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How to attract good luck to your life and in your home. White conspiracy

Conspiracies for good luck and luck are often not accepted by modern people seriously, and it is very good. An ignorant skepticism is only the result of the fact that people themselves repel their hands what can bring them the benefit to which many generations to them, such as a prayer for good luck in love, which can be used at home.

How to become a lucky?

Which of us can say with confidence that you can do in your life without good luck? How good would a person be in itself, what abilities and talents he would not have, but in all his endeavors, first of all, he needed it - Mrs. Luck, a capricious, self-adequate and often deceptive and windy.

How to make good luck always be on your side and do not leave you?

How to enlist the support of higher strength in any of your cases? The answer is simple - magic. Conspiracies to attract successful and common types of magical intervention in the fate of a person. More than our distant ancestors in the dark and harsh times resorted to the help of shamans and the leaders of the tribe, which, before each wearing warriors, called the spirits to help and tried good luck.

So why do you hope for anyone and do not provide yourself with such reliable support before starting an important thing as conspiracies that attract luck? A very large assistant in the affairs of luck and luck is white magic, conspiracies for the success of which can be used by any of us without mandatory magical training. For example, you are gathered in a government house, and there is constant Volokat, shifting your pieces from one pile to another, bribes and rudeness of officials, then you can save and time, and nerves and money, reading the following plot (read about yourself, holding the door handle Kazenny house):

From evil acts to protect and help me, and good luck will bring

You need to behave with someone negotiations or sat down at a playing table and won you want, sit at the table, for which the case will take place, pull it on a slightly and quietly whisper:

All my, all to me.

There are still ways to attract good luck through money. Find three brilliant new coins, released not in a leap year, put them under the threshold so that they are not shifted from there and have not seen, and tell me:

Gold to gold, silver for silver, money for money to this threshold to this house.

There is a very strong conspiracy for good luck in business. For the ritual you will need a small green bag. Put ten pinch of basil, mint five pinchs, salt of large three chips, powder dried peel of three apples, three copper coins and one - white metal, tie a bag of ribbon, read a plot on it and hang over the place where you are doing Good luck will always with you, if on Mondays every time you will arrange a bag in your hands and read this plot:

Affairs behind, business ahead, profit in the middle.

But a great conspiracy to attract good luck (you can also read about a conspiracy to work). Take a small plate and pour a spoon on it with three large salts, pour over the salt as much sugar, and on top of it - as much rice cereals. Next, you will need a new English pin, which you need to stick in this slide and leave this building for the night. In the morning, the pin is fastened to the clothes so that there was no noticeably, and read the following conspiracy before going out of the house:

From the sky you, the sun, Sveti and the Earth are warmly given. Well, I give me good luck to be my business. Life you, sun, source, and bright light stream. Well, I give me success to be lucky to become luck!

The prayers are very popular in the people, well, and a conspiracy for good luck and luck, at least one must remember every person, here is an example of such a lung for memorization and a strong conspiracy:

That was a hurry, fortunefully blowing
Good luck and money attracting

If the strip of bad luck began, that is, a conspiracy, return good luck. Light a large candle as possible:

Yellow or blue candle - if health problems;
Dark blue candle - if you wish to win over your enemies;
Green candle - if you are catastrophically lacking money;
Candle purple - if you need spiritual development or new knowledge;
Candle Brown - If you are experiencing a shortage of success on a professional field;
Red Candle - If there is no luck to passion and love;
White candle - if you want to complete an important thing, and your strength on the outcome.

The candle should be taken in two palms. "Adjust" your breath so that it becomes calm-slow, but deep. Look with adoration to the flame and visualize your most cherished desire (learn more about the conspiracy on the execution of desire). The candle is charged with the energy of your desire and dreams, and in turn gives you the confidence that everything about what your dreams will certainly come true.

Ritals and conspiracies for luck for the full moon are considered the most effective, here is an example of one of them: put the boiler on the table at night at night, put a saucer with a dry mixture of several pinch and needles with a cedar, on the table near the boiler Put three new shiny coins , for each of them, hit the right hand and tell each coin:

After that, the coins are placed in the boiler on a saucer with herbs, the right hand drive over the boiler seven times clockwise, saying:



Take a pre-harvested small bag of green or brown fabric and reproach coins with herbs with herbs, wearing it with myself the whole moon cycle, and then storing at home, no one saw choth and did not touch it apart.

