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The anthem sounds - teachers plant. Methodical development (4th grade) on the topic: holiday scenario "Farewell, elementary school!"

We still have to say in this hour.
About those who gave us life
About the closest in peace Peace,
About those who helped grow
And to help still in many ways will be.
Invisibly follow the parents for us
And in joy and an hour when trouble came,
They seek to protect us from the seals,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
You sore us, cute, relatives,
After all, besides you, there are no more expensive people.
As they say, children are joy in life,
- And you for us ... Support in it!


Mommy! The academic year has passed
Knowledge gave a lot. And declare:
Learned very well -
With rest, I congratulate you!
Together on vacation, we go,
No luck of us in the world:
We will sing and sunbathe together
Resting mind, soul and body.
To, ring a call when,
Summer resources connecting,
Re-teach lessons without difficulty
Only some "fives" getting!


You have gotten with me, Mom, -
The next one is over the class ...
On me a wide Panama:
Hooray! Vacation with us!
I do not cry over the textbook
Science at night not rrybe
And I'm going to the camp and in the country,
I chase the ball, Pasya Goat.
Three-month short conveyance
Sunny Klyan Vacation
From unsolicited lessons
You rest. And - from me!

Well, how not to remember today we are about those
Delil who is with us joy, grief, laughter
Who collected daily school
And from the shame for us sometimes burned ...
Parents! Without you, we are nowhere!
Bed anyone with you is not trouble!
And joy is so full for fun!
After all, with us, do-oh-oh-lgo you still learn ...

The sound is the last for your children.
Dried time of funny school days,
On the threshold of adult life they now stand
Just do not know today your guys.
Cute parents, congratulations,
Behind checking lessons, explained,
Ahead of you are waiting for new empties,
God forbid you excerpt, good luck and patience.

The last call of Trel
In adult life, your children now come
For them, you will always be responsible
After all, at any age, they are children for you.
With the last call you, parents, congratulations
Light future your children wish
We wish you good luck, joy, good,
So that children are always happy with their successes.

Congratulations on the release:General | From graduates | Graduates | Brother |

Song song "School Years", students come out and become in place.
All: And here we
1. Flowers do not need
2. Merry moral
3. sparky good laugh
4. Smile bright for free!
5. Today here we
All: Best All!
6. Good afternoon, dear friends
7. We want to submit ourselves
All: We are cool guys
8. We are 10 years old - and this is a lot
9. To study, we treat all strictly

On the motive of the song "Our neighbor"

1. All day from morning to night
I still study lessons,
Even if very very
I want to go outside.
And where would I rode,
And where would I not go,
I will never forget
How the verb is hidden.
Mom, Dad, please
Mom, Dad, please
Mom, Dad, let me take a walk!
La La La La La
2. Night only eyes close
And adhering on the bed -
Namig Table Multiply
I start remembering.
And when I sit down to lunch,
Always think about
Why darkens sky
And where don falls.
3. Sometimes I sit, dream,
What a happy day will come
And me Ivan Susanin
In the forest with him will take.
I will play there on the will,
I will jump and jump.
And multiply table
Slowly forget.
1. It would be the same thing
Which day that year
But for some reason again worry
Another day arrival.

2. and not to keep the wave in the morning,
As if you were in these weekdays
Openings are waiting and frank.
And dream performance.

3. Love lesson, any meeting,
All treasures on the ground are more valuable
After all, each school moment is marked
Uniqueness of his.

Teacher: Indeed, every school day discovery. For a student is the opening of the world. For a teacher - the discovery of the treasures of a children's soul, this is a meeting with a multicolored world of unique characters, feelings, deeds, interests. And now the meeting in this class will not be held. You have completed the first stage of education. It's a lot. Behind the grief from the fact that they did not get wands, the handle did not obey. And joy: the letters suddenly got a slim row in Lineshek. Yes, a special period in life has been completed when a lot was for the first time. Our beautiful family has been four years old. Each family is good, it's sad. But she is also a friendly family to overcome all the difficulties. Each family has its own family album.
We overlines and we are our family album and remember how we met how they lived. So four years ago, our school life began.
(Music "In the first moice of September Day" sounds against the background of music, the student reads verse.)

Rhines forest crimson your outfit.
No, do not forget, autumn the time.
When we are ineptful feeding
For the handle moms were accompanied to school.
And the timidity immediately passed,
And the autumn became more beautiful,
When with a smile in class entered
Our teacher.

We met her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us good
And literacy, and account.

