen are often used. In particular, bituminous roof, bituminous tape for roofing, as well as various sealants on a polymer-bitumen basis.

Wide use received bituminous mastic for roof - it is made on the basis of bitumen, it allows you to simply and efficiently perform waterproofing and repair of the roof. The mastic for the roof is well resistant to aggressive environments. One of the main advantages - can stretch and shrink without any consequences, are applied evenly on the roof of any configuration, work is performed seamlessly. Thanks to the listed properties, the coating is reliable and durable.

Bituminous mastic used for roofing works are the following species.

In this article

Cold applications

Cold bitumen mastic is a composition ready for use, although if necessary, it can be diluted with various solutions. It can be applied even on a wet coating, which allows you to perform work without special training and in the shortest possible time.

Hot application

The mastic compositions of this type can be purchased in the finished form, and it is possible to make themselves from the bitumen. Before applying, the composition must be heatled to 150 ° C and apply hot. To change properties, you can add modifiers, solvents, thickeners, their additives (sand, sawdust, etc.).

Water based

The most environmentally friendly, since the content of toxic substances in them is minimal. They are easy to use and safe.

Bitumen mastics with special additives and fillers (plasticizers, minerals, etc.), have any specific properties:

Rubber mastic and polyurethane are the most elastic, they include rubber or polyurethane.

Now consider the use of various types of bitumen mastics for roof repair.

Repair of soft roof

Repair with a patch. Bituminous mastic for the roof is usually applied manually with a spatula or brush, sometimes with a sprayer. The surface of the roof, which is to be repaired, clears from pollution (rust or old paint can not be cleaned) and covered with mastic, then apply a patch. For a patch, you can use bitumen tape, tarpaulin, etc. The patch must be tightly pressing to the surface so that there is no air layer left. From above, you can apply another protective layer of mastic.

Roof repair using bitumen mastic and ribbon for roofs. Bituminous roof tape usually used for the repair of soft rolled roofs. This tape is multilayer - has a protective layer of aluminum foil, a bitumen layer with plasticizers and a layer of polyethylene film. It is well glued to different materials. Good high-quality ribbons do not contain harmful chemical additives, have resistance to rupture and puncture, their protective reinforced surface is resistant to contamination, the effects of acids, alkalis and other aggressive environments. Such tapes are very simple in use and do not require special skills when used. Let us analyze in detail the method of repair using a bitumen tape.

First you need to clean the place of leakage and space around it from pollution, thoroughly rinse with water or detergent solution, give a completely dry. The contour of leakage lubricate with bitumen mastic or primer. Next: Remove the protective film from the tape with the adhesive side. Then, using the presser roller, lock the tape on the surface of the roof, cut off the edge.

Repair by Fleshenga. The surface of the roof is cleaned, processed by the primary composition, if necessary, degreases, the cracks are closed with moisture-resistant putty on a cement basis. Next, two layers of mastic are applied, then the reinforced geotextile is placed on top of the protective layer of mastic.

Repair of hard roofing

Repair of corrosion plots. To repair a tight roof usually use hot mastic. You must first clean the rust, clean the surface from pollution, then apply a layer of hot bitumen mastic.

Repair with a patch. First, we turn the patch of the required size from the dense material (tarpaulin, burlap), then soak it with a mastic composition and fix it at the spot being repaired, leave well dry. After that, we apply another layer of mastic on top. This method is good to use to seal the closed surfaces.

It should be noted that when repairing roofs with a rigid surface in bitumen mastic, it is advisable to add special components for viscosity (thickener, sand, cement). From above, it is better to additionally make a protective layer of self-adhesive tape, bitumen sheets or other materials. You can also use rubber-bitumen mastics that have increased strength.

Approximate consumption of bitumen mastic on 1m

The consumption of mastic depends on its type and is often indicated in the description of the composition.

Hot application masts are not very sitting. To apply a bitumen mastic with a layer with a thickness of about 2 mm, approximately 2.2 kg / m 2 composition.

Usually ready to use mastic have a shrinkage, and for the creation of a layer of 2 mm you need about 3.6 kg / m 2 composition.