Conspiracy of Natalia Stepanova for good luck also enjoy great popularity, bring you one of them. We take thick threads (such that for knitting) and begin to weave the pigtail. In the process of weaving, visualize your luck in those cases that you have to take part and how you get the result, reaching their successful solution.

The cord is woven from the threads of four colors:
Red thread is a symbol of love and passion;
Yellow thread is health and physical forces;
Green thread - symbol of material well-being and wealth;
Blue thread - a symbol of the fulfillment of desires and achieve the goal.

But another conspiracy to good luck in life from it:



Conspiracy of the Siberian healers are considered the most powerful. Therefore, we will give you another conspiracy for happiness and good luck:
(read, leaving home to return with profit)



The most important thing is to believe that your conspiracies and spells for good luck are not an empty sound, this is a real magic of a word that will always help you. And do not forget to deserve the help of higher strength, lazy magic does not like, remember this!

Agree, it is difficult to imagine a happy person who in his affairs does not accompany the luck. It is widespread that luck is just an accident, to influence which a person is not able to, even using. But it is not.

Why someone seems to be lucky everywhere, someone is simple, and someone await some bad luck? Why, some ladies in relationship with a strong floor everything is not bad, they meet the young man of their own dreams, successfully marry, and their spouse loves all their lives, gives amazing gifts, and other women are different? But why it happens that in one area of \u200b\u200blife everything is in order, everything is as if by itself it turns out, and in another, for example, in personal life, as if eternal silence, and no events are foreseen? Why sometimes it may seem that for someone successfully walks on the heels? And what needs to be done in order to attract good luck to your own life?

What needs to be done so that desires finally began to come true and easy?

The man himself builds his own life and forms different events in it. Thoughts, emotions, feelings - this is what determines the quality of our life. And if a person has difficulty, how to attract good luck, then he, first of all, should be thought of what his own thoughts he could attract bad luck, complexity and other negative. After analyzing their thoughts, sensations and emotions, a person will most likely determine the source of his own difficulties. Your life is entirely in your hands, if good luck - in your thoughts and desires. Try to understand which factors prevent you from being lucky, analyze the state of your affairs at the moment. Remember that thoughts are very quickly becoming a reality, so thinking and dreaming about a good, positive, successful future, you make it just like that. Actually, internal confidence, the inner emotion "I am worthy" attracts good luck, new opportunities, deep feeling, security and good luck. Respect for yourself and the feeling of "I am worthy" makes it possible to step up when fantasies begin to play simple and easy, and success begins to wander after us, as if on the heels. In order to change the world around the world and the situation around, a person is obliged to change himself, change his thinking. Get rid of your own complexes and fear, because the actual negative is preventing good to settle in your life. Use psychological techniques to change the thinking and magic to clean our own energy. In the aggregate, these techniques will help you soon and more reliably change your life for the better.

Is it possible to attract good luck on your own, with the help of magic?

Sure! To do this, there are special rituals for good luck, existing impact of centuries and tested by time and man. These rites not only provide good luck in your affairs, but also customize your thinking to an optimistic way, allowing you to believe in your own strength and the success of any undertakings in the future. Several such rituals and we describe in this article.

Attracting good luck with the help of a mirror at home

Speak a conspiracy holding a small mirror in hand. Speak:

"Mirror, a mirror, a bright window, all misfortunes and obstacles reflect, with my road to remove, only good, good luck and success to me attract. Amen, Amen, Amen.

For the mirror, we wish the bag of blue, put the mirror and leaflets on which you write your name-patronymic name and date of birth. This ritual for good luck will not only ensure success, but also protects you from failures in the future. Bag need to carry with you the first week. In the future, take it with you when the soul wishes - this talisman will bring you good luck in affairs and protect from trouble.

Attracting good luck with horseshoe

It's no secret that horseshoe since ancient times brings good luck. If there is no possibility to take the real, buy a horseshoe-souvenir in the store and hang it above the door of a room or an apartment with horns up. Before this, say the conspiracy:

"The horse is jumping, good luck. And you, horseshoe, bring us good luck, success, good and happiness. "

Believers carefully, wipe the dust from it, take care of her. If you suddenly feel that Hoody has lost their strength, then put it under the sun rays, it charges with energy, it will be cleaned and gained strength. Then it can be hung again by saying a plot.

