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Station new char. New enchantment. Station New Chara

In April of this year, I had a chance to travel by train along the most high-altitude and beautiful section of Russian railways - the section of st. Hani - lane. Mururinsky (1317 m.) - st. New Chara (see photo 1). The length of this section of the BAM is only 125 km (or 3 hours on the way), but the impressions from it remain for a lifetime ...

1. Scheme of the Hani - Novaya Chara section (taken from the Yandex map)

2. The starting point of our journey is st. Hani, this is my train (Tynda - Anapa).

Let's take advantage of its long stay (30 minutes) and get to know more about the village. Hani.

Hani- the place on the highway is quite unique. Firstly, it is the only settlement in Sakha-Yakutia on the "Bolshoi BAM". In addition, Khani station is the place where the East Siberian and Far Eastern railways meet. From here 2380 kilometers to Irkutsk (administration of the first road), 2380 kilometers to Khabarovsk (administration of the second road). Amazing coincidence in distances! Some say that this is an accidental coincidence, while others see it as a "finger of God".

In this place, in general, there were many different borders. Two federal districts of Russia are divided here: Siberian and Far Eastern. Khani is the only settlement on the BAM, where three administrative regions meet: Yakutia, Amur and Chita regions. This is the only village in the BAM region, the inhabitants of which serve the railway kilometers of three regions at once.

The Khani station was both designed and built as the main stronghold in the laying of roads and railways through the Udokan ridge, where the BAM rises to its highest point (1316, 93 meters). By the way, in Khani, all trains have a long stay (about half an hour), since here the diesel locomotives of the Novaya Chara depot of the East Siberian Railway are replaced by diesel locomotives of the Tynda depot of the Far Eastern Railway and vice versa, depending on the direction of movement. And since both pairs of high-speed trains pass the station during light (spring-summer) time, any inquisitive traveler always has time to walk a little through this amazing place, seeing firsthand the harsh beauty of the south of Sakha-Yakutia.

3. I also had a little time, so admire ...

4. Hani (2.04.10)

5. Local train station

6. Half an hour later, the conductor drove everyone into the carriage and we set off.

Further, in chronological order, I will post the pictures that I took along the movement of the train. In the numbering, each of them, there is one of two letters L (left, along the way) or P (on right). Let's start!

7P. Rocks near Chania (you can see a little of them already in the 6th photo).

8P. Rails, rails, sleepers, sleepers. There was a train coming from ... Oh! Note that all sleepers are wooden!

9P. It looks like a river, but this is one of the many icings!

10P. Yakutia ends, and we have a long ascent.

11L. Having made a small loop, we begin to smoothly rise up.

12L. We climb higher, and in the distance, our previous path is already visible.

13L. Forests, mountains, ice - such are the landscapes here.

14L. 1833 km

15L. The beginning of the Mururin ascent.

16L. Eh! This is the weather, but alas, you can't get off the train!

17L. The ascent to the highest point of the Russian Railways, unexpectedly, turns out to be very direct and smooth.

18L. We continue to climb up and comprehend the basics of railway mountaineering :)

19L. Every minute, the picture below, gets smaller and smaller ...

20L. And gradually, I begin to forget that I am traveling by train. It already seems that I am flying in an airplane !!!

21L. Height - 1200 meters! The flight is normal! :)

22L. Just a little more .... pull the locomotives! (they say that we are going on a double thrust)

23L. More ... more ... Well !!!

At last!!! We climbed to the highest point of the Russian railways !!! ... We are on Mururin !!! :))))

24L. On the Mururinsky pass (height - 1316, 93 meters above sea level).

25L. The pass turned out to be a small, gentle section.

27P. In my opinion, this is the most beautiful railway in Russia.



30P. The angle at which we descend is clearly visible here.

31P. The descent continues (photo 31-38)






37P. On the horizon, the Kodar ridge appears.

39L. Wild lands! Primordial beauty!





44P. Kodar ridge.


46L. Look left!

47P. Look to the right! Impressive ?!

48L. Art. Ikabya (1758 km). Three-minute stop, say goodbye to fellow travelers and move on.

49P. Such is the picture, will continue until Chara itself.

50P. Some kind of small patrol.


52P. We drive up to Novaya Chara.

53L. Railway station NEW CHARA(by the way, the famous Chara Sands are located nearby (10 km))

  • How to buy a train ticket?