If necessary, to reduce consumption, the composition can be slightly diluted. So what to dilute bitumen mastic? You can dilute bitumen mastic with White spirit, solvent, toluene, kerosene, etc. for safe dilution, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's instructions for working with the composition.

Bituminous Sealants for Roofing

In some, especially in problem or hard to reach, roof sections, specialized sealants are better used to better achieve waterproofing effect. Bituminous sealant for roofs is a special viscous composition of a modified bitumen. It is pretty toxic and used only for outdoor work. It is well resistant to moisture, ultraviolet, to various oils, solvents, gasoline. The bitumen sealant is applied at a temperature above zero, usually in several layers. For repairing a roof on small surfaces, a rubber-bitumen sealant is well suited, since he is a vapor and waterproof, very elastic.

Thus, summing up, we can say that bitumen has been widely used for roofing, since it has very good operational and consumer properties. Bituminous materials of the desired type, you can easily buy in the store or make yourself. To use them does not need complex preparatory activities, special tools or extensive experience. However, during repair work, some attention should be paid to some attention. Sometimes various types of roofs can have their own specifics. If you find it difficult to choose from materials to repair your roof, it is better to use only universal quality products. New materials allow repair of roofs quickly and efficiently.

From this video, you can find out more about the repair of the roof with a bitumen mastic cold application:

Bituminous mastic is a liquid waterproofing material that protects against moisture to almost any surface: wooden, brick, aerated concrete, metal, concrete. It is suitable for all types of roofing work.

Advantage to Use

The popularity of this material is caused by a variety of advantages:

  • The coating retains its properties in extreme temperature indicators: from -50 ° C to + 120 °.
  • It has a high degree of wear resistance and hits with any building material.
  • It provides the ability to perform without removing the old waterproofing, with the exception of the roofs with several layers.
  • Eliminates the presence of seams and joints.
  • Makes it possible to make the coating of the desired color. It is enough to mix the mastic with the desired dye or apply a kel on top of the waterproofing layer.
  • The innovative composition of the newest mastic allows you to apply a mixture on wet, rusting surfaces without a preset or stripping.
  • It has low fire hazard and high biostability.
  • Ecologically clean.
  • Significantly reduces the cost of construction due to relatively low prices and low labor costs.
  • The service life of the mastic roof is about 15 years.

Of the disadvantages of the material, it is possible to note the dependence of the performance of work from climatic conditions and the difficulty in obtaining uniform thickness over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe coating.

Composition and specifications

Bituminous mastic is a special mixture made on the basis of binding organic substances (oil refining waste) with the addition of mineral and artificial fillers. Additives are necessary to improve material performance, such as hardness, plasticity, density, resistance to low temperature indicators, etc.

The following components protrude as fillers:

  • Polymers;
  • Rubber crumb, rubber;
  • Mineral wool with short fiber;
  • Talc, asbestos, quartz, brick powders;
  • Waste processing products, such as ash;
  • Antiseptics, etc.

The composition of bitumen mastic can be one-component and two-component. In the first case, a solvent is added to the mixture, and the sinking of the material occurs under the influence of air due to evaporation of volatile substances.

Such material is supplied in hermetic packaging, which prevents premature solidification. The exception is bituminous mastic with polyurethane filler. In a good hermetic packaging, it can maintain its properties throughout the year. After opening the package, the mastic quickly harms and becomes unsuitable for use.

A two-component mastic based on two chemically inactive components, which are separated separately from each other, which increases its storage.

The advantage of using mastic with two components is the possibility of obtaining a mixture of the required density by varying the ratio of the solvent and the main substance. However, to prepare a mixture of optimal composition available to masters with extensive experience.

The quality of roofing works directly depends on the observance of the technologies of the masses of mastic and the rate of its application. In this case, preference is given to one-component material, which is ready for use immediately after opening the container.

The drying time of the 1mm thick layer is about a day. During this time, there is a complete evaporation of the solvent, and the composition becomes solid.

Consumption of waterproofing mastic associated with types of work and type of material to which it will be applied. For example, to glue the surfaces, it will take from 0.8 to 1 kg per m2, and the arrangement of the waterproofing layer in 1mm digit will be 2-3 kg per m2.