She could understand without words
And we knew how to listen,
Instilling faith and love
In open soul.

How the foliage stretches to the sun,
Always stretched to her
And became the main words:
Teacher, friend and mom!
Let us roll the year -
As the defill days of distant,
We will never forget
Those first lessons.
And to see you again,
Hear your word
We are all ready in the first class.
Go to learn again!

Ah, first class, ah, first class!
I instilled love with us
And to discipline and to the sciences
And to everyday work.
Here to listen to us were taught
We lived - did not stead
And they were friends with books, they taught us everything.
In the morning we wanted to sleep, and we walked barely,
And with what steel are for us.

Scenes from school life:
Teacher: Petrov, how much will it be: four divided into two?
Pupil: What to share, Marya Ivanovna?
Teacher: Well, let's say four apples.
Pupil: And between who?
Teacher: Well, let, between you and Sidorov.
Pupil: Then three me and one Sidorov.
Teacher: Why is it?
Pupil: Because the sidors one apple should.
Teacher: And he should not with the plum?
Pupil: No, it should not plum.
Teacher: Well, how much will it be if four plums are divided into two?
Pupil: Four. And all Sidorov.
Teacher: Why are four?
Pupil: Because I do not like plums.
Teacher: Wrong wrong.
Pupil: How much is right?
Teacher: But I now put the correct answer to your diary!
Rings call:
And now the lesson of mathematics. Let's start with an oral account. Cyril, if you have 100 rubles and you ask your brother another 100 rubles. How much will you have money?
As before 100 rubles.
Teacher: Yes, you just do not know mathematics!
Pupil: No, that you do not know my brother!

Teacher: Sasha, if you found 5 rubles in one pocket, and in another 10 rubles.
Pupil: So, I put on other people's pants.

Poem B. Nodoka "Petya dreams"
If the soap came
In the mornings to me in bed
And my soap itself -
It would be good!
If B, let's say
I am a wizard
Presented such a tutorial
So that he would
Himself could
Answer any lesson ...
If I will give me a penny
So that could
To solve a problem,
Write a dictation of any -
All myself, of course!
If books and notebooks
Learned to be in order
Knew all their places -
That would be beauty!
That's life then came!
Know Gulyai Yes Rest!
Here and mom b stopped
Say that I'm lazy!

Living newspaper "Computer genius"
Guys lesson at the board answer
And one after another raise,
Ilya at the party's last time
And the scrorts handle in the notebook draws.
Feel free to feel unpleasant
But the topic of the lesson Ilya is incomprehensible.
Computer cool dad and mom
As a gift, bought, and the drama was released:
Domestic tasks did not learn it
But he moved to the level of the third,
Fucked all evening, and in the battle of stubborn
I achieved the victory of the hero of our, undoubtedly.
This is a pity, the teacher does not know about it
And Double Ilya Diary decorates.
Computer genius on everyone got angry.
And who is to blame? He himself achieved.

1 student: half the lesson ran!
Where are you, cute, disappeared?

2 student: I'm in aquarium fish
In the corner I was looking for!
Fish swims first,
After swimming stopped.
I, of course, frightened,
In the ambulance rushed.
I called, rang, called -
About the lesson completely forgot.

We have a control again.
We solve two tasks.
One decided to easily.
The second - even cry.
I will ask Bogdan.
Maybe it will help?
Bogdan's answer to the sheet wrote
Mold an airplane and Roma sent.
Well, what to do here? On Romino Gore
The plane changed the trajectory very sharply.
To the teacher on the table he easily landed.
The question of the control immediately decided.

1st boy:
Once again we are with a different
So tired - no strength:
In change in a small heap
I Mesil Mesil.

2nd boy:
In the lesson we fell asleep.
Parta softer than bed.
We yawned so that cheekbones
It became no one to go.

3rd boy:
And teacher! What did you run?
Words he did not say
And, not pee in the essence, yes,
Immediately dad called.

1st boy:
Oh, what a belling came out,
Oh, what was the camps!
It is hardly the best way
Children's soul understand!

2nd boy:
If time in class
Very slowly flows
We, forgetting a strict tutorial,
Blacksmiths that the mind will make up,

3rd boy:
On notebook and on the map
On the board and on the wall,
On the portfolio and on the party,
At the neighbor on his back.

1st boy:
Sabli, sea, guitar fight,
Wolf, seven goats,
Knights from the films old -
We draw everything in a row.