Attracting good luck with clothes

Indeed, ordinary clothes are able to become a real mascot for you. You will need blue pants, no matter, there will be pants or jeans. On the pockets you need to make embroidery in the form rune Raido and SouluThe appearance you can look at the Internet, and do not doubt that it will bring you good luck and success in future endeavors.

Sowing a grain

When there is no money, they are required to earn or find, as an option, and to speed up the case it is possible to attract good luck, and, as a result, finance. Despite the simplicity, these ways to attract good luck did not lose efficiency. To open the roads, new accomplishments must independently sink themselves with grains of barley, wheat and coffee. Grains should be natural - non-jarous, they are not suitable due to the fact that they become "dead" after processing. In the grain, the symbol of life is laid, it leaves a trace, an influence on the "messed" man.

Ritual for success on the growing moon

In order to attract finances, you need to take yourself for your personal pocket and turn to the moon, so that she covered it. In the pocket (right) put in advance the silver color coin. The coin should be removed from the pocket on the moonlight, so that the lunar light shine on the surface of the coin. Strengthens the effect of finding a coin all night under the lunar continuous light. Wear this coin continuously with anything. She will make finance for you. This is not the last and good luck associated with the moon growth cycle. In order to attract good luck and revenue, it is necessary to stand right side to the moon and declare:

"You go, merchants, go and give me gifts."

After that, you need to expect good luck.

Meditation for luck

Find the oil of Verbena plant and scream it into the aroma lamp. Fantasize about the event in which you need luck. As an option, buying a brick house with a burning fireplace in a prestigious place. Imagine the appearance of the house to which manner will have this house. Inhaling the smell of the aromatic climb oil, try to consider the details of the interior and be sure to find out how many rooms in the house. Do not forget to see the way to achieve the goal.

Meditation for attracting good luck, luck

The almond aromatic oil is required, drip it into the aroma lamp. Try to draw a picture in the head where luck will be in the image of a beautiful patchwork. See how many pieces of multicolored fabric? Then add yourself to this picture. The aroma of almond will help to see how a multicolor blanket, as if the road from a yellow brick in a fairy tale about the magician of the Emerald City spreads out before you, leaving the distance. Going on the road, you will feel step by step, as good luck's energy fills you, leads to success.

How to grab a star from the sky?

If native people say that you are stars from the sky, as in the proverb, you are not enough, then do not be discouraged! You need to make a magic exercise - "contemplate a star from the sky." Then no one will be able to declare that you are a person without a heavenly body. Start straight, lower your hands right along the housing. Blank eyes and imagine the starry sky. See in the sky brilliant and mysterious stars? One is yours. Enjoy her rays. Stretch hands upstairs, they have become long, reached through all the sky and grabbed the star. Take it between the palms and press the star to the heart. Do you feel that the star lit you from the inside, and now you empty shine like a superstar? You have an asterisk's eyes! Any ritual "For good luck" needs you to believe in it. In each word, invest a desire, imagine the desired result, think about how happy your life becomes. And after the ritual, immediately forget about him - this will allow the energy to free themselves and embody the rite of life. If you doubt your abilities, you can refer to professionals in this area.

Very often, in the spaciousness you can hear such a word as "attack". In this case, this word indicates a description of the failure, bad luck. Each person seeks to avoid it, and everyone has its own way for this.

"Native Walls"

All people know that the formation of personality and character affects the terrain where he was born, and the genus in which he was born. Everything that a person must experience in life has been laid initially, in its formation and birth. Some write off this on the will of fate, others - on stars and planets. There is some truth in all this, but the person himself can influence his fate.

The main thing is a smile!

Each person, overflowing glossy magazines, noticed that all rich people are necessarily smiling. Smile is the main bait for fortune. Good luck does not come in its own way. This guest is where it is expected, and where they prepared for the visit of this lady. As it is neither a trite, but Fortuna loves the work, those who do something for their success, and not stirring, sitting by the window hoping on maybe.

Effect of temperament

Many of us, without psychological education, know that in their nature the person is divided into a choleric, Melancholic, Sanguinik, phlegmatics.