    • Indicate route and date. In response, we will find information from Russian Railways on the availability of tickets and their cost.
    • Choose the appropriate train and place.
    • Pay for the ticket using one of the proposed methods.
    • Payment information will be instantly transmitted to Russian Railways and your ticket will be issued.
  • How to return a purchased train ticket?

  • Can I pay for a ticket with a card? Is it safe?

    Yes of course. Payment is made through the payment gateway of the processing center. All data is transmitted over a secure channel. was designed in accordance with the PCI DSS international security standard. The gateway software has been successfully audited according to version 3.1.

    The system allows you to accept payments with Visa and MasterCard cards, including using 3D-Secure: Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode. payment form is optimized for different browsers and platforms, including mobile devices.

    Almost all railway agencies on the Internet work through this gateway.

  • What is an electronic ticket and electronic registration?

    Buying an electronic ticket to a website is a modern and quick way to issue a travel document without the participation of a cashier or operator.

    When buying an electronic railway ticket, seats are redeemed immediately, at the time of payment.

    After payment to board the train you need:

    • either go through electronic registration;
    • or print a ticket at the station.

    Electronic registration not available for all orders. If registration is available, you can go through it by clicking on the corresponding button on our website. You will see this button immediately after payment. You will then need your original ID and a printed boarding pass to board the train. Some conductors do not require a printout, but it is better not to risk it.


The village has a locomotive depot serving BAM, one of the largest in the region, and a track distance, as well as Apsatskaya Coal Mining Company LLP, BAMstroyput JSC, Zabaikalstalinvest AOZT, Avanta LLC and other enterprises.

30 km. south of the village is the Udokan copper deposit, the third in the world in terms of copper reserves (about 20 million tons). As of December 2010, geological exploration is underway at the field.


In Novaya Chara there are - a secondary school, a kindergarten, a music school, the House of Children's Art (since 2010 moved to school No. 2), the Charskie Zori Culture House (closed since 2010), the Kalarsky Museum of Local Lore, the Central Regional Library, the central hospital , non-state polyclinic, since 2011 - polyclinic of the central regional hospital, Sports club "Kodar", Federation of Armsport of the Trans-Baikal Territory. In 2008, at the invitation of the local administration, the world armwrestling champion Voronetsky A.V. moved to Novaya Chara for permanent residence. Already in 2012, his student took first place at the Russian Championship and became a master of sports.

There are many creative associations and dance groups in Novaya Chara. Vocal ensemble "Planet of childhood", VIA group "Black humor", "Stimul" and "Remix", "Tip top" and "Inspiration".

In the summer there is a school camp.

The sphere of communications and services

In 2004, the Kalartelecom network (currently MEGAline) was formed in the village, although until 2008, in addition to Kalartelecom, there was the Atlantis network (joined CPC). Today (2012) the leader in the supply of telephone and Internet communications is OJSC "Rostelecom". In 2009, private firms appeared, such as Nashe Taxi, Nasha Obuv, and there are also many private shops in the village. Since 1941, the newspaper "Severnaya Pravda" has been published on the territory of the district, including in the village, and since 2008, the newspaper "Fresh Number" has appeared. Also, a local cable TV (circa 2009) started working with the possibility of advertising in a floating line.


In the village area, along the Nirungnakan River, the Elovo-Chozeniovaya grove grows, reaching a height of more than 50-100 meters, which is also a natural monument of regional significance

New Chara- an urban-type settlement in the Kalarsky district of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Located 16 km south of the regional center - with. Chara, at the confluence of the river. Nirungnakan in the r. Chara (left tributary of the Olekma River). Population - 4 thousand people. (2016).

History of New Chara

Founded in 1979 during the construction of the BAM. In February 1979 in the village. New Chara began construction of the first residential buildings (detachment named after E.I.Burova from SMP-577). In 1981, the Novocharsk Village Council was formed. Since December 1981, the first landing of the builders of the KazakhBAMstroy SMP began to work (the Kazakh SSR was the chief of the construction of the village). In 1982, construction began on the station. Chara, on which the first working train arrived on November 7, 1983. In 1986 the settlement received the status of an urban-type settlement. The name was given to him by r. Chara (from the Evenk "char" or the Yakut "chaara" - shallow; the river really abounds with shoals, rifts, large rapids).

Station New Chara

The Novaya Chara railway station is located at 1719 km of the BAM. It was opened in 1989.