2nd boy:
So that faster over a problem
Our thought brains,
We eat packs of chewing,
What delicious than pies.

We are tired of teaching.
Ah, would soon be days off.
Soon all the end of the torment!
Mom, I want to go home!
Pooh "Working Week"
I'm actually not a slacker, and I do not mind go to school,
But it is known: Monday - for work day is hard.
On Tuesday, I hung my noodles on the ears on Tuesday.
Well, after the neighbor, Dothemna, I beat the Babyushi.
I was also busy on Wednesday: I considered the Raven slightly.
And Thursday, I was durabed all on the couch.
Well, on Friday diligently with a friend of the Lododar chased.
I was tired, of course, and who would not be tired!
In the ceiling spawned on Saturday ... at least I will prove:
For a minute without work, I usually do not sit.
I am ready to study day-day on Sunday
Russian, algebra and reading. Only this day off.
Tomorrow again Monday, and I do not mind go to school,
I'm not at all a slacker. Only this day is heavy.

Mum. Well, come on, son, diary. Let's see what you have there.
Son. I can not give it today.
Mum. Why?
Son. Pharmacy was closed.
Mum. And what is the pharmacy?
Son. How is it "What?" Katya said that today my diary can be shown to parents only with Valerian.

Performed by the song Barbarika - School, School, Open Outdoor Doors

1. We arrived here by babies,
Holding a bouquet in the hands of flowers.
And dad, moms worried,
Gave the wise advice.
But time quickly ran,
And we matured a little bit
And so I wanted a childhood look
To school we still look
School, school, hoop doors,
School, school, lessons change,
School, school - teacher at the board
And your love we are warming. (2 times)
2. We are entering classes daily
Native Party, Chair, Notebook
English, Russian, drawing,
Could you tell you a lot.
We sang and read
Playing, you taught us.
Thank you, the school is dear,
After all, all sciences is a class!
Chorus (2 times)
Loss ... chorus (quiet), chorus (elevated / 2 times)

Again rings for us a call,
But this is not a lesson.
Fast, touching hour.
We in the hall entered solemnly
We must have fun
But the sadness is why it hides in the eyes.
We rose to our first Olympus,
We look at the world solemnly and strictly,
Let it be a difficult school road,
We hope and believe - win!

Everything in life from school bell:
In the distant way, partitions are separated.
There are ahead, more abruptly
And will be at the first time, but for now ...
Dictations and tasks, good luck, failure,
Adcharations, verbs and ancient century,
That word does not inclined, the Volga will get lost ...
All this begins with a school bell.

Anodes, Cathodes, Suvorov Camping,
Battle, Hiding, Sand Movement ...
The example is not remembered, the answer fails,
All this starts with a school bell!

It all starts with a school bell -
Road to stars, mystery of the ocean.
All this will be late or early
All this will be ahead guys, but for now ...
We have graduation. Bal graduation,
We leave from school initial.
We do not know in the average we are not by chance,
Knowledge of a huge baggage we carry out with you.

We still have to say this time.
About those who gave us life
About the closest people in the world
Who will still be in many ways.
Invisibly follow the parents for us
And in joy, and an hour when trouble came.

They seek to protect us from sorrow,
But we, alas, do not always understand them.
You sore us, cute, relatives,
After all, besides you, there are no more expensive people.
As they say, children are the joy of life,
And you for us - support in it!

Wherever you are, still
Be sure to remember
What will always meet you
With love and tenderness
Your pier is a parent house.
Bow to the earth of your mother
And the father to the earth worship.
You are before them in debt unpaid
Remember holy about it all my life.

Children perform song Alena Kucher

"Only for you I soul ..."
Only for you I sing soul
Without lies and mercenary reasons
I do not know how to love you without you
I unloved this world without you.
Like a ringing bell in a dream
Mom's voice to native pain
Warm thoughts always about you
The best father because my
We are next to you forever
Forget all unnecessary words

Arming stronger and love
We are next to you forever

We thank you

I don't ask for good life
You brought me up
And it baked on the soul
It's like living water
This world is so cruel and wound
But there is a place for rights and dreams
And we got on the way with him,
Thank you for everything just you
We are next to you forever
Forget all unnecessary words
Only heart and soul, look and silence
Arming stronger and love
We are next to you forever
Like the sun light, air and water
Repeat once again for all that we have
We thank you

Only for you I sing soul
Without lies and mercenary reasons
I do not know how to love you without you
This world I unloved without you

1st graduate:
Today we thank you say
Of course, both their parents.