Based on this, it can be understood that a person configured more positive to life will receive more positive moments, unlike the depressive, sluggish and dull person. Fortuna loves happy people.

Thoughts are material

Often, you can hear such an expression: "Do with people as you want to come with you!". The same principle works with fortune. The more positive emotions to give life, the more likely life will begin to respond to the man of the same coin. If a person constantly sees one negative in everything, then fate will answer him the same.

It is worth only to take one step in the opposite direction, and the world will immediately begin to change and play with paints. You need to start with small and daily. Let it be not so noticeable for everyone, but the person himself will bring joy and pleasure. Gradually, such little things will begin to grow into significant things.

Happy people attract attention to their person. Learn to think correctly. Even when everything is already too bad and it seems that there is no way out, it is necessary to believe in good luck. After all, in nature, the sun always looks like a cloud. There are no hopeless situations, and the problems arising are just a step towards success and a dream.

In his practice, psychologists are very often encountered with such cases. Nowadays, there were a lot of desperate and confused people who have finally lost faith in themselves. In this case, experts advise to take advantage of a very simple, but very successful method of improving their self-esteem.

  • First you need to try to stop the humiliative to speak out about yourself and about others.
  • Then you need to write down all positive statements on a piece of paper, so to speak compliments for yourself and repeat them every day in front of the mirror.
  • You need to read them with a smile and a good mood. And not just read, but you must believe in the written.
  • No need to be afraid to fantasize and dream. Imagine yourself in the car, in a beautiful house, in the rays of glory and success. Then the smile itself will begin to appear on the face, and inside will be added confidence.
  • Be sure to learn to be grateful. Do not be afraid to say these words. Kindness is also a certain step towards luck. Be grateful every day and appreciate what you have at the moment.

"Right" dreams

An important factor on the way to success is the ability to correctly make up their desires. Many of us since childhood know that if something very much wants, it will certainly be fulfilled.

The main rule at the same time - you need to correctly formulate your desires. Any request made by us by the Universe is necessarily executed within a certain period. The main rule at the same time remains what needs to be believed to be that everything will come true.

Many of the people got used to their parents from childhood in all and not to listen to their inner voice. This also affects the successfulness of man. When a person is not in his own way, but what was invented for him, the fate planned for this person changes. As you used to speak in the people, we must follow what the heart says. It is necessary to listen to your inner voice.

And necessarily, in any case, you need to love yourself. In spite of everything you need to repeat yourself every morning, how lucky you are and beautiful. Self-pressure is a very strong thing on the path to success. Each person is unique in his own way. Any of us should understand this and know and, if necessary, to say everyone about your uniqueness.

Having made something, you need to see yourself with a dream done, and the clearer and brighter will be the picture, the faster there will be conceived. It is necessary to believe that everything will be fulfilled. Despite the received foundations about our universe, it is very changeable, and everyone has the right and in the power to change it.

Source photo: Depositphotos
December 6, 2015. I like:

Our environment does not consist of people-lucky, but lucky still occur. To overcome envy to those who are easy to go through life and not stupid about the obstacle, is quite difficult. Previously, such phenomena were explained by supernatural reasons: luck - witchcraft, failures - curses.

Positive psychology has proven that the troubles can at least be provoked by failures in parent programs, which means to attract a happy case is also possible. We collected 18 principles of behavior that will help to make life from successful moments.

1. How do we accept the gifts of fate

The lucky ones unconditionally believes that he is lucky and never passes by the coincidence. Celebrity meets on the street, the loser will not ask for a joint selfie, believing that they will refuse. Also, wherever the minimum activity is needed to get a prize (housing with an inexpensive rental, trend thing with sales, dream work)

2. What are our thoughts

Important whether we can notice the happy case when we find yourself in the right place at the right time. You are unlikely to notice the surprise that can change life. Anxiety interfere with openness and observation.

3. Can we relax

A person who is not totally lucky is also trying to keep everything under control. And regularly receives confirmation that it is impossible, already spending a lot of strength on it. Lesunchik knows what to smell his hand to the confusing situation often the best way to solve it. Life is movable, and everything can turn on the better while you drink coffee with friends.