Varieties of material

Depending on how to use, the bitumen mastic happens to cold and hot applying.

This waterproofing material does not require preheating. This viscous homogeneous substance, ready to use immediately after opening the package. To get a comfortable, more liquid consistency of the mastic, it is diluted with special solutions and immediately apply to the surface.

Kerosene, gasoline, White spirit, solvent, solar oil are used as solvents. There are compounds that can be divided by ordinary water. There are masses of cold use that before applying must be heated to a temperature of 40 ° C.

Waterproofing materials that do not require preheating on the construction market appeared relatively recently. But for this period, they have proven themselves from the best side and have become a worthy substitute for hot waterproofing.

Water-based mastic

The cold-use water-emulsion mastic is considered the most ecologically pure waterproofing agent. It consists of a water emulsion of bitumen, with the addition of artificial rubber and various fillers.

The manufacturing technology is more laborious, but the environmental safety of the material and performance indicators justify the complexity of production. The main advantages of using water-based mastics are:

  • The ability to perform work in closed and poorly ventilated premises.
  • The absence of organic components, minimizing the negative impact of evaporation on nature and people.
  • A significant reduction in the time of drying material due to the natural evaporation of water leads to a decrease in the timing of the waterproofing work.
  • With a similar (and sometimes superior) quality in comparison with mastic based on organic compounds, the cost of water based material below.

Rubber-bitumen mastic (MRB-X)

This type of cold-use mastic is produced on the basis of oxidized bitumen, fillers of mineral origin, fine-sided rubber crumb, synthetic rubber and solvent.

The main purpose of the material is:

  • Roof waterproofing;
  • Restoration roofing work;
  • The device of the tank roof;
  • Use to impose a new rolled roofing;
  • Sealing of conjugations, transitions, joints.

In addition to roofing, rubber-bitumen mastic is used to waterproofing the scene, basements of houses, anti-corrosion processing of car bodyworks and other works.

Consumption depends on the structure of the base and on average is about 1 l per m2. The advantage of the MRB-X is its relatively low cost (about 50 rubles for 1 kg).

Mastic apparatus

This material must be heated to the temperature indicated by the manufacturer (150-180 ° C), and then apply to the previously primed surface.

In a preheated state, it has good fluidity, which provides a solid grip with the base. After cooling, a smooth elastic surface with excellent waterproofing properties is formed.

The disadvantage of application is the need to use additional equipment for heating, compliance with elevated security requirements, as well as the dependence of work from weather conditions.

Hot mastic is sold in bags, the walls of which are impregnated with silicone paper. In order for the material better to maintain its properties, each bag is additionally packaged in a shrink package.

Mounting and Application Technology

The main advantage of a tailed roof before other varieties is the monolithic of the coating. There are no seams and joints, which significantly increases waterproofing properties. However, the operational indicators of the bulk roof depend not only on the type and manufacturer of the material, but also from competent works.

Stages of work

  • Clean the surface from the nondes, snow, dirt. The porous base can be treated with special bitumen primems. If the manufacturer does not indicate the possibility of applying mastic on a wet surface, the roof should be dried.
  • To put on the base the first layer of reinforcement is a special material from fiberglass with holes and gravel sputters on the inside.
  • On the above layer using a sprayer or roller, apply cold or hot mastic. Through the holes, the bitumen fluid penetrates to the base and sticks the reinforcing grid.
  • The next layer is to apply a fiberglass thermal insulation layer, followed by several layers of mastic.

Using the bulk roofing technology with the reinforcement technology, it should be remembered that non-woven materials, increasing the strength of the coating, reduce its elasticity. Therefore, the degree of reinforcement must correspond to the type of roofing and climatic conditions of operation.

Read more about the preparation of hot apparent mastic, see the video.

Number of layers

The number of reinforcing gaskets and layers depends largely on the roof slope. The higher the slope, the more layers of reinforcing materials and waterproofing mastic will be required for application. The roof with a slope of less than 2.5 ° is considered flat. Since the mixture does not flock down, reinforcement can be performed only in the places of adjustment to the roof of additional elements.