2nd graduate:
Caring is yours, understanding and patience
We always helped us, without a doubt!

3rd graduate:
Here they are, those who sat with us at night above the book ...

4th graduate:
Here they are, those who wrote an essay for us ...

5th graduate:
The best moms and dads in the world

6th graduate:
Many thanks to you tell your children.

Indeed, the good advice, they sent you to the wise gun. Thanks to their care, help, desire to bring together, shine the guys of our class, you have turned into good and friendly guys from the babies. Together in you they are now here on the holiday, and all of them we speak a huge
Teaches. And now you can say the cherished phrase
EVERYTHING: HOORAY! We are fifth-graders !!!

Teacher. So, we brightened the pages of our family album and remembered a lot. But this day comes when you need to part with someone. It approached us time to summarize our four-year learning. It is over the year of intense labor. All you have worked well, switched to the fifth grade.
And now the most responsible, causing moment comes. You are given your first document - a diploma of elementary school.
- Attention! Diplomas will prepare. There is a solemn moment. Now you have to give an oath of the fifth grader.

- entering into the ranks of high school students in the face of their comrades, in the face of the Parents-Martyrs, in the face of teachers, workers
All choir: I swear!
- At the board, stand as the best goalkeeper, do not miss any of the ears of any question, even the most difficult and cravored.
All choir: I swear!
- Do not bring teachers to the boiling point 100 Celsius.
All choir: I swear!
- Being fast and rapid, but not exceed the speed of 60 km / h when moving on school corridors.
All choir: I swear!
- to pull out of teachers not the veins, squeeze not sweat, and durable and accurate knowledge and skills.
All choir: I swear!
- swim only on "good" and "excellent" in the sea of \u200b\u200bknowledge, dive to the depths itself
All choir: I swear!.
- To be worthy of your teachers.
All choir: I swear!


Here and our holiday is over
Hour forging is coming.
And the question that will be next
All rest does not give.
There will be summer, there will be a vacation,
Say all friends "Goodbye"
And the first teacher wish: "Do not miss!"

In the fifth grade we move,
Waiting for us average link.
How did you study in the first class
Do not forget anyway.

Four years flew flew
And I can not believe it now
That once friendly stink
We came to our noisy class.

Immediately time lasted
Year as day, and day as an hour.
Together we switched
Every year from class to class.

We are growing, we studied
And today here is standing.
You, our first friend, teacher,
Thanks we speak.

We are ahead of new sciences,
It is not easy for us to overcome them.
We are in fifth grade will not be boredom,
And it will be no time to hurt.

(It includes starvature. He pulls out an old scroll due to the belt, spoys him and reads.)
Astrologer. Listen to what awaits you in the future! All students of the fourth grades will move to high school. Their director, temptation, cool leader will be encouraged by the director. In front of you open the doors of school offices. Here you will sit behind computers for sewing machines, stand from woodworking machines, knit, sew, cook.
2030 ... Spring comes ...
In the newspapers we will read your names.
1. Burenkin Roman athlete has become the most famous.
2. Radmmir served and already the general.
3. Ilona,
4. Polina,
5. Adele in Paris at the Dance Competition
They struck the grace of all foreigners.
6. Roma owner became a fleet,
That's just with gasoline, as before, the float!
7. And Igor, of course, a specialist
He has created new cool programs.
8. Ernest Our has become an expensive lawyer,
He's abroad now with his brother.
9., 10. Danil and Emma plunged into science,
Opened joint sound theory,
Still working - the theory of light
And the laureates began for it!
11. Think only, because our Aida,
The one that was rapidly everyone and more
Lives and works here next door
She is the chief physician of the Polyclinic Children!

12, 13. Elina and Nastya go to us on tour,
Only the first roles play.

14. Arseny that quiet such and sullen
Now deputy of the State Duma.
15. Bogdan -to - asterisk in a chess world.
And the cells are only sixty-four.
16. Karina - the director of the school here,
She is headed by pedsames.
17. Dasha works at the university.
Knows all the tricks she.
Students have their crib
eliminates quickly and cleverly ...

18. Lisa opened his atelier. They sew clothes.

19. Cyril-designer is excellent with us.
It turned to him almost a whole class.
Even those who live abroad,
To Cyril can contact now!

20. Vitaly - a lawyer, he always just true.
It is reliable and honest in everything will never break the law.

21. Lesha - Pilot, he air liner leads
Passengers adore him, and his bosses respect.

22. Marat - Builder with us.
He builds houses for people - just class!
Happy people live in those houses,
They are building with love he for us!