4. We notice our deposits

Good luck - the concept of subjective. From the outside it seems that wear do not take anything, but they also care about the blood and food, they are responsible and tired. However, they rather praise themselves for the most minimal efforts than cut off for the lowest. The result is the result, but in any case it is worth saying myself that you are clever, and life will play new paints.

Each may become a wizard, attracting good luck in his life! .. Watch the video!

5. Do our strengths work

Before trying to hack the doors, look around, is there any near the open window. Someone takes mind, someone is charm, and someone participates in a completely different competition. The lucky ones prefer an easy way, and they are able to calmly abandon the dispute for the victory, if they understand that the chances are small. All prizes do not earn, but it is easy to achieve what you feel on horseback.

6. Can we feel the moment

Something has to wait if it really stands expectations. Instead of rush to the best in the most exhausting battle, analyze the situation and select the right case. Do not inform bad news to the boss immediately after he returned from the conclusion of a difficult deal. One unsuccessful moment in your life will be less.

7. In what framework we live

"They will not pay a lot in this market," "This man is too good, so that I liked it," I have little experience in me to take up such a task, "the losers argue. And they discover that someone earns much more, meets with the "uneven" and on the move receives experience in solving difficult issues. The lucky ones are not from restrictions, but from desires. It turns out or not - only practice will show.

8. How causary self-esteem brings us

In understanding, the losers are static - "I am a timid person," "I was injured by hardworking." The lucky one knows that there is a drup on the old woman, but in general he is the owner of the best qualities. For this, you can allow yourself to be a rich, lazy or "give a fool." He is easy to forgive himself for small flaws, because he does not attribute them to him forever.

9. Will we obey happiness

A huge number of positive emotions passes by a loser because he does not know how to rejoice. Happiness is not very clear to him, therefore it is easier to dismiss and continue to wait for a fantastic luck. Good luck should be respected even in the trifles, so we will hear from lucky, as he was lucky with the weather, and from the one who did not notice this, we would not hear anything.

Fatally rely on providence and do nothing more peculiar to those who are not lucky than the real dumplings of fate

10. Do we believe in a real happy case

Does it be necessary to try to explain everything rationally? After all, coincidences also happen, even if we never tried to visualize them. On the other hand, science and technology can easily put us in a dead end - even the most progressive inventions break. The lucky ones are not looking for causes and analysis, they just enjoy what is happening when it gives such a reason.

11. Will we hear their impulses

House-work-friends-leisure is a classic scheme. Even pleasure is familiar. The loser is kept behind the comfort zone, because it is afraid to lose and what is. The lucky trust trusts inner voice and rather grabbed the new one when the old has taken his own. Successfully replaced housing, will find love and suddenly gets rich on the cultivation of cabbage. Just because I wanted.

12. Whether we work with failures

Search in the minuses Pluses - the occupation is useless, there are no them. In addition, plunging into the negative, we only feel sharper. Pros always exist separately, and to find them, minuses need to move away. Weassas focus on those areas where everything is developing, they seek all the soul. From there they take the strength to solve everything else.

13. We do not shift responsibility to fate

An important feature of lucky - Independence, and those who do not cope can hit the fantasy that everything is in the hands of providence. The effect may be different - to lower your hands at all, stop perceiving reality or get stuck waiting for luck. For a lucky person, luck is not what he puts, but only the background on which he acts.

14. Are there any signs of bad luck around us

The one who believes in his unsuccessfulness will dorate with a bad act in his address, with unprofitable conditions, insults. At the same time, the lucky officer will not take it into his happy Aura either just surprised - why? - And passes by.

15. Do we live in Lada

The theory of psychology suggests that the subconscious of the world and humans are inextricably linked. If we go against ourselves, do not wish and constantly fight the inner world, this war will certainly be expressed in external circumstances. If your soul is asking peace and rest, you will begin to catastrophically not drive on working interviews, even if experience and qualifications are enough.

16. How do we look at life

Happy case - tensile concept. For honest lucky, a wonderful coincidence may become a busy bus after a long expectation. The loser will say that he was not lucky and had to freeze before reaching the house. Realism is that this is common and can happen to any person. It is easy to deal with lucky - realize that the very glass of water is half full, and not empty.