Strengthening waterproofing

Bituminous mastic has been widely used to fix the rolled roofing and enhancing the waterproofing properties of elements and places of roof, such as skates, funds, cornisses, places of adjoining. For the processing of these places, several layers of bituminous mixture and reinforcing gaskets are used.

Useful advice

The primer with bitumen primers will prepare the surface to the maximum adhesion with mastic.
Each layer of mastic should be at least 0.7 mm. Before applying each new layer, the previous must dry completely. If the surface with feeling is dry, it means that the surface is ready to overlay the next layer.


The overwhelming majority of bitumen mastics for the roof are presented with domestic producers. They are absolutely not inferior as foreign counterparts, but significantly won in price.

Some of the best are materials under the brands "Hydroizol", "Elastomyms", "TechnoNIKOL", "Elastopaz". Products producers are certified, distinguished by stable quality and meets all the requirements of GOST.

The price of mastic for waterproofing the roof will be varied from packaging, manufacturer, recipes. From the mastic of cold use the cheapest is considered bitumen-polymer, and the road - bituminous rubber. The most economical option is the mastic of hot applying, packaged in bags of 30 kg.

Technical passport material

Basic requirements for production technology, technical parameters and to the quality of mastic for roofing works are marked in GOST 14791 79, 2889-80, 30693 2000. For each type of waterproofing material, an individual quality passport is required, where the name is indicated, the date of manufacture, the party number, Volume and number of tread units.

Following the manufacturer's recommendations and compliance with the work technology will provide a durable high-quality coating with a high degree of protection against moisture penetration. The use of waterproofing bitumen mastic in roofing work will significantly reduce construction costs.

The most common material for waterproofing the roof, the foundation or other parts of the bituminous mastic. Bitumen mastic based on solid or semi-solid oil bitumen is manufactured. The substance is binder can have a different color, traditionally black. What is a bitumen mastic for waterproofing roofing, who produces and how much material costs how to choose to work with your own hands, tell our readers.

As part of bitumen mastic binders based on bitumen solid and semi-solid resins. The composition of various manufacturers may include fillers, various solvents and other additives.

Use bitumen waterproofing for coating various surfaces. The protective layer when coating with your own hands is not worse than membrane or film. When the rolled roofing materials are fixed, bitumen mastic, like a glue composition. The composition does not need to fit or breed or breed, after purchase it is simply applied to the pre-prepared surface of the roof.

Roofing bitumen mastic has a different color, and the color can occur right at the factory, where waterproofing is manufactured, or on a construction site.

Characteristics of bitumen mastic on gtostas

Bituminous mastic for roof waterproofing with their own hands consists of a viscous liquid substance of homogeneous consistency. It is applied with your own hands using a tassel and hardens forming a protective film. Hydroes insulation is obtained monolithic, without seams and joints.

Apply mastic not only as waterproofing, but also during the repair of the old old roof. With the help of liquid waterproofing mastic, you can implement the following work:

  1. The formation of a protective hydroelectric and vapor barrier layer on the roof, the foundation and walls of any structures.
  2. Bonding rolled waterproofing materials with a concrete surface, wood, iron, etc.
  3. Installation of roof with your own hands from a mastic or bitumen material of any kind.
  4. Anticorrosive protection of any metal surfaces.

All the time improves bitumen mastic and modern product has high waterproof properties and bio resistance.

Types of bitumen mastic for roofing

Bituminous waterproofing of the roof is divided according to GOST to the types:

  1. For cold and hot applying. (It's easier to work with these compositions)
  2. Water-emulsion.
  3. Based on various chemical solvents.

Among all types of special demand is used by the bitumen mastic hot application. She quickly hards, although it is unsafe to apply it with their own hands, since its temperature can reach 150-170 ° C. Calculate hot-use bitumen mastic, pre-heating on the gas burner to 170 °. Work is carried out by a wide spatula in protective gloves and shoes.

Polymer bituminous protective compositions are simply poured onto a protected surface and smash easily with their own hands.