23. In Criminalistics, the best connoisseurs
Matvey he knows in her sense!
All crimes will be disclosed -
Matthews never misses evidence!

24. Petya we have a policeman brave!
He is general and therefore important.
The president himself his orders hands
He is the best in the police, everyone knows!

25. Ilya - Detective, he is our Sherlock Holmes,
And where the entire Interpol is confused,
He applies its deduction method
And the world from the criminals frees!

26. Ararat - doctor from God!
And just a glorious person!
These doctors we have a little
Do you believe more than ourselves

It will take many years ... and spring will come ...
We are your names in the newspapers.

Well, what, go,
Calling you wind wanderings.
In pursuit of teaching
You are not afraid of Buran.
Let the friendship help you
In the galaxy of knowledge.
On the following planet
With the news "Fifth grade"
Teachers will meet you
And will help.

Although, of course, it is a pity to part with you.
But we will always remember each other.

I see a friendly circle again,
And each in this circle is a friend.
Myself I feel bold
Or maybe somewhere and wise.
Friends will give any advice
From them I will not hear "no."
And do not laugh at trouble
In minutes of difficulties with me.
And they share my joy,
And trust me your own.
In response, I will support somewhere
Or maybe I will tell you something.

Oh, I need this circle!
Where there are no enemies, but only a friend.
And I say from the heart:
"Thank you for friendship."
And is it necessary to call a friend
When dark ones,
When the roads do not know
And there is no strength to go?
When trouble from all sides
When with the sun - night,
Doesn't he see,
Do not rust help?
After all, he will not be able to eat,
When it suddenly!
But ... if a friend should be called -
That is hardly a friend ...

Pupils perform the song "Road of Good"
Ask the life of strict what kind of dear,
Where in the white light go in the morning

Go behind the sun follows, at least this path is unknown,
Go, my friend, always go expensive good.

Forget your concerns, falls and takeoffs,
Do not hump when fate does not behave like a sister.

But if with a friend is bad, do not hope for a miracle,
Hurry to him, always go expensive good.

Oh, how much will be different doubts and temptations,
Do not forget that this life is not a children's game.
Go, my friend, always go expensive good.
You are away the gony temptation, grasp the law is unlawful,
Go, my friend, always go expensive good.

You are away the gony temptation, grasp the law is unlawful,
Go, my friend, always go expensive good.
You are away the gony temptation, grasp the law is unlawful,
Go, my friend, always go expensive good.

Thanks guys, for good words. Congratulations on the end of the elementary school. I wish you all the best way to your future. All four years I lived my thoughts about you, I was glad, worried with you, gave you a part of my soul and hearts. He taught you to be honest, not indifferent, decent people. Wherever the road led, remember:
I will be joyful and warm for your successes, good luck, good things; I am ashamed and hurt for bad actions. Do not forget about human dignity. Good hour!

Happiness to you, children, parents!
Each release is the most difficult.
How many days and hours behind.
And it seemed sometimes impossible
Explanation to find something.
I would like, though, sincerely,
You will continue in life.
So that you, our children
And we could be proud of you.
But you have to part.
"Goodbye!" - I tell you.
And today you are for farewell
I give a part of myself.
I would also like to thank your parents for the fact that they were-feeding you with such good children, for the fact that they have invested in you all their love and tenderness, for always with understanding related to your little failures, for What they supported me and understood that they always took part in our class life.
And the care of grandmothers about their grandchildren is particularly touching. After all, it is not for nothing that says: "The first child is the last doll, grandson - the first child." Therefore, many grandmothers were like moms. We know that experiences for their grandchildren are most often poured in tears. Probably, and on their fate - worry, take care, worry.

Until the evening I disappear at school.
I fly home - and I have no doubt,
That the slab - a woman's grandmother
Weld borsch, pressing us the kitlet ...
She circles around the house, like a bee,
And therefore in the vessels warm honey.
And in the garden - and the sake, and weeding,
And the summer is smart, it will not wait.
Not only for the works I love grandmother,
And just like that - well, just love so much.
Thanks to Grandma, as good July,
It is in the world - and I sleep calmly.

The teacher presents the parents of letters of valet.

4 mothers come to the scene.

Mum. Dear Guys!
Day today is unusual:
They switched to the fifth grade.
On the threshold of high school
We give you all the order.

Mum. For many years to learn
And patience do not lose
Two, Troika, Unit
In your diary do not allow.