17. Are we ready to risk

The one who is not lucky to scare can be the opportunity to risk and change life. But for a lucky one, it is only actions with a non-marginal result. In fact, no one has guarantees, but first deprives himself even potential good luck, and the second gets the chances (which and themselves with an optimistic approach for happiness is enough)

18. Are we not afraid of "happy" status

Strange, but the fact. Many will not say goodbye to even the most treacherous fate simply because to be lucky - scary, unusual and somehow naive. The conviction is that serious adult people should have problems will imperceptibly bring to the fact that they will be in themselves. Lucky people seem to be superficial and immature, like small children. This is a direct path to ensuring that the luck is to start counting in a fairy tale and empty fiction.

Feng Shui teaches to manage energy and attract success With the help of the right organization of space. Do you want luck in your career? Watch the video!

Prayer has always been a powerful weapon, a great human protection. She acts as a connection with God, helps lead a hidden conversation with him. In prayer there is repentance in perfect mistakes, the outpouring of heart wishes, request for help. The performance of prayers in difficult moments of life is confirmed not only by Orthodox believers, but also by representatives of other religions.

What holy need to pray and who to put a candle for success in affairs? There are many strong prayers, as well as conspiracies for good luck and luck in all spheres of life. They have significant difference. If prayer is an appeal to God, Saints, then the conspiracy is a number of magical words to attract the desired, often with a ritual action. In order for the words of appeal to the highest forces have actions, their pronunciation should be with certain conditions.

Prayer is only a tool that gives the intention of the speaker. To work this tool, you need to know the features of reading prayer. Prayer has the greatest force in the temple, but at home you can also get support if you sincerely pray. You can never make a prayer leading to unfortunate other people, it is a great sin. If a person is full of envy, careful, then his prayer will not be heard. He must repent, clear.

The power of pure intention allows even unbelieving person to gain success. To attract good luck in affairs, turn to the face of the saint, it is desirable to use candles, a lamp, you can concentrate on fire. Prayer is not just a set of words, these are certain vibrations affecting the human energy. When pronuncified by prayer or conspiracy, it is important to be extremely concentrated. Frequently pronouncing the same phrases is addictive, they cease to respond in the shower. In order for prayer to have an action, it is necessary to constantly skip every word through the heart and mind.

What kind of sain to call in a difficult life situation? So that everything is faced in work and on all issues related to the development of career, business, it is worth contacting:

  • Nikolai Wonderworker;
  • Apostle Paul;
  • Saint Trifon;
  • Saint Matron;
  • Ksenia Peterburger.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker in addition pray for well-being. It is possible to appeal to the Holy Mother of God, John the gracious, righteous John Krondstadsky, Tikhon Zadonsky. Help financial issues helps the prayer of the icon of the Mother of God's "Charplech of sinners", the martyrs of Harlampia and Trifon, the icon "Kazan", "Pokrov to the Most Holy Virgin". The patronage in everything is asked by the Lord itself, reading the prayer:

"Our Lord is omniscient! Specifying your name in all centuries, they did not know the people of refusal to the plenty of their own. Lord our almightl, give me strength to overcome the misfortune and troubles. Take the bad weather from my home, from my body and my soul. Hear the request of your slave (name) Yes, do not leave them unrequited. In the glory of the Lord, Amen. "

Saint Nicholas Wonderwork

Nikolai Wonderworker is one of the most significant saints in the Orthodox Church. From childhood he served God. Being a young man, became a reader in the Christian church, and then was accepted into clergy. His righteous life was filled with all needy. The condition received after the death of the parents spent on charity.

Nikolai The Wonderworker is considered the patron of children, travelers, as well as merchants. Prayer facing him is able to give a person luck, prosperity, support in overcoming all obstacles, achieving heights in business, earnings in any business. A regular daily prayer on his knees in front of his icon gives good luck in any endeavors, while striving to get a place in a large company, helps to protect themselves from errors. The intercession of St. Nicholas The Wonderworker will support in the critical situation. Nicholas the ravines are assessed by the prayers for financial success, well-being, for which such a prayer is read:

"Oh all-walled, great miracle, Saint Christ, Father Nicholas!
Molim, Budy Hope for all Christians, the faithful defender, accurate feeder, crying cheerleh, sick, by the sea of \u200b\u200bfloating ruler, poor and siery feeder and all the fast assistant and patron, and peaceful Zea will live in life and you will advise the video of the glory of the chosen And with them incessantly chanting one in the trinity of the worship of God forever. Amen".