By gtostas, bituminous mastic is assessed in accordance with the qualities:

  1. How long will the protective layer last without repair activities. In the first place in durability cost bitumen-polymer compositions.
  2. Stretching at minus temperatures. The more stretching the frozen waterproofing layer, the less she will crack in the winter.
  3. Deformation. From how much deformation is dependsable, the coating depends on its waterproofing properties.
  4. As far as strong adhesion to various types of surface. With high adhesion, the mastic will be more durable, plastic and less cracking.

Not all types of modern compositions meet the requirements declared in GOSTs, the waterproofing for the roof of Bituminously rubber Aquamast from Tekhnonikol belongs to quality. The composition resembles liquid rubber, has high quality indicators, and is easy to applied in a cold form.

How to choose the right bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing?

It is not difficult to perform the insulation of the roof of the roof or repair of the old manner with the help of bitumen mastic firms. There is no need to know any subtleties for work, it is enough to read the instruction that is on each bank TEHNONIKOL.

To the main advantages of the application of bituminous mastic Tehtonol include:

  • Simplicity of application (no need to heat up to high temperature and use a special tool for applying to the surface).
  • Durable grip both with a horizontal and vertical surface (the mass is thick fast dries).
  • The protective layer has an elastic texture that does not crack and does not harden at minus temperatures.
  • Over time, hardening is not cracking.
  • Service life for more than 25 years.
  • When applying does not dry and does not flow.
  • The line is presented protective formulations for any work.
  • In high humidity, does not lose its waterproofing properties.

All specifications in high-quality bitumen mastic should be described on the package, if not, then before you fake from cheap resins. It is better to abstain and not buy similar waterproofing, even if the price is low.

Price on Teknonikol

The price and well-known brand do not always talk about the quality of products. Therefore, when choosing should be relying not only on these criteria. Assessing the purchase costs comprehensively:

  1. The service life of the material specified by the manufacturer. (It is not necessary to acquire the material of the service life of which comes to an end, it will not always be possible to spend the entire bank and the remains will have to throw out)
  2. Consumption per 1m2 area covered. (Calculate the price depending on the flow rate)
  3. Terms in which it is necessary to spend work.
  4. Time to frozen material.
  5. At what temperature, you can use products.

The most inexpensive and small consumption includes hot bitumen mastics. It is more difficult to apply it, but in their characteristics it is a golden mean value for price / quality ratio. This includes the MBU, MBH, MBX construction team.

Rubber cold bitumen mastic for the roof of Aquamast is easier to apply and for work with their own hands we advise you to take advantage of this composition. Technonol Aquamast is available specifically for roofing, foundation and waterproofing. For the roller waterproofing, TEKHNONIKOL offers buyers to use the Cold Application Mastics of the Aquamast for the attachment.

The price of hot bitumen mastic from TechnoNikol begins from 350 rubles, liquid from 700 rubles. Read more The price of various bitumen waterproofing from TechnoNIKOL is indicated in the table:

Name of bituminous mastic Purpose Packaging mass price, rub.
Retail Wholesale
MBU universal 16 kg From 390. From 370.
Mb insulating 16 kg From 395. From 380.
MBH roofing 20 kg From 970. From 920.
aquamast roofing roofing 18 kg From 1060. From 1010.
aquamast Fundam universal 18 kg From 1120. From 1080.
aquamast repair and row print 18 kg From 1010. From 990.
aquamast Anticor. anticorrosive 8 kg From 1200. From 1150.
technomast (rubber) roofing 20 kg From 2200. From 2000.

The price of the composition largely depends on the size of the purchase, so the wholesale starts from 30 buckets. For small repair work, you can buy small containers from 3 liters.

The most inexpensive include the construction of MBU and Mby. Material on an oil base and long dries. It is necessary to apply on the underground part of the structure. The MBH is considered the most economical option, but in its functionality and the range of use is not inferior to more expensive brands.

TechnoNikol to solve the problem in each specific case recommends using a separate brand of the Aquoaster line. Among the various analogues in the construction market, Aquamast is in the first place in all characteristics. More about Aquamast can be found in the video:

What suitable specifically to you, it is necessary to solve in each case individually, pushing out the possibilities and tasks.