Mum. Do not be nervous teachers,
After all, the teacher is the king and God!
Let you scream strictly
Smirny, be like angel.

Mum. And you wish you
Fifth grader, dear,
So that you did not send
Behind the parent home.
Pupils, teacher, parents are released in the sky balloons.
The end!

Collapse word class leaders.
Graduate:We still have to say in this hour.

About those who gave us life

About the closest people in the world

About those who helped grow

And helping still in a lot in life will be!

Invisibly follow the parents for us

And in joy, and an hour when trouble came,

They seek to protect us from the seals,

But we, alas, do not always understand them!
You sore us, cute, relatives,

After all, besides you, there are no more expensive people.

As they say, children are joy in life,

And you support us for us!
Leading.Attention, attention, and now you will see frames taken by a hidden camera at the parent meeting. Teacher team against parent team. Who will win? Yes, their parents, but also sorry teachers. If you silently.

On the stage- hanging pear. On the one hand, "Parents", on the other-"Teachers." All in boxing gloves.

Teachers.Dear comrades parents! We invited you today then to report new disgraces secured by your children.

Parents.Dear companions of the teacher, our houses are standing next to your school, and we see with our own eyes that you allow yourself your disciples.

Teachers.Your children!

Parents.Your disciples!

Teachers.I wonder, and who brings it from home cell phones And suits the big symphony orchestra in the lessons?

Parents.And who makes the children to cut at home the legs of the chairs, allegedly performing homework By work?

Teachers.Have you seen your children with the walls of the school?

Parents.Right, and who taught them them?

Teachers.It would not hurt to help school to provide in the improvement of the territory.

Parents.That's right, right, and then you come for your child - I have nowhere to put the car, what are you? It's time to organize the parking lot.

Teacher. So do - your children.

Parents.No, your disciples ...

Teachers.Your children!

Parents. Your disciples!

Leading.Stop, draw, the question remained open.

Graduates So whose are we? Your or your?

Teachers together with parents:Our! (shook each other's hands)

Leading.Perhaps I will answer this question.

Do not be discouraged if you are called to school mom or dad. Feel free to bring the whole family. Let the uncle come, aunt and the secondary brothers, the second school. Here the place is enough for exactly the whole family.
(Teachers and Parents remain on stage)
Graduates Sing the song on the motive of the song "Under the roof of your home ...".

1. We were in a hurry for miracles,
But there is nothing more beautiful
Than mother, father, native village,
Where is your roof
Where is my roof.

2. And if suddenly you are waving
That sadness does not mean anything
We can always come back
Under the roof of your home
Under the roof of your home.

Everything will disappear
Meet us hearts relatives
Under the roof of your home
Under the roof of your home. Finish music
Leading In the nomination "The Native Heart" award is awarded to parents of graduates.

Response word parents

leading: Dear friends, the presentation of the "Grate Heart 2010" award continues.
We offer to watch mini moviesfrom the series "Elash". music
On the stage are put in a number of several tables and chairs. it cool room. There is a lesson.
Fragment number 1.

Teacher: Why are you late for a lesson?

Pupil: Learn is never late.

Teacher: Little Johnny, show me where Zanzibep is.
Pupil 1 I know all the bars in the city, but I hear about this for the first time!
Teacher: Looking like Lightway. Boria, tell me, please, what do you know about the Panaman Canal.
Pupil 2. For the first time I hear ...
Teacher: Sit - 2
Pupil 2: Why at once 2. I am to blame that we have no house at home on a TV?
Teacher: That's why 2

Fragment number 2.

Father Asks Son: Little Johnny, I don't see anything about your diary?

Little Allia: My Petka lent his parents - to pop up his parents!

Fr.agments number 3.

Son: Mum! I will not go to school anymore!

Mum: Why so?

Son: Yes, ... Petrov again will be out of the slingshot shoot. Sinitsyn on the head textbook beat, and Vasilyev - to put the steps ... I will not go!

Mum: No, son, you have to go. First, you already over forty years, and secondly, you are the director of the school.

Fragment number 4.

Mathematics teacher: how much will be 0.5 + 0.5?

Student: I feel like a liter, but how to express it mathematically - I do not know.
Leading In the nomination "Cate Hypotenuse is not sweeter", the winners were Gracheva V.V., Kruglova ON


Dear Valentina Vasilyevna, Olga Nikolaevna .
Equations, examples, tasks ...
Is it really behind?
And while we still do not know
What will we have ahead.