To enlist the support of the saint in all matters, they pronounce such a prayer:

"Oh, all-in-law Nicholas, waters of the preserved lord, warm our intercession, and everywhere in a rabid quickly assistant! Pomopic me a sinful and dull in the present Sea of \u200b\u200bLife, the mind of the Lord God to lease all my sins, Eliko Sushenti from youth, in all overlook, the minds, the mind of the Lord God, all the creatures of the Senetelee, save me of air solarms and eternal torment: yes always I glorify the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, and your graciousness, now and is also confident and forever. Amen".

Blessed Matrona

Sleeping from birth, she possessed a special gift - spiritual vision. When the girl was 7 years old, Matrona received the prediction gift, began to heal the patients. He spent his free time in the temple, but from seventeen years he lost the opportunity to go until the end of his life. For help in healing from diseases, queues lined up problems.

Prayer before its icon contributes to solving problems in work and with money. But do not try to ask for light money from gambling or lottery, dishonest work. The use of assistance to the Holy Insecurity will only lead to remorse. It is important to repent by the Holy Matronushka in sins, because her mercy does not know borders.

So that everything is improved in life, it is good to turn to her prayer for desires:

"Blessed Staritsa, Matrona Moscow. I tearfully pray you and resort to your help. Help me fulfill all the desires are light - intimate and cherished. Sawn me from the desires of the siety, sponging soul and wounded the body. Help me, Matronushka, bless me right. Help me to fulfill my desire. (Summarize the essence of the desire). Become my intercession and speedpressure. Moths about me, God's slave (name) of the Lord God and the Virgin. Yes, there will be the will of yours. Amen".

In order to send a letter with your requests to one of the temples. If there is an icon on which the mother's mother is depicted, then in stock a chance to pray at home, having bought a candle in the church. It is also recommended to put an odd number of roses under the image of the Blessed Matrona, she loved these flowers very much. Before the beginning of the prayer, let go of all thoughts, tighten to the frank, honest request.

The intercession will give strength even after pronouncing a short, but very strong prayer:

"Holy, righteous old man Matrono, moth of God about us!"

After that, they ask for out loud to be laid in work, personal life, about well-being, about promotion.

Rev. Sergey Radonezhsky

One of the most famous saints in Russia is the founder of the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra - Rev. Father Sergius. It is treated for help in teaching, to overcome passion, for protection against wars. For the successful exam, as well as the competitions read such a prayer:

"Oh sacred glabel, reverend and governrance of our Sergius, your prayer, and faith, and love, Lyazh to God, and the purity of the heart, on the ground, in the abode of the Holy Trinity of the soul, your arranged, and Angelskago Communication and the Most of the Virgin, visiting the visits, and The gift is miraculous than grace, at the expense of yours from the earthly Napa to God approximate, and the heavenly forces are involved, but from us the spirit of LUVE, it is not the retreat and honest your power, Yako vessel grace full and overcoming, we are left! Having having a boldness to the furnace lords, moths save his slave, which is graceful in you the believer and to you with love flowing. We succeed with us from the god of our god of our all sorts of gift, all and intertwofing, faith immaculate observance, harassment of our statement, the world is a dedication, and from the glad and the womb, from the invasion of the invalid conservation, whichorrow the consolation, increhensive healing, fallen defending on the truth path and rescue returns that promote strengthening in favor of good succeeding and blessing, infant education, young instrumentation, meaningful, orphans and widowes, leaving from this time of life to eternal good preparation and farewell to the forefront, and all of the prospective The prayers of the SPO parties will get rid of the prayers of the court, the gums of the Countries of the world and the blissful voice of the Vladyka of Christ to hear: take the blessedness of my father, inherit the kingdom of the world. Amen".

These words will give emotional equilibrium, reassure, instead of anxiety, confidence will appear in their abilities. It is important to understand that one prayer will not make a miracle. It is in reality to make efforts to study, as the help comes only to those who work hard to achieve the goal.

Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky

Holy Spiridon is known for his righteous lifestyle, plenty of good deeds, helping neighbor. After the death of the spouse, he forgave them all people their debts and went wondering, making many wonderful acts. To the Holy Spiridon Trimifuntsky requests financial well-being, due to lack of money, when buying an apartment or car. It contributes to the decision of legal issues.