In honor of R. Enchantment was named a valuable ornamental stone - charoite... For the first time, the mineral charoite was found by the Soviet geologist Vladimir Georgievich Ditmar in 1948 in the interfluve of the Chara and Tokko rivers. The world's only charoite deposit is located in the Olekminsky region of Yakutia. For its amazing properties, charoite is called "the lilac miracle of Siberia."

Chara Desert

10 km north-west of the station. New Chara is a unique natural monument - Chara sands tract (Chara desert)... The size of the tract is approximately 10 km by 5 km. The height of individual dunes reaches 30 m. On the site of the Chara desert 60-100 thousand years ago, there was a large reservoir, which disappeared, apparently, 12-15 thousand years ago during the end of the last glacial epoch. With the help of the "work" of the wind, a desert was formed on the site of the lake. There are no analogues of the Chara Desert on our planet. Instead of camels, reindeer sometimes wander into the Chara sands.

New Chara is a small dot on the map, located on the dark line that marks the railway.

1. Station Novaya Chara

The railway and the village are inextricably linked by strong bonds, they were born together and exist together, supporting life in each other. New Chara emerged as a station on the BAM, which became a monument to the era in which this great highway was erected, as well as a monument to the state that decided on such a feat - the construction of railway tracks passing through a vast expanse of harsh and undeveloped lands.

2. Railroad

BAM stations were built by the republics of which that state consisted. Each republic designed and erected a station allocated to it and the village serving it, trying to leave a trace and memory of itself and its culture in the buildings. New Chara fell to build Kazakhstan. Therefore, on the walls of the railway station in Novaya Chara, there are bas-reliefs depicting scenes from the life of the Kazakh people. Perhaps the very outline of the station building bears the style of Kazakh architecture.

3. Bas-reliefs on the wall of the railway station in Novaya Chara

In any case, the railway station is a rather beautiful, cozy and, at the same time, modern and spacious building, which does not at all give the feeling that you have arrived in a small settlement far from civilization.
The railway station is surrounded by five-storey buildings, located on spacious, bright streets, which quickly lead to the edge of the village, where houses are simpler: wooden and sometimes rather dilapidated.

3. Courtyard in Novaya Chara

4. Residential buildings in Novaya Chara

5. Five-story buildings

6. Residential areas


New Chara seemed to be concentrated near the station, which is the center of the life of almost every person in this miniature town. In fact, this is not far from the truth: the majority of jobs in Novaya Chara are provided by the railroad, and the village exists at the expense of it. In addition, the railway is almost the only thread connecting Novaya Chara and other stations-villages of BAM with the Big Earth. Of course, there is also a road dirt road next to the railway, but, driving along the BAM, sometimes I happened to notice that there is only a railway bridge across some rivers, and only fragments and memories of the automobile bridge remained. It seems that a full-fledged motor road becomes only in winter, when rivers and other troubles in the form of spills, mud and swamps completely freeze.

8. The road leading out of the village

9. Road outside the village

It is worth walking to the edge of the village, and this can be done in about thirty minutes, as you will need rubber boots to walk through the swamps, and thick clothes that allow you to wade through the tenacious larch forest, but in the village itself people walk along the streets in coats and shoes, and in general, they lead an ordinary life.

10. On the outskirts of Novaya Chara

11. On the outskirts of Novaya Chara

12. Spring in Novaya Chara

And Novaya Chara itself is quite similar to any other small town located in the more densely populated parts of the country. There are also shops and schools, a museum and a pharmacy. Children play ball in the stadium and skateboard. On the outskirts of the town, people live in private houses and plant vegetable gardens. Unless the pipes are laid not underground, but above it, and carefully hidden in special wooden shelters. And the beds in the gardens are also raised above the ground and are long rectangular boxes covered with soil.

13. Museum

14. Elements of decor in the courtyard of the museum

15. Pipeline in a shelter

16. Vegetable garden in a private house

17. Basketball

18. Basketball

19. Basketball

20. Thickets of larch trees attacked the pipeline

The ordinary life of a small town exists on a small stretch of space surrounded by swamps, forests, rivers and mountains - many kilometers of wild undeveloped land. Isn't this the attraction and charm of the New Chara? Or maybe the matter is in her stubbornness, resilience and firm intention to support this little flame, the center of civilization, on a vast, harsh and wild territory?