Graduatessing the song "Not Couple"

  1. We smiled beautifully, at least did not know anything.
In the lesson they did, it was not all the same.

I managed to solve examples, and at home finally

We saw a five, red paste -Molodets!
All parabolas, hyperboles drew immediately

Although the answer does not converge with the task man.

Maybe sometimes I am not right,

But the teacher told us here these are the words:
Chorus 2 (sings Mathematics teacher)
On the exam, you only need points, points.

These are here we have the seasons, the odors.

How don't you twist - all the ways are in universities,

We, after all, to go to the physics!


(Two girls with a newspaper come out)
1.- Scorching! Come on, Naduha, whether the crossword praise ...
2.- WALY
1.- So, Avator, Oh, the author of a fairy tale about fisherman and fish. Well, this .. As a for!
2.- Kamikatse or what?
1.- What is Kamikaze? Pushkin! (Enters)
So ... quotes open, ellipsis, a tearing gold ride-Russian folk fairy tale.
2.- And what is it?
1.- and! Probably wallet!
2.- What is the wallet on the letter n.
1.- Well, the correct port man! (Looks into the crossword). - The purse is suitable! (Enters) the author of the work "peasant with marigolds"
2. Something I do not enter what kind of poem is this?
1.- Well, as that, we read the teacher at school
2.- Yes? And in what class?
1.- in the third or second
2.- Oh! Have you bent? Mesozoic era! Do you remember then?
1. Well, in general, there is a poem about the dude one poem
2.- About what kind of dude?
1.- Well, a small such dude
2. - Dwarf or what?
1.- yes what dwarf?
2.- Can you tell you more?
1.- Well, in short, it was the case in winter, Dubnyak creepy. A man one of the forest picks up and sees, as Klyach is dragging. So the klyachy dude and was. He leads it, and Klyach Firewood.
2.- Well, what?
1.- Invorating, this man shall holds to a dude: "Healthy, marriage!" And the dude - the prikid cool, himself, however, the undegeneral, and says: "Sunweight, go to myself, from sin." And a peasant - to him: "Where did the firewood scored"?
And a dude taxi: "From the forest, a man! The ancestor, hear, there, rubit, "and the man then heard the man, bro, and that the ancestor of the people there at home in bulk, yes? - yes, in bulk, but, mostly aunts are all, and so I am.
2. And what, this man from the tax - everything he needs to know!
1. Yes, no, so, just passed by.
2. Yes! Adhesive poem! Only I do not remember him, who wrote it? Sholokhov?
1. (checks) sho-lohov. A, no, there is not enough one letter. Can Bulgakov? Bul-gham. Suitable.
2. Wait, and he is a poet or prose? It seems a prose!
1 .. About hooks? What are the hooks? I did not remember about the humps, the dudes were basal, and there were no hares there.

At first glance, it can be assumed that our heroes have lost the ability to express their thoughts of the competent Russian speech. Yes, maybe, the graduates of our school never say that, because they have a teacher of the Russian language and literature were Pankratova E.V, Rozhkova M.A.

In the nomination "I remember wonderful moment"Awarded Rozhkova M.A., Pankratova E.V.
Graduates sing:
How to write correctly

Please answer me,

How to hide

Verb tolerate, twist.

We are ready to learn the night,

We can all explain.

Tongue we without you

We can't live

We know for sure: the impossible is possible.

And Russian to learn, probably, it's still possible.

And the rules do not forget neither during the night.

And we put this burden, we know for sure!


Lenin.Hello Hello! Allyochka Aleksandrovna? This is me, Volodya! What kind of Volodya? Volodya from the armored car. How do you not know any Volodya? Especially with the armored car? I, you know, doubt, the winter bare hands took. Yes - s! Lady, young lady! What about the connection?! Damn what! Yes - s!

Bolsheviks.All! All! All!

Land peasants! World - peoples!

What now?

Where land and where the law

To give the earth to the summer?

What is given for April, for work,

For that. What you will not fart? - Shish!

All! All! All!

LeninPupils - Knowledge!

Teachers - salary!

Hear, comrade, the test is coming,

With twos, your detachments are fighting ...

Only in the struggle can be happy to find, -

Historians walk ahead!
See, comrade, dawn rises.

The people are accepted again for study.

Where harder and cooler paths,

Geographers walk ahead!
And the battle continues again

And the heart is anxious in the chest ...