"Overall to St. Spiridon! The misconceptions of the man of the man of God, so will not condemn us on our lawlessness, but will create with us for their mercy. We succeed as we, the servants of God (names), of Christ and God of our peaceful and serene life, health spiritual and bodily. Get rid of us from all sorts of mental and bodies, from all languages \u200b\u200band the diatoles. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and the mind of the Lord, and I will give many of our sins forgiveness, a messy and peaceful life, yes gives us, the death of the abdomen of the restless and peaceful and bliss ever in the future will encourage us, yes incessantly releasing glory and thanks to Father and son and son and son The Holy Spirit, now and is constant and forever. Amen".

This prayer is best pronounced in the evening, daily, to a complete solution to the difficulty. Imagine the saint face, please contact him with all sincerity.

Saint Blessed Ksenia Peterburger

To gain good luck in personal life, successful marriage, love can be contacted to the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Catherine, St. Paraskeva Friday, the Holy Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg, St. Peter and Fevronia Muromsky, as well as the Matron of Moscow. Ksenia Peterburger is known for his full prayer, deprivation, suffering a lonely life after the death of her husband. Throughout 45-year-old wanderings, the Holy made a lot of good deeds, but did not put them at the bottom. One of the strongest prayers of Ksenia Peterburger about a successful marriage:

"Oh, all-selling Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I love you all soul and with all my heart and to fulfill you in all of your holy will. Managing himself, oh my God, my soul and fill my heart: I want to please you with one, for you are the creator and my God. Save me from pride and vague: mind, modesty and chastity let them decorate me. The idleness is contracted to you and gives rise to the vices, give me a hunt for hard work and bless my works. The alone your law commands to live people in an honest marriage, bring me, the saint, for the soul consecrated, not to see my conviction, but for the fulfillment of your destination, for you yourself said: it's not good to be one and, creating him a wife In the assistant, blessed them to grow, multiply and inhabit the land. Hear a humble prayer from my depth of the Maiden Hearts you delighted; Give me a spouse of honestly and piety, so that we are in love with him and harmony to glorify you, the mercifulness of God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and are constantly and in the eyelids. Amen".

Guardian angel

In order to gain confidence, calm in the future, protection against obstacles, especially before the distant, people resort to the prayer to the guardian angel.

"Holy angel of Christ, benefactor, and patron, I pray, sinful. Help Orthodox, living in God's commandments. I ask you about a little; I do not ask the Zlata, I do not ask excessive, I do not ask the dye. But I ask you to put me in my way in life, I ask to support a difficult moment, I ask for honest luck; And everything else will arrive in itself, if there is a will of the Lord. Therefore, I do not even think about it, except for good luck in the life path and in all sorts. Sorry, if you are sinful before you and God, the father of heaven for me, and your welfare has given me. Amen".

Strong prayer for luck, which is used daily:

"I urge your guardian angel to touch my destiny, send my ways to the row of well-being and good luck. When my guardian angel will hear me, a blessed miracle, my life will overeat a new meaning, and I will find success in today, and there will be no obstacles to me in the future of my guardian angel lead me. Amen".

Before work and before the beginning of any case, such a prayer is read:

"The king of heaven, the comforter, the soul of truth, the same everywhere and all of the executive, the treasure of good and life the submitter, come and messed in us, and clean it from all sneakers, and save, too, our souls."

These words should be preceded only by good deeds. Praying about the case with bad intent will only lead to bitter melts. She is pronounced before leaving home.

It is impossible to wait for the instant result from prayers, since everyone has its own level of spiritual development. If there is no place in the heart to the Lord, then the desire can not be fulfilled quickly. To enhance the action of prayers, it is useful to make birthday. Attend the temple, put a candle so that the Lord knows about the diligence praying. Especially good to express your respect to the Most Holy Virgin. She protects against misfortunes, adversity and trouble. They advise to carry out Christian rites. All these actions strengthen faith, which means that the effect of prayer increases.

Prayers, even uttered by the rules, from the whole of the soul, will not be done for a person all the steps needed on the physical plane. Prayer serves to strengthen the spirit and faith in itself, but the rest of the person should do himself.

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