And Lenin is so young

"Comrades you have everything ahead!"
Leading:For awarding the Prize "Grate Heart of 2010 »

In the nomination "Around the World in 40 minutes" are invited to the scene: Chirkunova A.A., Mudrenova I.L.

In the nomination: "Light of Light in the Time Maze" Yegers M.B., Lebedeva N.Ya.,

In the nomination: "Solid weight in society" - Zadorkin M. Yu.
Lenin.Comrades! II Congress RCP (b) instructed me to shake your courageous hand for help in learning the most revolutionary classes - 11a, 11b. Gives flowers
For me on the barricades! The White house We will take!
Leading.In honor of the history and geography of the volley by all the guns! Historical shot! (shot of clappers)

It turns out a red hat sings a song (it stands on the scene)

If long for a long time
Something to search in the skeleton
If you dig for a long time
Among the muscles and vertebrae,
Then, perhaps, of course,
Then probably right, right,
It is possible, you can-can
You can find something!
Ah, where are you, bones, here is the thickness?
Ah, where are you, muscles, here is such a width?
Ah, where to find you - I do not know
Ah, yes, and I do not want to know
Ah, and do not ask me!
Ah, and do not ask me!
LeadingIn the nomination "The follower of Darwin" the best is recognized by Serdseva V.P.

Your subject is terribly important

It understands everyone
Studied everything.
Man and kittens,
And flowers, and blades,
Stems, pestles, stamens.
And the teacher you are ransom -
The most uncommon.
Leading The prize for the next nomination "We have presented the chemistry of blonde" gets Tarskaya TS

For chemistry knowledge

We thank you

Dance this room

Give you to give!
Graduates dance "Waltz" (with dads, director, teachers)
Scene music. I kissed you.
Graduates are on skis
Gym teacher.So, I did not understand why everything is skiing?

Student.You said: up to 20 degrees on skis!

Gym teacher.I meant up to -20 degrees. As they say, fell, hesitated. Who said that skiing is uncomfortable? For the first-second, calculate!

The hall makes the calculation.

Student.Or maybe a song?

(on the motive of the song "And today I kissed you").

You came in a sports form

In fashionable corporate sneakers,

Sparkle in the eyes of playful

On the chest whistle with a rope.

And we looked at you

And, although the race did not pass,

Rated the situation

And the whole choir promised:

We will run with you personally,

And now we are so tired,

You put us "excellent"

To kiss you ...
During the song, small children, disguised in the frightened scene, remove the fizruks (graduates kiss them)
Leading:In the nomination "Jackie Chanis rests" the best becomes: Melnikova V.N., Novikova S.Yu.

There is Olga Vyacheslavna school

And she has a very modest one!

But despite all this,

At the foot her- The whole world is huge.

She shines like a star

rays go there and here ...

And everyone who rays relate to

Talent for music wakes up!
Her talent is a big power:

And we have infected with art!

Guys.! We must decide

That Vyacheslav to give.

So this is not the question at all:

Million, Million, Million Scarlet Roses!

But my opinion is my:

We will play her and sing.

What is roses? Their life is fleeting,

And music - she is eternal!
Leading: In the nomination "We all on the keys" are awarded Chirkunova O.V.
On the motive: "you got cool" sing 11 and 9 classes together
Each early morning at school resorts to the school,
Here is such a training, here such a cattle,
If you are in the last grade, remember, friends,
What will remain in memory of the wonderful school days.
Did not have time to fall in love? Urgently classmates liberty!
Look what the sun, just shines for love!
Yes! And do not forget about friendship, a whole class, by year.
But then you will never forget our school never.

Everyone is still ahead -
Cities and the sea.
Let's tear stem.
All we still have ahead
Give a year or two
And we will surprise you all.
Do not be sad. Believe in yourself.

We are not yet in high school, but no longer Scholars,
Cute outside and stubborn inside.
We will live in libraries and ask the voice recorder,
Very worm student labor, forget rest and sleep.
No private life - everything is in humans, in sight
But do not think my school, I will not let you down.
What are the standings for students? I, of course, I will pass everything
Because we studied! And for all thanks to you!
9 classes. Word.


From Obzh lessons
The feeling of incomparable -
We adore we are subject
Over customs.
And we love the works very much - never forget them!
Do not be ... labor lessons -
Study, of course, was not that.
And this number as a high award,
For the work of your glorious to give, we are very happy.

All: Thank you! And the air kiss is sent.

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About the closest people in the world

About those who helped grow





They seek to protect us from the seals,







You sore us, cute, relatives,








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